Friday, April 10, 2020

10 "They Contaminate Us For Results. Oh, Patrick Save Us From Lethal."

"They Contaminate Us For Results. Oh, Patrick Save Us From Lethal."

 Those a couple of overnight Tele receives sharing with us of what they are doing to us under cover of this pandemic they put upon us. The lethal of laboratory enhanced viruses.

The radioactive nanoparticles from Hitachi-GE inhaled, ingested that will die us slowly over years. The future they buy for us using receipts that we pay them as tax. The tax farmers control the entire surface of planet earth by holding the authority to issue the abstract receipts of labor of American workers. As the article called the authority to issue American workers money, "the most powerful weapon ever invented." Held privately and exclusively by the synagogue of Satan. Our bourse issued in secret to do whatever they want with it for any reason they want to use as much cash as they want all for free. Will workers not energize yourselves to spare us what they have gotten on us now?

The insurance rackets, the "enforcer" they call it. The funder of the mayhem, murder, the atrocity that passes as an ordinary business model in America and around our world. The legislatures that set the statutory traps so that they can arrest then insurance collect us out of our lives using the pretexts they conjure in the legislatures and sanctify with the bench. Now inviting Soviet police and military forces into the United States to save them. Will workers not take Mercury's good advice, "get smart, STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR," and put our grand juries in?

Psalm 45:1 My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

2 You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever.

3 Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty.

4 In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds.

5 Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet.

6 Your throne, O God,[c] will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.

7 You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

8 All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad.

9 Daughters of kings are among your honored women;  at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir.

Our good God Almighty who has used the most humble of men to remove the Centers of Power of Planet earth. The long-reigning rulers that have created vast armies, prison systems that hold millions inside of them. Their men at arms they have used them to destroy the children of God both near and far. And only one slip in their long historical reign of blood and terror. The middle of the night of June 11, 2011.  Do we recall hearing that was the night they tried to put Americans away the hydrogen blast way?

The 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of atomic bomb blast, heat and radiation force they turned loose to wipe our force away. And we spared extinction only by the love of our kind, forgiving and merciful good God. Can we not praise the glory of our good God by now closing the Centers of power of planet earth out of managing us anymore?

The catastrophe they have planned next for Americans. and what might we guess they have up the sleeve next for us now? Might it be a NATO  nuclear missile attack against us as they tried against our family in Poland over a decade ago? Do we recall the Replicons ruling Poland became nervous that the people would act when they found out what they collaborated in and tried to do to our Polish family and so they crashed their plane with the hierarchy of Poland's government managers on board and ghosted out?

The fellow who filmed the Polish government crashed plane with only the injured pilots laying there who were shot on the ground. Do some recall seeing the YouTube video on that? Bitch posted it numerous times. And the reward that videographer got for informing the world of what is truly going on here? He was shot dead himself shortly afterward.

If they had not gone ahead with our extinction in their attempt with 3,200 three hundred kiloton thermonuclear warheads that they launched at us on the back of 1,000 Boeing missile airframes that night of June 11, 2011, might they have had a leg to stand on in their claims they built this vast genocidal military apparatus to do good things for us all? Might we guess, probably, with their terrorist threat untried might they have not lasted longer than they have?

For that matter, as Americans now have known for over 8 years that we Americans have been subjected to an attempted all-out extinction-level event, the 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen bombs the nuclear warfighting sports hobbyists lofted at us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, if they had not been pulled by Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians, any chance we would be alive today? It seems highly unlikely, doesn't it? If those industrial strength investment grade nuclear war fighting weapons had gotten to us would we be anything other than dead and gone close to a decade ago now? Certainly we would have been perished already.

Understanding that is there not some way to bring American workers to disarm our nuclear warfighting genocidal managers and give us a second chance at life right?

Our good God Almighty who saved us that night and every other night and day before and after then. Will we not now go to Father's love and let all of our family live in peace once again? Is it not clear that the Centers of Power of Planet earth have shot themselves out of here with their nuclear blast extinction attempt of Americans in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011?

How is that event as the beginnings of contact with our extraterrestrial family from the universe? Saved from extinction by extraterrestrials, that some Americans cannot even believe exist. And yet, if they did not exist we would have been destroyed already by the Jews and their industrial-strength investment grade nuclear warfighting collaborators who are both here and overseas. How is that for the beginning of contact with the universe? Our Salvation in the face of such intrepid ruthlessness and persevering genocide, how is that for a demonstration of the love of our good God almighty who has let us survive? Will American workers not rise and end the genocide that we are being put to now by the Jews and their exterminating wartime alliance partners?

"You're a salesman, you just want us a fortune." 3.56 am

Thank you for that read on Bitch. The obviousness of people having money in their pockets so they don't have to sleep out on the streets. And where is that money to come from? Might we consider it will come from the same pool of money that makes war and perpetrates genocide against God's kids? And what pool of money is that? Do we recall that Karl Marx took the words to describe that pool of available cash from the classical economists, the "surplus value of labor?"

That our world has been intervened by extraterrestrials on a species saving mission because the entire planet is being destroyed. And how is that destruction being accomplished? We know it is being done by the highly organized members of the synagogue of Satan. And how are they accomplishing us? Is it any other than having private exclusive power to issue the complete surplus-value of labor in their hands? Are we seeing that the exclusive, private authority to issue from the surplus-value of labor is what is driving us to extinction now?

So why have we not tried to save ourselves, our lives?

"Coward efforts," is what Mercury said as to the problem of workers here.

Reading the reverse speech of the Jews has revealed they are now claiming that it was the royals that made the plans to extinct our species with atomic genocidal technology, not the Jews. Might this laboratory created pandemic not have slowed there being any controversy about who decided to exterminate our species, the Jews or the royals?

That we have been spared extinction of our species by our good God Almighty won't we listen to His thousands of warnings to STOP THE WAR?

As you might imagine for tossing the jews, royals, and Vatican out along with their palace states prison system and filthy genocidal war machine strategy, they have big money on Bitch's head. Elders inform Bitch when they have a well boursed fresh opp coming at him and what to do to get passed it. If only I wouldn't have insulted the white force might you have stopped their persistent assaults against the Bitch?

And now the assaults against us all that are set to push us and our kids out of existence due to inhaling nuclear waste. Our children to be born with fewer wits than the parents due to the degrading by high background radioactivity energy while still in the womb. The dying off of a third of the human race, the whites as a percentage of our population set to be the single largest to be wasted away. Will, we not pray for God's love to remove the fear of the workers and that workers will take the authority to issue the surplus value of labor out of the exclusive private hands of the Jews and stop their atomic brimstone waste war on us?

The joy the Jews have that they can get the cruelly manipulated poor kids to assault out our most peaceful, most useful kids, and everyone else. Will workers not put God's ethics in so that the cruelly manipulated poor are cared for as kids and after so they don't have to sell out to the Jews to get a seat at the supper table or buy a new pair of shoes?

The economic injustice the Jews put in as a strategy to create as many poor as they can so that they have ghettos to shop from. The trick they used to take over planet earth.

Will American workers not take that authority that is the prerogative of the Sovereign, the authority to issue our bourse, away from the Jews and give it to a body of workers to issue for us all? Will workers not take the power they use to put tyranny in as their business model and get a hold of the organizing principle of society so that we can have our land of the free once again?

Judah who tells us he is "opposite." Bitch is as so many others, Bob Boyce the free energy guy comes to mind, wants all the people to have all the things we need for a good life. Do we see by letting the "opposites" shoot war for free, they are able to keep the truly wealthy for all society from coming in?

Are we seeing why our good God Almighty has warned us thousands of times to stop the war? Do we see in that one act we will not only save our lives from being perished by nuclear waste but also peace will let Dr. Henry Moray's wealthy free energy extraterrestrial society jump alive?

Bob Boyce whose invention of the HEX controller has been charging a child's electric tricycle for many years now. Why not scale it up to charge the batteries in an electric vehicle? Might that be too simple? Bob Boyce who is gone and a Judee charlatan is now in his place. Might we have to give the Jews some credit for the amazing ways they have truly bamboozled us?

Bamboozle: betray, deceive, lead astray.  Hoodwink, lead by the nose, play false, pull the wool over someone's eyes, snow. Conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately feigning good intentions so as to gain an end.

Bamboozle may sound like a funny word, but anyone that's ever been bamboozled could tell you it's nothing to laugh about. A bamboozler lies and pretends to be a good guy, all the while plotting to empty your bank account or steal away your promotion. Con men are professional bamboozlers. Some people think advertisers are bamboozlers, since they're constantly trying to trick you into buying something you probably don't need. (From

Feigning good intentions that they do every day and in every way. That they got caught red-handed attacking us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with enough hydrogen blast, heat and radiation force to kill us all, to extinct our race, might bamboozle not be a useful word to describe who and what the fiendish Satanic genocidal Jews are to us here in the United States and around our world?

Our good God Almighty doesn't want His American children destroyed but do we understand to survive the genocidal ones we must stop the war?

"We blocked new knowledge from coming in because we set you boys on fight theory," Judee say.

The fight theory the Jews and their nuclear war-fighting genocidal collaborators put on God's kids. Their fight theory to keep knowledge out  that has now put them out of God's grace and with it out of God's village on earth. You must try to save your lives if you want to live. Is it not clear that war and those that make it in the age of extraterrestrial contact are dead fish now? Is it not clear that God is dying them off for their useless dangerous genocidal fiendishness?

The strategy they have developed to hold fish in. Will we not pray that God's love will free us from their evil wicked war sin?

"In your future, I'm still bad. We rape you because of sex appeal. I'm setting you right with some combustible forces. The dog let me shoot you off, pup true bury you Arab. We're taking out the oxygen force. I'm menschen bourse to pitch you off of this side. For our bear day you won't let us stay here. A right force let me app-a-late you. My psych is valuable for punishment to keep you dumb. It's petroleum I use to throw you out to end your Westerly day. I got you, throttled wretch. For Westerly deed us I sat fair. Fears I put you in buddy will do for me. I'm following this potato on juice because I set you crumb dead.

This keep grease off of my missile. It's sweet how I do humans lunatic. Judee is really frosting. Particles huge our win is started. Our war out of Birmingham right head you completely. This psych is principled and he is telling you about our ice bowl. This is a Jewdiful jokeful. (While speaking about the virus)

Our vice always make you, I'm a limp for a guy. (Teenage Judee girl)

I bear ya's on rights. I'm just jealous, my pasts dead. For uniform blue I go fast. We're just a movement, grandfather I truly suckered you with my trash war here. I always trash your intellectuals out. Our insurance app fell. A Jew app is a dictatorship as we catas you poply. Ha---- has warned you of our rights here, and even though I'm dying I'm set rich. I've still got opp checks so I'm going to put a desert in here. With sports I possess you all. I'm so bigotory I maintain a jet.

We set you up oven Pittsburgh so you throw me away. We'll just chemical you's until you mature.  I just Soviet you's ricer Jews awesome. Grease power has started to see the checks so I'll start to fall all day. I'm under siege, the only one who hold me is America, home of the criminals. We spec you with British to get rid of Jefferson and this guy said 'you missile.' I got a room full of pork chops for you to make my day. Because I took out your wigwam I'm not usable.

A grand jury will hold you, that's why I took it out, you lose your state.  I just separate you ozman for my fortune. The scientist out our family for hell oppin you, your Jews are out. We just had Marine packages for scream days. Patrick completed my field. We just opp you harshpitality. My pet lost to Druid. We're tax farmers, that's why we're winning. Religiously we lost our force, the scientist wiped us out now, pray for us. You went against us, ended us. We lost our bridges through London ox. We bust out thieves because of our New Hampshire raid. Our destiny is thieven and that's why we're leaving now.

I just busy whole your white, the white man we just keep him horrified impossible. My chief embarrassment got me off. I've been on false to tumble you, I'm a big shiver here. I've demonstrated I'm not useful, I'm always false. I've got a symbol that wants to rape people. My corona I obviously won, and plus my chemical, I'm not coming back here. Your symbols are mine. Dogs are Jews prime jokes, it's one way we great foul you, your palace wakes. Set you out particle wood. I cite you deet. We set and shot the complete earth and it was pretty big lay so now my candidates can't even hold Gresham. I wish you had not cored me professor.

What was the message? The message was pizza force could take you away. Sullivan set our discussion back for tyranny app, we go. We have Berlin Druid fess for us. I am a caw off Jefferson. I got Federal days to slash you. I have a deadly imbesight of you. We'll finish you out with shyness butter. It's evident that whiskey struggle a boy to fail.

I just want you to know police officers is how we got you. My congressman rate zero. I just want to molest the world, I just want you to know I'm incredible. We just scattage you with all the evidence possible. My conspiracy bested you, Jew made you true feared. Faith people lack aid Jew die. I just wanted you to treat us with care but you sinned. For realia Irish free ya. My testaments your joke that made me. We have a tomb on, its Ford. Professor doesn't have a foolish sight so it threw us all away. We did this because we free had a hit. Our force app just cash your state. Jew ejectors stumbled complete for our fight here. We cement you awfully but the right theory caught us suds. I fear spite you in Iowa. We had the Navy scup ya. I got a real analysis, cancer you everything. We lost our bridges through London ox," Judee say.

Are we seeing there they are blaming London ox for losing their bridges? If only they would have had a better understanding of the extremely advanced technology of Sir Casper and His diligent Martian team might they have not attacked us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011 with their 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of hydrogen blast, heat and radiation force? Are we seeing they are now blaming the ox in London for losing their management of us evermore?

"Professor doesn't have a foolish sight so it threw us all away."

Will American workers not reject the lies about Bitch from the failed nuclear warfighting Jews? Won't you try to accept the truth, what Father said of His shill, "you never fiend? He remained true to me. You're a nice  boy."

As Bitch remained true to demanding peace even before he knew of precious sweet Father, much chance after learning of His wonderous kind love that Bitch would go in anyway that would not sooth sweet Father? Bitch will only follow the kindness of Father. Might workers keep that in mind for how we will proceed when the synagogue of Satan no longer has the most powerful weapon ever invented in their hands?

Oh what Judah makes up about Bitch. Might you not want to tune into what Mercury said the Jews have on Bitch? "Minutiae," is what elder said of the things the Jews claim they have against Bitch. Bitch has harmed no one. His hot angry words merely temporary insanity from the abuse of the Jews on free bourse in their genocidal enemy tyranny state was all words, that's all.

Non-Judah reverse facial speech:

"George is going to fire us with a Nater. Jew vipers are leeches that are soon to die here. Their restaurant for 50 minutes won them port. Iowa's poor are holding us fatal, not that far wooky. Their Sampson opp is off, Sampson will get them. Your winder days are fallen out Jew. Some right white power would fair them and get Jew off right. Velocity, the particle will fail you metro if you don' t get Jew out. Pat's grace has about flattened Jew for porting you."

Might Nater be NATO? Do we recall that is who attacked Poland with nuclear missiles that caused the Fornian hybrid transplant shell government of Poland to ghost out in a plane crash in April of 2010? Might that be the catastrophe they are still planning on putting on us before they lose the authority to issue our money? Might it be NATO rolling some force on us? Will workers not please do yourselves a good deed along with the rest of the world and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue our money away from them?

Tele receives:

"Oh, you took it off. 1.37 pm

You shame us.

The power handlers will probably win out.

Your eldest, almost fused.

It's foolish leaving wicked force here, everywhere.

Possible homelessness? We've lost the country.

Judah falls this place commercial.

Foolish. 4.02 pm

Police have coppd you wreckage.

Lying Jew starved the kids.

Dude field mission.

Gas great app our fall.

It's clear, it looks like they're done.

If you don't know the right way Father forgive ya. You know the right way and go against Father, Father die you off.


The sheriff threw us out, made us a ghetto.


He cored and forced you, you tossed them out and now it's over.

A jealous.

Slave I own to do this, I neuter you.

Hitler is seated HUGE.

Terrible fist, you beat them and their threatening.

Your visuals made us earthless, it makes us taut.

Remove their function, they're pushing you felled Pat.

Oh my God, you lost your stage furbious.

The cash minnow fell.

Their war lost their racket and they perish you off this place.

Patrick's lost field.

They rape us douche.

Fall them off the street, keep us.

For your own sake get abusic out.

They be fallen away chief.

White buryism.

Drove you right Dallas.

Close out gas.

Fantastic plan, they rule us seat belts.

They're going to state fish us.

The notorious Dallas police department permanent sight.

Their differentials is doofus fistdom.

I irritate cage.

These are evildoers.

They cancer you, you're tossing yourself.

The insurance state failed.

They totally rice bench us.

They failed our race abusive.

The richest man they core late you.

Buzz opp abuse.

They're bench employed.

Their bust fail science.

STRIKE them Patrick.

They're exhausting us Patrick.

They'll roll us here.

Oh my God it's embarrassing, receivables they snake shoot us, it's how they get an attachment for murder.

They're folding up the state economy rude.

They'll charge you with a high temperature and pull you out.

They contaminate us for results.

Patrick save us from lethal.

The cats died strafing you.

Literacy makes you hard to pull pacific.

Mere vesters will fist you.

He hos you right scale.

You're a salesman, you just want us a fortune. 3.56 am

Get rid of them and you're in. 4.52 am

Thank you Pat, British life is real.

STRIKE, they've taken off our whole field cryptic.

They're falling out strategy, diesel is indifferent.

They just Auschwitz rate you.

The STRIKE is going to beseech your life forms.

They chalk with dynamite.

Their tyranny has a clue.

They're dirty fouls and Father don't want them.

Fears I put you in Buddy will do for me.

I wish you would STRIKE THEM OUT Pat.

Their police they ruined us. 6.54 am

Your sin fellas is dead. 7.34 am

They just war you municipal thief. 7.48 am

I sell you war.

Don't let this guy bust you off, God will help us.

Stay tuned, they're making off their way of war history that will summon them. Take this league off of you.

Get ready for assault complete target." 8.17 am

Workers who are set now to take over here and bring in Andromeda rules. Will workers not take over here and STOP THE WAR? Must we not stop the war on earth so that we can begin our life of peace and plenty in the stars and fix up our homeworld right here on earth?

Will American workers not RISE UP and give us God’s rules where workers hold the most important office of society in workers' hands, the authority to issue our money, and close them out of here right with a STRIKE, STOP THE WAR and end their management of us here so that the love of God can guide us from now on?

If so will American workers not STRIKE THE SATANIC UNGODLY JEWS OUT and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from them and LET US LIVE IN PEACE and plenty for everyone?

Is it not seen how they are smashing our economy on us with their deadly plague? Are we seeing how they have used their plague to put a rightless police state on us? A  check of a thermometer and arrested and carried away. How big of a trick is that to use on us? Must workers not put our rights in so they can not sweep us away in the full totalitarian police state they have created with their laboratory bugs?

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT!? Our good God Almighty has had His angels save us all!

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Good Friday
Watchword for Good Friday — For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16
Friday, April 10 — Psalm 48
Leviticus 6:14–7:21; Mark 2:1–12
Happy are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in his commandments. Psalm 112:1
By his wounds you have been healed. For you were going astray like sheep, but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls. 1 Peter 2:24-25
Jesus, call us in from the many paths onto which we have strayed, and gather us around your cross. Seeing your wounds, may we never look away from the wounds of the world. Amen.

4.49 pm

"I guess you won.

Fracture them, fracture them Patrick.

Oh my God, despots softened us truly.

Good work.

Good luck, they folded you personal.

2 years.

Thank you, you're a true gentleman.

We still have power to the cities. 3.47 pm

Fail. (Pulled something out of today's post after hearing that. Thank you for the tip)

Patrick put our psyche off fair.

Jew have a mission that is completely off.

They just seek mock die, put them out Pat."

Bitch has picked up "Scott" in Judee reverse speech a couple of times in the last week or two and just picked this up today:

"Scott moving out one."

It was only then that it rang a bell, Scott air force base in Illinois. Nuclear weapons are in inventory there. That airbase has been MARKED  previously by our extraterrestrial elders.  Will labor not act and end the funding for what they are set to do to us here?

Three times a UFO has been spotted flying over the metro-east

Thank you. God bless.

incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.


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