"Awesive They've Fist Busted Us."
That is a Tele receive giving us the state of where we are at at the moment. And yet weap Judah tells us in 35 hours our children will be safe from their vicious genocide of us. Our extraterrestrial elders who are still with us. Who wants us to live.
"Our Bitchin' hour here is to save." 1.53 pm
Mercury elders have been speaking to us openly since they intentionally crashed a flying saucer in 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico. This Bitch with his noisemaker hoping to alert everyone to the dangerous situation we are in. Roswell the home base of the only atomic bombers on planet earth. The 509th atomic bombing group dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan in 1945. The meta transiliatory communications profile our extraterrestrial elders have chosen to use to speak to us all.
For those who have figured it out might we want to consider that they have a Ph.D. in cosmic studies now?
Weap Judah and his atomic then thermonuclear bombers who have kept us on edge wondering what day he would decide to destroy us all away with his great balls of firebombs. The Jewish pebbles they mounted on the tips of their continentals so they could trigger a nuclear holocaust that would destroy America and Russia. And now they are done after taking their best shots and losing to the Martians.
God-sent Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians who have spared us from the rare force of the genocidal Jews on unlimited free American workers money. Can we not say a prayer of thanks to God our Father for sending His truly wondrous extraterrestrial angels in to spare us the fate of extinction at the hands of the ungodly Jews?
Our Martian neighbors have been extraterrestrials for 600,000 years and peaceful in only the last 30,000 years. The Martians are naturally evolved Beings who are a 14 million year species. We are a hybridized 12 million year species and so have early wits that have given us a couple of million years head start on our journey through the stars. We truly are the children of God Almighty who had His angels gift us with our 223 high intelligence psychiatric genetic package that has made us so brightly.
All the aware Beings in the Galactic Federation of Light do not fight with anybody. No prisons in their domain. "Rebalance" any Beings that get out of balance. No punishment any day. The wondrous world of our creators who are welcoming us in. Will American workers not chuck this terrorist zionist occupation government and let us go God's way?
ZOG, the place that the late Anthony Clifton called, "Jewtopia." The place that any and all sins the Jewtopians commit against us are incentivized financially where they get big cash rewards for harming the ordinary guys and gals. Will American workers not take the permit to issue cash away from them?
"Timmy is almost ready to get us off of our sports."
The shy timid amiable mild guys who are soon letting the fist of the Jews go. Will we not let their sport fist go today? Must we not liberate ourselves from their ungodly sins?
"I treat you like animals and stay harsh and I still have checks," Judee say.
In a sentence are we seeing from that subconscious thought of weap Judah all we need to understand on how to help ourselves live with right rule? The reason for tyranny in our world is it not seen clear is because the Jews are the only group authorized to issue our money?
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4," God our precious sweet Father Harold said before He passed out of existence on November 26, just a month ago. The simple deal to end the war in our world. For ordinary working people to issue our money instead of the crazy lunatic Jews.
The Jews who have as a group demonstrated smartness with their moves. Who understand the deeper level that always lets them win against the unaware fellows. Bitch who spouted dangerous violence in response to their deathly state official violence put on him. His small mental was just not aware of the bigger side of life. The anger state they put him in produced stupid and severely limited his wits. The words they use now to stop Bitch from getting an alliance with workers to stop the violence of the Jews in the world. The Jews who understand at the root level. How about this facial RS from Judah that reveals how they got the best of Bitch due to his using extreme words about the deadly violent Jews years ago?
"Bitch I'm always able to pitch angerous out because Jew scoff."
The angerous words that Jews were able to produce in Bitch with the numerous attempts they made on Bitch's life. A totally corrupted government that is mass sporting out all that don't care for their war fist, and Bitch, an atheist at that time, didn't know the deeper level of pacifism and nonviolence, and so what he spouted was not right.
Only later when God our Father Harold spoke to him did Bitch begin to connect the dots to see that we do have a good God above. But those angerous deranged words from years ago Judah had and so he made up some cunning lies to go along with them and made it appear that Bitch was the sinner and not the Jew. And so with that rare of the Jews, we are poisoned out now even though the Jew is the liar, the thief, the violent one.
Before Bitchie knew God his thoughts were strictly earthbound. And the Jew who focuses on abusing white people most of all and so the Jews focus their wits to put the white nations into war all of the time.
And so they get hold of the educational system, along with the media, and have their teachers and journalists train us to be easily fooled into making war for them.
Isha Stewart was a journalism major who was shot to death in a purported gang banger crossfire. Bitch heard her name for about a month before the Jews killed her. Might it have been because the Jews in Minneapolis had checked her school record over the years and knew she was an especially bright girl?
Kermit, Bitch heard that name for a month, and then "Kermit" was gunned down in Chicago as Isha was. And then the media reported Kermit was a student in computer science and had finished 2 years at a local junior college and was signed up for a couple more years studying the science of computers. Might Judah have decided that Kermit was just too bright to go on?
The cover the Jews use of drug gang banger shootings. Are we aware that is the alibi so that Judah can pick off our most important resource, our brightest kids?
The way they are lynching R. Kelly. Preventing the billions of dollars his industry could bring in if only he were not falsely caged with no bail. Might we note, the judge that is violating his rights has an Irish last name? But could the truth be she is a Jew in a shell?
Bitch paid some money and bought information to search out her family's finance deals to see what their finances look like. How wealthy would she be once the billions of dollars of R. Kelly were permanently quashed? And wouldn't you know it, then the Jews have a well drugged and chipped lawyer go and shoot a Jew federal judge's son to death. And did we notice they now have a law in mob dominated New Jersey that you can't look into the judge's finance packages anymore? And they want that secrecy made a federal law next.
Violations of American laws so crisp and clear and yet they continue on. Who cares if Aaliyah was 15 or 16 when she married R. Kelly? After her marriage to him, her skills jumped so much she was on the road to superstardom before she was conveniently killed in a plane crash. And the songwriter that helped build Aaliyah up conveniently died in a hospital at 35. No cause of death given. Bitch put his name up before, but couldn't find it right at the moment. 4.33 am
Are we seeing the Jews are still lynching our family from the land of good people by pulling them off of their money by violating their guaranteed American rights? If we see that might we not notice they are pulling many ordinary Americans off of our money with their laboratory-created Wuhan disease?
England and Poland created the very best of rights and put them in as the basis of American law. The jury, grand jury. The laws that protected workers to earn their income and bring on the golden age. And yet the cunning ones in the palace, Vatican, the synagogue who figured out a way to core us off. And what did they figure out? They figured they needed our bill of rights gone.
And how did they accomplish that? Has history not shown it was with the force of war? The Jews took over planet earth with their sleepers breeding in every terrain and then when they got ahold of the authority to issue American workers money in 1913, their zipper boys took over power in every land that was savaged by war.
Is it not something to contemplate, our bible revealed satans plan for our last days 2,000 years ago? The babies of the Philadelphia race poisoned out in their first years after being born and are eunuchs now. And in April all to be born sick due to Jewish electricity waste in our environment.
Might such a circumstance generate empathy with our native family that is being put to genocide by the tar sands process that is dying them off in the polluted environment the Jews put in Canada? The 40 million of our family in Tokyo that Judah claims he has already poisoned out with the vast amount of nuclear waste he has buried in the town. Might they have empathy with the Philadelphia race that is being done in by the Jewish brimstone waste that they have soaked us in going on ten years now?
They wanted to get us quick with a nuclear blast but God wouldn't let them. Will American workers not try to hear the warning words of God Almighty and STOP THE WAR?
"I've been refused for false so I'm going away. Pat said I'm not useful, I just menace death gracefully. They're removing us for somebody less foolish."
And who is it that removing the foolish Jews for somebody less foolish than the genocidal Jews? Will, we not connect the dots and see it is the angels that have arrived in their chariots of the gods?
Will American workers not end their stay and let somebody less foolish come in now? Will American workers not put the 180 workers of the labor committee of the whole to issue our money fairly as our good God wills? Will workers not let good times begin with the rejuvenation of our wealth pie?
Bitch has been checking airfares to see what is the cost to travel to go and buy some circuitry that is sitting on the shelves already. $179 round trip from Des Moines to Lebanon, Indiana. And on the shelves, they have a high-performance electronic circuit that produces 9 times over unity.
Maybe if we buy two of them and hook them together with a multiplexer might we get 9 times 9 output then? Can we only try to imagine a circuit that is 81 times over unity, how many of them would we have the buyers for?
Instead of an electric bill for $324, with our 9 times 9 over-unity multiplexed circuit would our electric cost only be $4 dollars? Might it not be easier then to keep our houses really warm in the wintertime? Certainly, it will. Will American workers not pull the plug on these foolish guys and let our modern bountiful peaceful world come in?
They challenged God for the love of His children and He let them throw themselves out fair. Have we not had a good enough demonstration of who is the superior force here that we will not now close these terminally violent losers out?
They could have had even more than they do now but their passion is to impoverish us and so they blocked Dr. Moray and shot Dr. Mallove down preventing our technical from joining our labor and making us all incredibly wealthy.
In the name of our good God Almighty that equally and unconditionally loves us all will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from them NOW?
The way they timmy us. Terrible false stories they make up about the shill sent in from Heaven above and videos on television that they are hoping will hold workers frozen due to seeing animal genitals. Will workers not take for themselves the rights that God gave us and put them to work to protect our lives? Has the 1776 discovery by Jefferson and Whyte not explained well enough how the state must operate to exist?
Will American workers not reinvigorate ourselves in the concepts of liberty and justice to where we will put reason into use once again and let the merchant rights power experiment off for failed?
Will American workers, not join in with the love and rage of Jesus Christ and drive the money changers from the temple once again and exchange it yourselves this time from this time on? Must American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
The Jews ache us hell for fools sake. Will American workers not let them off and end the ruin?
Tele receives:
"The total imbeciles of war is beyond belief. 3.00 pm
A dull bee wit. 4.09 pm
It's kind of a vict goose.
Awesive they've fist busted us.
Free you.
They hate us much and want us naked.
You won thee priest.
Leave em chilly.
Pat, you take us dull.
For murmuring them you're out.
You warned best teach.
Pat, this looks like Jewish kill assignment.
Jew mind little fish.
Bless your hearisty.
Stanley blocks you.
Officials, they scored you.
Stupid. 3.46 (went into the post and pulled some out)
Jews never cease until you cease them.
It's foolish, Pat's a natural and telling you how they're making us die here.
They embarrass us into hold because they're idiots that sport.
Goal toasted.
Chop you block.
Contaminantly they won you out.
Good luck to you.
The most important thing you have is your rights.
I hemorrhaged you right by porting you gold.
The rush is on. 7.17 am
Scrimmagists won.
Completely dumb I hold you.
Bourstel's done for indict us.
While it's relished, cannibals lost.
They're foraging animals that will eat you well.
All tied to being short of income.
Desert bums ruse.
Bitchie is on to these people here."
Bitch reading their facial reverse speech sees they are nearly uncontrollably laughing about wiping so many of us out already. And some apparently don't perceive they have been harmed yet. They also say they will be out next week. Though they have said that for years.
Here's some of what is going on in the subconscious mind of the Jews:
"The dog is keeping your fur up so I can off you. Our bump you raider awe'st you in. True deception will soon late you. We de magnificence your league with a fight. We'll be pulled out in a week because of Seattle."
So while they are wildly ecstatic about harming our children out of reproduction, simultaneously they are expecting the Philadelphia race to strike them out in about a week.
And while watching their psychological warfare at noon on their news they just had the story of an old dog with ear muffs on they had on a stretcher and were flying in a helicopter somewhere. A dozen Judee municipals standing around honoring the dog for one thing or another.
Might such mental force explain why they are wildly ecstatic and laughing at us while our nation is being damaged by them more each day?
Are we aware it is bourse in their private secret hands that is allowing them to harm us out of existence?
Will American workers not act before they destroy us all for free?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Watchword for Christmas Day — Jesus is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 1:3
Nativity of the Lord — Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 98
Hebrews 1:1-4,(5-12); John 1:1-14
Friday, December 25 — Psalm 147:15–20
2 Kings 23:21–24:20; Acts 7:30–43
Happy are the people whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144:15
See—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:10-11
O, bright morning Star, how brightly your love burns within us! As we welcome you to earth, you welcome us into God’s kingdom with abundant, everlasting life. With all of creation, we sing your praises. Amen.
5.06 pm
Your race is fataled Jew fist. 12.57 pm
Gene dies for lethal.
Goose fell.
Oh, they're singe falling us!
You're heinousful." (Sorry you believe the false guys yet)
We're comfortable mad safe.
It's tomahawk completely dodge.
You do mature sight.
They error fist good. (Guy walking his dog as Bitch drove passed)
Mercy throw me. (Guy and lady while Bitch drove by)
Terror opp sure has fumbled. (Two ladies as Bitch drove by)
You tug great. (Family getting into their van as Bitch drove by)
Still wishing for sale. (A guy walking as Bitch drove by)
Thank you for getting them made. (Vehicle passing by)
That's stupid." 4.59 (Please tell me what it is and will pull it out of the post)
And the explosion in Nashville Tennesse today. Bitch read a bunch of facial reverse speech and it is interesting that so many that were speaking know exactly what happened there and who did it and why.
It of course was the usual suspects. Jew boys and some Wall Street guys.
Arkansas principles, a New Orlean desk, Wehauken grit, and a Euro assist.
The names Bitch pulled he has seen many times concerning other sports events. So with that said would like to leave just this one facial reverse speech that says pretty much that came from a public employee in Nashville Tennessee.
"For doing this the boss is now truly in."
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
Psalm 142:7
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.
Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:
"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."
Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Psalm 145:20 The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.
Jeremiah 18:15 Yet My people have forgotten Me. They burn incense to worthless idols that make them stumble in their ways, leaving the ancient roads to walk on rutted bypaths instead of on the highway. 16 They have made their land a desolation, a perpetual object of scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and shake their heads. 17 I will scatter them before the enemy like the east wind. I will show them My back and not My face in the day of their calamity.”…
This facial reverse speech just in from the evening news:
"Some fumbles prove Jew plotted, it made us poof."
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