Thursday, June 18, 2020

18 "Weakness Seals You Low Downwind of an Atomic Bomb Testing Range."

"Weakness Seals You Low Downwind of an Atomic Bomb Testing Range."

2 Timothy 2:15  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Somone during the night accused Bitch of being a fist. Bitch is not a fist, he hasn't shot anybody and has harmed nobody. What about the auto mechanic? Judah stole him on an employee insurance package authorized by the Jewish finance controlled state as all insurance packages are authorized by Judah's tyranny state. Bitch specifically rejects the Jewish insurance package state and has for decades tried to get other workers to help Bitch overturn it and end the insurance package collection state. To no avail. Workerss are funding it and have since Jewish privatized the most important table in the state, the table that issues our money.

And yet the Jew has some guys and gals calling Bitch a fist when he is the one that is and has demanded his workers' income tax money not be used to fist anyone, here or overseas. Should we not accept the algebra logic link that if we let the Jews shoot our family thousands of miles from our shores, then by assumption we are legitimizing the Jews shooting us internal? Certainly. If we let them wild externally, does that not authorize their wilding internally? Do we not see it every day? Yes, we do. 

Did we not see just about the perfected example of how far a state falls in the tragedy of when Rayshard was stolen away the other day as to what becomes of a state when Jewish judges rule? Are we aware that when we have American law instead of Jewish court rules that will not happen?

And why will it be different? Because when American law is in instead of Jewish police rules police will need to go to a grand jury to explain why they took anybody off of the street. How many cops would like to explain why they forced a person into custody for reasons the Jews tell them to arrest people for?

A guy who was causing no problem and he is shot to death fleeing an arrest when no crime had been committed. But why did he not submit to arrest? Might he have had a fear that he would be harmed when in the custody of people who are financially controlled by Jew wits? Instead of alleging Bitch is a fist based on Jews ability to historically fool people to fist for Jews will we not pray that we overcome the mental weakness that the Jews have put in to our community as they have done to all of the people of Europe for the last 1,300 years and take them out of managing us? Will, we not put our just rights and laws in and end Jewish rights to sport us to genocide? Must we not take the tool away from them that lets them get over big fish on us all the time, the concession to issue workers money?

The poverty and destitution they are making headway with every day by cunningly sporting this laboratory biological weapon they turned loose on the world. Will workers not take over and put the ozone generators into our shopping malls and restaurants so that we can have safe air to breathe and not have to be concerned about contaminated Jewish biological warfare air?

The Jewish biological warfare virus that will easily be brought to a halt once we have ozone generators sterilizing our air. And still, no word one about them on the Jewish news reports. Might we guess ozone would finish quickly their laboratory virus? Yes, it would.

Jewish plague viruses easily burst and burned off in seconds and not one story about the proven disinfectant force of ozone gas that is easily and inexpensively created on site of wherever we are at. 

Though of all the things in our air that they Jews have plagued us with, even much more deadly than their laboratory viruses, what about us sitting downwind of what is akin to an open-air atomic bomb testing range, the Jewish atomic cannon at Hitachi-GE that is firing on us now 24/7 for going on ten years? "The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind, the answer is blowin' in the wind,"

March 9, 2016
New PSR/IPPNW Report: 10,000 cancers expected in Japan as a result of Fukushima meltdowns, ongoing radiation exposure.

What are we to consider that meltdown has not been ended and the cancers are still flowing full force, silently in the wind. 

March 7, 2016

 Japan Diary 2016, Fukushima+5, Part 4. Atomic Radiation is More Harmful to Girls and Women 

3. Untoward Pregnancy Outcomes Recently,Dr Alfred Körblein from Nuremburg in Germany noticed a 15% drop (statistically speaking, highly significant) in the numbers of live births in Fukushima Prefecture in December 2011, ie 9 months after the accident. This might point to higher rates of early spontaneous abortions. He also observed a (statistically significant)20% increase in the infant mortality rate in 2012, relative to the long-term trend in Fukushima Prefecture plus six surrounding prefectures. are indicative rather than definitive findings and need to be verified by further studies. Unfortunately, such studies are notable by their absence.

The reduced size of the brains of children who are born in areas of high background radiation. Can we not create a sense of urgency what with our youngest children now showing widespread the effects of radiation sickness in America?

Must Americans not act, perceive the Jewish are waging a war of nuclear, biological, and chemical genocide against us here in America?

4. Cancer and other late effects from radioactive fallout. Finally, we have to consider the health effects of the radiation exposures from the radioactive fallouts after the four explosions and three meltdowns at Fukushima in March 2011. Large differences of view exist on this issue in Japan. These make it difficult for laypeople and journalists to understand what the real situation is.

The Japanese Government, its advisors, and most radiation scientists in Japan(with some honourable exceptions) minimise the risks of radiation. The official widely-observed policy is that small amounts of radiation are harmless: scientifically speaking this is untenable. For example, the Japanese Government is attempting to increase the public limit for radiation in Japan from 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year. Its scientists are trying to force the ICRP to accept this large increase. This is not only unscientific, it is also unconscionable. Part of the reason for this policy is that radiation scientists in Japan (in the US, as well) appear unable or unwilling to accept the stochastic nature of low-level radiation effects. “Stochastic” means an all-or-nothing response: you either get cancer etc or you don’t. As you decrease the dose, the effects become less likely: your chance of cancer declines all the way down to zero dose. The corollary is that tiny doses, even well below background, still carry a small chance of cancer: there is never a safe dose, except zero dose. But, as stated by Spycher et al (2015),some scientists “...a priori exclude the possibility that low dose radiation could increase the risk of cancer. They will therefore not accept studies that challenge their foregone conclusion.” One reason why such scientists refuse to accept radiation’s stochastic effects (cancers, strokes, CVS diseases, hereditary effects, etc) is that they only appear after long latency periods-often decades for solid cancers. For the Japanese Government and its radiation advisors, it seems out-of-sight means out-of-mind. This conveniently allows the Japanese Government to ignore radiogenic late effects. But the evidence for them is absolutely rock solid. Ironically, it comes primarily from the world’s largest on-going epidemiology study, the Life Span Study of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors by the RERF Foundation which is based in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

That the Jews have refused to put boron into the cooling water to stop the continuous chain reaction that is dumping the radioactive fallout of thousands of Hiroshima bombs into our atmosphere delivered to America by the prevailing the Westerlies. If we understand what they have done and are doing to us with their laboratory-created coronavirus, should we not try to connect some dots and see the big picture of what they are succeeding in doing to us with their Jewish electricity plant that they refuse to shut down?

Jeremiah 7:5 "For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if you thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor, (6) if you do not oppress the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, or walk after other gods to your hurt, (7) then I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever. 

Will American workers not act and end holding in the Jewish nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare genocide they are successfully waging against us with all of their might using our money to sweep us away? Will you not try to hear the love of God and stop the war so that He will let us keep this beautiful land that has been so good to so many of us? Will, you are not put our God-given American constitutionally guaranteed rights in so that it is as good to every one of us? Will you not rout the genocidal rascals with a general STRIKE?

2 Timothy 2:15  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Might we consider one significant difference between Bitch and Judah? Bitch is 100% truth and has killed no one at all where Judah is the perfected falser, the liar as his father was a liar and murderer and is killing us all right now with brimstone waste. As the coronavirus was not an accident, it was and is an act of aggressive warfare against us, are we understanding that Hitachi-GE was no accident either, March 11, 2011 was the beginning of an all-out nuclear brimstone waste war against us?

God Almighty who knows everything and has said about His shill Bitch: "You never fiend. You're nice boy. He remained true to me."

Millions of dollars offered to Bitch years ago to shut up so to not be telling the ordinary people of how we are being done in in a gigantic megadeath scenario that will only alert us when we are passed being able to be saved due to the sneaky ways the Jews are poisoning us with the cumulative effects of radioactive waste. Can we not pray that ordinary folk get smart and not be fooled by the pests?

The evil and sinister plot that was hatched when the genocidal Jewish scientists perceived by 1920 that radioactive waste would decimate the human race and die off the entire surface of planet earth over a couple of decades and so they went for it then. Blocked the proven for all the world to see clean free energy of Dr. Moray so they would be able to install their genocidal Jewish electricity to wipe us out.

Dr. Moray who lived for another 48 years dying in 1974 never to see his clean free energy machines built and instead he witnessed the build-up of atomic Jewish electricity that is now taking us away in the billions as we pay them to do it to us for free. Dr. Moray had bulletproof glass installed on his car he was shot at so many times. Are we understanding he was a victim of Jewish terrorism? Will we not end their Jewish terrorism in our beautiful nation with a STRIKE?

Years of college-level physics and the name of one of the greatest American scientists of all time, Dr. Henry Moray and he was never mentioned once. How could such a travesty of science and truth exist? Might we draw from such a fact just an idea of how powerful is the force of the issue of American workers money in the false Jews private hands?

The false consciousness the Jews have put in that has set our mentals to not be able to spare our lives from their mental force that is holding us to die our selves off in the face of our good God Almighty who wants us to try and save our lives from the fiendish Jews.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Will Americans trust in the truth of God instead of believing the lies of the Jews? The Jews have created a bunch of false documents appearing to be insurance documents claiming Bitch is a mousey guy and police files that smear Bitch. Those documents were cooked up by Jewish police. Complete fabrications, and yet they are fooling the Druid people once again about who Bitch is. Will American workers not put your trust in God and get the genocidal Jews out before their genocide perp of mild people is complete?

The last two nights Bitch has had the most terrible dreams, nightmares. He was in what appeared to be a shot and bombed-out Chicago ducking from the snipers that were nearby. It was so sad to see the people running in fear among the rubble.

Then last night the dream, nightmare, was of vast destitution where the Jews had pushed us out of earning our incomes because they had reduced the Jobs to only their select, the rest were held without our income. And of the two nightmares, the one without income was the bleakest of the nightmares. Will workers not get the American payroll out of the Jews private hands?

They're handing out free money to their guys and gals on Wall Street while cutting back on the money that should go to ordinary workers. Will workers not take over the authority to issue our money with a STRIKE?

Bitchie who is following whatever he can hear or sense from our good God above who has let the Jews die themselves off fair. Will American workers not act and let them go underground and all die off as is their fate? If so will you not do it before our children are no longer able to sustain their lives due to lost health from the war they are successfully waging against us from Hitachi-GE?

Bitch has searched the web to try and find out how many Hiroshima atomic bombs a day are being set off at Hitachi-GE in equivalent radioactive fallout. Haven't yet found an exact number but the understanding is that it is in the thousands of Hiroshima atomic bombs of radioactive fallout that will be pouring down on us for years now. 

Fukushima Fallout Nuclear business makes people pay and suffer 

Executive summary:

From the beginning of the use of nuclear power to produce electricity 60 years ago, the nuclear industry has been protected from paying the full costs of its failures. Governments have created a system that protects the profits of companies while those who suffer from nuclear disasters end up paying the costs. The disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011 proves again that industry profits and people pay. Almost two years after the release of massive amounts of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, hundreds of thousands of people are still exposed to the long-term radioactive contamination caused by the accident. The daily lives of victims are disrupted. They have lost their homes, their jobs, their businesses, their farms, their communities, and a way of life they enjoyed. They are still unable to get fair and timely compensation. Yet at the same time, the nuclear industry continues to evade its responsibilities for the disaster. It is business as usual: nuclear companies are still operating as always by creating nuclear risks.

And add to that the physical sickness and death from the deadliest toxins ever created and released into our environment. Will American workers not make the bourse available to put boron into the Jewish electricity radioactive fallout generator at Hitachi-GE? Will you not stop the war so that our extraterrestrial elders can come in to help us clean the radioactive fallout out of the upper atmosphere from where it is raining down on us?
The facility of mind necessary to reveal that a nuclear war of atomic waste is being waged against us all. Will, we not pray to God that we develop that facility of mind so to help ourselves not be destroyed with our kids?

As we American workers are the prime funders of everything from their genocidal guerilla wars to their nuclear, biological and chemical wars of extermination unto extinction that the Jewish insists are their right to wage against us will we not accept the responsibly of ending their war lies right with a STRIKE? Will workers not get Godwits and take over the financial from the lethally, genocidally failed Jews and put American financials in and end propping up their ruse?

The attack from Moscow they are still trying to get underway via Iran to leave us in one hell of a mess. Will workers not take the cash away from them to end their dream days?

Just watched the 6 am news from Japan and happened to spot a Judah slap with him calling in a bomb threat. 

Japanese Cookware Shop In Torrance Receives Bomb Threat in Racist Letter

June 17, 2020
Police in California are investigating a letter posted on the door of a store run by a Japanese national as a possible hate crime.
A worker at the cookware store in Torrance, a city near Los Angeles, found the letter on Monday.
The letter contained threatening messages such as "Here is America! We don't need anything you sell," "Go back to Japan" and "We are going to bomb your store if you don't listen."

Might we read that as a Judah opp to put that into the news stream? 

Here is a picture of just a corner of the note that was left taped to the door of the Japanese store

"Making us sick and puke."

When Bitch writes about Hitachi-GE waging war against us he says it is Hitachi-GE Jews and not Fukushima, directing us to the Jewish brimstone electricity industry and not at our family in Japan, who themselves are the biggest targets of Jewish electricity waste war. Can we wonder, was that racist note taped to the door by Judee a way for Judah to try to slap at Bitch? "Making us sick and puke?" Are we aware it is Jewish electricity that is making us sick and not our family in Japan?

Just found the entire note. Here is a link to a picture of it:

And if you look at this misspelling and slur, who might we guess is that the M.O. of?

Might we spot an Israeli intelligence on that one by their handiwork pretending to be barely literate?

In the same vein, did you see this Judah opp racing using a statue of the late Arthur Ashe?

Published 11 hours ago

'White Lives Matter' sprayed on Arthur Ashe memorial

A statue of African American tennis legend Arthur Ashe on Richmond, Virginia's Monument Avenue has been vandalized with the words “White Lives Matter.”

Are we aware enough now to guess who is behind that spray painting of Arthur Ashe's statue? If we guessed Judee might we not have guessed correctly? Sure. With unlimited free money to hire this sort of staging and stunts are we seeing how they can vastly stage these sorts of false opps not only in America but in our world?

And here we have a white guy who purportedly threatened black guys with a gun and was arrested. Might this not be staged to give a false impression of who white people are?

White Homeowner Holds Four Black Bikers at Gunpoint for 'Trespassing'

News By TooFab Staff |

Here is the 4 minutes plus video of the encounter with a white guy with a gun. Bitch couldn't read any facial reverse speech as it was too far away to see and so used my sound reverse speech software and pulled this from one of the motorcycle rider speakers in the video:

"We hunt, it's different, jab it."

Who does that sound like other than weap Judah in the shell? Are we seeing how they stage these sorts of provocative situations to race and inflame tensions between the people?

Will American workers not end funding these violent error life forms that are doing all they can to take this nation down as hard as they possibly can with permanent war external, rightless conditions Internal while they incite race hostility with all manner of Israeli opps?

A note about the late Arthur Ashe (1943-1993). Along with being a top tennis player, he was involved with civil rights working quietly to help us all. He suffered a heart issue and was advised to have surgery which was successful, but the blood used to transfuse him gave him the aids virus, which he succumbed to at only 50 years of age.

Can we only wonder, might the heart problem he had surgery for have been falsed on him chemically or electronically beamed specifically so the Jews could get the needle with the contaminated blood into him to assassinate him with aids? Does that sound too overboard for most people to even consider it could be true? Well, that is what Bitch has surmised happened and he felt that after he learned that Arthur was a true activist for civil rights. Once you see someone who has the desire to serve and they have the wits and plus the charisma that Arthur had to help serve everyone, might we see how big of a target Arthur was for the Jews to get him neutralized and out of civil rights activism?

Do some recall how the Jews shot President Kennedy's father with a stroke to get him offline so he would not be in the loop about their operation to assassinate his son? If we understand by killing the father it would have tightened security on the President whereas giving him a stroke did not alert the President. Are we seeing the cunning hunting behavior of the Jews was to take the father out of circulation where otherwise he might have been alerted by business associates of what the Jews were planning to do to his son?

Do we see the tainted blood given to Arthur did not alert us that he was done in because he was involved in civil rights activities? Ain't those Judah guys and gals the most cunning and tricky kids ever?

And what did Father say to us yesterday?

"The Jews failed me fiendish." 3.13 pm

Over the many years that Bitch has heard from our extraterrestrial elders, and the head of our house, our good God Almighty, from memory, that is possibly the only time the word "Jew" has been spoken by any of our elders.

"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," Father said to Bitch the first time He spoke to me in 2009. Do we note, Father doesn't state who demonstrated the weakness or who He is dying off tunnel death, He just says, "they've demonstrated a weakness..., I'm dying them off..."

And instead of 'they or them,' yesterday Father said, "the Jews failed me fiendish." 

And to us Father said: "I gave you the peace, must you fail?"

And from the bible:

Jeremiah 18:7 At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; 8 If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. 9 And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; 10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

Will American workers not act and root out the warmakers who are using our money for their fiendish sport and take it away from them with a STRIKE?

Father who would have given us anything. With Dr. Moray's free energy machine he wanted to gift us with in 1926, are we aware we can have it now if only workers will put the fist away by taking over the most powerful force of government, the authority to issue our money?

And how will ordinary workers' wages be affected by bringing in free energy? They will increase and probably quite substantially. Probably double or more in a few years. Plus lower costs as the heat and air conditioning for our homes and businesses and industries will be zero. Will workers not bring in higher wages for us all? If so, then give us the STRIKE!

Are we aware it is through shortness of income that the Jews play their debt insurance murder for hire package? Are we understanding they have designed this economy so that it produces the ill effects of debt specifically so it gives them a claim to put an insurable interest in our lives so they then can insurance sport us to death to collect the insurance money?

The Jew who is doing his best rhesus with the pooch and diaper sport and all sorts of lies about Bitch. Will we this time not overcome his words that have always dashed us to defeat?

The nations of earth that are ever in a fight when the jews hold the issue of our money. Will American workers not take them out of issuing our money and STOP THE WAR?

Tele receives:

"Sub raid got them made dead. 3.46 PM

We're debris caught.

78 bot, it's already done.

Wages will increase with this velocity in place.

Thank you for looking at incomes.

You make me sorry.

We fold. 5.55 pm

Love me.

God forned my share.

The son of a bitches left us near destitutely.

Bob Boyce they sheared with the force.

The Angles are feared.

Patrick we cite you hopeless to put our goal away.

It's a ploy that's clear, get them out of here, they're getting us wholesale.

I can't help my harsh, I'm folding my field.

Tyranny shoots agress opps of Judah.

Their crummy has failed.

Errant fail race us.

Morgan's sin has got you.

They burned the states real batters.

Owl lies thrill us.

People have failed us fair.

Huge life has fallen racist. 

Your sight failed to receive cautious and it pushed you out.

A fairest rate buys you off this street.

Right you is hysterical.

Your sympathy opps you set.

The Jews have set the people holding in their own extinction.

American people have accepted their own death rightly.

The place is too brutal, too stupid, too genocidal.

Already they've accomplished us.

Put them out of here.

Whites are historically failed to a Jew.

They have violative established us.

Economics faults us cash bomb.

He couldn't unfool us so we were taken out abusic. 1.48 am

The people have put themselves out.

History has tossed us out complete cataster fantastic.

Jews have menticidal air force.

They're mass murderers for insurance collections.

It's a Jew tyranny that's been fallen by God.

It's that big question, why won't the people stop the war? Because we have never sassed the Jews.

They accomplish on mental weakness.

Weakness seals you low downwind of an atomic bomb testing range. 

Adventure way.

They mollify you personal to condemn.

The Jew owns the white fish.

They're ending income straight mental. 

We have got ourselves totally ruined by the Jews.

Jews hold us here by our statial.

The Jew is living the dream.

Pat you failed your truth with a vicious tude.

They are sleepy pups.

Compromise, you're coming off awfully lethal.

My scription, you have reached me here.

They keep killing us.

Stroke fantastic is their munchin.

You've been refused suitable field.

In fraud they strek defeat.

You got it, hugely they're falling incomes.

Benchey opps hit. 

We foul you in a molester state.

Stupid I cannot overcome my penal.

Murder hatchet refused." 9.01 am

We are set to go full extraterrestrial now. Will we stop the war and make peace or will the full one-third of the human race die out now with brimstone coming out of our mouths before the war in our world will stop?

Revelation 9:18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths.

By these three plagues, a third of mankind was killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone proceeding out of their mouths.

Ezekiel 5:11 Therefore as surely as I live, declares the Lord GOD, because you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable idols and abominations, I Myself will withdraw My favor; I will not look upon you with pity, nor will I spare you. 12 A third of your people will die by plague or be consumed by famine within you, a third will fall by the sword outside your walls, and a third I will scatter to every wind and unleash a sword behind them.

"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives. Sooth me, wake me when they've struck. I gave you the peace, must you fail? I would have given you anything," Father said.

My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made, perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Must American Labor not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from them and STOP THE WAR and put the Godly existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will?

Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship. Hebrews 12:28

The kingdom from extraterrestrial contact with the Galactic Federation of Light that cannot be shaken. Will, we not recognize we have God-given rights and put them in and use the bourse to assure they are respected for all? Must we not try to save our lives from those that insist it is their right to put us into war?

In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus 
Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children on earth? They're done, believe it. Please don't hold their genocide any longer. Will Americans not try to recognize that we have all received a blessing, God gave us all a second chance to live and STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Thursday, June 18 — Psalm 78:1–8
 Numbers 34; Luke 3:1–20
Noah did all that God commanded him. Genesis 6:22
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Gracious and loving God, we offer ourselves to you this day, and look faithfully for opportunities to witness to your love, mercy, and grace. Open our hearts and our minds to be receptive to the guidance of your spirit. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

3.41 pm

 "They pitch you Reichal. 9.52 am

We press you.

Paris stroiken'.

They're falsing us out castle.

You obviously confused this mental wit and ended it.

An outrage capped the mind.

We're fallen now for gun.

Shot you shrapnel, got you perverted.

His soul is condemned.

I blame you.

 Embezzle seriously.


Fold Reich.

You feat fears.

They don't want to play by the rules of procedure."

Jesus said, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said 
to you.” John 14:26

 Do we recall Jesus said to us to "love one another? Will we not do that by demanding peace with a STRIKE?

 Has the advocate not explained everything as our Bibles said he would? It seems like it doesn't it?


Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26

God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
Thank you. God bless.


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