"You Conquer Them Quite Jurious, The White Will Stop Them Now."
That from an informed non-Judah speaking from the subconscious mind giving us an opinion of how Judas will lose the bourse now.
Will American workers not put our real juries back in and end their injurious way to us?
"The way you advertise we want to set you off with a hater force. Because you're all a degenerate force we will rice this bat coming up. Judee makes up a story to muffle you and weap because I'm going to go anyways," Judee say.
Bitch has been getting a lot of facial RS from Judee and non-Judah and apparently Bitch's way of describing how they are going out of existence does not win him support. Bitch writing apparently makes him look "wet," as one of them said. Bitch is not "wet," but he is disturbed after looking at pictures of the little children in his personal family who are now locked out of the continuation of existing because of what the atomic warfighting Jews have done to us here.
Bitch went into yesterday's post and pulled a bunch out. Hope that corrected it.
Apparently elaborating on how the extraterrestrials that hybridized us have afforded the Jews the opportunity of sending their vicious cruel and brutal hearts, minds, and souls back to eternity was deemed 'spiteful' by some. Their future to be as the mole people living underground as they die a third of the human race off now, but they are done. Two-thirds of Americans are slated to die out now over the coming years ahead due to a range of diseases from the high levels of radiation the Jews are subjecting us to.
"Bitch, I folded the white boys first because I got the cash. Whites now Judee falsely canceled slip," Judee say.
Bitch has noted many times, there is no physical activity allowed in Father's house with this transition from war to peace, and Bitch only goes Father's way. A quiet change out, make a note of what they did for the last 3,500 years, they go away and live out the next thousand plus years underground and we go into peace. Those Jews that want to stay, forgiven, and get 6 birth cycles to float into God's ways. A nice smooth kind understanding and gentle procedure that Father has set for us here.
"Pat, I'm fensive, I'll drop you anyday. Bitch you overlooked some warrants we'll use for ratshit to take you away," Judee say.
Bitch their prime target because of blowing the horn on them and still is eating some of their carcinogens. Praying day and night that workers will pull them off here so that we all can live without their terrorism any more here.
For those who feel frightened, will you not have faith in our good God Almighty to see us into our best life, our life of peace NOW?
6.33 pm
2.56 am
Here's some more Tele receives:
"You sever us dull. 3.35 pm
They're an off key you wart.
Kind of sad they rifle free.
You're steppin' shell out right doofy.
They're stuck on crazium, crazious.
I just mighty staggered to accomplish you.
He took it out, he didn't let us suffer the thief.
He shepped you huge stupid.
Disappearance failed.
Piston thief us goofy grub.
Contact scoots them.
Guzzle wit ape bars.
It's too passed, they got us vaporized dolomite.
It's interesting a video is an abrasive form.
They're going to wake us fallen.
Their wake has fallen cagged.
They false prison side all now.
Sound them out.
They got us done toasted. 1.43 am
True burlesque shoot marine.
They volunteer to bear hatch us mutual.
You failed ricer.
The G won assignment Bitch.
We failed chief obviously.
A dumbest feud hold us back.
Your scooge huge failed.
Bitch, he stuns.
Poverty apps sold.
They fist you plate.
STRIKE THEM OUT, penalties hike us.
Attach will score you out.
Authorize this politics to come in.
You tore me." 2.56 am
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves," that Tele sender said some time ago.
As we begin our extraterrestrial existence can we only wonder what percentage of us perceive the truth?
Is it still not amazing to consider that weap Judah figured out the basics of our extraterrestrial connection 3,500 years ago? God who came to earth to give Moses the Ten commandments 3,500 years ago and it was about at that time they connected the dots and saw the big picture of God as our maker(s) who are from an advanced peaceful extraterrestrial civilization.
And they understood that prophets were what we today call "contactees" who were bringing messages to us on how to live right. And so what did the dominant Jews do? Remember Jezebel in 1,000 BC who had her husband king Ahab killing the contactees, the prophets?
And Elijah the prophet who was beamed up by Scotty to the starship Enterprise in a whirlwind to escape the fate of death that Jezebel had cast upon him.
2 Kings
Elijah in the Whirlwind
2 The time had come for the Lord to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal, 2 and Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here; the Lord is sending me on to Bethel.”
But Elisha replied, “As the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.
3 Then the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came out to Elisha and said, “Do you know that the Lord will take your master away from you today?”
He said, “Yes, I know. Be quiet.”
4 Elijah said to him, “Elisha, stay here; the Lord is sending me to Jericho.”
But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went to Jericho.
5 Then the sons of the prophets who were in Jericho came up to Elisha and said, “Do you know that the Lord will take your master away from you today?”
He said, “Yes, I know. Be quiet.”
6 Elijah said to him, “Stay here; the Lord is sending me to the Jordan.”
But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them went on.
7 Fifty men from the sons of the prophets came and stood facing them from a distance while the two of them stood by the Jordan. 8 Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, and struck the waters, which parted to the right and left. Then the two of them crossed over on dry ground. 9 After they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken from you.”
So Elisha answered, “Please, let me inherit two shares of your spirit.”
10 Elijah replied, “You have asked for something difficult. If you see me being taken from you, you will have it. If not, you won’t.”
11 As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire with horses of fire suddenly appeared and separated the two of them. Then Elijah went up into heaven in the whirlwind. 12 As Elisha watched, he kept crying out, “My father, my father, the chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Then he never saw Elijah again. He took hold of his own clothes and tore them into two pieces.
The aspect of our bible that Morris Jessup perceived in the 1950s and wrote about, we are connected to an extraterrestrial civilization and the bible is a guide book for us to live by that will take us peacefully into the heavens.
That it has been thousands of years since the Jews figured the basics out, what are we to consider that they chose to go opposite of God's will?
And how far opposite did they go to God when they invented the atomic bomb and dropped it on His kids in Japan? Might we want to think about how far opposite to God they went when they tried to drop the equivalent force of 64,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs on Americans living in the lower 48 in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011?
Can we only wonder how many Americans understand this reality, the truth of the world we are living in today?
Morris Jessup who had been hunted out by weap Judah for informing us, ordinary kids was attacked in a set-up car wreck, and after getting out of the hospital was found dead in a highway rest area. We know now that Morris did not die then, rather Mercury dropped a meat doll in and beamed Morris up as they did Elijah and he went on to live a life of peace at Bertoben.
Joan of arc in France in 1431 did not die in the burning at the stake the Jews tried to do to her, she was beamed up to the 'Starship Enterprise' (that '' merely a wording that we might be familiar with) by Scotty and a meat doll was left in her place. Do we recall in reading the history of Joan's being burned at the stake that the meat doll was equipped with a fireproof heart that Judah could not burn up no matter how many times he tried to light it on fire?
And then the executioner brought Joan's heart to the English Jew master who was in charge of burning Joan up and after repeated attempts to burn Joan's heart and failing, the English Jew master directed the executioner to throw Joan's heart into the river Seine?
And some months after Joan being burned at the stake we read that she returned and made contact with her brother and others who knew her. Joan had survived the Jews burning death at the stake.
Is it not nearly beyond imagination that the Jews perceived the truth of their going against an extraterrestrial civilization at that time? Is it understandable that the Jews and their holy and royal collaborators understood they were acting in a war against an extraterrestrial civilization, the civilization that created us in our high-level extraterrestrial form?
And for those that can digest such amazing and wondrous thoughts, from it all might we try to comprehend the patience of our family from the stars?
Judah, perfected in the form he chose to remain in, a cannibal complex of mind that served his errant will, never made a mistake in 3,500 years, and then one slip, one miscalculation, one wrong move in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, and his 3 thousand years of perfection ended. The cannibal complex of mind shunted aside now for the higher-level life that we were created to be. The peaceful kids that were made to live with our good God in heaven above.
The Jews who attempted to push their force over God and lost it all in their gamble on one thousand intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles that were equipped with 3,200 three hundred kiloton warheads that packed the punch of 64,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. The force they tried to assault us with that night in June of 2011 that failed due only to the love of God. Will, we not repent and STOP THE WAR and try to save our lives?
Will, we not say prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty who has kept us alive despite us living in Judah's hostile nuclear warfighting racket on earth?
Somehow a little alcohol buzz every now and that blocks the impulses in the head that can understand what we are facing here. Just a little buzz every now and then that has prevented many of us from seeing the nuclear warfighting threat clear. And now because of that we face going out of existence in their last atomic war on earth, the one from Hitachi-GE that they have been scoring on us since March 11, 2011.
In the days when Stalin was Commissar of Munitions, a meeting was held of the highest-ranking Commissars, and the principal matter for discussion was the famine then prevalent in the Ukraine. One official arose and made a speech about this tragedy — the tragedy of having millions of people dying of hunger. He began to enumerate death figures … Stalin interrupted him to say: “If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy. If millions die, that’s only statistics.”
Bitch so sorry about the auto mechanic who Judah put in after Bitch let a Judee guy know that he knew him. Bitch who has been in opposition to his money being used to put anybody in accidentally hazarded that guy by letting a Jew know that he knew him. If Bitch had his way there would have been no money available from American workers to steal that auto mechanic away, but Bitch did not then and still does not now have his way, American workers are still funding the Jews putting useful people in every day.
And that tragedy of that simple working man losing his life and disrupting the earnings that supported his wife and child, not remedied yet for the Jews still are issuing our nation's money, the money we hand over to them in our workday as income taxes. And the slaying of other workers for insurance sport is still played every day on American workers' dollars.
And now instead of the tragedy of a single death, we are facing the statistics of hundreds of millions of us dead breathing in atomic waste from only one Jewish electricity plant located thousands of miles from our shores.
Through our noses they attacked us with their laboratory created pathogen, the flu virus that is aiding them in putting their fascist state in. And do we notice, it is through our noses they intend to get a third of the human race dead with their brimstone waste as they go to their underground to live out their fate, their destiny as the fallen angels of God?
"I'm dying the hardcore one's off tunnel death. The others I'm rolling into the general population over 6 birth cycles," God our Father said.
"Astounding," you say, that this is the reality we are living today?
Our good God Almighty in heaven above who never ever laid a hand on the Jews in all their time of offending Him. The episode of Star Trek that was never written because it was just too astounding to believe, but it is true. Starship Enterprise ended the Jews management of earth in one night by pulling their boom. It actually was 50 Martian space ships, each one grabbing 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles at 80,000 feet up into the sky in the boost phase, but for helping to understand it, the image of Starship Enterprise is applied.
Must we not end the threat to those who are daily hunted by the Jews using the American platform to suffer so many hundreds of millions of our family worldwide? Will American workers not come alive and pull the mechanism out of the Jews hands that let them harm us in every land, the authority to issue our money?
If only American workers had been issuing our money then are we understanding, that auto mechanic would not have been died by the insurance state racket of the Jews?
"Oppression of mind," Father said when Bitch asked how he could be so amiss as to let a Jew know he knew that guy. The oppression of mind that Judah tells us won't begin until two weeks after liberation from them. Will workers not liberate our world from the worst of men, the Jews on free money that they use to buy war insurance dies?
Might we note, our history is all about labor and who it is that can claim the surplus-value of the wealth from labor? Are we noticing how the Jews using their authority to privately issue our money paper are doing all they can to drive the wages down with their wars and virus attack?
Most all of those who have remained alert through these trying times are most likely aware the Jews are trying to make us die. If only Bitch had not have insulted you guys might you have tried to save your lives? Might the truth have reached your minds? The truth we don't need to die like this if only we will STRIKE THEM OUT.
The hundreds of millions of Americans that are now fused to die and not a word of the dangers on the news time. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Is there not some way that workers' will end their brimstone waste rust?
The tragedy of a single death and we now facing a third of the human race made to die and to think, can only one Jewish electricity plant accomplish us this way? That is what the nuclear warfighting scientists are reporting to the top Jews here. They will make the majority of Americans die with only the one atomic cannon they have been shooting us with for nearly a decade now.
Will working men and women not try to perceive that the kings and queens are mere mortals like the rest of us are? That they have built us into a few hours of hell on earth die in a nuclear blast war should we not clear them now for their sin?
The Jews who hired Hitler so he could help them with their fables, fictions, and false narrative. Will we not pray that American workers get involved in politics in a real way and end their ability to hire for free the most vicious they can find?
The STRIKE labor, God our Father in heaven asked, "why didn't you try it? I gave you the peace, must you fail?"
Father will die this month, November, and will lie in state for 60 years then. 2227 years of the beautiful life that Father has had. The last 1,200, as our Father of His village on earth. A kind perfected beautiful sweet Being who only wants what's best for us here, His simian children of planet earth that will rise now to live out our destiny in the stars.
We set to live for the full term of our life form, another 9 million years until we depart life naturally, dying of species old age as extraterrestrials ourselves when our species is in it's 21st millionth year. God who created us in His image, and in 3 million years we will be the 4th Edition Galacticans on the bridge of the Federation, standing about 3 to 4 feet tall. Are we seeing that God did truly create us in God's image?
The dozens of hominids we traveled the earth with for 12 million years, all out of existence now. We the only species on earth that has the wits to go extraterrestrial now. Will workers not try to recognize the special creation we are an end the Jews sporting us?
God Almighty who didn't care for them monkeying His kids and so He had His angels let the Jews afford themselves the opportunity to throw themselves good.
Will American workers not try to perceive just what it is that has happened here and help us now to save us and our kids? Will you not try to perceive the beautiful love of Father for all of us and help us to peace?
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can't you see
You're everything I hoped for
You're everything I need
You are so beautiful
To me
Father who is so beautiful to us all is now leaving us. And it is also the end of the age of the Jews. A few thousand years of their abuse now being closed out by the love of God for us His kids. Will American workers not act to prevent the commercial foul that is coming in on us now?
The Fed Provides an Unlimited Money Lifeline to Wall Street; 30 Million Americans Facing Eviction Get a No-Money 4-Month Plan
The CDC’s plan for struggling Americans falls strikingly short of the Federal Reserve’s instant outpouring of monetary support for Wall Street for the second time in 12 years. In the first iteration, which lasted from December 2007 to July 2010, the Fed pumped $29 trillion cumulatively in revolving loans at below-market rates to prop up insolvent or teetering banks and trading houses on Wall Street. The crisis was of Wall Street’s own making by creating toxic derivatives and subprime mortgage products.
The $29 trillion in Fed loans were made without the approval, or even awareness, of Congress. Senator Bernie Sanders was able to tack an amendment to the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 to get a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Fed’s bailout programs. When that audit was released on July 21, 2011, it revealed that in just one of the many Fed bailout programs, the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF), the insolvent Citigroup had received $1.756 trillion in cumulative loans or 23.8 percent of the total loaned in that program. Morgan Stanley had received $1.364 trillion or 18.5 percent of the total; and Merrill Lynch, a large retail brokerage firm and investment bank, had received $1.28 trillion or 17.3 percent of the total. (See page 216 of the GAO audit here.)
That aid to Wall Street came as millions of Americans saw their homes foreclosed on by the same banks receiving the handouts from the Fed. (See Financial Crash Analysis: $22.6 Billion in Homeowner Relief; $7.8 Trillion to Four Wall Street Banks.)
The unlimited American workers' money handed out to the sport banks while the workers, who make our money pay, chump change and out onto the street using their phony courts' guns and a cage. Their judges so wild they have put many of them away, along with some lawyers so we don't get a clue and take our money away from them too soon. Are we seeing it is the authority to issue the money for our state as to how the Jews can play all of their sports on us here?
If we perceive that simple truth, will we not praise our good God Almighty for sending His diligent angels in to give us a new day?
An individual or a group that is complete in itself, or incomplete. Another that has an ability or has an inability to support him or herself. A person or an organization that is competent or incompetent. Might we see by that simple "in," in front of complete, ability, competent ways we have either useful or the opposite, failure at hand?
The injury that we have taken from the Jews that they enjoy doing to us. Must we not get smart as our extraterrestrial elders suggest and take the "in" away from their permanent ways of injury to us and put our jury in once again to remedy the injury they enjoy doing to us?
The lists of insurance collections that our properly constituted grand juries will be able to retrieve. While in American law no one needs to appear in court even if summoned. It is a voluntary thing. A corporation on the other hand must hand over its records if a grand jury demands them. Will American workers not get smart and put our grand juries in so that we can see the humongous profits that have been and are still being made on deathing you and me?
The understanding is that over 70% of those sitting on the bench have in excess of 4 death insurance collections each. If that is true, might that help explain the political crime wave we are suffering here?
The recount of votes in Arizona last night that some showed up carrying military-style rifles with them. Are we understanding those are all Jews in their shells that are still trying to force fighting in our beautiful nation here?
"The good news of God cannot save ya's, " Judee say.
Are there any who disagree with what that Judee shell thinks? If only we will listen to God will our kind and good God not save us?
That's a link to see Papi's blankee. The plan was to have a group of us put it together for Father though as Papa will only be with us a short time now, Bitch had that made online.
"We have sentenced you to no rights to dim the nation," Judee say.
The injury the Jews have selected to do us and the ethically criminal ways they have chosen to act with because God gave us free will. Are we seeing it is us who must act if we want to fix ourselves up here?
Chicago the "bright city," Judah thinks of it as. And now in full Jew control it has drivers nervously checking their speed odometers to make sure that 4 eyes don't charge them. Their plan to dim not only the bright city but our whole nation as their plan. How about it workers, had enough of them and their jokes yet?
"The white force has canceled me because I'm stupid now," Judee say.
Will the entire working people not cancel them for not only what they have already done but for what they are doing and what they plan to do to us next, put us into war with Russia and China?
2.57 pm
"We're fouling you's commercial. 5.12 am
For our evil attack we're dead.
Lead us.
Get bore out.
Roll their Hitler.
They blank us dud.
Save your life, you're almost dead.
It's foolish. 7.17 am
He's constashed.
It's a stupid right.
Fatally flawed.
You got the errant race gone because they offend you, it keeps me going.
You guys are really going to criminal justice.
Waste is stupid.
They'll stop kidnapping to break your wage guaranteed when you STRIKE THEM OUT.
You don't perceive this etherious.
Bambastic huge thieves.
Defeat horrible.
You died us on your fear crop.
Thank you for finding their fiscal.
Swedish have shown up here. 2.49 pm
We crumpled." 3.01 pm
Sweden who has been a big player in the background making world wars. Raoul Wallenberg who handled the assassination of Dr. King operated out of Montreal, Canada yet his home base was Sweden. Raoul was also known by his alias, "Carlos Allende." That is the alias he used when he was handling the assassination of American astronomer Morris Jessup.
"There is a good God above, He spoke to me and I spoke to Him," Dr. King said in facial reverse speech.
Might we see that Dr. King was favored by our good God and that is why Father spoke to him when he was a young man? Yes, Dr. Kimg had it figured correctly long ago. He gave his life for us trying to help us to peace. And his partner in peace Dr. Abernathy, who had carved on his tombstone, "I tried."
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TRY IT,," God asked of American workers. The STRIKE, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TRY IT?"
"Your house is going back centuries. Jew pull you off of the streets white worm. Through Mercury you true see Jesus."
Those few non-Judah facial reverse speech. Yes, it was through Mercury that Bitch was finally able to connect the dots to see the love of Jesus and our Father, our good God above who sent Jesus to share His love with us. Will American workers not stop the war and make peace in our world?
Here is some reverse facial speech from a uniformed and armed black African appearing soldier who is shooting our family in Africa in war:
"We do gruesome here because the only true way to hold you is fist. We got huge weapas' here for Boston way."
Are we seeing the black African soldier is actually a Jew look alike shell that is shooting God's kids in Africa? Do we note it is through the Boston investment houses that are funding his weapas' shoot? Are we understanding that is a big place that the Jew has been shooting our world out from? Are workers understanding the Jews worldwide war machine is powered by free tax money from Americans, that's you and me?
Will labor not step in and get our finances out of their hands? Instead of the Jews using our income tax to hand out many tens of trillions of dollars to their banker pals and only a couple of hundred of billions of dollars to American workers, how about workers giving us a better deal? Maybe 50/50? Do 15 trillion to the banks and 15 trillion to the workers not sound much fairer?
Workers can make it happen if you want to and God is on the side of fairness here. But must you not recognize how late it is and do it before they give us a final slug that will set us back centuries?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, November 6 — Psalm 119:169–176
1 Kings 2:39–3:28; John 12:20–36
I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45:6-7
May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5
God, you are the creator and lover of all creation. Forgive us those times when we turn our backs on what your hands have made. Refocus our minds. We praise you, your creation, and your son, our savior. Amen.
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Biological Warfare: China Already Collects DNA Profiles Of Americans
Wikimedia Commons, Fastfission
China is engaging in the most pervasive and dangerous form of eugenics ever seen in human history. By controlling specific DNA changes through engineered viruses, its biological warfare programs could intentionally wipe out hundreds of millions of humans. ⁃ TN Editor
Civilized nations are bound to obey the law of war embodied in the Geneva Conventions. The Conventions outlaw acts such as the intentional targeting of civilian populations and the creation and stockpiling of biological weapons. Despite those obligations, China is evidently eager to violate the Conventions because of opportunities presented by the advance of medical science.
At least since the 2002 publication of “Unrestricted Warfare,” a book by two People’s Liberation Army (PLA) colonels, Chinese military thinking has extended the concept of a battlefield to every aspect of military and civilian existence. The unlimited “battlefield” now means that China intends to include biological warfare among the most significant means of fighting a war.
Bitch has mentioned how when he had a tooth pulled out the Jews refused to return it to him. Are we aware a tooth has a quantity of DNA in it? Instead of the Chinese communist party waging warfare should we not say, the Jews in their communist look-alike hybrid transplant fornian Replicon Chinese shells are waging war through DNA? Will workers not get the authority to issue our money before we are no more? Will you not end the eternal, perpetual, virtual Jewish war out here?
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