"God Almighty Disappears Your Wallpedoes."
An overnight Tele receive sharing a truth, God Almighty is disappearing the wallpedoes from His village on earth. The slayers of His children that have carried on in opposition to God's will that we live in peace who are ending completely done on the surface of planet earth. All their war to soon come to an end. All the death and destruction soon to be brought to an end. But when exactly? The big question will America have enough left to start ourselves again to be what we were meant to be, a land of the free?
Here from yesterday's post a Tele receive:
"They were to use this knowledge from extraterrestrials for positive benefit and instead used it for foul excitement."
The covenant God made with Abraham that the focused Jews were to serve Him to bring God's loving enlightenment to all of His children on earth. And they went away from God and did their own thing.
The contact the Jews had with God and His angels that by 1,000 BC they had given an estimate of the situation to themselves that it was an extraterrestrial society they were in contact with. They had figured out that long ago what some today might find too far-reaching to believe even today. They had given their best estimate of the situation that we were created by the extraterrestrials that they had contact with and were written of in the bible.
And with a pretty good picture of the reality of life on earth, chose to step away from taking the counsel of our creator. But with wits focused more than ordinary folks and then sharpened by contact with the extraterrestrial powers, they had developed the ability to take over and sport ordinary people. And so that is what they chose to do. Sport the other creations of the extraterrestrial powers. Our good God Almighty.
"Ethically they're criminals," God our Father said of them.
That simple explanation, the reason our world is in so much turmoil. Because ethically criminal actors have hold of the governments of the world. The explanation for why our world has not been fixed after all the many years of unending warfare. Because it is held in the control of the private hands of the weap Jews. The deuce, 2% of the human race that holds the other 98% to make war sport for them and their kids.
America, generating wealth as never been generated before in history, the nation that they took over by putting us into permanent war. And how they lost it all in a single day as prophesied in our Bibles.
Judgment Against Israel's Hypocrisy
Isaiah 9:13 But the people did not return to Him who struck them; they did not seek the LORD of Hosts. 14 So the LORD will cut off Israel’s head and tail, both palm branch and reed in a single day. 15 The head is the elder and honorable man, and the tail is the prophet who teaches lies.
And so on the night of June 11, 2011, Israel did what our good God Almighty new they would do thousands of years ago, they cut their head and tail off in a single day. They attacked the American breed nuclear blast extinction way with 3,200 three hundred kilotons hydrogen warheads to give us all Hiroshima August 6, 1945.
God's angels, Sir Casper, and His team of diligent Martians pulled the one thousand Boeing missiles out of the sky while still in the boost phase and spared our lives. The plot they carried inside for all these many thousands of years. To destroy us as much as they possibly could.
And now their time has ended, they have failed in their thermonuclear blast mission to destroy the American breed. And yet their atomic bomb at Hitachi-GE is still shooting us every day. Not as quick as blast, but the atomic waste has poisoned our fields, water, and air and will debilitate us now with everything we try to do as we go forward in time.
Our children, those reduced numbers that are born, will have smaller brains due to mothers having more radiation exposure from the intentionally made raised radioactive environment. Might the way they are reaching us to genocide us be too scientific to be received by ordinary people?
That the Jews nuclear warfighting scientists had the research back in 1920 that radioactive waste in an environment will put the high-level life forms out of it. If only we get a glimpse of what they knew about the species deadliness of radioactive waste and when they knew it, might we understand this radioactive waste genocide of us is not something unexpected?
To consider that the majority of Americans are set to die off in the coming years due to illnesses from only one Jewish electricity plant thousands of miles from our shores at Hitachi-GE, is it something just too big for simple working people to want to think about?
The brain childing they do disguising it as news. The cuddling of a cute little koala and talking to a horse and mule. The imaging of children with serious disorders that they put on the Television screen. The mental hold they have by using such imaging on us and calling it news. Everything highly calculated to hold our wits so we can be destroyed now in the brimstone sport from Hitachi-GE.
About a month is what we have left if we want to try to save ourselves from being left with an entirely polluted atmosphere that we will never again draw a fresh breath of air from. Will we stop the Jews war against us before they seal us dust?
Federation's computer simulations say, "NO," the Jews will hold us for a complete burnout and die off now. Those computer simulations of the Federation found in our bibles and known thousands of years ago.
Numbers 22:28 Then the LORD opened the donkey’s mouth, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you that you have beaten me these three times?” 29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now!” 30 But the donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not the donkey you have ridden all your life until today? Have I ever treated you this way before?” “No,” he replied.…
Might we today recognize Balaam's donkey speaking to him today as extraterrestrial technology putting words into the donkey's mouth? Sure. Is it not something how our extraterrestrial elders have chosen to communicate with us over time?
They're guffing and goofing us, imprisoning and killing and smearing any and all who happen to notice their plot. Though with the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, in their exclusive private hands, have they not evaded the saucers? Yes, they have.
All the stupid idiotic false lying jibberish they spout off on us here and they fully aware of the high-level powers from outer space and have been aware of their presence here for many thousands of years. Will the American workers not take the concession to issue our cash away from them and put it into your safe hands? Will American workers not take the microphone away from these most dangerous life forms with a STRIKE?
They're off to their undergrounds to live out the rest of their time. The question, will they leave us in a way that we will now lose most of the ordinary workers? With their knowledge of how to wreck an economy and their holding the most important office to our economy, who issues our money, will we let them leave us indigent, homeless as they wipe as much of our economy out as they can?
Tele receives:
"It's a weapons siege. 2.37 pm
They're guzzling us cat.
You've brought the Jews future to an end.
We urge you to stagnate these forces. (Mercury elders)
You're snailed.
HUGE their state is refused.
Pat works a marvelous scalpel, now we need a bandage opp.
Screw right you.
Game defeated.
Get an announcement.
They've been wining Orkin.
You white see.
He's put them out of their no mercy field.
We failed to connect you here. 5.33 pm
Sheeny, what a maggotly looking hate they got.
Burly Berlin symbol.
Jew defense you to scare you.
They try to get people to attack you is what they do.
Strike for coring biology of you.
They have a psychistory of frame.
I'm sick of him.
Cereal Jew much addled these.
They're doing us Wallace.
He's threatening us fail to die.
No peace rates you in disgrace.
Is that what it is, they dream of tumoring us and our kids?
The horny duds.
They know their nuclear war genocide.
They're erroring us homeless now.
Your error death this edition.
A girl frame holds you nuclear.
Everybody's face burst.
I just get you with some old sap Mitchell.
God Almighty disappears your wallpedoes.. 2.57 am
Get out lethal because it's over.
They're so abusive."
Certainly, it's over and the Jews have lost it all. They no longer have the permit to rule the United States or anywhere else in God's village on earth. So why are they still ruling then? Why are they still receiving tribute from American workers' pay packets?
What might bring American workers to step up here and save this great nation from the dreadful fate the Jews have cast for us?
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves." That Tele sender said some time ago.
"Your error death this edition."
Doesn't the bible cover Bitch's error? Yes, it does. The wise, prudent, smart, ignore an insult. Are we seeing elders figured everything and gave us the tools in our bibles if we are interested in saving ourselves now in the last days of the beast with us?
Just watched the 6 am Judee news from Japan and here is some facial reverse speech from it:
"I hold you martially so I can pest your rights. I cored your whole section bad. I'm due to leave in a few days. You hold me for summoning war. When we leave you're gonna know we shot you."
Their brimstone waste warfighting scientists tell them that in October Americans will know for certain that we are washed out due to the health problems from the Hitachi-GE breeze we are suffering for nearly the last 9 and half years of inhaling radioactive waste. And that appears to be when they will flee into their underground leaving Washington DC vacant.
And we then as the Star Trek movie line said, "left stranded on a burned-out planet to die." Our finances in shambles. The world that has been assaulted vigorously high tech by the Jews using the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, will finally see the collapse of the American tyranny of the Jews.
Is there not some way that workers will take over the organizing principle of society instead of letting us go completely into sickness and death at the hands of the Jews?
Planet earth is the private property of the Galactic Federation of light and the Jews are no friend of God. Has God not let them out themselves and revoke their concession to act as sovereigns by having His angels let the Jews on nuclear war show us who they really are that we will not now try to protect ourselves from any more harm from them?
While watching television some time ago happened to see where an ordinary white guy went up to a window, it may have been at city hall, to pay a bill. The clerk was a black woman on the other side of the glass and as she saw him step up to pay a bill she said in forward speech something like, "can I help you," and from her subconscious, she said what showed up in facial reverse speech," "I'll be right to you."
From that might, we see the natural friendliness that we have for each other? That of course was the non-Judah cipher. Will workers not let the non-Judah cipher come in and let the Judah cipher off?
The ghastly assault on our very continued existence going at us on our genetic ability to reproduce ourselves with the deadliest poison ever invented, neutron activated uranium that they have spread far and wide using it on battlefields they have had us marching on as if we are wood blocks to let them get away with it.
The obviously insane criminal psychopaths that have an ability to hold ordinary people with their deadly insane force. The psychopaths who outed themselves by attacking us hydrogen bomb blast and now are attacking us still with atom bombs disguised as Jewish electricity plants.
How long did they think they could get passed us with such wildly irrational stuff? Not long, is that not why they built a safe underground for when the truth breaks through about their hound fooling us?
The way the Federation let the foul Jews get themselves out of Father's village on earth. God wants more of His children to live. The Jews want more death for God's children. Might we try to recognize the truth, the Jews have had a collision and God's life for His children has won and the Jews choice for the death of God's kids has failed but for himself and his cannibal cult, death he has won? Certainly. His time has run out.
So what is the big problem then? The problem, in short, is he is taking those that he mentally controls out with him. In fact, he has Americans set to die long before he and his cult will pass away. If we're reading our bibles correct, he will live as the mole people underground for another thousand years or so and then return to the surface only to be shunned by the survivors of the atomic wars he waged upon their ancestors. And they will know of his ways and reject him everywhere and they then will quietly pass out of existence. The end of the high and mighty weap Jews.
Will they get all Americans sick now and leave us with a wrecked economy when they slip into the underground when they flee in October?
Federation computer simulations say, "Yes." Regrettably. Can that not be changed? It could. So why don't we change it then? Will the answer have to be, "we never ever even once went against the Jews?" Will that be our final goodbye?
"If only Bitchie wouldn't have called us that bad name might we have gone his peace way instead of continuing to fund the war and Judah genocide?" Are some saying to yourselves now?
Might we consider that is all water over the dam and we are now facing the end? Have many given much thought to how we personally would like to pass away when it is our time to go?
Bitchie fault of stupid in a personal way and it has shown under stress but truly is not stupid in a Darwinian sense, he knows they are trying to kill him and has known it for quite a long time. Can I ask, do you perceive that you are successfully being destroyed? Do you suspect such a thing?
Do you think it true that in about another month unless you have the 5 million dollars to get yourself underground you face being destroyed huffing radioactive waste?
Do you think your little children have already lost some of their life due to this same high radioactive background the Jews have put in from Hitachi-GE? Do you think if you do nothing but continue paying Jewish tax-farmers free money that will be the best for you?
Could Bitchie be incorrect? Might there really be no big threat from the Hitachi-GE radioactive fallout onto our fields and into our air? Might you be thinking, "it can't be this bad for if it were they would of never let them build Jewish electricity in the first place?"
The free bourse to pay all the bribes to those who were supposed to act in our best interests, the politicians. That they have their bags packed and keep their jets tanks full all the time and are ready to roll on a moment's notice, might we have to disregard any notions that they ever had too many good intentions for us, left or right? That they let them build Jewish electricity plants and knew, or should of known how lethal they are, have they not demonstrated failure complete enough that we will not let them off right with the Jews?
Do the simple working people understand that we either let them off or we get to go out now as the way war will end with our exhaustion and collapse into who knows what next?
"They've poisoned my village, I want them off," Our good God Almighty said about getting the Jews off of managing His village on earth.
And those who fail to hear the warning words of God to stop the war set now to be destroyed completely. Put out of existence with our children. And why? For serving the devil evil Jews war machine that is genociding God's kids.
"We're giving you a barbeque slow burn," Judee say.
Will, we not keep praying that American workers will cut them off with a general strike until workers have the organizing principle of society, the authority to issue our money, out of their hands, and into the safe hands of workers?
We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, July 10 — Psalm 83:13–18
Deuteronomy 20:10–21:23; Luke 8:26–39
One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4
Grace, as it extends to more and more people, may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15
Thank you, glorious God, for the generations of ancestors who have served you before us. May we continue this tradition, extending our love to all, praising your great name to the ends of the earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
3.09 pm
"This is now end of life seriousness.
Homeless they want to perish us.
A crunch rip tore this field.
They beat you on Islam.
I sucker you dog.
They are destroying us app fatal.
You're out because you out.
Your genius inherits our relationship.
Bitch won.
They're real physicalling us here.
We're freezing you baffled.
They've held the Euro-people to make war for them."
3.09 pm
"This is now end of life seriousness.
Homeless they want to perish us.
A crunch rip tore this field.
They beat you on Islam.
I sucker you dog.
They are destroying us app fatal.
You're out because you out.
Your genius inherits our relationship.
Bitch won.
They're real physicalling us here.
We're freezing you baffled.
They've held the Euro-people to make war for them."
Thank you. God bless.
1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil
Proverbs 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26
God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Thank you. God bless.
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Ken Etter
Thought of an Evening...
“The Man of Power is one who presides—
By persuasion. He uses no demeaning words or behavior, does not manipulate others, appeals to the best in everyone, and respects the dignity and
agency of all humankind—men, women, boys, and girls.
By long-suffering. He waits when necessary and listens to the humblest or youngest person. He is tolerant of the ideas of others and avoids quick judgments and anger.
By gentleness. He uses a smile more often than a frown. He is not gruff or loud or frightening; he does not discipline in anger.
By meekness. He is not puffed up, does not dominate conversations, and is willing to conform his will to the will of God.
By love unfeigned. He does not pretend. He is sincere, giving honest love without reservation even when others are unlovable.
By kindness. He practices courtesy and thoughtfulness in little things as well as in the more obvious things. By pure knowledge. He avoids half-truths and seeks to be empathetic.
Without hypocrisy. He practices the principles he teaches. He knows he is not always right and is willing to admit his mistakes and say ‘I’m sorry.'
Without guile. He is not sly or crafty in his dealings with others, but is honest and authentic when describing his feelings.”
H. Burke Peterson
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