Monday, October 5, 2020

5 "You Don't Know You're Being Destroyed, Perilously Destroyed. 3.07 am

"You Don't Know You're Being Destroyed, Perilously Destroyed. 3.07 am

What else might explain why Americans have not stopped the war that continues to blaze throughout our world all funded by American workers?

Our littlest children burned out of their ability to have children themselves. And the radioactive waste continues to burn while the Jew has his news focused on his laboratory created Wuhan virus instead of the real destroyer, brimstone waste that we have been warned about would be used on us in the last days. How many Americans can we only wonder know that we are in the last days and undergoing a biblical apocalypse that we fund freely the synagogue of Satan that is succeeding in pushing us in?

Bitchie received several negatives about yesterday's post and went in and took a bunch of things out of it. If he can discover the irritate he takes it out. What Judah says in his subconscious about Druid and Slav people, Bitchie thought you might like to hear what he thinks about us, but you don't want to hear what he thinks about us. So thanks for informing him telepathically so it could be removed.

Bitchie himself likes to hear the truth about himself, painful though it can be, he then can chart a different course. Though he tends to be irritated when Judah mocks him. Judah is full of smiles that the Jews are succeeding in holding American people to such vast destruction and getting away with it for free. The laughter they have in their faces as they report the news and they know Bitchie is watching helplessly as American workers are mercilessly being put out of existence. Our children now that are no longer viable and will not carry on our breed. Eunuchs made that way by breathing the chemical dust of the high background radiation from Hitachi-GE.

"Foolish," Mercury said at 3.25 am

What our extraterrestrial elders have said for many years about how we continue funding all the war upon our world. "Foolish." And Bitchie chawed out by words the Jews made up to hold the ordinary people to being burned out huge.

Bitch is a flawed human Being. Too much murder in his life. He would have been murdered himself years ago for his persistence in opposing the war. War, the root of all evil in our world. Giving authority to others to fist for you under the guise they are protecting you somehow.

The most larcenous group of individuals congregating in Washington DC carrying on the most murderous pillage the Jews have ever succeeded with. And now in the last days, we pay the price for our inability to form a community-based group that really represents us. The ordinary American mute as we are being destroyed by the Jews and their indigenous collaborators in industrialized warfare.

War, the social organization once in operation gives them the right to slay human Beings overseas, but in the miracle process, it gives them the right to slay us at home. So obvious, will we not hope that the significance is perceived by the many who now are being pushed in?

Though each day more Americans are perceiving the truth of the situation the Jews have put us in. And what is the situation the Jews have put us in? Not merely impoverished destitute people, but dying off people. The die-off of as many of our breed as they can accomplish on us. 

Dying off in a way that we will not replenish ourselves. Sterilized and kicked out of existence 9 million years before our time ends.

Those that survive these last days of the Jews managing us will be full extraterrestrials next generation. Velocity free energy circuits cards are already a reality but blocked from coming in by the Jews fist of war. Gravity control is part of velocity free energy and it wouldn't surprise Bitch if the mathematics are not already known.

Once American workers decide to make peace in our world, if gravity is not already sitting on a shelf at NASA, within a few years it will all be puzzled out and gravity circuit cards will then be manufactured and installed in free energy powered spaceships. 

Instead of chemical rockets that burn fuel for a limited duration of time, until the fuel tanks are run empty, free energy will power spacecraft continuously while in the earth zone and also into outer space. And when will we see such wonders that will turn us all into outer space explorers full time?

Might we begin to see them when we end the ruin of the planet poisoning genocidal Jews?

"We just battered you out adjusted, and took over the world, That's why I'm completely enabled." Eleanor Roosevelt's personal friend Mrs. David Edna Perkel Gurewitsch (19??-2019) said in facial reverse speech.

I'm sorry I insulted you,'s continue to irritate you's. Failed you into letting yourselves be held by the Jews and now our littlest children are of no further use to carry on our way. And Bitch not able to reach you's because of this failure to communicate the truth because his insult has slowed maturity to.

And what is the truth? From Judah's facial reverse speech he indicates he has died us off massively now over the next few years of huffing this high background radiation from Hitachi-GE. All the while he has his Jew shells stuffing the store shelves of the peace activists who want the Jews permanent war stopped.

"We always pulverize a chicken," Judee say.

The ease and comfort that America has been to so many of us who have lived better than kings. And now it is all threatened by the war that is set to come in if only the Jews can get Moscow to give us the right boom. Moscow, like Washington, strictly Israeli occupied territory due to only weap Jews having any say in the issue of our money. 

The particular complex of mind that they have where they assault their children's minds and bodies so that, when their kids grow up they will assault us because of what their parents did to them. The unending violence they inject into any society they get hold of. 

And the Jews whose analysis was it would take violence to remove them from managing us here and God Almighty let their own violence get rid of them for good. 

The violence they showed to Americans when they all-out attacked us with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of thermonuclear blast heat and radiation force in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. And God who told us, "The original truth they threw away, my help has failed."

That is from memory. It was a different word God used to explain how Americans threw the original truth away. Bitch a 4th level thinker going against not only the number one liar wit but rated "rare" in the universe for their ability to hold the other life forms through mental tricks.

Here is is found it in the post from the other day that had the same search for what exactly Father said:

"They've thrown away the original sin, my salvation has failed." Here it is, found it in the September 20 post:

"The original truth they threw away. My closing failed." 

The "original truth." Are we aware that original truth is we are only alive because God had mercy on us here?

The "rare" the Federation computer simulation experts at the Galactic Federation of Light figured into their simulations, the "rare" that would allow the Jews to hold Americans to fund our own lives lost. And the "rare" did.

Though Judah has said it would be in October that Americans would finally perceive just how seriously we have been screwed. Our littlest children now burned out of ever experiencing parenthood. 

The life span impairment we are being subjected to due to living in an environment with radioactive waste in it. The environment that we are now in. The many children born in the Middle East that we have strewn with depleted uranium, born ill to start their lives. Oh, Americans are we not aware that we have done this to God's children? Is there not some concern that we are set by the Jews to pay the price for such a sin? Will workers not try to mitigate the harm the Jews are doing to us by taking the most powerful weapon ever invented away from them, the concession to issue American workers money?

Might roast kidney disease now be appearing among Americans? Might that be part of why Judah said that in October Americans will know we have been harmed? Could that back pain be the fire burning in the kidneys from Hitachi-GE?

"Foolish to do nothing," Mercury elder has said for years. Jews with unlimited free money set now on a new round of sporting us here. And much of the money they are using is to silence the teams that have gotten themselves seen. And of course, unlimited funds to keep the insurance sporting going on.

The Jews who have chosen to not change the strategy of individual biological opportunity, the desert dweller strategy of living in constrained resources, and so they fight with each other all the time and brought their house down in 70 AD killing each other. And this same strategy they carry on today, the strategy that is bringing our house down, because we are using the Jewish strategy. 

The genocide the Jews determined they needed to take the pressure off of the desert dwellers' constrained resources. But what constrained resources are we talking about? America has an abundance of everything. Once our fields are completely contaminated with radioactive waste might we not then be facing constrained resources? Are we seeing how the Jews want to put their desert dwellers terrain in so they can keep a fight going on?

Bitchie read two of them Saturday that gave 23 hours and 46 hours, and American workers would STRIKE and step in and issue our money. Though he has not read any more of them that feel that way. One of them said another month and our fortune is gone. They will have poisoned our food supply enough to where we will be dependent upon foreign nations to feed us in the coming days.

Such power, wealth has never existed, as we have in the United States of America. Land of the free. The place with liberty and justice for all. Has weap Judah not made a mockery of it all?

The poem on the statue of liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. 

Reality, what does it mean? Ain't nothing said. Freddie's dead. 

[Verse 5]
Why can't we brothers
Protect one another?
No one's serious
And it makes me furious

Don't be misled
Just think of Fred

Though might we want to consider it did take the Jews two whole centuries and hundreds of millions of war dead to destroy our bill of rights? Are we seeing that by protecting our brothers and sisters we protect  ourselves?

Our incredible bill of rights that guaranteed us both grand jury and jury protection. Might we want to consider our bill of rights is the only thing that made America exceptional in the first place? If there is anything exceptional about Americans would it be any other than the incredible Philadelphia rights we were gifted with as our birthright that protects not only us but also whoever else arrives?

The best rules our ancestors in Eastern and Western Europe came up with in 1215 England and 1430 AD Poland, both made into American law and both taken away from us by the Jews in America now.

English and Polish denied our rights in our original homelands and now in our new and improved American states. Might the African succeed where Druid and Slav failed? Might the Africans finally get rights for Druid and Slav people and for themselves as well?

"When I went to first grade I learned when you toss rights you're tossed off," Judee say. 

That Judah girl, running for political office, and in first grade, she learned when her rights were tossed, she was tossed off. That Judah took over our schools because he has privatized the organizing principle of society, might he have had his teachers malpractice us by not informing us of these most crucial things concerning our rights?

The Godly plea to American workers to stop the eternal war of the Jews that has fallen upon deaf ears so far. And our elders flipping the switch that caused the B-52 bomber over England to squawk an emergency so that we would know of their planning to attack Russia from bases in England. Will American workers not cut off the free American workers money they are using to start this big war still?

While cutting our economy down with their laboratory virus they turned loose on us is bad, if we lose thousands of our bridges and much of our electrical infrastructure might it not take a much longer time to recover from?

If they can get some hits on the 100 Jewish electricity plants in America might we not have dozens of Hitachi-GE's spewing brimstone waste upon us then?

Is there not some way to convince American workers to try and save our lives that are fairly being destroyed by the Jews while we are paying them to do this to us all?

Bitchie was out riding his bike yesterday and now this morning I have a pain in my back. Could that be from excessive breathing the radioactive waste in the air? Could that be a kidney alerting me here?

How much radioactive waste is in our air? Who knows, do we recall Judah ended funding to check for it? How dangerous is it anyway? Might we understand it is dangerous enough to sweep us totally out of existence after 12 million years of living as hominids on the surface of the earth?

200,000 years with our God gifted high intelligence extraterrestrial psychiatric genetics that should inform us of what they are doing to us here and how to protect ourselves from the nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews. Will American workers not act upon the thousands of warnings from God Almighty to stop the war?

Our good God Almighty who loves us all, a sweet loving Being that wants us to live well. 

"I've warned you. You've been warned. I would have given you anything. I gave you the peace, must you fail?" Father said

Her's some facial reverse speech from the 8 pm in Tokyo and 6 am here from Judee Japan news:

"I'm making you ill with chemicals, I die you martial. I'm just a genius that's near to being douched right. You're throwing me out for my child weap. I lost my signals, the alliance falls. Murphy has mercy, my menace screw big day. I catasterate zoo with baby images. I held you minor with a fiber way. I want a judge to perceive you as false so I can malt you. White guys' letting me foos quite perishly. Bitch reporting our 4th of July took off the best of our shoot," Judee say. 

Tele receives:

"Perfectly wastive.

It's Papa's son. 

They boom you down to perish you.

I can't believe it. 2.18 pm

Their soul, it's torturous.

Power fleets. (Delivery driver passing by)

I'm screw right technology. 2.53 pm (Woman with a child as Bitch on his bike)


Our best was you're all wiped out. 

R---- C--------. 3.12 pm

Thank you for helping us out Patrick. (You're welcome, just would like to see workers issuing our money and not the Jews)

I hearsed you.



The circuit's running us all out of time. (2 Judee's in an undercover car as Bitchie turned the corner)

The fables lost here. (Bike rider)

All clay, a big bummer hoax. (Bike rider in the park)

Malty Sid. (Bike rider)

Terror Haute. 

Jew dreams tumble for phased right. 

You fade a pal.

Hey ugly.

You're pitchin' arrows in.

Help them.

Run them obvious.

They false us rust.

It was a brief explosion.

Get out. (Judee saw Bitch with his 4 eyes when Bitchie stopped near the waterworks building)

You're into fail. 4.22 pm

God's here and He's damned them.

Stupid little deefus.

Dural threw it. 

You never failed shirking earnious. (? Bitch always eared his money and only missed when Maxwell Judee gave him his civics lesson)

Stupid rated verifies you.

Get out historicals.

I left them devil huge. 

The hymies fall the people. 

They get a head start to out the people.

Their wizard ways failed us dues. 

He pulled that out so he responds to what irritates us.

They hugely transport the people. 

They're racing us from the cradle, they're not a friend.

Your insult failed us all to leave.

You shemp total here, it's horrible subordinate to missile play.

Their spice is going to leave in the end. 

They bore gel easily.

War is supported by miracles, that's why it's refused.

We're suffered by his ever change.

You've had some hard experiences that have backed up you.

Gene you're dead.

They fool to foul the people legitimate.

They lost racket sight. 12.12 am

Passed you fear-a-tism.

Chamber in our city.

We're fataled down.

Huge racket right.

They use George to set ya's.

What you have failed to establish is a community-based system, a complete ass.

Your protest views show fight in your history. (All words)

Where are the people to establish normal?

The destruction the United States of America has done is now pushing the Druid people out of existence.

You don't know you're being destroyed, perilously destroyed. 3.07 am


Lure terrible.

Thank you for your coverage.

He's telling white the truth. 7.04 am

Dull advantage cripple sports. 7.07 am

Terribly fuse us check die. 

He hit me ruseful. 7.36 am

I bought it, an error so big it lost. 7.59 am

You circuit well." 8.48 am

Father's peaceful son, His shill Bitch able to help let the Jews get themselves out, but not able enough to help let workers get themselves in. If only American workers recognize just how completely and totally the Jews have thrown themselves out, might workers not then decide to step on in?

The thousands of years of the perfected Jews foul now dead and done and its the end of their age. Their collaboration with the indigenous criminals in every land to hold the majority of the people back. The social tool of war they used to accomplish us. Have they not showed their hand well enough that the ordinary working people will not now close them up and go with our good God above?

The one who circuited really well. Dr. Henry Moray who had his free energy circuit up and running 96 years ago. He lived for another 48 years and they never let him give his wonderful gift to us here. And now as the cold weather approaches those gigantic heating bills that if not paid get us turned off and out of luck. If only they had not blocked Henry, free home heating we would have had nearly a century ago.

Dr. Mallove who did his best to gift us after researching free energy for several decades before finding out the truth of how simple it is once one understands a little bit of hyperdimensional physics. The three-dimensional physics of Issac Newton (1642-1727) supplanted by the 4th dimension of August Mobius (1790-1868) and the 5th dimension Theodore Kaluza (1885-1954) who combined his dimension with the theoretical physics of Oskar Klein (1894-1977) that identified where free energy can be extracted from. Between the 4th and the 5th dimension. "At the plane of the dimension," their theory specifically said.

Pretty furry stuff for the ordinary kids but once understood, it is basic. It is the root of the next technological level for us here. And what is the next level of technology for us? Can we try to imagine how wondrous our world will be with unlimited clean free electricity in it?

The local transit authority is introducing a new bus, all battery-powered. It is able to run for over 10 hours before it needs to be recharged then. 

Des Moines Authority Regional Transit (DART) revealed Iowa’s first battery electric bus Oct. 1. The bus will be one of seven from Proterra that will enter service later in the fall as part of a pilot program.
The Proterra Catalyst buses are expected to travel 150-230 miles per single charge

As those who are driving electric cars are learning, it costs about a fourth of what gasoline-powered costs to fuel up. And once we have velocity free energy circuits available are we aware vehicles will never need to be charged again?

Can we imagine buses that never need fuel and only need to be cleaned serviced and repaired to keep them in operation as long as we wish? Might that help to keep costs easy to operate? Might riders not benefit from easier transit costs? Might it not be easier to keep more drivers on duty for more runs?

The workers' income issue that free energy will affect radically. The one where more labor is brought in due to the reduction in costs in everything. Electric buses will of course be easier to be robot-driven than diesel engines. The drivers sitting in comfortable surroundings monitoring everything from operation centers. Instead of driving one bus, how do 25 buses for each on-duty operator to be driving at one time? It is a technology of now just needing to be fully implemented.

But what about the diligent dutiful 24 drivers no longer needed to drive the buses because only one person is driving them now? Do we see where God's love has given us the route that will care for them all of the time with God's existence stipend in place?

And the one out of 25 bus drivers that remains to drive the computer-driven buses, might he or she not gain an increase in wages? Of course, seems logical doesn't it to be twenty-five times as productive as before, will the computer drivers' wages not jump up somewhat?

Though do we see the long term situation of labor is that we are becoming so much more productive as in automated transportation systems, that we need to have the stipend in place to cover the millions displaced by new technology?

As it is do we see the terrible situation that labor is in because we have no input into the root of our material system, the authority to issue our money?

Must American workers not have a voice, a microphone that will speak to us for workers' interests as we move forward here into the new world of peace? Can workers not do better than the stressful tight economy that focuses on creating privation induced aggression that the Jews then use for their animal sports? Will it not be better for us to have American workers issuing our money instead of Swiss Jews?

Bitch looking forward to the introduction of the new electric buses and is planning on taking a ride around town in them. The bus service around here seems quite good. The electric bus ride and always clean air. 

The most valuable thing we have, the air we breathe. Will workers not end them poisoning it here with their brimstone waste?

 John 5:25 Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.

Might the true exceptionalism of America, our full package of rights, not jump worldwide if only we can establish them now in our own land? If only our family from the land of good people stay focused and press forward demanding their rights might Druid and Slav finally get our rights to? 

Our rights to the grand jury and jury procedure from 6 and 8 centuries ago that the Jews keep tossing out so they can more easily screw us where ever we go. Will, we not join together with our family from the land of good people and put our rights in for all the people?

"Inhabitants," the 1776 indictment against old King George read. Those are the people covered by our wonderful and truly exceptional bill of rights. Will, all Americans not join together and put our rights in again?

Will workers not close out the communist nazi sharia law procedures Jews have forced in? To do it correctly will workers not become involved in giving us all our civics lessons? The right one? The issue of money. Will workers not take the bull by the horns with a STRIKE?

"Money is an institution, not of one nation, but of the world, and the institution, in order to be understood, must be studied as a whole." 

Our financial institutions being run by Switzerland's infamous sport Jews. Must American workers not take over the institution called money and institute yourselves as the issuers of it? 

"Abstract receipts of labor, organizing principle of society." Should those words of such unique and rare thoughts not reveal the truth, God is good and He has His angels with us to help us here?

The greatest minds of the financial world have never put such useful words in our ears. Will workers not act on God's love and angelic care so that He will be able to save us here? Most Americans not end the political autocracy of the Jews? To do it correctly are we aware we must first end their financial autocracy here with a general STRIKE?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Monday, October 5 — Psalm 116:8–14
1 Samuel 25:18–44; John 5:31–47
Mortal, all my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart and hear with your ears. Ezekiel 3:10
Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it. Hebrews 2:1
In this world of noise and busyness, Lord, open our ears so we may hear you talking to us. Let us hear your words and store them in our hearts so we may follow you more closely.
3.50 pm

"A foil, the world seeks.

100 false. 

The Foulament.

We've got all those records including the erasures. (Mercury response to Bitch concerning the Mixt money cases of 1602-1604)  


We just invest you off.

Winning sexuals are folding here.

Hook arranged. 12.28 pm

We just bash anyone that fails personally.

Sufferin' goose neck.

You're out a here, your rubs stole. (Bitch has not rubbed anyone, period. It's all Judah silencing his sports once they are seen)

Jew is doing a full tumble out for awesome.

You stupid tumble cancel whole deal. 

Sight fall.

I'll hold you because you're a real kid. (Mercury elder said to Bitch)

The corrupt is right fallen.

We're dust wells.

Your verse threw verse.

The northern owl they caught. 

Hey bud, I'm gonna do chalk ya.

Your complete basis is off tyranny.

I feel bill collectors are bullet proof.

The deadliest hoax from the man most vicious. 1.55 pm

You're welcome here, you're one we can trust."

Thank you for that. Bitch doing the best that he can and hopes that workers will look to Papa for protection here as we are being pushed out of existence by these perpetual war sinners.

Thank you. God bless.


Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

Thank you. God bless.

"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37

Ozone gas disinfects the air by zapping the coronavirus in less than 30 seconds upon contact. The ozone generators are inexpensive and we can have all our restaurants opened again and anywhere else we gather. Is it not somewhat curious, not one story about life-saving and economy saving ozone generators on their news yet? Just breathe a small amount of ozone for a minute or two and it will neutralize all the virus in the lungs and nasal passages.

December 1934 Article 3
Legal Theories of Money
Phanor J. Eder


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