"They're Rising Through Our Income. Bubish Us Rightless. They Got Our Future Out Fair."
Those some overnight Tele receives. Into the womb, their Satanic genocidal Jewish electrical war machine has reached to cash us out of here by vaporizing us over a relatively short time frame. The heat to mutate those that have yet to be born, in the air that we are breathing in. Brimstone now coming out of our mouths. Judah brimstone waste warfighting scientists that counsel big Judah is reporting that they have now poisoned the womb and all American children born after April of 2021 will be permanently harmed for their lives due to getting the first 9 months fully poisoned fair.
Is there some understanding this genocide against Americans is nothing more than Judah basic? The passion the Jews have for harming human Beings as much as they can. Are we aware it is a mission in life the parent Jews teach their kids?
The violent stupid society the Jews force in when they get hold of the most important desk of government there is the desk that issues our money. Many of us who now are noticing that when we return after a nice afternoon of enjoying ourselves in the great outdoors, the rhythm of our hearts is now thrown off. Judah brimstone waste warfighting scientists who are reporting to Judah that the heart attacks and strokes of Americans will jump big in September.
How could the Jews know this? Might it be that with their experimentation using poisons they already know how much radiation it is that it takes to throw our body systems off? Certainly, the free money American workers gift to international Jews from the tax on our labor gives them all the money they need to research whatever interests them, and what interests them more than genociding us?
"Who are you," that Tele sender asked Bitch yesterday.
Bitch, a simple working man as our good God Almighty describes him as. "You're a nice boy. You never fiend. He remained true too me," our good God Almighty said of who Bitch am.
A native American who believes in our Consitution, the contractual arrangement that was made in 1789 and signed sealed and delivered to us in 1791 that turned us into free people with God-given American guaranteed rights. He is a boy who has studied law for an extended period of time now. He also has studied economics for an extended period of time also. Why? Because he knows we must find an agreeable lawful way to live with each other or our high technical power will destroy us all.
And in the search for a way to peaceably interact with each other he discovered along the way that the plan all along was to destroy the human race with the use of high technology and free cash.
Those who took over the power of planet earth. And who was that that took over the power on planet earth other than the murderous genocidal Jews? So why did we not see them before? Might it have been because they breed up look-alike hybrid transplant shell Replicons that fool us as to who they are? Who would ever guess that anybody would develop a strategy such as that?
An almost unbelievable strategy the Jews cooked up that was created over three thousand years ago. But what are we to say, has it not proven successful with their taking over the most powerful state there ever was, the United States of America and putting our society to permanent war and imprisonment?
Alcatraz the Jews used to torture to death the Hofer brothers who refused to go back to Germany to hurt their brothers and sisters in the first Jew world war. Might we see it is the prisons the Jews have that has enabled their satanic plans?
"The prisons have ruined my children, Let the fishies roam free," God Almighty wills for his simian children on earth.
The Jews and their investment sport collaborators who have been sourcing the prisons for insurance collections. The ungodly beast the Jews have proven to be. Can we not say a prayer of thanks that God Almighty has had His angels let them casually throw themselves away?
The casual and leisurely way they opened fire on us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of atomic blast, heat, and radioactive fallout force. The 3,200 three hundred kiloton warheads they shot at us on the back of 1,000 Boeing missile airframes. can we not say prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty for having His Martian angels save us from the Jews and their industrial-strength investment grade nuclear warfighting Euro collaborators that night?
The night they finally got rid of themselves after thousands of years of specializing in fouling us out. But if this is true then how can it be that they are still fouling you and me?
A big part of them harming us still is Bitch incompetence in talking to the American workers who have the power here. His incompetence in convincing them to use the power they hold to let the Jews off with a general strike and issue our money yourselves as our good God wills.
Judah also tells us his secret weapon was keeping the workers drinking booze. Just a little alcohol buzz and the mind no longer detects the threat to it. So it is several things the Jews have figured as to why they have finally reached us with the atomic war they launched on us a century ago.
By 1920 the Jewish warfighting scientists realized that they could destroy human populations permanently with the use of radioactive products. But how to build their radioactive weapons? Have we not witnessed they got them in by terrorizing us with continuous war? Yes, that is their secret to taking over America and then with it our planet. Continuous war or threat of war to terrorize the ordinary people to go along with their foul war machine ways.
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements of themselves," that Tele sender said.
Can we only wonder how many people actually understand what is going on here? Will, we not pray that enough workers understand so to bring about a STRIKE to end Jewish rights to make war in and upon our land and people?
"Who are you?"
Might the bible define Bitch as a prophet? A man who has focused his thinking on survival in a world full of nuclear blast and waste weapons. A man who understands and has understood for a long time the plan all along is to use them on us.
"Who are you?" I am a man who has seen the fraud of war first hand and will not accept it be perpetrated upon my dollar. Intelligent enough to understand that war is aimed at me, but not competent enough to convince my fellow workers that it is also aimed at thee.
Gifted by God's angels with psychic powers to read the facial reverse speech of speakers to hear what is in their subconscious minds. The gift from heaven that revealed the secret life of the Jews who breed in genocide as a strategy in all terrains. Pol Pot who killed a couple of million Cambodians who appears to be a Cambodian himself but are we aware Pol was a Jew in a hybrid transplant fornian Replicon shell?
"Replicon," the term our extraterrestrial elders use to describe the innerspring 5th columnists the Jews turned loose on the world. The violent deadly reproductive strategy gives them a unisex appearance. The strategy of violation of others that God Almighty let them fall themselves out of here for.
"I'm dying the hardcore ones off tunnel death. The others I'm rolling into the general population over 6 birth cycles," God said.
And so the toasty roasty Jews and their nuclear war burn us up destruction plans are going in. The big question, will they be in before they get the third of the human race out of here with their toasty roasty weap from Hitachi-GE?
Some good news yesterday. A couple of reverse speeches indicated that because their plans are seen they may not be able to get Russia to attack us easily now. The plans the Jews have to attack a Jewish aircraft carrier with missiles and produce a few thousand casualties to American sailors as a pretext for an escalation into a major war that will give them cover to use their Soviet forces to attack our infrastructure.
Our family in the Soviet Union now aware of the Jew plans there. The 1967 attempt to trigger a nuclear war between the USSR and the USA in the gulf when the Jews set about trying to sink the USS Liberty only to be held off by the intervention of our elders from outer space.
USS Liberty and UFO Connection
USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship, USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War.
34 American sailors died. 171 wounded.
How close did we come to nuclear war with the attack upon the USS Liberty? Have we given any consideration to what may have happened if the Liberty had sunk that day? A domino effect maybe?
How many have ever considered that we have been taken into God's protection?
Do you consider that it is possible that our high-level elders have worked diligently to prevent us from being harmed in a well-planned nuclear worldwide extermination event?
Have you ever heard of an extraterrestrial connection concerning the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty? Please consider for a moment, that our elders have a technology that is thousands of years beyond ours. They can appear or disappear in our world as they please. They can give a radar signal or they can show no radar signal. Sonar sound or no sonar sound. Does there not appear to be an invisible hand at work on the day that the USS Liberty was attacked?
You can read the whole page here:
If only the Israelis had succeeded in sinking the USS Liberty President Lyndon Jonson would have had the pretext to go ahead and drop a couple of hydrogen bombs on Cairo Egypt. That the USS Liberty remained afloat prevented LBJ from dropping hydrogen bombs on Cairo Egypt which would have started world war III with the Soviet Union.
Can we not say prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty for having His diligent angels spare us from the Jews nuclear blast genocide of us?
Might we see why the Jews wanted President Kenedy out of the way so they could install their nuclear warfighting LBJ?
The irreality that the Jews put in that has allowed them to continue to try and exterminate us with their nuclear war genocide machine. Might the brain childing they put everywhere have something to do with why we have so far proven helpless in the face of their deadliness to us here?
That thirty-minute breakthrough the Tele sender suggested would happen. Will we not pray it happens now?
Our precious sweet Father who loves us all and wants to save our lives. But are we aware that if we ignore His words now we might go out of life?
The most serious threat to our continued existence on the surface of planet earth, the brimstone atomic waste war the Jews and their Euro-technical and Japanese shells are winning against us. Will, we not keep praying for the American workers to strike?
Victims list - The Triangle Factory Fire - Cornell University
Reading the names of the workers who died only a month after winning their strike for better working conditions and pay, learned that a large number of the victims were Jewish. But how could that be, the two owners were Jews that torched the place for an insurance collection and revenge for the strikers winning.
Might we see how Jews will do other Jews where a dollar is concerned?
"I needed a job and they were the only ones hiring," the son of a Jew, Adolph Eichman said why he was a Nazi.
"They wouldn't let a sentimental notion interfere with making a buck," elders explained why the Jews hired Adolph Hitler.
The highly deceptive and deadly life form the Jews are to the rest of the human race. Will American workers not let them off with a strike to take the authority to issue our money away from the 2% that they are?
"RISE Minots will get me out in days."
Found that facial reverse speech in an informed Judah. Do we note it is plural, "Minots?"
A Narrative of UFO Events at Minot Air Force Base
In the early morning hours of 24 Oct. 1968, United States Air Force (USAF) maintenance and security personnel stationed within the Minuteman, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) complex surrounding Minot AFB, North Dakota, observed one—and at times—two UFOs. The Minot Base Operations dispatcher initiated radio communications with personnel reporting in the field, Minot, Radar Approach Control (RAPCON), and the crew of a returning B-52H aircraft.
RAPCON alerted the pilots to the location of a UFO, which the B-52 navigator observed on the radarscope maintaining a three-mile distance throughout a standard 180° turnaround. As the B-52 started its descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO appeared to close distance to one mile at a high-rate of speed, pacing the aircraft for nearly 20 miles before disappearing off the radarscope. Both B-52 UHF radios would not transmit during the close radar encounter with the UFO and radarscope film was recorded.
Shortly afterwards, RAPCON provided vectors for the B-52 to overfly a stationary UFO on or near the ground. After turning onto the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, the pilots observed a large, illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft for several minutes, before turning onto the base leg over the UFO while observing it at close range. After the B-52 landed, both outer and inner-zone intrusions alarms were activated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7. The duration of reported observations was over three hours.
USAF Strategic Air Command, Offutt AFB, Nebraska, initiated inquiries. In the weeks following, staff at USAF Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, completed a final case report mandated by Air Force Regulation 80-17.
Can we wonder how many meta transiliatory messages our extraterrestrial elders were trying to convey to us by pacing a B-52 bomber and triggering the intrusion alarms? Both outer and inner-zone intrusions alarms were activated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7.
Are we aware that the Jews have tried to launch missiles from remote unmanned launch facilities to trigger a nuclear exchange with the Soviets?
Bitch wrote about a remote launch facility years ago that had a fire that burned out the electrical wiring. From memory, there was a battery charger hooked up to power a missile launch that caused the fire due to water getting into the battery charger. Might we surmise our extraterrestrial elders made sure that the battery charger was moistened well to prevent that remote nuclear missile from being fired?
And that UFO pacing the B-52 bomber from Minot in 1968. Can we only wonder, the B-52 bomber from Minot that had 6 nuclear-armed cruise missiles loaded on the wings in August of 2007 and launched one and our elders then shut them all down, dropping the one cruise missile that caused Steve Fossett to ghost away on September 3, 2007, that provided cover for the US Airforce to do their biggest search in history for the missing cruise missile, might the decision to launch cruise missiles from a B-52 from Minot, have been planned in 1968?
And the remote missile that was intruded upon by the UFO that day in October 1968. Minot housed the 91st Strategic Missile Wing, responsible for 150 Minuteman, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) housed in underground Launch Facilities scattered across an area of more than 8,500 square miles. Today both wings continue operations under the major command of the Air Force Global Strike Command.
The ABC News two-hour primetime special, “Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs—Seeing Is Believing,” was first broadcast in February 2005. This segment of the special features the American history of the UFO phenomenon, including the (above) four and a half minute exposé of the 24 October 1968, Minot AFB case.
Peter Jennings Reporting UFOs Seeing is Believing
Video 6.27 at
Peter died of lung cancer 6 months after his report on UFOs "Seeing is Believing" was aired on network television.
"RISE Minots will get me out in days."
Might we note we had UFOs shutting nuclear missiles down at Minot nuclear missile launch facility back in 1968 and then we have Minot launching a B-52 bomber cruise missile attack against us in August of 2007?
Is there not some sense that the nuclear warfighting Jews are not going to give up attacking us with their great balls of fire until we stop giving them free money to put us in?
The entire Peter Jennings UFOs: Seeing Is Believing (2005) - ABC Documentary
•Jun 18, 2019
awesome documentary thanks for the upload
Hynek realised the truth after seeing the evidence.....back fired on the FBI
I like documentaries but when it comes to the UFO phenomenon it's always the same thing and using the same formula especially when they're made by the mainstream media . They start off with sightings and witness testimony and then the scientist give their expert opinion and then the skeptics and sleep specialist give their opinions on the matter and we're left with the opinion that it's all a bunch of bullshit and that these people are crazy , misinformed or hallucinating etc etc. There's several things that are missing from this documentary such as the radar tracking reports and multiple incidents where fighter pilots had close encounters with these things and cases where UFOs came into contact with nuclear weapons storage facilities and manipulated the weapons systems such the case at Malmstrom AF base in Montana in 1967 where a UFO entered restricted airspace and shut down multiple nuclear missiles . In 1982 a UFO triggered a launch sequence at a Soviet ICBM base and they couldn't do anything to stop it . Fortunately the UFO released control of the sequence and left the area . Those two incidents were documented and the records are available for anyone to view . Those are only a couple of cases where the military had interactions with UFOs which could have triggered a nuclear holocaust but there's much more than that . This documentary didn't mention anything about cases such as these and for good reason considering the nature of the situations . Disclosure is happening although a bit slower than a lot of people would like to see it happen . It's going to take time for people to accept it and not to mention the technologies that they have could potentially be destructive to our society because we're not ready for this kind of advanced technology . It would be akin to giving some primitive tribe a nuclear weapon and hoping they didn't destroy themselves with it . And then there's the lock on the energy markets especially oil and lithium battery technology which would be wiped out overnight if we had a suitable replacement for this like zero point energy or fusion or something we can't even fathom right now . Considering the fact that all our wars have been about oil ,the citizens of the world would demand for these technology to be released to the general public and to cease the endless conflicts . Imagine what it would be like if we could replace the entire energy system we're using currently .The world economy would crash like a rock . This is the main reason for why this is being held up for so long . It's not the religious impact that they're worried about , it's the economic impact they're concerned with but either way disclosure going to happen . Also sleep paralysis doesn't leave serious lifelong scars nor does it remove babies from the womb which has been documented .
Yes. Too true my friend. The subject lends it self to better 'analysis'.
Video 1.25:30
While many of the wars in our world appear to be over oil, as that commenter mentions, are we aware that oil is the cover for the predatory nature of the genocidal destroyers of the human race, the deuce?
The commenter Royalspin asks us to imagine what it would be like to replace the entire energy system we are using now and he thinks the economy would crash. Are we aware the economy will instead show forth with endless numbers of new income opportunities coming forth when we bring the free energy technology in that Dr. Henry Moray showed to the world 94 years ago in 1926?
Will workers try to digest the significance of these Minot events and maybe say prayers of thanks to our precious sweet Father for sending His angels in and sparing us from the Jews on scientific weap heads?
Their NBC, nuclear biological and chemical wars they are suffering us with now. Will American workers not save the cow from brimstone weap disease with a strike?
Tele receives:
"Their inconquerable molest
Save us, Patrick.
They're lying about this Bitch kid.
Torpedoes see the day clear. (Judee guy walking passed the house)
A thought crush.
Overcution crept me.
The conquerer be dead.
They're rising through our income.
They're awfully fading us.
Sold it.
They're goofen' us racial here.
It's terrible. 7.12 pm (Bitch got out of bed and took a couple of things out of his post after hearing that. Thank you)
You bet your life on Reich human.
Goodbye to rules hysterical.
Jore wits rule.
We don't have any standing, we're real stealist, punish.
Bubish us rightless.
We are visual life forms.
Idiot easy scum failed.
A saddle cost you right, de-exist.
Assaulted cashier rules.
They got our fortune out fair.
You beam selfish yourself.
Their picture force me.
They racialed us as enemies who shoot real evasive.
They fraud dangerous, sell us.
You mentally failed our fearitics.
Failed midge stoolish.
Trying to throw your resources here.
Terrible fielded marvelously.
They sophisticate syndicate.
The o bummer shoot.
They whiffled us ultimately.
Bithcie run them out for their falsted.
Pensous police fouled our deal.
He's in lug with you.
You got basic out with truth, thank you.
I'm gonna leave because you are too radical. 5.42 am
You're coming at it where the house of war is coming off.
Beam on. 5.56 am
It's all over.
War debts they're piling on us.
Beam off. 6.16 am
Jerk failed to strike us.
World wars and the desolation of the human.
Thank you, you pleasure me still.
Tim contam the whole race.
It's your right you got here.
Volt storage.
Yuck. 7.49 am
Joker left off here.
Wonderful Pat got it, they're crazy."
"Yuck." 7.49 am
Had a sense that was Mercury elder concerning the name of yesterday's post. "They got snotty with the right powers."
How would we say that same thing but in an appealing way with different words of how our extraterrestrial elders have saved our lives from the murderous genocidal Jews?
Might a better way to say that be, "they got snotty with us and always won and thank God and greyhound they're gone from us now?
Our extraterrestrial elders are at a much higher level than we are so Bitch doesn't want to ascribe anything that is not of what their real thoughts are. Are we perceiving they are showing great love, kindness, and charity with their time and efforts to get us free from the Jews and their satraps?
Happened to see on BBC news one of the royals sitting around the table chewing the fat with a few buddies all with big glasses of beer in front of them. They had varieties of color-coordinated beer, from the ordinary yellow to a couple that had dark beer in their big mugs.
Might we understand that was a basic intelligence opp? And how might that be? Maybe to help the ordinary feel good about drinking the stuff that doesn't let us see the real great of them? Will we not try to stay away from that stuff long enough to get them out with a STRIKE?
"We just had an amazing space off spherical over you. My big bust is done. I have a mature video that gives you seminal problems that trouble you and lets me lead. We gorgeous cored your state. I'm happy to colony. I wanted to show you a snap but Venus fired me out. Pooch has been real good to agree with us. I'm a real fall for a true Martian. We condensed you foul into a Reich sub. I do poison for bowel symbols. The Himalayas we used for life management. We desex you louse with a bang.
My whole shot to you was Nelson because my spirit to you was Nelson. I ever mouse chapel. I screwed Bitch fair, he bumped us for caution. A war shoot Andrews conquers right. My Michigan hosiery is dead. Patrick knows how our government is never sincere. Pat, I rush you with synergy to scrimmage you out. The white guy hold me for sourcing you and for my rude I'm out. Basically, I'm shooting a failed strategy for months until I die.
I just strategy fall you, when my virus is done I'm through. Patrick reports my rude and it shoots my sport. I suffer Americans big shooting you optimally. Because of our 12% goose foul we can't do anything. We false you roach for catastrophe. A broken atmosphere is going to let me defile you truly. My natural air day shot you so I suicide, I'm done. Jew mocker raid already won and allowed this boy to pull us off," Judee say.
Can we wonder how many workers perceive the truth, their Jew mocker raid won the shoot and Bitch Mercury report has revealed that they allowed this boy pull them off fair?
For those who for whatever reason believe the liars that are done forever managing any of God's children on earth, will you not say a prayer to God so you can perceive the truth, Bitch has not harmed anyone?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death that our money is letting the Jews do?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, July 31 — Psalm 91:1–8
Joshua 8:30–9:27; Luke 12:49–59
You shall not spread a false report. Exodus 23:1
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Ruler of the universe, help us recognize our place as ambassadors to your kingdom. Let us be honest, respectful, and worthy in everything we do as we represent you to the world. Let them know we are Christians by our love. Amen.
3.23 pm
"Cannibals shove us out on realitics. 10.48 am
The air force has attacked us several times.
Sweetheart. 11.00 am
Oh, they wiped our seed.
It's rocket day hustler.
5% cashed us dead.
The son of a bitchs halt you ruptured.
Are you aware this guy is real?
For their rights, they molest you.
They're done, they're gone.
You failed to save us, Patrick.
You ought to right this.
Lack of management cap us, we need your help.
You let me assault you and wipe out your future.
I had a dream a cow was weaped dead.
Torturing guys shaped our hopes.
Master's state fall you.
Love we do fist full.
You threaten hostile. (Bitchie went into his post and took several things out after hearing that. Thank you)
Let psychic boost you today.
You cite them all fault Pat.
You star roll.
God blessed you because He loves you.
Hope left."
God blessed us because He loves us all. STRIKE THEM OUT, end their falling of us financial and physical by their rare type of poisoning our environment.
Thank you. God bless.
3.23 pm
"Cannibals shove us out on realitics. 10.48 am
The air force has attacked us several times.
Sweetheart. 11.00 am
Oh, they wiped our seed.
It's rocket day hustler.
5% cashed us dead.
The son of a bitchs halt you ruptured.
Are you aware this guy is real?
For their rights, they molest you.
They're done, they're gone.
You failed to save us, Patrick.
You ought to right this.
Lack of management cap us, we need your help.
You let me assault you and wipe out your future.
I had a dream a cow was weaped dead.
Torturing guys shaped our hopes.
Master's state fall you.
Love we do fist full.
You threaten hostile. (Bitchie went into his post and took several things out after hearing that. Thank you)
Let psychic boost you today.
You cite them all fault Pat.
You star roll.
God blessed you because He loves you.
Hope left."
God blessed us because He loves us all. STRIKE THEM OUT, end their falling of us financial and physical by their rare type of poisoning our environment.
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Joshua 7:10 The Lord said to Joshua, “Stand up! What are you doing down on your face? 11 Israel has sinned; they have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things; they have stolen, they have lied, they have put them with their own possessions. 12 That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction.