"They're Destroying Our Lives, Patrick."
That an overnight Tele receive. Our physical lives being destroyed in a nuclear brimstone waste war that many apparently do not even suspect. Don't even have an idea of how the end of our family line is near to be coming to an end. Our children already gassed by Hitachi-GE and not a peep about it on the news.
Their facial reverse speech reveals their genocidal brimstone nuclear waste warfighting scientists reporting to them that they have already widely and deeply reached Americans with their atomic war upon us from Hitachi-GE. They are telling them they have scored us big.
And the understanding is we will be finished out if we let them keep waging war using our dollar for only about a month more.
Nothing unexpected here, is it not all in our bibles? Yes, it is.
They goof us for nearly 9 and a half years shooting us with atomic waste from Hitachi-GE open burning that is just not a topic of discussion on any news program. The radioactive fallout from the equivalent of thousands of Hiroshima sized atomic bombs now in our atmosphere to rain down on us for years to come. Might such deadly poison thin us out quite a lot?
Do ordinary everyday Americans perceive a threat from this radioactive mess they have pushed onto us here? Or is this merely more Henny Penny, Y2K?
Happened to see a page calling itself the anti New York Times about a song and a movie made 12 years before the Jews blew the World Trade Center and put us into permanent war. Here's a link to the article:
Basically, the Jews were all smirking long before they blew their old white elephant buildings in 2001. And the video shows it with Carly Simon singing with the WTC behind her 12 years before they brought those buildings down killing a couple of thousand people.
Wasn't it a few thousand people killed and not a couple? There was only found a couple thousand dead and do we figure they ghosted a thousand in that staged building collapse? Yes, we had dozens living right here in Des Moines under new names.
And yet they go on every day still holding the most important seat of government, who it is that issues our money. The American labor movement that is fueling all of the war in our world for free and giving it not to an American organization, actually paying a tax to an international Jewish combine. A private Zionist organization in Tiny Switzerland. They cut a third back to JP Morgan in New York City to fuel the continuing nuclear missile attacks against us and also keep the terrorism going throughout the Middle East and Africa and inside of America.
All funded by the free money American workers pay as income tax to an assortment of international Jewish tax-farmers. All the bribes paid to the locals. All funded by the income tax that is paid to a foreign Zionist corporation. Might such a glaring fact help explain why they have smirks on their faces all of the time?
God Almighty in heaven above who sent His saucers to get them out and have the saucers not done a splendid job of letting the Jews get rid of themselves? Yes, they have. Much chance the Jews will ever rise again once they lose the authority to issue the money? Any chance any society will ever let the Jews issue money again? Seems unlikely, doesn't it? Yes, it does.
But they are still holding that critical authority at this moment, the issue of our money, and with it, they are buying Americans out at our root level, our genetics. They have us set now to die off sick from just one Jewish electricity plant they are open burning upwind of us at Hitachi-GE.
The killers of our species that our good God Almighty has let get themselves out of here in a way that they will not be coming back again. And how was it other than letting them get caught red-handed attacking us hydrogen bomb extinction force when they opened up on us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen bombs that they launched at us on the back of 1,000 Boeing missiles airframes?
All repeated ad nauseam for the last nearly nine years now. And now we face the truth. Will their rare hold a little bit longer, about a month, long enough to clear our genes?
Elders of the Federation consider planet earth their private property and that is why they limited how many atomic and hydrogen bombs the Jews and their industrial fiend friends set off here. They don't consider us as property though. We are free spirits to them. We are family. Gifted at our creation 200,000 years ago with free will to live and do as we want.
Judah cult used their free will to offend our good God Almighty and so they were afforded the opportunity to slag themselves out. And so into the waste bucket of history, one of the failed lifeforms now going to fossil.
But their highly organized mental force so strong they are wiping those who support them as they go. The parasite that has made the host unhealthy and is now making the host die as they step out of life.
Will we be able to break the parasite trance before it is too late? Will we stop the war and shut that dirty bomb down while there is something to save of America the beautiful?
Will we hear the thousands of warnings from our good God Almighty to stop the war? Will the American people not rise up and take over the reins of government they have used to wage incessant war with? Will workers not get smart and get ahold of the workers' purse?
The phony make-believe politics they want us to play where we are supposed to pretend we have some say with their phony hand-picked candidates. Must workers not participate in civic life in a real way by taking the concession to issue our money away from the Jews?
Tele receives:
"Stufious is obviously out.
Are you drunk? (I took more out)
Issue rights here.
Waiting to mature.
Senator lied to a fishing bowl.
Trash holed.
We just throw you litter.
Law is writ through epochs of time.
Beam on awakening. 8.56 pm
Beam off. 9.10 pm
Human rights permanently leave here.
Watch the slices of bread.
19 people got wet checks.
March you away.
You'll wake up and your big push will be rights.
You idiot, they got to the sacrifice.
They're destroying our lives Patrick.
They've accepted a harshity state.
We can stop this war machine.
Patrick you hopeless sent us.
I love you, you hate. (Bitch don't hate. Not a fault of his)
It hurts. (So into my post I go and pull some things out)
Shoot, rub and fail."
Bitch was sound asleep and awoke at 8.56 pm and felt the Israeli satellite microwave beam playing on my eyes and head. Turned my overhead fan on, the one I put aluminum foil on the blades, and it whirled but to little useful effect. The beam played on until 9.10 pm.
Sure will be appreciative of when American workers take the authority to issue our money away from these clearly failed life forms.
Though with their violent aggressive abusive behavior, might we understand why so few ever step forward to try and help ordinary people here?
That they actually have gotten Americans people to accept that we no longer have our American bill of rights and false us every day, what are we to say? Might they have pulled us far away from useful that we don't perceive how important our rights are to us here?
Might their titillating pictures and an assortment of sports stories have taken us from seeing what is of first importance here? Will labor not take the paper away from them before they wipe out any more of our financial ways?
And today might we want to say prayers of thanks to precious sweet Father for having His Martain angels led by Sir Casper pull every nuclear missile shot sweet?
Will American workers try to show sincere appreciation for all that Sir Casper has done for us here and stop the war that the Jews are still destroying our seed in? Again and again, time after time that the foul Jews have attacked us with nuclear-tipped missiles Sir Casper's team has not missed pulling and burning or bursting off even one warhead. Will All Americans not say prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty for sending His able team of Martians in to spare us the loss of life form due to Jewish nuclear blast war?
The final step before we become an extraterrestrial society ourselves. Get the simple perps out. And then our truly wealthy leisurely peaceful society can begin. The one with an abundance of everything for everyone. Will American workers not close the enemy of all mankind out, war?
Received several telepathic negatives on yesterday's post and finally figured out why and took the offending sentences out. Thank you for the read and feedback. Just trying to get a strike before all is lost and our breed is washed out in the cradle.
We to now be the 4th Edition Galacticans. And in about 3 million years our descendants, of those who survive this last war of extermination that the jews are waging against us, will be occupying the spaces on the bridge of the mighty Galactic Federation of Light. The world of God Almighty that sent Jesus Christ to redeem and save us.
Jesus, whose biological father was a Venusian, and His mother Mary who was a virgin artificially inseminated on the direction of our good God Almighty, Father Christopher at that time. "Fantastical," you say to yourself? You're not the only one that thinks that.
Our Venusian elders have a much more highly developed brain neuron count than we have. Might that help explain why Jesus never once made a mistake in His life?
The meta gorical transfiguration of our species from a strictly earth-based life form into star-traveling extraterrestrials. That Tele sender that said, "this is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves." Might that rate at the top of all Tele sends for informing us of what is useful for us to know?
The phoniness, the false, the fraud. The everyday goofy dialogue we get on Jew tube. Will workers not give us the truth by ending funding their errant views?
Here is something a Judee said that wanted to take a little better look at:
"We murdered Siemens right."
And what is that all about? From researching a bit it appears that Siemens, the big German industrialist company, was not in favor of using their technology for war. And they paid a price for that. And then we see that facial reverse speech from weap Judah claiming they murdered Siemens right.
Are we seeing it is American money that has let the Jews murder Siemens and anybody else that does not support their war? And while thinking about those that don't support their war, happened to find this nice article at wiki about a songwriter who didn't support their wars and how it cost him:
James Maxwell Anderson was born on December 15, 1888, in Atlantic, Pennsylvania, the second of eight children to William Lincoln "Link" Anderson, a Baptist minister, and Charlotte Perrimela ('Premely') Stephenson, both of Scots and Irish descent
He became the principal of a high school in Minnewaukan, North Dakota, also teaching English there, but was fired in 1913 for making pacifist statements to his students. He then entered Stanford University, obtaining an M.A. in English Literature in 1914. He became a high school English teacher in San Francisco: after three years he became chairman of the English department at Whittier College in 1917. He was fired after a year for public statements supporting Arthur Camp, a jailed student seeking status as a conscientious objector. Anderson moved to Palo Alto to write for the San Francisco Evening Bulletin, but was fired for writing an editorial stating that it would be impossible for Germany to pay off its war debt.
Maxwell die in 1959 at 70 years old.
The inscription on his tombstone reads:
Children of dust astray among the stars
Children of earth adrift upon the night
What is there in our darkness or our light
To linger in prose or claim a singing breath
Save the curt history of life isled in death
September Song
Oh, it's a long long while
From May to December
But the days grow short
When you reach September
When the autumn weather
Turns leaves to flame
One hasn't got time
For the waiting game
Oh, the days dwindle down
To a precious few
September, November
And these few precious days
I'll spend with you
These precious days
I'll spend with you
The few precious days before we know the truth of who will carry on to live in the house of our good God Almighty and who shall fall away into the nightly. As long as God holds Bitch hand he will report the truth to you all best as he can.
Those who rejected the rules that Moses delivered carved in stone 3,500 years ago set now to die off as slag. The hurricane they rode in on now finally ending. Will it carry the less informed out with our handbag?
The Jews and their many extrajudicial execution states that God condemns. Will we not get smart and do it quickly and wash our hands of these obvious economic, political, and social failures?
Before they wash the physical source of our survival out with the long term genocidal poison of brimstone waste will we not end their perpetual war disgrace with a STRIKE?
Before they defeat us genetically and permanently, is there not some way to summon the help of the very people who are being perished by them, the American workers?
The mental opps they do as news. While looking through Bitch notes found this interesting one concerning a 92-year-old Judee guy in a shell that his little red wagon purportedly went missing. He used it in his garden it seems. He had a sign in front of his house if you see his wagon to return it to him. And this is what he said in facial reverse speech when Judee interviewed him:
"The atmosphere must fall."
Might we think of the brain childing opps the Jews put on as news? A tender story of an old man that someone stole the little red wagon he used for gardening. And the deeper reality is he is an old Jew falser working a video opp to hold us long enough to get the atmosphere out, and us sick and dead.
Here are some recent of their facial reverse speech:
"You're fataled right London. The nursery is stumped. I push you with baby shoot, I'm weight now. Jew bowels stand. We're giving you a barbeque slow burn. In our varsity state, thanks for rolling our sweat opps. STRIKE turkey, sign of joy. I just have a Muslim for challenging you to fall your state. I bust you with my toll force, that's my whole fiction. We couldn't pass you, Pat, because you have so much World War II knowledge. My lord keeps my property corrupt. I'm pitchblende, I'm out.
I hold you martially so I can pest your rights. I cored your whole section bad, I'm due to leave in a few days. You hold me for summoning war. When we leave you you're gonna know we shot you. We always had a big cop sauce to bash you's. All this moratza falsin'. I was doing swell and Patrick fall my menacing. Our metric shows oxygen we case you fold. Our oddest roll went cage wink you. Your lucid made all Jew horse racing events go and threw off all Jews. Grumann investments let me cap em. Because I have a dog to squash you I'm a socio-fit. Bitch, your joy is causing our psych falling. Jew here is setting you all lame-o as we go," Judee say.
Some of those facial reverse speech was in previous posts. Some so good put them in as I'm reading them from my notebook.
And these non-Judah facial reverse speech:
"They're getting us stupid all the way. They're dying us here. Domestic, they dusted you."
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, July 11 — Psalm 84:1–7
Deuteronomy 22; Luke 8:40–56
The Lord will give strength to his people. Psalm 29:11 NKJV
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus. Acts 4:13
Great Creator, help us realize that you can use us just the way we are, just as you picked your disciples from among the common people. Please give us the strength and wisdom we need to continue your work. Amen.
1.47 pm
"God who knew what the Jews would do and let them do it. 5.44 am
They're too wretched, they foul stream.
Save the cradle, set them out.
It's failed. (Went into yesterday's post and pulled out the fail, hopefully.)
I lamed you with my shot.
Finish off.
They're falling the atmosphere.
Raise yourself peacefully.
He has us score his orchids.
It's throwing the criminal classes away completely.
God will let the American worker be destroyed.
Radioactive background is so hedges.
They're wiping us through a fearless opp.
They threat weird.
Despondency producing.
You're organized touring.
Just breathe a little ozone.
They cheat to shun us.
Your way here is, you're munchables."
Thank you. God bless.
1.47 pm
"God who knew what the Jews would do and let them do it. 5.44 am
They're too wretched, they foul stream.
Save the cradle, set them out.
It's failed. (Went into yesterday's post and pulled out the fail, hopefully.)
I lamed you with my shot.
Finish off.
They're falling the atmosphere.
Raise yourself peacefully.
He has us score his orchids.
It's throwing the criminal classes away completely.
God will let the American worker be destroyed.
Radioactive background is so hedges.
They're wiping us through a fearless opp.
They threat weird.
Despondency producing.
You're organized touring.
Just breathe a little ozone.
They cheat to shun us.
Your way here is, you're munchables."
Thank you. God bless.
1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil
Proverbs 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.
Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26
God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Thank you. God bless.
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
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