"Bone Marrow is How Jew Gets Rich. In 6 Months We Will Have You Hopeless Desertly," Judee say.
Those a couple of thoughts from the subconscious minds of weap Judah that showed up in facial reverse speech. The vast poisoning of our food supply, the burning out of our fertile fields that has been continuously going on ever since they fired their atomic cannon at us from Hitachi-GE on March 11, 2011. A few hours of a general STRIKE until American workers have the concession to issue our money in their safe hands. When in God's name is that life-saving STRIKE going to happen?
Will we not pray it happens before we are totally done in and have no resistance to tyranny at all?
The hierarchy of priority, while our windshield washer fluid is low must we not put oil in our vehicle before worrying about being out of windshield washer fluid? If we run totally out of oil will that not stop our vehicle where ever we are? Yes, it will where if we run out of windshield fluid we can go on and merely need to stop to wipe our windows off every now and then. Will American workers try to recognize they are going to stop us dead what with their multiples of attacks upon our civil rights using the laboratory created virus and under cover of the hoopla about the virus is the big one that will stop us dead in our tracks, their all-out atomic war they are waging against us from Hitachi-GE in Japan?
"Why psychid of druid serving lunatics?"
That from yesterday's post. The question our family around the world is asking. Why are we serving lunatics that have done everything possible to wipe our breed out including attacking us with nuclear missiles in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, and now finally getting us out fair with biblical brimstone nuclear waste?
Somewhere near 50 atomic dirty bombs disguised as Jewish electricity plants that have been tripped offline in the last few years by our guardians in the Federation. Is there some understanding extraterrestrial elders have shut those Jewish electricity dirty bomb power plants down to prevent the Jews from giving us dozens of Hitachi-GE atomic waste pile burns to die our entire species off?
Why Bitch always start the day with such grim despairing news, why not some good news once in a while? Well found a facial reverse speech that showed Bitch has helped some people from the severe sickness of the laboratory coronavirus the Jews have afflicted us with. Here is the facial RS from an informed non-Jew:
"Your chime has warned thousands fantastic well."
Bitchie chime informing that the coronavirus from the labs of weap Judah can easily be defeated by merely breathing ozone gas a few times a day for a few days. The fantastic way to inexpensively stay healthy and well, unafflicted by the Jews sport of their laboratory crafted virus. Use a simple ozone generator and breathe ozone gas in a couple of times a day for a few days. Not a lot, just a little bit because the electrified ozone gas is very harsh and can seize your breathing up.
30 seconds is the most their laboratory crafted virus can stand before it is put out of existence and no longer a danger at all. Merely a couple of minutes twice a day breathing ozone gas and their fascist government creating virus pandemic is done.
The bruising that is felt in aches and pains in the body. When the virus is shut down in the lungs, the serious killer effects are neutralized by ozone in the lungs preventing the bruising if it is not already done.
While the other body parts will feel the bruising of their virus if it has already spread into the bloodstream, the critical oxygen absorption function of the lungs is preserved because the ozone kills the coronavirus on contact preventing the bruising of the lungs keeping the body oxygenated preventing the most serious effects from taking hold. And Bitch chime has reached thousands keeping them fantastically well.
So if ozone is this wonderful and fantastic electrified gas at keeping us well in the Jewish plague they have put upon us, why no mention of it in their Jewish mind control news? Might it be because they own all of the news broadcast facilities? To help us will American workers not use some of your money to buy s a microphone so we can tell others how to avoid the Jewish investment cash flu? Are we aware that vaccines are about the most profitable trick for pharmaceutical companies? Might that help explain why we hear not a thing about other ways to stay healthy than having them inject us with their ungodly potions?
Comments found:
1 day ago
Years ago there was a person who was constantly posting comments about “white genocide”. I thought him to be a nut. But now realize he knew much more than most.
The American workers' money that was and is still forced out of American workers labor that started in 1913 that was used to buy hell on earth for our family in Russia. The genocide that was done to our family in Russia are we not aware that is what the Jews are successfully accomplishing here in the United States?
Ths Soviet state where everybody is always showing their identification papers. Might we understand that is a mental trick the Jews are now using in our land? Why is our signature no good anymore, why must we show an identification paper to vote? Might we understand that when we sign our signature under penalty of perjury that for them to then demand papers is a libel and slander accusing us of being perjurers?
A criminal accusation leveled at us when we go to vote. Are we understanding the Jews are working our mental down as they did to our mild and gentle family in Russia? Are we understanding they want to put a full Soviet state in America?
The pretext of course is that immigrants will vote multiple times. Though might we want to think of the pretext used to get American workers to give up their right to be free of a search lacking probable cause a crime has been committed, the drug war?
How many workers have done drug tests and thought about they have given up a most precious right, to be free of a search lacking probable cause a crime has been committed. The American right to not give testimony against yourself broken out by their Jew drug tests. Their criminal accusation that you are a drug user and you must prove you're not guilty when American law gives everyone the presumption of innocence, where Jewish sharia law everyone is guilty and we Americans must prove our innocence.
Our legislators who served the Jews to condition us to give up our most precious rights based on suspicion rooted in a lie.
"An organized group of criminals operating at the most significant level of opportunity." The definition of politicians Bitch heard telepathically years ago. Will workers not get on them right with a STRIKE so that we can hear the truth? And what is the truth?
The truth is we have a good God Almighty in heaven above who loves us all and wants us to live free bountiful lives. Heaven we know today is located 38 light-years away in the direction of the North Star. There we will find our precious sweet Father who wants to dwell with us everyday.
And what are we dealing with here other than Jewish medical fiends that want stick us with needles and their vaccines? Might we think of their great success with AIDS? 30 million dead some statistics say. And still no cure. Might we think of medical researcher Royal Rife that was using frequency controlled transmitters to put radio waves into our bodies to cure disease and they pushed him out of research for us?
Might a pulsed energetic electrical wave be too simple to cure AIDS and a whole bunch of Jews would lose their investments in our being sick and so that is why they have kept advanced extraterrestrial level medicine out?
We needing medical attention and their jobs they assign themselves sucking on us after they get us ill correctly. Could that be what it is?
Will American workers not get involved and end their cycle of sucking on our deaths? The ghoulish sinister fails they are that tried to step on God's love for us. Will simple workers not try to perceive the love that God has for you and me?
Might we think of that often-repeated tale of the operation was a success, but the patient died anyway?
The operation to finish the Jews out once and for all times was a success, the Mercury report was made public in October of that year revealing what they did in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. Do we recall they tried to kill us all with hydrogen bombs delivered on Boeing airframes? Much chance they will ever issue any nation's money after being known now for attacking us ballistic both on the streets with their Wessons and from the air with their great balls of fire to exterminate our breed?
That profound question that bright lady asked:
"Why psychid of druid serving lunatics?"
Might the answer be that Druid has not been able to keep one of us alive long enough to figure out what they are doing before the potentially knowledgable Druid is put in by the Jews?
Bitch only getting the connection between the bible and the Galactic Federation of light when he reached his 70th birthday. So how many young Druids would have any knowledge of what the Jews are really up to here playing with us?
But then again Bitch is only a 4th level wit so that as how long it took for him to get a clear idea of what it is. Dr. King, an A-1 wit who had it figured while still in his thirties. President Kennedy who had it figured out in his 40s when the Jews stole him away. Might that help explain why Druid psychid is still serving lunatics, we just don't know the truth that God loves us and forgives us our sins?
God's love for us, might we say it is "rare and unique?" That Father sent His son Jesus to die for us so that we might live free. Will labor not issue our money for us and let the Jews off fair and right with a general strike?
Will American workers not let the love of God come in and chase the bad spirit of Satan out? The synagogue of Satan that thinks they are able to wipe us out with their mental force against our wits. Though might we not have to give them credit for their persistence in waging a war against us now for over a millennium since they arrived en masses in the lands of the mild people of the north 1500 years ago?
And when our technology finally reached the level to be able to bomb the surface dwellers out of existence in a three-hour shot, what did they try to do other than get us out with their missile launched great balls of fire?
Must we not reconfigure our psychid to where we won't hold lunatics in a minute longer and use a STRIKE to let them off right?
Our littlest children that now are suffering the gross disfigurement of government forced sterilization by Jewish electricity waste. Will American workers not take our government away from the Jews and give it back to Americans to chose how we will live? Will American workers not put our rights in so that we can be what we were meant to be, the land of the free, with liberty and justice for all?
The grizzly wits of president Harry Truman, history's first genocidal atomic bomber. The same guy that turned American industry loose to hire the best and brightest to build the infernal machines that would kill all Americans. Our extraterrestrial family that flew over the weap house and Capitol hill in 1952 trying to wake us up to what dirty Harry had done to us here. And what did dirty Harry do to us other than sentence us a to a fiery nuclear blast war death?
Those that survived the first blast of thermonuclear war to die slowly eating radioactively contaminated dust. Is there not some way that American workers will end the Jews playing with us, we all God's simian children on earth? Will American workers not hear the thousands of timely warnings of our impending doom and stop the war?
"Cheers. Get Smart." Things our elders say to us that are listening for their words. Both made into television shows. The $64,000 dollar question game show that gave the number of how many Hiroshima atom bombs would be needed to die Americans in the lower 48 off. And then we have the Dirty Harry cop shows with Clint Eastwood. From all of those might we figure quite a few in the know people understood about the extraterrestrial presence with us long ago? Yes, certainly many people have known of the extraterrestrial presence for a very long time.
Will simple working people not try to connect the dots and try to prevent being wiped out of existence in this full-blown atomic war the Jews are successfully waging against us?
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4?"
"I know it when I see it" is widely cited as Supreme Court justice Stewart's test for "obscenity", ..
If only we can say the same for the doom that is upon us now. If only American workers will try to know it when we see it must we not act to end the threat to our continued existence by striking them out?
The Chernobyl baby in every American crib. That they attacked us with their best intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles. Must we not disconnect our psychid from these errorous though very cunning life forms who have put themselves out of God's village for good?
Will American workers not stop the war before there are no more choices or chances for us?
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
Proverbs 19:11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression.
Bitch anger has caused him some problems, not the least of which is how to convince workers to help him out of a tight spot now. And as he knows himself, anger reduces the wit. And thinking it through might we see why the Jews are so abusive? That is are we not aware abuse stirs anger and what happens then other than our wits are reduced? See how cunning they are to anger us so we can't think as well as we could otherwise if we were not angry?
Will workers not take the paper away from them so they no longer can create anger among us with their freely hired abuse? Are we not aware the Jews hire this corrupt bribed war against us?
Are there some who feel that you're not at the front lines so why get involved in trying to stop the war? When the next generation is most noted for reduced brain size might we then realize that we all are at the front lines when the Jews are issuing our money?
Our mild family from the East that gave us gas and electric arc welding in the 1880s that allowed for the building of great industries in America and around our world. That single technology that may explain how our population went from 2 billion to 8 billion in only a century to where it is now.
And the West technology of inventing the machine to give us clean free energy that was shown to the world by Dr. Henry Moray in 1926. And has been kept away from us ever since. The technology of gas and electric arc welding that allows us to build massively and quickly today. Are we seeing all we need to do is combine West technology of Dr. Henry Moray's free energy with the East technology of Poland and Russia welding and we will all have it made for everyone in our world?
To bring our abundant technology in are we aware we must have peace to do it? The issuance of income. Are we aware that one issue is the most critical one there is? Will labor not take it out of the hands of the Jews? Before they perish us fair will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT?
Tele receives:
"Fierce criminals on great chalk. 5.12 pm
Horrible. 5.44 pm (Bitch went into his post and pulled a bunch of things out. Thank you for the tip)
Pat's trying for us to see abortious.
Foul saves the queen.
I think you're still dead.
Excuse me. 6.53 pm
Core age.
You thiefed them. (Might it be useful to consider that Papa absolved Bitch of shorting the Realtor for serving Papa's love? Yes He did)
Get out false rage.
I cattled you.
Symbol die.
Oh is that what that was about?
Patrick, you fell us to robbery, that's what the truth is, we're being destroyed.
Craziness we fall to.
I'm getting sick of watching you fall us.
We true suckered ya's, we wreck all.
Unbelievable parasite falls our state here, falls us.
You better believe in my fist print.
The Martians saved us.
Your embezzle keeps us weird.
Jerk be ape sell.
Tyrous scored me.
Punishment is a fair force to make us leave.
Their interest is in fouling us.
Menace serious is all done.
Oh my God, reversible life here.
Failed thee out lethal nice.
They're rolling us distasteful here.
Their arrogance is impressive.
Pat, they bake us here rightful kids.
On the continental plane, a couple of busters.
Our legends died for shooting the nations and stupid' failed our formula.
Get rid of them, they're idiots.
I spotted him at Waco."
War is not a blunder, though the politicians always disguise it as that. With a combination of fear and false plus poverty to aid their recruiting efforts they conspire together to make men die. Might we view war as part of the conspiracy against the love of God who wants us to recognize who we really we are? Will we not try to recognize that we are good people and stop the war and chase these war-makers out with a STRIKE?
War is not a blunder, though the politicians always disguise it as that. With a combination of fear and false plus poverty to aid their recruiting efforts they conspire together to make men die. Might we view war as part of the conspiracy against the love of God who wants us to recognize who we really we are? Will we not try to recognize that we are good people and stop the war and chase these war-makers out with a STRIKE?
Here are some more of what is in Judah's subconscious that shows up in facial reverse speech:
"I held my promise, I helmet Nell. I'm right whore-man. To hold in my right war fist I show you dog. Because you have faulty intestines I screw war. I cored the U.S. with my complete sinner, I put them in. I was oxen with NATO to complete putting them in shadows. If you're honorable I fist first. We just burlesque to rice away. I just want you to see we won Judas.
Our investments are on oxygen for a purposeful fall. (Speaking about COVID19)
Inside you're fisted. (Dairy commercial)
Our windshields just opp right to murder ya. Jew just has penalties when we ditch you China. I horse you with a right soldier for free. I sass you oracles. By forming your missile state I could fall you Russia. My app be masonable. If Iowa died we just die you more corrupt. I'm going to deface history. We ever fierce basalt. I proceed now with my chemical choices because you all let me die.
My gas side just wanted to merchandise your head. I force you with some Jew bull---- right. Jew is bored to leave for sin, it is obviously truly. Bitch accomplished my warfare theory, truly threw my budget away. I failed your nation by giving you a faulty portrait. We're going to have the governor take you off with an emergency from Moscow. With the dog, I'm simpin' out Jason," Judee say.
Sir Jason, our technical adviser from the Federation that Father sent in to help us get our technical set upright. Sir Jason who helped Bitch as to what frequency to put in to our electrical lines so that once a motor is started it can run on free energy from then on using the high speed motion of our planet earth. Will American workers not please help us to shut that Jewish dirty bomb down to save our lives?
And what is one of the messages that Sir Jason gave to us concerning that fuming deadly lethal toxic genocidal mess? "CEMENT IT IN!" Sir Jason said to us. Will American workers not take over the bourse to get the fist out of our family's face in Japan so the engineers can get in there and put some boron in the cooling water to turn that fuming radioactive waste burn off and get it into cold iron so we can cement it in?
And what is one of the messages that Sir Jason gave to us concerning that fuming deadly lethal toxic genocidal mess? "CEMENT IT IN!" Sir Jason said to us. Will American workers not take over the bourse to get the fist out of our family's face in Japan so the engineers can get in there and put some boron in the cooling water to turn that fuming radioactive waste burn off and get it into cold iron so we can cement it in?
Non-Judah RS:
"Bitch, you'll have a real treasury if you keep on pushing. Even though Jew has shot your brains, they off death site for sure. Your best loss has cost the state noodles. Even with your percent of errors Jew oxygen right has ruined them. Iowa has perverse staff cruelty. Even without lawsuits, my analysis has weap-a-shots are off of here. Our right psyche lists you bubble gum speared. Pooch was stupid on washroom. Mason made a big fall Jew ways. Physically you stay fool low right. Someone right assault you with fork goose. It was with much scrimmage foul you were thrown. The lightening house is now sporting you. White people are being tossed in overtime. Your purpose has assigned you a memorial."
And we have this facial RS from a young woman after the refugee camp she lived in with over 11,000 of our family living there burned down:
"All of my chooses are murdered now." (War refugee in burned-out camp)
Here is what a Judah in a Euro-shell pretending to be one of us said trying to get us involved in bringing in upheaval:
"All we want to do is watch sports to escape the serious things in life."
The serious end of life phase that we are in at this moment. Will we not try to save our lives? God's most precious gift to us, our lives, will we not try to save our lives?
We are so frail, so easy to hurt. Will American workers not end this war upon us?
"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.
Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?
If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Saturday, September 12 — Psalm 106:40–48
1 Samuel 2:12–36; Luke 24:1–12
The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1
Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise. Ephesians 5:15
Divine Teacher, for all the good you brought into being, we thank you. May we honor you with our lives as we seek your help to make wise choices that will bring glory to you. Amen.
3.37 pm
"It's a forger-er here. 6.02 am
You better get rid of Judee, misfit money is showing.
Sorry holds you right for Tivoli: that word doom Papa here
Judee apps us putrid.
It's over foolish. 7.32 am
Come up Bitch, you've thrown this cipher out of here, new investments want to come in.
Their howl fell, it is out of here.
Faulty fate you.
They have got you out failed.
Help him smash this eagle fist.
With little dictator bums we fell.
You're in dupe die.
We just bombed you fair.
Patrick, they scare us.
Tyranny is dumb, you well set us.
It was the chicken not the bread.
I lost you, I fearlessly lost you.
Molasses makes the kids stupid.
They danger us sincerely.
Jeer wit. 10.42 am
Triumph is try um.
STRIKE the professor says will clear the weeds.
Europe frees us.
Tough bread will smash you right off.
You're out proceedjously.
Power misfits.
Embezzling can't fall you off.
You irrit us.,
Cancer stalks you rightfully.
They just disgrace a fella. 11.14 am
You're professor goldfish. (Bitchie don't fish, never has, never will but he will bring the gold in for sure for every one here)
Grossly torched you.
Bang you trust.
I'm getting out of your way. (Please don't believe the Jews that Bitch is a bad boy, he is not. He is a nice boy as Father said)
They sherm right.
They grab us out with foul airs.
Puricals save farm. (Judee walking her dog)
You're up for funeral option most.
I threw you off in graversy.
You are to me chumpfish.
Gentlemen halted. 11.47 am (Guy loading his bicycles up on his rack)
It's team.
It's a good one.
Get them out of here, they cold spear us.
Rear aid.
Arrest your inner souls.
It is charming, he knows what they think of him."
3.37 pm
"It's a forger-er here. 6.02 am
You better get rid of Judee, misfit money is showing.
Sorry holds you right for Tivoli: that word doom Papa here
Judee apps us putrid.
It's over foolish. 7.32 am
Come up Bitch, you've thrown this cipher out of here, new investments want to come in.
Their howl fell, it is out of here.
Faulty fate you.
They have got you out failed.
Help him smash this eagle fist.
With little dictator bums we fell.
You're in dupe die.
We just bombed you fair.
Patrick, they scare us.
Tyranny is dumb, you well set us.
It was the chicken not the bread.
I lost you, I fearlessly lost you.
Molasses makes the kids stupid.
They danger us sincerely.
Jeer wit. 10.42 am
Triumph is try um.
STRIKE the professor says will clear the weeds.
Europe frees us.
Tough bread will smash you right off.
You're out proceedjously.
Power misfits.
Embezzling can't fall you off.
You irrit us.,
Cancer stalks you rightfully.
They just disgrace a fella. 11.14 am
You're professor goldfish. (Bitchie don't fish, never has, never will but he will bring the gold in for sure for every one here)
Grossly torched you.
Bang you trust.
I'm getting out of your way. (Please don't believe the Jews that Bitch is a bad boy, he is not. He is a nice boy as Father said)
They sherm right.
They grab us out with foul airs.
Puricals save farm. (Judee walking her dog)
You're up for funeral option most.
I threw you off in graversy.
You are to me chumpfish.
Gentlemen halted. 11.47 am (Guy loading his bicycles up on his rack)
It's team.
It's a good one.
Get them out of here, they cold spear us.
Rear aid.
Arrest your inner souls.
It is charming, he knows what they think of him."
Thank you. God bless.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16
Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.
Thank you. God bless.
"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me. John 7:37
1 day ago
The Neo-Bolsheviks are doing to the USA what they did to Russia about a hundred years ago. Ask yourself...who owns the Fed, MSM, social media and Hollywood? A different country but the same tactics. Critical Race Theory like Critical Theory is not a theory at all but a massive scientific fraud perpetrated by the Marxist Frankfurt School of subversion.
Officials Investigating Another Unplanned Shutdown 'Scram' At Seabrook Nuclear Plant
Updated June 09, 2020
TVA Sequoyah unit trips, makes loud steam release at 2 a.m.
TVA safely shuts down reactor after turbine pressure problemMay 13th, 2020 | by Dave Flessner
The two links to unexpected Jewish electricity brimstone generating power plant shutdowns. Might our elders be tripping them offline so the operators can pull out the Israeli Stuxnet controllers so they cannot put more Hitach-GEs on us now? That is what Bitch thinks it might be.
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