"For Our Armed Wolf, You're Going To Seize Our Wits Eventually."
That subconscious thought from a top-level long term politician in Washington DC that showed up in facial reverse speech. The armed wolf of their nuclear blast warfighting industry that tried to kill us all in three hours of hydrogen bomb shooting at us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. And their armed wolf industry of nuclear brimstone waste that is now succeeding in destroying us on the sly where many have no clue whatsoever that we are being made to die by radioactive waste brimstone poisoned ecology.
Americans are totally unprepared to survive Jewish management of genocide.
Had another curious dream last night. We were sitting in a classroom with a whole lot of students and one of them, a black guy said to Bitch, "one person willing to act has the force of 12,000 ordinary people."
Bitch woke out of his sleep and grabbed his pen and notebook and wrote that down. still half asleep he wrote, "one person willing to act has the force of 12,200 ordinary people." And he looked at what he wrote, he has a bright flashlight he uses with the pen and notebook, made a mental note to remember, it was "12,000" that he said in the dream and not 12,200, and then went back to sleep.
If we take those numbers might it explain why only 2% of our population is destroying the other 98% Actually of the other 98% of us, we 98% group have clever sell outs that are serving the Jews to waste us out genocidally.
5% of the 98% are fully committed and knowledgeable of our destruction in war and are the alliance partners that are gentiles destroying us hand in hand with the Jews.
Then there is the 16% gentiles that robber baron Jay mentioned, the one half of the working class that he could hire to kill the other half. They don't possess the ill will to genocide us, but a paycheck to eat is all they ask and as the 2% Jews control privately the authority to issue our cash might the 16% grips do what is useful for Judah as our ecology burns us up? Might they be absolutely too weak to do a thing to help us? Jew calls them welfare. Do we see it is labor that gives the Jews the welfare money that lets the Jews control their wits
Are we seeing the whole ball of wax is who it is that issues our cash? The cunning 5% that has fully gone along with the bash of us plus the 16% that just wants a seat at the supper table so they hold their noses and serve the Jews, the 21% of the labor force the Jews hold in their hands to order them to do whatever plan the Jews have.
So what does leave us? 77% are the rest of us, half in the workforce, the other half scratching for income wherever we can. Not protected by the Jews financial ways as they issue our bourse every day.
While during this slowdown of our economy due to their biological warfare attack against us the Jews issue millions of dollars to their buddies in the investment community, and to us, a $1,200 one time check.
We, the 77%, with about 35% of us in the US workforce, outside any input into how the 4 trillion dollars of income tax money is handed out. We the now rightless vassals in a Jewish state get a few peanuts while Wall Street gets the gold nuggets handed out. Are we aware those gold nuggets are paid from the income tax on workers that tiny Switzerland claims?
"For our armed wolf, you're going to seize our wits eventually."
The armed wolf industry wits that built over 150,000 atomic and hydrogen bombs and then tried to kill us all in a Suprise attack in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. Did you see BBC news report of that teenage kid that was on the soccer field and was struck with lightning?
As the BBC video played the teen was walking along and then two bursts of black smoke appeared near his feet and he fell down. Next scene the boy is pulling his shirt near the top and showing us a mark on his chest claiming that was where the lightning struck him.
Are we aware that was a totally made-up story presented as news? Are we aware that is part of how the Jews create the irreality that they have used to hold our wits to accept them using our paycheck tax for making war?
The "rare" our extraterrestrial elders assigned to the Jews in their deeply thought out Jewish strategy of messing with our heads all of the time. Absolutely false and made up stories presented as news that the Jews put on to silence our wits. Will, we not pray for American workers to take the authority to issue our income tax money out of the private hands of Switzerland Jews and put that authority into the hands of ordinary everyday working American men and women?
Bitchie's mission from God is not to get the left or right out, along with their so-called reformers, but to get the Centers of power of planet earth out and do it in a way that they never again rise to molest, abuse or threaten God's kids on earth. Will American workers not put the Centers of Power of Planet earth out with a general STRIKE?
The centers of Power of Planet earth made so dangerous because the Jews organized them right. The mind business, the term the Jews use for religion. Will American workers not put our grand juries in so that we can get a true look at them? Might we learn that many of them are merely covers for insurance mousing operations? Certainly. And they are riding on the name of Jesus Christ when they are exactly opposite to His life.
The Centers of Power of planet earth, the Vatican, royals and their court Jews, that were contacted by the emissary from the Galactic Federation of Light in 1350 AD. The contact they refused with the Federation because they had already perfected the predator relationship on the rest of us.
If only every day simple working American men and women will try to gauge just what sort of long term falsity we are dealing with here every day, will you not take the keys of power away from them and end the games they are playing on us?
What are the keys of power? Is it anything other than the authority to first collect income tax from American workers and then exclusively be able to spend it as they wish, privately and in secret not telling us what they buy with our income tax dollars? What type of power is that that they have over the ordinary people? Has it not shown itself to be totally death to the ordinary people here?
The high level advanced peaceful extraterrestrial civilization that has stepped in to spare our lives from the nuclear warfighting Centers of Power of planet earth, certainly, the Galactic Federation of Light can be perceived by ordinary American wits, can't they?
NASA continually turning off the cameras just as our elders flying saucers pass by the space station. Might NASA not want us to perceive the extraterrestrials right because it will reveal the hand that NASA had in perfecting their intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles? Will American workers not strike them out and take the keys of power into your safe hands? Must American workers not end the destruction of our beautiful land?
God who sent Jonah to the Ninevites to tell them he was going to destroy then for their wicked ways. Jonah didn't want to go, he felt the Ninevites would not believe him and probably would kill him, but he went anyway and the Ninevites heard what he had to say and repented of their wicked ways and God spared them destruction.
Jonah had even asked God to take him away, but God had a mission for him so Jonah stayed. Bitch has empathy with Jonah and has a sense of how Jonah felt. Jonah felt the Ninevites would not listen to the warning God had given Jonah so why even bother passing it on?
But they did listen to Jonah and heard the warning from God, they acted to end their wickedness and it spared their lives.
The wickedness of war of continuing to fund the Centers of power of Planet earth that are still perpetrating war and genocide against God's simian kids on earth, and this after God has His Martian angels let them throw themselves out.
Can we only wonder how many American workers have ever even given one thought to how the American workers' income tax we pay to foreign genocidal war-making Jews is hurting many of God's children on earth?
The car bombs going off around our world that kill 50, a hundred or more in the market places. Are we really unaware those gorgeous bombs were built in Germany on orders of Jews and paid for on the back of American labor? Are there some American workers that just don't want to believe such a thing is true?
God Almighty of heaven and earth who had His wondrous angels afford the Jews the opportunity to shoot themselves fully dead. Will American workers not take some good advice, "GET SMART," as Mercury said and end the wickedness with a general strike to take the keys of power away from the 2%, the deadly exterminating fumigating Jews? The keys of power, are we aware is the authority to issue our money?
JP Morgan, a Jew in a Welch shell. Long dead but not forgotten as his corporation is still exterminating us well. Must American workers not end free funding their genocide?
A full third of the 4 trillion dollars a year that American workers gift to Swiss Jews winds up in the pockets of JP Morgan and company. Will workers not take it away from them and issue it yourselves?
The recent rioting out on American streets that have already injured many police personnel. Are we not aware that rioting is funded by George Soros and JP Morgan using American workers' dollars paid into income tax?
Is there an understanding that God Almighty wills that the Jewish war powers of planet earth be put out of operation totally and permanently?
The ability to count, basic mathematics. Are we aware that is all we need to be able to issue our money? The financial wizards that issue our money. Can we not do as well? Certainly we can. Their racket to sell uniforms. Will American workers not get hip and stop the war before their brimstone fumes get us completely out of here?
Might we try to perceive just how well the Galactic Federation of light sized these Jews up thousands of years ago? "They mishandled their higher level potentials. Animal primitivism," Mercury said as to how they went the wrong way and got good at it, as budget Judee said.
"The true function of war is not external as is stated, rather the true function of war is to subordinate one's own domestic population to exploitation at the hands of the dominant class," Karl Liebknecht theorized in 1915. Now that we know we have been attacked by the domestic nuclear blast and now waste warfighting industrialists and investors, might Karl's theory not now be received as wholly fact?
Boom boom, shot in the back, the thanks that Karl received in 1919 for helping us out with some true facts.
The extreme levels of corporate fraud and state violence that has held the merchant rights power in. At its roots are we perceiving it is really a wits thing?
The historical blight created by the unleashing of state violence of war. God Almighty who has had His angels give us the peace. Will American workers not stop the war?
If it is to be the joy of booze in these last days, then in 4 months neither our children nor ourselves will survive very long. Bitch repeatedly going into his post yesterday to pull out things that might insult the white people again.
If surveys are correct, 85% of white people now set to be destroyed by brimstone waste. But what about blacks? Survey says, only about 21% of them to be destroyed by brimstone waste. They have the highest identifiable population that is against the war, 79%. So that is the percent that may be raptured out when it is absolutely the end.
So why do 85% of whites accept Jewish gibberish and lies and fund their permanent war? Might it be the 1,300 years they've had to work their irreality and fraud on our heads?
Jonah asked God to die him off. Bitch got real feelings for how Jonah felt. "Why bother trying to convince them to change their ways," Jonah felt and asked God to just die him off and not waste his time.
But God told Jonah His word would carry and so it turned out that Jonah's message from God to the Ninevites did work. The Ninevites ended the wickedness and God spared them all.
The Jews who have got America where they use debt and unemployment to fuel homelessness and insurance sport. They claim an inherent right of corporate state violence to attack the children of God thousands of miles from our shores. Will American workers not cut their financial balls off right with a strike before they physically melt our balls off fair with Hitachi-GE brimstone waste?
Not a word about Hitachi-GE on any channel of their Jewish TV. And not a peep about the disinfecting power of inexpensive ozone gas. Is booze really that powerful that we just cannot see what they are doing to us easily? Must we in these last days not come upright with a strike and stop the war?
Tele receives:
"It's stupid. 4.21 pm
It's stoof.
It's stupid. (Bitch went into his post and pulled many things out. Hope it got the stupid out. Thanks for the read and Tele feedback)
We're happy we assaulted ya's. 4.53 pm
They're affecting everybody's money.
You do conquer this age with your force incredible animate.
It's a pretzel bad.
Jerk sees their mighty big lies.
Jerky got an eyeful.
Thugs with forked angles.
You're wreckage.
Shitty I must die.
The white man is screwed by the hawking here.
You insulted and nipped a rising.
They're pushing us murderous here just on a symbol.
It's a pull cash.
We love to toss you right.
Relationship, your nicest hinged, you lost function.
Bitch is a productive, why didn't he reach you?
One man plugged in can equal 12,200 men.
Industrial lies fumish us.
We fade your life forces useless.
Pat, your ecology has almost died.
All indications are you do not know Hitachi-GE pushed you out of life form.
A mighty nice guy washed them all.
It's intimidation that produces fear.
Tool thug."
Might this be an example of how memory works?
"One person willing to act has the force of 12,000 ordinary people."
And what Bitch actually wrote in his notes when he awoke out of a sound sleep:
"One man plugged in can equal 12,200 men."
Though to read it correctly as what the guy in the dream actually said, it would read, "one man plugged in can equal 12,000 men." Might we consider the Jews are plugged in and that is the extra force they show that is holding us to let them issue our dough?
Judah tries to rub Bitch by laughing that the hundreds of trillions of dollars brought in every year by velocity technology won't be available to us. That doesn't seem to bother Bitch at all for he thinks of how Dr. Henry Moray had the free energy machine and showed it to the world in 1926 and lived for another 48 years and never saw it brought in. Can we only empathize with the dismay felt by Henry that the best invention in history, was held out by the Jews led by President Franklin Roosevelt?
What bothers Bitch is the thought of our family living with so little income when if only velocity were brought in everyone on earth would have a pocketful of cash. That is what bothers Bitch, the wretchedness that we hold in by letting the genocidal Jews issue our cash.
While American technology would be the fastest to bring free energy technology alive, if we collapse in sickness and war, there are several other countries that could bring velocity free energy supplies in. Just that they won't be able to do it a fast as we could do it in our land of the free.
Are we understanding that once the Jews no longer have labor boursed fist power America will be the land of the free once again?
Bitch of course is not giving up. Father is still watching from above. Those troubling Federation computer simulations though, the ones found in the book of Revelation in our bibles, that prophesize the majority of Americans will perish now with brimstone coming out of our mouths.
Sweet Jesus that Father Christopher sent to redeem us with His blood. If only we make the connection with Sweet Jesus and the Galactic Federation of Light might we not be able to see that we have already been set free from the genocidal nuclear warfighting Jews and the rest of their disease brand, the centers of power of planet earth?
"I gave you the peace, must you fail? I would have given you anything. I warned you. Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives. I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," precious sweet Father our good God in heaven said to us all.
Father who is now in the last 4 months of His beautiful life. He spoke to Richard when Richard was cooled down and his heart was out and the doctors were sewing it up. Loving Father spoke with Richard and when their conversation ended, Father hugged Richard and a decade or more later Richard still cries like a baby when he relives the unconditional love that Father showed to him.
And now, August, September, October, and November. The last month that Father will be with us. Our Father since 800 AD. The same century that Harald was made king of Norway.
Our precious sweet Father who in His very last days has concern for His simian children on earth that are scientifically, systematically being destroyed by the Jews using the silence of their high technical brimstone waste war.
The advanced telecommunications system we have. A cell phone internet-connected computer now in almost every American's hand. Will American workers try to get the message to all workers that we are in the truly last days and get together and give us a strike?
Bitch can't quite recall if he mentioned what Mercury elder shared with him about their food supplies. He told me they keep a 30 year supply and they shop off of the food that is longest in storage. It is as good, tasty, and nutritious as food that is first manufactured. Are we seeing that we will have technological leaps in many areas once we close the genocidal war machine world of the Jews out?
Population tends to increase to the edge of the resource base. God Almighty wants advanced clean safe industry to fuel an increase in resources that is then available to us to increase the human population. God wills we increase our population where Judah wills we destroy resources that then will lead to decreases in population.
In the clash of wills is it not seen that God's will has won?
As a note, a personal opinion, the invention of welding in the modern age has been one of the most significant things that has led to the population of earth going from 2 billion of us to the 8 billion of us as there are now.
A Russian invented electric arc welding and a Polish fellow gave us gas welding in 1880. StanisÅ‚aw Olszewski (1852–1898) was a Polish engineer and inventor. He is best known as the co-creator of the technology of arc welding.
The vast manufacturing enterprise that allowed for the great wealth of America and the rest of our world, might we think it was welding that was the key that let us build so big so fast?
That Stanislaw only lived to be 46 years of age. Might it have been Jealous Judah that stole him away? Who else could it have been? Will workers not take the paper away from the Jews and let our most useful come in to help us now in these last days?
"My fist all is coming out because my admiral died. Verse advantage is now a break. We're going to shear your fault away. NO bourse, NO participle. Cite you great we douse your wit. Jew bourse shot a wish. Your babies coming in I stumbled them fail. Getting the grand jury off us was awesome.
45 kids were fouled dead here. (Arson fire site)
With my sports I mooch you. Adolph we just use to breeze. We just set you all for fail de-exist. Because of my extra force, you're leaving. Because of insurance, I'm history. I fail to you throughout my life, I'm tilted," Judee say.
Non-Judah facial reverse speech:
"The vultures have fallen because their race side is not true."
The Jews who hired Adolph Hitler and then use his misdeeds to blame Germans for it. Are we getting how they like to deface all of us all the time?
The Jew hybrid transplant shell Fornian Replicon King Leopold of the Belgians who abused seriously our family in the Congo a century-plus ago. Are we understanding he did that to put it upon the face of the white man? Are we understanding that is why the Jews have Americans shooting war all the time, to make it appear to the world that it is the white people that are bad to all the other breeds of man?
Will the white workers not get this foul Jew off of us the right way, by taking the most important concession of the state away from them, the concession to issue our money?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Watchword for the Week — God, turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your custom toward those who love your name. Psalm 119:132
Sunday, July 26 —1 Kings 3:5-12; Psalm 119:129-136
Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33,44-52
Whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Proverbs 14:31 NIV
Jesus said, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25:40
Benevolent God, help us share our possessions with those in need, blessing them by sharing our blessings. Help us see ourselves in the eyes of the needy, so that we may truly be generous with our lives and our wealth. Amen.
11.48 am
"Put this fellow out who is wasting us. 7.40 am
Well done.
You date us.
Settle down, you care.
Honey your strictures hug.
Fun out.
Love is not an ancient rule of force."
Watched a Sunday political talk show and learned a few things. First a little about the 64,000 Hiroshima sized atom bombs that such force was launched at America in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011.
When Mercury gave Bitch the details of that attempt to extinct our breed, 3,200 three hundred Kiloton hydrogen bombs were launched at us, Bitch added the force up and divided by the size of by the Hiroshima atom bomb and that is when he first saw the number, "64,000." As a 6-year-old child in 1954, he wondered why the game show, "the 64,000 dollar question" picked that amount as the top prize. And only in October of 2011 did he larn why they named that showw, th "$64,000 dollar question."
The inside joke of the force needed for destroying us all, known by 15-year-old Jew kids ever since 1954. So what about today, what did Bitch learn that is something like that?
Do some recall that Bitch has been pulling "April " from the Jews reverse facial speech for many years now? Well, Bitch finally figured out what that is all about. Here it is, see what you think:
Brimstone waste warfighting Judah just revealed days ago that they now have enough brimstone waste in our environment that the embryo is being assaulted by it. And Bitch counted on his fingers the nine months of gestation of an embryo to turn into a newborn baby, "August, September, October, November, December, January February, March, and April." Is it not interesting the Jews have had that thought, "April," in their subconscious for years? Are we seeing that is the month that our newborn babies will have had the dose of radiation for the full term of their gestation?
Are we seeing how accurate has been their predictions of when the radioactive waste from Hitachi-GE would fully reach our newborn babies? Is there an understanding they are truly excited?
Learned a few other things from the Sunday talk show. The 5% that are the war collaborators with the Jews, the gentiles, are fleeing in two months from now.
Also a possible answer to the curiosity of a space ship that crashed in South America decades ago. Searched for the article, did post it previously, it was about an explosion and one investigator thought that it was a spaceship that crashed and then dematerialized itself. Where it had crashed was a large area with aluminum sitting on the scorched surface of earth. Bitch found this interesting facial reverse speech today that might help explain the aluminum found near what was believed to be a crashed spaceship:
"Aluminum cipher always spouts wood."
So the location of what was believed to be a crashed space ship, might we consider that in reality, it was a meta transiliatory communication to us from extraterrestrial elders that the Jews have been sporting our wits with aluminum so that we only spout wood? Are we getting some sense of how our elders speak to us? More than that are we aware the Jews have been fooling with our food to take our wits out at every age?
And the last story on the Sunday talk show was of the late congressman John Lewis. Have several pages of facial reverse speech of that. "He was a mice-ous congressman," one fellow said in RS. Not that it makes any difference but it was a black man that said that.
Have other really interesting things that were known about John by many but maybe it will be best when the grand juries hear them instead of Bitch repeating them.
This facial RS will leave you's with for today that was just found in the Sunday talk show:
"In 4 months we will have tumbled you evasive."
Thank you. God bless.
11.48 am
"Put this fellow out who is wasting us. 7.40 am
Well done.
You date us.
Settle down, you care.
Honey your strictures hug.
Fun out.
Love is not an ancient rule of force."
Watched a Sunday political talk show and learned a few things. First a little about the 64,000 Hiroshima sized atom bombs that such force was launched at America in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011.
When Mercury gave Bitch the details of that attempt to extinct our breed, 3,200 three hundred Kiloton hydrogen bombs were launched at us, Bitch added the force up and divided by the size of by the Hiroshima atom bomb and that is when he first saw the number, "64,000." As a 6-year-old child in 1954, he wondered why the game show, "the 64,000 dollar question" picked that amount as the top prize. And only in October of 2011 did he larn why they named that showw, th "$64,000 dollar question."
The inside joke of the force needed for destroying us all, known by 15-year-old Jew kids ever since 1954. So what about today, what did Bitch learn that is something like that?
Do some recall that Bitch has been pulling "April " from the Jews reverse facial speech for many years now? Well, Bitch finally figured out what that is all about. Here it is, see what you think:
Brimstone waste warfighting Judah just revealed days ago that they now have enough brimstone waste in our environment that the embryo is being assaulted by it. And Bitch counted on his fingers the nine months of gestation of an embryo to turn into a newborn baby, "August, September, October, November, December, January February, March, and April." Is it not interesting the Jews have had that thought, "April," in their subconscious for years? Are we seeing that is the month that our newborn babies will have had the dose of radiation for the full term of their gestation?
Are we seeing how accurate has been their predictions of when the radioactive waste from Hitachi-GE would fully reach our newborn babies? Is there an understanding they are truly excited?
Learned a few other things from the Sunday talk show. The 5% that are the war collaborators with the Jews, the gentiles, are fleeing in two months from now.
Also a possible answer to the curiosity of a space ship that crashed in South America decades ago. Searched for the article, did post it previously, it was about an explosion and one investigator thought that it was a spaceship that crashed and then dematerialized itself. Where it had crashed was a large area with aluminum sitting on the scorched surface of earth. Bitch found this interesting facial reverse speech today that might help explain the aluminum found near what was believed to be a crashed spaceship:
"Aluminum cipher always spouts wood."
So the location of what was believed to be a crashed space ship, might we consider that in reality, it was a meta transiliatory communication to us from extraterrestrial elders that the Jews have been sporting our wits with aluminum so that we only spout wood? Are we getting some sense of how our elders speak to us? More than that are we aware the Jews have been fooling with our food to take our wits out at every age?
And the last story on the Sunday talk show was of the late congressman John Lewis. Have several pages of facial reverse speech of that. "He was a mice-ous congressman," one fellow said in RS. Not that it makes any difference but it was a black man that said that.
Have other really interesting things that were known about John by many but maybe it will be best when the grand juries hear them instead of Bitch repeating them.
This facial RS will leave you's with for today that was just found in the Sunday talk show:
"In 4 months we will have tumbled you evasive."
Thank you. God bless.
1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil
Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26
God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Thank you. God bless.
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