Friday, August 21, 2020

21 "They Right Stone Ya With a Nest Egg Will." 8.02 am

"They Right Stone Ya With a Nest Egg Will. You Died Yourself Off BIG, That's How This Thief Fights."

Father, who gave us peace if we will only take it. The understanding is we are now irreparably harmed. Falsed by weap Judah to continue funding his war and genocide we have brimstone coming out our mouths and by the end of this year will have 30 million who will die from the brimstone waste that is coming out of our mouths.

MEGADEATH, from brimstone that we have been warned about since the time the bible came to us over a thousand years ago. Druid set to be pushed out of this field and existence due to loss of health, suffering radiosis, brimstone sickness due to an intentionally polluted field. Are there any who have not heard of this deal Judah is holding in on us?

Tele receives:

"Fabulous ruse they chow you every day. 2.49 pm

Bad sewers, STRIKE THEM OUT!


Nip and tuck wretches sphere.

You stress me fair.

Their fistol analysis is corrupt.

They just abuse people with a clear rub.

You brighten up the passages.

Mangy falsing us out.

We were serious for kill.

You tip a fay right.

You let me wretch all.

Kookage. 4.21 pm

You plat force. (Bitch's only force is the love of Father)

We push you animal bourseschious. 

Fraudulent Molestberg. 

Wall Street natives obviously shot cash to halt you.

Now that the cow is dead the Jews have been jilted.

Jerky foul ruse you. 

Titan won. 6.56 pm

Your idiots falsed you out.



It's sewer rate.

Nice boy, save yourself, STRIKE THEM OUT!

Come, we're fighting his spite.

You're a fire boy authority, sorry, you brutaled us. (Might you have let yourself be fooled once again by Judah? Bitch hasn't brutaled anyone)

It's transport and riots proceed.

Planet Bertoben.

Old wrench failed London great way. (Bitch is not a wrench period.)

They're horrible thieves.

Oh, Patrick they rightfully busted you.

The wrench you sealed.

You're timing out?

Kindness, we passed this up.

Thank you for your anthem fall.

Fridge weights spirit boy tragic.

Dull pip you out.

False you failed.

30 million dead by the end of this year.

Your high wages will end freezing.

Dog mental lie tomb.

His threat has failed.

Passed my advice. 8.57 pm (Father?)

I'm bashing them big rudy. 

Number of bodies shows.

Terrious do hold thee.

They died you off big, that's how this thief fights.

Critical abusage.

What can you do, you've been right sieged.

Porting you out volcanishly.

Your assignment needs to crash this tyranny.

Negative touch will seize us.

Negative guys that will keep you from earning your income.

San Francisco shoots army. 

They subtle you here Patrick.

Theirs is a fraudulent fear state done.

They're fading existence.

Abuse core you sep.

Oh, transmit they are abusers.

Tyranny state out you criminals, right your rights out.

They are storming the field.

We failed fantastic.

Cannibals launched you.

Bess you lifer.

Stupid viceroys have tossed us out.

Your enemies cite wisdom here.

Psych you fear through Reichal.

They grab your image to make your cycle fail. 3.17 am

Gentlemen, search warrants abuse.

You lose sin. 4.21 am

Elizabeth is torching us.

True Martians push a fair sight. 5.17 am

You're standing up for a serious push and hike.

In free times retire the factory.

Now you are core cheated.

They've assaulted everybody and your house fortune is idled.

You've set them off all days for orkious.

Come in.

Holding you for a fun jar.


They even foraged you. 7.04 am

You went full schedule die for more war.

The abrasers, you're done with. 7.51 am

They right stone ya with a nest egg will." 8.02 am
Heard this last night in relation to where those rescued will be delivered to. "Planet Bertoben."

Can we only wonder, is that where Judah came up with the name "Toby?" Could that be the significance of Toby? A Bertoben, a "Toby?"

The understanding is Bertoben is 36 light-years from earth, 2 light-years from the Federation main base, the "Rock." That is where heaven is located. 

Bertoben is similar to earth but not as beautiful and scenic as is earth. 7 million of us live there, The many people who our extraterrestrial relatives have spared most have been delivered to Bertoben. A small number of earthlings have gone on to live with Mercury and Venus. Apparently, it has to do with how spiritually one has developed. So the majority of earthlings in our time will be gifted to live with our peaceful family in Bertoben.

Not sure when the rapture will begin, just listening and constantly praying to Father for guidance as to what is going to happen here now. The Russian attack the Jews have set and all they need are the right circumstances to let it roll. That Americans show little response to their menace and threats, might we figure that failure is encouraging them to push ahead with their long-planned Soviet attack? Certainly. Must we not end them pulverizing us?

Easy as pie to end their planned Soviet attack merely by American workers taking the authority to issue our money away from them. To Bitch understanding the rescue pods from the Federation have not yet arrived. So might we figure it is still in flux if Americans will act or not before the war with Russia begins?

America, the only nation that ever had real rights for the inhabitants. And the Jews have succeeded in busting our rights and not generating much opposition to it so far. Are we not perceiving they are setting their fascist state up so they can do some real sporting of juicy Americans with their Russian shells?

While in Russia they have a Russian Jew in a shell pretending to be ill in place to replace any one they want. Though they have successfully taken over the human race on planet earth and have shells ruling in most all lands, what are we to say? And the few that are not look alike shells are the indigenous criminals they collaborate with who empower the Jews shells and other indigenous to sport the people well.

And yet our good God Almighty has freed us of the Jews, their shells and their indigenous criminal collaborators, but American workers continue to hold them in. What might explain it all?

Was reading where sheep were being herded into a pen and a bar was placed in the entrance way and the sheep had to jump over it to get in. After a while the bar was removed and the sheep that entered still jumped at that point as if the bar were still in place. That our fascist merchants have held us to war so long, now that the bar has been removed by the love of God Almighty who sent His angels in to spare us thermonuclear blast war, are we like the sheep still jumping to their tune?

Might we have to undergo the metagorical transfiguration of our species before we will let the animal primitives off of us here? 

Our good God Almighty who has His angels transfiguring us out of the animal fight war life into the peaceful angelic realms. Will American workers not get the Jews fight out and let us go on up higher now?

Just because they mishandled their higher level potentials should that indicate that we must make the same mistake they made? The animal primitivism the Jews chose so they would feel good about destroying us all. Will Americans not replace their primitive animal fist rights with the high thinking rights found in our sacred American bill of rights?

The Jew shells out on the street burning our cities while they teach our kids in school. Must American workers not get involved and take the American income tax proceeds into your own hands?

The financial that covers our lives from cradle to grave. Is there any sense that Jews are not the best choice to decide how our money is spent?

Though might we have to be truthful with ourselves, and listen to our elders from outer space and get smart enough to end paying for the nuclear blast artillery and also for the nuclear waste artillery they are gassing us out with now that they literally burning us out with?

 From reading European RS it appears that our family in Germany has learned the truth about the listing submarines that returned to port missing their intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles. And from an American official and others these facial RS found in the 6 am news from Judee Japan:

"The submarines have proven the spirit of mental in me, that's why we're rolling. You put your washers on me and I'm in. They failed some Jew mice so we had to get them out of the county so we can continue making war. I want to bourse you global shears. I iced you but you remain empty."

"They've pushed the button and you've done nothing."

That Tele receive from years ago that is still relevant today. And how are they holding themselves in yet?

They reveal in RS that they play Bitch as a tough guy and that is holding the Druids to die themselves off now. They false the Bitch, who has merely made noise, like a wild animal will make noise when you attack and threaten it, and they use words Bitch may have said, no actions, but the words they then add false and they have overcome God Almighty's words that Bitch never fiend. "He remained true to me. You're a nice boy," Father said of His son Bitch.

Bitch who has done what he could to halt the genocidal violence coming from American industry in our world. And his reward? To be vilified as a violent guy which is false but the Jews have always falsed the simple working people well. 

Americans in general, what could explain being so out of touch with reality that we have responded not once to being put to death massively by the Jews?

Might we not ask ourselves how they are doing it for free, using the people's money that they are dying off now?

And yet many apparently believe that Bitch is a fist, despite the fact, there is not one person that he has put in during his entire life unless you consider the Vietnamese victims of the American naval guns. If only ordinary Americans will try to perceive this century of mass death and destruction all came from America when the Jews took over the organizing principle of society and privatized it, might we not begin to figure how they got to be so amazing performing miracles in our midst?

The torture deaths in their Jewish prisons of pacifists that frightened Americans guys so that they would rather take their chances on a foreign battlefield than tell the Jews they did not want to fight for them or their investment needs. So who are the brave ones here? Those who cowered and allowed themselves to be drafted or those who spoke of humanity's need and would not go back to Europe to slay their brothers and sisters in Germany then?

The control of the food supply. Might we see that is how the Jews got their miracle dies and got away with for such a long time? The control of the issue of money that lets them make a useless bum rich if only he or she will do a dirty deed to our useful ones. Are American workers perceiving American workers are ultimately responsible for the death and destruction state the Jews have us and our world in?

The strength they exhibit pulling us out with their police states. Are workers aware your free funding of them is the reason for such bad things happening to so many of us?

Their sport lawyers that are as foul as the devil himself. Will, you not try to see in our rights are our protections for all of us? Will you not end this Jewish terror state so our real lawyers can serve us right?

Washington's farewell address, the last note from yesterday's post: Washington understood that idealistic commitment to duty was not enough to sustain most men on a virtuous course. Instead, duty needed to be matched with a realistic assessment of self-interest in determining the best course for public action.

Will workers try to see your own self interest in trying to prevent being destroyed with radioactive waste disease? Could it be that because the toxin is invisible that it is not something workers are thinking about? Is it just not perceived how deadly is atomic weaponry of mass destruction in the Satanic Jews hands plus free bourse is? That the Federation stepped in a gave the Jews a time out by pulling their free pebbles out. Should that simple  fact not alert us enough to try and help ourselves to try and survive these deadly, errant life forms?

The world wars the Jews carry on with all for free because American workers fund their misdeeds. Is there not some way that we will act before we are paid back in difficult ways for all the harm they do not only in our name but on our dollar?

The Jews who have put on the face of Druid all the evil of war that bedevils our planet. Are Druids not yet aware much of our suffering world is praying that we be done in fair? That American workers funded the destruction of the Middle East for the sports and investment of the Jews and their fellow travelers, should workers not prepare themselves for payback somewhere, somehow, sometime?  The radioactive waste sickening of the children and unborn children of Fallujah. Should workers not get smart, strike them out, and take the authority to issue our money away from the genocidal Jews? Before God has the final say will Americans not try to prevent the fair Fallujah like destruction of us and our kids"

Might Jewish control of the media have done so well that Americans know as little about Fallujah as we seem to know about Hitachi-GE? Will we not pray for mercy  now?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as 
our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Friday, August 21† — Psalm 102:23–28
Judges 5; Luke 19:11–27
You are wearied with your many consultations. Isaiah 47:13
The disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child, whom he put among them, and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:1-3
May our child-like curiosity never lead us astray, great Teacher. May we be attentive to your words and always ready to welcome your children into our fellowship. Amen.
† On this day in 1732, the first missionaries departed from Herrnhut bound for St. Thomas.

2.15 pm

"Attorneys hit. 8.04 am

You conked us right fused.

Because you keep trying I'm going to offer you a miracle. 8.09 am

Truth fish here will app you gracious.

You rate Jew analysis clearly flushed.

Shitty but it fits. (Took it out anyways because got a few negatives on it)

You anal-a-wits.

He's sighting us.

Poverty will swamp a lot of people.

His endorsement of you will free you of your selfishness.

Right forces doing all the work. 

They needed to feel superior to us and so they sold us contusion.

Contagion is locks.

You keep on procedure self ditching.

They chart fatal hell.

It's error to wrench.

You right great false morality.

He died you rightful hush.

They wound a pup.

You never were a siege owl.

Your force around here is decrupit'. 

They stump us.

Survive them right, get fist off. 10.57 am

Nice toast here.

Pick it up.

Jew outed you chicken.

They duke us right.

Nauseous tight will wreck us cells. 


They hiked us.

You passed up New Orleans basic.

They rightly screwed Hermes.

You're illegibles sure failed us Pat.


They failed murderously.

I appreciate it you fold Jews." 2.43 pm

"Because you keep trying I'm going to offer you a miracle." 8.09 am

Will American workers not take this offer of a miracle from our good God Almighty who wants America and its people to live? If so then take the issue of our financial paper away from them, it's that simple.

Found a particularly interesting facial RS from a weap Judah in the noon news. Here it is:

"Bitch alarm has set the moral decision in the place for a a new right man." 

Might we see once workers are issuing our money and no longer are our useful subject to harassment, arrest, imprisonment and death, and can speak to us openly and freely, we will come to the right moral decision all of the time? Certainly we will when we  hear both sides of whatever the issue is. Will workers not get hold of the issue of cash so that we can hear more than the decibels of the Jews foghorn?

Labor leader Walter Reuther (1907-1970) who was hit with a shot gun blast while in the kitchen of his home. His brother Victor Reuther (1912-2004) only a short time later hit with a shot gun blast in  his home blowing his eye out. Walter who tried to talk  workers out of supporting the permanent war state that we are. Are we seeing what can happen to those who speak against war and serve the ordinary working people? Will American workers not close the enemy of all mankind out, WAR?

Thank you. God bless.


Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

Thank you. God bless.

"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


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