"The Puppy has Held You Out Apparition."
That facial reverse speech came from a news reporter speaking from Belarus. Is it not curious what is in the subconscious of people's minds that shows up in facial reverse speech? Here is some more RS from the protests going on in Belarus:
"The professor is MARKING your day out. Bitch do right the boys. Chimery. I sad time. It's a HUGE wit that is cemented in Jewish."
Bitcihe looked up and didn't find any word "chimery," but did find chimera.
chimera: a thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve
And also found chimeric:
See definitions in:
- 1.
- (of a mythical animal) formed from parts of various animals.
- "the design is based on a chimeric creature with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon"
- 2.
- hoped for but illusory or impossible to achieve
What is human chimera?
In human beings, a chimera is a person who has two totally different sets of DNA inside their body. ... Even wilder: Human chimeras aren't the result of futuristic genetic tinkering. They can occur naturally, and some people don't even know that they've doubled up on DNA
The Jew shells that resemble us but are Jew killers under the hood. Might that be the chimera we should be looking into?
The Jews privately hold the organizing principle of society around the world and of course in Belarus. And when the current officeholder leaves, what is to be so different in the next administration if the organizing principle of society, the authority to issue the money, is not held publically by workers? Might we see that with Americans so far accepting rightlessness and lack of ownership and deferring to Jewish rights instead of American rights it bogs our entire world down?
The Jews privately hold the organizing principle of society around the world and of course in Belarus. And when the current officeholder leaves, what is to be so different in the next administration if the organizing principle of society, the authority to issue the money, is not held publically by workers? Might we see that with Americans so far accepting rightlessness and lack of ownership and deferring to Jewish rights instead of American rights it bogs our entire world down?
In the brief news report on the situation in Belarus, there was only a little facial RS available today. To end the abuse are we seeing the authority to issue our money must be out of the Jews hands?
The ability of the Jews and their twin shells to call the desk in Switzerland for some big checks to use to hire the arrest of those who don't like the abuse they are receiving. Are we seeing how it is American workers' bourse handed out to Switzerland Jews who then send free money to hold their satraps in around the world? Will American workers not take hold of the authority to issue American workers money that is holding our family to the abusive Jews in their twin shells?
Bitchie saying prayers for our family in Belarus and hopefully American workers will come to their aid by cutting off our free money to Switzerland Jews who are financing those who enjoy abusing everyone they choose.
The other thing of national importance to us is the ongoing attempt by the Jews to totally wipe the United States out in a way that we will not recover from and we will wind up with no rights for everyone every day. Low wage jobs are at the top of their list of things also to do. Destruction of income sources to push us way down into debt so we can be easily sported. The tattoo has been authorized for when we arrive at their new concentration camps in America. They plan to transport one out of five of their other fellow Jews away with us. The 20% of Jews that don't go along with weap Judah's ways, rights.
Having read some RS that tells me that when I speak about color issues it is generally not useful. Put a link up the other day about the white man punched in the head that died when he was punched by teenagers. For those who are aware of Jewish sport did we perceive it was not youngsters of color that were responsible for that mans death, it was a well-planned opp by weap Judah that caused that man to die? Bitch suspects that man who was punched may have been put in when he got to the ricepital. Do we recall that Judee says, "always opp racial?" Must we not end them fooling with us this way?
And this Kenosha shooting that luckily the fellow survived. What might we wonder about that? Might Judah have had that all planned ahead to trigger the reaction that it did? Who made the call that brought the guns to the scene?
What do you think of this facial reverse speech from a Judah shell guy that was interviewed at the Kenosha protest:
"We're pushing right in the ghetto to bring the armed forces in."
So what might we wonder is actually going on with these shootings? Will labor not get involved and put our grand juries in so that they can get everything out in the open so we understand the dynamics of this faltering brutal violent Jewish issuers of our money that are doing all that they can to leave us in ruins? Will workers not get these shootings ended, done, and end the private power the Jews have to issue checks for as big as they want from American workers pocketbooks?
Thank you. To be continued.... 5.58 pm
3.13 am
The grand juries that can hear from all those involved in that shooting. That includes of course the 911 dispatchers who can play the call that came in that brought the response that brought the guns to the scene. The people who were making a fuss. Would it not be enlightening to hear what the fuss was all about that it caused someone to make a call to 911?
Grand juries not to issue indictments, merely to get into the open how we are being gamed and manipulated by those who are the cunning ones. The ones that hold in the war machine. Will American workers not let our grand juries do their work and report to us what is at the root of all of these problems that are plaguing our nation?
In the response to the shooting might we wonder if Judah had some old unsalable useless white elephant buildings that he has a nice big insurance package on that he can cash them out now that they have been burned down? Maybe filled with damaged and unsalable merchandise that he had a big insurance package on? Have we not noted the Jew always likes to make his cash in strife? The two people shot dead, will it not be useful to see what sort of insurance may be on one or both of them?
Will American workers not help us to clear the air by having our grand juries financed by workers so they have the income available and cannot be thwarted in their looking into what we are dealing with here?
The atomic war from Hitachi-GE they are waging on us while they hold us as right less as stateless war refugees. The 60 or 70 million war refugees that the Jews have created by having the Jewish controlled American war machine perform for them over the last few decades now. In this last chance before we ourselves are washed out will we not appeal to the grace and mercy of our good God Almighty to save us from the fate the Jews have determined they are going to force on us now?
Are some saying, "but why did God send Bitch?" Might it be so His children recognize the real power here that God is, and not the shill that is but a humble lowly servant?
Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.” Luke 1:46-48
Isaiah 54:4 Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.
The Jew who seeks out every minute of a persons life for years and talks to all who knew him and finds hardly any negative about him. Quite the contrary, he finds mostly positive reports about the simple working man. The simple working man who has a moment of embarrassment 37 years ago who his Jew shell friend had his daughter follow the simple working man around through the countryside with a camera with a telephoto lens on it, and the Jew spends tens of millions of dollars in media news reports and commercials and making up all sorts of stories, and torturing all sorts of animals and cutting body parts off of dogs so he can do cosmetic surgery on them. Cats he shows after he hires guys to stab them. Might we think of what our extraterrestrial elders said that the Jews would destroy us in the end days because of their rare abilities to force our mental?
Can we only hope and pray that American workers perceive the signal strength of the mental force of the Jews and will try to spare us from the full brimstone war burnout that if not halted is set to destroy us all through our genetics?
Isaiah 54:4 Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.
The Jew who seeks out every minute of a persons life for years and talks to all who knew him and finds hardly any negative about him. Quite the contrary, he finds mostly positive reports about the simple working man. The simple working man who has a moment of embarrassment 37 years ago who his Jew shell friend had his daughter follow the simple working man around through the countryside with a camera with a telephoto lens on it, and the Jew spends tens of millions of dollars in media news reports and commercials and making up all sorts of stories, and torturing all sorts of animals and cutting body parts off of dogs so he can do cosmetic surgery on them. Cats he shows after he hires guys to stab them. Might we think of what our extraterrestrial elders said that the Jews would destroy us in the end days because of their rare abilities to force our mental?
Can we only hope and pray that American workers perceive the signal strength of the mental force of the Jews and will try to spare us from the full brimstone war burnout that if not halted is set to destroy us all through our genetics?
Can we try to imagine how superior the Jews have felt all these thousands of years after they figured out in about 1,000 BC that we are connected with an extraterrestrial civilization?
The advanced peaceful extraterrestrial civilization that sent sweet Jesus in to give us the truth of how to live right. The peaceful civilization that we know today as the Galactic Federation of Light.
And there on His throne sits our precious sweet Father our good God Almighty who wants to save our lives.
"Try to perceive me, I love you. I want to save your lives," our good God Almighty said to Americans whose health and lives are now hanging by a thread. The thread the Jews are trying to cut so that we are forced to die in their goose wars while they irradiate us with MOX.
The dangerous menacing way the Jews have wired our world so they could score us out before we woke up to their dangerous brain. The steady stream of contrived false they feed us to try and child our brains. The material existence we need to live, the control of is still held in the private hands of only weap Jews because they are the only party authorized to issue our money. Will American workers not look at the important issue here, not democrat or republican, left or right but who issues our money for us and take it away from the international nuclear war fighting plague spreading genocidal Jews?
Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians that spared our lives because our good God Almighty loves us and willed that we have another chance at life without the Jews to menace and destroy us as is their way, their right. If only American workers perceive that God Almighty gave us the peace will American workers not act right as our good God treats us right and STOP THE WAR?
"You disparage my shill that is trying to convince you to save your lives. I would have given you anything. You've been warned," Father said.
Father also has urged American workers to give them a fall for their sin. And what is the Jew sin? Might we think of the listing nuclear ballistic submarines that returned to port under cover of darkness so the people would not see their listing and connect the dots as to what they did in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011? And what are the Jews doing with their missiles that we paid for? Have we read they are trying to get the war with Russia going so they just fired some more missiles to threaten war as is their way?

Posted on Aug.20, 2019 in Arms Control, Nuclear, Nuclear Weapons by Matt Korda and Hans M. Kristensen
Arms Control Twitter has been abuzz since yesterday’s announcement that the United States had conducted a surprise launch of a Tomahawk missile on Sunday afternoon.
This wasn’t just your regular missile launch, however. It was a Tomahawk cruise missile launched from a ground-based Mark-41 Vertical Launch System (VLS), traveling to a distance of “more than 500 kilometers,” according to the Department of Defense.
In other words: a violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty––if the treaty still existed. It officially died on August 2nd, six months after both the United States and Russia announced suspensions of their respective treaty obligations. But the launch is an important walk-back of US security policy which for 32 years sought to curtail such weapons and instead, as we have written for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, makes the United States needlessly complicit in the INF’s demise and frees Russia from both the responsibility and pressure to return to compliance.
The launch was a bit of a surprise, but we knew it was coming. As early as March, US defense officials announced that DoD would test two missiles after the treaty expired on August 2nd: a ground-launched Tomahawk in August and a ground-launched ballistic missile in November.
Although the US test isn’t an official INF violation (because the treaty is dead), the timing and characteristics of the test itself has raised a few popular questions, which we will answer below:
Read entire article at
With our rights in are we aware we could challenge that missile launch the Jews just threw up to see if they can get a new war started, this time with Russia as is their passion, their true wish before American workers end buying these dangerous errant arsonist life forms any more matches to try and light the world on fire with?
And with our rights in what way could we challenge them? Might we see a taxpayers consumer civil suit against them buying and supplying the missiles based upon the fact the Martians will pull them out if they launch them with hydrogen bomb warheads on them?
Can we only try to imagine how the consumers law suit might end with the court decision being that only if conventional warheads are installed on them will American taxpayers pay for them because it is a waste of taxpayers money to put hydrogen bombs on them because the Martians will only safely burst or burn them off again? Can we try to imagine how the pundits would work through that in the political talk shows?
If it became common knowledge that the Jews great force of atomic and hydrogen bombs were no longer a threat because the Martians have taken control of them might it end scientific Jewish terrorism in our nation and world?
If we continue to try to imagine some of the consequences of our consumers law suit to take the hydrogen warhead off the missiles, might we think of the deeper question, "why are we letting the Jews use our pocketbook to threaten Russia with in close missiles?
Can we try to imagine the pundits trying to explain that it is the terror of war that gives the Jews their power, their force to score so as a survival of their genus, they must menace other peoples so those people will want to do harm to the host, the American people?
If the pundits decided to let it all hang out might they explain to the American people it is war itself that gives them their authority? Might it be difficult to explain that it is war they need to create the great disharmony that we see? What might the people think if they were apprised that war gives the Jews the right of their fist to enforce homelessness sport?
The most powerful weapon ever invented that is held in the private hands of the international Jews and it is being used for making war against us. And what is the most powerful weapon ever invented?
Is it any other than the authority to issue the money of Americans?
If it became common knowledge that the Jews great force of atomic and hydrogen bombs were no longer a threat because the Martians have taken control of them might it end scientific Jewish terrorism in our nation and world?
If we continue to try to imagine some of the consequences of our consumers law suit to take the hydrogen warhead off the missiles, might we think of the deeper question, "why are we letting the Jews use our pocketbook to threaten Russia with in close missiles?
Can we try to imagine the pundits trying to explain that it is the terror of war that gives the Jews their power, their force to score so as a survival of their genus, they must menace other peoples so those people will want to do harm to the host, the American people?
If the pundits decided to let it all hang out might they explain to the American people it is war itself that gives them their authority? Might it be difficult to explain that it is war they need to create the great disharmony that we see? What might the people think if they were apprised that war gives the Jews the right of their fist to enforce homelessness sport?
The most powerful weapon ever invented that is held in the private hands of the international Jews and it is being used for making war against us. And what is the most powerful weapon ever invented?
Is it any other than the authority to issue the money of Americans?
God Almighty who has given us a second chance and sent His angels in to give us the details of the technical issues that we need to handle our economy and guide ourselves right.
Capital letters hoping everyone hears what we need to perceive to try and save our lives that are being ruined by the eternal war of the Jews who are using our money to wage war not only overseas but at home?
Capital letters hoping everyone hears what we need to perceive to try and save our lives that are being ruined by the eternal war of the Jews who are using our money to wage war not only overseas but at home?
The tickets to eat, who holds them and who is authorized to issue them? Are we seeing the angels have given us the technical if we decide we want to survive and live right?
And from Bitchie university days studying economics in 1972 he received this response from an economics professor when he asked why a private group issues American money:
"Well it was learned that government always spend too much money and so it was decided that a private party would issue the money."
And so today a private group still issues the money of Americans. Do we note the private party that issues our money has endless deep pockets for battling on the street? Unlimited money to put nuclear missiles in Russia's face. Will American workers not end this dangerous Jewish disgrace of war before we are no more?
The Jews smart enough to figure the extraterrestrial thing out 3 thousand years ago but faulty enough to not inform us of what they knew. And what do we know today other than our kind and good God loves us all and wills that workers issue our money and that we live in peace with all of our family in this world. How is that for some real good news for us all?
"They've poisoned my village, I want them off," God Almighty said to us who are holding in war by letting the faulty Jews still issue our money. Will workers not hear the love of our good God Almighty and let them off?
6.58 am
Just watched the Judee news from Japan and picked up a simple one sentence Facial reverse speech and wondering if it will finally be the comment that will have them out of here in 2 hours. Here it is:
"Father said be fruitful and I waste you so He let me shoot myself with my own gun."
The end of three thousand years of dominance over the other creations of our good God Almighty and the failure to seek our good God's counsel and so God let him shoot himself with his own gun. Will workers not try to recognize the incredible shift in our world and step in now as full human Beings entitled to the rights our kind and good God gifted us with?
If only simple workers receive the truth that the failed Jews have shot themselves with their own gun will you not now close them up right with a STRIKE so that workers will be authorized to issue our money from now on? Will workers not rid our species of war?
"Judee was dupeable and he do it fine and Nixon was thrown away in a day."
But who duped Judah?
Dupe: a victim of deception.
And from Bitchie university days studying economics in 1972 he received this response from an economics professor when he asked why a private group issues American money:
"Well it was learned that government always spend too much money and so it was decided that a private party would issue the money."
And so today a private group still issues the money of Americans. Do we note the private party that issues our money has endless deep pockets for battling on the street? Unlimited money to put nuclear missiles in Russia's face. Will American workers not end this dangerous Jewish disgrace of war before we are no more?
The Jews smart enough to figure the extraterrestrial thing out 3 thousand years ago but faulty enough to not inform us of what they knew. And what do we know today other than our kind and good God loves us all and wills that workers issue our money and that we live in peace with all of our family in this world. How is that for some real good news for us all?
"They've poisoned my village, I want them off," God Almighty said to us who are holding in war by letting the faulty Jews still issue our money. Will workers not hear the love of our good God Almighty and let them off?
6.58 am
Just watched the Judee news from Japan and picked up a simple one sentence Facial reverse speech and wondering if it will finally be the comment that will have them out of here in 2 hours. Here it is:
"Father said be fruitful and I waste you so He let me shoot myself with my own gun."
The end of three thousand years of dominance over the other creations of our good God Almighty and the failure to seek our good God's counsel and so God let him shoot himself with his own gun. Will workers not try to recognize the incredible shift in our world and step in now as full human Beings entitled to the rights our kind and good God gifted us with?
If only simple workers receive the truth that the failed Jews have shot themselves with their own gun will you not now close them up right with a STRIKE so that workers will be authorized to issue our money from now on? Will workers not rid our species of war?
"Judee was dupeable and he do it fine and Nixon was thrown away in a day."
But who duped Judah?
Dupe: a victim of deception.
Dupe: victim, gull, pawn, puppet, instrument, fool, simpleton
How could Judah be any of those what with demonstrating the ability to take over the entire surface of planet earth? For that matter how did the Jews take over earth? Was it any other than by taking over the most powerful invention ever invented, the authority to issue the abstract receipts of American workers?
"I died them truthful," God our Father said. So might we have to conclude that Judah was able to dupe themselves as it was not our good God who duped them to lose their force, their power in our world?
"I died them truthful," God our Father said. So might we have to conclude that Judah was able to dupe themselves as it was not our good God who duped them to lose their force, their power in our world?
They spent three thousand years to take over planet earth and threw it all away in one night of big gambling. Will Americans not get into this right and put our ownership of our property back in to law with a STRIKE?
"I want freedom in a legal form to end their weapin' way." (JFK)
"I want freedom in a legal form to end their weapin' way." (JFK)
That subconscious thought found in President Kennedy's facial reverse speech. Will labor not remember John in a right way and put our rights in, the rights for us that he lost his life defending so that we can live free? Will American workers not put our legal form in that promises true justice and peace? Will labor not end the punishment and revenge of the errant life forms with a STRIKE?
Will labor not bring in our right legal form the one that doesn't have the molest and abuse of the Jews or their special tyranny laws? Will American workers not put the contract in once again that was agreed to in 1789 with the guarantee of our rights and enforce them this time with workers issuing our American bourse?
54:15 Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake. 54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
54:17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
What are we to think about this?
54:16 Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
Judah, the waster who is destroying us. Might we wonder, how does the waster fit into God's plan? Maybe to sharpen and highlight the lines between right and wrong with a permanent message to always choose the right way to go? Must we not go the right way with a STRIKE and end risking losing it all?
Will labor not bring in the the smith God created to blow the coals so that we can build the industry that will extract our energy from the universal motion of our universe? Will American workers not bring our big dollars from labor production in that will afford us the opportunity to easily feed, house and clothe all of God's children comfortably? Will we not do Papa's will on earth as it is in heaven and build PLWS, Papa's Love Water Systems?
The water systems that use ozone to assure always safe drinking water. The ozone that is 2,500 times more effective than chlorine for disinfecting everything. The inexpensive ozone generators that will bring our economy back without a mask because our air will be disinfected in less than 30 seconds when the ozone is in.
We must have this strike if we want to live. Will American workers try to perceive that the epic of the war making Jews is finally ended?
Tele receives:
"I've never seen you false anything.
They're making us die corruptly, total corruption.
For love we speared your life.
Oh, mashed potatoes, is that what it is?
We've been shivved.
You're advancing.
Potty eggs.
They're halted for tension day.
Their tyranny is pretty much tossed.
You arrange people. (Bitch does not arrange anyone. He reads the RS and sometimes learns ahead of time what they are doing)
Get out skunky Jew.
They screw allege.
They put me out in single file.
He'll sack your life forces.
We failed to receive our Savior.
The war with us you have been seeing us right so we murdered you all off.
To set people reasonably you didn't know how to and you don't Patrick. (Hoping for a miracle anyways)
Our coroner caved in on our estrogen fight.
Bitch messes high that's why we're streamin', we're suffering about him all ways.
They shot us completely rights failed.
Rice will sacrifice you Jews.
Patrick showing officials you failed.
Powerful life forces hold us here.
A racy oil is vicious pitiful.
We've been stalled naked.
Beautiful field take thee off for purchase.
The most try you failed righteous.
You failed to save us Patrick.
Force you dead.
The government is refused.
I die you on mass fibrillation.
Pat, awful carriage we're dead.
Pat, don't give up on us.
Germany passed us wonderful.
They tossed you right horny.
They seek us fistol.
They just make us tollee.
It's awful ditchous.
They fail you fantastic right procedural, that's the way they roll you lying.
Because of diary you're so done.
Allison weaped you.
Bourse power, it's childish opps now for free.
Enemies kill quite banish you.
They bankrupt ossly.
You've been officially chumped weasel.
You've been officially mapped Cypress.
It's statutory contact.
Congressmen, they've been toppled significantly for beast fistol.
They gush war.
They want us to put our rights in so the Jews won't rape us.
Your own power has forced us out. 2.47 am
Jew epic.
Oh ORGANIZE, they've forsaken us.
Bitch failed to save us.
Get out your fear HUGE.
It's rooker sport.
You know where to reach beyond the scene.
What the hell, they're brushing us.
You rate a check for all this dying.
I haunted you. 8.01 am
"I've never seen you false anything.
They're making us die corruptly, total corruption.
For love we speared your life.
Oh, mashed potatoes, is that what it is?
We've been shivved.
You're advancing.
Potty eggs.
They're halted for tension day.
Their tyranny is pretty much tossed.
You arrange people. (Bitch does not arrange anyone. He reads the RS and sometimes learns ahead of time what they are doing)
Get out skunky Jew.
They screw allege.
They put me out in single file.
He'll sack your life forces.
We failed to receive our Savior.
The war with us you have been seeing us right so we murdered you all off.
To set people reasonably you didn't know how to and you don't Patrick. (Hoping for a miracle anyways)
Our coroner caved in on our estrogen fight.
Bitch messes high that's why we're streamin', we're suffering about him all ways.
They shot us completely rights failed.
Rice will sacrifice you Jews.
Patrick showing officials you failed.
Powerful life forces hold us here.
A racy oil is vicious pitiful.
We've been stalled naked.
Beautiful field take thee off for purchase.
The most try you failed righteous.
You failed to save us Patrick.
Force you dead.
The government is refused.
I die you on mass fibrillation.
Pat, awful carriage we're dead.
Pat, don't give up on us.
Germany passed us wonderful.
They tossed you right horny.
They seek us fistol.
They just make us tollee.
It's awful ditchous.
They fail you fantastic right procedural, that's the way they roll you lying.
Because of diary you're so done.
Allison weaped you.
Bourse power, it's childish opps now for free.
Enemies kill quite banish you.
They bankrupt ossly.
You've been officially chumped weasel.
You've been officially mapped Cypress.
It's statutory contact.
Congressmen, they've been toppled significantly for beast fistol.
They gush war.
They want us to put our rights in so the Jews won't rape us.
Your own power has forced us out. 2.47 am
Jew epic.
Oh ORGANIZE, they've forsaken us.
Bitch failed to save us.
Get out your fear HUGE.
It's rooker sport.
You know where to reach beyond the scene.
What the hell, they're brushing us.
You rate a check for all this dying.
I haunted you. 8.01 am
You failed to receive us, numerous honor rolls. 8.12 am
Idiot. 8.17 am
Idiot. 8.17 am
I appreciate it Patrick you ail a Jew fine. 8.29 am
Sheep is felonious out.
We're almost done." 8.58 am
How is this for what President Franklin Roosevelt said in facial reverse speech:
"Jew always wins after the guests leave."
Will the guests in God's village on earth not be alert and STOP THE WAR?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
How is this for what President Franklin Roosevelt said in facial reverse speech:
"Jew always wins after the guests leave."
Will the guests in God's village on earth not be alert and STOP THE WAR?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as
our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Wednesday, August 26 — Psalm 104:1–9
Judges 9:1–33; Luke 20:20–26
You have burdened me with your sins; you have wearied me with your iniquities. I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins. Isaiah 43:24-25
Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight. Colossians 1:21-22 NIV
Before you, great Judge, our sentence was merciless. Because of your great and radical decision, we were rescued from our initial destiny. This new life in you fills our hearts with hope. In your gracious name, we pray. Amen.
5.28 pm
"You should be helping us on our way instead of talking to yourself.
WE weapeds your sausages to weap your heim great.
The whole camping's done for complete racist.
Murder is sick.
My imbecile closed you.
You're listening to the journal of the most false wits. (Heard while watching Judee news)
Martin Luther ragged them bad.
Suffer tree.
The United States still at war, it's up to you.
Idiot sports power is our best force of all.
STRIKE this available odd ball out.
I'm sorry you tell me hawk lies. (I'm sorry to, I don't know what you are talking about?)
Their error fire residuals.
I'm a foreigner cored for vanity.
Total MOXigen.
We insult you cappers game.
You're menacing. (Went into post several times and took many things out. Thank you for the read and feedback today)
Oh ---- you orphan; you're an over dried cloggy.
Raped you rightly, honestly threw.
The beast is going."
One last note, Judah is reporting from RS that Bitch is angry and revengeful now that that Judah has lost his state and is finished out. That may appear to be but that is not the actual state of Bitch's mind. Bitch has absolutely no feeling of revenge, it is not part of his psychology. Nothing. And as to anger, how about this facial RS from Judah, from memory, to explain the anger and also help explain what led to Bitch insulting the people?
"Bitch insulted you because he fears me," Judee say.
Just found the exact wording in Bitch notebook of that Judee say. Here it is:
"Bitch sock you with a insult because he fear me."
And what Judee may be reading as anger and revenge in Bitch posts is not the top emotion, it is still fear that is causing such a stir in Bitch's head. My dreams are so troubled when I wake from them it is nearly impossible to fall asleep again. And Bitch is perfectly aware that the ordinary person is not aware how hazarded your lives are at this moment.
The calamity with Russia is one big sleep disturber but also the thought of an explosion going off in that pile of hot radioactive waste rods at Hitachi-GE at Fukushima that would in all likelihood kill tens of millions of Americans with a breath of air in a short time. If only Americans could perceive that we may be doomed to pass out of existence and our fate may be sealed any day now might American workers act to end funding these multiples of threats against us?
And this last RS that gives us a clue as how to save our lives:
"Once you're off liquor I'm all done," Judee say.
5.28 pm
"You should be helping us on our way instead of talking to yourself.
WE weapeds your sausages to weap your heim great.
The whole camping's done for complete racist.
Murder is sick.
My imbecile closed you.
You're listening to the journal of the most false wits. (Heard while watching Judee news)
Martin Luther ragged them bad.
Suffer tree.
The United States still at war, it's up to you.
Idiot sports power is our best force of all.
STRIKE this available odd ball out.
I'm sorry you tell me hawk lies. (I'm sorry to, I don't know what you are talking about?)
Their error fire residuals.
I'm a foreigner cored for vanity.
Total MOXigen.
We insult you cappers game.
You're menacing. (Went into post several times and took many things out. Thank you for the read and feedback today)
Oh ---- you orphan; you're an over dried cloggy.
Raped you rightly, honestly threw.
The beast is going."
One last note, Judah is reporting from RS that Bitch is angry and revengeful now that that Judah has lost his state and is finished out. That may appear to be but that is not the actual state of Bitch's mind. Bitch has absolutely no feeling of revenge, it is not part of his psychology. Nothing. And as to anger, how about this facial RS from Judah, from memory, to explain the anger and also help explain what led to Bitch insulting the people?
"Bitch insulted you because he fears me," Judee say.
Just found the exact wording in Bitch notebook of that Judee say. Here it is:
"Bitch sock you with a insult because he fear me."
And what Judee may be reading as anger and revenge in Bitch posts is not the top emotion, it is still fear that is causing such a stir in Bitch's head. My dreams are so troubled when I wake from them it is nearly impossible to fall asleep again. And Bitch is perfectly aware that the ordinary person is not aware how hazarded your lives are at this moment.
The calamity with Russia is one big sleep disturber but also the thought of an explosion going off in that pile of hot radioactive waste rods at Hitachi-GE at Fukushima that would in all likelihood kill tens of millions of Americans with a breath of air in a short time. If only Americans could perceive that we may be doomed to pass out of existence and our fate may be sealed any day now might American workers act to end funding these multiples of threats against us?
And this last RS that gives us a clue as how to save our lives:
"Once you're off liquor I'm all done," Judee say.
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
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