Friday, June 5, 2020

6 "We're Real New Its."

"We're Real New Its." 

Bitchie was driving along and an average working guy said that telepathically. Bitchie was out doing a little clothing shopping to get some short sleeve shirts for the summer and a pair of shorts for bike riding. Didn't get them, a line to get into the store. So went across the street to see what the Salvation Army store had, and they were closed. There other two stores in Des Moines were open but decided to go back home. 

Just a few minutes from home and at 2.42 pm Judah satellite microwave beam hit Bitch and so he headed for I-235 that is about 5 minutes away. Jumped on the expressway and headed Westbound in a 55 mph zone. It jumped to 65, and then once out of the metro area it is 70 mph.

 The beam continues even when passing under bridges. Bitch did not have his phone on so that is not how it found me. One time the beam struck me in the house when I was talking with the guys and I got close and they did not feel it.

 It passes right through the metal roof on my car. 

The beam only wavered one time and that was when a big semi blew passed me and the beam dissipated greatly until the truck got about twenty-five feet in front of me then the full strength of the beam returned. If I tailgate a big truck it pulls the beam down, but it is dangerous getting that close to a big truck at high speed. I reached the Adel exit 110 at 3.06 pm, 24 minutes after the attack began and the beam was almost not perceptible, but could still detect it.

Adel is 5 miles north of Interstate 80 and it took about 5 minutes to get there and there was a residual of the beam and it ended there completely then. Looking a Bitch notes did receive a message from an SUV that passed me.

"Snail off you."

Then when entering Adel a guy behind Bitch said: "We're close here." Then he turned left right before entering downtown Adel.

Bitch drove and looked at some cars and vans on a dealers lot and someone there said as leaving the lot: "sparaged it."

Then headed back to I-80 and on the way, another Tele sender nearby said: "Molest shoot."

Then passed a State Patrol car and he said "You're UZI it."

Then heading Eastbound back home on I-80 from right behind me, "A state failure to stake."

Then a car got near and I heard, "everything's closer to you."

Then getting off at 42nd street heard: "Cut some force."

I thank you all for those thoughts. They are so helpful as I don't have any proofreaders or editors so your messages continually give clues as to what words may bring workers to end this storm of abuse that these murderous genocidal errant life forms have on us at this moment and have historically have had on our predecessors.

Here is what is really troubling here, our extraterrestrial elders are doing what they can to save us, and now from reading reverse speech of the errant life forms, they are telling us it is a requiem for our babies now. Here is some RS just from the evening news:

"I'm going to fire these states fully off jock. We just weap a cure outrageous. I definitely feel Jew bears are off. I see fire in my face. I'm a jailous that's fallen. I got the zipper to arrange the angels. The Marshman be awesome technology and he won't let us rule. During our fiend hour we shot you activity. You get me custody you see my forgery, soon you will all die. We're just hoping for some whooping cough so we can get our weekend in. I was taught to pitch you well because I'm a Jew, I do Sherman. 

I'm a beast aperture. Bitch, you've told all about my fantastic age. We just roll you with our incredible police officers. You keep mentioning Mitc---- and he'll sue you. I'm going to pitch you out fister before I roll your air. I want some communist rule. We're making white semen faulty to challenge you. This Jupiter fumble let's me fist you out complete. Jupiter on the atom will save the white man, shoosh...

This is Euro dust boy Freud Wisconsin app. I devious hold you threats. I take you out fox head but you won because I shot you purity day. With a dull slut we made you danger. We get you in error because we can voice you. I'm just holding you prejudice so I can haul you off big dog Jerusalem. You've taken my bank of center bad. I want you in poverty for Jew deeds. I want white to understand your promise is out. We conquer trash, that's why I don't believe in velocity. 

I won with 5% because I had a British day. My grace department is gone because I insure. Marvelous to persimmons you to pitch whole, I scuff your behavior. Bitch sweptitude has gotten me bad for my decrepitude ways. Your baby requiem complete has slipped passed you. My Pisers are having to back off because my 2% are bad," Judee say.

It is 6.41 pm Friday night and started this Saturday post early. So going to sleep now and will continue early Saturday....

2.56 am

Bitch does not say or write Father's name because Father is so high above us he doesn't feel right in saying Father's name as if he has any approach to the level of Father. Father is a perfected Being, a master of the universe. While Father does not bash Judah, He can enforce His power over Judah when He chooses to. But he does it in ways that He doesn't use force on Judah. 

Merely by not counseling Judah do we see what error Judah has engaged in that has now led to his having to leave management in the United States, and with that, losing his management worldwide?

"Bitch sweptitude has gotten me bad for my decrepitude ways."

Father, with Bitch a 4th level thinker that is dumb and has a fault of stupid, and yet Father so far advanced into the future that His angels let Judah throw themselves out the door because Bitch blew the horn on their attempt to extinct our breed. The Jews who had the best deal they ever had anywhere, the richest wealthiest deal ever, and they succeeded where others failed, they threw themselves out of the United States by attacking us extinction force nuclear blast weapons.

 Though they are ontologically different enough that they have demonstrated the force to sterilize the workers that are still holding them in. They have many workers positively convinced of something that is not true. Convinced that Bitch is a bad boy of some sort, which he is absolutely not. He is the one that long ago made the noise about shooting the kids both overseas and at home and demanded his money not be used to pay for their wars. 

Judah, who plays politics by having his police attack those who are engaged in lawful political activities. Judah who assassinates any who are truly useful to us. And Bitch who is legitimate and above board in everything he does, and yet, the mental force of the Jews has many convinced that Bitch is a harmful boy, which he is absolutely not.

Judah nuclear brimstone waste warfighting scientists are reporting to him that he now has got the white peoples' children poisoned in the children's marrow so they get early onset of leukemia and other cancer disorders. 

What might explain why the majority white people don't toss the murderous genocidal Jews off and put American rules in? What will it take to take the force away from the Jews and end their genocidal wars against the human race on earth?

The rule from Father Baldec 3,500 years ago that Moses relayed to us, "thou shalt not kill." When are we going to cut the Jews off of our free workers' money so they no longer can violate God's rules?

"My decrepitude ways," Judee tells us as he realizes what a feeble, old worn-out way of assaulting the rest of us is because violence, his camel terrorism has always worked to frighten us to obey his skinner rules. 

And in a day, his chutzpah filled head and tail cut off by our good God Almighty when he tried to extinct our breed using a three-hour nuclear missile shot that was pulled by Sir Casper and His able team of Martians. 

Judah who has known about the truth of Father for over a thousand years. He has known that Father is from an extraterrestrial world and that we are a creation of Father's love. Bitch on the other hand, so little knowledge, he didn't even believe that Father existed. Where Judah is in a contest with Father, and Bitch knew nothing of Father.

And yet a know-nothing outed the Jews and ended their multi thousand-year reign of abuse they enjoy doing to us. But the Jews are telling us their threats against the ordinary workers are holding them in plus the vast amounts of whiskey that prevent the workers from being able to see the Jews as they truly are. And Bitch insult to the ordinary workers didn't help and as he is dumb, he is in a form of shell shock and keeps missing by irritating the workers who can free us any day they want to.

The Jews with their strategy of inflicting a thousand cuts to make a guy tumble and fall. The thousand cuts of their killer satellite that continue to shoot Bitch in the head giving him headaches and soar eyes. So what will happen first, will Bitch fall from the continuous heinous battery the Jews are doing with their microwave beam satellites, or will workers take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews so they don't have the cash to hire those who do their heinous batteries for them?

Bitchie knowing of Father carries out Father's wishes and after enduring the beam attack yesterday said a prayer for the person that shot Bitch with that sickening beam. Now that Bitch knows about Father, whatever is Father's will, Bitch will do it. Somebody directed that satellite beam at Bitch and held it on him for about a half-hour.

Judah has put up new satellites. It used to be two satellites he attacked Bitch with for over a decade and now he surmises that it is probably about 7 satellite beams that the Jews are attacking Bitch with. The nice thoughts? They will end the day American workers no longer fund them and instead issue our workers money yourselves.

But what day are American workers going to take over the authority to issue our money? As we never in history have issued our money, what makes us think we are capable enough to undertake such a task? Isn't it a big complicated thing requiring only the high witted Jews to do such a complicated task? Isn't that why ordinary people never have issued our money, because we are not smart enough and have to rely on the wits of the Jews to issue our money?

"We're Real New Its." 

Might that Tele receive give us some idea of the ordinary workers who are stepping up now to put us on the right track? The childing the jews pull on us, once we understand it is their long-running mental game they are playing on us will we not step up and issue the tickets to eat for goodness sake? Is their decrepitude not seen for what it is now?

Bitchie anger and stupidity caused him to insult the American workforce. Judee anger and stupidity that cause them to attack the American workers' nuclear blast extinction force and now nuclear brimstone waste extinction force. How is that for really stupid?

And while anger and stupid arises from abuse, how is it that Bitch opposes violence whereas the Jews are the greatest promoters of violence on planet earth? What is the difference between Bitch anger and stupid and dumb versus Judah anger, stupid and dumb?

Might the answer lie in what Father said, "Bitch is based in love so he will be OK?"

Whereas Judah is based in extreme hatred and malice for us. Might we understand that is why God Almighty got rid of the Jews from us?

"They did not bend in the wind so they will break in the storm," God said of how it will end for the Jews now that they are done with us.

The big question, will they succeed in getting a shooting match going between the United States and China or Russia, or both, before American workers take the most powerful weapon ever invented away from them, the concession to issue American workers money?

As we clearly are suffering a major catastrophe that is set to leave billions of us out of existence due to the brimstone coming out our mouths that have poisoned out God's village on earth, might we not want to look into when the people of Nineveh repented and sought the forgiveness of our creator here and God saved them?

"Let every one turn from his evil way and from the iniquity which is in his hands,"

Jonah 3:6 

The People of Nineveh Repent

6 The word reached[a] the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.

The evil and iniquitous way of funding the genocidal Jews because we either don't know they are exterminating God's children in numerous terrains around our planet or we don't care what they are doing to our family in so many terrains. As it is our money the Jews are using for harming God's children is there an acknowledgment that we have a personal and a communal duty to stop the Jews from perpetrating genocide here?

Stephen Wilkinson, studied SSW
Answered Jul 5, 2019 · Author has 4.2k answers and 309k answer views
Simple straight answer? The Ninevites in Jonah’s story repented before God, which outraged Jonah, who assumed that the enemies of Israel were the enemies of God.
3 Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 7 This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh:
“By the decree of the king and his nobles:
Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”
10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.
Jonah was so angry that he wanted to die, rather than see Nineveh spared. God reasoned with Jonah:
11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh,in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?” Jonah 4:..
 “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 

Bitchie read a Judah saying in RS that 41 days and it will be death and Bitch thought it was how many days that Judah would take to kill Bitchie and now he understands it is 40 more days and on the 41st day they will have succeeded in wiping out Americans.

The extraterrestrial level machinery that American military forces are using on our family, some of who are in the rake and hoe age, that will now lead to us perishing fair for funding the evil iniquitous Jews and their sport of genocide. Will Americans not repent as the Ninevites did and spare us passing out of life form now? The thousands of warnings from our good God Almighty to stop the war. Is it not clear the end is now, and the Jews and their sport of genocide are going no further with us?

The master of our universe, our good God Almighty who gave the Jews the direction on which way to go to get it right and they refused His counsel and now they are done. Will we not try to detach ourselves from the Jews before we suffer the same fate they now will, loss of life form and not going with us up into the universe?

Their simple though effective Jewish terrorism and communal violence that has always been a winner with Jews. The kid with a big stick who always frightened the other kids because he always hit us with his stick. Will American workers not get the real violent kids out of issuing our money?

Tele receives:

"Animal rights is scoring you bad. 

GD, you struck hell.

HEY! 6.16 PM

STRIKE their intimate.

You're resolved.

You're going to stay. 2.12 am

You almost got lethargy out.

Poison up is their alchemy.

Jesus Christ has rolled fiend."

You are to peace.


Put them out for pest stuff.

Much failing.

Good luck.

I'm happy their theorium fall."

And who isn't happy that their theory of doing wrong to as many of us as is possible took a fall? And who isn't happy that God's theory that we can love each other and take care of each other worldwide isn't standing tall?

The low degrading dangerous society that the Jews always force in when they get the authority to issue any society's money. Imprisonment, war, destitution, falsity, and homelessness. Bribery, corruption, and mostly useless officials. Will workers not take the cash force away from the Jews so that we can have the type of society that God wills for us all?

And what type of society does God want for us? How about the original deal of 1789 where our rights are sacrosanct and inviolable in law? The rights of Americans over all of our family on earth said it was to be the juries and grand juries that made the call on the important things in our lives.

When workers have the authority to issue our money will workers not choose to not fund the falsity of the Jews courts?

Will workers try to recognize there is one issue that will determine if we have a chance to live or will perish now in a nuclear brimstone waste war, who it is that is issuing our money, 98% workers or 2% Jews?

"What's gullible mean ma?" Baby Bitch boy asked his mother Sarah. 

"Well, its when they want to fool you and if you believe something that's not true then you're gullible," Sarah said.

With their smiles so hard they are nearly jumping out of their skins that they have gotten over so big on the ordinary workers in our lands, will workers not reject their lies and end the state of gullible's travels?

The real power, the force in our economy, will you or will you not drive that bus today?

Will you hitch your star to the love, pacifism, the truth of Jesus Christ, or die out serving the war, poverty, destitution of the synagogue of Satan now?

What's that saying, "you can't go two ways at the same time?"

Is there an understanding that we either go the way of peace and life or we will be forced to go the way of war and death that the jews have selected for us here?

"Act right as I treat you right," Sir Maxmilian said to Bitch some years ago.

Bitch, who listens intently for any messages from our elders from Mercury so that he can pass them on to you to try and convince you's to try to save your lives that you have already lost continuing making war for the Jews.

Bitchie who palled around with many Jews over the decades. Apparently, it is his social ways that we have similar interests. And the Judah guy who told Bitch in either 74 or 1975 that the plan was to sterilize the white guys. And Bitch thought the Judee shell didn't know what he was talking about. And here today what do we have other than the sterilization by nuclear waste that has already been accomplished fair on the white guys now?


And a couple of Judee subconscious thoughts:

"Bitch way he's holding me in to score you war. I fouled contact so I can keep you living in fear," Judee say.

Will we not pray that Americans workers step out of fear, and step up here and make contact with our family from the universe? Will we not do as Ninevah did and repent for funding and fighting every war the Jews demand we fight for their sport?

"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives. Sooth me, wake me when they've struck," Father said.

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made, perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Might workers look at the tiny faulty irritating force that Bitch is and from the weakness of it try to perceive just how magnificent is our good God to spare us from the genocide of the Jews and see how Father's power is made perfect in Bitch weakness?

Must American Labor not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from them and STOP THE WAR and put the Godly existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will?

“You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village. Luke 9: 56

Will American workers act upon the saving grace of God to liberate us from the mental force of the genocidal Jews that has managed us for 1,300 years in the lands of the north? Will we recognize the Son of Man came to save our lives not destroy us as the synagogue of Satan is committed too?

Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship. Hebrews 12:28

The kingdom from extraterrestrial contact with the Galactic Federation of Light that cannot be shaken. Will, we not recognize we have God-given rights and put them in and use the bourse to assure they are respected for all? 

In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus 
Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children on earth? They're done, believe it. Please don't hold their genocide any longer. Will Americans not try to recognize that we have all received a blessing, God gave us all a second chance to live?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Saturday, June 6 — Psalm 73:13–20
 Numbers 26:1–24; Luke 1:5–25
How great are God’s signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation. Daniel 4:3 NIV
Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship. Hebrews 12:28
Source of joy, we come this day to exalt your holy and righteous name; you are worthy of all adoration and praise. Your grace and mercies abound each day, for which we are grateful. May we share our joyous praise with those we meet this day. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
 2.42 pm

"Rock-afelon. 5.30 am

A mental occasion scout you bad.

You're my first guide you, welcome back, we're serious about getting this guy out.

They're out, too false.

He was felled.

Thank you for oozing them out.

Their genius is making monsters.

I love you caring for us.

God loves us all.

Oopsy we're moshed.

Criminals. 9.20 am

You ruined your sister.

Weap feud it.

Beam on. 9.55 am

It's from evil. 10.00 am

Beam dropped real weak. 10.01 am

Sad they rape you

 We're ghosting off of Bitch's state because we runkus you.
 As long as you hear we're wavy correpts.

Set em up.

You're an oafus smudge.

These guys already got us.

You care.

Pray them out for shear falsing.

The professor has died them in.

You served theory.

Pull them off for our children.

He bruised.

Beam on. 2.00 pm

A waifer deli.

Beam off. 2.25 pm

A highly insured mouser. 2.31 pm

They're doing us out joke.

 Patrick helps me up permanency." 2.42 pm

The first microwave beam today was as one the other day, only a short duration of time. Might it be a new satellite and they're getting the equipment set up on it? The beam at 2 until 2.25 today seemed to be shooting me from a different trajectory. Unpleasant to say the least. Did get under my car batteries for the duration to reduce some of the force. Sure going to appreciate it when workers turn off the Jews ability to punish.

Happened to watch a part of a program about death row prisoners and found these two reverse facial speech. Both guys were Judah in the shell guys. The first guy was talking on a phone to supporters who were  trying to prevent his execution and he said this while speaking:

"I push a big problem, that's why I'm apped this way."

And the next Judee guy on death row had killed a girl who appeared to be a high school student. He  said this from his subconscious that showed up in his reverse facial speech:

"She had book bite so we ended her era."

Are we aware they have their teachers spotting our children that have book bite to steal them away from us?

And this last Tele receive for this post today that just came in:

Patrick, you won't believe your sales force is finally coming on." 3.18 pm

 Sure glad to hear that. A few hours and these hazards will be out and the love of God and the peace of His son Jesus will be guiding our journey from then on.
Thank you. God bless.

Jesus said, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said 
to you.” John 14:26

 Do we recall Jesus said to us to "love one another? Will we not do that by demanding peace with a STRIKE?

 Has the advocate not explained everything as our Bibles said he would? It seems like it doesn't it?


Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26

God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
Thank you. God bless.


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