Thursday, December 31, 2020

31 "Pat, are You Ready? Close Them For Cyclopsing."

"Pat, are You Ready? Close Them For Cyclopsing."

That's a Tele receive. Cyclops. The Cyclops were giant; one-eyed monsters; a wild race of lawless creatures who possess neither social manners nor fear of the Gods. Cyclopes means 'round eye. ' Considered the sons of Uranus and Gaea they were the workmen of the God Hephaestus whose workshop was in the heart of the volcanic mountain Etna. Jan 3, 2017

Weap Judah who didn't fear God and went ahead and tried to destroy us in a three-hour nuclear missile blast strike when they opened fire from their submarines and attacked us with 1,000 intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles that had 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen bombs on the tip of them. A total blast, heat, and radioactive fallout force of 64,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs that they tried to explode over our heads in the lower 48 states of America in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011.

Our precious sweet Father Harold before He died said of our response to that attempt to exterminate our breed, "they've thrown the original truth, my closing has failed." As Papa Harold slipped out of life and into our loving memory now.

The Martians who pulled those nuclear-tipped missiles out of the sky that night in June of 2011. Can we not say a prayer of thanks that the Martians are still pulling Benjamin's great balls of fire out of the sky and not letting them be burst close in over our heads?

What we know now from our contact with our extraterrestrial elders is that we are a high intelligence hybridized creation of the Galactic Federation of Light. Are we understanding that because we are related to the kind Galacticans is the only reason we are alive now?

 The very brightest that have arisen in America such as Morris Jessup, and Otto Binder, who immigrated to America from Austria, informed us in the 1950s that the bible was gifted to us from an extraterrestrial society. 

Could it be that the brightest among us are still too far in front of us to latch on to their good thinking even a half-century after their deaths? Might we consider that once we do figure it out we will be at the level of the very brightest of a half-century ago?

1 Corinthians 1:18-19 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

And did our good God Almighty not have His angels let the nuclear warfighting industrialists and investors frustrate themselves when they went ahead and tried to destroy us in a few hours using their best built Boeing airframes to launch a holocaust onto us meant to destroy us completely?

But if this is true, the alliance of Jews and Germany set about a plan to exterminate us all using the force of the newly discovered split atom, how could a guy with a fault of stupid figure out what only the brightest guys knew half a century ago? A 4th level thinker who when he drank booze was in the lower half of wits in America as a 6th level wit. How in the world did he get the truth? Especially since he did not perceive that God even existed. 

Might it be the luck of the draw? Or could it be due to terrain consciousness? The facility of mind to perceive that extraterrestrials exist in our realm. What can we wonder what might it take to inform everyone of that important truth that extraterrestrials do exist and they are here with us now?

The story of the ancient wise ones that founded Sumeria 6,000 years ago. The Annunaki that ancient alien researchers have written about. The peaceful extraterrestrials that lived openly with us then. Can we only wonder about their mining gold to use it to fix their atmosphere up in their home planet world? Could it really be that tale was put into our thought stream for the day the Jews would poison our atmosphere with deadly uranium waste? Might gold actually pull the deadly radioactive waste out of our atmosphere?


Symbol: Au

Atomic number: 79

Atomic mass: 196.96657 u

Melting point: 1,948°F (1,064°C)

Electron configuration: [Xe] 4f145d106s1

Boiling point: 4,892°F (2,700°C)


Atomic mass: 238.02891 u

Atomic number: 92

Electrons per shell: 2,8,18,32,21,9,2

Melting point: 2,070.1 °F

Electron configuration: [Rn] 5f36d17s2

Boiling point: 7,468°F

Discoverer: Martin Heinrich Klaproth

Pure uranium is a silvery-white, weakly radioactive metal, which is harder than most elements. It is malleable, ductile, slightly paramagnetic, strongly electropositive and is a poor electrical conductor.

Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity. Due to its cost, however, it is largely limited to high-end audio and video components and electrical wiring. An advantage gold has over its superior conductive counterparts, silver and copper, is that it is resistant to corrosion.


Do we note that uranium is highly electropositive and gold is highly electronegative? So what about it? Well, might that large difference in electronegative to electropositive cause a reaction when the two meet and if so what might we suspect could be one of the outcomes of the interaction between gold and neutron activated uranium, as is what the Jews are dousing our atmosphere with at this moment?

And if there is a reaction between the high electronegative of gold and the high electropositive of neutron-activated uranium might the reaction produce accelerations into percents of the speed of light range where would we not get a relativistic time shift in the hot radioactive neutron activated uranium particles?

If nano-gold and neutron-activated uranium did react what might be the outcome of that? Might the reaction by so quick that it would produce a relativistic time shift of the deadly neutron activated uranium and time compress the lethal toxic neutron activated uranium causing it to pass into the 5th dimension, the vacuum of the background of outer space? And then in an hour, those dangerous chemicals would safely be over 2 million miles from planet earth as we soar through our galaxy at high speed through the universe.

Might nano-gold particles in our atmosphere help to rid us of the megadeath plague of Jewish electricity waste in our air?

The neutron may be the most strongly latched particle interacting with our zero-point field due to it being the largest of the atomic particles, the neutron, proton, and electron. Judah who uses the fire of the energetic nuclear bonfire they are raging at Hitachi-GE for going on a decade now, might that neutron activation that makes uranium so extremely deadly, provide a way for us to remove it from our atmosphere? Might the strong electropositive uranium particle react so quickly and strongly with nano-gold that it accelerates right out of our time zone and leaves it in outer space away from our atmosphere? Might the kind Annunaki have left us a note? Meta transiliatory communication that will help us deal today with brimstone radioactive waste fighting heretical cyclopism of weap Judee?

Their cyclops-pedia knowledge base in support of the focused wits they use to war us with here. Will American workers not get smart and get involved with ending the poisoning they are doing to us here?

The heretical God offending nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews who have locked themselves out of being part of deciding our future. Why? Might we understand it is because they have done all humanly possible to see to it that we don't have a future, we are ashed out in nuclear war, preferably blast but they want to still get us with brimstone waste? The first Jewish choice was a hydrogen blast, which they failed due only to the love of God who sent His Martian angels in to spare us from hydrogen bomb thermonuclear war.

And now their last attempt to get us all gone. The hot radioactive waste they have been burning for a decade come this March 11, 2021. Will American workers not pull them out for what evil they have perpetrated against us all? 

Could it be that some of us do not believe extraterrestrials are here at all much less sparing our lives already? Some surveys indicate that possibly half of Americans believe Washington DC's conspiracy theory that our Arabs family took down the World Trade Center on 911, 2001. That can't be true, can it? Could half of Americans really think that Washington DC is telling us the truth? After getting caught red-handed attacking us nuclear blast extinction should we be believing too much of what they say?

The refusal to shut that open-air burning Jewish atomic pile down at Hitachi-GE has now poisoned a generation of Americans out of existence due to sterilizing our kids. Might we think of the justice of the universe, it only happens if and when a group decides to make peace and create a true civilization?

The first Galacticans who chose peace and before that, for millions of years wilded throughout outer space. Is there a sense of the reality that if those who hybridized us into our higher intelligence form had not stepped into prevent our nuclear blast immolation the genocidal Jews and their industrial-strength investment grade nuclear warfighting hobbyist sports alliance partners would already have scored us out of life form?

The lies they have spread about Bitch that he is a dim sword to be afraid of. But with their "rare" they are getting away with as evidenced by our littlest children have already been scored. 

Though the good news is, the Jews are still expecting American workers to act and take the concession to issue our money away from them.

The metagorical transfiguration of our species out of serving the war of the Jews and into peace. It will happen, the only question is when?

"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4," God Almighty in heaven said. 

"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives," God our Father Harold said before precious sweet Father Harold left us a little over a month ago.

"You're involved in sin, your lives won't be spared," the angel said. Can we only wonder, will Tom Cat be able to hold Jerry Mouse long enough to get us fair?

"We came to warn you," our Qwill friend Sir Morris said.

"You've been warned," God said.

Will, we not act before a couple of hundred million Americans are put out of existence? 

No Japan Judee news today. And in its place a video of the life of the Indian peace activist Mahatma Gandhi. Martin studied Gandhi's peaceful methods and applied peaceful Gandhi thinking to what we are facing here.

Gandhi offered us the ultimate solution for our survival and stated we need to love one another. Martin clearly saw the need for that. Reiterating what God's only begotten son Jesus Christ taught us thousands of years ago. The simple solution for our nation and world, to love one another.

Yet how are we going to cultivate love between each other when our most powerful financial efforts are directed to war?

We can only go one way at a time, any disputes about that? So if we accept that we can only go one way at a time what might it take to put us on the right track of peace?

The extraterrestrials we were created to be to live in peace and harmony and love each other. Will American workers not take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from Satan's hands?

The rare of the Jews that has many workers convinced that Bitch is a dim sword. He accepts the dim part, but a sword he is not. If only workers will believe what Papa said of His shill Bitch, "you never fiend. You're a nice boy. He remained true to me," will we not let our peaceful and bountiful society to come in?

Will American workers not be the first in history to overcome the rare mental of the Jews force and free ourselves of them before they destroy us all? Will this generation of Americans not let the gift of God of peace and prosperity come in to comfort all of God's children worldwide? Will American workers not bring the millions of workers into building our technology of peace, unlimited clean free energy that will be with us until our species leaves existence in nine million years' time? The inexpensive super strength corrosion and rust-resistant materials will arrive with the vast amount of free energy we will have. Will American workers not pull the threats off of our enterprising ones and let the great wealth flow into our society and world now? If so will you not take the authority to issue our money out of the private hands of the Jews and issue it yourselves?

Tele receives:

"Jew get you great oaf ball. 11.94 am

You're a mental release form.

Register false completely ended here now.

Strangle fit.

Pat, are you ready? Close them for cyclopsing.

Wisdom death.

Radiologists you've booked.

Strike and homicide is over.

Should have been there more Patrick.

You're excused for being professionally faulty.

Oh my God, they're burning us up.

We'd appreciate it if you viewed us more than nostalgia. 

I just score great relationships with coppers. 3.10 pm


Waiver. 6.20 pm

STRIKE, you're leaving them degrade you.

Scientist problem us huge-ess.

Israel just keeps fouling us.

Jew packed you uptight with a college wage. 

They purse sinfully.

Potato chips curl thee.

Because you didn't catch them their foul Benjamin went on to freeze foul. 2.43 am

Turkey's out to make us outer field.

Force you down symbols.

Jew. 3.21 am

Get em out. 

These guys carry on hoaky.

Quite beautifully you gift." 8.17 am


That's Father that has quite beautifully gifted us with clean Free energy. Any time we want it, we got it. We just need American workers to put it in. 

Their reverse facial speech varies from individual to individual. They all though are absolutely overjoyed that American workers are allowing them to shoot us still. Bitchie just said a prayer to God to bring His American workers to STOP THE WAR. Will, you not say some prayers yourselves to try and bring peace to this world?

Martin, Gandhi, Jesus, and Buddha. The message that can save us, love one another, if only we will hear it and apply to in our world. The guys who set our financial system up and their deals that arrange for dirty deeds to pay the best. Will workers not shore up your learning and get involved in the most important issue of them all, who it is tha issues our bourse?

Bitch just looked into his notebook and found this RS from the broadcaster regarding the news report on national television news of a white woman who falsely accused a black guy of stealing her phone:

"It's my con."

That it has been reported repeatedly on national news, should that not clue us it was something special? Might the Karen white girl involved actually have been a Judee girl in her shell? Will workers, not end funding the Jews stirring up strife in or Philadelphia race community of love?

That's what Judee called us in facial reverse speech, the "Philadelphia race," and is it not an appealing description of us all here living in the land of the free? The word for brotherly love, "Philadelphia." Will American workers not give us that quick strike and let us of the Philadelphia race live in peace?

"I've promoted a pillage rumble for the best of my life. You be a puppet soldier cast you out. The Martian shows I'm a barrelful of fool. Chevy's rights rise from Monaco. Bitch just wants my mortgage day setup threw away. My awful station is bastardous. We missed the hermit and now you found out about all of our war disease ways. Patrick, we made you an unreasonable enemy and now we are suffering. Now that you've spotted us Bitch you see. We just push assignment pooch heimers to shove you in. 

I'm wholly into goofing you around. I'm struggling muscles. My rouse is children, I service you Kruschev. I'm an ossis scold. (Can't recall if I put those ones up of Adolph Hitler in facial reverse speech)

We set you Jew so you be the faulty half fisty. From what I've found you be fetal right souls. We're falling you pigeon. You don't listen to the professor so I'll bhoul you for sure. High conquer is able. Once you scur-boe and see me nice I'll go. In a Monte way we golf you in. Pulling out the United States is a nice feeling. Our arrestees are all coming down because we wrongfully accost you. Citizen, I scored you out of paradise. All my womb boom boom I do casual. I've got you on a pitchual wake here. This appears to be the last week of my hawk rules here.

You're right dog brassiere for our dummy sport right. I completely fall all the mental of Papa. With Minneapolis on the big Ten, we duel them right. I get volcanic merchy and I'm holding contact off. I just pull a scow out of Houston. They're going to pull me for my apparitions. That we can give you Bobiletics I'm hopen'. You're victims of an inventor's score now. We always won out great with a dot of alcohol. My step will be out in 30 days for my insurance ruin. My lifestyle is all hate, to the nice guy I'm a leper. It is armory with white I have done, I can function you all. We want our judges on all cases Jew.

We sport you like a fool hunting you. We be awesome with big words to fool ya for fun. The Martian informed the Drupel, I'm a felon dead. On the merest advice, I part a pal. The atmosphere I'm wishfully dying complete. Particles were free Lenny, our genius is just obsolete. We jack abusive. In a month you'll put away the greatest weapistry. I've thrown your rights out thoroughly to complete my foul. We had a Germany investment and bought it Judas. Our Bolshi investment excites me. Los Alamo's boom is coming. I did so much death it enabled my porpoise. My life was safe until the white boy hike us out of here. Bitch has mustered enough of them to close us out of all states,' Judee say.

Once American workers take the authority to issue our money away from them and they are no longer able to put so much death in might we do not expect it will end their porpoise here? Might we not expect it will and ordinary common sense will once again return to guide us here? Certainly, it will. Once there is no fear of being assaulted for expressing an opinion, might we not get lots of new good ideas then from everyone then? Sure we will. 

And some non-Judah facial reverse speech:

"They've shown their 45 fist now book em. They exhausted us hikefully. The shrimp uppers have fallen the 'P' oppers. Patrick has a mouse passion that makes the big guys leave with a saucer. They want to dust mask you. Jew has raped you all with pencil debt. Our estimate is Jew caught you on fails. I believe the error force is about to die. Murphy's suitable to app you a great day. New perils are just Reich rumbles. 

Papa let them out in a way that Jew store is now dead. Their huge room you've left right dead. You have swon out against the sinfuls. The fantastic bible covers multiple fish. Pat's an intellectual force that I believe will get you off of Jew die guys. You're all hunk wasted because Jew sinned you out." 

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?


If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?


God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.


Love God


Have mercy


Thursday, December 31 — Psalm 150

1 Chronicles 3; Acts 9:1–9

The Lord has heard my supplication, the Lord accepts my prayer. Psalm 6:9

Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete. John 16:24

Savior who reigns within and about us, lead us into new directions for the sake of your kingdom. May we dedicate the coming year to proclaiming your glory while loving and serving your people. We are so blessed! Thank you, Jesus! Amen.


2.47 pm

"It's irrits. 9.25 am (Bitch took some things out after hearing that) 

Dull weap. 

Thank you for pleasant airy.

Thief is completely done.

Good luck to you.

They can us quake.

You're dull. (Truthful though)

We're boomer fit. 

Idiot. 1.40 pm

Get them out, we're falling fast.

Get them out whole."


Thank you. God bless.




Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35


I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16



7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.


Thank you. God bless.



"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Psalm 142:7

Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.



Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:


"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."


Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. 


Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.


Psalm 145:20 The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.


Acts 7:52 Was there ever a prophet your ancestors did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him— 53 you who have received the law that was given through angels but have not obeyed it.”

Morris Jessup's The Expanding Case for the UFO



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