Friday, March 12, 2021

12 "Admonish Us Failed."

"Admonish Us Failed."

Jewish electricity plants that Babylonian weap Jews installed throughout the world have the power to wipe out all life on the surface of planet earth. How did we ever let them do this to us? When are we going to act to bring God's clean free energy technology in that will give us our great wealth without mining and destroying this beautiful planet we live on. When are we going to get Jewish electricity with its deadly toxic lethal brimstone waste closed out and clean planetary motion-free energy in?

When are American workers going to STRIKE THEM OUT and close Jew out of issuing our money in God's village on earth?

The power of our good God Almighty who had His angels afford the Jews the opportunity to set the trap and catch themselves. If only ordinary everyday working people are able to receive a sense of how magnificent our good God is will workers not for sure take the authority to issue our money away from the now proven failed assaultive Jews?

God chose them over 3,000 years ago to help His children live right and carry His message of love to everyone everywhere. The Jews gave the best estimates of the situation and had also developed a policy of social and economic justice. Those the reasons why God chose them to serve Him. But having Free will, they chose to go opposite to God and instead of helping us they chose to make God's children ill.

The high-level wits that have made us into extraterrestrials now in our time, they used instead to deceive the children of God. And now as God's word to us found in our bibles, they go into the pit for the next thousand years so they are no longer deceiving us. 

Revelation 20:3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.

As God Almighty said that He is dying them off, "tunnel death," is it not something to consider, that after their thousand years in the safety of their underground bunkers, those who remain alive may get a second chance to rejoin the human race and live right if they choose to go God's way?

Our kind and generous creators, the Third Edition Galacticans. Will American workers not open our hearts and minds to our truly amazing wondrous and spectacular extraterrestrial elders and close this low-grade foul of war out with a general STRIKE?

Father Kirkser 200,000 years ago who was moved by the loving care our hominid predecessors showed to one another and Father Kirsker so moved by our nice ways had His angels extend our days by gifting us with their own high intelligence 223 psychiatric package. 

We who would have already passed out of existence as the dozens of other hominids already have if not for the gifted extraterrestrial intelligence of our new hybridized brand. If only everyday ordinary workers will switch on our high intelligence extraterrestrial wits will we not get the fear and filth of war out of our system today?

Father Theodore warned Noah of His plans to wash us out because of our failure once equipped with Godly extraterrestrial wits. And now Father Harold has gifted us with the final measures to send us on our 9 million years journey to live in the stars with our elders. 

But before we make the final flight into the stars our species must first be cleansed of war. Those who enjoy the filthy pleasures of war now being died off by God Almighty God and no longer with us on our journey anywhere. Will American workers now awake our souls and get their war hell out of here with a STRIKE to take over the issue of our money?

The severity that is falling upon those who continue destroying Godly created life forms. Will American workers not alert ourselves of what is going on here, get on the right page, and STOP THE WAR?

The war sport the Jews claim they invented. The 'sport of kings,' war was known as. The sport that needed to end when our technology reached the extraterrestrial stage. The stage of technical development that would allow one group of human Beings to destroy the rest of us who live lives of limited knowledge. 

And God's wisdom and grace to let the errant life forms that control the economic system put themselves out great. The magnificent graceful glorious power God has let us see will we not close out those simple ones with their cunning clever duplicitous ways?

We arranged by our good God Almighty to be candidates for space cadets while Judah with his handful of negative images is using them to hold our mental while his engineers and scientists take our breath away. 

Hitachi-GE Judah is using for giving us the breeze because it has been raining planetary life-destroying waste into our noses for ten years and a day. If this is true then why no noises from our news machines to warn us of the dangers to our health and lives? Might the answer be because the news machines also own the genocide chemical gas creators that are poisoning our environment out?

While some are celebrating the old-timers who the Jews sent back to Europe to shoot our white family down and bomb their cities and burn them down. Might such a situation help explain why the Jews laugh at us still?

Are some asking, "but didn't they get Hitler out?" If only the Jews did not control the issue of American workers' money are we not aware they could not have hired Hitler to play their war sport? Will, we not put the beer and whiskey aside long enough to get a clear thought to figure it out?

Joe Kennedy informed Americans in the 1930s that it was the Jews pushing Americans to assault our family in Europe to bring on a world war and what was the Jews response other than to shoot his boys to death once his boys understood what was going on here and wanted to help us survive the Jews death of us all?

One out of ten of us serving weap Judah on the criminal side. Will the 90% not come alive and take their power away from them, the authority to issue our money, and do God's will and issue our money for us here?

Bitchie reading their faces to try and understand where we are here and just yesterday, they no longer are smirking at how easily they did Bitch in with their lies. A new angst appeared in their smiling lying faces that told Bitch enough Americans are aware now that Americans may act before we are totally wasted away in the permanent state of war the Jews have forced into this beautiful promising young nation here.

Bitch, God's shill has accurately, correctly, truthfully reported how the Jews, royals, and Vatican have fairly pitched themselves out of here. The Center of Power of planet earth were easily folded up by their attempts to destroy us nuclear blast and now brimstone waste war.

"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," God said to Bitch in 2009 when Bitch had just turned 61 years of age. That happened as Bitch was silently looking at and protesting the F-16s that were sitting on the tarmac at Des Moines international airport. Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and bring the love of God back into our lives?

The filthy pleasures they have by killing simple workers for insurance collections. Will simple workers not join in God's plan and help us now wipe the smirks from their faces with a general STRIKE to take the authority to issue our money away from the foreigners who molest us from other lands using our own money to do it to us?

The love of God for us is about to end the special economic force that encourages and rewards the 10% that do us wrong. Will workers not help us along with God's peaceful plan and issue our money for us here?

Bitchie was reading about some of the terrible destruction coming upon us from the decade of radioactive waste poisoning and how as our bibles warned, we set to die like flies now. 

Isaiah 51:6

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail.

Americans and our family in Japan set to die like flies due to only one Jewish electricity plant that is and has been putting brimstone waste into the air for a full decade now. Are those Federation computer simulations not something in how things will go in the last days as the beast gets thrown into the pit and locked away from us? Are we understanding what Ancient Alien theorists understand, we have always been watched over by the creator that shared with us His 223 high intelligence extraterrestrial psychiatric genetics?

"Roast kidney disease," due to breathing in Hitachi-GE radioactive waste disease. "Radiosis," the overall term for what has been put upon us here. The wide range of diseases we are now set to endure and suffer due to the high background radiation the Jews have brought in to wipe us out of existence genocidally. And to think, they will be all finished up and out in only a few hours. 

Father said those that wish to stay He will roll into the rest of the human race over 6 generations. Will American workers not end their sport, the invention of war they use to terrorize God's kids? Are our bibles not clear enough that we will not turn to them to help us reset our compass again?

Psalm 34:21 Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. 22 The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.

As we are condemned by the war of the Jews to suffer sickness and early death will we not pray to the Lord to save our necks? 

And this article about Hitachi-GE poisoning and the suggested way to deal with those who have done all they could to wipe our race out

10 Years After Fukushima

The Official Deception Is Discredited

By Yoichi Shimatsu

Exclusive to Rense


Until these criminals are hanged on the gallows, the Fukushima tragedy cannot begin to be resolved. Indeed we are still at the starting line of this world-destroying catastrophe, when so many victims are dying from radioactive poisoning and the global environment is an ever-worsening wreckage. Retribution remains to be meted out to the guilty. Since truthful confession of these unpardonable crimes is not forthcoming from the globalist elites, much sterner measures are required to right the wrong. We mortals cannot bring the dead back to life, and I did meet so many of the soon-to-die in Fukushima, who are by now sadly departed. We must focus on protecting the innocent while never shucking our moral duty to punish the perpetrators. This is the pledge that has motivated and guided my field studies and reportage over the past 10 years to be continued steadfastly into the coming decade, so help me God.

"Until these criminals are hanged on the gallows, the Fukushima tragedy cannot begin to be resolved."

But didn't God say, "thou shalt not kill?" Yes, He did, that's what He told Moses 3,500 years ago.

Instead of retribution why no talk about taking the authority to issue our money away from them right now? Can we only wonder, could tha article so pointed at the brimstone nuclear warfighter wrongdoers, actually be cunning disinformation by Judee in his shell crowd? Maybe an attempt to incite violence in the last days now? Featured on Rense com. Can we not perceive Judah controls most all that is written and posted out here?

All the websites that claim they are revealing how we are being done wrong. Is there even one that is suggesting that workers take over the authority to issue our money to begin curing what ails us? Not a one and Bitch has looked around. Have you found any calling for American workers to issue our money and not the planetary poisoning atomic war industrialists, the Jews?

"They've poisoned my village, I want them off," God our precious sweet Father Harold said before He passed away last November 26th. Will American workers not honor Father Harold's wish and let them off with a STRIKE?

"They did not bend in the wind so they will break in the storm. They have no defensible rights," Father Harold also said. The high-level extraterrestrial Beings that created us in our high intelligence form. Will, we not honor them by making the war on their creation, which is us, stop on earth?

7.22 am

Ancient Aliens Friday is on the History channel and so Bitch has the television on. Did watch some of Judee Japan news at 6 am also. Reports of the destruction and torment of our family that have been driven from their homes by Jewish electricity waste and how it changed their lives radically. A report to the world as a warning of what bad is set to happen to the rest of us. That speaker gave 443 Jewish atomic bomb genocidal electricity plants in 30 countries worldwide.

Have the warnings not been made clear enough from both our fellow man and woman plus our extraterrestrial elders that we will not get this eternal warmaking error in creation off of issuing our money?

That nagging answer found in our bibles says, "NO," we first will have a third of the human race die off before we will respond and understand just how dangerous they really are. The mark of the beast. Are we not seeing how the Jews are using the pandemic they created to put that mark of the beast on us now? Is it not incredible how Federation computer simulations plus their 87 million years of history let our elders see pretty close to what we are dealing with now in these last days of the beast fetching us? Their weather war that is harming our nation. Must we not end it now?

How about this facial reverse speech of an Ancient Alien theorist?

"Their H bums gave them free days with swaps."

Swapping out our true democratically elected president in 1963 with a war-making Replicon that handed the authority to issue our money back to them. 

"Their hos is an office of fetch. The bull fence is a right imposter," an Ancient Alien theorist also said in facial reverse speech.

So why are they still holding the authority to issue American money after what they have done to us here and are still putting us out of existence by destroying our planet everyday best they can with their atomic gear?

How about some more RS from Ancient Aliens theorists?

"Bitch, you're a turkey with a wish. The scrimmy is toasting. Managements popeye is to screw you off. They filth your scientists. They fake the Christians to hold you all out. Their true power is in paralysis."

The filthy bullet in 2004 that shot one of our best scientists dead, the late free energy researcher Dr. Eugene Mallove. And why was Eugene punished so rude? Was it any other than announcing to the world the truth of free energy plus, telling us we could have it all in only a few months?

The true power of Jewish, the power of paralysis that weap Judah has shown to us here. Their near extraterrestrial level wits that chose to offend God Almighty and destroy all of His children here.

With so much on God's side why has God's true shill let the people die?

How about some more Ancient Alien theorists from their subconscious to explain it here?

"They freebie dos to boss right. A weather boom is going to wreck the states. Bitch has a true symbol to make you informed, but his estimate of you pulled his bonus out and let them work their series. Throughout all of his great wales, Jew power has failed. Transform quite failed to pull you off of the scrim side."

If surveys are correct, about 38 years is the average age of Americans. Bitchie looked at Von Daniken's Ancient Alien work shortly after it was published in 1968. As Bitchie was 6th level thinker on alcohol, he was not able to connect any dots at that time. He only started looking at the extraterrestrial question in 1992

"You have a limited range, operate within it," Mercury elder said to Bitch years ago.

After thinking things thru after seeing the Vietnam war first hand in 1966 while safely onboard a ship and researching trying to find out what is going on in our world, by 1974 Bitchie was clear that he would starve himself out of life before he would be involved in harming the other kids in this world. He made it a point of never working for anyone who was serving the war machine. And might those decisions to stop the war at that time be why Father said, "He remained true to me?"

"The Jew has true purified the minnow."

That just showed up in the face of a speaker on ancient Aliens. Are we getting some idea of how the Jew likes to gloat that he has pushed ordinary people's wits to carry his wits as the right groupthink?

"Their complete effort is to encipher us to control our will." 

That from an Ancient Alien theorist as to what we are dealing with here.

The obviousness of what is going on in our world, does it seem that to those who have studied as the Ancient Alien theorists have, the truth of what is actually happening here is understood by them?

And Bitchie did not get the basic picture of our extraterrestrial family's kind intervention until he had studied in for 7 years and was 51 years of age. So if the average age of Americans is 38, how would the ordinary American have an understanding of how our extraterrestrial family is communicating with us here? 

And that only came together after genetics researcher Lloyd Pye informed us on the Art Bell Coast to Coast radio show in 1999 that we have extraterrestrial genetics that give us our extra big wits. Then the dots were connected and the picture appeared as to why our extraterrestrial elders have spared us from the nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews on free American money Truman war genocide wits. So Bitch sorry he insulted you's because you are not aware that if not for God you and me and everyone else except the Jews and their 9% collaborators would already have been wasted out of existence.

Are we understanding that Hiroshima was merely a test to see if the Jews had what it takes to get the real target of their hate, the Druids out next with hydrogen bomb blast war? 

"Some evil institutions poofed you out of adventure land here." Just read that from a speaker on Ancient Aliens. 

While it took Bitch 7 years, from 1992 until 1999 to figure out the extraterrestrial paradigm, and he was dried out from alcohol then and jumped 2 notches to a 4th level thinker, and 51 years old, so how difficult might it be for the average American to figure it out and connect the dots to see the picture of how successfully we are being done in here for free?

Bitchie had a BA degree in 1973 and that did not provide enough wits to figure out the deal here. Those who watch Ancient Aliens and figure out what is going on here might we give them a Ph.D.? 

"We just imbecile pitch you away as a poor boy and this guy digested us here."

That is from one of the speakers' in this episode of Ancient Aliens that Bitch is watching now. Are we understanding the truth of that sentence? Maybe we can get all the kids to watch Ancient Aliens so everybody can get their doctorate, their Ph.d. in reality studies here?

One of the big things the Jews are doing is giving our family the impression that it is white people who are spatting all the kids in our world. Here's what one Ancient Aliens speaker said in RS regarding that:

"They're publishing we always die sin."

Might that be why the Israelis ordered the Pentagon to commit that flyby atrocity in Syria the other day that killed 22 of our family living there?

While on the subject of atrocities, how about if one of the girls that are making allegations against R. Kelly were to come out and say that she had been big bribed to make up a lie to falsely put him in? Might we consider that the courts could claim sovereign immunity and not pay him a dime for all of his lost wages or for illegally denying him bond as is our way, our right?

This exciting and thrilling new world of peace that our extraterrestrial elders have laid on for us here over many thousands of years. The mysteries of ancient technology that could not be replicated today. Are we seeing how they kindly left those monuments here so that we would know they care about us through space and time?

 Will, we not join now with the kind and peaceful ones and close this nightmare of Jewish world war out? Will we not pray that American workers overcome their burlesque and their dirty picture show?

"I'm still planning a right Russian rush here. My disparity is a reality. Woodness always holds you to pitch your gene," Judee say.

As to the insinuation of the Jews that Bitch is a dangerous boy here, is it not understood that's a lie? While he has endured a fault of stupid, that Father Harold said came about due to "enduring prolonged periods of suffering," he will probably lose it all two weeks after the fall of the Jews when their even stupider terrorism is completely done in our world.

And as our extraterrestrial elders are peaceful all the time and would only help those who are similarly inclined, that is Bitch path, to seek out our elders to help us as much as is possible. There is nothing but peace that Bitch seeks. To get these mentally disturbing errors out of managing our society on the surface of planet earth. To end the use of our technology for dastardly ends. 

Bitch prayed to sweet precious Father Harold when He was alive that if it ever was going to happen that Bitch was insulting or offensive to please take him out of life the day before it happened. 

Bitchie has a fault induced by the extreme state violence of the alpha fist that specializes in molest of every way, particularly murderous physical abuse, and that is why they rule the roost with imprisonment and war. Bitch would rather go out of life than to ever be rude to such kind loving Beings as our creators are. So please don't believe the Jews lies any longer, Bitch has not harmed any boys out here and that is the way he goes forward. 

The Jews way smart in that they figured out that extraterrestrials were here all of the time and they made it ridicule to even consider that such a thing could be true. Mocking and ridiculing all those thinkers that might try to explain to us what is true. Might that be why they are known as the Mocky Jews?

"What we're doing here, as soon as we appear you're fine with the Bitch all peace; Kapish?"

Just pulled that from a speaker in Ancient Aliens. Will American workers not stop this God damned Jew war and end the final destruction of planet earth?

Isaiah 51:4

"Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: The law will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations. 5 My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm

Will American workers not hear the words of God Almighty and end this tyranny the Jews have sewn in and put our real America back online once again?

Tele receives:

"Leeth you. 1.52 pm

Pat your fortune here will be saved rightfully.

SOLD! 2.21 pm

The juicys are the real bag killers caught.

Patrick save us!


The son of a bitches have destroyed us.

Jerkistan, turkey noise you.

You have brought us to silence.

It's too vicious.

We love the people falsely.

Falsing out yourself.

With our prayer decision, we're check mites

Your market, we done you, we set you.

Punish is pura-psyche.

Admonish us failed. 3.26 am

Assault you murder siege, punish you.

Rattlesnake scored us.

I appreciate you're doing the right way.

Beautiful will save us. 11.19 am

They pull these things with missile irritate.

True gold. 11.43 am

The wolf was never right.

Passed scribbage.

Your save saves you.

Good luck. 12.27 pm

Check you right.

Now don't be splittin'."


Bitchies not planning on splittin', he's planning to stay right here and work with everyone to build our area of velocity power supplies. Our world will be transformed bringing those that are in desperation into a bountiful life. We just need that STRIKE to properly close their war cipher out of issuing our money.

And some more from Ancient Alien theorists found in their facial reverse speech:

"To prevent you from falling out our base is my business. You're psyched to die. A STRIKE will wipe them. Pat, they bourse off your features because they want to see me die."

Are we recognizing that we all have an interest in getting the Jews off of issuing our money? Are ordinary workers seeing from that insightful Ancient Alien theorist that they want Bitch's features off because they want to see him die? Are ordinary workers aware that is the same with all of us here, they want to see us all die horrible deaths due to radiation poisoning or from a 5-day high-tech missile war with Russia?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy


Friday, March 12 — Psalm 35:11–18

Nehemiah 4; Romans 3:19–31

Since my mother bore me you have been my God. Psalm 22:10

Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. Romans 14:8

Lord, you have known us since before we were born. You created us to live with you forever, and because Christ gave his life for us, we can live forever. Indeed, “Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain!” Amen.

 Thank you.

Ecclesiasticus 17:20 “None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord” Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.


Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing us good?

 Thank you. God bless.


Psalm 40:13 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; hurry, O LORD, to help me. 14 May those who seek my life be ashamed and confounded; may those who wish me harm be repelled and humiliated. 15 May those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” be appalled at their own shame.…

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16


Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:

"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."


Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,

and he delivers them.


Thank you.

“Truth is belligerent. Truth is, by its very nature, at war with the forces of falsehood and deceit.”

— Bertolt Brecht


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