"The Sword Fell." 5.21 pm
That Tele receive that came in while watching the news, is there an understanding it is true, the sword fell?
Here is some of the facial reverse speech from several news broadcasts this evening giving us some idea of what is happening here:
"I feel they pulled my sport; I'm still crazy. HUGE chemical we put on you is proved and pedicule pulled out our head. I'm a Bolshevist, I'm getting your kidneys out to roll you bankrupt. Because you fell Jew false awesome your wood die for kissing my ass, I'd like you all dead. The Bitch is calling me horse. Pat we place you on a check oaf-us. We just treasury bruise people. Pat I believe I have got to let you out because they're closing up my horrible margarine. We make you obsolete with the force of a weap field.
We groom you back precision. I'm right here dead fallen. I set you anti-verdy jailous. Cheap atoms let us foul you true grit. Because we sweat you adequate we waled you. We're holding out space to degrade you. We were supposed to fist you out with fascism but Pat's worn us out. We just molest die-core, it's a business, his mother let us finish you. The armed forces Bitch proved is our attorney attempt. We're errin in wait, we're dyin' you's yet.
We take white policy out to hex heads to make you die. Venus true failed our Reich, that's why we go. You leave us in so we give you Paris right. We sell you baby. Embarrassment we shot your kids. Because of your Russian tragedy, we'll be leaving soon.
With Goebbels cat we made a fortune. The scientist has wounded us in a way that reveals we are poor fools. We boomed the minnow with extreme force so you would not rise and take away my rights. With our embarrassing you we fossiled you right. I suffer you a jet because I'm tacky. Your championship has now taken us all off of here. I just got you to believe with my London false. I shish them into fail so I can shoot them boom."
And some non-Judah facial reverse speech:
"Your progesterone report bowed them right. Bitch some rumble stopped you and set your fortune back. They're screwing with us to avoid booing Virgil. The rice-a-men died. Contact pulled off racial here. It's race fool Ben. It's set to end this debt sport you. The way Jamaica pitching errors they're getting easy to see. You've taken off their whole century.
Pat, your life as a nuke-ologist has fallen them out of here. The warpedoes have lost the rights for falling the state. You fumbled the bourse that's why you suffered so. The cats are pushing you cash well. The bus driver trouble you so they can bust you on war. Big war mutual Russians fess you, accepted you. We now know that in twenty days you will have found your peaceful conquest."
Could that finally be the end? Might American workers end the war in our world in twenty days from now? Or will that informed opinion from the subconscious mind be wrong again? Will America rise again, this time in peace? Are we aware it all depends on what American workers decide?
Tele receives:
"My error capture me.
Love it. 4.07 pm
Pat, they're real falsen you.
You failed to save us Patrick.
Crooked up beat.
Let them out of here, they're problems.
What!? It's all false?
We fell you off your cipher here.
The sword fell. 5.21 pm
You're voyeured.
Mouse house crook.
You zook em out right.
Tuddy." 7.45 pm
Wanted to get everything up early. It is Friday night, at 8.00 pm
Saturday 4.30 am
Been watching videos for the last hour and a half. Thinking of how to find the place where the words are at, the words that will now bring American workers to close out the age of war, imprisonment, and genocide. The business model the Jews put in that is making us die massively now.
The subconscious thoughts that Mercury elders gifted Bitch with the ability to read by watching the face movements as people speak that has told us of their plots, their feelings toward an ordinary lot of human Beings. The plans they have had removed by the love of our good God who sent His angels in to spare us from their shock and awe nuclear blast doom zoom.
Father who will be with us for less than two weeks now. His 2227 years of beautiful life is passing now. He told us that He would be with us until the end of the age. As we now are at the end of the Jewish age will we not recognize and close out their industrial genocide sport with a STRIKE?
Mathew 28:20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
And so the age of the early primitive man of war now leaving our world forevermore. The false that makes war available to those who enjoy the sport of man coming to an end now. Now we are going into the universe to live. Must we not act and end the the sin of war? Children in America being destroyed while they are still in their mother's womb. Our youngest children already sterilized as the cancering of us continues on. Must American workers not stop their force that is washing us out of existence?
While Washington passes bills to spend billions more to build more nuclear bombs. The moment that it all sinks into the heads of ordinary workers in America just what they have done to us here. Might it not lead to workers acting up and issuing our money? Certainly, it will. Will, we not pray that the strike starts right away?
Our family in Russia who have been reading and translating what Bitch has been saying and have accepted Bitch truth and are tossing the Jews away. Our family in Russia knows now that they were also marked for extermination in an all out nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union. And have taken the actions to prevent the Jews from using Russia to attack America.
Our family from outer space has given us a chance to get the tens of thousands of nuclear bombs off of hair-trigger alert and begin to denuclearize our planet now. Might American workers not now be ready to let the genocidal destroyers of life, the Jews, off now?
Their Satanic war strategy from hell they have put on us. Will American workers not now close them up with a STRIKE?
America gave them all that they wanted but that was not enough, they crossed the line and chose to steal away the children of God on earth in war. Our good God Almighty are we understanding is the only reason we live on now? Has the magnitude of the deception not been proven well enough that ordinary workers will not now close the Jews out of issuing our money?
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
While reading some bible verse Bitch realized that is why he insulted the white folks 9 years ago. He didn't follow what the bible said, and he did not have enough love for you in him. While from early in life he learned we were to love each other, from his observations he considered that was part of the preacher priest ruse to get our heads soft so they could bump us off easier.
Though now he knows better, truly to love one another is what we must do if we want to live. And with love, we have forbearance and would not ever be rude or commit the deadly sin of insult. Bitch only learning late in life that we do have a God above and He is good. American astronomer Morris Jessup, one of our brightest, figured it out 70 years ago and the Jews shot him for trying to tell us about it.
Morris who followed up on Charles Fort's research report in his 1919 "Book of the Damned" that led him to his understanding that extraterrestrials are here and are communicating with us.
"A procession of the damned.
By the damned, I mean the excluded.
We shall have a procession of data that Science has excluded."
- first lines of The Book of the Damned
Fort charged that mainstream scientists are conformists who believe in what is accepted and popular, and never really search for truth that may be contrary to what they believe. He also compared the close-mindedness of many scientists to that of religious fundamentalists, implying that the supposed "battle" between science and religion is just a distraction for the fact that, in his opinion, science is, in essence, simply a de facto religion.
And in that defacto religion created by the purse held in Jewish hands, the wrath of God has been replaced by the Jews and their atom bombs. Might we try to see the religion of the Scientific community has been defeated by the truth of God? Will American workers not get involved in saving the most important thing we have, our lives that are easily being swept away by the mental force of the Jews on unlimited free money?
Some of our top scientists are atheists and don't believe there is a God, and yet a 15-year-old Jew kid knows the truth that God lives. Knows the truth because the Jews figured out the basics 3,500 years ago, and have been fooling us ever since.
The office of God permanent, immortal. And yet our Father in heaven who is a mortal as we are and has a life term that begins at birth and ends in death. Our precious sweet Father is dying now after 1,200 years of being our Father.
Father Christopher before Him who sent Jesus to show us the right way and Father Baldec before Father Christopher who spoke to Moses and gave Moses the Ten Commandments that we are to obey. And the Jews who threw God's commandments away 3.500 years ago and acted opposite to God's wishes that His children live in peace every day.
Our good God so powerful that He has rid us of the viperous Jews permanently, and did it in a way they won't come back, not by tossing them rather He left them toss themselves right and fair by having His angels pull all of the one thousand missiles they tried to wipe Americans out with. The 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen bombs that were riding on that 1,000 Boeing built missiles. Now all sitting in a museum inside Mars.
If only the reality enters the wits of American workers will workers not now end the Jew fist by taking our money away from the Jews and ending our involvement with their heretic sin?
The Jews proving intelligent enough to continually fool people century after century, but not intelligent enough to join with our extraterrestrial kin. Mercury elder informed Bitch the other day that they could deliver the entire human population on the surface of our planet to Bertoben in 3 months if need be. From that are we getting some idea of just how powerful our extraterrestrial elders are?
And from that estimate might we develop some idea that the Jews are not going to die off Father's kids with their Jewish electricity waste?
The Jews who put their hundred years war upon us in Europe. Do we see that with 435 Jewish electricity plants operating on the surface of planet earth only a few in meltdown would die us all off in less than 50 years?
The vast underground shelters worldwide that the Jews have to hide in as they cable finish us off on the surface of the earth. Will American workers not get involved and try to save yourselves now?
God whose angels could easily defeat the Jews and get a repair crew in to shut Hitachi-GE down. But they won't do that. Why? Because they never fight. And so are we seeing why we must get involved?
Is there understanding that we don't need to fight to save our lives, merely to think, communicate, cooperate and act in coordination with each other to take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews so that we can live in peace with everybody then?
Our family in Russia as mild as we are. Forced into war by the Jews on Wall Street money that was taken from American workers when Congress sold us out in 1913. Our relationship with the foul Jews out of the way, will we not set ourselves on a new course of amity, peace, cooperation, and accommodation for each other every day? And how are we to accomplish this? Might it not be as easy as listening to Father's will and acting each day to love one another?
1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
And the natural love we have for each other, the reason we were selected 200,000 years ago to be gifted with our huge intelligence force, our 223 psychiatric genetics that have been given to us to live as extraterrestrials and travel the universe for the next 9 million years until our species time-ends naturally.
God’s Love For Us
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
The Jews who failed the test of time, the test that we are all put to merely by being alive. Will workers not choose not to be fooled and close them out now for their rude?
"I would have given you anything," Papa said years ago. and now we face loss of life form as we continue to fund the Jews and their many sport wars. Will American workers not liberate us from the foul Jews and make peace in our world? Will workers not obey God's will and issue our money, the lifeblood of us here?
The Galactic Federation of Light only in its 9 millionth year. 'Only,' in that Prenasour existed in peace for 78 million years until they decided it was time to go. Their high-level genetics had reached the end of its time span and so they left a calling card for peace to those space travelers that would discover Prenasoure one day. And the warrior Galacticans did and studied the time in the existence of the peaceful extraterrestrial Periadon Beings and after 700 years of studying the records of Prenasour, decided to end war and change to peace forevermore.
The original marsupial First Edition Galacticans now all gone, died out naturally due to old age. And we who survive this last Jewish high technical war of pollutious genocide may be the Forth Edition Galaticans on the bridge of the Federation in a few more million years.
All of this has been put into this post many times to help open our eyes to the reality we are in. Will, we not hope and pray that there is some action to STOP THE WAR and save our lives this time?
"Slugger." 6.21 am
Bitch is not a slugger despite what Judee says about him, or even when his mind was far from here. The mental illness the Jews specialize in putting in. Will ordinary workers not put that into your calculations and reject the lies of the Jews that have always made us die with their ruse? Will workers not end the hopeless poverty that so many Americans endure that feeds the Jews war manpower needs? Will workers not put God's existence stipend in with something in it for everyone? Will workers not try to perceive that the Jews have lost their permit to operate here on the surface of God's village on earth and act upon that knowledge with a strike to dislodge their evil war power force?
Tele receives:
"My error capture me.
Your symbol munchin fire you ill. (Will workers not free us of the violent fouls so that we can recover from their disease and live in peace as God wills?)
Patrick beautiful cleared daffy.
Lyin' thieven' murderous bunch that took over the world with a plan to destroy it.
You let us sucker punch you.
Historical, quite sad.
They're blown heads now.
I'm a good kid but that hurt, Pat, you nice been jury family.
Animated talking cash a way.
Your mother's peaceful set you for a death day.
Peace will throw the Jew right off.
Air incredible rights fade you goofy.
You've been erased.
Finish them all.
Slugger. 6.21 am
Wastee officials.
Have minnow rolled fish life.
I have genius rights.
I ape you insect.
We're just your bums fistol; chrome I all see"
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, November 14 — Psalm 126
1 Kings 8:54–9:19; John 14:25–15:8
How great are your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep! Psalm 92:5
The King of kings and Lord of lords. It is he alone who has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see; to him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. 1 Timothy 6:15-16
We sing your highest praise, King of kings and Lord of lords. We stand in awe of your creation and powerful works. We have deep gratitude for your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen.d no single human chief executive since then, and now observes this as a festival day.
1.36 pm
"It's struck.
STRIKE THEM, end this conspiracy age of existence. 9.19 am
You're welcome, step out your usuals.
Fouls us.
Your welcome hate us. (Bitch don't hate anyone)
Patrick they're forcing us, save us.
Patrick is rolling them.
Eco- fascism.
Pat you phage dogs.
They doctored this picture.
Your past falls you. (Minutiae, Mercury says is in Pat's past. Hopefully you quit believing Jew lies)
They ink-a-cite you.
The cow has lost to them.
The Jews have been poisoning everything.
A guess spot death pit.
Houston classics and we're helping it.
You want to pick it up?
Excellent the Camel's steal, the Camels thieve us.
Helplessly they fling us.
Fish crave hit.
Degenerate clawed.
Incredible powerful fierce force egg.
A huge rubbish pile is about to STRIKE us.
How fast you disappear all depends upon your health.
With awes mise-ment they stole.
Signal justly.
Emocious fight.
Devil's Head is beating us.
Pat you unphased us.
Pat, you're an unphased.
Analogy canned the whole fist off of us.1.31 pm
Genius farce out your mental. 2.02 pm
Let's leave their X-rays out." 2.31 pm
For those that are falsely believing the lies about Bitch being a fisty guy, he's not, might the words spoken to Bitch by Sir Maximilian help understanding?
Sir Maximilian maybe recognizable as the Infant of Prague. That is who spoke to the priest centuries ago with the words "give me my hands and I will give you the peace."
Some years ago Sir Maximilian said to Bitch, "act right as I treat you right."
Bitch will follow to the maximum what Sir Maximilian said to Bitch. As the kind Beings are so right and good their way is the only way Bitch will go. Please don't believe the Jews lies about Bitch. He is a Godly directed man. And as precious sweet Father said, "you're a nice boy. You never fiend. He remained true to me." Believe it because it's true. Quit believing the rare mentals that only lie and smear with made up gossip and rumors that are false.
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
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