"God Almighty,... Before You Go To Pieces End Their Breeze Right. They're Submersing Us Here. Let's STRIKE THEM OUT, They're Putting Soviets In."
The multiple of reasons and more why American workers will take the authority to issue our money away from them and issue it yourselves.
Happened to notice a post the other day and the poster was asking what could cause pain in the stomach, a pain in the heart, and a pain in the neck? And in the comments, there were several suggestions. Some guessed it might be gall bladder acting up. Not one speculated that it was a whiff of radioactive gas that set off an electrical signal that caused that strange pain. Though, maybe gall bladder was the correct guess?
That we are now in a lethal zone of high radiation and it is not even mentioned in the Judah news reports. How high is the radiation now? Who knows, do we recall the radiation testing was ended in 2014, 3 years after they started burning radioactive waste at Hitachi-GE and it began falling inside the United States?
Judah atomic brimstone waste warfighting scientists are reporting that we have died our littlest children out of reproduction. Our littlest children already sterilized due to only 5 years of high background radiation during their first formative years. The reproductive organs development in the first 5 years necessary to have the ability to reproduce oneself. And that has now been taken away from our children by the high background radiation that has been intentionally shot onto us from Hitachi-GE since March 11, 2011.
The few reports concerning radioactive waste came from Bob Nichols and he last reported about half a year ago that background radiation in America is 1,400 times what it was before the Jewish electricity power plant was fired at us a decade ago from Hitachi-GE. March 11, 2021, it will be a full decade that Jewish radioactive waste incinerator has been burning and lethally contaminating the air we breathe.
The thousands of warnings from God Almighty to STOP THE WAR. That singular failure to hear and act upon the timely warnings to us from the highest house in our universe, the house of our good God Almighty. Might we be facing some pretty sad times ahead for remaining unaware?
God wants to gift us with everything we want. And all we have to do is recognize His love and start our new world of peace. The world that Judah will no longer be issuing our money. The world where Judah will go into hiding underground for the next thousand years. The tunnel death Judah will experience due to their weakness, their inability to accommodate others.
"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," God almighty said.
God our Father that is of our Bible who is also one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council of Elders of the Galactic Federation of Light. If only we will connect the dots to see the big picture will we not mature and match the extraterrestrial level wits that the Jews have got?
Watching hours of Ancient Aliens on the History channel yesterday. There it is all spelled out for those that care to read it. Our extraterrestrial elders have been here all of the time. A variety of species have lived with us throughout the ages. Interacting in ways that let us act with our own free will as we want to. Is it not something to think about, Judah wit had the basics of our connection with the Federation figured out over 3,000 years ago?
Might that simple fact explain why they are mature?
We know that before the Galactic Federation of Light began 9 million years ago that the Marsupial Galacticans flew through the universe exploring and fisted when they felt like it. And then 98 years into a journey of exploration they came upon the ancient departed advanced extraterrestrial civilization of Prenasour.
The Periadon Beings long since departed 12 million years before and Prenasour staffed by self-replicating robots who kept the lights on. The robots maintaining Prenasour and its records of what happened during the 78 million years the Periadon Beings lived their destiny.
The marsupial Galacticans who studied the records of long since departed Prenasour and learned of the benefits of living in peace instead of war. And after 700 years of study made the decision to live in peace with all life forms and left war and began their destiny to live in peace forevermore. And the Galacticans have not had a fight in 9 million years since then.
Is it not wonderful to think, we are the children of the Galactic Federation of light?
"This is how extraterrestrials make replacements for themselves," that Tele sender said.
If only we will perceive just how coy the Jews be might their maturity no longer hold their rare ability to false us so? Might we not let them go and end their alpha domination that is based upon force and fraud?
Their animal rights they are asserting here. Might we not give the beast the dash and move on up to the big side now, where we democratically control the cash?
The silly stupid bunch of nonsense they spout on every channel. Will, we not mature and end their latch? Must we not end their lockdown of us and demand our liberties? Will we not bring our extraterrestrial medicine in and end their many plagues on us?
The genocide that they perpetrate with their locks. Their outrage about Navalny and the deprivation of his liberty in Russia by his being locked up. Are we not noting how they are perpetrating the most outrageous fraud against R. Kelly right here at home? Some unsubstantiated allegations presented in an unjust fashion and a clerk has denied him his right to be free on bail, wiping his income out. And all concocted based upon a bunch of made-up and not American law procedure.
As the Jews pound away at how no good white people are all the time harming our family in the world.
if only white people will put in the rules that were agreed upon to start this beautiful nation 232 years ago, might we not get ourselves out of the menace of terminating high technical Jewish sports war?
Did you happen to see that horrific video of the white deputy slamming the black girl to the floor? Bitchie looked at it again and again and went to numerous sites to watch it to see what the truth is.
As it has proven to be not an unusual circumstance, slamming kids to the ground for one reason or other, what was the truth in that Florida slamming video that played the thud of the girl's head hitting the ground?
What Bitchie found curious is that the speed of that girl hitting the ground was different in two of the videos he watched. What could be the reason for that? Might Disney have edited it for the right effect? Might the thud have been enhanced at Disney studios?
That the girl and her mother are Jews in their hybrid transplant look alike shells, like the cop and his chief are also jews in their white shells, might we surmise that was a staged event to properly race us? How about some of this facial reverse speech from some of those video reports?
"This is just how we cite you oafer fair. I set you with mar poles for my rules. This is a syndicate effort for sale. With a palace effort a female for sure score some foulary. This is to show white offitude. This is jails disfacement. You're seeing perishment artist, it makes the minnow sweet. The sheriff is admirable in this field and he is covering our racket. I take out your core wits with my fine jury right. This life jam is helping out wall pitcher. You lost your pass to our abrasive.
The chief has said the whites will go racing. This lets me core sick, barafy is our basis. I'm an ear chief, my rise is out. The cast is where the check stays core full. We want to do substantial embarrass, we won. We fake you out real nice. I am oppin. You see now our teachers will shoot you off all schools. This is our grunt site to take off your real bag. Syringe I see catatstrophe I planned. Bitch shout that I have an office of pitch.
I vaunch out in ona ways, that's how I got over you. Monitor was real, this was cypress wood. I fake you out with my terrorist. For my income I'm pretty smart, I think you're fallen. Tight chef is a day true. All fiendish ipps I braid you. Semplemeyer I bore a wish with you."
The speed difference between the falls on the two videos along with the loud distinctive noise when her head hit the ground. Might it be Disney that specially doctored those videos for best effect? Do we recall Disney did some edited images in some shoplifting videos to try to put Bitch away? And do we recall that we learned from vocal reverse speech years ago that the purported Muslim speaking for Bin Laden in the Middle East was actually a Jew twin making his daily news videos in a studio in Florida?
The false unamerican Jewish communist legal procedure that the Jews are perpetrating genocide against, R. Kelly, with now. Will American workers not put our grand juries in?
Will American workers not put our grand juries in and look into public business for us as friends?
We the People are the employers of the municipals and politicians. Will the employers not show due diligence and responsibility to properly look into what our employees are doing here?
The authority to issue our money, the most important function there is in our society and it is held by those who have triggered an all-out extraterrestrial intervention to try and save our lives that are successfully being destroyed by the industrial-strength investment grade nuclear war fighting hobbyists. Will American workers not get involved in trying to save your own lives?
"Their whole soul is to save us." That facial reverse speech from one of the speaker theorists in an episode of Ancient Aliens. Our extraterrestrial elders whose whole soul is to save us. Will American workers in God's name not try to do something to save yourselves now?
The Jews with their rare ability have falsely impugned Bitch character. If only workers will try to see he is not the ogre the Jews claim he is, rather he is a boy that has a facility of mind for their falseness, and so they spend an unending stream of money to false who he is so the ordinary workers can be slaughtered like fish.
His accidentally stupid and rude didn't help him, "too long at the front," one Tele sender said about it. But he is a boy of absolute honesty who is revealing the truth of our being put to sickness, sterility, and death by the Jews. And his source is our good God above who is with us all of the time.
Not Martin, John, or Bobby. Not a believer in Jesus until recently when he saw the light. The obviousness of the extraterrestrial intervention that once understood the Jews and their racket to sell uniforms will be the last of their goose. Every nation on earth held by the Jews hybrid transplant look-alike kids. The kids that set up racing in America. The ones that do the physical assaults to race us. Will American workers not take the authority to issue our money into your hands so that we can have the truth reported to us instead of the Jews false that is holding us into war now for over a century?
Will workers not try to perceive the importance of justice, liberty, and freedom, what made America good and useful in the first place? Will workers not put American procedure in and reject Soviet communist procedure which is the Jew preferred way?
Will workers not act before they trip the trigger for their Soviet Jewish attack upon us from Switzerland using the private authority to issue all of our money they want to get us done great?
Just in case you didn't see this yet, here it is again, our extraterrestrial elders showing us the Jews in Switzerland who are bound and determined to destroy the United States before they go away for good:
Near Collision with UFO Recorded on Video by a Plane Passenger
January 23, 2021 LUFOS daytime UFO, Europe, Latest posts, UFO videos
A video taken from a plane depicts a passenger thinking a UFO may have been zooming past them. It further shows the pilot seems to dodge something in the air.
On January 17, Singapore Airlines was going to Zurich Airport in Switzerland. The unnamed passenger decided to record the plane’s landing in Zurich. At some point between 7:30 am, and 7:50 am, they were surprised when they captured what they believe was a near collision with a UFO while preparing their camera.
The clip shows lakes and fields of the distant landscape around Zurich before the plane starts to tilt to the right.
A tiny white object then suddenly zips past the aircraft, just below its flight path.
The pilot roared the plane’s engines as part of the safety protocol while passengers started to panic.
Fortunately, the pilot successfully avoided the UFO and later made a safe landing at the destination.
Video 1.50 at
Our extraterrestrial elders flying in from outer space at the command of God trying to awaken us to our plight to be completely sterilized, sickened, and destroyed by the Jews who are already dead fish for attacking us Jewish hydrogen blast and now Jewish electricity brimstone waste.
Will American workers not take the life support away from the cannibal beast ghouls? Must workers not end giving them the exclusive private concession to secretly issue our money that they are using to terminate us from existence and our kids too?
Tele receives:
"Patrick, need you, they catfishing me. 2.37 pm
Glitter desolation.
We punish you horrible to fish you dead.
Huskferic modeling.
It looks like the idiots.
God Almighty,... before you go to pieces end their breeze right.
They're submersing us here.
Let's STRIKE THEM OUT, they're putting Soviets in here.
Their apps quietly stroke you.
You regulate your ogre shoot, 50 years of running your mouth. (It's actually 56 years Bitch has been running his mouth about the atomic war that he intuitively perceived would happen to us by surprise. The math in 1965 revealed nuclear war was on the agenda for us when he was handling the equipment to provide cooling water for loaded atomi anti submarine rockets, ASROC. And Bitch don't have no shoot period, ogre or otherwise)
The circuit is lofty coming in for you's.
Pat, their prop has failed.
An exterminating wash.
A rabid state.
It makes sense."
And some recent weap Judah subconscious thoughts that are revealed in facial reverse speech:
"With right juries, I have a right jury day. I suffer you right because of immature. We always use an American to foul your rights. You see us you'll see how wood has failed thus. Our business state shot you. I'm an able boy that's anxious. I smash you together, that's what happens in a bourse habilis nation. We do falt Jew molestory right. We respect your fault draino. I fooled you out of extension friendships right. We don't want you to see Tesla because you'll see our slow brow. We have defense because we feel better after shooting, that's our grave offense. We pitch you right on a true sway. Patrick keeps reporting the sly of me and how I want to put you in," Judee say.
And some informed non-Judah facial reverse speech:
"Your app sap a right rising. I hope we can merch you with a corporal in 3 or 4 days. Your mother's all fisty nest dead, I fiendish you out. Because we frighten you with Patrick we hold you into lethargy. The false fouls we put on you stick because you have a rude dog. We mock you right."
Bitch, way down the list of intelligence running against the hired best teacher's pets that the Jews use to hold us in the wrong way. The false fouls they put on Bitch that stick because Bitch has an edge of rude that may be with him until 2 weeks after the Jews are done issuing our money and his mind is freed of their fail. Can we not hope that Bitch smallness is not in the way of labor's largeness and that workers will act to take over the authority to issue our money today?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, January 30 — Psalm 18:25–29
2 Chronicles 1,2; Acts 17:29–18:7
All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you. Psalm 145:10
Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. Hebrews 6:7
Cultivator and Provider, work the fertile lands of our hearts to produce crops wholesome and pleasing to you. May they sustain and support those around us. In your holy name. Amen.
2.01 pm
"Thank you, you tossed them out for their wood state.
It's a nice fiend.
Baby stun.
My mental is just equipped for hurt. 11.52 am
Your Christus rude passed us."
Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41
Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing good to us?
Thank you. God bless.
Psalm 40:13 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; hurry, O LORD, to help me. 14 May those who seek my life be ashamed and confounded; may those who wish me harm be repelled and humiliated. 15 May those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” be appalled at their own shame.…
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.
Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd - South Pole Video Interview
465,050 views•Jan 3, 2015
Video 11.52 at:
Here is some facial reverse speech that reveals some of what was in Admiral Byrd's subconscious while he was speaking:
"Nuclear is setting the gentlemen off great. A hare is wiping us deceivious, just trech you Germany. They phage you out owl on war. You'll have your safe out London. They keep striking suitables score sub, ocean is now quite failed. I'm a base in war sep, my children are just wood, absolute symbolize you. They just keeping you out, caught you wit.
They chapel wood, I'm a wood pipe for muscle men. Fails you have for sporting right. They emotion right for kids to be fools, they have a fiction. They're forming you a wet case trash wholly because you just enable them their series. A wolves theory builds this force. fabulous. A scope ball fold the merchant great ahead.
Just raving hawk them. They're just hawking with a nice corrept. It's going come, the admirals are going to fold the rules properly. Life is going end the predator right. It is just reasonable we are going to get off the owl function. I guess they're pretty well briefed, the orphan.
My skinny is the merchants fold the right jerusalem. They usually shoot you off false wasted all the time. Their error magic I believe will get to the point. I believe their errorous ways will get us to a less angerous age. Hostile yield big genius will hike them.
Their coursive big tomb I think will hike them. Uniquely they hold you in enem. They set you out fish with a big Britain wall to cowtow you. Fatal johnson. I believe some mental fair Jewish Morgan burlesqueski. With their core weap they hold you insultee. Their purpose is to get men out and cataster dastardly children.
They spec you ultimately to dump. Boe winnal insult. It's timestatiol, get jail out to win. They've got us all set for a Soviet die. Unless we have juries we are dead to our household ways. They are hos to the England concept."
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