"Son They Close Us, You Failed Poison."
That an overnight Tele receive. Yet does our bible not tell us that we were destined to fail to the beast in the end times? Yes, the bible does tell us that we were to fail to the beast and die out in their permanent war huffing brimstone with it coming out our mouths. And so now that is come to pass.
This place America where we have had it all we let them hold us into war so long that now we are doomed to a hell die huffing brimstone waste and enduring their war with Russia that they want to get underway before they lose the authority to issue our money.
Is this not all understood by those who have chosen to spend 40 minutes of time to figure it out? Is that not how long the Jew tells us it takes to figure out the false they are doing to us here? 40 minutes and their thousands of years of messing people's minds all understood leading to putting them out of issuing our money.
Everything that is destroying our world traced back to 1913 when the Jews took over the organizing principle of American society, the authority to issue our cash, and privatized into their exclusive hands with an income tax paid in to fill their international private coffers.
Those who tried to tell us then what an incredible fraud it was, not listened to and we let the Jews hold onto it then. And so for not listening still we let the Jews perish us fair. Our world swept in permanent war and genocide all funded by American working guys and gals. How did we ever let ourselves fail so badly?
If only we had been raised in the world of truth and knew for the last three thousand years as the Jews have known that we are an extraterrestrial created species and that is who has given us our religion of Christianity, might we have been able to counter the Jews lies that there is such a thing as a warrior role in society?
Jesus Christ the pacifist who showed us who we really are and at the same time let the synagogue of Satan Jews show us who they are. Now that the Jew has been caught attacking us all out with nuclear missiles to extinct our breed and also shooting us with an atomic cannon brimstone blowing in the wind extinction-level event after we are hit by Russia fair might the Jews never be coming back to issue our money? Of course not. So why in heaven's name are we still letting them issue our money, why are we letting them game us with their Russian missile attack to leave us in the rubble?
Could it be the bidet they always wanted to focus our wits on instead of sight of the bourse and what that is all about? Their brain childing psychological warfare that is on every channel on television. Might that have something to do with how they are able to hold us frozen as they gas us out with the deadliest gas ever introduced into our environment, MOX?
Or could it be the terror they put in with their constant shooting out on our streets? Are we aware the vast number of shootings out here are all boursed by the Jews to keep us in fear?
But what are we to say, has Jewish terrorism not won the day? "Why invite calamity in" some still say when asked to help to get the Jews war out?
Our children already weakened as toddlers due to huffing high radioactive content. Is there not some way that American workers will let the Jews off of issuing our money and let our engineers get in and shut that Jewish atomic cannon down at Hitachi-GE?
That the Jews were able to call on their Russian partners in genocide and shoot down on demand the Korea flight 007 assassinating Congressman Larry McDonald in 1983 should such a thing not alert us that nuclear war fighting Russia and nuclear warfighting America are twins conjoined at the head?
That the US military has repeatedly attacked us with nuclear missiles should that not be enough to shut this genocidal war machine fraud down with a STRIKE?
The Galactic Federation of Light our homeworld that gifted us with extraterrestrial wits 200,000 years ago. Our home world that put "Project Earth" into service in 1906 because they knew the Jews would destroy us all for nuclear kicks.
Certainly, the presence of our high-level relatives that have spared our lives that the Jews tried to take away thermonuclear blast in the middle of the night and are now still taking our lives away with little itty bitty hot radioactive particles, can't be that hard to figure out, or can it? Contact with our family from the stars just cannot be too hard to understand, can it?
Will it be charged that it was the deathly insult of Bitch that caused the American workers to force us out this way or the drunken stupor that so many American workers remain in these last days?
Some surveys indicate that 80% of Americans are users of alcohol. Will it be alcohol blinding that will seal the deaths of the American people now?
Proverbs 20:1 - "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
Proverbs 23:20: "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."
This wealthy nation about to be attacked by the Jews Russian war machine. Must we find ourselves in rags to understand we should have been sober to deal with things?
Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted, you who are now far from my righteousness. I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away. Isaiah 46:12-13 NIV
To completely fund the foul Jews American war machine now continuously for 107 years and not miss one paycheck to them as they harm the children of God on earth genocidally. Is there not the wits to understand we are far away from God's righteousness?
Will American workers try to perceive the cruelly manipulated poor assault forces of the Jews would not be if only American workers would issue our money and put an existence stipend in as our good God wills?
The destroying force that Europe has been for the 1,300 years the Jews have held our kin. Now to suffer a dreadful fate if Europeans don't stop serving the Jews wars of genocide against God's kids. Will American workers not get smart as Mercury suggests and strike them out?
The wonder of our beautiful precious sweet Father who has scheduled such an incredible and graceful transition from a foul Jewish permanent warfare imprisonment sports state into free wealthy souls in every way. Will labor not let the papering foul Jews off with a strike?
The very word, "Jew," understood to be a pejorative, the very word a curse on the rest of God's kids. Will American workers not end their rule of Americans with a strike to take the authority to issue our money away from their genocidal hands?
The founding fathers of these united states knew their history well and chose to not create the United States without a Bill of rights in the law. The protection needed for the people against the Jewish and their owlish collaborators in the terrain and beyond. The right the crafters of the Consitution never wanted in from the beginning and only let them be put into our law because that was the only way the delegates would go along with the creation of the United States. No rights, no United States.
The Jews though knew from their terroristic experience that over time murder and mayhem would let them get rights out so they could rule full Satan like. And so they did. The thing that always let them get a state destroyed, their right to make war. Will American workers not end funding the Jews right to make war? Before you and your kid are no more will you not stop the Jews war?
The Jews who are being returned to dust because they don't make it any days in God's world. Will American workers not end bracing them up before they send us to dust before they cave?
Their fate is sealed to live out their days as the mole people now underground for the next thousand of years or so and then return to the surface where they will be rejected and then with no breeding partners they will pass from existence and back to dust. Their few thousands of years of bossing on earth long since passed and done. Merely a footnote in a book. The tale of the tape, they failed great but they weren't extraterrestrial stuff.
The industries they blocked from coming in that would easily house clothe and feed every one of God's kids. Can we not say prayers of thanks to our good God almighty for having His angels let them get themselves out of the way so that we now can let the new industries in that will feed, house, and clothe all of God's kids well?
The Jew wants widespread poverty so he has desperation among the people so it makes it easy to imprison and abuse God's kids. Can we not praise our kind and good God for having his angels let the Jews toss themselves out of here right?
Attacking white in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with the incinerating force of 64,0000 Hiroshima atomic bombs set to explode right over our heads as we slept in our beds. Certainly white is going to respond to that, aren't they? At some stage will white not take the concession to issue our money out of their private hands and give a committee of the whole from Labor the authority to issue our money?
Might we see the end of master once the authority to issue money is no longer in private Jewish hands? Will it not be nice to be rid of masters' nuclear war-fighting ways? Will American workers not stop this brimstone war of Jewish scientific inventiveness on us?
Most everything they invent is useful for death and destruction. Will, you not get their hand off of our purse? Before they push you and yours totally out of existence as they planned, will you not act to stop the Jews eternal, virtual, permanent war?
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4," God said.
Might we view that in terms of Darwin wits we need when dealing with the Jew? If we don't have the wits to perceive we are being done in or the energy to act against what is being done to us might it just be Darwin's survival of the fittest and brimstone will now clear the less fit among us out?
"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives," precious sweet Father said to all of His simian kids on earth. Will American workers not hear the plea of our kind and good God and bring us into His world with a strike to clean Satan's war brand out fair?
The Jews know there is something wrong with them but they have chosen to punish others for what ails them. If they had listened to Father His miracle power would have healed them but they persisted going the wrong way because they preffered to deathly fiend God's kids. They are abusive life forms that obviously dwell in the lower arena and are not keepers to move up into the universe.
Can we try to appreciate that we have seen a demonstration of how an advanced peaceful high-level life form gets rid of a low ball foul life form without fighting them? Much chance low foul ball Judah will be tax farming any people after American workers take the concession to issue our money from them?
Had to take a break here, the beam came on me at 4.58 am. I turned on my overhead fan with the aluminum wrapped blades and sat under the fan as the beam played. It ended at 5.07 am., only 9 minutes in. Right after the beam came on while I was saying a prayer for the shooter of me, I do that in hopes it will soothe Father, I heard this small voice say: "I'm happy you fear us." 5.02 am
Bitch go to see a top electronics engineer to see if he would be interested in building a velocity circuit. "I enjoy going out to eat," he said when he heard what it was Bitch wanted. Might that be the Jewish fear they have put in here?
Will workers not end Jewish terrorism in America by taking the concession to issue our money away from them?
Bitchie wondering about the beam shot, could the aluminum be sending heat back into their microwave beam transmitter? Or are Mercury angels taking some of the beam off of Bitch's head? If so Bitch thanks elders for helping him here again. Sure hope you workers will stop funding the Jews who are still heinously battering me with their orbiting beam weapons.
Can we only wonder how many heart attacks they have done with their satellite beam weapon? They've used it on me twice. The first time I didn't wake up but the second time I did and Mercury limited their heart attack beam power or it would have killed me. Might we like to talk to NASA about these beam attacks while we sleep? Maybe a desk in the US Airforce is providing services to the Jews for these satellite attacks on us?
Might a grand jury not be able to get the records so we can see just what the score is? Do they have nearly a 100% heart attack kill? Might he be the only one to survive because Mercury pulled some of the beam strength off?
The angels' God has watching over us. How about this smashing of the front of a plane in flight?
Oklahoma City Thunder plane hit by Possible UFO.
The Oklahoma City NBA Basketball Thunder Team’s Boeing 757-200 aircraft had a scary situation late Friday night. October 27, 2017. The team flew from Minneapolis to Chicago, -Midway on Delta 8935 charter flight where they played the Bulls. Along the way, their airplane was damaged in mid-air, with the nose of the plane being completely caved in. ‘We had a rough flight to say the least,’ said Adams, Incredulous, he called on NASA and famous scientists Bill Nye and Neil Tyson to shed light on what may have caused the dent. It is possible they encountered a bird while on descent into Chicago. The aircraft, landed safely without incident. It’s not entirely clear yet what happened, though Carmelo Anthony suggested that the plane hit something, writhing or twisting like a UFO, “What possibly could we have hit in the sky at this time of night? Everyone is Safe. Thanks to Donnie Brooke Pro Wrestler / UFO Hunter [email protected]
While we can only speculate what struck that plane, but from being tuned into how elders do things, might we guess that if it was elders that struck that nose in, it was to spare that plane from a Jewish controlled Sky Brat crash?
Might elders have struck the nose of that plane turning off the signal generator that was to turn Sky Brat on and cause that plane to go into a computer-controlled crash? That is what Bitch suggests might of happened there. And why would elders do that? Might there have been one or more people on that plane that loved Father and prayed to Him for protection? Might that be what happened there?
While elders could have turned off Sky Brat in many ways without us knowing about it, by bumping the front of the plane do we see that we can look at what was going on there?
Maybe if we looked at the passenger list might we find a bunch of new insurance policies written on the passengers? Might that clue us that Sky Brat was turned on? Will labor not turn these errors off with a strike?
Just watched the 6 am Judee news from Japan and it was terrible to hear from reading the facial reverse speech. Before we get to that would like to share what Mercury elder said about a half-hour ago and a Tele receive from a woman yesterday.
First the Tele receive from yesterday:
"Oh, Patrick we were completely mistaken about batten."
And from Mercury today:
"Densely fallen, too tough."
Might we see where the Jews way up on the impulse that controls humans and Bitch way densely especially years ago, used Bitch dense mental wild talk to make it appear he was a batboy? If only workers figure out what happened there might they realize Bitch has not harmed a fly, merely stupid wording after being abused by the continuous stream of Jews physically assaulting him? The use of a military blinding laser that Bitch was shot in they eye with that caused him to wish words someone would hit that Jew with a bat. And such angry words the Jews used to stage a false and put it on as news that Bitch was happy to claim for himself then. Will workers try to perceive that God works even with dense stupid people if they are well-intentioned?
Bitch who chose to oppose the unending stream of fouls that make war and build prisons and execute people as if they are doing us a public service. The guy who has gotten more pacifistic as he studied and learned about what is going on here. But because of a fault of stupid and density, he let the Jews make it appear that he is the violent guy.
Where do we note the Jews are always playing the victim role? Someone always being mean to the Jews either scribbling swastikas on their grandmothers grave or hitting them as they innocently walk down the street. If Bitch had understood those mental impulses instead of anger at the laser beam assaulters might he have followed the Jew route and not have had anger, let others think about what they had done to Bitch by shooting him with a blinding laser beam?
That American workers funded that laser beam battery might workers have given some thought to the question of free funding the Jews to do things like that to ordinary workers, not unlike themselves? But instead, Bitch bad mouth let the Jews score even more on him for the bad way he handled it. Of course, at that time, Bitch did not even believe we had a God. Figured we were all out here on our own.
But let us move on now to the news that is so bad just in from Japan. Here is what the Jews brimstone waste warfighting scientists are reporting to the heads of their Jewish hybrid transplant shell look-alike Replicon states in the Far East.
"The evidence is we have swatted white away. Pat is a lawyer and you didn't listen to him, so we ruined you. We've seized your embryo. We've now set you for an open rising, Jew has got rumor satisfaction. Without Mercury we can do you out leisure, so we just schedule you."
They have reached the reproduction of Americans now with the high levels of radiation they have put upon us. The embryo has been reached. A condition of the ending of the high intelligence of our breed. Smaller brains due to radioactive waste that has been pouring in for nearly ten years of uncontrolled open burning of nuclear piles thousands of miles from our shores. Are we reading their Jewish atomic warfighting scientists have told them they have swatted white away?
Here's some more from their subconscious that shows up in their facial reverse speech:
"Jews always fail weap abusive. We hold you as a taxpayer to do residual. Shrimp force is pushing true financial. We just enjoy fiber molest. Jew is un-foulable as it is you's that make war. Russia's shed is going to coomb your life. We just have rights to hold you with a weaperly here. We just justice you nuke powering. We just bidet you, no bourse-a-sight.
Strike deceive um.
My Vail will halt you most with Russia. We believe to rude a sensible boy. Patrick wants a grand jury. (Parliament owl)
We got a temperature so fine to weap you. I just bamboozle ya. We obviously have a psychology to make us best bourse men. I'm menacing to sweetly let you go. Our cipher holds them all into a hard protest. You see my videoscaty you see how I hold my percent. The people I war with all my symmetries see me now. We just weaped you with police until the Irish told you about the British. Contact spook Jew economy because I hit. You take my home in Denmark and I'm away.
Pat hailed me for my ultimate that you're going to pull for my big Judas. Washinton Elliotts let us Washington fiend. We hoped Bitch we could hos him dead. Because of our big palace raid you be felled. Quarantine from Venus got Jew out. For my right of passage, you make me. I hold you great battle shooting your heads out on the street. With a bull session, we just spun you around politics. You are on my palace on rule day," Judee say.
The few hours and they will be done forevermore if only American workers will STRIKE THEM OUT.
Beam on. 7.05 am
Beam off. 7.15 am
The Jews have numerous satellites attacking Bitch now with this beam weapon and sure will appreciate it when American workers end funding their attack on me. The world will appreciate it American working men and women when you end funding all of the wars the Jews are waging against the human race on earth. Their spirit is returning to dust because that is what God decided is their best state.
"I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God Almighty of heaven and earth said to American working men and women.
Tele receives:
Dangerous extra life force. 2.45 pm
They just hand white people off to be destroyed.
For their ailerons, they're no good.
They're trying to save us here (Mercury) and they're liquidating our sphere (Jews).
Contract murderers.
You'll have hoodlum thug rule as long as you leave them issue the money.
Trashing us out.
Oh Patrick we were completely mistaken about batten.
I'm sorry but you're leaving us die your kid irritit.
Any people they get a hold of they foul.
Whites have never once responded to their die.
It's weird.
We're justing, it's fair to throw our rights here.
His butt out.
Stupid die giraffes.
They got a game that cash us Patrick.
Ment cid.
Mental force sag em fierce.
Son, they close us, you failed poison.
They're harming you all official dead.
A creep government.
Do you perceive you're pitching yourselves out?
To beasters we tim.
Why am I so dumb?
Habit press right, rule ya.
Tumor toss, tumor toss.
They're bee terrorists.
They have marginally pushed us out of here.
Skunk haven.
Sand spiders.
It's theft.
They just use the state to pin something on you.
Roast market.
Pat's Jew made all of them Reich fail.
Read a catasterous fail.
A Jewva stuck in a grave
Beam on. 4.58 am
I'm happy you fear us. 5.02 am
Beam off. 5.07 am
Densely fallen, too tough.
Beam on. 7.05 am
Good luck for free.
Beam off." 7.15 am
We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Listen to me, you stubborn-hearted, you who are now far from my righteousness. I am bringing my righteousness near, it is not far away. Isaiah 46:12-13 NIV
Tuesday, July 21 — Psalm 88:6–12
Deuteronomy 31:9–32:9; Luke 10:25–42
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Merciful Creator and giver of all, help us remember to thank you everyday for all the gifts you give us. Help us to have grateful hearts—hearts that swell with gratitude everytime we think of you. Thank you God! Amen.
2.12 pm
"You're like it won.
You were fair oaked. (A Judee on the block)
Leave you a loan.
End down ya.
Glorious escape.
We press you with war fraud.
Horribly they 've got us locked down diseases.
Chemi-mix won. (Clerk in store, Benjamin)
Gum up for true push them out.
They cost you with deceitful.
Pat's a struggle wit.
They burned you over dageous.
You got a voucher as soon as you close central wheels.
They crush base.
You lost-a- me."
That last one, when leaving a food store from a woman, possibly an employee.
If I lost you was it actually due to me doing wrong or you believing the Jew who has proven to do the wrong? Hopefully, it is seen that Bitch is not a bad boy here at all.
And the mention of a voucher as soon as you close central wheels. The business people have been looking at velocity power supplies and realize when they are in operation they are going to open up millions of new income sources for everyone. But velocity will only come in when American workers pull the terrorists off of us with a strike. Will, we not keep praying for the miracle that will lead American workers to strike until workers have the concession to issue our money?
2.12 pm
"You're like it won.
You were fair oaked. (A Judee on the block)
Leave you a loan.
End down ya.
Glorious escape.
We press you with war fraud.
Horribly they 've got us locked down diseases.
Chemi-mix won. (Clerk in store, Benjamin)
Gum up for true push them out.
They cost you with deceitful.
Pat's a struggle wit.
They burned you over dageous.
You got a voucher as soon as you close central wheels.
They crush base.
You lost-a- me."
That last one, when leaving a food store from a woman, possibly an employee.
If I lost you was it actually due to me doing wrong or you believing the Jew who has proven to do the wrong? Hopefully, it is seen that Bitch is not a bad boy here at all.
And the mention of a voucher as soon as you close central wheels. The business people have been looking at velocity power supplies and realize when they are in operation they are going to open up millions of new income sources for everyone. But velocity will only come in when American workers pull the terrorists off of us with a strike. Will, we not keep praying for the miracle that will lead American workers to strike until workers have the concession to issue our money?
Thank you. God bless.
1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil
Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26
God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Thank you. God bless.
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Luke 17:28-30
(28) Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; (29) but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. (30) Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
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