Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Pat Knows How I Fall You So I Peddle Him Wasteful."

"Pat Knows How I Fall You So I Peddle Him Wasteful."

Will workers try to perceive that Pat is the exact opposite of wasteful and Judah is lying about him?

Those a couple of weap Judah subconscious thoughts revealed in his facial reverse speech. Will we not Pray to God for a miracle to happen yet where American workers will act and, strike them out, stop the war and take the organizing principle of society, the authority to issue our money, out of Switzerland Judah's hands and put it into the hands of the 180 members of the Labor Committee of the Whole?

And what will we have then? Will we not have truth in the news that we can rely on? No more staged stories to fool with our heads. A knowledge base that lets us participate in government in a real way. Instead of the Roman trick of bread and circuses, we'll have even more bread, and the circuses will still be available but we'll have an opportunity to engage in the life of the mind in our rule without concern of being murdered as if acting for good government is a crime.

We will have a truly representative government that is not of crime. A government that will be able and sturdy enough to openly interact with the extraterrestrials that are knocking at the door. A government of humaneness, of peace. Of concern for the people who live in our country and all other countries of our world. A government that does not seek out the useful to put them in when they are children to prevent our society from advancing. A society that doesn't have the school system search for that one in a hundred extra bright to put their names in a secret file in Minneapolis to be harmed when they access any agency of government. 

 The one who early in life wishes to be a lawyer and so is shot dead as an innocent teenager at a summertime block party. That extra-bright girl who is such a darling to everyone who wants to be a doctor and so two guys get on the bus she is on and pretends to stage a fight with her getting shot in the eye and dying out of life while still a teenager.

The computer science young guy who does real well in his first two years of community college and goes on to a four years college for his computer science degree, only to be shot in a crossfire of what was billed by the company as drug gang crossfire. The cover used to snuff out a really useful guy while he still was a kid.

The journalism student that was all light bulb, shot as she got out of her car while in her last year of college. The usual cover and alibi, drug gang shot, but of course that was a Jewish lie as are all the others as they kill our brightest light bulbs, our greatest natural resource, our children.

 The price to pay for having a child killed in our world merely for being just a bit too smart. The price that we pay every day while the synagogue of Satan is privately holding and issuing our paper to fund the harm.

How important is what you are reading here? It is the difference of if you and your family and society will live or die out now at the hands of the anti-god Jews. The Jews who have never failed to smash any society anywhere in the world with their proven technique of breeding hybrid transplant look-alike Fornians into the society over many centuries of time, whatever it took until they could get ahold inside and then sport the people with war. To die as many as they could until they exhaust the people until the next generation of their spawn that lives off of death takes over then.

And yet their practiced deceptions are so smooth that their mind control techniques have captured rule worldwide. Though if the truth be told, they could not have taken over the world without their cruelly manipulated poor fist to smash those who see the obviousness of their false ways with ruined societies of poverty everywhere where a small clique of Jews and their fellow travelers' rules with an iron fist.

Our bright and concerned labor leader, William Sylvis saw the lever of power that workers needed to be part of if we were ever to have the right deal for labor. To be part of the group that issues our money. And William explained it is only right because it is the hand of labor that makes our money work right.

Shot dead in a meal in 1869 at the young age of 41. So much for a right deal for labor when Judah is issuing our paper privately and using as much as he wants to get our useful dead and in the grave to hold us back from our better days.

Our good God Almighty who revealed His love to Bitch in 2009 who He knew would tell all of HIs children of the good news, He loves us all and wants us to survive and be free of the Jews, their satraps, and their brutal, hostile, vicious, evil wicked ways and bad attitudes. 

Diligent Bitch who had already sought out extraterrestrials to help us survive the Jewish nuclear blast war that he knew was coming in on us soon and so he sought out our elders from Mercury and had been speaking with them already since May of 2008. Bitch lacked the wits to conceive that we had a good God Almighty that was up above. That was who spoke to Bitch in 2009 when he was silently protesting the F-16s sitting on the tarmac at Des Moines international airport. 

"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," God Almighty said.

Long time atheist Bitch hearing those powerful words from another world far away said to himself, "oh, we do have a God after all, and He just spoke to me."

Those F-16s sitting peacefully on that tarmac after they had just committed their dirty fouls against our family in the Middle East. Will, we not organize ourselves and let them off so that we can be truly God blessed?

Patrick a permanent foe of war ever since he saw it in 1966 firsthand. The corruption, the fakery, the false the fraud. The brutality, viciousness that the lawless ones force on us the unaware, who pay for it all. 

"The buyer makes the market." A phrase of our trading world. And is there any dispute, that is the truth? None here. And so using my purchasing power as the buyer of that military hardware, I chose to use that as the basis to demonstrate legal standing to challenge my money being used for war. Peacefully I tried to use the courtroom to spotlight the true issue of what we are talking about here. The life or death of our species in a nuclear world. The courtroom a way to alert and enlighten the people of just how dangerous nuclear war is.

A way to bring the people into the knowledge of who is ruling us here and to let them learn what the hucksters already know about themselves, they're out to harm us all.

They built themselves a fully equipped underground shelter to sit out our destruction while we sit on the surface of planet earth largely unaware of what is going on around us here.

Recently, in the last few weeks, Bitch has been thinking about Bedford Iowa. Bedford was MARKED by extraterrestrial spacecraft many years ago and so Bitch drove the 120 miles from Des Moines to Bedford to try and see what it was all about. It was about in 1997 when he scoped the area out. What were our extraterrestrial elders pointing out that was there that we should look into?

Off I-235 he first saw a road that was marked not to enter that had processed foodservice semi-tractor trailer trucks entering and going somewhere. He didn't want to risk going down that road as it was marked federal not to enter. 

Then as he dove towards Bedford he noticed the roads were new and had metal wire side guards to prevent driving into the ditch. Then he saw curious mounds that he surmised were future entrances to an underground. He hypothesized that the mounds on the day of destruction, those who were going to enter the underground would meet there and those on the inside of the mounds would bulldoze them open to let the aware sports flee to safety in the underground.

And driving along further, what really caught Bitchie eye was high power electric lines and one he followed and found it it had a big bundle of high power lines that went straight into the ground. He never had since such a thing before or since. What could be below ground that needs such a bundle of high voltage lines going there? Doing mining down there?

After leaving Bedford he drove to Cooper nuclear power generating station another 70 miles west of Bedford in Nebraska. Looking at it, it appeared to be designed to survive a near hydrogen bomb attack. Was that plant feeding those underground lines in Bedford he wondered?

So why are we talking about his now? Well, a few weeks ago Bedford came into my mind for many days that Bitch was thinking about his journey through the area to see what it was that elders were MARKING there. And then he saw this on the news the other day:

Son charged with first-degree murder after mother found 'assaulted with knife'

BEDFORD, Iowa —The Iowa Department of Public Safety said Sunday that a man is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the death of his mother.
Cristian Andrew May, 32, is being held in Taylor County Jail on charges of first-degree murder and willful injury.

So that was it, Mercury put Bedford into his mind to MARK the event that was to come in a few weeks, Christian May killed his mother.

And another aspect to it, Bitch has a Buddy he hasn't talked to in years that has that last name May, that he had jumped into mind about at that same time also. So what might we guess?

Might Christian May have been given some Judee Berlin pharmaceutical sports tin to get him to act out in the way he did? Are we seeing how elders are helping to make sense of what is happening in our world? Might we understand with unlimited free money Judah kids are up to a lot of sports?

Might Christian's mother have some fresh insurance on her that would reveal there was more involved with her death than what is seen here?

"The chemicals came out of Brazil, that's always my weapin' way for a true fail. Purple nice will terrorist us fail."

Just found that in a Judah Anglo shell reporters facial reverse speech while speaking about that stabbing death of Christian's mother.

Bitch did more facial reverse speech concerning the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks and did find words that indicated there was drugs involved in his death. Rayshard's purported girlfriend that torched Wendy's. Does she not read like a Sayan serving Judee? Might it not be interesting to see what sort of insurance packages are set to pay out on the death of Rayshard?

"When you get to Pfizer we're out."

Might we consider that the cops that did the actual shooting were set up by Judah? That is the Jews chemist and software chip programmers had Rayshard under mental drug and chip control for him to get hold of the taser and they knew when he aimed it at the cops they would respond as is their training and open fire on Rayshard. You say, "impossible?" Bitch say, "Diabolical, sinister and oh so Jewish insurance opp with an insurance bumper  and also a chance to race us all." Pinball wizard?

[Chorus 3]
He's a pinball wizard, he scores a trillion more
A pinball wizard, the world's new pinball lord
He's scoring more, he's scoring more

Are we getting some idea of how they like to play and toy with us?

Just found this facial reverse speech in the 6 am news from Judee Japan guy:

"Shrimp is a rigorous sport that fields us. He sees our palace sport rate."

Bitch was happy and encouraged when he heard from Mercury yesterday that two of the Magnificents were on the desk that commented about the flaws in his post that slows him down. And so Bitch spent the next hour and a half pulling anything that he guessed might slow this transition to planetary peace down. And then to read today a management Judah shell in Japan comment, that shrimp is a rigorous sport that fielded them.

If only American workers will grasp onto the significance of what it is to have extraterrestrials put a hold on the dangerous genocidal planet controlling warmakers, the Jews, might workers not see the Jews as managers of God's children are ended and help us to now close them out smoothly, quickly and quietly?

"I hold your state by Soviet knightly."

That also from the Japan Judee news. The threat of thirty minutes to being burned in an all-out nuclear blast war that the Jews have forced on us by keeping America fighting wars worldwide for over a century now. Can we not say prayers of thanks today to our good God Almighty who loved us enough to send His wondrous angels in to spare us from the Jews on the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue the money of American workers?

Did we note, there were two Magnificients on the desk yesterday instead of the usual one? Could that indicate there is something serious about to happen to us? Is that not when the Magnificents increase their alertness, before Judah does a terror opp on us? Yes, it is. Might it be Washington police terror opp that Bitch found in the Sunday political shows facial reverse speech? That could be why two of our Mercury elders were on the desk. Will workers not get hold of the paper from the Jews and stop their terror opps before they turn them loose on us?

They turn a tricky day loose on the humans and now they are caught by their own arrogance in the face of our good God who had His diligent and vigilant angels spare us in a way that has now blocked the Jews from ever holding management ever again once American workers shut them out with a STRIKE! Will, we not do some serious praying to our good God Almighty to give us a miracle that will let us live on and not die out with brimstone coming out of our mouths over the next few years?

Tele receives:

"It's freed. 5.11 pm

I'm abducted. 5.13 pm

Patrick help us off of here or else we're dead.

He's offending terrible.

You're welcome Patrick nice boy.

You failed to save us Patrick.

Welcome back, we need a STRIKE for transferable.

Foolish fish.

They're stock that reduces them.

Get out the fiction war.

This continues to be an open slay, you're getting your ass kicked, evicted.

Vegetable died right fooly.

He fouled it around so he had to push.

I want you to save us Pat.

The country is monster failed. 

Crunchy fatals you. 

You're hysterically dog falsed.

Bitch fails flat enormous.

Super faded shell.

You lost to Jew second grade image of you.

 Your stupid plan friendishly is psyching us sewerage. 

He mentalize you and this nation falls sick.

 You drown trust beautiful.

The wretched are dying here.

I can't believe it victory has failed you to let Judah assault you savages to spray you lifeless interest rate.

Budget field life forces fair.

A discipline fails murder.

A professional mistake is dumb faultage.

Nearer to death poultry has come.

You're just lated.

You're available for strike defeat.

They're working grub abolishment.

A jail proceed is all viciousness.

He ignore your selfish.

Burn rhesus.

Your brief intimate dies foolish.

He'll barren all states.

You ended veg-scum.

Permanent strike fall you harsh inertia.

Thank you.

Yah buddy, they real psych racial atmosphere.

Urine attack.

They fatal us.

The rear wrench is rolling us pollution.

It's pretty dogfish stupid.

Patrick, your worst fears you.

Funky their roots are hopeless.

They've faired our ruinitic.


I dunge to disable you.

They're trying to leave us false.

We sell em weird.

Enjoy your little employment here until your income disappears. 7.21 am

We're set to disappear. 8.04 am

Suitable foul has now got you fail.

Thank you."

Your welcome. I hope you're praying for labor to strike.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” MLK

The unarmed truth that we are visited by an extraterrestrial race so superior in its power that many cannot believe it has saved us from the extinction force of hydrogen bombs that we have been attacked with. A race so superior in its intelligence that even after over 8 years of them counseling us on how to save our lives that are being thrown away by more atomic war that many not only cannot believe it, some may have not even heard of it.

Can we only wonder how much different can be the intelligence of those who are succeeding in putting us to death with invisible particles? Ontological? 

"I just hold you stupid with my mental force," Judee say.

And yet, the thirty-minute breakthrough that can happen that will give us a second chance at a life beyond earth and allowing us to exist into the future.

But that Bitch insult of over 8 years ago that has held us to die out with brimstone coming out of our mouths. What might be the words that will lead the people to forgive Bitch fault of stupid?

“He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love.” MLK

Bitch prayed to Father that if his passing would bring the American workers to end fighting the unending wars of the Jews that he would gladly leave this plane of existence and please take him home. But he is still here anyhow. Though the satellite microwave beam weapon is taking his sight away from a little more each time Judah strikes him with it.

John 15:13  Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

While Bitchie glad his Mercury report got the Jews permanently out of management for their sin and he knows they will flee with 48 hours when the working people finally fully perceives the extent of the foul and acts to strike, but it looks at this moment in time, the workers don't fully perceive how we arelosing. So what is to be done?

The only thing left for us who have been failed by everyone, a miracle from God that causes the  working people to end fiunding for the Jews that can happen in only a few hours of a general strike.

"I fight with police in 5 more days."

Just found that while going through Bitch notes of Sunday's political facial reverse speech. So if not stopped, might it be Friday they have got their shot set for? Will we not pray that it is revealed and stopped before they get it off?

"I'm a white boy that foul white boys on air because I'm pure."

There is an example of what was such a surprise to Bitch when he first learned from Mercury how to read facial reverse speech. White people who want to harm white people most of all. Though did we note the white appearing criminal law professor Jarrod Shanahan that was arrested for assaulting a police officer, is a disciple of Noel Ignatiev, who has written calling for the genocide of the white breed? 

Bitch is still looking through his notes to see if he can find a few more tidbits of what is on Judah's subconscious mind. Here's another one of what they think:

"I've poisoned up your full future now."

They are claiming in facial reverse speech that they have reached 41% of Americans already with their brimstone atomic waste. Over 120 million Americans are now set to be ill due to radioactive waste diseases. Can it be true? That is what their nuclear brimstone waste warfighting scientists think.

"We got you rot while your big white police officer we want you to see. It's a big see shoving you off racial." 

Have they not proven quite effective in racing us using their police departments? Yes, they have. Yet that sweet thought that our African American community of love are going to be the ones that finally will help Druid and Slav hold the most wonderful rights in. The rights that Druid Slav invented many centuries ago and the Jews always threw them away in Slovene lands and lands of Druids in the old countries. The rights that were made the law of the land in the new and improved United States of America in 1789, the right to a grand jury and jury of peers just a couple of the good things found in our Godly inspired bill of rights. The best deals ever for all of God's kids anywhere .

The American jury law that set Dred Scott free in 1854. The law that when put back in again will begin the healing of our Jew violence shredded and torn land. 

Is it not a happy thought of true victory, a worker set free by a jury of peers of the ordinary people of Missouri 166 years ago?

 Only to then be re-enslaved by the Jew clerks on the bench 163 years ago.

And now in 2020, the workers respond to the Jews monetary authority 163 years later that overthrew the jury decision that freed Dred, by taking the monetary authority away from the atom and hydrogen bomb-building nuclear warfighting anti-labor, union-busting Jews and free everyone today. Does such a wonderful thought bring us to think of Ralph Kramden when things went right for him, Alice, Norton and Trixie when he would say, "how sweet it is?"

Might we recognize that war is the most effective of workers' rights busting mechanisms? Must Labor not take some good advice from our kind and sweet elders from Mercury who are here to help save our lives that are seriously threatened to pass out of existence if we are not able to stop the war? Will American workers not take Mercury angels' advice to strike them out and issue our money?

The unending stream of concerned and active people who have given their lives to help the ordinary people, that we are, in whatever way they could. Those who the Jews put into the grave. Might we think of John, Martin and those going back to the time of Jesus and before who died because they wanted to live in peace with us all as we know we easily can do if only the Jews are not holding our bills, our receipts of labor in their private hands?

Jesus who came to save us and showed us the most perfect form of pacifism there is, He gave His life so that we might live. And the opposite crowd, the synagogue of Satan that crucified sweet Jesus, shot Bobby, John and Martin, shot Dr. Mallove and still today the Jews keep shooting on particularly those who might help us the most, our most important resource, our kids. Must we not end funding their Jewish sports?

"We're going to give you a Russian moshing your ass."

Our family in Russia as mild and cooperative as we are here. Will not recognize it is the Jews that have them armed to harm us here?

Our Father above who is so beauteous beyond belief who wants us to embrace and follow His love and live in peace. Will American workers not hear God's plea, "I urge you to give them a fall for their sin?

If only Bitch did not insult you's and break off any sympathy you might of had for Bitch, might you have overlooked his insult and written it off to something like, "too long at the front?"

"Poor images of the white boy I sham you out obvious."

Will ordinary simple workers as what God our Father said Bitch is, a simple working man, not reject the sham that the Jews are obviously falsing on Bitch?

Don't want to be light-hearted or too silly sounding, but for those who live in Englewood know that any day can be a death-defying one if not careful where you tread. Though I wouldn't trade the fun and friendship of most of those days for anything except peace in this world.

The deathly violence of Chicago, particularly the South and West side, brought Bitch to early on wonder why it was so. Today, are we all learning why after Bitch revealed his research pointed the finger at the deadly insurance collections that are the Wall Street business model that refuses to die because of the free money from workers income tax nationwide that is paid into the private hands of the Jews that keeps the shooting going on all of the time?

Bitch also perceives now the strange types of sicknesses he had as a kid were due to the dirty food and candy he was eating that the Jews grandfathers delivered to our stores' for us simple children of simple working people to eat. Will ordinary workers try to perceive, even though I insulted you's, I meant you no harm, I am absolutely for what is going to help you nearly beyond belief? I am giving you the information from superhigh intelligence Beings from outer space that if followed will save you and your children's lives. 

"We've always had a fear of shrimp rising."

Might that explain why the Jews felt the need was critical go ahead with the nuclear extermination of us when to most appearances they solidly have a grip on the most powerful nation ever to appear in history, the United States of America? 

Might they have understood it was only a matter of time before the people connected the dots with the peaceful extraterrestrials that are flying about and the people would then demand peace, which the Jews have proven they are not capable of and they knew we would make their war go away and so they shot us to try and get us died off before that wonderful time when peace arrives finally after thousands of years of their weakness, the error of these guys, their inability to accommodate others?

That they consciously and intentionally offended our good God Almighty by always harming His children. Will we not pray that there is the consciousness to perceive that they are now done along with their best friend Satan, for all times?

Bitch wanted to talk about a couple of local offends they are doing here with their racial. They have two poor Druid guys in the local jail charged with beating up a young black man, Darquan Jones. Bitch was thinking how Judah might like to undercut Bitch who has revealed that Darquan is a staged event Judee sent from the Jussie Smollet department of Disney productions. And here is how he would be able to do that. 

Judee, who has the two poor Druid guys in the cage, he goes to them and offers them a deal that goes this way.

They agree to plea guilty to pounding on Darquan and they get 5 years in jail, they get to go to the comfortable jail that is like a college campus. And when they are released they each get a check from Switzerland for $150,000, plus they get a job for at least 5 years that pays $80,000 a year with companies that have contracts with the state. And here is the kicker, they only do a little over a year and are quietly released on probation.

Might poor guys that have no regular source of income and little hope for a job not go for such a nice deal from the Jews? Might we see how unlimited free money lets the Jews get away with their tricks and stunts?

And after Bitch revealed the reported racial beating of Darquan Jones was, in reality, a Jussie Smollett opp, would the Druid guys pleading guilty to it not make Bitch look like real fail then? Do we see in how many ways unlimited free money lets them get away with whatever it is they want?

And there was another local racial opp that Judee has put in the news. A Judee young lady that is claiming she was put to sexual harassing by managers at work and fired for talking about her life with the protests from the BLM. Here is some of what was found in facial reverse speech from a couple of weap Judee speakers in the video, see what you think:

"I want to take out all peaceful life with my hoz-tech. With wits I'm fable Jew hawkin' here. Our suffix is always received."
Video 2.03 at

Judy in disguise, well that's a-what you are
 A-lemonade pies, with a brand new car
 Cantaloupe eyes come to me tonight
 Your Judy in disguise, with glasses

If you look at the video might the eyes be a clue that there might be some fibbing and fabling going on here with that always received suffix?

And while on the subject of local news reports, here is what a Judee lady said in facial reverse speech concerning her house burning right to the ground:

Looking through Bitch notes and haven't found that one yet. Oh here it is:

"---- ---- ---------- --------- -----------"

Here's some others that might interest you's. Here they are:

This came to from a World Health Organization Judee in a shell talking about how they want to give make us "injectees" with a vaccination to protect us from the deadly virus that is plaguing us. Though might we consider it would have been better to not create that virus that they are sickening us with now if the Jews really wanted to help us out? Anyways, here is the facial RS found when speaking about the pandemic:

"My behaviorous is to die some right for Jew octopus."

And some facial RS about Bitch unmasking them and their Fornian look alike Replicon kids:

"Irish found us and posted us and that's why I'm dead for our forge; bourse opp day you got my day fine. Patrick just shows you our death shell out here. Our scrimmage has got us off because Pat reported our factory got you off. Pat you perceive already the dumb of Jews."

And this next facial reverse speech is from a professional highly informed non-Judah speaker. 

"We're waiting to see when they seize up."

Are we aware they will seize up the day that labor acts to do God's will, and issue our money? Might we accept from that RS from a professional who knows the minds of the American television viewers, that they for sure are going to seize up someday?

If we know this must we not act promptly before they get to do any more harm to us?

In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children on earth? They're done, believe it. Please don't hold their genocide any longer, for it will take us away. Will Americans not try to recognize that we have all received a blessing, God gave us all a second chance to live and STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Tuesday, June 23 — Psalm 78:40–55
 Deuteronomy 2; Luke 4:22–30
He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. Psalm 147:15
The word of God is not chained. 2 Timothy 2:9
O Word incarnate, how we long for you to continually burn within our hearts—that others may see your light shining through us and be drawn to you. Help us to strive for truth and justice in a world of brokenness. We long to live righteous lives of love, justice, mercy, and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray for your divine wisdom and guidance. Amen.

4.39 pm

"Welcome. 10.13 am

We death your wit.10.37 am

Your force aims you.

 These guys are racing.

I sold you as a thug pop to get you to die. (Are workers seeing how Judah lies about Bitch?)

Idiot. 12.44 pm

Get out symbols.

You're a beautiful head, they're cashing you. 

Get off fishing lightbulbs.

Creep size you up to out your state.

You've got us sold.

Yuck! (Bitch took some out of today's post after hearing that)

Thank you very much. 2.24 pm

They're done.

Clear them out.

They've built the war machine to extinct our race.

You've failed.

U.S. falls now for greaseland."
And just one last facial RS from international news:

"The minnow Saxon is learning I tried to take them all off so soon I'm out of here."
Thank you. God bless.

 1 John 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was revealed: to destroy the works of the devil

Proverbs 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.


Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26

God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

Thank you. God bless.

Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.





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