Saturday, October 3, 2020

4 According to Weap Judah Speakers, It Appears They Think American Workers Are Set To STRIKE Within Days now.

According to Weap Judah Speakers, It Appears They Think American Workers Are Set To STRIKE Within Days now. 

For years they have been speculating on American workers closing them up and tonight a couple of them indicated that American workers have broken the deception and now it looks as if it is a real thing that is going to happen and soon. Here are some of their subconscious thoughts from this evening's national news that showed up in their facial reverse speech:

"Because you've been reading our lips you got this a real opperty place. Just now you're letting go of deceive because I cored you right. Casper gave us a tremendous nation fold. I've set 46 hours for you to set Jew down. We're 23 hours away from washing when you STRIKE us."

Wanted to get those facial reverse speech up right away. 7.12 pm 
Thank you.

3.22 am

The curiosity of them saying 23 hours and 46 hours. Two different speakers said those specific hours for American workers to be closing the Jews up and ending their genocidal violence against us. 

Though they have said for a long time that October would be when workers would be aware of just how seriously we have been harmed by their atomic war against us. Is it not amazing how incredibly precise is their knowledge about the consciousness state of the mass of the people?

Bitch look on his Facebook page and it does not seem to match what Judah is saying. There appears to be little to no perception of what we are facing except by one poster. The dozens of others seemingly are absolutely unaware their little children have been put out of reproductive life already. So that Judah said we are 23, and 46 hours away from a STRIKE seems beyond what Bitch is seeing from his Facebook page.

Though it seemed that about 30% of American workers were receiving we are in a war to the death with the Jews winning and we funding their sport shoot on us. But their subconscious that said American workers are going to STRIKE them in 23 and 46 hours, that is the professional Jewish estimate of when American workers are going to clear them off issuing our money. 

Will we not pray that is the fact, the STRIKE is going to happen now and 1,300 years of mild people having them infest us is done? 

They tell us they have been in Asia even longer. 1,600 years they have been there breeding look alike hybrid transplant fornians. That is today who the Chinese communist party is. Jews in their hybrid transplant look alike shells. Mao, the great march, and the Jews who say, "we hike ya." Might we see from his behavior that Mao was a Jew in his twin shell?

Fidel Castro. A Jew in his look-alike hybrid transplant shell pretending to be a Cuban. The conquistadores. Jew shells tearing up our family in South and Central America. 

Khrushchev. The Russian peasant rose to the top of Russia. Again a Jew in his transplant look alike shell. Hitler, a Jew shell. Stalin, same thing. American President Woodrow Wilson who did his part to destroy the United States by handing over the concession to issue our money to the Switzerland Jews, again, a Jew in his transplant shell. 

The Roosevelts, transplant Jews whose ancestors name is Rosenvelt. Dutch hybrid transplants. 

Claes Martenszen van Rosenvelt (c. 1626 – 1659), the immigrant ancestor of the Roosevelt family.

England that was invaded in 1688 by the Dutch hybrid transplant Jew Maurice of Orange that was to become William III. Turned the organizing principle of society over to international Jewry in 1694 with the creation of the Bank of England.  

Mercury elders enlightened Bitch by revealing they had informed the court in London in the 1602-04 Mixt money cases that the authority to issue money was the "Organizing Principle of society."

And we had the Jews constant striving to get that force of labor bourse into their private hands, which they succeeded in doing in 1913 turning the organizing principle of American society over into private international Jewish hands in that year. 

Our extraterrestrial elders knowing of the Jews rare have known that such an event, they getting a hold of the authority to issue our money, would lead to the extinction of the human race on the surface of the earth and that is why the Federation's "Project Earth" was brought into action in 1906. 

"They're NO friends of mine," God said of the ethically criminal Jews who are wiping Americans out and destroying planet earth as this is being written. 

And because they hold the authority to issue our money they hold the microphone so that every word spoken, every image transmitted to us, is to hold us to let them die us off fair. What could be fairer than to be died off for serving their filthy pleasures by letting them use our labor money to make war? And yet our good God Almighty is helping us to be Jewish free and so He has His diligent angels helping us get free of the focused mental force of the nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews.

The Jews who control Russia as they control the United States, by privately holding the authority to issue the money of Russia. Russia that has attacked us with long-range intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles to wipe us out of existence.

Their Jewish invention of nuclear-tipped missiles they shot at us only to have them taken away by our good neighbors, the Martian teams directed by Sir Casper. Are we receiving we would have been long gone from this plane of existence if not for the love of God for us all?

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined. Isaiah 9:2

Are we not indeed seeing the light here in the land of deep darkness of imprisonment and war that the Jews have cast upon us? Will, we not say prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty for saving us from the filthy pleasures that the Jews enjoy?

Our creation 200,000 years ago to become an extraterrestrial race ourselves. The Jews plot to destroy us before we realized who we are here. The plot that would have succeeded if not for the love of God. 

The Jewish created American war machine that has sought out our innocent family in this world to harm. And what are Father's words to us about our fail for making war for the Jewish sports and their filthy pleasures they enjoy?

I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will lead them and repay them with comfort. Isaiah 57:18

Instead of repaying us with punishment for our involvement in Jewish sin, Father wants to repay us with comfort. 

"I want you to be comfortable," Father said.

The great comfort to have as much heat as we want in the cold winter time and to have as much air conditioning as we want in the warm summertime. And the cost of the energy to pay for the heat and the air-conditioned cool? Father wants to give it to us for free. All the heat we need even for old houses that leak a lot. All the cool in the summertime when it is hot. All the electricity we need for our houses, cars and truck and buses, and our businesses and industries. All free once we have the proper circuity.

Are we seeing how God wants to repay us with comfort even though we have failed to the Jews pernicious violent filthy pleasure enjoyment seeking mental of warfare? 

They took their best shot and the Martian angels our good God sent in blocked it. Will labor not step up here and take over the most important desk of government, the one that issues our money?

"Jew perfused them and the dog won't hold them because Jew lied."

Found that in Bitch's notebook. Looks like a non-Judah that said that. Here is some more facial reverse speech from weap Judah:

"We serve you right criminals, so they right perimetered us. Our wholesale die set you deeferly. We had a ghoulish plot and a ghoulish eruption and this man is talking about our air. I just didn't war Sandusky. All across America, I'm absolutely your cage. Bitch gave me a special face fall for my white waters. Each day Bitch makes more fans so I'm coming out. We don't respect humble boys, we just cage them and pull them out,' Judee say. 

Our extraterrestrial elders who right perimetered the dangerous Jews so to prevent them from entering the universe above. Will American workers not get a hold of the issue of money and end their deadly violence in God's village on earth?

And these non-Judah facial reverse speech:

"Your league has definitely made his master faulty. Jungle Jew minus tore us. You have some problems that rolled you out, your image is so forceful. A human face, shrimp has the wits."

Now that Bitch knows of our extraterrestrial elders that love us all and want us to live in peace with them Bitch head is directed right. The Jews who have known of our extraterrestrial connection for thousands of years and never shared with us the truth of God's love.   

They who forced war in with the force of bourse that bought the cages and torture chambers to use on those who want peace. Will workers not now force the peace in and the war out with the gentle NON-VIOLENT force of a general STRIKE?

Without willing workers are we aware that their filthy pleasures they enjoy cannot go on? 

God who wills us to live in peace and harmony with all of the rest of His children on earth. Must we not end funding the wars that has already closed out our youngest kids? Must American workers not close the Jews from issuing or money before they harm us more?

The Jews who thought they could mock and scoff God who now are out of their wealthiest society, the United States of America. 

Their choosing to perish God's kids has now brought them to the end of their rule. Will American workers not withhold your labor efforts from the synagogue of Satan Jews long enough to take the authority to issue our money away from them? Will American workers not put your hands to serve God's good?

For what they have done to us might the memory of them be a curse upon us and our lands? Will American workers not close them, their master, and their master plans out of here by taking the authority to issue our money away from them?

Their extreme abuse of our family in Palestine. Are we aware they are hoping to do that to all of us in this land of the free? The authority to issue our money, there is no other issue for us if we are interested in saving our lives from the Jews who are succeeding in wiping our breed out in our genetics so we don't have any more kids.

Tele receives: 

"Fire sin. 3.32 pm

I crumbia. 

Get them out.

Get a settlement with Christ here.


Slide them in.

Let's do it.

Foolish cop us foolish.

They lost. 4.48 pm

Their stay is over here.

Their courts are out.

You won, I was just too brash.

That's some eye-opening stuff.

This guy's talking about the big stuff here.

He's got empathy with the people, he just wants to log the state well.

I lost ya's.

The Jew who has lost us. We who gave the Jews their wealthiest ship ever and they chose to sail us into an iceberg and drown us out, wash us away. And now all we need to do to help ourselves is to bring the love of God into the ruin that is much of planet earth after a century of Jewish war around our world. The abuse they are doing to satisfy the filthy pleasures they enjoy. Will workers not close them out, in God's name will American workers not close them out with God's love in your hearts?

 The mercy that God has shown us by letting us live in our right way. The sick puppies in the kennel that God is euthanizing now, dying them off mercifully in tunnel death. 

What does Euthanasia literally mean?
Euthanasia is used by many to mean 'mercy killing' but the word (from Greek) literally means 'good death' or death without suffering.

Dying out naturally, the good tunnel death that God is giving to the Jews. 

"I'm dying the hardcore ones off. The rest I'm rolling into the general population over 6 birth cycles next," God said.

And so the end of Jew reign in our world after 3 thousand years of their smirk. The end of the age of Jew. Will American workers not help us to close out their age of war and all the other infamies they enjoy so well? If so must you not STRIKE THEM TODAY?

Watchword for the Week — The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:22,23

The stone that allowed the United States of America to be born, the keystone, our bill of rights that the builders outright rejected in 1787 when they crafted our Constitution of the United States of America. And when workers are issuing our money and not the conspiratorial Jews we truly will be a free labor state as we will have our God gifted bill of rights protecting our every step, every day. Will we nor praise the Lord doing this for us? Is it not marvelous in our eyes? Yes, it is. Absolutely fantastical, to say the least. 

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Watchword for the Week — The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:22,23
Sunday, October 4 — Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21:33-46
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13
Lord, we trust in you with all our heart and mind. Lead us in the right way to live and give us the strength to keep on your path to eternal life. Amen.
12.41 pm

"Handsome work here. 5.26 am

They're tossing us out here. 

Because of your challenge I'm going to leave.

Rooster paradise falls.

For misery set them out.

We just perish you off right.

They doom us sale.

We lost Europe. 7.47 am 

They harsh us jubilant saw.

They play us ash right.

The help wanted sign will be going up tomorrow.

They police you bed watch.

Their badge-a-wits is  driving us noose.

Their trade roots have been blown.

You're stupid melted.

You failed Jew fenix.

You ordered some fits."

Bitch ordered nothing, all false. Judee is the one that has been doing all the mess out here, not Bitch.

Watched the Sunday political talk shows for some insight and did not pick up any sense that a strike would happen in 23 or 46 hours. Nothing out of the ordinary though they still tell us they are done but until we act they are  going to keep wiping us out. Here's a sample of some reverse speech what was found in those political broadcasts:

"Our college rules be died for our threat. Our country falls, Patrick see to save you. Our big ruin he wants you to see because we're  munching away. My false is legitimate for jest. Nice people raugh us so we perp their wits. My hope is our big Jew financial will hold you Jew mutt for cancer big way. My goose is how I suffer you life fall. We boozed you tough. Our tax voltage out your fold. The decimal for my franchise has ruined me?

Bitch I saatch you for death for ratcheting me. My pure testament is I'm a fallen idiot. We got the US economy falling in. Bitch advertising across America my famous is leaving us for air here. We cancel you emergency to cadav you. It will take 4 or 5 minutes to get us out. I bag you with my lie. I fold my house for my boy scout. I made you legitimate.

My mission has been rammed dead, I stumbled life. Bitchie got us on our visa right, it is our bad form. D----- R---. Seize you America, psych you my traditional fall. To hold out Papa Jew angered your right wit. Jew fouled contact with sport bury. I force you, right suspect, now. Another month your treasures will be died, we have resolved to be bullfrogs. I'm a big louse because I'm nuts, that's my West Allis Side. I'm out thirty blocks marijuana. How I got you to leave is I pitch your rights. If it takes 60 horsemen ill just stall right. My big gen opp weap you furious for false days. My handsome will see you right rub. My power state is wasting you appables. I'm happy my genus power is holding you false mentally. This Bitch wants all my sport out of DC folded by the people. We take medicine to death you mashous. Basically, I fall the right people down I can die you. My anvil got over you in a college sport way.

Rights I need out so I can whack junior away. Some castrol oil pure me. I have mental make you predicate. I'm thrown for freeze, Ha---- said I'm bad. You be law suit merchant. Strike will end the harm of the nursery. White house is sad jew puss fumble and is now out. If its possible I psych you in a pen. We can 4% wits. Atom. I always spec you hospital so my police summons are maximum pitch. The professor has got our Muslim rouge on me.  I take you moist fair for my function. Our riotous will force in our way purple.

Papa see what we cadaver. With cash, I possess your vitals. I colleged out northy.  Judee has been weaping everybody up for gena-see and proven he's just not useful. I shot you off an awful way. My communist fist is coming out mutual because I bashed your gen. I'm a forfeiture for my medieval day here. My West allis is pretty much out for putting you in. Bitch attempt us and I couldn't shove him and so he let us out with our sword. So we suborn you with tragedy opp basic conspear. My room says Morgan so I threaten a guy.  

Bitch ultimate off our rule and out Alston post. As long as I got toilet paper I'm a bore a set. You're an accidental ash weap done and now you're free of my warranty. I'm core industry with your rights in outer space. When I went to first grade I learned when you toss rights you're tossed off. Holding rights is our glorious dead. Jews rights are from enacting war day.

Kennedy, we hurt well to close out your gene. My criminal is obvious. We want to spin this Bitch off because he ends our wizard up high. A psalm will clear you from our volts way. I'm a big potato rub so he reported my false. Our Michiana conquer was thrown over the side. Because I'm a big fool I'm out. I sell you a force with a death head. We're circling to leave for our Benjy death threats. Until its time to go, I do store cipherous. If you don't mature you're burned out death.

We always possess you on onus dough. We just turn you around attorneys for our false. Our true destiny falls, we stumbled with our true scrimmage. Our baby sake got over you and let us fall you. As long as we got money right I death challenge you. Your body I just core fiend. I atom ruble. This white boy let me rice you right in with falseness. I offed you with a true trespass. I'm a pathological boomis face. I'm well dead. I'm just extended by my pura story. Jew criminal is now ruined by professor truth. I'm boursing people bum jealousy. We just bub you," Judee say.
Thank you. God bless.


Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

Thank you. God bless.

"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37

Ozone gas disinfects the air by zapping the coronavirus in less than 30 seconds upon contact. The ozone generators are inexpensive and we can have all our restaurants opened again and anywhere else we gather. Is it not somewhat curious, not one story about life-saving and economy saving ozone generators on their news yet? Just breathe a small amount of ozone for a minute or two and it will neutralize all the virus in the lungs and nasal passages. 

"Replicons," that is what our extraterrestrial elders call the crypto-Jews. "Fornians, is what they call themselves. They are Jews who do not appear to be Jews. The weap Jews have bred them into all terrains and they are sleepers and have a different cipher read that the rest of the population.

In Japan, the hierarchy is all Jews, though they appear as Japanese. They are "shells." Hybrid transplant look alike shells. "Twins," they call themselves. And Hitachi-GE they set on fire to poison us out with brimstone waste.

They are the only people who have the authority to issue our money throughout the world. Not all, but almost all leaders of nations are these look-alike Replicons. They may call themselves Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Muslims, etc but they are ciphered as weap Jews. They are literally everywhere. Every street in the nation they live on. Every workplace they are at. Masons, Odd fellows, those are where they congregate. Most all politicians are they.


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