"I Show Them The Problem So You Can Break Them Off."
That an overnight Tele receive. Does that sound as if it is from Father?
And what is the problem? In a word might we say, "GENOCIDE?"
The reason God our Father sent Joan of Arc in to defeat the Jews mercenary army in 1430 who were perpetrating Chevauchee against our family in France and others on the European continent. "Chevauchee," the word at that time for "GENOCIDE." If only Americans perceive the truth will we not defeat the genocide that is upon us now that is being done in nuclear biological and chemical warfare of the Jews?
Situation Update: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society
By Mike Adams -March 27, 2021
(Natural News) People who are ignorant enough to be injected with an experimental vaccine that accelerates the generation of highly contagious super strains in their own bodies are walking biological time bombs and a threat to society.
The globalists know this, and consistent with their goals of global mass extermination, they are giving the most dangerous and most contagious people “vaccine passports” so they can freely roam across society, spreading their super strain viruses far and wide. Again, this is all by design.
The safest people are those who have strong innate immune systems and have already built antibodies against the coronavirus, without needing any medical intervention. This is easily accomplished in most people with the help of vitamin D, zinc, nutrition, restful sleep and avoidance of toxic foods and medications.
Yet today, the entire world is the super strain factory for the vaccine / bioweapons industry, and in truth, there’s something far more sinister at play here.
It turns out that Fauci, the NIH and the CCP didn’t actually succeed in building a deadly bioweapon that would wipe out humanity. The weapon they built — SARS-COV-2 — was intended merely to convince billions of people to take vaccines that would transform their own bodies into bioweapons factories so that the mutation development could then proceed globally.
Read the entire article here:
From Bitch perspective that article is as accurate of a statement of what is being done to us as could be delivered to us. Yet is it being received by the majority of the people that the laboratory created covid virus was merely the ruse to bring the people to accept the vaccine that is the time bomb that is set to go off in people now?
Ozone gas, while it is certainly true it is a deadly and potentially fatal gas if breathed in does knock out the flu bug in the lungs within 30 seconds of being breathed in. And is it not interesting, not a word about ozone as an antidote to neutralizing the deadly laboratory-created virus they have turned loose on us?
And what is the killer in the covid virus? Are we aware it is that lungs being disabled as what causes the majority of death? The dead victims bodies showing red splotches similar to what is seen on the bodies of carbon monoxide poisoning victims. The proof that is it is lung failure, deprivation of oxygen to other parts of the body that is the predominant cause of death from the laboratory-created virus. If only antibiotic air were breathed in killing the virus in the lungs in 30 seconds might we not see the end of their virus deaths, and with it no need to take the vaccine, that is the real genocide shot?
If only American workers will listen to the thousands of warnings from our good God Almighty to stop the war will we not survive these multiples of genocidal cores that the Babylonian Jews are successfully working against us?
And by breathing the ozone that kills the virus in the lung, but what about the virus that has already infected other parts of the body? Are we seeing that is how we will gain immunity from the virus? Our natural protection immune system response will be triggered by being infected with the virus but with our lungs cleared of the virus by breathing a small amount of ozone will prevent the lung failure that is critical to the success of making us really ill with their laboratory created virus.
If we examine the M.O., the mode of operation of the Jews kill mechanism, do we notice, it is our gills they are attacking us at in their biological virus and also the nuclear chemical radiation genocide? That is both their virus and their radioactive waste assault are both entering our gills as the method to mass destroy us now in these last days of the Jews exclusively and privately holding the most important office of government, who issues our money. The tool they hold where they can issue as much money as they want and do it for free and in SECRET, are we seeing that is the force of the miracles they have always won against us with?
Bitch, always skeptical about any article he reads as Judah knows how to pick simple guys off by posting things we notice, that really have a secret agenda to short circuit us in one way or the other, wondered about that article that tells us it is the vaccine that is the tool of really big death, rather than the virus itself, which is merely the ruse to get us to take the vaccine, and he wondered, how would Judah get him by Bitch reposting that article?
Might that article get Bitch banned on Facebook? Revealing such a simple truth as is in that post, it is the vaccine that is the true force of genocide and not the laboratory-created virus that is the instrument to get us out?
The plea to common people that they have crafted their vaccine to protect us. As they attacked us all out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with a 64,000 Hiroshima force of the atomic blast, heat, and radioactive fallout, much chance they have ever had any inspiration to protect us from anything?
That the Jews supreme force of genocidal death as their permanent way, their right of destructiveness has triggered a rescue mission sent in from our good God Almighty in the Galactic Federation of Light, could there be any chance that they will die off America completely before they are closed out of exclusively, privately and secretly issuing our money?
Entresto Commercial (2020)
9,996 views•Apr 13, 2020
Keyah Da Queen
7 months ago
Why his head look like it's not attached to his body?
Walter Gastiger
7 months ago
That guy has a Bigggggg nose.
Copy into your browser to view pictures:
Video 1.00 at
That commercial is obviously warring Bitch and do we note, it is from a pharmaceutical operator? So why is that interesting? Might we connect the dots to see the picture that the Jews are not only warring us with their nuclear blast and waste industrial strength investment grade operators, with their virus attack is their ruse to let them get in really close with their pharmaceutical warriors in vaccine shots? And do we note that one commenter noticed the big hooked beak of the slyly smiling-face of the Jew? Might that sly smile be indicative of how they demonstrate their rare subconscious force over ordinary simple people that the extraterrestrials considered was the force that would succeed in wiping out the simple people in the last days?
And the cargo ship that the Jews have blocking the Suez canal at the moment. Can we only wonder how much the bribes cost to get that operation done? The impact across our economy with everything from rising oil prices to slowdown of wealth creation because of lack of parts needed. Whatever the cost to get that opp done are we aware it is our American money that is financing it all?
The one critical thing the Jews must have to hold their false in on us, the authority to issue our money. The force they are still holding even in the face of God who has revoked their permit of operation in His village on earth. Our sweet Lord, our good God Almighty, the Sovereign of our universe who has His village on planet earth has expressed His will that American workers issue our money.
God's village on planet earth that the Jews are easily convincing American workers to keep on destroying. The vast sickness and death that the Jews have sewn in now. At what moment are American workers going to do the will of God and issue our money and not the Jews anymore?
At what moment are American workers going to end the deaf and hear the thousands of warnings from our good God Almighty to STOP THE WAR?
Tele receives:
"You're being destroyed octopus here. 2.59 pm
I just hold you true with a nice vicious dog.
Mattress failed.
Terror wood.
Falsing our abuse wonderful.
You threw linoleum here.
Seductive animals assure fish.
Wash hour got me out of it, zero-hour finish me. 5.47 pm
Prison hominess is their joyful muster.
Let's clear them out.
True idiot dreams.
They be busting you all your truth.
They fancy right guillotine.
Washed you failed your destiny.
You asked for it, oh no, God evase they crotch shot.
No trust commercial.
The beast on locks and electricty is shooting.
Save yourselves in awesome.
You're justing out yourselves disgraceful here.
They keep rising you fister.
I show them the problem so you can break it off.
Jealous insult off for free.
Minnow is soak.
A video for hiking the men.
Poverty will fall your mental out.
Predatory calf is fierce lynching.
They bang us sagebrush.
You failed peaceful instructional.
They're ruining us voltage.
Noticeable field they escape from here." 4.40 am
And the one officer down in Washington DC. Sprayed with bear protection spray. And he was in the hospital for a day before he died. Hmmm? Any chance that die was Morganized?
Will American workers not give us our grand juries that will end the Jews burying their sports this way? The low-tech hammer die of two at Anamosa. Will workers not take over the authority to issue our money and let this all go away? Will workers not take the good advice of our extraterrestrial big brothers and sisters and "settle it with bourse?"
The meta gorical transfiguration of our species from struggling earth-based Beings into our extraterrestrial level form that has excess and abundance for all of God's kids everywhere on earth and into the heavenly realms up above.
One aspect of the concept of justice is that whatever one side engages in, the other side is then entitled to engage in. A man comes with a gun, knife, a vial of poison, a pill or a lethal gas to die another man off. He is surprised by the intended victim and caught red-handed in the act of pulling the trigger. And in the earth-based concept of justice what then?
Does the intended victim not have the right to then try to die the perpetrator off? Would it be considered that if in the struggle the gun was taken out of the perpetrator's hands and was used by the intended victim to then shoot him with it, to be a just act?
If that happened, and the perpetrator was then wounded by a bullet reaching him, and he was down and out of action, but alive, what does our law say about that? Does our law not say that the counterattack must be ended? Yes, it does.
So might we consider that our law goes above and beyond the basic concept of earth justice that once a party acts one way, the other party can act the same way? Incredible as it may seem, that is where our law actually reaches, into the divine realm of justice that does not give to the intended victim, the right to slay the perpetrator that came to slay him.
The right to stop the attack is of course justified by natural law, and if the perpetrator died due to the bullet reaching a vital organ, a grand jury most likely would consider it justifiable, but once the perpetrator is disabled, what might a grand jury say then if force must be ended when the attack is stopped and it was continued then upon the perpetrator that was disabled and unable to offer any resistance?
We have talked about this before, in the realm of the state executing someone when they are already physically disabled and unable to resist. A prerogative to put perpetrators to death that juries regularly give to the state whereas in the instance of the intended victim killing a disabled perpetrator is specifically barred to an individual, who may even be the survivor of an intended kill.
So while in the earthly concept of justice in the killing an offender that intended to kill may be justifiable in self-defense, might we assess that because God gave us the command of "thou shalt not kill," that we accept the divine concept of justice over the earth-based concept of justice and do not act equally to the perpetrator that failed with their mission to kill when they can not offer resistance due to being disabled?
From this might, we see the intrinsic injustice of capital punishment? That is, the party called the state is allowed to do something, that an individual is not allowed to do, take the life of a person that cannot resist, to execute a person. And if we follow Jesus higher way might we consider how right it is to turn the other cheek?
Do we note what we are talking about is the intent of the mind, rather than the actual outcome here? Might we consider it is intent of mind as to what our extraterrestrial elders have in mind as to the desired outcome of the meta gorical transfiguration of our species into our higher level extraterrestrial life form?
As a thought, is it not something to consider that our law already recognizes the divine concept of justice, and the majority do agree?
And how might that be?
Gallup Poll — For First Time, Majority of Americans Prefer Life Sentence To Capital Punishment
For the first time since Gallup began asking the question in 1985, a majority of Americans now say life imprisonment is a better approach for punishing murder than is the death penalty. According to the 2019 Gallup death-penalty poll 60% percent of Americans asked to choose whether the death penalty or life without possibility of parole “is the better penalty for murder” chose the life-sentencing option. 36% favored the death penalty.
So what does this all have to do with us being put to genocide at this moment in time? Might the answer to that question have to do with the intent of mind? That is if only enough workers can reach the extraterrestrial level to perceive that the Jews intent of mind was to extinct our breed with nuclear blast weapons in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, when they let fly 1,000 Boeing missiles with 3,200 three hundred kiloton thermonuclear warheads destined to explode close over our heads, might we have the intent of mind of those that are injecting us now with their vaccines to ruse us with their laboratory-created flu bug?
That our gills are inhaling ever-increasing doses of radioactive dust from a Jewish electricity plant thousands of miles upwind of us, should that fact not be a message to our higher wits? Must workers not join with God's angels and help us meta gorically transfigure ourselves out of funding permanent war anymore now?
The collapse of the Aztec and Mayan societies both engaged in human sacrifice. Will American workers not end funding the society destroying Jews daily sacrifice they do? Will American workers not give us life instead of the permanent death of the Jews?
"Veg farm lost ridiculous." 5.46 am
That Tele receive just in. The ridiculous Jews with some sore eye pictures from 35 years ago they've used to burn us out and impoverish us. While American children being born now assaulted in the womb by Hitachi-GE chemical waste that will leave them mentally impaired for their shortened lives in a poisoned field. Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the concession to issue our money away from them and issue it yourselves, as our good God wills?
The author of the "Book of the Damned," Charles Fort (1874-1932), interestingly enough was assassinated, in a Jewish ricepital, and is one on a long list the Jews have put in punishing our bright truthfuls from helping us. Fort was far ahead of his time. In the 1920's he was speculating about competing external intelligences that were/are controlling the "evolution" of mankind.
What the Swiss writer Eric Von Daniken has been sharing with us for decades, extraterrestrials have always been with us. Astronomer Morris Jessup (1899-1959) that Judah finished off because he explained the bible in extraterrestrial terms.
Will we not pray that American workers' wits rise to the level of our extraterrestrial potential and that we close out the American workers free funding the nuclear biological and chemical genocidal destroyers of the human race, the Jews?
Our good God Almighty, has He not shown us the problem well enough that American workers will not now join together and break them off with a general workers STRIKE and STOP THE WAR?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Palm Sunday
Watchword for the week — Jesus said, “You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14:62
Sunday, March 28 — Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 11:1-11
Deliverance belongs to the Lord; may your blessing be on your people! Psalm 3:8
Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. Matthew 9:35
Lord Jesus, on this Palm Sunday, we greet you with anthems sweet. Like the crowd, we welcome you with great anticipation. We walk with you this Holy Week to the cross and garden tomb, knowing that Easter Sunday is coming! Amen.
12.42 pm
"For fairing their ruse and helping me get them out I'll give you a big day. 6.58 am
You STRIKE them bene-field here.
As soon as they get people in place they'll get you out of earning your income so STRIKE!
We golf you.
They just fetch us.
Run em.
Throw them out.
Your honor faults you violently. (All words from years ago when violently fiendish Judah drove Bitch temporarily out of his mind)
You're revenged doberly watts.
Your sale let Jew die us, Pat. (How about Praying to God for help?)
Merchers land leaves. 8.10 am
Germany rising. (Lady as Bitch was going into food store)
Thief. (Manager in the store)
You got nerve that's useful. (Clerk)
They push your heart in. (Clerk stocking)
Free us from this deal hopeless. (Clerk walking by)
They burn your market. 8.22 am (Shopper)
Poverty sold. 8.24 am (Shopper)
Poverty will exploit you. (Guy Shopper leaving the store)
Wash you all fun days. (Manager)
Hi. (Clerk)
I'll sign up with you because I got heartache. (Clerk passing by)
You grin a threat.
I'm not for getting boys so impoverished. (Clerk)
They lie fit. (Parking lot)
Get out of my harsh field until I'm done. (Judee driving passed while on the way home)
All the good that we have, high-quality food products in nice surroundings with a gigantic variety to select from. Sure don't want to lose it labor. Hope you will act to get hold of the authority to issue our money while we still have these nice things for us all.
After shopping came home and watched the political shows and a few ordinary broadcasts. Filled several pages with facial reverse speech and there are continuing indications that they have something for us that we surely won't like that could happen in two or three weeks from now. Here's some of what was found in their facial reverse speech:
"I'm crime a lupus. Jizrael has to roll because all our 50 savages are pulled. My syndicate flee tunnel."
If we combine those facial reverse speech with this Tele receive, "Noticeable field they escape from here." 4.40 am, what can it all mean?
Here is some more RS:
"I cost you your rights with my A weapon."
As Sir Casper pulled all their A weapons that are the triggering devices for their H weapons they have in the thermonuclear warheads mounted on the tips of Boeing missiles and have been shooting at us, are we all on the same page concerning the facts here?
"I goose you guys especially Christians. We defy you onerously. I have a goon app for loss. Your Federal power Jew has a rapture opp on. We have a Jew Orleans proceed on take you out Jordan with a tunnel ash wits. Foreign we'll use with our despots for image."
So what is it that they plan to turn loose on us in 2 or 3 weeks? Whatever it is are we aware that it can be stopped when labor strikes them out and ends letting them privately issue our money?
And found this RS from a distinctly looking Jewish guy that was in a commercial on another channel altogether:
"Pat, I'm sure you'll get them off before Friday because they all differ."
Instead of the Babylonian weap Jew, might that have been the cipher of the Israelite Jew that chooses to follow the love of Father for all of His simian children on earth? Sounds like it, doesn't it
And more of weap Judee:
"Whites I believe are going to be my first loss. We want you to believe white police are Jew force out of Boston."
Are we receiving their whole strategy is to make it appear that it is whites that are the cause of all of the suffering in our world? Must we not end them defacing us this way? How about this RS as their excuse for driving war in our world?
"You let Jew sight you and I sold you a deal that has warred forever."
Do we see in that RS how they claim it is images that they hold the mass of the human population with? Rather than selling us war first, do we see they tell us that we let them sight us?
"Bee-ko was our corrupt."
Might that be in reference to Steve Biko (1946-1977) who died while in custody in South Africa? Are we getting some sense of how Judah works his politics in every terrain? Will American workers not demonstrate wisdom and put our legitimate American constitutional legal system in once again? The one with not only checks but balances?
Here's some more from the political talk shows:
"I inject to do you foul. I'm coming at you postal with a force. My syndicate went inside for my insect of your life."
Are we seeing once again they are fleeing our terrain for the safety of their tunnels where our good God Almighty is dying the hardcore ones off tunnel death? If we get the picture must we not end funding their insecticide from Hitachi-GE?
Have you ever had a little bug, too small to see, get into your eye, and wake you from a sound sleep with its burning and wiggly tickling sensation from running around there? Bitch, has, more than once. Jump out of bed go to the bathroom, and turn on the faucet and start pouring water into the eye to wash the little unseen critter out of there. Minute's pass and it is still wiggling around and giving a burning sensation to the eye. And then finally after several tries, the little bug is washed out. And then go back to sleep.
While preparing this post at about 4 am, a little critter got into Bitch left eye and this time instead of running sink water had a bottle of eyewash that has boron in it. Took out the little eye cup, washed it out, poured some boron water in it, and then tipped the head up and used the eyecup with the boron solution to get that little critter immobilized. In about a minute, the boron ended his tickling sensation. That quickly the boron did its job of putting that burning sensation out in my eye.
The burning of a radioactive waste pile that has been pouring the very deadliest and most lethal toxins the human race has ever encountered into our environment for over ten years now, will American labor not buy us some boron to put that burning bug fire out?
The engineers that offered to come to Hitachi-GE to put that deadly fire out ten years ago and were blocked from helping to put it out. Will, there be some in the future who will claim, they just didn't know how truly deadly radioactive waste really is?
"Cement it in," our technical adviser Sir Jason from the Federation that Father sent in to help us. Must American workers not buy us some boron cement and let us get about the job of cementing it in?
And some more of the thoughts of Judah:
"Because of vegetable way after Pittsburgh I'm doing Biafra."
Is there an understanding they are poisoning our food supply on us using the deadly waste from the hydrogen bombs they built and also Jewish electricity?
Just looking through notes and found this RS:
"We have a new iceberg and Pat was cast abrasive."
Can we only hope and pray that white looks past Pat unintentionally abrasive to see the iceberg they have set for us next?
"I just have genius ways to cement you as long as I have walls. Insurance we field wall you here."
While the wall was known as one of Hitler's favorite sports, Bitch is not focusing on Hitler as the root of the problem. Then what is Bitch trying to do? He is trying to get out those who hire the Hitlers in our world. Hitler's come a dime a dozen. It is those who put the money forward to bring Hitler in as to what Bitch is aiming for here. So who put up the money to hire Hitler?
For those who have examined the financial record is it any other than the Jews? Though at root, who is it that actually gave the Jews the money in the first place to hire Hitler? Is it any other than the American workers who paid an income tax to unelected overseas foreign Jews starting in 1913? Once that simple fact is absorbed might it help explain the funny smiles the Jews have on their faces when they speak to us?
"Embarras is almost out of time. When we are set off cash our flight will be brief for Taxberg."
American workers paying tax to unelected foreign Jews in Switzerland and have been doing this since 1913. Will workers not take the authority to issue the money for the Jews Taxberg?
"The professor knows that Judee always lies so he is a normal kid."
So what type of kids are those that believe Judee lies, the rumors they use to false a nice boy out? Abnormal? Subnormal?
"With a jury is how we strum Jew message."
Can we only wonder, might that RS be in regard to the jury trial in Minneapolis?
"You should have known for some time Druid rights have been savaged and now for the boy, we're done."
And then one speaker on the political talk shows lost a spouse to covid and said this in RS while speaking about it:
"He was threw for error right Iowa way."
And this concerning the sterilizing of us Hitachi-GE way:
"We scored your white extension passed away."
Might that help explain why so many of them have made it to the shelter for safety?
"We got a pura-sand block up so you don't see us right."
Can we not hope and pray that American workers get the right sight that will let us get the strike into operation so that the workers issue our precious bourse from now on and not the tightwad spirited Jews?
And these non-Judah facial reverse speech as to why Bitch has failed to bring a strike on here so far:
"The white mellow fellows you shot and they fell out great. I'm so obtuse about you folding them up. I want Jew out of the place because his movies are shit."
Bitch wish the white mellow fellows would come in because that is the critical link to getting the authority to issue our money into the hands of working men and women. Bitch was shot the other day by the microwave satellite beam and while the air force guy is burning Bitch head and eyes he says prays for him. Why? Because that is what Father wills and Bitch for sure don't want to miss going Father's way. And then the day after shooting Bitch, he hears from the air fore satellite shooter:
"Sorry about that martial."
And how much would you guess that air force guy gets for targeting and burning Bitch with that satellite microwave beam? If you guessed $6,000 for that half-hour of shooting Bitch might you be right? That is what they get for shooting their fellow Americans with the high-tech satellite beam.
Are we aware it is the American labor force that makes that heinous battery and ordinary assault and all atrocity checks good?
Are we seeing why God Almighty wills that workers issue our money?
As they also have a heart attack beam force in their satellites, Bitch has had 2 satellite microwave beam heart attacks so far, can we only wonder how much they pay to an operator when they score a heart attack or a microwave beam stroke death? Maybe $20,000? Maybe more? Sounds like pretty good money for only a half-hour of work, doesn't it?
Do workers see why we need the concession to issue our money out of their hands and into the safe hands of workers?
And this Tele receive again:
"For fairing their ruse and helping me get them out I'll give you a big day." 6.58 am
The big day of free energy velocity circuits that will put money in everybody's hands. Will workers not let us bring in the truly big money so that people can earn their livelihoods without harming others?
"You believe in us, Patrick." That Tele sender said long ago.
Yes, I do believe in ordinary working people to make the right call on whatever it is if they are given both sides of the issue. The all-white jury that let Dred Scott go free in 1854 only to have the clerks on the bench reverse it and re-enslave that jury freedman. The English jury demand of 1215 was made the law of our new land in 1789 and then defeated by boursed bench clerks in America in 1857 violating a man's God-given rights because he was black. And it is going on a couple of years they have held R. Kelly, refusing his constitutionally guaranteed right to bail in clear violation of our law. If we want to clear our society of racism, might we start by clearing these Jewish boursed courts? Will workers not take responsibility for the public payrollers and act to ensure that they follow our clearly written and state ratified law?
How much do workers care about these sorts of issues, Americans' civil rights? The most important thing we have, our right to life, our right to be free. Free to earn our living and share the blessings of this good nation, when in peace. Will workers not end funding the political business crime wave by taking the concession to issue our money into your hands?
"For fairing their ruse and helping me get them out I'll give you a big day. 6.58 am
Could that have been Father speaking? The big day where we live in a land that is not making war around the world and instead is producing the equipment to feed house and clothe all of our brothers and sisters in every land. A world where we can travel with our welding guns, paint guns, nail guns, soldering guns, and build up instead of the guns that tear down. Will American workers not let God Almighty give all of us our big day in peace?
Workers committee of the whole get hold of the authority to issue our money, and workers then will have the power to make peace in our war troubled world. And Bitch will be off to the factory to start bringing in our big wealth generator for everyone, free energy velocity power supplies.
And then say goodbye to deficits, all the money needed to fix our bridges and roadways. Keep our libraries stocked right and open for plenty of hours. The existence stipend that God Almighty has given us as a right, a stipend that will help so many that have so little to get by on now.
The widespread misery that the Jews enjoy putting in to harm as many of God's kids as they possibly can. The authority to issue our money. Must American workers not do God's will and take it upon yourselves?
Thank you.
Ecclesiasticus 17:20 “None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord” Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.
Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41
Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing us good?
Thank you. God bless.
Isaiah 66:1 Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me?
And where is the place of My rest? 2 For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the LORD. "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.
Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.
Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
Thank you.
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