"Our Witzenheimer Always Let's Us Take You Out."
That from the subconscious mind of weap Judah that shows up in a facial reverse speech telling us about how they always win. It's their witzenheimer they tell us that lets them always take us out.
And Bitch running far from the top of wits and his reducive scowlish way talking to the people that are being opped did not help him. If only our side had some top number one wits serving to try to bring on a strike to take the concession to issue our money away from the international genocidal Jews and give it to labor might things have turned out differently? Probably. But where are the number one wits that might make the difference if they tried to help us?
Might most be dead or in prison due to the aggressive actions of the Jews against our brightest kids? Might some be too comfortable and aware that they will face violence if they help alert the ordinary people of what is being done to us?
So we don't have our number one wits helping us, they are out of the picture for a number of reasons. God does not force anyone. Those who want to help are the ones that act. Those who forever what reason choose not to act that is the way it goes.
Tele receives
"You're OK buddy. 2.28 pm
Organize us Jupacy.
It's a monstrous block.
A parasite fails your life force.
You're being terror stalked. 5.01 pm
They corn bull us savage.
You are caper weaped.
Their bottle force char us right.
Device report.
Pittsburgh failed to save us Pat.
Discourage you help with contact.
You're challenged here because you're reducive. 2.26 am
They're strikive on horsee.
Oh my God they're holding us horsee.
Your psychus save us cash permanent.
They challenge us failish.
It's error ceded.
Tears hold us to sash out of here.
Miss your insulty.
They have a greater weap more lie.
Abrasive racial has failed.
Genus state harsh hawk.
Ordinary people are ever mauled.
It's the European thieves that lethaled us.
Your Eurotic is ruining you.
You lost your moment machine. 3.16 am
The aquifer's being poisoned dull." 3.26 am
Some thoughts from those Tele senders giving us their opinion of what's going on.
Their television news pounding away about the covid they put in to take us down. Real terror war they are waging and using their laboratory virus for forcing us with it. And the one article about ozone, and they false and ridicule ozone with a story about blowing it up the rectum.
Whereas a couple of minutes of breathing ozone in will disable the virus in the lung and prevent the most serious effects of their biological war upon us. If the lung remains healthy then the virus is not that dangerous at all. It is disabling the breathing function of the lung that is the deadly side of their biological war attack upon us. And what route are they taking for primarily attacking us with their brimstone waste other than breathing it in? Are we seeing they are focusing on assaulting through our lungs with contaminated air?
Their mask war to force us to comply and they know their masks do nothing for blocking viruses as it is like sardines swimming through shark nets, as one described it. So why they force masks? Might we see it is to get their Nazi ways to be accepted so they can then make up more stupid rules to force us then?
The end results in we be compliant as they easily take us away to die then. Are we understanding it is all mental war they are waging using their easily defeated laboratory virus with simple inexpensive ozone generators?
Their news propaganda is trying to sell a vaccine as the savior. Are we not seeing that is their route to genocide us? If we can remain healthy simply by disinfecting our air with a simple safe inexpensive electrical gas of ozone then why are we not using it? Might ozone take away their force that they are using to strip us of our rights further? Might ozone generators in our places of business take away their ability to impoverish us as they are by closing down the places of business where we earn our incomes from?
Their claims they want to protect us as their reason to be managing us. Has that ruse not forever been shattered by their attacking us with their pebbles?
The time now that our good God Almighty wills that we are passed the age of needing a king or some sort of a leader to guide us, the time now that God wants the ordinary people to lead us and so as our Sovereign He has willed that ordinary workers now issue our money.
And the Jews in ancient days that wanted a king to lead them instead of listening to God's will. Here is an interpretation of what that was all about:
A student and teacher of the Bible for 40 years.
Because they were insisting (the Jews). They wanted what other nations had. But what it boiled down to was, if they realized it or not, what they were saying was they didn't want God to reign over them; they wanted a king like others had. They were worldly minded. God does not override our freewill. He lets us have our way, even if we have chosen wrongly.
The ways of God are not the ways of this world. If we would listen, learn, and simply follow God, we are better off than when we push our own agendas or what we think is a better idea. God is on our side and wants the best for us, but if we won't follow Him, then that is our choice. If we pull away from the Lord, He lets us do our own thing, even to our detriment. He wants our obedience and our loyalty to Him to be voluntary and by our own will. That is what a genuine love relationship is.
Psalm 106:13–15 describes the Israelites when they were rebellious — “They soon forgot His works; they waited not for His counsel. But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. And He gave them their request, but sent leanest into their souls.”
There is a big lesson for us in this. We should not keep insisting on anything from the Lord unless we know it is His will. We shouldn't even be praying for something we want, thinking we will get what we want by much persistent prayer. Yeah, we might get it, but is it God’s will? God’s will is always much better. Our heart’s desire and even our prayers should be to seek the Lord for His way. We must become followers of God. That is why Jesus said “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and gentle, and you shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Mt. 11:28–30) When we are connected to Jesus (picture an oxen’s yoke pulling the plow), He takes the lead and pulls the weight. We just cooperate with Him. Our effort should be to become a follower of the Lord in all things, and not take the lead. Then we are at rest because we are trusting and following Him, the One who does all things right.
And God our Father who wants them off for poisoning His village on earth.
"They've poisoned my village, I want them off," God Almighty said to us here.
Will American workers not turn to our good God and STOP THE WAR now before we are ever silenced by the atomic wars the Jews, their Japanese Replicon look-alike shells, and their Euro-collaborators are waging against us washes us out?
Rather than us acting like the Jews in ancient times did looking for a king to take over are we receiving that our good God wants the simple workers to now take over and listen to him instead of the kings? Will workers not take responsibility and step up and issue our money in God's name? Do we see we are passed the time of the kings and big men running us and it is now time for the mass of the simple workers to step in and see that our world is being operated correctly?
Here are some of their subconscious thoughts found in the Sunday political talk shows:
"Pat downs us. Pat waltz out my pola-suit. Our famous just club you dead. I'm pushing you off falsified. We miss you with jails. Mortgage power is true Jewlosophy. Ultimately booze out ya and let foreign power take over here. Nice guy fumble so I push you true, you're wood. For our chalk a virus is a blessing. Pretty soon I'll be through wasting your time. Embarrassment threw them off their whole century. I focus well, I mussed your management complete.
We shot you onerous fumes. Papa threw me away for great excitement. The right refuse our merchandees owl. Shrimp who would do you right and end Jew trick were weaped dead. White men went out the window failed. Because you keep oppin for us failed I have no sympathy. We failed you Bitch with a diagram that holds in all our faulty weap. We embarrass you soft so my guest house don't have to leave. Because of our oppness you're officials failed. I'm a sue debt. We're just wasting you bad, we kinda feel sorry for the dumb.
We sack a waif on bippy. Jew great fall is still doing evasive. With our access, we just sack them all. My dangerous sin is holding here. Witlam I set you sales here. X-ray die will give me my nugget. If you have a dog I have a big fall for purees. Jew false death scratch you. Pat sees we're really pretty dumb. Pat Sullivan my fight rights are almost dead," Judee say.
While their Jews rights are indefensible for attacking us first thermonuclear blast and now atomic waste, they are still holding their rights because American workers are letting them hold the concession to issue our money. Are we aware that the day American workers act to empower themselves and take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews will be that day that the Jews fight rights are dead?
So what day will that be? Are we seeing how God has had His angels set it so that American workers can now easily end the war in the world if they want to?
Non-Judah RS:
"Drew have moral adjustment."
Will, we not have the moral adjustment once we are no longer managed and lied to by the genocidal war-making Jews? Once our number ones can speak to us without fear of being done in might we get some new ways to do things? Some nice ways that serve everyone and harm no one? Will workers not end the violence in our world by letting the Jews off as the only issuer of our money
"Pat sees we're really pretty dumb."
For over 3,000 years their focused thinking has revealed to them that we are connected to an advanced extraterrestrial race of highly advanced peaceful Beings. And what do they do other than reject contact with them because they don't agree with the bountiful peace plan that God our Father has for us all? Does that not seem pretty dumb?
Bitchie not claiming that he has figured it all out, what he is saying is stop funding the Jews who are killing our true wits, keep them alive, and let them explain it to us. The microphone the Jews control 100% that they use only to fool us. Will workers not support a truthful microphone for us?
Those who study the bible seriously and perceive the way that Father wants us to operate so that we can be the big powerful bountiful society that helps every one of His kids and that does not engage in the evil of war. Will American workers not bring it in?
Our technology enhancing our labor abilities that are able to provide all that we need and more if only we do not let our resources be fully poisoned out. Bitch pulled a facial reverse speech the other day that said in effect that some Americans now have sore aching kidneys from what we eat and drink. Can we only wonder how many have roast kidney disease now?
The successful organized Jewry perishing of the best deal for the children of God on earth ever in history, the United States of America on our fabulous bill of rights. So good an all-white jury freed a black slave from his master in 1854.
Some time ago there was a Tele sender that said that Bitch believes in you. And I do.
I believe that given the truth an all-white jury would free Dred today as it did in 1854. What Bitch is saying is get ahold of the authority to issue the money so that the Jew clerks on the bench can't reenslave a jury freedman and make war and race us all then.
"I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God Almighty of heaven and earth said.
"I gave you the peace, must you fail?" Father also said.
God Almighty who has stepped in and had His angels try to save us from Jewish war sin. Will, we not grasp the rescuing hand of God Almighty and save this wonderful land from the communist Jews that are succeeding in fully taking it over with the plan to hold us for our ultimate brimstone waste die?
And the Qanon conspiracy that Facebook blocks from revealing the truth of the Citicorp banker who is funding their sport. And what do we have but a Citicorp banker who is now running for mayor of New York? Are we seeing they are all Jews in their hybrid transplant look alike shells?
The Qanon pushes a pedophile theory of all the leaders of the Western world. By pushing a pee pee conspiracy theory, should that not reveal to us that Qanon is merely more Jews in their shells? Are we seeing how they use sex to throw us off of the scent of the big deal, the smashing of our resources by poisoning them with nuclear waste? Are we seeing it is our health that they are stealing away?
The refusal to stop burning nuclear waste from Hitachi-GE going on for ten years next March 11, 2021. Should that singular fact not reveal they are genociding us great?
"We're specing you with energy to take you out core tex," Judee say.
Have they not shown an incredible long term plan to reach us in our reproductive genetics to end our existence in total by keeping out velocity clean free energy circuits so they could force in their dirty dangerous exceptionally costly radioactive Jewish electricity waste?
"Foolish to do nothing," Mercury said many times.
Will American workers not end the foolish burning of radioactive waste on us, take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews, and let us bring in the advanced machinery of high-income workers' lives?
The advanced extraterrestrial level technology will afford us the opportunity to raise workers' incomes magnificently when we bring it online. Will American workers not hear God's plea with His thousands of warnings to stop the war and try to save your lives that are successfully being destroyed a little more each day we fund the Jews multiples of sport?
"I'll get the professor out dead for shanty, with Minnesota we have some nice foods to put on this boy. By providing staples we sucker them. We munch your head on a bourgeoisie serf war. My skull ax falls you fertilizer. We enjoy multiple molests to put you in. Smoking you atom is Jew classical. Our police fighting our bail bond is refused. A false alarm is usual for junking you here. My dura-cell gave me my foreign rise. Your innocently supported my Joe allowing me to de-shelter you.
Peaceful abilities magnify our die, true care end us here. I'm forcing Japanese with the air force. Because I have a mountain to hide in I can fall die you. I'm instinctually Bolshevism on you. Whenever I say puppy you embarrass fall dead. My actions are to ax all civil rights. We did a great cannibalistee, you let us march. The white man is switching us and clearing our sale. One error wiped me because I shot ya. Jew war from a hotel is going hemo here," Judee say.
Are we seeing they are pushing to get a fight going on the streets? Are we noting Jew war from their hotels is aiming to get the hemo flowing here?
Will workers not try to remember their one error that wiped them out was when they tried to to extinct our breeds in the middle of the night of June 12, 2011 with the force of 64,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs?
Will American workers not take over here and issue our money as our God Almighty our Sovereign wills?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Monday, October 19 — Psalm 119:41–48
2 Samuel 12; John 8:12–30
The Lord sets the prisoners free. Psalm 146:7
So if the son makes you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Lord, we are prisoners to sin and worldly treasurers. Help us see that you are the only one we need and trust. Then we will be fully free to live our lives to honor you. Amen.
"Your helping us is cored. 5.36 am
Income slash they're doing right.
Babe go for errish.
Jew thrills is dying.
He's gene fishin'.
I just cure your kid.
Bitch wasted my economy because I suckered your race.
I sacrificed your ment for my gene day.
They cage brutal.
STRIKE THEM OUT clearance way.
It's fiendish.
Babies always claw fringe.
Rowdy cheers. 11.05 am
Punish them. 11.14 am (That is not part of Father's plan. There is no such thing as punishment of anyone in Father's house)
You let me tyranny. (Passed her while driving by)
You're just family dullishment.
I fought you right disk."
Bitch missed writing down several Tele receives when he was walking today. It was snowing and it wet the paper in my notebook and didn't write down several Tele receives sent to me. Regrets. Thanks for communicating though. I appreciate it. My gloves and hands were all wet.
Here are a few Judah facial reverse speech for final thoughts today about how they are seeing things:
"To save the world we are 4 months away. We invest minnows that character armor well. We got you passed security so now we can morsh you sweet degrade."
Are we seeing to save the world for them they need to hold us for 4 more months and they will die off almost all of us with their war of radioactive brimstone waste? And are we seeing they have got us passed security and now onto a position where they can really roll us bad? Will American workers not let them off with a general STRIKE?
Bitch road a couple of buses today. There was a box of masks right next to where you pay your fair and so Bitch picked one up and sat down. Then the bus the driver made a fuss and so Bitch slipped the mask on. After traveling a mile or so as Bitch was getting off he pulled his mask off and the driver again started harassing Bitch about the mask. So Bitch put it on so he would open the door so Bitch could get off the bus. Bitch did another NO NO, he stepped over the yellow line and the driver acted as if he was going to dial 911.
Are we seeing how the Jews empower their people to harass us as part of their social control? As Bitch got off after hearing his harangue I said to him, "I'll pray for you."After thinking about the driver's display of red hot anger and hostility at Bitch, Bitch concluded he was a weap Jew in some sort of a shell. His broken English revealed he was new here. Couldn't tell what language was his first language. As Judah has chased tens of millions of people out of their homelands using our money to hire it done, do we see how he positions his people so they are in contact with us?
A little earlier at the car repair shop a gentlemen came in who was 91 years of age wearing a mask. He came into the waiting room then he saw we were not wearing masks, so he pulled his down and said he only wore it because of the force that was put upon him. He told us as a young man he decided never to be afraid of anyone but the pressure was so big he caved and was wearing a mask. Are we seeing what the Jew is doing with his mask routine?
The bus driver, who the passengers pay his salary, is harassing the passengers. Are we reading that is pure Jew? Might we see that is the basic situation we have with public employees? We paying their salaries and they mousing us big. Can we only hope American workers will see it is the authority to issue our money in workers hands that will end all of this anger filled hostile clownish jester Jew stuff?
Incidentally, Bitch then got on another bus and the driver was not wearing a mask. Bitch paid his fair and took a seat.Then an elderly black man got on and the driver told him to put on a mask and he did. How do you figure that? Bitch noticed another bus go by and that driver was not wearing a mask. So of 3 buses Bitch checked, only one driver was wearing a mask. Will workers not close their Jewish sport age out and put ozone generators in to break off this pandemic they have turned loose on us? Can we only wonder how many nursing home residents really died of the virus rather than a little shove from Ben?
The quick closeout that will settle our world into the beginning of a thousand years of peace. Will labor not bring it in and let these ancient failures off with a STRIKE?
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.
The righteous just clue Bitch about the right direction to go and he goes it even if it costs him some real effort, whatever that may be. Bitch will be pleased when he sees the dollars flow your way. Why not, all he needs is a few dimes to come his way and if you're getting the dollars, you won't be unhappy to see Bitch get his dimes will you? Of course not.
Read for free Morris Jessup's The Expanding Case for te UFO at
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