"Fear Just Fail." 6.12 pm
That came from Mercury elder Sir Menden that is on the desk at this time. Just finished watching a few hours of news international, national, and local reading the facial reverse speech to try and see what they have got on their minds at the moment.
Locally they staged a bunch of 3 am search warrants purportedly looking for drugs. Bitch quite aware that is the way they get the players in position for a sport opp. The indication from RS it is a Federal opp that is directing it because they got some bourse to get Bitch out. And while Bitch was thinking about what is intended to be heading his way, Mercury elder reading his mind assured him things will be fine when He said, "fear just fail."
Bitch thinking in ordinary human terms if it was earthlings and Bitch failed to serve right and prevent the catastrophe that is set for a week from now, then Bitch would be dumped. And that thought combined with what is coming at us got Bitch a bit tensed up but when Mercury assured him they are still with us here and he is covered, he felt much better then.
"That's basically all the time we have." 8.32 am
Mercury said that and it had Bitch concerned that as Father passes we would be out of time and facing the loss of help from Mercury elders. Only realized after looking at the calendar that kind precious sweet Father's last time with us is on thanksgiving day, the 26th of November.
And found this Judee facial RS in the national news just about an hour ago.
"You're settled on a week to catastrophe."
So what type of catastrophe might they have set for a week from now? Might the nuclear waste they have stored in Illinois at the storage facility for high-level radioactive waste (HLRW), the General Electric Morris Operation be set to catch on fire and poison out the Eastern half of the United States?
Or maybe an explosion at Hitachi-GE that starts the spent nuclear rods on fire loading America with radioactive waste coast to coast?
Whatever the catastrophe will we not keep praying that American workers will pull the American financial bracing away from them with a STRIKE?
And here is a link to a video with many nuclear warheads in a controlled burn-off:
UFO activity caught on tape over Sealy, Texas 17-Nov-2020
November 18, 2020
This UFO video was filmed over Sealy, a city in Austin County in southeastern Texas on 17th November 2020 around 6pm.
Witness report: Lights showed up yesterday evening they appear stay for a bit then disappear instantly.
Video 1.56 at:
7.04 pm
3.02 am
Have we not seen enough hydrogen bombs in controlled burn-offs to not recognize them when we see them now?
12.55 pm
Bitch posted this 4717 word write before 9 am and he has had several negative Tele receives come in since then and so is going to go through this post and take out what offends if he can determine what it is. So here is today's post tried once again:
The horror of the Jews rain of nuclear warheads they keep shooting at us. Will we not pray for labor to step in?
Will American workers not close the nuclear warfighting genocidal fiend enemy life forms out before we are dusted with the atomic war of brimstone waste? As our extraterrestrial elders are holding their strike back and we have blast protection from Jewish nuclear missiles will we not stop their war of brimstone nuclear waste?
We who are a special creation of the same extraterrestrials that have spared our lives from the Jews who have planned all along to rape us out of existence in full-blown nuclear blast wars. Will, we not listen to our extraterrestrial Saviors and close the fiends' Jewish lobby out for doing us wrong?
"I bust you guys with mega-tils."
Do we perceive now the Jews race opp of slaying Emmet Til in 1955 was a Jewish success and created wrong feelings that have harmed us? Are we understanding that was a success with the Jews using their white shells to make it appear as if it was white people that were responsible for that young boy's death? Will American workers not close the cipher of the cannibal cult out who tells us from their subconscious they mate with us to have more protein?
The Jews who have crafted themselves into a life form that might best be found in a science fiction horror novel of an alien invasion from another region of the galaxy that takes over the bodies of people by infecting them with a disease where the nation is forever making war.
While the alien invaders smile endlessly and are graceful and smooth, always courteous and endearing that lets them get close and take over completely with their alien fiend ways that smile at the victims never letting on just what is in store for the victims here.
They ingratiate themselves into our midst and take over completely the pivotal points in society, they are most of the professional class. The medical, doctors, and nurses who get intimate contact with our bodies that let them set us in ways that turn us into insurance collections.
Our school teachers and administrators test our children seeking out those that are extra bright and might discover their alien another galaxy plot to destroy us in total after wringing as much protein out of us before we awake and pull their threat off of us. Their cunning ways to set us up to make it look as if we are the violent ones.
Their total control of the pharmaceutical industry where they craft the drugs they slip into our food and beverages that cause outbursts of insane animal violence that they use for insurance collections and also their psychological war of fear against us.
While once understood, the Jewish cannibal cult has a behavior that seems could only come from a deadly extragalactic invader, the reality is they are Human Beings not unlike us and carrying the same extraterrestrial installed 223 high intelligence psychiatric genetics, but they have programmed themselves to destroy us as their mission of choice
Rather than evolving into reasoning Human Beings with peaceful extraterrestrial intelligence, they exhibit more like an insect behavior that is rigidly programmed from their genetics to carry on like drones of a master genetic code that is unchangeable and must destroy all that is good, all that is peaceful that they claim is their passion.
Once their cipher is understood their limited to destruction intelligence is rejected by most of those who have an understanding of their errant ways. While they have insect-like thinking of a hive, they are all on focus at whatever they are boring away at as we see in their trying to prevent the extraterrestrial contact into our world that has freed us from the mind control of their alien behavior like insect hive cult.
Their ability to create a catastrophe, as they have demonstrated by turning a virus bug loose that allows them to use nurses and doctors to force everyone into their drone-like behavior to wear masks. And it worked and is working on us as we see by nearly everyone is now wearing masks. Might we surmise the plot to get compliance to wearing their mask is a prelude to let them next inject us? And if we go for it might they have two lines of vaccine, one for them and one for us? Wink wink?
Simple ozone generators that burst the virus in the air or in our lungs in less than 30 seconds, we hear nothing of as more of our businesses are shut down by the Jews so they can reduce workers' income and miniaturize American workers true.
Must American workers not reject their felonious falsity and return us to our true United States of America?
The extortion murder racket they preside over now would have already blast burned us out many decades ago if not for the love of our good God for us all. If only we think of the love that God has for us will our wits not free us from the most violent dangerous errant life forms now? Sure they will.
The obviousness of a prewired building demolition and multi-billion-dollar insurance collection that they collected on while ghosting a thousand of their insurance racket sports out when they brought the World Trade Center down on September 11, 2001. And using their ruse that day for funding their wars that have destroyed millions of innocent lives since then.
And have we noted how the Jews have been using the virus cover to ghost their teachers and school administrators and others out now?
The good-natured people that would like to serve us honestly prevented from doing that. And why? Because the weight of unlimited free money always shuts them down one way or the other.
Joe Kennedy informed Americans in the 1930s the Jews were behind forcing American boys to go to Europe to fight one of the Jew investment wars. His boys that tried to help us, shot down by the Jews so they could keep their Jew wars in.
The list goes on and on endlessly of the mass murders the Jews have used to accomplish Americans. God sent Martin with the survival message to love one another and Martin shot down as the rest of the true people have been.
Have the Jews not proven well enough that they not only do not love us but they hate us deathly and want to immolate us preferably in nuclear blast war but now have to settle for their back upshot of nuclear waste war, that we will not now try to stop the Jewish world war they are waging on our American workers' dollar?
The authority to issue the money that God had His angels fly in to explain to us how it works and for us to act to get the Jews out of issuing it to save our lives.
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4," God said as to why we may have to face it alone if we ignore the thousands of warnings from God Almighty to STOP THE WAR.
The washing out of our DNA, the code of life that has been built up over the 12 million years we have lived on this earth. Extraterrestrials who God sent in who tried to convince us we don't have to die at the hands of the genocidal Jews this way. Will we not act for peace with a STRIKE?
John Lennon who tried to help us and pleaded with us to "give peace a chance." Boom boom, shot dead by the Jews and his fortune put into a bank in Japan.
Judah who reveals that ordinary people image principles that lets his crowd get over on us here. Will, we not image peace and do it with a STRIKE?
The poisoning of our wits has burdened some of us now in this critical time we are in. Will we not pray for the Godly breakthrough that will give us the STRIKE for peace in our world?
Have the Jews not really gone to great lengths to fool the people of this nation? Have they not done their all to keep our wits from seeing the truth of the Jews last atomic waste shot? Have they not kept the catastrophe at Hitachi-GE off of television news well? Yes, they have. All by controlling privately the authority to issue our bourse.
Here's some facial reverse speech that shows us what some of the thinking is out here from the top:
"If you knew about my fist opps would I be fit to you? We fool you big optical ways to spat. The WPA built jails to die. My communist fail on management let me bring my missiles in here. When we take your shore we put in a real hoos weap. We're defiling you nice, we're shaking your form. Batrimony in the nursery held, we're still cheatin'. I will eventually fall you out before you get my Jew out of here. Jew rise you moo. I am determined my Jew industrial is going to die you out, we just use chemicals.
My rights are famine and my error failed ya. (Purportedly a guy who opposed wearing a mask. Do we see Judah invents the selected opposition to his dictates?)
It's real quality that's taken the mouse. (Morgue Official in India talking about the many deaths from the virus)
We hold you rightless for somebody's shawl. If I apologize will it clear V----? Seattle let me take you screwy. Jury bums work for my Reich to put you in. I want to fire the state because I'm jealous. If I can hold you in Jew Reichal I can put your baby in. My Jew Western ruse was screwy.
We want to take you out on empestead failure. We held you out to put our sweetest package in. We wiggled your sight out here. Our sweet centrifugal let us put ourselves in. We're surgical thief gloriousee'. I just great put you all offensity. Right now we've disconnected you from contact to right fuse you's. My electrocution theories bore big wholes. The way you let us push you offsides we won. I'm gonna pull that son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill his force," Judee say.
Non-Judah RS:
"Their fables weaped them out and put you on racially. The syndicate is false apple guying ya. One child set the malty out faulty. Your booze analysis was real sweet. House rat fools just desk fable you. Jew fouled you weaptly lies to boot you. Grandpa, Jew you're nice folding up. They financed a new shed on you, it's now more die. Because of the desks the police are going for a Murphy set. When you pull out ------- it will pull out all the agencies. The Federal police are on it, Judah wants to see him inside. They snatch you out and rat you out in jail. You're about to see the end of the whole mess, contact is pulling their sport out.
Will American workers not give us our grand juries so that we can clear the air here? A wiggle won't let the Jews hold us this time, will it? Malt wits won't win it for the Jews, will it?
Germany's Jewish atomic industry that is set to wipe us away in a complete way, we won't let them do it with God on our side, will we?
America the first state to put the jury and grand jury process in as our fundamental law. Will American workers not awaken to the wondrous rights that our good God Almighty has given us and exercise our number one most important right to life that has clearly been thrown out by the Jews who have been firing their atomic cannon attack at us from Hitachi-GE going on a decade now?
The megadeath by invisible nuclear pollution. Are we getting some idea of the facility of mind the Jews have, that they try to disguise as it is us that are the violent killers in our world? Their white supremacy charade to disguise it is Jews under the hood. Are we seeing it is time now for something entirely different, peace instead of war? Do we see we must get that entirely different thing, PEACE, and will when American workers STOP THE WAR?
A brief look at what we are talking about here. About 4,000 years ago Abraham was selected by our good God to lead God's people on earth. God chose the Jews to serve His will because the Jews gave the best estimate of the situation with an emphasis on justifying the people overall.
And about 500 years later in 1500 BC, Moses was called by God, Father Baldec at that time, to pass on the rules of the road, the Ten commandments. And somewhere about that time, the deep thinking Jews figured out that God and the angels were extraterrestrials that have a connection with us.
And with their accurate assessment of reality, they chose to go opposite to God's will. By 1,000 BC they were slaying the contactees, the prophets they were called at that time. Quite aware 1,000 years later when Father Christopher sent Jesus in to save us, the Jews crucified our sweet Lord Jesus to try and keep their anti-God rule in.
Then we jump forward to 1350 AD when the Galactic Federation of Light sent an emissary to make contact with the Centers of Power of planet earth. The Jews, Royals, and Vatican, the Centers of Power of planet earth at that time, who rejected contact at that time, because they had already perfected the predator relationship.
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves," that Tele sender said some years ago.
Every day now more and more people are seeing the ridiculous fraud the Jews have perped on us here because the message of contact is becoming clear. Will, we not pray that enough workers perceive the truth and will now retire the Jews from exclusively and privately holding the most important office of state there is, the one that issues our money?
Tele receives:
"He was a rhesus star. 3.00 pm
Truman opped the boys.
They had a lot of chills.
You help see.
Fear just fail. 6.12 pm
Jew beam dropped.
We're real opperish, in 2 hours you're dead.
Patrick, I failed you so much your honorable is now fused.
You won me here. 11.49 pm
He worded Jew off their pschyical sport.
Fabulous they molest you as right Jewish electricity plants are destroying the planet.
Save us fugitive.
He's been chosen to blame you stupid if you would not listen to me, ultimate zoo. 12.10 am
Jew has been exhausting kids with his Pharoah.
You'll save us, save us Patrick.
Semi passes waste you.
They seek the CTA for chumping us.
I'm vitamin Jew.
Grand juries are full-service opportunities.
Jew industry fooled us algebra to push off all of their state.
Rare mentals foosed.
Horny as toast.
The white people go easily out of existence as grinch.
The Grinch by definition that is mean-spirited and unfriendly. Will American workers not get hold of the paper and get the false image the Jews have put upon us off? Will workers not try to save not only our economy but also our lives?
Our best and brightest pulled out by the Jews leaving the 4th string to try and close the Jews out. And yet the Jews on their dunderhead side took the gamble and tried to take our lives in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, when they fired 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of an atomic blast, heat, and radiation force at us only to lose it all to the Martian angels our good God Almighty sent in to protect us from the Jews and their consorts.
And our good God Almighty in the last week of His beautiful life is still trying to bring us to try and save our lives.
"He's been chosen to blame you stupid if you would not listen to me, ultimate zoo." 12.10 am
Was Bitch not stupid to blame you guys and gals for the loss of life form we are suffering now? Yet are workers seeing God Almighty did have His angels hold Bitch in to deliver the message we are free, the people are liberated from the Jews thousands of years of no good because the Jews revealed their true selves to us all fair and right?
And some more of their subconscious thoughts just found in their news from Japan that shows up in their facial reverse speech:
"My golden cage has given my age away. I injure lives. With Jew per-Mar rule I fire to clear you. We demoted the human race by firing you. I damage your relationships with my psych. The United States we passed by and smacked you out of time. I keep falling you stoop bracey. Jew inform you psych religiously to pull your camp out. For sport we're nebulizing you good. I'm Truman ruin that's already away for space; it's the end of big Jew.
We infect your common. In 3 months I will have pretty much ruined your field. We racial die. Jew secrets embassy out you, nice man has managed to puncture my right fail and my screw cables threw me away. Your Ryan fears my sweppin. Bourse still holding you true. As long as I can keep my contagious I can keep my homelessness in. We mentalize you guys to gosh cow you out. Municipals are set to ream us. Creator beamed me out for our big opp premium," Judee say.
The municipals that Judah reports are set to ream them. Will American workers not exercise the most fundamental right, to protect ourselves when we are threatened seriously with sickness and death by a group that has already destroyed vast numbers of human Beings in their tourist opps in every land? Will American workers not put our most precious rights in once again with a STRIKE?
The long term procedure that Father has crafted so that we could enter into our higher level phase of peace and mercy to join in as full extraterrestrials ourselves. Will we not hope that American workers perceive God's hand that has everything ready for His simian children to now live in a peaceful land?
Come; for everything is ready now. Luke 14:17
Will American workers try to perceive that truth that Father put in our bibles for us, everything is ready now?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Thursday, November 19 — Psalm 130
1 Kings 12:25–13:22; John 16:17–33
O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him. Psalm 34:8
Come; for everything is ready now. Luke 14:17
Delicious One, with our fruit of the spirit, we are prepared to share the joy and comfort we find in you. Melt us, mold us, fill us, use us. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Amen.
1.30 pm
From 4717 to 4118 Bitch pulled 599 words out of the above post and hopefully it is better now. Thanks for the early read and the Tele receives that hopefully pulled the negatives out.
"All your leans, your posts, they're done. 8.49 am
Jew has opped us huge.
Dumb dull. 9.16 am
Jew is making your state.
You very permit me hostily. 10.17 am
Pat folded Jew wrench, whiskery struck us out.
We missed our freezer die, Patrick, save us!
Soul guy minees you.
They conquered right.
You're bowed out.
You're down to 3 below.
You're a scent.
Good luck with your help here.
He dies fear.
Rice opps in tyranny are making you leave.
It's a big animiss.
Your hark fell zeroed rubble.
Put them out.
You let me threat you.
Got ruined here by Jews.
That's collision.
Judas psychus is ended.
Break out.
Jerk. 1.25 pm
A child halts us". 1.35 pm
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Hosea 4:1 (1) Hear the word of the LORD, You children of Israel, For the LORD brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: "There is no truth or mercy Or knowledge of God in the land.
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