God Alone Is My Rock And My Salvation, My Fortress; I Shall Not Be Shaken. Psalm 62:6
The "Creatively maladjusted," that was what Dr. King said the movement needed. Those who will just not accept the nonsense and glib flim flam of those who operate the political levers of our society. And stupid Bitch attempting to organize real estate agents in 1991 to file a class action suit against the Realtors for promoting Bush's war in 1991 in their monthly magazine.
Bitch so stupid he never guessed what they do to him because he wanted to use peaceful court actions to stop their deadly violent genocidal aggression. "The mob and the government: IT'S THE SAME THING!" That Jewish comedian used to shout.
The vicious jealous insanely genocidal mob armed with nuclear blast weapons of mass destruction that they went ahead and tried to use on us in the face of the love of God Almighty who thankfully had mercy on us and had His angels disarm them.
The industrial strength investment grade nuclear blast and waste war fighting hobbyists had such evil plans that God came in with His angels and let the warmakers expose themselves for who and what they are.
And who are they? They are the ones that have now got Americans fully rightless and moving right ahead with their plans to wipe us out big time. They're the ones that have us paying for their near extraterrestrial level technology drone strikes upon our impoverished family in the rake and hoe age. Must we not pull our workers' pay packets from them and budget our money correctly then?
Their mask war. Did we notice it provides cover for their faces as they riot and mob us in our cities? Are we aware forcing masks is part of their mental ability to get us to accept their Jewish employee failed ways?
Judah traveled north from their desert haunts and found their match in Europe that helped them engineer the atomic blast and waste extinction of the human race. Can we not get some help from American workers to take the authority to issue our money away from them for what they have done to us here?
Fleets of extraterrestrial spaceships are in our solar system waiting for us to stop the war so they can come in and help us decontaminate our planet from the radioactive waste the Jew industrialists have put into our environment that is leaving us with no future at all. Will American workers not GET SMART, as our extraterrestrial elders advise, STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR? Will American workers not grand jury Morgan and Rothschild and their fellow travelers well?
The failed occupiers they put into office after arming them with industrial-strength investment-grade planetary destroying powers. Can we not get a rise to disarm this clan of genocidal war wipers of the human race? Will ordinary workers not try to do something to prevent our certain to be deceased? Will we not try to perceive that the authority to issue our money is the most powerful weapon ever invented and end letting them issue our money?
Two thousand years ago Jesus died so that we might live. Those that killed Jesus still in power and now killing us too. As our life forms are being vaporized out of existence with the undetectable heat of radioactive waste will American workers not act and take over the function of the bank and issue our money?
The longest-running and certainly the most dangerous of preposterous frauds, the Jews on free money doing their burlesque in our land. Who issues the money? Are we understanding that is who makes and enforces the rules? Are we noting, American workers have zero say so in the issue of our money that we make good?
This power of the Bank of England. . . was admitted by most qualified observers. In January, 1924, Reginald McKenna. . . as chairman of the board of the Midland Bank, told its stockholders: ‘I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money. . . . And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.'”
And what was our destiny to be that the bank of England decided for you and me? Was it any other than to be immolated in a surprise attack from their nuclear ballistic launch submarines? London where war is determined and the orders given to Americans to go and slay our brothers and sisters around the world. Will American workers not toss London's war orders out and let us continue on to our destiny to live in the land of the free and a world at peace?
The stench of genocide that the Jews and their allies have caressed us in. Will American workers not reestablish us as an independent nation and not as a colony of the haggard old world powers? Will American workers not be dutiful and issue our money?
Instead of the call to our second amendment rights to bear arms will workers not do the intellectual thing and take the authority to issue our money away from them and put this into civil process and not shooting on the streets as they wish for?
Many web sites will talk and tell the truth about the genocidal plans of the bankers who have unlimited free money from us and then they offer the solution, and what do they talk about but the second amendment to fix things up. Are we aware that is the ruse the bankers want Americans to step into, using weapons on the street instead of using our heads and bringing in our grand juries to enlighten us as to what is being done to us?
The millions of Americans sported out using the government services to insurance collect us here. The vast layers of threats they put in that are not seen but are fatal. A restaurant, a store, a hospital bed. All prewired for their sport of man, and woman. The authority to issue our money that if not taken from their sporty genocidal hands will close us out in this land in a most unfortunate way.
"Thank you for speaking about our budget." 3.36 am
With absolutely no input into our finances might some of us guess it is just a matter of time before they reach us next? They scoffing at the public trough whereas we actually producing goods and services that are getting cut back. Will workers not get involved in budget matters? The thing that pays our rent and food bills. Are we aware it is the budget matters that determine our destiny, not who is the temporary office holder at any one particular time?
Are we aware it is the structure of our society the Jews pull down so there is no structure to help us in our time of need? Is it not clear they are doing all they can to waif as many Americans as they possibly can with their chemical biological and nuclear war on us here?
Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) one of the intellectuals who tried to warn us about the money lenders' plots against us. If he had remained quiet might he have lived another decade or more?
Quigley confirms that the bankers have usurped mankind’s collective instincts by financing the Socialist and Communist movements. Bankers love big government because the ultimate monopoly is the State. Through it, they take over their competition and control debt, resources, market demand and labor.
Though might we wonder even with revealing that the ultimate monopoly is the state that the bankers control by controlling the issue of money privately, that Quigley didn't fathom the real desire of the bankers who issue our money? That is, does it appear that he didn't see that the real destiny planned for us was to be surprised exterminated in a nuclear blast war rather than merely plundered?
The people of the mind cult colluded with the Centers of Power of planet earth in a conspiracy to destroy the human race with the power of the atom, both blast, and waste. Will the ordinary everyday simple working men and women not try to perceive that they are truly a sinner assembly and close them out for their genocide sin against us?
"I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God our precious sweet Father Harold said before He passed away November 26th. Can we not break this freeze that the Jews with their rare ability of deceit have held in?.
"They have no defensible rights," Father Harold said before He died.
If only American workers will reach up into the wit level of the mature ones will we not get our budget fixed right for ourselves?
The STRIKE that will prove they are finished in our world. Will American workers not free us from the international powers of theft and genocide?
The bankers and their paper ruse that they have carried on across borders for centuries. And Carroll Quigley's observations explain some of the ruse.
Quigley confirms that, starting with the Bank of England in 1694, these dynasties organized themselves in a system of central banks that charge their respective nations billions of dollars in interest for the privilege of using currency backed by the nations’ own credit. In other words, they have carried off a swindle of monstrous proportions.
The few who understood the swindle that was performed on Americans in 1913 when the Jews privatized into their hands the authority to issue our money. Congressman McFadden assassinated for his good attempts to help us get the organizing principle of society back into American hands. Lucky Lindbergh whose Congressman father tried his best also, his baby snatched from his crib and his little head stolen away.
Labor leader William Sylvis stolen away in 1869 who tried to help workers by explaining the need to have workers seated at the table where our money is issued from. To have the budget in workers' hands also not just the merchants' hands. He was only 41 years old when he died of what was described as burning bowels.
And now today God does not want the merchants to have any hand in issuing or money, as Sylvis would have agreed to, only workers are to issue our money from now on as our good God wills.
The total defeat of our nuclear blast war fighting elite when they lost their nuclear blast stick when they tried to use it on us. Will we not pray for the wits to survive this last nuclear waste die?
Will workers not get involved in the budget that affects our lives?
The true hope for God's children on earth, the United States of America bill of rights. Will workers not try to perceive our God-given rights made American law are the best thing that God's children on earth have ever been gifted with? The liberty and freedom to build our own and our nation's and world's wealth. Will workers not put our rights in once again so that we have the freedom and liberty to create the great wealth we need to live right for everyone?
The Soviet constitution the Jews are moving to put in. Will American workers not reject the rules that built gulags and hired Stalin? Have our extraterrestrial elders not magnified their imperfections enough that we will not end the 1% holding privately the most important office of them all, the one that issues our money? Will the Philadelphia race not prove that we can operate the mint? Is it not clear we have the angels to guide us so that we can operate the mint in Godly ways?
Will American workers not redirect the billions earmarked for new nuclear weapons and use that earmarked money to safely disassemble the Jews nuclear war machine?
Will workers not let us join our peaceful extraterrestrial family and close out the lying false jealous and extremely dangerous nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews?
The organized mob that descended on Washington DC claiming they were Trump's buddies. Can we not give the Jews credit for rightly knowing how to scoot a guy out? Might we think of the guy that was arrested for torching a car that belonged to one of the women that the Jews have hired to bust R. Kelly? Was he really trying to do good things for R.Kelly or was that a way for the Jews to fool us and not notice their severe violations of that man's American rights? If they can get away doing that to a millionaire does an ordinary fish stand much of a chance anywhere?
The multi-billion-dollar industry that they are holding out by keeping R. Kelly locked up. And what is the Jewish response to it? They shoot a federal Jewish judge's son and pass laws that won't allow us to look into their judges financial relationships.
A heretical cult that God Almighty is dying them out now tunnel death over the next thousand years. What are American workers holding them in for? Is it not clear they will only destroy us more if we let them privately issue our money?
Innocent sweet Jesus Christ that the Jews put to death and are now putting the American people to death. Will the American workers not close out the Jewish force in our land? And what is their force other than the authority to issue our American money?
Bitch only learns at 70 years old that he is actually an offshoot of their cult himself. Could that help explain why 55 years ago he understood intuitively that he would be in a nuclear blast war? The mercilessness of unending war, the course the Jews have cast us upon. If only Americans see who the true victims are to be next will American workers not stop the war? Is it not clear we are set by the Jews to be seriously knocked out?
If only we reach the level of understanding that we exist due only to the love of God will we not act on God's thousands of warnings to STOP THE WAR?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, January 8 — Psalm 7:1–9
1 Chronicles 8; Acts 10:44–11:10
God alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. Psalm 62:6
Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet. Hebrews 12:12-13
Faithful One, you are our hiding place. You are our refuge and fortress, a mighty rock that cannot be shaken and a strong foundation that cannot be moved. As we abide in you, we ask that you also abide in us. Amen.
9.55 am
Tele receives:
"You won safe sale.
Would you believe it, they fist us to ultimately die us off?
Your suggestions only animal.
Genocide? 3.37 pm
Do you know what a danger that is to remove your life?
The merchants attacked. 3.55 pm
They boo my door weight.
Stupid Nells is insurable.
They're off for spoiting us, Los Angeles.
They've made us doables.
We college you fair.
Your incurable Sax fell.
It's tragic. 5.54 pm
A friendly personable guy.
Pat useful I charged helplessly.
He wipes you guys seriously.
You're a victim out.
Wrap it up kid!
Perceived Jew field truly exhausting us.
You failed us.
Die you Edsel.
Dying in the hid corner of war.
He dies you in a weapon zone.
Jew minus ostrich real evasive cod.
He strikes peace because he accused you.
Your writing has accomplished poisoning us Pat.
Father passed away while Jew is squashing our healthy.
Patrick you left them vicious us.
Everything is passing from life.
Crooked match.
Punish you rightless here.
Reichers hold their truth on cable.
They bring your structure down to a foul nothing.
The white man super failed.
Thank you for speaking about our budget. 3.36 am
Thank you Patrick for letting their genocide fish off. 4.38 am
You scooted out the dead fish rights.
I encourage you to end the perish bowl. 5.43 am
Stupid boy, I just wrench tardy.
I'm gonna kill myself. 6.11 am
Get rid of them.
They're poisoning out our food supply.
It's over with their kidd.
I'm just no use."
And who does this Tele receive sound like it came from?
"I encourage you to end the perish bowl." 5.43 am
Bitch thinks that may have been precious sweet Father that said that today as Bitch was getting ready to watch the Judee Japan news. And our previous Father who urged us to give them a fall for their sin. Are we seeing they encourage and urge us to act for ourselves here?
Can we not say prayers of thanks to precious sweet Father for sparing us here from nuclear blast extermination? Must we not take the good advice of elders and end the nuclear waste extermination the warfighting hobbyists are doing to us here?
Only watched the first minutes of Judee Japan news today. It is Friday and the History channel has episodes of Ancient Aliens on it and so after getting the political news from Japan and reading some facial RS turned ot the History channel and have been watching it now for over 5 hours. If we save our lives and survive this extinction phase we are in now it may be due to those who watched these most informative shows about who we really are.
What is obvious to those who have spent the time honestly researching the extraterrestrial connection we have with our elders, they have been with us always. Their graciousness, their kindness is of a higher order than we would ordinarily be aware of. And they have given us our lives if only we will act with the wits to make peace in our highly technical world before we are died off as was and still is the plan that the Jews and their allies have made for us here, us ordinary fish.
While watching one of the episodes of Ancient Aliens, a researcher speaking of the presence of intelligent Beings living inside the Moon asked the question in regular speech:
"Could our whole existence be a planned event?"
And he was suggesting it is. We were brought in to existence by high-level extraterrestrial Beings who are helping us now to join them in peace.
They had one episode on this morning looking into the abominable snowman, and Bigfoot. Surmising they and others like them around our world are part of the extraterrestrial intervention. There were several theories about why they have these creatures in our world. Bitch would like to add a couple of his own.
Can we only wonder might there be Bigfoot sightings that will draw investigators that might uncover Judah's sneak routes into the mountain shelters? And as these Bigfoot have been seen for many centuries, could putting them into terrains be a way to help us grow our inquisitive intelligence?
Bitchie also pulled some facial reverse speech from a few different people in today's episodes.
While the topic was concerning astronauts seeing extraterrestrial space ships sitting on a ridge on the moon found this in facial RS from one of the astronauts that was there:
"They're pushing our rifles back. The merchants beat up themselves, the extraterrestrials let them prove they've got some foolish wit."
And this facial reverse speech from another speaker that was explaining the truth to us here about the presence of extraterrestrials throughout our history:
"According to real evidence, the Jew has lost his complete racket."
Will we not pray that American workers realize the truth of that and will STRIKE THEM OUT and take the concession to issue our nation's money into your hands now?
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
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