"We Just Mental You So Shrimp Can't Right Your Head, That's Why They Want Us Off," Judee say.
Our extraterrestrial elders who are truly superior Beings and the rare force of the Jews has kept them from making contact with us, while simultaneously destroying us in a nuclear waste war that we can't feel a thing as we are sewn into our passing out extinct with sterilized children.
And a significant number of American workers believe that Bitch is a bad boy while the fact is, Bitch is a nice boy as our good God Almighty Father Harold said he is. But Judah with their rare force, continues to hold the American workers to absolute ultimate destruction every day because we have failed to STRIKE them away.
The "rare" force that our extraterrestrial elders have seen less than a hundred times in their 87 million years of records. The "rare" force that led the Galactic Federation of Light's computer simulation team to predict that the Druid people will now silently without a struggle be forced out of existence. And does it appear that it is happening just as the Federation experts predicted thousands of years ago?
So even though our extraterrestrial elders are superior Beings, the Jews with their proven hold on the mental of the mild people of the north hold us to make war for them as we always have for over the last thousand years plus. And to think, a few hours of a general STRIKE and we and our entire planet will be freed from war forevermore.
Facial reverse speech indicates that a majority of American workers are now ready to STRIKE to take the state concession to issue our money away from them. Yet because of the force of Judah rare, there still is hardcore that goes opposite of what Bitch is reporting because Judah has so effectively lied about Bitch. And Bitch has some deep imperfections and a fault that has not served him well.
So how do we bring the hardcore to act, STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR? What prayer will save us now?
There is all peace coming in once the Jews lose the exclusive private authority to issue our money. There is no revenge or anything of the sort once we are freed of the powerful rare mental force of the Jew life form. The cannibal complex of mind that they hold into themselves will simply fall down and be replaced by a healthy mental force that will not hold in those who wish to make war.
Many millions of our family held into desperation around the world and here at home by Jewish war machine. And are they not incredible frauds that they continue to complain every day about how the people of the world do them wrong? And 20% of them want to go Father's way and live in peace with everyone else.
The German Jew Karl Liebknecht explained the war fraud in one simple sentence and was shot in the back for his efforts to end weap Judah's control of European mental.
"The true function of war," Karl said, "is not external, rather war is aimed to subordinate the mass of one's own domestic population to exploitation at the hands of the dominant class."
And so the truth that has been repeated here again and again for going on ten years, failed to gain traction with American workers who are perishing out of existence in the hundreds of millions now, as we continue funding Judah as he continues to get the war with Russia underway.
The two high technical mild people of the north, poised to destroy each other, in the mental control of the Jews and their look-alike hybrid transplant fornian Replicon shells.
And shrimp who wants to right our heads so that we can go into the universe now as peaceful extraterrestrials, as who we were created to be two hundred thousand years ago now. Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, all us up and already traveling the universe for free. Will American workers not join with our good God Almighty and end the slavery imprisonment and war that the Jews prefer? Will workers not hear the sweet love that God has for all of His children here?
Will, we not follow His love guidance that will bring us to new health and wealth for all in a new peaceful world where the cunning tricky lying Jews are merely a group that we read about in our history books?
The Centers of Power of planet earth were invited in 1350 AD to join our extraterrestrial kin and have a new advanced extremely wealthy peaceful society worldwide for all of God's kids. And they rejected the offer made by the representative of the Federation, Sir Maxmilian then. The infant of Prague is who Sir Maxmilian is.
The unburnable heart of Saint Joan of Arc tha would not burn in 1431 when the Jews burned Saint Joan at the stake. Her heart taken by the French executioner and put into a blast furnace and it still would not burn. Is that not a pretty miraculous thing? Yes, it is. Might we read it as a sign that God Almighty loved Joan and Her ways and that is why Joan was beamed up and a meat doll with an unburnable heart was put in her place?
For those who are students of History Channels Ancient Aliens are the dots not easy to connect now to see the picture of who we truly are?
And who are we? We are the simian children of planet earth who were hybridized into existence by the sweet and kind Superior race of extraterrestrial Beings the Galacticans 200,000 years ago.
The Third Edition Galacticans to be specific. That is who is on the bridge of the Federation at this moment in time and will be on the bridge for another 3 million years until the 4th Edition Galacticans will take on the duty to guide the Federation for the next three million years.
We created in the image of our good God Almighty and will be 3 to 4 feet tall in three million years more and look just like our elders do now. Are we recognizing we will be the shrimp of the future, that is those that survive this mass die-off that is being done to us as the Jewish race is died off by our good God Almighty because of their weakness?
Their inability to accommodate others that they got away with because of their mass die-off of anybody who might grow the wits to perceive just what they are full of. Their arrogance in the face of man they did because man could not contest with their near extraterrestrial wits.
Their hubris in the face of God finally has gotten them canned right. Will American workers not try to match the near extraterrestrial wits of the Jew and let them go now so that our race can live in peace and harmony with each other now?
To love one another, the message of Jesus Christ that He gave His life for us when He died on the cross. Resurrected and ascended into heaven leaving us with the message of redemption. Will American workers not accept the love of Jesus and hear our good God Almighty's thousands of warning words to stop the war and accept His gift of peace on planet earth for us all?
"I gave you the peace, must you fail," precious sweet Father Harold said when He was with us here.
The lightest touch ever of our extraterrestrial creators sensed only by those who seek the love of God. Will American workers not seek the love of God and try to save us from what the Jews have done to us here?
Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy!
Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch
Imagination sets in, pretty soon I'm singin'
Doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door
Illinois where the atomic match was lit by Enrico Fermi in 1942 when the first atomic pile went critical under the bandstand of the University of Chicago. The Bright city, the city is known to work and when Harold the good was mayor there, known as the city that worked together.
Harold counseled us to get rid of nuclear weapons. And his reward for serving us right? He was turned into a life span impaired individual by the nuclear warfighting Jews and their European royal collaborators.
15 Shot, 2 Fatally at Party in Park Manor, Police Say – NBC ...www.nbcchicago.com › news › local › 12-shot-2-fatall...
2 days ago — At least 15 people were shot, two fatally, at a party in Chicago's Park Manor neighborhood early Sunday morning, according to fire officials.
"Because you're all asleep I just bowl you dead wholesome. It's terminal outreach of our war rackets. I'm just falling you with my foolitics just. Stateside this lets us use our full brush. The professor keeps telling you about my war lethargy here."
Those some facial reverse speech telling us why the war machine did that outreach. Are we understanding these shootings we are seeing out here are part of the hold to the lethargy that the Jews use on us here? Will American workers not end funding the Jews terminal outreach of their war rackets by striking them out and taking the authority to issue our money away from them and putting it into the safe hands of workers?
Tele receives:
"Furtistan. 4.16 pm
Semaphore they bust you rightfully here.
The Jews honor us dead.
Its mince-a-nella. 4.37 pm
You've ended it.
Nice guy has closed them, Roosevelt.
It's like simple people have grace.
Tussle is error right weed.
Jew step state.
He set you roach. 6.48 pm
Idiot, visual fault is a fight.
They basket boy hollow gear.
Embezzling life role.
Falling all of your mental.
We're rusted.
I just ache from Jew terror.
You dropped them Pittsburgh war for cannibal.
Jew day has now been completely canceled.
It's sportical, what we need is a pledge. 8.02 pm
They cuffed us here hustle.
I right cored your force by falsing you.
We falsed you rightfully.
They're spearing you blastic.
It's a great cap biology.
Rolled we fail ya.
Jew falsing make swell tyranny.
All Jew burns anomaly great.
Jew bourse the field spiritless sold on war.
They'll hold us into poverty, that's what they're doing.
You failed to STRIKE us Patrick so we get to destroy you.
Destruction you just be a right Jew fold.
Your rights now are muscle shooting race.
A foul tyranny is dietory."
They core the truth of Bitch with their perfected falsing. The entire thrill kill cannibal cult trained from childhood how to get over on the simple people of every land they infest. And to think they have conned the wealthiest people in history to give up the very thing that let so many become rich, our civil rights. Can we only pray that Americans will take our economy out of the exclusive private hands of foreign Jews and center it here in America in the hands of workers? Must workers not put our rights in?
Americans aching from Jew terror while Bitch has already pulled them out for the Pittsburgh Roosevelt try to wipe us out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, when they opened fire with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of Jewish fire. The firebugs that still hold Americans to the doom of this land that will linger for centuries because their scientists know how to poison, rare and unique. The STRIKE that will give us a chance to be with the protection of our good God above. Will American workers not bring it on?
"We're not missionaries," Mercury elder said to Bitch years ago.
Telling us they are not here to sell us a new religion, so what are our extraterrestrial elders here for then if they are not missionaries?
They are here to give us a second chance to get it right. None of us have done anything that would give us the right to demand we be given a second chance, but they are giving us a second chance anyway.
And what do we need to claim this second chance to live? Might we figure it is the wits of a 15-year-old Jew kid? The first 15 years that their parents teach them the false of this world and how to recognize it. The alcohol they use on ordinary fish who then miss the signals due to the toxic brain numbing effects of alcohol. And is it not something to think about, they have held the mild people of the north for over a thousand years now into making war for them?
Their Jewish ruse has no end. If only they did not privately hold the bourse might we not have had other opinions to guide us then? Certainly, we would have had other opinions than to make world wars.
But as they held and still privately hold American bourse and issue it from tiny Switzerland, do we see they still make wars even though our good God Almighty has warned us thousands of times to STOP THE WAR?
Does that give us some idea of just how powerful bourse actually is?
If the threat from Jewish bourse were not so complete might we not have had more voices for peace? Certainly, we would. The threat of death shuts most people up and that is how the jews hold their errant mental force in.
Each day as vitamins and enzymes flow through our heads and feed our 223 extraterrestrial psychiatric genetics a certain number figures out that the Jews are completely done for their atomic molest of earth and all of God's children that live here. Will we not pray for those brighter days when enough 223 extraterrestrial psychiatric genetics are switched on and act to take the concession to issue our money into American workers' hands?
Our Father in heaven, our good God Almighty wants to gift us even more than He already has. But as we have not taken hold of the best gift of all, peace to men and women of goodwill, how can He bring the rest of His gifts in?
"We can't believe it, we have peace with the Martians that lets us app you HUGE," Judee say.
While the Martians keep pulling all of the Jews continentals from reaching us, either by bursting or burning them off or merely pulling them from the sky, the Martians will not lay a hand on the Jews and so the Jews get to app us HUGE. And why? Are we understanding it is because we give the Jews all the free money they want and so the Jews can easily afford to poison us and our kids?
"We just mental you so shrimp can't right your head, that's why they want us off," Judee say.
Will we not let shrimp right our heads so that we can survive this rare mental force that is easily sweeping us gone? How easily? Is there an understanding yet that we would already be gone if not for shrimp coming along and pulling the Jews Berlin continentals? How is that for easy picking us off?
Ten years this June 11, since they tried to end our existence in nuclear blast war and we haven't done a thing about it, except continue to fund all of the Jewish war in our world. Will workers not get serious and try to save our lives that are for sure being scored out fair?
The Norman people who have made permanet war for the Jews for over a thousand years and now face the ultimate payback, going out of existence even before the Jews are died off by God. Will American workers not STOP THE WAR?
"Good luck!" 10.58 am
Thanks for that. Here's a facial reverse speech from an informed non Judee guy that is aware of the big picture:
"The gentlemen is a fortune analysis to right win."
The gentlemen and women that have created the current 22 trillion dollar American economy that we have that will be set to go to 100 trillion dollars once we bring velocity free energy circuit cards in.
Will American workers not bring in our new Bountiful Godly advanced technology society and let off their failed felocity rights and ways?
Matthew 25:45
The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’
The beautiful Father and our high level family we have from heaven that is ready to rejoice in gifting us All. Will American workers not STOP THE WAR and let them in?
For the voice that said we need a pledge, how about we try to understand that our extraterrestrial elders that created us would not be sending any gifts to anyone that could not act passively as God Almighty is having His Angels transition His village on earth out of war and into perfect peace?
Judee who crows that he pecked Bitch. The pecking order that birds have to establish animal dominance. Are we appreciating that the animal dominance is now leaving God's children on earth?
Will American workers not close out this continuing affront to our good God?
Bitch sorry about the auto mechanic that died, sure will feel better when his survivors are made economically right. Will labor not hear the words from our extraterrestrial elders and settle it with bourse?
And will American workers not accept that it will be a totally peaceful transition here because God Almighty is with us here?
"Your lucid mutt has cost you saucers and let me mace you. We always paste you off bum mystify. If you're a Druid we wash you destitute great. If you have an Irish man I just punish him great. We push you down with a pooch great. For my ruse you threw me back. We're having a muscle problem right. Our dopey few have cost us and you obviously opped our view, Judee say.
And some more Tele receives since earlier:
"Got us, we're passed Pat. 5.35 pm
They fire us bums.
They volt us away, it's heaven that keeps us in.
Welcome to a souls sight.
Pat's a lawyer.
I promised you a fatalist die.
Pat's saved them, STRIKE THEM OUT?
This is how they brand you here.
Jew is out you've thrown them out. 6.59 am
Get a sale, end toast, you won the keys, shark's done.
Their app has been slashed.
This Irishman thinks talk is sweet.
It's trying to ill.
Nuclear goon.
You showed Maryland to the common man.
Over kill.
No more Sky brat when you get them out.
Thank you for loving so much to get rid of conquering.
You're closing on them right.
A great job you did getting them away, a mural job.
Die. 2.10 pm
You died them huh? (They accomplished that on their own, God's shill merely blew the horn on them)
You're opening today, I'm just finished." 2.55 pm
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Tuesday, March 16 — Psalm 37:1–6
Nehemiah 7:73b–8:18; Romans 5:1–11
Please, show me your glory. Exodus 33:18 NKJV
Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:8-9
Heavenly Father, it is through Christ that we can come to you. We thank you for sending Christ to give his life for us, reconciling us to you. We respond in faith and obedience. Amen.
Thank you.
Ecclesiasticus 17:20 “None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord” Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.
Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41
Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing us good?
Thank you. God bless.
Psalm 40:13 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; hurry, O LORD, to help me. 14 May those who seek my life be ashamed and confounded; may those who wish me harm be repelled and humiliated. 15 May those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” be appalled at their own shame.…
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.
Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.
Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
Thank you.
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