"We Left Yesterday." 2.28 am
Judee just said that to Bitch a few minutes ago. "We left yesterday. Anywho doubt that statement? Will, we not act right as Savior treats us right and close them and their MOX vapor chemie war out now before we are sealed as part of the third scheduled to die off now as they leave us for their thousand years in the pit?
Revelation 20:3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
So weap Judah is now departing God's village on earth for his journey to live in the abyss for a thousand years where he will return in a thousand years. The three thousand plus years that they chose to disobey God now at an end.
Isaiah 9:14 So the LORD will cut off from Israel both head and tail, both palm branch and reed in a single day;
And that day that God cut off Israel's head and tail do we recall was the 3 hours of launching intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles at us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011?
To keep him from deceiving the nations anymore must American workers not end funding the beast's score? The complete and total false that is absolutely everywhere that is all freely funded by the American worker. Will workers not participate in the greatest transition the human race has ever undergone since our hybridization 200,000 years ago? Will we not stop the war that we have been warned to stop thousands of times?
Might some read this and blow it off, "I've heard it all before," and ignore what the penalty is for making war when the creator has warned us to stop the war that American workers are responsible for in our world?
If you are reading this are you aware all the rulers of planet earth read this religiously? And why would the world leaders read what a 4th level wit has to say as they already know much more than is written here?
Are we perceiving they all ride on the American dollar that buys the fist that holds them into office and what they are looking for to see in this post is if the words are written that will bring American workers to stop the war and with it let them off of office?
Maybe a Tele receive that will come in that might bring workers in America to act that will close them up in a day. Are we appreciating that is why they want to look at the arrangement and content of words in this post here to read for free? Are we aware it is only words and images that are holding them into their seats?
While looking for the thoughts to end this state of atomic chemical vapor war that is set to sweep us out in megadeath, how about we look at the new Tele receives to see if those saving words have arrived yet?
Tele receives:
"Giraffe was fatal to my working. 4.44 pm
Patrick our harsh zooming failed.
STRIKE interferes with weapas.
STRIKE! 5.37 pm
Our equis has failed for more equit.
You're stretch cattle. 7.10 pm
You're desk free.
Stupid perishable will soon waste us.
Peace they'll all see conk.
Goose rub us fail.
Bitch be boring the rats for crazy.
Pat, I love you for accomplishing getting out their work effort.
I lose freedom now.
Lies tossed you out.
Jew going for throwing dad's words out.
Let's do it Pat, STRIKE THEIR KIDS!
Hope and a future is what I want to give you in my life, you just need choose.
Jew power is going to STRIKE us beast.
Jesus bought them out of here.
He cost you life.
Wonderful peaceful objective was erased for this message.
The peaceful gospel inverted thee.
Problems decimate you.
They urge a deficit to screw you London.
Minneapolis wood buys.
Desert resources will leave you cold.
You've been scheduled for police for righteous days.
You're great tossing your site perish here.
The deadliest enemies closing you up for goose fun.
Father trusted the peaceful kid.
They toss wit taverish.
Mercury medicine will stop their virus right now.
They mock us quite grin son.
Privilege this boy you will win a peace song; peace lost.
They set us back law suiting.
Sick atmosphere will false your life force right.
Oppression we app Jewish.
On the tomato side, they made thee.
Air failed will leave awesome curred.
You're thrown abusive ways gar.
For dangerous ways they're out.
Pinnacle rice us here.
They're putting out all my beasts.
Braille makes them merry (marry?)
Their grill fails us.
Summons fold.
They fight you vehicle.
He has got the right theory of operation for free energy.
Pestilence is their field.
They want to clear Bitch because he has a brain.
Failed grievously Patrick.
The chemical MOX vapor will chemie you every day state.
We failed for unreasonable fortune.
We're in virtual policedom.
You've got a wonderful way of booing them.
We left yesterday." 2.28 am
Can we only wonder, what might be the magic miracle words that will bring American workers to STRIKE, step in, and take over the concession to issue our money? Or might the action words that will energize American workers to STRIKE come from Judah themselves? Here are some more of their subconscious thoughts that are found in their facial reveres speech:
"I'm afraid my tomb's up because I smash your day. Jew wanted to collapse you to a simple breed. My most famous psych mirrored us, deckhead. My whole life is in Jew bread. Our fascist life just zoomed too much. I know how to score your rights. In two months you'll sack my true philosophies. Nation is over on an island well. We chop you for Jew annuity. My chuckle leads me to hopeless you, I'll miss you.
We hos contact away. We just summerize you off energy. All minnows be 12 minus. I say have a nice day and I bought your life, I just do a wood shot. My heartbeat is your rights. I can molest beautiful ricepital because I got an anthrax war. In about 4 or 5 days the cow will have me off of here for my big fall. We have nothing without racial. We're fallen because this Bitch has let us all out. We just mooch ably. Contact took out Houston. I believe shadowy. Bitch has thrown us for silliness. Destroyee, I threw them out.
My volts screwed you out industry. I'm a Judas tumble all rich man, that's why I go overseas. I war you essentially yet, I think this week you will close my net. I desecrate you, that's why I died. You would fire me if you could see my sports. With some sheeny ock we just set you on desperation. I'm a Morgan set, I do you racist. White have 4 hands they will use to screw you. I'm cordial desk opps. Pat, for Jew you be inbraceable. I just got you believing my foul here. I've taken away your caution with jail. Your checks are just to murder here.
Set you fresh to wash out your heimers. Booze central copy our message, I just you right flu-oppium. Papa's sight views passed me. We nipple you George for appiness. I had a miracle that you'll free puritan for. I took out race Philadelphia, I tossed your beliefs with faulty views. I do ya shame. I'm pitching your state foldious. A knowledgeable temperature will finch you. We're just Rube assembly. I just meet you true peppers. You lay dog I go ossie. I give you a new route to Italy to slim you down.
I do S----- to bang off peace. Our wall gesundheit will end as soon as you see our right side. I have to pretty ock talking you down true. Preemies coming in are our burlesque. Our fearnology let us get home rentals. My deaf maturity wastle death of me. Basic wood strike won't give us tax rule. I would hold you but police won't hold our way because of our spray. We're pitching you firewood nuts. Our shooting museum was stupid. Now you threw me out and when you see our appetite you'll die us for racial disrespect, you don't do it now because cow completely. I've exposed your white ways all powerful," Judee say.
That is merely a sample of their thinking. Bitch has pages and pages more to select from. What Bitch is looking for is what they plan to do next. What is the catastrophe they have planned to turn loose on us next?
As they have lived in Mexico longer than America has existed, do we notice they want to set a 50 megaton warhead off in the capitol city? Might that indicate they just have basically the same hostile feelings for all of us?
Over the years Bitch has posted numerous hydrogen bombs in controlled burn-offs over many South American cities. Are we understanding they just want to assault us massively? And our extraterrestrial elders who patiently and silently keep pulling the Jews nuclear blast shots off of us.
Can we not have American workers step in and end this madness of war that the Jews use to subordinate the mass of the domestic population to the exploitation of war? That is from Karl Liebnecht who they shot in the back for voicing such a lucid sentiment.
The mass of the human race that has ever fallen to the force of war. Do we not see that God has afforded us the opportunity to compass a new for ourselves now? A way of peace if only we are aware enough to take ourselves to it out of a perpetual war that the Jews have screwed on us for thousands of years.
The "Philadelphia race," from Judah's subconscious is what he said of us. Is that not a nice thought, every variety of human Being on earth that are Americans and we all are the race of Philadelphia?
Philadelphia that established legally for us our freedoms that are unmatched anywhere in the world today. Will American workers not recognize the truly wonderful gift to be born in a land that has established procedures to guard every individual?
Why so many leave their place of birth to come to America? Might it be because in a truly free land the hopelessness of the old world can be left behind?
But what do we see that the Jews have forced into the land of the Philadelphia race but a hopeless, rightless land of the war machine?
God has acted to give us a second chance. Will American workers not take it and make peace the plan?
At the time of the Vietnam war a third of the military were volunteers. Bitch and his buddy Stosh joined together on the buddy plan. Both 17. And now today 100% of the young Americans sent overseas to make war are volunteers. Are we not recognizing the hopelessness that the Jews have put into our society because they hold the private authority to issue our money?
"I needed a job and they were the only ones hiring," the son of a German Jew Adolph Eichman said why he joined the Nazi organization and did his best to deliver the Jews to the camps. Might we see it in our need to survive which requires access to bourse as to why so many serve the forces of war?
The tight fist of the Jews that blocks the creative forces of abundance and wealth except for those that serve the ghoulish forces the Jews have turned loose on man. Will workers not give us a new plan?
The flu pandemic they created in a laboratory and it appears they have a new bug in on us now. They reported that long ago in their RS that they had another bug that once we are stumbled and disturbed they would let a new bug in on us here. And yet any and all of their bugs easily stopped with Mercury medicine. Will American workers not make contact with the outer space-based races to help us here?
Are they really not seen yet for who and what they are? The Jewish breed that challenged the Galactic Federation of Light to a fight knowing that our elders don't fight. The breed that had it all right in the palm of their hands and threw it all away trying to destroy the human race in opposition to our creator's plans.
The technology that no longer can survive their focused wits with their well thought out plan to "diminish what they are so that you can take what they have" strategy. Will American workers not recognize the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and close them up and STOP THE WAR?
Babies in the womb are being vaporized every moment of their new existence now. Is there not some magic miracle comment that will end the Philadelphia race from funding the Jews forcing this catastrophe in on us?
Here are some more Tele receives from the last few hours:
"Your gall is well established. 3.37 am
War just be big feast.
You tune me.
I'm cashed.
Jew fall for all of his goofy.
Hi buddy, you let the cat out of the bag.
My God's theory won't waste us. 5.57 am
Chisel I do for stewardship.
It's machine fatal wits.
You ignore them, they're shooting war on us now.
He scout you out to fight.
A hoodlum unsafe us.
Jew set you right back fusible.
Thank you very much. 6.48 am
Matey. 6.51am
Just unuseful.
They stream our cars.
Check general arrangements fool kids.
You're sort of circuit peaked.
Missiles out rate us.
Does useful.
It's died.
You make it seem mis-coe-fee oafish.
Miss you. 10.57 am
Serious code violation.
You're done.
We turd shaft. (Woman jogger)
Fear catasterate you.
It's a big hit.
They take out a lot of useful ment.
Slash bowl.
Office failed huh?
You forced me to surrender my case, and end my baby talk.
Life is osch fist you.
The cats fall.
It's won.
Nice screech.
We're passed.
Heretic thief.
It shake us, velocity can't use fist.
We've obviously crushed you up and you're surrounding us.
Patrick save us, they're mowing us.
Pure ethyl.
Get peaceful or get punished.
You failed Jewry.
They howl at us.
They're different, they hate us diesel.
Deface your Ott.
They punish you off of your life rice-al.
An enemy's fist.
They dumb and boom us rabies.
My assault, it's ended me.
A sight fish kicked me out.
Psychology has been quite rude.
It's a jail sweep for falsing you's.
This prejudice folds us serious.
Perceived about a ghoul.
Your twin twitched.
We copy ya. (Lady walking along as Bitch drove by)
I score ya. 11.58 am
To let them take you off is foolish.
Kidnap just frit us away." 1.05 pm
The "Philadelphia race" as Judah calls us. William Penn (1644-1718) named the city using the words from the Greek language for, Brotherly love. Phila, Greek for brother and Delphia, the Greek word for love.
And in that city of brotherly love in 1789, Philadelphia brought together the United States of America with our wondrous bill of rights that allowed America to begin. Might we view the creation of our bill of rights as nearly 6 centuries of our family seeking rights?
The right to trial by jury first became law in England in 1215 after a century-plus of struggle by the Barons. If only American workers will recognize the importance of rights will we not put them in?
The technological change that has been blocked to keep tight budgets in. Might we appreciate as that Tele sender said, the cat is out of the bag?
"Hi buddy, you let the cat out of the bag."
What it seems is since one reader of Bitch book commented that after reading the book he was able to light an LED up using his crystal radio more electronic experimenters have explored how to tap free energy by another suggestion Bitch made about a device for a free energy circuit.
Bitch mentioned that a TRIAC looked to be a useful device for building a free energy circuit and described why Bitch was of that opinion. And while thinking about this, concerning elders using a quantum accelerator in their spacecraft free energy systems, that is the copper-silver interface that Dr. Moray used in his free electricity device, that has silver at 5 atoms thick, from memory, that may be where Bitch was incorrect. Mercury elder suggested to Bitch the error on something he thought they gave him. How much silver is needed for the quantum accelerator on one of their flying saucers and Bitch figured it was about 40 cents worth if a once of silver was $20 dollars.
The flying saucer elders crashed at Roswell in 1947 the entire underside was a thin sheet of silver. So how does that figure with what Bitch is saying, it only takes a very small amount of silver to power up a free energy device?
Bitch speculates that Mercury elders purposely put that big silver bottom on the spaceship so the engineers who looked at it would figure out that silver has something to do with powering the free energy craft up. Once we are in peace, no doubt we will have some exacting details that will give us the exact numbers of how much silver is needed for powering up free energy high powered circuits.
As to the TRIAC as the key to a free energy circuit, they cost about a dollar for a basic device. And a manufacturer buying a quantity would no doubt do even better on price. While connected to a heavy draw such as a heater it would to ordinarily burn the device up but because free energy circuits use cold electricity instead of hot electricity, the heat would be in the heater coil and not passing directly through the TRIAC. Only the control signal generated by the TRIAC would be needed to power the heater coil up.
Bitch is wondering if the Tele receives he has heard that we will see $20 dollars free energy circuits might be from an experimenter that succeeded with using a TRIAC for a velocity circuit card.
While this sort of talk might sound pretty far away from the destruction we are facing from Jewish hot electricity waste, believe it, these free energy circuits are real and have been held away from us since even before Dr. Moray demonstrated his free energy machine to us in 1926.
Nathan Stubblefield heated his home, lit lightbulbs, and ran motors back in the 1890s on "earth power" as he called it. The telegraph that Alexander Graham bell ran on free energy in 1875 and Nathan Stubblefield built a system that powered telegraph systems for years never needing to recharge or replace the batteries that powered them. Zinc and copper electrodes he buried in the ground with the batteries to power the telegraph systems. Once in operation, they ran for many years until the telegraph lines went out of business being replaced by the telephone.
There have been many schematics of free energy circuits available for decades but they all lacked one key ingredient, nobody understood where the energy was coming from. Bitch explains the four elements of free energy and now with that theoretical knowledge help, the experimenters know what the circuit needs to do to tap into planetary, universal motion.
How many of us can imagine a free energy circuit board for $20 dollars that charges a battery to power an electric car or truck?
Pretty wild talk it may seem, yet if only our most useful were not stolen from us might we have our 100 trillion dollar economy already? The advanced technology we have and what is Judah using if for other than creating gun sights that can see through walls and doors so he can gun our brightest down? Will workers not give us the strike to close out the menace and bring our new world of real abundance in?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Monday, November 23 — Psalm 133
1 Kings 15:9–16:14; John 18:1–11
I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with those who are contrite and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite. Isaiah 57:15
Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Mark 6:34
Jesus Christ, you have a knack for turning things upside down. You elevate the humble and lowly. You are the shepherd who dies for sheep who love to wander. You pay the debts your servants owe. You show us paradoxes of the Christian faith. Help us to know your ways, we pray. Amen.
4.16 pm
You got it, it would be half that number.
It's a greed. (Took the name of my free energy book out after hearing that)
Jew do mushroom to get cow sick.
Jew out your hostage.
They just menace you by siege.
Whiskey has stayed us so spread.
You got free ways.
It's still in lunkhead.
I understand you're still fierce. (Please don't believe the Jews fables)
Baby weaps.
The fizzle boy we failed reductions.
You let me iss you, it's the whiskey. Wall cock.
You lost me sentimen'. 3.55 pm (Bitch pulled several things out and a few minutes later heard the next Tele receive)
Thanks. 4.03 pm
You're deaf.
Jeer all collect.
The MOX is in on us here. 4.13 pm
Scheme you right with whiskey.4.26 pm
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
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