Sunday, April 12, 2020

12 "Whiskey Allowed Them To Treach All. God Saved Us, God's Going to Save us Again. Incredible Truth Clears Fear."

"Whiskey Allowed Them To Treach All. God Saved Us, God's Going to Save us Again. Incredible Truth Clears Fear."

Those some overnight Tele receives giving us the opinion of the senders.

Does Judee not tell us that whiskey is what has allowed him to get over big on us? Yes, it is booze that he reveals as to what has kept us from seeing his long-running historical game of taking over and finishing out the hostages. Is it not wonderful that God loved us so that even in our fail He would not let the Jews extinct us? For those who have spent the 40 minutes of time to think about how easily the Jews would have swept us out of existence already are we not fully aware now that we live only because God had His kind loving angels act and disarm the deadly treacherous false lying perjurious genocidal Jews?

God who saved us and the Tele sender said that God is going to save us again. Will we not telepathically communicate with our good God Almighty and ask Him to save us again? Will, we not say prayers of thanks to God for saving us already from the murderous genocidal Jews?

The incredible truth that an extraterrestrial race created us in our high intelligence form and gave us free will to do as we please and 2% of that hybridized high intelligence race turned against the creator and attempted to destroy creator's handiwork and we are living in this episode of Star Trek that never was written because it is absolutely too fantastic.

The Deuce is so rare that their falsehoods many carry to our graves and even put their false on our tombstones as a badge of honor. Bitch reads tombstone names to see who was alive and when they were born and when they died. On many tombstones, there is mention of service in wartime. As if it is the biggest time in their life. And it may have been as many did not return from the many wars that the Jews have put on us Americans. And is war not the determiner of our fate? Yes, it is.  Has war not determined that Americans can be destroyed? Regrettably, yes it has.

Can we only wonder about the smirk the Jews exhibit what with getting the most important office of the state in their private international hands in 1913, the concession to issue our money and not only that but to collect a tribute from workers paid to the Jewish tax farmers in Switzerland who used that free money to buy the criminals in Congress who put us into the First world war where white boys in the new land of the free were forced to go and shoot white boys in the tyranny countries that we had only recently traveled across the ocean to be free of them?

Might we think of when sweet beautiful Galactican sister Juliet said to Patrick why the Galacticans dropped one of their flying saucers at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? "To demonstrate the Magnitude of the deception?"

That was after budget Judee said of weap Judee that "if you give them enough rope they'll hang themselves." And Bitch suggested that was the Galacticans strategy as they gave the weap Jews all the rope they needed to allow them to attack us all out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011 with 64,000 Hiroshima atom bomb amounts of blast, heat and radiation force.

And are we all pretty much aware that we remain alive only because God decided that the Jews on Berlin industrial strength investment grade genocidal sciences and unlimited free workers money were not going to be allowed to extinct our breed? That is what has happened here.

"Pretty fantastic and incredible stuff," might some say? No doubt it is so incredible that apparently, some do not believe it to be true yet. How's that for fantastic and incredible stuff? Too fantastic for even a Star Trek science fiction story. And yet, is it clear, it is true, we have been spared extinction of our race by an extraterrestrial race that we know so very little about. Are we aware it was the treacherous evil genocidal Jews on royals and the Vatican that cut our throats before we grew up to catch them in their falsehoods and lies?

The extraterrestrials we know so little about, at the top might recognize is our precious sweet Father that we know by faith is our good God Almighty? That is who it is. Might we recognize that is the force of God that sent Jesus Christ to die and save us? That is who it is and is it not nearly too unbelievable that the Centers of Power of Planet earth have known about our precious sweet Fathers for thousands of years?

"This is how extraterestrials create replacements for themselves."

Do we recall that Tele sender that said that? Are we perceiving that is absolutely true?

Might we consider that because of the Jews failure to reveal the extraterrestrial powers in our world they have created an ontological difference between them and us? Are we seeing how they share knowledge with each other but us ordinary everyday people they gibberish us all the time with false?

Might workers try to perceive how God has had His angels hold the punching bag Bitch in so there would be someone here for His kids that would bring the Centers of Power of planet earth to talk turkey to us?

Their sly gibberish and mumbly dumbly mind-numbing poo poo they dish out as political dialogue. Will workers not get smart and take the paper off of these dangerous destroyers of the human race and start a dialogue by talking turkey to them? Will the ordinary simple workers try to perceive that it is an extraterrestrial race that does not want us destroyed even though we are involved in war sin?

The lies that tell us the only way to remove Hitler was to send an army to shoot him out of power. If we want the truth would it not have been more efficient to remove him merely by ending sending American workers money to Switzerland so they could not pay Hitler's salary or the bribes that kept him in?

Bitch got his first high-speed modern IBM  compatible computer in 1989 and hooked it to the phone lines and began recording the signals in it. And there he discovered extraterrestrials monitoring our phone lines. He didn't realize who it was until 1992 when studying a book written by a telecommunications engineer who reported that they had drawn that conclusion (ET was monitoring the phone lines) shortly after the first telecommunications satellite was launched into orbit and put into service.

 And in May of 1997 when Bitch was graced to have passed by a lovely Martian lady who looked into Bitch's eyes when he got close. Her eyes were so powerful that it bypassed Bitch's cortex and immediately reacted in his brainstem. He had never seen any eyes that revealed such high mental power. After he passed her he stopped and turned around to look at her and she pulled her blond hair aside revealing an ear that was about 8 inches long.

Bitch has mentioned that lovely Martian lady before and wanted to mention her again as to bring to everyone's attention that the Martians are pacifists now. For if they were not pacifists we would be put out of existence before we knew there was anyone there or here.

The brain neuron count of the Martians runs about twice the level of Mercury. Venus is at the same neuron-level as the Martians. Our neuron count increases through time reaching higher levels. Venus is us and runs at about 12 times our neuron count. They have been extraterrestrial for 47,000 years now. Mercury neuron count begins at 6-times us and they have been extraterrestrial for 10,000 years now. Top Galacticans are 18 times our brain neuron count.

Bitch has mentioned all of this before and is hoping that this is reaching the ordinary workers so that we can get an idea of what sort of brains of Judah that have wired our planet for nuclear destruction and the extinction of our race. Some of the top trickster Jews apparently reach near the brain neuron counts of Mercury. Might that explain why even after what they have done the Jews have not been removed from power yet even though they are only 2% of our population?

Bitch has recently been writing Ha---- to represent Father's name instead of just H-----. That is so there is no mistake when he uses the letter H for anyone's name. Bitch rarely will write or say Father's name as Father is so high above and Bitch does not reach any level to say Father's name.

Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

And in a few million years the descendants of those that survive this brimstone waste genocide will be like the God that created us in His own image. The Third Edition Galacticans who created us is in the range of 3 to 4 feet tall. They like us were hybridized. The Second Edition Galacticans hybridized them 3 million years ago when they were a 12 million years species as we are now.

The kindly Martians are a 14 million years species. They were naturally evolved, not hybridized as we are. Because they were naturally evolved they were not part of the Federation and so did not receive the gift of an intervention as we have received. Will we not pray that we take this gift of life that our good God has gifted us with and stop the war so that we can live in peace?

Have some of us noticed how excited and thrilled are some of the faces that are reporting to us this catastrophe from the Jewish laboratory that is dying the fish wonderfully with their coronavirus? Are we seeing in their faces that it is going even better than expected knocking so many of us out? Have they not shown great competence in putting their communist police state rules in? Yes they have.

Here is what a high churchman said in RS while speaking about the virus:

"It thrills me right to victim."

Might it be useful to think of that when hearing mass?

And here is what a Judee doctor said in facial RS when talking about the virus:

"When we got you in debt we fall you."

And here are what a couple of elected and sitting Jew politicians said when speaking about the virus they are winning with:

"Intimate we forced you to go, sucker weed saw you. We set you right Jail Remus. We just core and core and core to spat ya. Basically, I'm a rotten terrorist."

And the perjuries and lies they have made up about Patrick they reveal this in RS about them:

"The sight of Patrick's muscle we put in is holding Big Jews."

What big muscle of Patrick? It doesn't exist except in the perjuries and lies of the Jews who are holding the workers to a mass die still. Can we not get some prayers that the simple workers, as Bitch is, will see God's way and make the peace?

The Jews who tell us that peace will war them out. Will labor not bring God in in and let them off fair with a STRIKE?

"Lead us, you've already cleared them." 5.31 AM

Will American workers not look to our good God Almighty to lead us out of this pit of war sin?

Bitch had not been outside for some time and so yesterday took a walk and then a ride and had many Tele receives from those who saw him along the way. Here is one that really caught Bitch attention, See what you think:

"Get rid of them and we'll settle this."

Might that have come from those of our original community of love who for cash reasons stepped away from us and served the Jews? Sounds like it doesn't it? Might that Tele receive reveal they know the Jews have fled to the underground and are going to leave them on the surface to die off now with the rest of us? That is how Bitch reads it.

Are we aware that Mercury advises us to settle it with bourse and then go forwards restarting ourselves on the right path this time without the Jews involved in our world telling us how we are to live to their designs and desires?

If only the ordinary workers will try to see how Glorious and Magnificent is our good God almighty that He let the Jews throw themselves outright without laying a hand on them will we not go with our good God now and let these Jews go away from us now after 1,300 years of their foul abuse?

The white people the Jews want to destroy most, and why is that? Might it be because we have advanced the most technically and certainly don't need them or their fouls around?

Bitch did pull one explanation in RS that they were bad to us because we did not take care of them. That their seniors who held influence over their cult knew of God and His suggestions to live right and they tossed God's way aside, are we to be blamed for that? Is there an understanding there are deeper issues than the response people have to them that we must be punished?

Might we try to look at this situation from the Federation's perspective?

If the Jews had not blocked the proven and demonstrated velocity free energy circuit of Dr. Henry Moray in 1926 the wealth for everyone would have gone through the roof then. So the claim they were bad and harmed us because we did not take care of them, does that not fall through in the light of them breaking off the extreme wealth-creation that free energy will do for all of us?

With gigantic surpluses will everybody not be taken care of easily? Certainly. Might such a claim that they were rotten to us because we didn't take care of them be merely a lie they tell to themselves as they get thrown out now? More blaming us for the failed life forms they be?

And how failed are the genocidal Jews? Are they not failed enough that God Almighty in Heaven above is dying them off? Yes, they are being died off by our good God Almighty. They got 200,000 years of high intelligence as the rest of us have been gifted with and they will get in total 221,000 years of existence and then pass away out of existence, thankfully.

Whereas those that survive this catastrophic series of calamities they are putting on us now will survive for another 9 million years and die-off of due to the old age of our species. The survivors of these wars of the Jews now will enter the universe and travel to other worlds. The Jews who were not curious and didn't care to travel to other worlds because they were happy and satisfied abusing God's kids right here on earth.

In the last 2 posts, Bitch has mentioned the obvious  nuclear weapons trafficking going on at Scott Airforce base in Illinois, 24 miles from St. Louis Missouri, that has been MARKED  by our extraterrestrial elders numerous times over the years.

Here is from that post:

In 1997, the BND contacted Scott Air Force Base about the blue lights. Spokesperson Lt. Col. Janet Reese is quoted in the article: “We don’t investigate them. We don’t deal with unidentified objects. We didn’t have any aircraft up in the late evening.”
In July 2017, the BND contacted Scott Air Force Base about the three UFO sightings examined in this story. Officials didn’t immediately respond.

Might we think that the airforce Jews loaded a nuclear weapon on that C-5 cargo plane that was seen 5 minutes before the flying saucer appeared that they would not connect the dots and know that flying saucer wanted us to know that they were trafficking nuclear bombs on that C-5 cargo plane?

Have some of us read the files on UFOs the FBI kept? It turns out after reading the file that there was only a small number right around the time of Roswell, then there were no more. So what happened to the large volume of UFO reports that came into the FBI over the decades afterward? Why is there nothing about UFOs in their files?

Shortly after receiving the first UFO reports in 1947 and putting them into the FBI files, word was passed that when UFO reports came in to read them and then shred them and don't make any files of them. And that is why the FBI doesn't have many UFO files now. Will workers not help us close out these deadwood agencies and put our genuine United States of America in once again, the one with our bill of rights in it?

Will American workers not try to perceive the Andromeda rules and try to spare us death in the Jewish sports war so that we can go on? Is it not clear the Jews are committed to fully wiping out the white peoples?

The Jewish police they have brought in from many nations that are now opping communism as the rules here now. Will whites not try to recognize they can sport us all out with a gun with no recourse at all to law because we are a Jewish communist society now? Will workers try to perceive this is a cannibal opp raping us? They use a baby wrap to hurt us all the time. Is it not clear they have been rightly exposed by the flying saucers that have held them off of burning us all up?

"Druids are just letting us throw away their seed," Judee say.

Are we understanding the end result of this nuclear brimstone waste war they are shooting on us from Japan will leave us sterilized and soon gone and out of life form?

Although our sins testify against us, do something, Lord, for the sake of your name. Jeremiah 14:7 NIV

Our sins of failing to first take care of business and then engage in leisure time activities. And what is the first order of business other than closing this deadly Jewish tyranny up so that we have a chance to go on? The sin of omission that we have left ourselves in. Will we not try to save our lives? Will we not end funding the Jewish genocide of God's children on earth

Tele receives:

"They attach you up highly deceived. 1.05 pm

You failed douche flush.

These fouls are destroying us.

Thank you Sir, you're alright.

Stolen with jails.

The psychic has banned us from nature.

Doltish got us.

Get rid of them and we'll settle this.

Our protein is obvious.

You're almost thrown ruin.

Pat won, he banished their state.

You're a rah bell.

You're folding up yourselves.

Major sin. 6.37 pm

Idiot burned this place app deero.

He went in.

Calvin shivvin'.

Some of these church people are quite mousey.

Communists wrecked our deal.

He's got us switched to fuse us.

STRIKE THEM OUT, Gooseville fell.

The guy's got you crazy portion.

Liberate us Patrick.

A bunch of off-world fiddle sticks.

They're screwing us a die battle.

A stupid war has destroyed us.

You're quite failish.


He damages the fish.

50 million people reading you now.

They'll be hiring once peace is approved.

Failish apes.

Their range sight core you.

Palace completely wasted us all.

Neutron activated beryllium in cigarettes, that's how they push you around fistol.

Pat's telling you to sharpen your rights.

They're marking them for sport.

Good luck getting out their sight. 2.38 pm

We're hurting fleece stick.

You failed disgraceful; goof faulting us. (Woman walking dog)

Spiritualists stay.

Phooey vision didn't carry. 2.56 pm

Shattered all you.

You shamed us.

The lion you failed. 3.06 pm

Fibber raid failed ya.

HUGE diesel trolled ether.

They'll sue me well.

Your finishing dried up.

You got to admit they're moving out.

Juice laden let me tooth brush you.

New chosen.

You're a hopeless heel.

These monks shot polio for a London funeral home.

He holds your life hopeless jilted.

They pronounced you as fool. 4.05 pm

Great posse will close them out for fistols.

Thank you for naming these abusers.

Incredible truth clears fear.

They made me for frosting you.

God was refused.

It's stolen.

Wilbur was bought out great.

You're dying nice shiv.

It's finished.

Deathly I got you.

Port them my dears, don't fail God's choices.

We college you right creature gosh word.

All they do is sit around and kill people.

There was a fork in the road.

Patrick is freeing us from their monster bees.

We're housed to field.

Screw up embezzlement thief us.

Munch die-ist.

Their life forces simply failed us flat out.

Their sexual is ogre.

Your boss failed Patrick. (I doubt that)

It's faultless guilt damage package.

Wake attacks are getting shifty punishment in.

They're falling you racial.

Our law for us died.

I fully responded to it, we cored your state. After what I've just said I've freed ya.

Get out cow sadists.

STRIKE THEM OUT. 11.0-2 pm

Oh, they perjured him. (That's what they did to Bitch)

You are debt assumed.

Bitch will remove us.

They do you racial.


Save us Patrick, save our health.

You care for us truthful.

For possession, they assault you with elephant dough.

Whiskey allowed them to treach all.

God saved us, God's going to save us again.

Ridiculous sighted accomplished thee.

Your homeless state shot you rice all.

America sacrificed us.

False fade your house.

STRIKE THEM OUT, they're fisting us accomplishee.

Horrible fiends, save us Patrick.

The Jew thrives in ruining things.

You lost your rights and electricity shoots you.

If you will not do a thing they will destroy you.

Lead us, you've already cleared them. 5.31 am

Interesting fail is falling away."
Their entire existence spent doing all they can to fool the people. Is that interesting that a cult would form to operate that way? Anyways, they are falling away. Is there anybody who has figured out what's going on here that thinks otherwise? Is it not certain that Andromeda rules will prevail here finally? Certainly, no doubt.

That the Jews falsed off a 4th rate thinker, is that really going to let them come back in after what they have done to us? It seems unlikely, doesn't it?

"Your boss failed Patrick." (I doubt that)

How could it be, do we recall that the good book that was sent to us from an extraterrestrial civilization predicted that the beast would wipe a third of the human race out when it was time for the beast to go away and die out their cipher? The beast has already poisoned out a third of the water on planet earth so does that not show the good book is telling us right as that is prophesied there?

Understanding the high-level pacifist powers that we are interacting here with now is there an understanding that after the workers have the authority to issue our money in your hands there will be no wilding here whatsoever? If so will you not get hold of that power of the purse?

"You're a hopeless heel."

Rather than a hopeless heel might it merely be this mind needs the 2 weeks after liberation from the Jews before it will begin to operate as God intends it to do? Do we recall that Judah said it will take 2 weeks for us to begin to recover from the shock trauma they have put us through?

Will labor not start that 2 weeks to recovery with a STRIKE right away?

"You failed disgraceful; goof faulting us." (Woman walking dog)

Sorry lady, will you not please accept Bitch many apologies and have mercy on a fool such as I?

Pardon me, if I'm sentimental
When we say goodbye
Don't be angry with me should I cry
When you're gone, you'll live in  my
 dreams, dream as years go by
Now and then there's a fool such as I
Now and then there's a fool such as I am over you
You taught me how to love
And now you say that we are through
I'm a fool, but I'll love you dear
Until the day I die
Now and then there's a fool such as I

"All the Jew police of all origin are now communist Jew molest policemen, that's why you'll make me go. We couldn't throw your rights sober. Druids are just letting us throw away your seed. We just bore rice-al to break your sign. The white fish I wanted to kill you, Roswell, they saw us and put us away. They pulled my whole mushroom," Judee say.

They rattle and prattle on endlessly about wiping the white American people out. Is there not some way that American workers will remove the Jews power? And what is their power? Is it any other than the 4 trillion dollars a year that workers gift to them through the tax on American workers? Will labor not end the international Jewish tax-farmers from controlling America? Must workers not take the most powerful weapon ever invented away from them, the authority to issue our American workers' tax money?

The most incredible and preposterous fraud ever put upon any nation in all of recorded history, and it has been held in now for 107 years since 1913 when the authority to issue our money was gifted to the Jews along with cash tribute from workers to sweeten the deal. President James Garfield (1831-1881), a good man who understood it and was gunned down to get him out of the way before he could educate us about the sovereign authority to issue money.

President Kennedy who took the power away to issue our money from the Geneva Jews and started to issue our money from America. Gunned down and the Jews took the authority to issue our money back. And there it stands even today. Since then the Jews have tried to destroy us in a 3-hour obliterating nuclear missile attack. And now they are scoring us big with their laboratory-created disease and getting us out of existence with their attack from their brimstone cannon from Hitachi-GE.

Will American workers not RISE UP and give us God’s rules where workers hold the most important office of society in workers' hands, the authority to issue our money, and close them out of here right with a STRIKE, STOP THE WAR and end their management of us here so that the love of God can guide us from now on?

If so will American workers not STRIKE THE SATANIC UNGODLY JEWS OUT and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from them and LET US LIVE IN PEACE and plenty for everyone?

Is it not seen how they are smashing our economy on us with their deadly plague? Are we seeing how they have used their plague to put a rightless police state on us? A check of a thermometer and arrested and carried away. How big of a trick is that to use on us? Must workers not put our rights in so they can not sweep us away in the full totalitarian police state they have created with their laboratory bugs?

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT!? Our good God Almighty has had His angels save us all!

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Watchword for the Week — So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
Sunday, April 12 — Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2,14-24
Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18
For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you. Isaiah 60:2
Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Salome, went to the tomb. They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone had already been rolled back. Mark 16:2-4
Oh, holy and risen Lord, the stone is rolled away and the light breaks upon us. May we bear the brightness and may we live as people rescued from the grave! Amen and amen!

2.19 pm

"Let's end their jealous of us, STRIKE THEM OUT! 9.01 am

The error's Christmas rights are over here.

Goon boy will proceed.

Unavailable our most useful.

They're smoking up outside offing our task.

All of our percentages died off for racial.

They just mess Sweden.

I urge you to neutralize them.

You better get some sensibility here, it's a total loss.

They die offensing.

They played us fierce baby weap on sausage."

Elder played Bitch a tape recording where one of them said, "we've finally got him!" And Bitch wondered what it could have been that excited tyhem that Bitch could have done something that they thought they finally got Bitch on something. And today while watching the Sunday political talk shows he found out what it was.

Back in 1991 when they kidnapped Bitch for disturbing the war so they could finish him off in the lockup, he didn't file income taxes.  So that is what they feel they could use to get at me now. From about 10 deals he earned about $13,500. Will American workers please take the bourse away from them and end their using offices of state for their terrorism?

Are we aware it is tax and mail issues they use to take us down all the time? Are we aware they have numerous fabulous proceedings set for us and the only way they can shoot them is if they are allowed to make war? Will workers in God's holy and good name not take away the Jews ability to shoot war? Will American workers not take away their animal rules tyranny?

Will American workers try to realize that when they shot their great balls of fire at us and it had no effect they committed suicide? If so will American workers not save us and let them go and die away fair now?

Thank you. God bless.


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