"Some Big Missiles Closed Us Down. Close Their Stupid Taxberg."
Those a couple of overnight Tele receives.
Our rights the synagogue of Satan took out and closed up the real America and put their old fashioned extortion murder racket in. Their syndicate racket that has threatened us for over the last half century plus with immolation in a surprise atomic war any day or night. Now closed up by the Jews themselves after the Martians pulled all of their intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles out when they attacked us to exterminate our American breed. Are we aware that Father sent His Martian angels in to spare us from the win of the Jews over us?
President Kennedy was going to announce to us and the whole wide world the presence of the friendly extraterrestrials but was slain before he could reveal their presence to us. Stolen away 57 years ago and still the secrecy surrounding the presence of the extraterrestrials that were here long before we had our high-level intelligence extraterrestrial wits.
The high-level extraterrestrial wits that spared us from the nuclear blast and waste warfighting Jews and are pulling for us to match wits with the Jews and close their war genocide machine up with a STRIKE. The wits of our elders from the Federation that have counseled us to "GET SMART," STRIKE THEM OUT, and put our grand juries in to report to us the damage they have done and what steps to take to correct our failed path of funding and fighting permanent investment sports war.
We literally failed out of our life forms what with atomic brimstone waste now so hot in our environment that those yet to be born to be welcomed with permanent harm due to the high levels of radiation the Jews have put in by their burning nuclear waste openly for over nine years now. Next April all children in America to have been subjected to mutating birth defect forming brimstone waste for a full 9 months since the embryo harming effects of radioactive waste is now high enough to effect All Americans to be born from now on.
Bitch himself did just a small amount of bike riding the other day and now notices he has an irregular heartbeat. Something he ate or was it the air?
The intentional radioactive waste poisoning of Americans from Hitachi-GE, a truly extinction-level event, and can we only wonder how many Americans have even heard of it?
Bitch had conversations with his fellow Americans on Facebook and text and asked them if they heard of Hitachi-GE and of the ones he asked, one about 30 years old and a couple about 70 years old, and they had never heard of it.
Might we have to give Judah news media credit for keeping the most important issue of our time, our being pressed out of existence radioactively, and that dreadful fact remains out of the consciousness stream of many if not most Americans?
Their long term threatening to burn us up with their pebbles from the Soviet Union. Now that that threat has been proven failed by the intervention of our Martian pals will we not close the nuclear blast warfighting Jews up?
America the beautiful started with such beautiful rules that several juries in the south set slave men free. It wasn't just Dred Scott, there were at least two other slaves before Dred who were freed by all-white juries before Dred was freed by an all-white jury in 1854.
Reenslaved in 1857 by the unelected clerks on the bench with their racist decree that rights in America were from that time forward were to be based on the color of a man's skin. The claim they made purportedly by divining the thoughts of dead white men, not those alive who freed slaves with our original arrangement to have juries make the important decisions on who should be free and who should not be free.
The white people alive said that black slaves should be freed when the question was offered for white juries to decide. But the unelected clerks decided on the basis of skin color to deny the white juries their rights to free the men. And claimed they decided that way because of original intent, that they divined by reading dead white mens minds.
Might we have to give the Jews the gold medal for preposterousness? And to add to their credit can we only try to figure out how American legislators and the bench once again with the failed executive power turned over the right to international Jews to put a tax on American workers' labor product in 1913 that even today is paid to Jews in Switzerland? How preposterous is that?
Legislators who have proven best at sporting workers for insurance collections. Might such legislators as we have help explain why Americans are the most imprisoned people on earth? The land of the criminally failed public employees. Will American workers not put our American rights in and help us to clean the scoundrels out right?
Bitch early in the day outrage at the way things are. And why are they this way what with American Jews sportspeople getting another 100 sports opps completed on us every single day? That is what they reveal in facial reverse speech that because we accept not having our rights in and also keep free funding them and let them hold the reins of government, they do one hundred sport opps a day in America.
Is that not about 36,000 American victims a year that the synagogue of satan turns into life span impaired individuals? Some estimates of how many Americans the Jews slay every year is over twice the number there.
The majority do not show up as murder victims. Instead, heart attacks, medical, strokes, accidents, and suicides they shoot on us here. Will we not be grateful when American workers end the Jews foul management here? Yes, we will. Will, we not say some prayers to our good God Almighty to bring American workers to STRIKE THEM OUT before they harm us fatally here?
Labor leader Eugene Debs (1855-1926) spoke to American workers in World War One and counseled us against war and the Jew establishment Caged Eugene to shut him up. Broke his health the harshness and dirtiness of the cells and shortened his life quite a bit.
And those Hofer Boys, Joseph, and Michael who were pacifists and wouldn't leave America to go back to Europe to harm our family in Germany so the Jews tortured them to death in a year's time in Alcatraz.
And to add humiliation and abuse to the Hofer family the authorities put Army uniforms on Joseph and Michael's dead bodies after the boys were dead. Joseph and Michael, honorable boys refused to wear an army uniform when they were alive.
This racket to sell uniforms, militarism, one of the many faces of Judaism, must American workers not get smart and shut it down before they make us all die?
The burn they have in on us now that we will not survive if we don't get help from above. Will Americans not repent of serving the murderous lies of the sport Jews?
This part of the universe that we have been born in, planet earth, is owned by the Galactic Federation of Light. And in all their territories genocide is illegal. The Jews and their partners in crime, the Centers of Power of planet earth, royals, and the Vatican with the Jews, were informed of the rules in 1430 when the Federation sent Joan of Arc in to apprise them of the facts that chevauchee, that is another word for genocide, was illegal in Federation owned terrains.
Joan, burned at the stake in 1431, actually was beamed up to safety and now lives with our family inside Mercury. And in Joan's place a meat doll was left that had a heart that couldn't be burned. The executioner took Joan's heart from the pile of ashes at the stake they tried to burn Joan at and had a foundry furnace try to burn it, but it wouldn't burn. The English Jew who was in charge of burning Joan up ordered the executioner to throw Joan's heart into the Seine river.
From that event might we understand that the Jews and their crooked partners in crime, the royals, and the Vatican, knew quite a bit about extraterrestrial life 590 years ago when they tried to burn Joan at the stake?
If only American workers will grasp that fact of how our extraterrestrial elders were able to protect Joan, might workers not give us our STRIKE to close the incredibly long term failed Centers of Power of planet earth out of our lives and pocketbooks? Are we aware they have the technology to protect us fron beingf burned up by the Jews now?
The continuous launching of their hydrogen bombs that Judah keep attacking us with. Must American workers not end spending our money to do such things?
What the Jews tried to do to Joan in 1431 when they tied her to the stake and tried to burn her to death after giving her a kangaroo court proceeding are we understanding they tried to do to Americans in 2011 when they attacked us with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of nuclear blast force?
The longterm permanent deadliness of the Jews. Can we not say prayers of thanks that our good God Almighty has had His angels let them remove themselves from ever managing us again? Will American workers not end them from being able to burn our breed out with their nuclear torch from Hitachi-GE with a general STRIKE?
That Joan's heart would not burn, can we only wonder how many of our family in France would have figured out in 1431 that Joan was protected and beamed to safety by an extraterrestrial race?
"Mr. Spock has Scotty got the transporter beam ready?"
"Yes Captain, and he has the unburnable heart in the transporter also with the meat doll to put in Joan's place once we get her up here to safety with us."
"Very good Mr. Spock. The Federation is counting on us here to get the job done right."
"Scotty won't let a flame reach her Jim, he has assured us of it."
"That's good to hear Spock, makes my service more soothing here."
The extraterrestrials who pulled Joan out of the flames as the Centers of Power were trying to burn her up. Will American workers not join with the real life of planet earth, the Galactic Federation of Light, and close the current Centers of Power of planet earth out with a STRIKE and do God's will and issue our bourse?
The long term effects of goofing us around. Might that give us some explanation of why they are still holding us down? And in modern-day France Jewish electricity powers that country. And have we noticed our extraterrestrial elders signaling us the Jews want to install a Hitachi-GE type of catastrophe in France too?
Alejandro Rojas, Contributor
Writer, blogger, video and podcast host.
UFO Buzzed French Nuclear Power Plant Says Director
01/28/2015 10:14 pm ET Updated Mar 30, 2015
Several unidentified flying objects have been spotted over nuclear power plants in France and Belgium over the last few months, and the story has been all over European news.
Thus far, the media has reported that the UFOs are likely drones. However, currently, months after the sightings began, the French government still doesn’t know who they belong to. Now a director of one of those nuclear power plants in France says whatever flew over his plant in October, 2014, was not a drone. It was a UFO.
According to Austrian news site ORF.at, there were 18 separate occasions UFOs were seen flying over nuclear power plants in France between early October and early November. The latest incident was announced on January 3, 2015. A nuclear power plant in Nogent-sur-Seine, southeast of Paris, reported that two security guards saw “two flying objects.”
As the Jews in 1431 burned the simple farm girl Joan at the stake because she was sent to stop their genocide against French people are we aware they are planning to leave burning our whole family out of existence with atomic waste?
Are we understanding it is American labor that has gifted the Jews with the power of their vast destructiveness? Must American workers not end the genocide that the Jews have put in industrially in collaboration with the advanced technology of Europe and America?
Are we understanding the Jews are planning to use the atomic waste from their Jewish electricity plants to not only destroy Americans but our family in Europe too? Will the mild people not get smart and close the murderous genocidal Jews out of issuing our money?
The entire world of the occult satanic ones that are perping war and atrocity around our world. Are we aware it is the Jew shells in every land that are funded by American workers that allows them to carry out their occult satanic agenda?
That American scientist who told us he would have liked to build things of peace but there was only bourse available to build atomic weapons and so he did.
"We all have bills to pay and when it comes to the end of the day the only power there is is the power of the purse," he said, as to why he did what he did.
Are workers not seeing that you will either get involved in correcting this mistake that has let the Jews win both blast nuclear war against us and now waste nuclear war against us or you will perish out of existence with your children?
If only workers had held our purse might that scientist have had an existence stipend so that he could do something other than building hydrogen bombs to exterminate us with?
The financial that we must focus on now if we want to have any chance to survive the Jews second atomic win against us. The blast war they won against us and focused Bitch was in communication with elders from Mercury who informed him of what Judah attempted in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011.
The Mercury report shared with Americans in October 4 months after they tried to hydrogen bomb blast shoot us out. And after 6 months of no response to the attempt to make us die nuclear blast ways, Judee tried to kidnap Bitch so he could transport him for a view of Poland and on to Moscow to be shot in a Moscow jail as has been the fate of hundreds of other Americans, Bitch insulted the mild guys and gals.
Angry, disturbed, and upset Bitch then stopped posting as he was aware of the bible that predicts the mild people will be perished out in the last days. We to be percentage-wise the single largest bunch destroyed by the Jews as they go away.
Incidentally, did you hear the Jews are doing to police what they did to Bitch that made him spout violently over two decades ago, they're burning their eyes with laser beams?
Is there not some way to convince mild working people to forgive and forget as Christians are taught to do and take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews? With unlimited, free unaccountable money from American workers might they not be purchasing the best and most powerful laser beam weapons they are using to assault police with?
Will American workers not end funding the violent rioting the Jews in their hybrid transplant shells are doing? The "Replicons," our extraterrestrial family calls them. Will you not end free funding their war against us with a general strike to take the authority to issue our money away from the 2% and give that authority to the 77% that are workers?
"Sweetheart." 11.00 am
That Tele receive Bitch thinks came from Mercury for clarifying the name of the post, "they got snotty with the right powers." Elders are of a higher level than we are and so Bitch wanted to point that out and he thinks it was Mercury elder that said that "sweetheart." Recognizing Bitch is showing respect and honor to dignity towards our elders who have preserved our lives that would have been destroyed if not for their stepping in. And what a human would say to describe the situation we are in may not be enlightened as to how our advanced elders see it.
And hopefully, workers will try to perceive Bitch is nowhere near the level of any of our extraterrestrial elders. The house up above is full of forgiveness and mercy for us simian kids on earth.
Bitch upset American workers are still funding shooting him all the time but is trying to understand that many Americans at this late date don't even perceive they are successfully being destroyed yet. So how are they supposed to care if they are funding shooting Bitch with a space-based satellite microwave beam?
Could it be that the Jews have so fooled us using their news and schools that we don't know the sin we are involved in? Will, we not repent, that is, change our minds and stop the wars that we are funding with our labor? Must we not listen to the thousands of warnings from God Almighty to stop the war?
If for one reason or another they are not able to attack us with their Soviet arsenal, they tell us by October anyways we all will know Just how seriously we have been pushed out of here. And they also tell us that is when the 5% collaborators will flee.
One of them said in RS that the plan is to have Wesson used then. Will, we not listen to elders' advice and cut off forever the use of force with a strike?
Here are some more of their subconscious thoughts that are revealed in facial reverse speech:
"We tried to give you a right toss and Ha---- right us. Bedding won. We just fight big still a hundred opps a day. Purposely we shot your field. Forever we have a fatal on your lives that's why Jew registers your head. We always weap for insure. I'm very special but Thomas S---- will bail me off. Our insane we psycho as reality. Your awesome mental tough soothe our savage. Our parasite is a form of free scrimmage fumbles.
"If they spec you out viper we just toss you out. (That was found in a story about an armored vehicle sinking and wiping several soldiers out)
Diminish your thoughts to torpedo you whole. (Judee news broadcaster)
I'm a terrorist for M------, he just sports you in. What the Jewish boy is doing is leaving us wondering. Iowa chucked me over the side because I did multiple for free. A STRIKE is a multi joy, our vipous is stupid. We're about to felon right because our cause is juicy. You failed to get Judah out because of fearaholic. They're falling me right for my big sell.
Mercury tried to awake us but we're just faulty and guilty. Because we had Baltimore police we took entitlement off of you. Poppy, He's wasted me over here for shooting you dead. Poor pestament is our testament to degrade. Your whole sap is what let me fall you off disease and burn you's up. We got Casper to fold official. Your Jefferson we fabulous smear. My Jew day I'm watching for when we make you big bombing refugees.
Your exhaustion route is right for me but Bitch scolding here has brought an end of me. Slow Moe with pictures tumbled me right. Jew century of force is capped here," Judee say.
Will American workers not cap it right with a STRIKE so that we can let peace happen?
Tele receives:
"It's wisdom.
Encourage message.
His sight well field us fair failed.
You are mucked, harlot.
They threw us out.
Malice has free.
They jail thief big time.
Wrap me up.
I love you fouling their grip.
My son lead us.
I think you won a thigh ball.
The people are being destroyed frozen.
They passed us zoo.
London dog great.
They've thrown us out here piston.
Terrible disgrace fallen to the doggy proving your thief symbol.
Fascists die.
Big missiles closed us down.
Fall their stupid Taxberg.
Oh my God we lost here?
Trench all. 6.06 am
It's enormous.
They polish it.
Judee opps fell, too twist.
Thank you for blowing the horn on them.
It's already reaching the children.
Hollywood was tried.
Thank you for hustling out torturers. "7.32 am
Did the Jews not have some fine days showing to the world American torturers in their prisons in the Middle East? Will American workers not end our attachment to their errors in our world?
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
The only truly shameful thing in Bitch life is the 4 months he was paid combat pay for running the boiler room on a ship that was mauling and bombing our defenseless innocent family in Vietnam in 1968. The lemon Bitch got at 17, joining the Navy for a kiddie cruise on the buddy plan with his friend Stosh. The lemonade he hopes he has made by taking the knowledge learned there to try and stop the permit for Jewish war in our world.
The simpleton irreality that the Jews put in as the normative for their society causes Bitch no shame whatsoever here. Will American workers not wake up before they shoot our genetics off of us? Will American workers not be mature enough to take the financial power away from the failed Jews here?
Will Labor not clear them and their wrench out?
Bitch a contactee and is it not curious, that instead of always saying what he hears, instead most of the time of informing you all he himself is reading the facial reverse speech of the Jews? The moment when you all will figure out just how hard we have been done here, not the word from above at all, merely the words of the Jews found in facial reverse speech will reveal the truth to you's.
Though the angels taught Bitch how to read the reverse speech by reading the face of the speaker.
While on the subject of reading the facial RS to get the truth, the other day Bitch watched a video and listened to a woman speaking who claimed she had had a near-death experience and met god who sent her back to this world.
First he listened in regular sound and Bitch was pretty much convinced that she had enough knowledge of the NDE to be valid. Though he watched her face while listening to her and the cunning extra strength smirk appeared. So he then watched the video again and learned she was a Jew shell that did not have the experience at all. She was a paid intelligence false for Jewish sport of our mental here.
Can we wonder why Judah stages such things? Why does he hire his shells to read from a script of an actual person who had the NDE?
First he probably wouldn't want to pay a non-Jew to make the video, only a Jew. And now she has starred in an intelligence opp, might we see it boosts their insanity in their death cannibal cult? Might we see how the Jew uses our money to hire people to spew falsehood to us?
Of the dozens of people who claim they met God in a near-death experience, an NDE, he has only found one so far to be true. And that was Richard who met God and when talking about it breaks down in tears when he describes the unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and tenderness that Father has for us.
Richard met God
•Oct 2, 2011
Video 11.53 at
All the rest were make-believe Jews in a shell who obviously have studied the NDE and then put themselves in as if they experienced it.
Bitch, using RS, has found numerous times people interviewed on television to be falsing, they are using someone else's experience and pretending it is them.
A child all bandaged up and they go on about how the baby stroller collapsed on the kid and it is all false. While such an accident did happen, the real victim not there, a Jew falser hired to relate the details. Might that have something to do with how effective they are at holding themselves mentally when they have already ruptured here?
Will American workers not clear them out with a general strike and put our innovative, inventive, and thriving, wealthy free America in once again?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, August 1 — Psalm 91:9–16
Joshua 10:1–28; Luke 13:1–17
I am coming to gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come and shall see my glory. Isaiah 66:18
There is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him. Romans 10:12
We come to you this day from all over your world, O God, to lift up a prayer for all your people. May we all come to know you as one who willingly accompanies us along this day’s journey. Amen.
"It's a morph of us true. 10.27 am
Breakthrough, love beyond belief.
You're up for screech all.
Sport is jealous.
Bitch stopped me.
Bitch informed these guys their time was done.
They weep em dolty.
We just muscle for strength.
He's been trying to get rid of us."
"It's a morph of us true. 10.27 am
Breakthrough, love beyond belief.
You're up for screech all.
Sport is jealous.
Bitch stopped me.
Bitch informed these guys their time was done.
They weep em dolty.
We just muscle for strength.
He's been trying to get rid of us."
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Joshua 7:10 The Lord said to Joshua, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? 11 Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. 12 That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.
UFOs: Seeing Is Believing (2005) - ABC Documentary
•Jun 18, 2019
UFOs: Seeing Is Believing (2005) - ABC Documentary
•Jun 18, 2019
Video 1.25:30
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