"They Kill Nice Guys to Lethally Diminish You."
Seeking out our extra bright youngsters in the schools when they are children and marking them out so Jewish shells can stunt them out of being useful to us. Set our children into a stupid criminal opp to get them busted, turned into jail meat and then marginalized as youngsters so they are disavowed by the general population and never able to add value to our society, ours or theirs for the rest of their lives.
Or just straight out kill our brightest, nicest kids using their tried and true car crash. Works every time. When Are American workers going to end the foul that the 80% Jewish are to us here? 20%, budget Judee who don't agree with what weap Judee do. And who is budget Judee most endangered by other than weap Judee and their shell look-alike guys?
The most vicious fighting when the Jewish temple fell in 69 AD was between the Jews killing each other. They only stopped because the Romans were on them. They only stopped killing each other because the Romans were making them die. And where might we trace the root of the failure to? Would it be any other than in 1500 BC their ignoring God's good laws that said, "thou shalt not kill. Love one another?"
And where has it led them to other than their being died off now by our good God Almighty who is dying their spirit tunnel death? Their demand for their rights to be iniquitous to the other fellows. Who in their right mind would support such a position as that? Probably very few, right? So how do the Jews get away with holding such an iniquitous position with us here as they do? Might it be the way they so successfully ruse us with their false, the images they use to hold our minds? Their lies and their terrorism they afflict us with to frighten us out of our right minds. Might that pretty much give us the overall view of what they use on us here?
Bitchie infuriated at all the assaults they do to our family both here at home and abroad. Though he did not know it was all Jews that were behind all the terrorism and mayhem in the world until recent years after he sought out help from extraterrestrials and they taught him how to read their thoughts by reading the reverse facial speech of anyone speaking.
The shocking discovery, all these world leaders were actually Jews in hybrid transplant look alike shells pretending to be natives of whatever land they were bred into by the Jews. And that finally answered why our world is such a place of madness as it is. The madness the Jews have sown in using a bed to breed up their bad seed, their bad and dangerous useless kids. The failure to take the good advice from the creator to love one another and not kill God's kids, finally now has brought their madness to an end. Or has it?
The series they now are shooting, their last, will they get all of it in?
Can we only wonder what percent of Americans perceive that we are almost out for holding them in? Can we only wonder what percent of Americans have even heard of Hitachi-GE? And what is Hitachi-GE? In a few words, the death of America and Americans.
Will Americans not repent and end this madness of war the Jews have forced in? The embryo that the Jews have reached with their tiny particles of hot radioactive waste that is now being slow-cooked 24/7 until it is born. The third of the human race is set to perish now. Are we aware that two out of three Americans will die out with radioactive waste disease if we don't repent, listen to God's thousands of warnings to stop the war?
God Almighty who has saved us though we are covered in sin. The filthiness of the Jews that Americans have held in now for over a century of continuous death and destruction from them.
Elijah the prophet who asked God to die him because he did not want to die at the hands of his persecutors. God held him in and eventually sent a fiery chariot down to earth that Elijah ascended in. Might we recognize that fiery chariot today as a flying saucer that took Elijah away to Father's house of love and peace?
If Elijah would have stayed on earth he would have been hunted by the king and put to death. Might we see how God was pleased with Elijah's service and so had His angels bring him to safety to live in the Federation? Are we starting to see the extraterrestrial connection that we have had with the Galactic Federation of Light where our good God Almighty reigns in heaven above?
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves." That insightful Tele sender said. Is there understanding that the same good God almighty that saved Elijah by pulling him out of here on a spaceship is the same good God Almighty who has been warning us for over 8 years to stop the war?
The ordinary people so unaware that it costs them their lives every time and everywhere. The fabulous wealth of Americans now being taken away from us while the plan to put us into bankruptcy continues on. Is there not a prayer to be said that will bring us to caution ourselves, repent, and stop the devil's war against the children of God on earth?
The preachers, many owned and operated by the synagogue of Satan. Pretending to be serving the love of Jesus, while in reality serving the devil himself. Holding the mental of the people to let the Jews make war.
The Jews, who took possession of us and have been managing us for 1,300 years now, by using the miracle of breeding in those that looked like us, now have brought the white people to the doors of destitution and megadeath destruction of us. Will, we not repent of serving the Jews war and turn to our good God Almighty to save us now?
America, so powerful it could recover from most anything except a Jew strike. The strike the Jews tried with their pebbles they shot at us to extinct our breed in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. The pebbles pulled out of the sky by God's Martian's angels. Surely this is not over the heads of sober people who are willing to spend forty minutes thinking thoughts that could save our lives, is it?
The strike the Jews lost that night because the Martians snatched their pebbles right. Will American workers not listen to the thousands of warnings from our good God Almighty and give the Jews a fall for their sin?
"I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God Almighty said to us.
The voice that can save us if only we will listen and listen right. The voice of God that has spoken to us guiding us to safety if only we will follow His loving good advice.
Whites who have ever been destroyed by the Jews whenever they decided they wanted to destroy us. And now, their last sin against us, their biblical brimstone shot, the one that is going to clear us right. The one God sent His prophet Bitch in to warn you's about.
"You disparage my shill that is trying to convince you to save your lives," God Almighty said to Americans.
And poisoned and now dying American workers who are still disparaging Bitch about the pooch, the auto mechanic the jews threw in the ditch because Bitch let one know that he knew him. The shorting of the Realtor when Bitch fled the city. And the workers who still believe the Jews that Bitch is a violent guy, he absolutely is not. The Jews who bored Bitch mental and goaded him into saying dangerous words that the Jews have used to give the wrong impression of who Bitch really is.
And who is Bitch really? As advertised by Father, Bitch is a nice boy who will not harm you. He tries as hard as he can to follow the signals from god's angels. but they speak real soft but luckily, they taught Bitch how to read facial reverse speech so he reads the Jews who know when Bitch does wrong.
Elders want an easy peaceful transition and only yesterday did Bitch read from a Jew that putting up facial reverse speech and Tele receive concerning the police is not what Mercury wants. It is a no-fault transition so everybody gets a pardon from God when we close the Jews out of issuing our money.
So once Bitch picked up that facial reverse speech of what Mercury is thinking, he went into the last few days posts and he pulled 7 police reverse speech and Tele receives concerning the cops.
Hopefully, workers will perceive that this attempt to spare you loss of life form is coming to you from an extraterrestrial civilization. Bitch, Father's shill, is only a 4th level witted guy, but he tries. And hopefully, the inertia of the vast death of Americans can be broken and smarts will come into the heads of the simplest workers to take care of business first and put our financials in. Take them out of the hands of the Jews who are doing their last series on us now with the smiles and smirks of excitement showing through. The excitement of how massively they are succeeding in destroying you and me.
They claim they have always outwitted us, and have they not always outwitted us? Have they not always gotten us to slay our brothers and sisters in support of their filthy ways, they ungodly rights? Have they not always had our nations they capture fighting wars? Yes, they have, sorry to say.
Have our leaders not almost always fallen to their bribes? Yes, they have and the ones that did not shot in the head or dropped in a coffee cup with a heart attack so they could put their selection in office to keep our nation the way they like it, in the death and destruction of war unchallenged by the fish.
But here we have a new situation, the Jews coming face to face with the power of our good God. And what happened other than the wisdom of their way, brought to a halt.
“King Solomon” outside of the Hebrew scriptures, which portray him as the wisest of all fools, is quite ironical or evidential, indeed.
Solomon who veered away from the guidance of God and brought about the end of right rule. Solomon was here 3,000 years ago at the time the Hebrew intellectuals were connecting the dots and understanding that God was from an extraterrestrial civilization.
And a thousand years later they knew that Jesus was sent from an extraterrestrial civilization to bring in the right and just rule. To return us to our roots, to love one another.
Jesus who prepared us for the kingdom of God which is higher than this tiny planet flying through space and time. Over 2 million miles an hour we are traveling through it feels as if we are standing still. That high-speed universal motion, where the free energy is available to us from 24/7 until the end of the days of our lives.
The overflow of money that will arrive when we attach our machines to the wheel works of the universe. The overflow of money the Jews have blocked because when we are rich we cannot be exploited and abused easily as poor people are. Will American workers not get this slave to the Jews financial arrangement off of us and out and put our Godly existence stipend In with something in it for everyone?
The hand of the Jews is everywhere putting a vast number of false things in the news. The story of a guy who spits in a child's face because the child asked the guy why he was not wearing a mask. Are we not aware that was made up by the Jews and put into the news to give the impression that those who don't want to wear a mask are the sort of people that would spit in a child's face? Are we seeing how the Jews make up all sorts of false stories and sell them to condition us with their propaganda for whatever they are trying to sell?
The 777 spray-painted at a Jewish and nearby black cemetery to show how those white supremacists are no good. Are we understanding that the white supremacists are mostly all Jews in their white shells, with a few monarchists thrown in for good measure?
The masked guys who purportedly busted in a synagogue service and shouted out how they hated the Jews. Are we aware that is all Jewish sport to get mental control of the ordinary fish?
The guy arrested for hanging a sign on a bridge saying the Jews are no good. Are we aware the Jews hire that stuff?
The hostage-taker in a bank in France calling for the end of harm to the children of Palestine. Are we aware that is a Jewish staged opp to make it appear the Palestinians are the hostage-takers?
The firing of missiles into Israel. Are we aware that is Jews in their Palestinian shells that are doing that to put a bad face on our Palestinian family there? Are we seeing how it gives the Jew license to attack and kill innocent Palestinians?
A black woman who punched a 6-year-old child in the back of the head in a Walgren's store. Are we aware that was hired by the Jews to give a negative appearance to black people? Are we understanding why the Jews say, "always opp racial?" And hitting a little 6-year-old child, do we see that produces the biggest emotional ripple, as that is what the Jews want here? Can we not say a prayer of thanks to our good God Almighty for having His angels let the Jews get rid of themselves from our midst?
Will American workers not end the Jewish infestation of our public service sector and end the continuing destruction of our beautiful nation with a strike and take the authority to issue our money from them?
All the mentioned opps, and they do many more every day, must it not cost a lot to get them done? Yes, it does, obviously. Are we seeing why God does not want them issuing our money and wills labor issue our money instead?
The total control of the issue of American workers bourse that gives them the microphone, decibels, and foghorn to push us around. Must workers not take over the financials here?
The Jews who control all the labor unions and run a secret strategy, different than the way it appears. What might we guess actually happened here?
Silvercup’s rise, fall and rise
- by Ron Marzlock
- Dec 16, 2010
Silvercup was a trade name for bread made by the Gordon Baking Company. During the Long Island City building boom of the 1920s, a massive building was constructed with four flour silos at 42-25 21 St. Company President Everett Wilsher and Vice President W.F. Husted made the bread into a household name for decades. The name was so famous that stores named Silvercup Meats and Silvercup Fruit sprang up in the neighborhood, though they had nothing to do with the bread firm.
For Christmas 1974 the Teamsters union wanted a 10 percent commission on bread delivered to non-union stores and supermarkets in ’75. Silvercup had an exclusive three-year contract with the city Board of Education and could not raise prices after Nixon sold grain to Russia and prices here doubled. The city was also in a recession.
Silvercup countered with an offer of 2 percent to the union. The Teamsters stood firm on their 10 percent and threatened to strike. Silvercup said if you do we will shut down the factory. The union laughed and said you can’t because you just bought a new fleet of trucks.
The workers went on strike and the factory closed its doors. Silvercup sold off the new trucks and ovens, as well as whatever else it could sell for salvage. It owed the IRS $500,000 in withholding taxes and another $500,000 in pension funds; 600 people lost their jobs.
Might we see that the unions play ball Jewishly? Can we think of the mental that plant closing put into the worker's minds? Do some recall Bitch worked as a scab at Libby's food plant when the union put the workers on strike, as cover for the plant closing up so that management didn't have to pay unemployment because during the strike many workers got other jobs? Will workers not step around the failed unions and take the financials away from the cunning Jews that won?
Won with nuclear blast if not intervened by the love of our kind and good God above who had his spectacular and wonderful Martian angels spare our lives on June 11, 2011, when Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians pulled every one of the 1,000 missiles the Jews on Berlin science launched at us that night.
The revocation of the corporate charter of Washington, Berlin, Paris, London, Moscow, and every other satrap of the Jews, the permit to operate nations and societies in God's village that has been pulled by God Almighty Himself.
Will American workers try to perceive that this genocidal tyranny is out of business on orders of the highest authority in our universe, our good God Almighty above, and take your hands away long enough to give them a fall that will allow workers to take the financials out of the genocidal God and man-hating Jews hands?
Tele receives:
"They filthy ass rub us. 3.43 pm
They false us real pure.
Fouled you out with torture.
This is how they assault us?
It's nukish that's imperiling us.
You let fiendo terror.
They run us error through ticket.
They fish you auto.
Creeps bust.
We want you to save us Pat.
We always act so anger tosses you out.
Your rights helped defeat us.
Nice guy see them breaking thought.
You have to reach the stage where you can defend yourselves from them.
It's a real wheat burn up.
Pat, the whole world sees you failed to save us.
You failed me permissive. 5.51 pm
Too clumsy.
Highness war.
Jew threat nice falsey erased us.
I've been abducted tour.
Their hedge power has been refused for crazy louse.
It's almost won.
Cheer up your hopes, you're weak.
Your body's worked you right.
You are my savior, you have been put to ash on free lies.
You have lost your life to desecrated air.
You figured the fish fooled you, Patrick, you lost, you've lost it all.
Thank you for this very intelligent noise you are making.
Your grace has been your field, has now been finished.
To fate you would you believe Martians win but you let master bat you?
The whole situation is a blast, Loomis.
They murder racial.
Debt foolish you.
You failed and attached waifous abuse.
They embarrass to die you right.
Army bossed thieves.
Your energy failed Patrick.
Rape you great rise.
If you have money you can spread my glorious truth.
Vegetable thieves record.
They just push with limited rights to fold.
Income helps save us.
You've let my white children be destroyed.
It's volts that is our great relationship.
They nail us sewerage.
They scored my umbrella here.
Eject your freedom while they debase you faulty.
They have perfected rule for murderers.
Pat's stupid but he's closed their sin out every day.
Auto moisten here.
They're throwing the white kids away heart attack.
A most odious death is fair.
Germany has completely burst us.
They storage you failed Patrick.
On a business Jew wipe us.
That Father will let you go fair rudely crumbles.
Any child in the womb is now being destroyed.
They blast you weak.
The kill nice guys to lethally diminish you's.
They hammer to freight guys.
Their whole series is taking you out huge.
Inertia is scrimmaging you sewerage.
He done his thistle.
Thank you so Patrick for showing their foul. 4.46 am
Trickle them loose.
Nickle wood.
Grand voyeur took them away.
They just mash us wallet.
You've torn their lies."
And some more from the subconscious of weap Judah:
"I foul you wood and it cost you caution. I was fishing your medical privates and Bitch made me go. We're ricing you tumor day. It's obvious because of Bitch I was thrown alious. I stumble you force wake, Ellington. Jew makes cash with my mite shears. We just make you Waco silo. To keep our desk in we're recommending taking out a few Irishmen. We just push Irish and fold you, Benjamin, with brassieres. My goal was shop destiny.
My opp was to make super unsuitable. (Local news report of a woman playing violin on her porch)
White sox caught you mutual. The West encourage us adversary and that had a peace way. (India air crash)
I sported, I'm here to feed you more Truman bullshit. (Candidate)
The Irishman won't cease about our death juries. We had ---- out here blowing heads divisive. It was Morgan probably on shaft. (Beirut)
I'm spirited wiping. On drugs I was Caesar. (Mother with mutated child)
Bitch cite me as stupid sup. Because you didn't pull me out I got some more race power to put in. I'm dumb, that's why I fold your journey. If you're an activist we core you financially. An orchid is a wise buy. I'm a common failed shell. A mean dog lets us opp our Japanese side. We have evidence in the states that peonage should be defeated.
Throwing your civil rights gives us some devious deeds. We challenge you and OSHA scrimmages with our checks. We bust your economus for our super sale. Papa be wrapped tight we shit them on a deadly. Child fall we app so I'm leaving you now. Because you hosh here walleye won. I foul you wood and it cost you caution. We're spraying you with some thousands. We positioned you to keep your mother out Molotov.
We actively sport the diaper and push you out with Minneapolis here. My airforce enforcement is out so we're hoping British will push them away because my big ass is being pushed out. I vamp you with a bank right. I vastly depower you to stretch you on poverty and I won my catas here. Because we cored Papa we're dead. We have Morgan power for dumb policing. I got a drug out of London, I won. Bitch robbed big storage from me. He displace me out and we're dead," Judee say
Non-Judah facial reverse speech:
"Because you haven't pulled off central you lost the white force. Because you lost Federal the boss failed you. Jews have rifled your face, won em. You closed out the management boof but they closed you anyways. They just imprison you to do shoot.
I feel like every other person fouls you out like a Mormon. (Mother whose son was tortured to death in Jail in Syria)
Pat, because of his time at Silvertop he put the war on these guys great, you've fully fallen threat gardens out. The Mormons mow you real fist assignment. This is laudable Bitch getting vicious out."
Ecclesiastes 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
The thousands of years since the Jews decided to ethically be criminals. Can we not keep praying that American workers will act to prevent the judgment God has put upon the Jews from falling on us fair and true too?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as
our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, August 8 — Psalm 95
Joshua 16,17; Luke 15:11–32
My eyes are ever towards the Lord, for he will pluck my feet out of the net. Psalm 25:15
Pray for us, so that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere, just as it is among you, and that we may be rescued from wicked and evil people; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3
O God, when the affairs of this world entangle us and the naysayers encamp their criticisms around us, may we be ready to boldly share your gracious love even so. Amen.
2.35 pm
"We're dying shyness. 5.35 am
Hey you, you harassed me monstrously.
You've enriched it.
It's wonderful the horse spirit died, STRIKE THEM OUT!
Boy, that's a good one you picked up.
True well buddy. 6.36 am
Wolf peddle is to cage.
Incredible jinxderized.
They're powsen steam.
It's a trail dracket.
Jew fear leads.
It's gold scrimmage.
Lies from central hold.
They niter us sad.
Oh, we're Bitch winning but we're still dying fist?
Majorous cancer Druid Jewish.
It's Ur legal.
The court insures.
Benjamin holds you in fist.
The Jew annoys you fist.
Lost you lifeless here.
Shanty assaults quite fight put your day away.
The Federation has a time frame and then you go.
They rotten our Dorothy's
The Lord fell the fallacy.
Weak tax them up.
You're down abused.
Poisoned you lifeless here.
You win for our assault.
Faulted you creepage.
They opp be raged obviously.
The kids are smeared out of healthy.
92, that's very good.
Ordinary tough.
Their choice of faultness fall you out of this.
Heart attacks will virtual you off of here.
Jewbious burns you rightly.
Hey, you wasted us out, we were just too terrible to people.
Beautiful fail mush you.
They stumble you ruse.
Good work Pat, they're seeing the thieves now.
It's failed.
It's faulted.
How dare you out my ship for performing.
We need you, Patrick, to cut them off right.
We need you to feed us Patrick.
Pure late here.
Through Coor you thought.
It's over mal fend.
The kidney is aching here labor. 12.27 pm (Note to my self.)
Fetal be desterly.
He let me go now.
Mortar ever fails you campusly.
Where are you tumbled?
Psyche me folds you.
We're out.
Who pays your bills?
Agrress get to you.
You defeated Jew apps right honestly.
Integration, I'm disagreeing with you.
Revolution failed.
Russians field ghostly.
Analysis is useless leaf.
With their spiritual brief they cancel us.
GD you exly.
Cheat directors.
Vipers thug."
"Shanty assaults quite fight put your day away."
So which assaults quite fight put shanty's day away? The one's shanty talked about or the one's shanty thought about? Because those were the only ones shanty had and as a note, they were long before shanty knew we had a Father above.
Make up your mind friends, who ya gonna believe, God, or the Jews who have got some of us with our kidneys aching already from their atomic bash of our air.
Talked about and thought about, because those are the only assaults to hang on this kid. Bitch has fiend no one period or assaulted anyone at all. And anybody who is in touch with reality and understands truth knows that as a fact.
"Yah, that's fact." 3.14 pm
Just heard Mercury elder say that about a minute after writing that. Thank you SIr, you are so kind.
2.35 pm
"We're dying shyness. 5.35 am
Hey you, you harassed me monstrously.
You've enriched it.
It's wonderful the horse spirit died, STRIKE THEM OUT!
Boy, that's a good one you picked up.
True well buddy. 6.36 am
Wolf peddle is to cage.
Incredible jinxderized.
They're powsen steam.
It's a trail dracket.
Jew fear leads.
It's gold scrimmage.
Lies from central hold.
They niter us sad.
Oh, we're Bitch winning but we're still dying fist?
Majorous cancer Druid Jewish.
It's Ur legal.
The court insures.
Benjamin holds you in fist.
The Jew annoys you fist.
Lost you lifeless here.
Shanty assaults quite fight put your day away.
The Federation has a time frame and then you go.
They rotten our Dorothy's
The Lord fell the fallacy.
Weak tax them up.
You're down abused.
Poisoned you lifeless here.
You win for our assault.
Faulted you creepage.
They opp be raged obviously.
The kids are smeared out of healthy.
92, that's very good.
Ordinary tough.
Their choice of faultness fall you out of this.
Heart attacks will virtual you off of here.
Jewbious burns you rightly.
Hey, you wasted us out, we were just too terrible to people.
Beautiful fail mush you.
They stumble you ruse.
Good work Pat, they're seeing the thieves now.
It's failed.
It's faulted.
How dare you out my ship for performing.
We need you, Patrick, to cut them off right.
We need you to feed us Patrick.
Pure late here.
Through Coor you thought.
It's over mal fend.
The kidney is aching here labor. 12.27 pm (Note to my self.)
Fetal be desterly.
He let me go now.
Mortar ever fails you campusly.
Where are you tumbled?
Psyche me folds you.
We're out.
Who pays your bills?
Agrress get to you.
You defeated Jew apps right honestly.
Integration, I'm disagreeing with you.
Revolution failed.
Russians field ghostly.
Analysis is useless leaf.
With their spiritual brief they cancel us.
GD you exly.
Cheat directors.
Vipers thug."
"Shanty assaults quite fight put your day away."
So which assaults quite fight put shanty's day away? The one's shanty talked about or the one's shanty thought about? Because those were the only ones shanty had and as a note, they were long before shanty knew we had a Father above.
Make up your mind friends, who ya gonna believe, God, or the Jews who have got some of us with our kidneys aching already from their atomic bash of our air.
Talked about and thought about, because those are the only assaults to hang on this kid. Bitch has fiend no one period or assaulted anyone at all. And anybody who is in touch with reality and understands truth knows that as a fact.
"Yah, that's fact." 3.14 pm
Just heard Mercury elder say that about a minute after writing that. Thank you SIr, you are so kind.
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Psalm 94:21 The wicked band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. 22 But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. 23 He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will destroy them.
Some believe that Methuselah's extreme age is the result of an ancient mistranslation that converted "months" to "years", producing a more credible 969 lunar months, or 78½ years,[19] but the same calculation applied to Enoch would have him fathering Methuselah at the age of 5[20] using numbers from the Masoretic Text. Donald V. Etz suggested that the Genesis 5 numbers "might for convenience have all been multiples of 5 or 10".[21]
Ellen Bennet argued that the Septuagint Genesis 5 numbers are in tenths of years, which "will explain how it was that they read 930 years for the age of Adam instead of 93 years, and 969 years for Methuselah instead of 96 years, and 950 years for that of Noah instead of 95 years"... "Surely it is much more rational to conclude that Noah lived 50 years instead of 500 years before he took a wife and begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth..." and then lists the Septuagint total ages with decimal points: 93.0 for Adam, 91.0 for Cainan, 96.9 for Methuselah, 95.0 for Noah, etc.[22]
Yigal Levin states that these long lifespans are intended simply to speed the reader from Adam to Noah.[23] Claus Westermann states they are intended to create the impression of a distant past.[24
With our knowledge, today of the life-extension technology of the Federation might we understand that is how the biblical patriarchs that lived for hundreds of years came about? Is it not somewhat curious once again that the real focused leaders of the Jews would have known about life extension they would have had if only they signed on with the Federation to transition to peace?
The arson deaths of 5 family members in Denver. Here is a sample of some of the facial reverse speech Bitch has spent the last hour extracting from a video of a couple of speakers:
"I think we are more failed than mud stop breeze, it's our requiem. West Germany is supporting a goose anchor. Jew doing a cornfield hustle to shoot every day. This was a traditional Euro-washing right, fatal lie. I transfer you to my Transvaal. Rome shifted here to hide some animal rights. Evidence of fumble brought right Federal. -- ----- ever cite, he do you in.The coroner will have no evidence you will see, decise. All contusion we give to nice guys because we're all cadets, our work out here miniaturize you here foul, this will all be classified.
Shrimp is making me on my knees now. This cost you some fine utensils keeping out. The Irishman is a force legitimate. Deceiving falls the Federal animals here. There's some hard evidence for our judge to see. Our goose bond gives us our war analogy. I'm pretty sure ------- was the mortarman here. We haven't solved tumor sports for police so morale is down. Definitely the leeches day is going to flee. Sealing you all with fist right dead halt us. The royal house we believe will chimney shoot them three, Jew house used them Auschwitz free. These were intelligence boys Morgan, they shoot wonderful master.
The Federal agents want it discovered their way. He had some buddies in the corn belt that I believe they're going to use to fall you down. The district side is this is useful for Claustrophobia-ing ya. They'll put a little Euripides in it and psych you with it now. It was amareep chipped nicely failed.
Bitch has many pages more of facial reverse concerning this arson. Father who spoke to Bitch earlier today sounded very unhappy that Bitch has failed in such a terrible way. If this is the end of America and the full die stays in, there is nothing left here but some years of sickness and sadness.
Maybe in the next post will put some more of what was found in facial RS. From what it appears, this arson was to break off a court action. That appears to be the prime motivation for committing this atrocity. Are we not aware they get their authority for doing such things because of Americans giving them the authority to shoot war? Must Americans not stop the war?
And one last RS from the news just on at 5.30 pm
"Bitch boy I'm going to get you into storage and take your badge away."
6.42 pm
"Be advised intellectual death will be permanent."
Mercury elder just said that to Bitch so wanted to get it up right away.
The arson deaths of 5 family members in Denver. Here is a sample of some of the facial reverse speech Bitch has spent the last hour extracting from a video of a couple of speakers:
"I think we are more failed than mud stop breeze, it's our requiem. West Germany is supporting a goose anchor. Jew doing a cornfield hustle to shoot every day. This was a traditional Euro-washing right, fatal lie. I transfer you to my Transvaal. Rome shifted here to hide some animal rights. Evidence of fumble brought right Federal. -- ----- ever cite, he do you in.The coroner will have no evidence you will see, decise. All contusion we give to nice guys because we're all cadets, our work out here miniaturize you here foul, this will all be classified.
Shrimp is making me on my knees now. This cost you some fine utensils keeping out. The Irishman is a force legitimate. Deceiving falls the Federal animals here. There's some hard evidence for our judge to see. Our goose bond gives us our war analogy. I'm pretty sure ------- was the mortarman here. We haven't solved tumor sports for police so morale is down. Definitely the leeches day is going to flee. Sealing you all with fist right dead halt us. The royal house we believe will chimney shoot them three, Jew house used them Auschwitz free. These were intelligence boys Morgan, they shoot wonderful master.
The Federal agents want it discovered their way. He had some buddies in the corn belt that I believe they're going to use to fall you down. The district side is this is useful for Claustrophobia-ing ya. They'll put a little Euripides in it and psych you with it now. It was amareep chipped nicely failed.
Bitch has many pages more of facial reverse concerning this arson. Father who spoke to Bitch earlier today sounded very unhappy that Bitch has failed in such a terrible way. If this is the end of America and the full die stays in, there is nothing left here but some years of sickness and sadness.
Maybe in the next post will put some more of what was found in facial RS. From what it appears, this arson was to break off a court action. That appears to be the prime motivation for committing this atrocity. Are we not aware they get their authority for doing such things because of Americans giving them the authority to shoot war? Must Americans not stop the war?
And one last RS from the news just on at 5.30 pm
"Bitch boy I'm going to get you into storage and take your badge away."
6.42 pm
"Be advised intellectual death will be permanent."
Mercury elder just said that to Bitch so wanted to get it up right away.
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