Monday, January 18, 2021

18 "The Scientist Route Will Leave Us Bourstel."

"The Scientist Route Will Leave Us Bourstel."

How is that for a Tele receive that tells the truth? The scientist who sees that instead of the floods that weather war Judah is putting on us to hike us we will have the flood of the vast wealth to lift us higher when we allow free energy to come in. Is it understood that the burst of wealth coming into our society is one of the reasons free energy has been kept out of our society, to prevent the flood of wealth it will bring in to everybody?

Instead of facing a utility shut off for nonpayment, because the dollars that cold month may be short, free energy will still keep the house warm. Are we seeing that the way the Jews have it set up we must use only things that they get a piece of for us to stay warm in the wintertime?

Versus having an inexpensive electronic circuit card that produces the signals that allow us to tap into the high-speed motion of the earth, and the rest of the Cosmos.

President Franklin Roosevelt was happy he kept Dr. Morays' free energy circuit out of the marketplace. For how would he have ever sold his war to the American people if our society had absolute abundance for everybody?

The cutting off of oil supplies to Japan that Franklin did that some posit was the reason that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. If Dr. Moray's free energy circuit was in use at that time what difference would it have made if oil could not come in? Little to no difference and so there would not have been an energy pretext to support going to war.

Nikola Tesla lit a light bulb in 1899 using free energy, no wires attached to it. And he is now known for the discovery of cold electricity. The electricity is Cold because instead of the energy to power the lightbulb coming from an outside source pushing in, it draws energy right to where the bulb itself is lit by the force of the vacuum of outer space that we are soaring through at over 2 million miles per hour. Our combined planetary, solar system and galaxy motion was not known at that time. 


Tesla did not know where the energy was coming from that lit the lightbulb up, and neither did Dr. Moray in 1926 know where the energy was coming from. Yet intuitively they were able to put free energy to work and demonstrate that free energy is real.

It appears that the understanding of where the free energy is coming from and how it worked at the theoretical level was not understood until about 1954. Mathematician Jon Von Neumann had more likely than not figured it out then.

And the theoretical explanation for free energy was rediscovered by Dr. Eugene Mallove (1947-2004) and announced to the world in May of 2004. 

Eugene shot dead shortly after releasing his letter to the world revealing the truth of free energy to us. His message to us that informed us that we could have free energy in only a few months' time. Nearly 17 years Eugene is gone now and we still have few free energy devices in our society.

Though there are 2 free energy devices being manufactured that Bitch is aware of. Neither company advertises that factor anymore. 

One is a cavitation pump that has been produced for decades now. Used only in industry. And it is only slightly over-unity returning 117 units of energy for every 100 units of electrical energy put in.

The other is an electronic circuit that drives ultraviolet lighting that is used in industry for drying plastic used for credit cards. That circuit is reported to produce 900 units of energy for every 100 units of electrical energy put into it. Recently Bitch checked on it and no longer found any mention of that previously advertised fact.

While in economic terms 9 times over-unity may not be real extreme in return on energy input, yet the fact of the return of any over-unity energy, is that not a significant fact? Yes, it is.

While working for General Electric Gabriel Kron when building his electronic circuit, accidentally produced a circuit that when up and running produced so much free energy it burned out the rest of the circuitry in the missiles it was installed in.

Judah hiring the best trained to build his missiles and in the process accidentally builds a free energy circuit. If only the free energy circuit was in use why would we have the genocidal force of the missiles in the first place?

Threatening our family throughout the world with hydrogen bomb blast extermination in 30 minutes or less. Will American workers not tune into God's love and let them off fair?

With a bountiful wealthy society might we wonder how would they ever punish us with debt? Do we see they need waifs so they can punish us great? Are we seeing it is the authority to issue our money in their private hands that has led us now to the end?

So foolishly criminal letting themselves get caught redhanded attacking us hydrogen bomb blast extinction that they cannot come back in. Once they go this time it is the end. Their sport of God's children on earth will be at an end.

So what is the hold up in closing them out? Are we understanding that they must first lose the private authority to issue our money?

Our full extraterrestrial lives would have started centuries ago if not for the war of the Jews that is now in its last days with us. Will, we not keep praying for the strike that will finally liberate planet earth from the grip of the deadly genocidal atomic warfighting Jews?

Nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare they have turned loose on us. Will American workers not step in and take the authority to issue our money away from them for their sin?

And what exactly is their Jewish sin against us? Are we not apprised of the fact it was to go ahead with the extinction of the human race, with a special emphasis on killing all of the white kids?

The aggressive racial violence they use against our family from the land of the good people killing 7 times as many of them as a percentage of the population. Will American workers, not get involved here and end the killing of all of the kids, no matter what color? Will workers not get the Jews out of the management of the United States before they succeed in killing us all great?

Happened to watch an episode of heavy rescue and saw a police checkpoint in Canada where they purportedly were looking for hazardous drivers when there came a woman in her car that was speaking on the phone when she pulled up to the checkpoint and she was given a ticket for violating a statute that would cost her $490 Canadian dollars. 

Pretty big fine for speaking on the phone while driving, would you not say?

In American dollars, it only $383, but that still seems pretty stiff doesn't it especially when the complainant is only the state, a clerk making the call using a legislatively drafted statute and no others?

Are we aware one of the great things for Americans that when our rights are in, juries decide the outcome when the issue is over $20?

Will Americans not put our rights in so the Jews can't robberly sport us camera when we are driving in this land? You turn onto the exit ramp and exit one highway where the speed limit is 70 and at the end of the ramp that roadway speed limit is 60 and you pass a speed camera going 72 before you learn of the new speed limit there. How much of a fine do you think is fair for that? A couple of hundred dollars?

And that the legislators who passed the camera law are stockholders in the camera company. Would you not like a jury to hear that when they make the decision who is right and who is wrong here?

Might we see to do a right robbery using the offices of the state they need to have our American bill of rights out? Will American workers not put our rights in?

The fail society the Jews put in when they get ahold of the private authority to issue our money. Bringing the world's worst into pistol and rifle us down on the streets out here. Will labor not hear the love of God for His kids and give them a right and fair fall for their sin?

Tele receives:

"Arranged you cougherous. 2.31 pm

Pat, truthful is irris.

We tased it. 3.24 pm

We're forwarding the sale.

It's sad. 

Jews dust free.

You're soaking in fail.

Sir, help us.

Brutal lies assault.

Widow conspiris source.

You fear us Pat.

Widow cow feud.

They blast field for real.

They're a house of threat.

They ouch you miracles.

You're a bondant.

They're rightess sinner that scoped you out beautifully.

This is one of their animal kingdom holds.

We want you arraigned to share with us.

They cow ouch.

You got Coors faded Pat.

Stupid my failure to pull you off.

If you're insurable it breeds legal deal.

Patrick, toss them off for sapperty.

The owl age is a genital fail.

How about M------ J-------?

It's a natural choice for a beautiful here.

Tomber morph.

Honor her goals.

They could cause a gravity repeal.

You're basically viewed as cored.

Troubling news of abusive is expected your fault.

Massive the human is being felled.

Heartlessness evil dust.

You're evil breezed.

It's a disease breeze felony.

Powerful siege us died our air.

Abusage failed a court.

Oh, they're firing electrical?

Vegetable relationship nicks brief.

Because you missed stupid Jew fails your life.

It's a maximum fail huge.

They abuse you wood kid.

Allis free clips you died.

They jail to decipher us.

They threaten you in a harras way.


You lost your babies to real custable.

Their play commercial set you.

Binary ruse has failed.

You're a peon witnessing the merchants fail. 

The hater is dead.

They squash you rightless.

Con sourcive.

Sears therapy launched you wobbly insure.

Sears launched you contritely.

They admonish you rightly dying you investor.

One of these things you should never fear, title.

Toby is destaterous.

Even though it's ended, Jew peeve.

Sur-maple. 12.32 am

Try and save us Patrick.

They're closing right forces here die-ful.

You let me duel delightfully.

Their rightful assignment is thief us.

Patrick tossed them out of this place and they're flooring us here.

Three weeks and they'll be through.


Our honorable police forces recede to flushous.

Unrightful defeat us, deceive us.

Cheers will make us villagers delightful.

In hostile scrimmages police forces are fair.

We're dying awesive awfully cockeyed.

 They coup to luxury.

Organize this field, they saw our pulse side.

Right boys enable ruse.

Scrunched up now.

Heaven is coursing us lethal bashery.

We lose our history completely exploiting us.

My complete task is humbling in falsive.

Your right field expire fish, fist.

Gold witch right can.

We fell marvelous by ticket.

Supreme courtschous leave you in a heck of a position.

Let's get us a STRIKE here.

We need Pat to clear their windshield and close their irrit voice.

They are practiced in mass murder.

For Sherman, they sold the right end of Boston.

They're unable because scientist holds them for periling.

You've got it done Patrick, you've got it done. 1.29 am

They're going ahead with their big burst of us.

The satchlers.

They've closed out the electoral route.

The scientist route will leave us bourstel.

Your enemies are upon you.

Patrick failed thy useful thief.

They threaten all of us.

Wretch shot you nice.

They've violated you, STRIKE THEM OUT!

Fetchin' rights is negatory.

Tombing set. 4.06 am

Pat I Reich, rice well. 4.31 am

Bank robberies firebomb comfortable, well.

Oh baby it's huge.

He knows how to poison you.

It was nice of you to fall them for their disintegrating energy."


They've been taking us out big time inside of the United States for a long time. And how have they done it? Is it any other than the commercial sport that gives them the right to sports rights inside of our beautiful nation here? Connecting the dots might we see why precious sweet Father Harold warned us thousands of times to STOP THE WAR?

Are we seeing by giving them war power what they have done with that power here?

The most fundamental basic right of them all, the right to life, they have taken out. And in its place, they have put in Jewish rights to take our lives away from us. That's the bad news. And the good news?

We can have all their wars ended in only a few hours of a general American labor STRIKE. Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT?

Did we notice the benefit to fascism was their invasion in Washington DC that allowed Washington to arrest them throughout the states? Are we aware the Jews are always pushing to give them rights? Are we seeing how that Washington invasion set them with Federal right to grab people in any state?

Are we aware one of their favorite opps is to mix information up so they can get a warrant for arrest that gives them a fair sporting chance to mouse? Will workers not put our rights in and end the danger they present to all of us kids?

Will American workers not give us that STRIKE and end the downward spiral we are falling in?

Here's a little of their subconscious thinking just found from Judee Japan news:

"Your baby is run through diseased, I scored you nice through financial sight. That I'm shooting Jew bubbles should be obvious. Our procedure is sheeny creep until we fetch you. Your occupence we false with a judge leaving you Jewtable. We always false your finest men then offend. The nice guy holds us for our incredible die. 

I chemical the whole state tyrid so I hatch all of you completely. I give my compliments to Joe for making my day. Jew missile is sporting out Africa in season. I'm completely insulted and I just want him off with an app-a-set. We just have it sold to do you with a Geneva opp. I'm literally a terrorist falling out the Western big cage.

For taking off your sight missile I'll ever be Jew boy in. We have a big suicide for you because we want you off the nation. With your weapon frame on you we just miss you," Judee say.

And this facial reverse speech from a survivor of an earthquake in japan:

"In a number of days the beast is going down, he's not going to hold us for his foul."

And this RS from an ordinary guy:

"I'm a wholesome not a deaths some."

The bankruptcy they are forcing in on us by taking our economy and workers' income down with their laboratory-created flu bug. Must we not take the financials away from them right now so they are forever out of being in the position to harm us as they are now?

Some years ago Mercur elder said: "We beseech you not to go the old way."

That is from memory and it is in regards to the contentious ways of our legal process. And might we note this verse in our Bible that is in that same vein?

1 Corinthians 6:7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters.

Once workers have the authority to issue our money will we for sure not come up with more effective and useful ways to resolve differences that arise among us? For that matter does our Constitution not encourage us by stating our Constitution was created to "form a more perfect union?"

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,"

The very first words of our Constitution reveal the very reason for the creation of our Constitution in the first place. To form a more perfect union.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ..

As the Jews have invited international tyranny investors in to kidnap us for insurance collections in the cage and on the street, in the hospital and in the home and at the workplace will we not seek the reason found in our good Constitution for protection as we drift dangerously on a sea of deception, desperation, and violence they enjoy?

To be facing never again to open a window in our homes because the air outside is Jewish electricity brimstone waste poisoned so. Will workers not end the ruin the Jews are doing to us by taking the authority to issue our money into your safe hands? Will workers not give us our new extraterrestrial society that lives in peace and plenty for everyone?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy


Monday, January 18 — Psalm 12

1 Chronicles 16:37–17:27; Acts 13:48–14:7

Lord, you give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. Nehemiah 9:6 NIV

From him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Romans 11:36

Jesus, your name is wonderful! We wake up this morning with songs of praise on our lips and prayers of thanksgiving on our hearts. Thank you for the gift of another day and thank you for always abiding with us. Amen.


4.10 pm

"You I scavish. 4.41 pm

They weap you gruesal war.

Their shoots con make us.

You're not missed thug sighted. 4.53 am (Please say a prayer and try to see that you are seriously fooled by the Jews who are the real thugs here, not Bitch)

Chase them.

The Europeans have been held to do their dirty work.

They indict us here for Principal. 

Gory truth writing.

Jail is victim state.

You're scandaled goldfinch for free.

His mirror is dead.

We were unable to score you Jew racer which is unusual and it took out our lightning war.

You throw the bank away it's the end of their punishment.

They bought your sale whole right.

Harsh-able rated raided, his cocky fell.

He fails you sick leaving you gratefully desperate

Ashcan con.

Paris rich goes.

We munch for campus ID purposes.

Jew is off for the entire surgical guy.

Mubbies all waste hate.

I shoot so your portion is filth.

It's canceled false. 6.38 am

Thank you.

You do a rare dog.

Oh, their scatty miss us?

Oh Pat they whore us to despiritualize us.

They score energy to make urchin fail.

Global was their mistake, they're in.

It's an alpine action. 6.33 am

Famous Boston hike us.

Squirrel place us foul.

Untrue you were fell. 8.02 am

Thank you for telling us how wise guy is screwing our shacks.

A 2-year old disabled you with crud.


Maryland took you off for a fair loss.

It's aborch, they didn't have an agreement for our dying.

How we ever grease you off helps us.

Nice guy was falsed away. 10.02 am

It's drear. 10.58 am

Thank you.

Throw them right. 1.11 pm


Heaven aid.

A catastrophe bribe.

Your strike is our catastrophe. 

Get them out, they lethaled us.

They're a perfected genocidal predator on us.

They threw out all the goose full for snorky stuff

We roll right because we know all the functions.

For cage, Jew is out.

Clear out the stooges. 3.05 pm

They had to scrimmage country.

Asia's fist sport you with Soviet false.

He rolled AOC."


 Thank you. God bless.


Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16



7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:

"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."

Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

Man who shot video of fatal Capitol shooting is arrested, remains focus of political storm

John Earle Sullivan joined the rampage through the Capitol, and some cited his past as evidence of liberal involvement in the siege

"I just want you free of the disk for my lunch. To my right Jerusalem, you fall. We keep a power switch with militant. The insect race game we work good. We just evade you crystal massively. The white house we made and hold for Jewry. We have Nashville bourse you Sundays. My black museum will fight you, Messerschmidt. Fritz was just free fo rmy false."

AOC Demands Federal Funding To ‘Deradicalize’ White Supremacists, Conspiracy Theorists

By Jon Brown

Jan 16, 2021

“We have held many hearings on the growing white supremacist threat and the domestic terror threat in the United States. Over the last two years we’ve been holding hearings on this,” she said, and referenced how former neo-Nazi Christian Picciolini testified to them in September 2019 about various deradicalization techniques by which he was convinced to leave that subculture.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out | Christian Picciolini | TEDxMileHigh

2,764,344 views•Dec 20, 201

"With race cap we do white capture. We put in Alsmberg to poor you. I'm pretty much free Moscow bad. The bourse I take out for wreck throwing. I'm a leader that's a white fraud, that's my conspiris. I rice war to put you out assault. My empathy sane pompous you in. I'm out for dew point. I challenge you white failure to put you in. My main circuit goddam it failed. I'm a corlept to fleece you. I'm gonna get you stoned with Soviet people. I'm a Jew dough defy merry ways."


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