"I Was Apped By A Real Boy So I Was Booed Right."
Anybody not guess that is Judee that said that in facial reverse speech? That is him and his sports crowd. And with what he tried to do and what he is succeeding in doing, wiping us out of existence, should he not be booed right? Yes, he should and did he not boo himself right getting caught red-handed trying to exterminate our breed in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011?
Well, we've been through all that many times, but finally some real good news tonight. And what could be the good news tonight? The good news is that Judah has revealed that he will not be able to waif us.
"My assault waifous was canceled, my whole field has died," Judee say.
"My assault waifous was canceled, my whole field has died," Judee say.
And that is not the only good news. He also reveals that the war with Russia has been taken off and will not go ahead now. Are those not about the two pieces of most good news there could be?
"I respect hike Soviet but they pulled it our of here," Judee say.
And a Tele receive with some good news for those who work for a wage:
"I respect hike Soviet but they pulled it our of here," Judee say.
And a Tele receive with some good news for those who work for a wage:
"Christ will wage you." 7.57 pm Just heard that a short time ago.
2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.
Are we seeing that Jesus Christ gave us the way to live comfortable as our good God wants us to live? "I want you to be comfortable," precious sweet Father said to us. And do we see that our Mercury angels Father sent in have clued us on how free energy works at the theoretical level of operation? Yes, they have. In the 1950s Mercury gave Canadian Radio Engineer Wilbur Smith the message that instead of pressure, temperature or voltage differentials, in our next level of machinery 'time' itself would be the differential. Our velocity free energy machines that will make a nice work's wage easy to do for all of us. All we have to do is bring free energy machinery in now.
And do we recall some years ago that Judah informed us that our heads would not begin to work right until two weeks after we are liberated from the Jews? Well, the good news, those two weeks begin this day, Thursday the 17th of September, 2020. The Jews are totally done. They can't waif us and they can't get their Soviet hike in on us as they planned to do.
No more satellite microwave shots or any of their sported food. No more vipers waiting for us as we go along our route. It's all through. Want to travel somewhere, no problem. No more sporting us anywhere.
And so now that that's done, Bitchie wonders what he should do next now. And so he contacted big brother Mercury and asked Him what would be most useful to be involved with and He said: "look into the electronics." And so Bitch will do just that.
What about the STRIKE though? Well, now that the physical threat of death is finally passed, might workers not pick their leaders, and do it fast? Seems very likely because now the altruistic that want to help us can do it and not be shot down.
Judah said there were 40 people in America that he had to get out or otherwise they would finish him. So might those 40 useful people not now spread the word to workers to help us outright with a STRIKE? Yes, that seems likely.
And what about the labor committee of the whole that will issue our money from now on? Might those 40 good-willed tuned in guys and gals not help us put it together so that we can get it undone and get ourselves on the right street again, the one that Father has planned and ready for us?
Bitchie, he steps out of the noisemaker role and heads for the factory so we can build the tools that the workers need to enrich America and our entire world. When workers STRIKE THEM OUT, then he will wake Papa up with the good news.
"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives. Soothe me. Wake me when they've struck," Father said.
"Try to perceive me, I love you, I want to save your lives. Soothe me. Wake me when they've struck," Father said.
And of course, we go Papa's way, there is no punishment, no revenge, not even snarliness as they go away. Just relief that they are gone. Mercy is the way of our Father's world and so that is the way we shall go. Does that not sound right? Sure it does, the way that will afford us the opportunity to reach our higher levels where we will reside in perfect peace for the rest of our history. Can we not appreciate our destiny is as extraterrestrials to travel the universe now with our elders? That's who we are and the survivors of this last atomic war of the Jews will travel beyond our planet to other worlds.
So will be looking for the strike American workers and that will be the termination of the war, imprisonment, and genocide in our world. The Jew will officially no longer be holding the American purse, workers will be holding our purse as is our good God's will. Will, we not keep praying to our sweet Lord to guide us through these coming days that will finally deliver us to peace? Thank you. 8.11 pm.....
4.12 am
All praise and glory to our good God Almighty who loves us all equally and unconditionally. The agape love that Father has for all of His beautiful simian children on earth. All praise and glory for His establishing His village on earth in peace and harmony for all of our times ahead now. The sport of the human race, weap Judah is terminated now.
That happened yesterday, Thursday the 17th of September, 2020. They have ended their tricks they play against us. The 2 weeks for our mental to begin acting the way they should begin yesterday, the Thursday that elder said would be the day years ago when weap Judah would be finished for good. We are liberated from the sport of the Jews forever now. So what is next?
The only thing we need now is for American workers to step up and do the will of our good God Almighty and issue our money. That's all? Yes , that's all there s to it. Step up and put yourselves into operation handling the most important seat of government there is, the one that issues our money.
Judah who privatized the issue of England's money in 1694, that force of the authority to issue England's money will now return to England and be held by the workers of England. That is the will of God. We just need American workers to take care of business on this side of the Atlantic and all the issues of money in Europe will be placed into the hands of workers.
This fundamental reordering of our economic structure will of course spread to our family in Asia and all the other nations of the world. The most powerful economy of them all, the United States must first demonstrate the ability to operate internally and we will be the ones that will smooth the course for everyone. We just need American workers to act to take the authority to issue our money into your safe hands.
Our good God Almighty has His angels here to show us the way to put it all together correctly. "It's basic," elder brother from Mercury said. Will workers please try to perceive that we must have your interest to now complete our transition to peace and the return of our Republican democratic system of government with the closing of the Communist, fascist Nazi arrangement that the late weap Judah had put on us here?
An orderly civil government that legitimately represents all of us, the inhabitants of the United States of America. The nation with the best deal ever for the children of God on earth. A deal so good, so pleasing to God Almighty that He sent His angels here to keep us afloat as the late not so great Jews tried to shaft us out of here. God who said He would cut Israel's had and tail off in a day and let the Jews accomplish themselves great.
Isaiah 9:14 So the LORD will cut off from Israel both head and tail, both palm branch and reed in a single day;
And as God's will be done on earth as is heaven, Hallelujah, He has done what He said He would thousands of years ago in our bibles.
Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the LORD
Psalm 150:1 Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary. Praise Him in His mighty heavens.2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him for His excellent greatness.…
Will American workers please grasp the significance of what our good and wondrous God has done for us and awake yourselves to the peace of God by acting with a general STRIKE to close the last of the troublemakers out?
Will American workers not act quickly with a STRIKE so that we can have our extraterrestrial elders help us end the atomic waste war that is still being waged against us? We must put the atomic cannon at Hitachi-GE into cold iron shut down and end it spewing radioactive waste into our air and onto our fields. Will American workers please respond to the love of God and put yourselves into issuing our money with a STRIKE?
"Don't be fool's, don't be complacent, and stop being apathetic." David Pratt. (1955- )
"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains." Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
The chains that the Jews have used for thousands of years against those who were not able to keep them off of us. Will, we not act for God's true freedom that He has blessed us with and give us our liberty as Americans by acting to STRIKE the errant life forms out of issuing our money? Must American workers not act and put our American bill of rights in once again as our good God wills for us? The American procedural rules that prevent abuse. Will workers not put them in once again?
Happy days are here again!
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again!
Your cares and troubles are gone
There'll be no more from now on!
Happy days are here again!
The skies above are clear again
Let us sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again!
So that's it, it will be 9 years of Bitch's noisemaking in October, that is only 12 days away from now. Bitch's noisemaker going away now. It's all American workers from here on in. The Jews have canceled and cleared themselves out. Has their inability to accommodate others not proven to be fatal to them? Yes, it has thank God.
Tele receives:
"This is just smokem' hokum.
You're good for reporting. 3.51 pm
Humans have the rights.
Terrible. 4.37 pm (Bitch went into his post and took some things out after hearing that. Hope I got the terrible out)
It's a complete racket sell out.
Pitch them right.
Who won?
We fell. 5.19 pm (That was from Judah)
Look into the electronics. 6.29 pm
Perp mentaled world, he's suspended.
Pat, it's me, looking at the funningest labor that's not dull.
Bitch forced the beverage completely out.
We need you.
Merchies ever failed life.
So minimum chance the Jews went peaceful.
Stupid harsh neutered me.
You cracked us.
You have fallen a huge nasty here Patrick, die it. (God is doing that thank you)
I was apped by a real boy so I was booed right.
Christ will wage you. 7.57 pm
I perceive you're pretty good. (Thank you. In two weeks maybe the wits will recuperate and start to get well since Judah is gone for good)
Man it's scary.
Jew foolin has fallen out.
They were guns of hell.
It should be mass perceived by most
The Lord is with you, it's death for me.
Poison dies us awesomely here.
Love you.
Love you, Patrick.
I love Patrick.
The son of a bitches threw us off of here fair.
It's a bitter ill son, take it out. (Bitch remembered what it was and he took it out of his post. Thank you for the read and tip)
Pardon me.
Nuclear is out.
They're not socialized, they're not civilized yet.
You've been hedged for recommending peace.
It is without a question you will squoosh their harsh now.
Extra harmful life forms instincts blown away.
Sanity was dumb fell.
We're break its.
They're just here fishin around.
Hike you asleep.
Bad debt opp you've thrown.
Exorbitant Jew weaped the cow.
My God, conspiracy's over with.
Take care of your lives fiscal, get hold of yourselves.
Pat, it's the end, these guys are outa here.
It's over Pat." 4.20 am
7.03 am
Just watched Japan Judee news from Tokyo to collect some of what they are thinking from reading their facial revers speech. One said that "Bitch cite you for lack of principles." Is it not interesting how they can define things so concisely? Bitch had not those words but Judah spelled them out. Though if that is correct, that certainly gives Bitch no right to commit the deathly sin of insult. And those principles, that Judee holds people in cages for decades and then executes them, some actually innocents he framed, might we see it is Judah that intentionally screws our right principles up? Certainly. But do we see the power they assert on our entire breed, the entire human race? Can we not say a prayer of thanks to our good God Almighty who has let them reveal themselves in a way that will leave us all right principled from now on?
They still so happy to disgrace and deface Bitch and they crow about their use of video, but in the end, they have proved so bad and are now so known for bad, that they admit they are closed now. Here's some of their RS from the news just finished from Japan:
"I couldn't rude Iowa so I'm a squashed ox here. Burch's management is strictly infamous and it made me. Bitch we just try to disgrace you but you won. We're mosque-ing all over the globe. My children's animal rights left for my fight. For you forcing my show I'm sure dumb. Our pencil war was always fight. I just used a grease pump to hold you in, it proved to be an error. Pat, we fouled more lifeing. Jew was challenged by Mercury right and it just doesn't seem right."
Mercury that used a 4th level guy with a fault and yet they challenged weap Judah right and let Judah end themselves right. Seems right to me, how about you?
And their mosque-ing around the globe. Are we aware when we read of hostile Muslims it is more likely than not Judah in his Muslim shell putting a bad rap on ordinary Muslims? Certainly. Must we not end free funding their mosque-ing around the globe on our American workers' dollars?
"You truly failed the Jew beast. The psychic is friendly and he cite you on lack of principles in making war for me. I'm an ancient stupid fool for being bad Jew. I failed you off your European place. I have an analysis that encourage me to die you, that's why I hold the checks, house rule. I toss you off because I always rule financial. I'm a June bug search for you, that's why I'm always faulted. Fabulous the white family immature."
And that the Jews analysis encourage them to die us do we see they die those who are aware of the right principles that would help us to mature right?
Do we recall the Tele receives that said that Bitch believes in you? And he does and when the ordinary person hears both sides of whatever the issue is, he feels the ordinary people will go the right way, the humane way. The way that soothes our kind and good saving God. The way that will set us to go forward as is the way of the Lord and the universe. The way of nature to progress. And Judah knows this and so he tried to wipe us out before we heard the other side of the stories that he has been selling us, before we in Judah's opinion matured fully as to what is right and what is wrong.
Bitch is not claiming some lofty principles as such, he came at it from the technical area, that is he figured out that high tech war would get us gone. The principles he is still sorting out so he is not citing others on principles as Judah said, but he is merely looking for survival and knows nuclear will block survival for the majority of the human race. Are we understanding that is why the Jews forced their dirty bomb and their deadly blast atomic force into our world? To get us out before we figure out how truly wrong their theory principles are?
Will, we not say even more prayers of thanks to our good God Almighty? Is it understood that without His intervention by sending His Martian angels in we would already be gone years ago? Maybe say a prayer of thanks for the diligent team that Sir Casper has directed and served with to keep us from being destroyed?
"I just psych them to keep my full financial ways."
How is that for a singular sentence that gives the plot away? Might we agree it is financial that rules everything else? Yes, that is a basic fact of life. And do we see now why our good God Almighty wants workers holding our financial and not the private hands of the genocidal synagogue of Satan crowd? Are we aware this is a survival issue we are dealing with here?
"We deadly and threaten with locks to hold in our pyramid tyranny. This kid saw our total penetrate and it's closing me. Bitch I fall you fabulous with video to fall you in. Pat, Jew fell your face with 2 comments."
And what was their total penetrate that this kid saw? Was it any other than when they went for it all in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, when the 1954 television program the 64 thousand dollar question show came alive again? The inside joke like their "my name Toby," giving awareness that they have known about planet Bertoben for a long time now. Bertoben, 36 light-years from the earth where most earthlings go to when elders rescue them from the hazards of earth. And the 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of atomic blast force they calculated is what would be needed to get our breed out. Are we getting their inside jokes now?
Thousands of years ago they knew what Father wanted for His simian children on earth and they chose to oppose the good things for us all. Will American workers not recognize the intentional wreck they are and close them out now with a general STRIKE?
Bitch tossed out a bunch of food last night. Not sure if it was good or bad. It is a really sad experience to have to do that. Yet he feels now that will be the last bunch of food and beverage to throw out because from now on there should be no more food contamination. Will workers not act now to get hold of the paper and issue our money for us from now on?
"Come on, kick them out, their nuclear has failed! 6.33 am
I love you over hike forces.
They're trying to fire these other nuclear reactors off.
Hello stupid. 7.27 am
Sir, I lost falsin.
Jew embarrass good.
You a rice huncher.
Lead it. 7.45 am
Get them off of our backs."
And as to the general strike that will take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews, might we want to put our faith in our good God to see us through?
I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:13
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, September 18 — Psalm 107:33–43
1 Samuel 10; John 1:14–28
I the Lord love justice, I hate robbery and wrongdoing. Isaiah 61:8
No one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins. 1 Thessalonians 4:6 NIV
Loving Jesus, daily we fall short of your calling in our lives. Cleanse us from sin and fortify us with a desire to walk more closely with you. In you, we pray. Amen.
2.35 pm
"It's encouraging. 8.15 am
Jerk, prevent a crash.
You impress total, American force is apped.
You're over now. 8.48 am
He jest me polla-thjieve.
You face a problem here, your race is blown.
These are all Soros paid deals.
Than you Pat for making this goose here.
Herpeteeze is free.
Pat you see, it's the dole. 1.03 pm
It's hard to get them out of here Pat.
Idiot, you passed right.
They fight you with metal in your food.
Deaf mangy.
Principal fall fetch.
Oh my God beautiful hos they got for us.
Their parasite annoys you.
You are an awesome character kid, rare, you take a real good look at operations.
Get out Geneva court view.
You were of use to the skinny dippers.
I'm totally done.
Good for you, abolish these threats.
Absolutely, you're a plus wit."
Thank you. God bless.
2.35 pm
"It's encouraging. 8.15 am
Jerk, prevent a crash.
You impress total, American force is apped.
You're over now. 8.48 am
He jest me polla-thjieve.
You face a problem here, your race is blown.
These are all Soros paid deals.
Than you Pat for making this goose here.
Herpeteeze is free.
Pat you see, it's the dole. 1.03 pm
It's hard to get them out of here Pat.
Idiot, you passed right.
They fight you with metal in your food.
Deaf mangy.
Principal fall fetch.
Oh my God beautiful hos they got for us.
Their parasite annoys you.
You are an awesome character kid, rare, you take a real good look at operations.
Get out Geneva court view.
You were of use to the skinny dippers.
I'm totally done.
Good for you, abolish these threats.
Absolutely, you're a plus wit."
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
1.28 pm
Close them out of privately issuing our money with a STRIKE, please.
Would also like to clarify what Bitch read from the Russian activist Alexy Navalny and what he showed in his subconscious mind that showed up in his facial reverse speech. Bitch read him to be a Judah shell cipher guy. And sometime after that before he was poisoned, he contacted me telepathically and told me I was wrong about that.
Bitch more than once has been absolutely opposite what he read in a person's subconscious. He may find certain words, but to interpret them can be difficult. Which side are they on when they use the words? Are they with Judah or running opposite Judah when they speak?
Some people, who do not have a Judah cipher can show many of the words the Jews use in their facial reverse speech, they pick them from the Jews they are associated with. And also the subconscious can be acting differently in the conscious realm. They may be acting with the positive towards the mass of the population and still show many of the phrases the Jews show in their speech. So hope that helps clarify what Bitch made speculation on, that could be just the opposite of what he thought he read. Thank you.
Would also like to clarify what Bitch read from the Russian activist Alexy Navalny and what he showed in his subconscious mind that showed up in his facial reverse speech. Bitch read him to be a Judah shell cipher guy. And sometime after that before he was poisoned, he contacted me telepathically and told me I was wrong about that.
Bitch more than once has been absolutely opposite what he read in a person's subconscious. He may find certain words, but to interpret them can be difficult. Which side are they on when they use the words? Are they with Judah or running opposite Judah when they speak?
Some people, who do not have a Judah cipher can show many of the words the Jews use in their facial reverse speech, they pick them from the Jews they are associated with. And also the subconscious can be acting differently in the conscious realm. They may be acting with the positive towards the mass of the population and still show many of the phrases the Jews show in their speech. So hope that helps clarify what Bitch made speculation on, that could be just the opposite of what he thought he read. Thank you.
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