"Throw Them Out, They Deface Us. That's Sad You're Opped Dead Thieves. They Have Finished Out Over 40 million Americans." 3.18 am
Those are overnight Tele receives. 40 million Americans set to die out from huffing Hitachi-GE brimstone Jewish electricity waste. Are there some who haven't heard of our destiny, our fate, as hostages to the Jews?
"You failed Me beautiful fair sumpen'." 3.37 am
Does that sound like it came from Papa? Bitchie hoped and prayed Mercury would write some posts for him but no luck there. While Mercury elders gifted Bitch with the ability to read reverse facial speech, they won't write any posts for Bitch. So might we figure only a miracle will save Americans now? That's what it looks like. We have been set for a mass death by brimstone that makes the coronavirus Judah is attacking us with look small in comparison.
Have any men out there noticed any slight testicular pain or discomfort at all? If so might we conjecture that some of the radioactive waste from Hitachi-GE is cooking our testicles? Might it be most noticeable first in those who engage in outdoor activities? Are there any who are not yet aware that we are in a megadeath situation now?
Will we not pray for the forgiveness and mercy of God to spare us this passing out of existence now? The failure to end the involvement in the sin of war. Will we not pray that workers step in and end this policy of genocide that is the Jews special right they claim? The severe mistreatment of the hostages held in jail in El Salvador. Do we not recognize the mistreatment of captives as the trademark of the usual suspects?
The ability of the false Jews to be able to conjure an image of those who oppose their genocidal way that makes a pacifist as Bitch look like a mean vicious thug, which he is not. Do we recall that ability to false the mental of the people is what caused the computer simulation experts of that Federation to project that the Jews would wipe out 200 million Americans as part of the one-third of the human race they would destroy when they lost the permit to manage planet earth?
Here is a link to a picture of a fleet of flying saucers over Yokahama Japan:
And here is a link to a picture of 3 hydrogen warheads in a controlled burn off over Stockholm Sweden:
And here is a link to the video where those pictures came from:
New UFO Sightings Compilation! Video Clip 212
mavi 777
Video 18.44 at:
Can we not say a prayer of thanks to Father for having His Martian angels burn those thermonuclear hydrogen warheads off safely preventing them from destroying Stockholm and killing most everybody there?
And what about the fleet of flying saucers over Yokohama, Japan? What might they be doing there? Could there be some nuclear war activities going on there? Maybe equipping a nuclear weap in the shipyards there? Have we not heard that Judah is claiming that he has put 40 million of our family in Tokyo out of existence?
While Judah most wants to kill the European people are we aware he also is aiming for a high score of death on our family in Asia? Yes, he is aiming for a high score on our family in Asia. The melting Jewish electricity plant at Hitachi-GE. By burying radioactive waste near Tokyo might we understand Judah is hoping to score our family big there?
Bitchie's desire is to serve Father's will and His will is for American workers to issue our money, not the false genocidal Jews.
Mathew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, 36 I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You something to drink? 38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? 39 When did we see You sick or in prison and visit You?’ 40 And the King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’…
That our good God Almighty has such loving thoughts towards the least of us is He not truly a God worthy to listen to and to do His will? Has our good God's thoughts not proven mightier than the most powerful swords the Jews have ever produced? The synagogue Jews eternal plots to destroy the children of God that has now brought them to the end of their time managing us. Will American workers not put them out and bring our good God in?
Conquistador there is no time, I must pay my respect
And though I came to jeer at you
I leave now with regret
And as the gloom begins to fall
I see there is no, only all
And though you came with sword held high
You did not conquer, only die
The time of the conquerors now passed, the animal primitivism of our species is of days gone by and now we are destined for peace as our future traveling the universe with many others of different species of high intelligent Beings. Will American workers not end the bestial behavior that the most powerful weapon ever invented, the right to issue American workers money is used to fund it? Will workers not concern ourselves in the most important issue there is, will we live and go on into the universe in peace or merely die out now as rightless vassals in a colonial imperial Jew state funding the sin of war?
From the pettiness to the savagery they display towards those who have little to no defense again their thrusts. Should their known and acknowledged hostile behavior against us not bar them from managing our people, our resources? In the 2 Paris police officers who were hit by a guy claimng, he did it to avenge actions against Palestinians. Do we not see a Judah intelligence opp to put hostility and suspicion on Palestinians?
APRIL 28, 2020
(JTA) — The driver of a car who intentionally rammed into two police officers on motorcycles in suburban Paris said he was avenging actions against the Palestinians.
The cash needed to set that opp up and let that opp go forward. Are we aware it is all free because only select Jews are the people authorized to draw and issue money from workers' income tax and the surplus-value of labor?
The focus on fooling us that the Jews specialize in. Did we see the Israeli intelligence opp of purportedly right-wing groups showing Anne Frank snorting coke? How about we take a look at what they are aiming for with that intelligence opp?
Jerusalem Post Diaspora Antisemitism
Dutch right-wingers share image of Anne Frank snorting cocaine
The meme uses a well-known portrait of Anne, a Jewish teenage diarist who died in a German Nazi camp in 1945 after spending two years in hiding in Amsterdam with her family
By CNAAN LIPHSHIZ/JTA APRIL 29, 2020 22:27Email Twitter Facebook fb-messenger
A screenshot of the meme of Anne Frank shared on the WhatsApp group of the young supporters of the Forum for Democracy Party in the Netherlands. (photo credit: HPDETIJD/JTA)
(photo credit: HPDETIJD/JTA)
Young supporters of the Dutch right-wing Forum for Democracy Party shared memes of Anne Frank snorting cocaine and antisemitic remarks in internal correspondence.
The meme uses a well-known portrait of Anne, a Jewish teenage diarist who died in a German Nazi camp in 1945 after spending two years in hiding in Amsterdam with her family, of her smiling while looking up.
In the meme, it is preceded by an image of a similar-looking girl appearing to snort white powder from a spatula, creating the impression that Anne’s smile is connected to drugs.
In another message, one user wrote: “Jews are incredibly afraid of Whites. That’s why all the news organizations, led predominantly by Jews, are so busy spread anti-White rhetoric.” It was an answer to the question: “What is their interest in weakening us?”
Other remarks praised National Socialism and Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian ultranationalist who in 2011 killed 69 participants of a socialist event.
The purported ultranationalist who killed 77 people who was known as extremely mentally disturbed. Might we suspect a chemicaled, chipped hypnotized wired up guy who did all the shooting and bombing that killed so many people? Have we noticed how Judah likes to play with us by using guys such as that to deface white people? Where did he get the cash to carry out such an attack? Must the authorities not have had to have been bribed to let it happen? Obviously, they had to have been in on it. That they closed some of the court proceedings to the public, is that not clue enough to suspect it was all an official operation? Obviously.
So might we consider Anders Behring Breivik was merely a tool for one of their terrorist opps to set public opinion that is favorable to whatever strategy the Jews are carrying out at the moment?
Do we note once again it was the judges and psychiatrists who determined the fate of Anders Behring Breivik rather than grand juries hearing from him? Do we note with the authority to issue Norway's money in their hands the Jews get to control the forensics of the investigation into the purported nationalist?
Do we note in the attack against the Paris police officers once again it is psychiatrists who will determine the procedure rather than grand juries hearing the facts? Though in modern times the only country to have people's grand juries is America. Do we note it is the force of money that controls the procedures involved? Do we see that force of the authority to issue money in private Jewish hands has proven superior to our American law? Are we not getting a great demonstration of how wonderful American law has been forced out and Nazi, communist, sharia, fascist rules of legal procedure have been forced into America now?
Do we note it is American legal procedure that the Jews have finally accomplished destroying by employing their basic, their terroristic insurance collecting by knocking down their old white elephant World Trade Center buildings in New York City on September 11, 2001?
Do we see with American legal procedures now forbidden to be used in America the Jews can do whatever they want and we have no way to know the truth because they merely write big checks to get the scribblers and mouthpieces to tell us what the Jews want us to think?
Certainly, must workers not understand everything returns to the one issue, who it is that issues our money? Must workers not challenge the Jews for the authority to issue our money?
Bitch reading the reverse speech and many of the sophisticated, the non Judah elites of our society are overly amazed that the Jews have been able to so successfully hold the American workers to such a big die-off now. But once again if we think of the computer simulation experts in the Galactic Federation of Light who observed the incredible mental force the Jews exhibit to hold ordinary people to do what they want, did the Federation not predict that the Jews would perish a third of the human race out when the Jews went into their underground shelters to die themselves out? Yes, the Federation did predict the beast would die a third of our species off when they lost their authority to rule in the end times. Did the Federation not put it into our bibles to give us a heads up? Yes, they did. Our good God Almighty has had His angels warn us of how we would be destroyed in the last days of the synagogue of Satan managing here in God's village on earth.
The Jews so effective falsing that they have forced God's truth of Bitch aside and gotten Americans to hold the synagogue of Satan deathly fraud force in. But how long will they hold their force of death in?
They tell us in RS that if they can hold American workers to shoot war until June they will have made poverty a permanent condition for a large segment of American society. Is there an understanding that we must either put acting to stop the war at the top of the list of things to do or we face some harsh times ahead?
Tele receives:
"They settle rape here obvious.
Felon won.
Oh, Pat's that's so sorry. (Pat went in and pulled some out of his post after hearing that)
GD fail prejudice. (Pat pulled some more out of his post after hearing that)
Pat, you're passing yourself out right attitude.
They advertise you the legion of foul, the legion of death.
Their theme is right fail days.
Right chump.
You receive the hostages here Patrick, they sore die us.
You are disciplined, you wipe them out with their faults true.
Outrageous wilding.
They break us hos innocent.
Since January they set us to hike this field.
Closing up ox.
End days fair you great.
On urine, they seize you away.
Fork you wise.
You failed safety, you failed to save us Patrick.
It's ceded, great foul for fishen.
Wolfing time is over.
Vegive man the cage.
Minnows you failed getting the leash off.
Rape is a lung attack.
You're involved in Alston.
A falling knife that's truly falling one.
Throw them out, they deface us.
Jew miss told.
That's sad you're opped dead here.
Oh rankschious.
They have finished out over 40 million Americans.
You failed me beautiful fair sumpen. 3.37 am
Cheers. 5.07 am
Cattlebration. 5.47 am
Welcome. 7.52 am
Patrick seized us purposely.
Patrick helps us with industrial.
I miss you. 8.07 am
Passed you right hell." 8.20 am
That few hours of a general strike for workers to get hold of the authority to issue our money. Friday, Amazon workers are going out on strike due to the bad conditions they face at work. Can we only pray that strike spreads and a demand is made for general workers hands to issue our money instead of the exclusive hands of the Jews?
Here is some more of what Judah has in the subconscious mind:
"Tyranny helps Jew Allen sport. Acme busts right. The dog has now faulted you gentlemen murder. The Russians will perish you toast. This is baby chuck bourse heimers here. With ham we sever your future. We be versatile. My baby shoot is William on a sub. Our form says, whites, you off for our score. Our Norwood was all complete London. Cages foul for my bowel way. Bitchie out our fiend nature true. You have an enzyme that lets us foul you jets kike. We stay stacks for our fuhrer. I poor you all with my rice war because I'm that big. Force you out boot catastrophe.
Our potential is to weap the whole state. Chompin right ricin. Your race has fallen decently to be late. You're closed right heroin managing. Enormously we size you out of this life. Our shot mottle half your life. With vortec we do you hostile. Videos we failed sensory. I have tight budget that wars you from New Orleans. I just snuff and zone you out of the page. I have a fire over on you fine. Whitey's genes have fallen. I just police the baby set. It's possible for the century I've switched you way out. We just pass you up on whole state free," Judee say.
Non-Judah reverse facial speech:
"They have set you as the worst jaggo. They've got you all purple mat here. They just wipe you right performing fantastic."
The few hours of a general STRIKE that will liberate us from the eternal wars of the Jews. Are American workers planning on stopping the war and trying to save your lives?
If so will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from the synagogue of Satan now?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Thursday, April 30 — Psalm 56:9–13
Leviticus 23:23–24:9; Mark 7:24–37
Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. Psalm 73:1 NIV
Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have boldness before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we obey his commandments and do what pleases him. 1 John 3:21-22
God, surely you are good to us, for you know our weakness and our disobedience, and love us anyway. May your love make us bold to approach you in prayer. May we be grateful for how you respond. Amen.
4.05 pm
"Nursery bums defeated you hostile.
Get them out. Europe's been failed.
Oh Patrick's sealed this fats here.
Beautiful wipe right good.
They're pushing Britain.
A stealthy parasite wars us.
Have we not seen these guys clearly enough that we don't recognize who they are?
Leave the childhood fort.
They loot you catastrophe truth.
They phony vicious.
They're pressing a course that's not right.
It's virtually tumble rise.
It is a RISE you are writing here.
Thank you bastard, you got scarred.
Our room push wood.
Failed you justly.
You shot that ring, you got failure in your shoes.
Vegatis state.
I want you harshed Patrick.
It was a numb lock as usual.
They pulled the cirkey out.
You total faded."
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35)
Thank you. God bless.
On 8 March, media said that parts of the trial proceedings would be closed to the general public, according to a decision by Oslo District Court, which upheld its previous ruling.[152][153]
Breivik said that "Isolation is the most effective way to radicalise people because one never gets corrected by others."[160]
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Amazon, Instacart And Other Essential Workers Reportedly Plan Walk-out Strike May 1
Amazon, Instacart and other essential workers reportedly plan walk-out strike May 1

Amazon employees hold a protest and walkout over conditions at the company's Staten Island distribution facility on March 30, 2020 in New York City. A coalition of workers from major companies are planning a strike for May 1. (Photo by Spencer Platt/
Workers from large companies such as Amazon, Instacart and Whole Foods are planning a walk-out strike for May 1, according to a report from The Intercept, noting that participating employees will call in sick or walk off during their lunch break.
A flyer for the “May Day General Strike” was shared by Christian Smalls on Twitter. “Protect all workers at all cost we are not expandable or replaceable enough is enough TAKE THE POWER BACK!” Smalls wrote in his tweet.
29 "You're Facing Multiple Reductions Because They're Taking Your State out. Emphasis Revolt or Degenerates Will Play You Bad."
"You're Facing Multiple Reductions Because They're Taking Your State out. Emphasis Revolt or Degenerates Will Play You Bad."
Those a couple of overnight Tele receives. The authority to issue our money that can be out of their hands quite peaceably with a general STRIKE in only a few hour's time and we can have our great and wonderful United States of America with our bill of rights in once again. How about we keep praying that workers take contact's suggestion, get smart, act together and put the best deal for any and all of God'schildren in, and take over the authority to issue our money, stop the war and put our bill of rights in once again?
From Dr. Henry Makow:
Sen. Levin is chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
That means he is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including the Department of Defense, military research and development, nuclear energy (as pertaining to national security), benefits for members of the military, the Selective Service System and other matters related to defense policy.
In addition he is ex-officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Select Committee on Intelligence.
This man has control of the most powerful military in the world.
With due respect for Levin – as a citizen and resident of Israel, how can he be objective about US interests in the Middle East?
The bill Obama signed into law on December 31, 2011 called the Indefinite Detention Bill, now called the National Defense Act of 2012, which suspends habeas corpus protection of US civilian citizens in their own country at the behest of that bastard child of false flag 911 – Homeland Security – was authored and presented by Michigan Senator Carl Levin.
Senator Levin holds dual citizenship as an Israeli.
One website implies that all 13 Jewish Senators [Khazarian Zionists aka; Rothschild Czars] and 27 Reps are dual citizens of Israel.
The right to be delivered to a courtroom. No longer American law. The most precious right to have a court appearance so that the people can hear what it is that they were taken away and put into a dungeon for and Israelis canceled that right for Americans. Might that right to make a court appearance that was taken away from Americans by Israelis be used by the Israelis to silence those who alert Americans to the truth of what the Israelis are doing to us? A right to a courtroom proceeding we have had since 1215 AD. Is there not some way Americans will recognize the need? No right to even a telephone call.
And what are the Israelis doing to us? By turning the atomic war loose upon our nation are they not massively sterilizing our children and dying us off? Is it not quite obvious that we are being destroyed systematically and scientifically? Yes, it is quite obvious we are successfully being destroyed by atomic brimstone waste. So will shy Americans do anything about being wiped out or silently slip out of existence now?
The Khazarian mafia that conquered America over a couple of centuries has been saying from their subconscious that Americans are going to revolt and take the organizing principle of society out of their hands any day. While that sounds exciting and thrilling, they have been saying that for years. They themselves find it incredible that Americans have taken this much abuse and not removed them from issuing our money yet.
And yet they continue to reveal from their subconscious that American workers are going to remove them from power any day now. The human race now leaving the surface of planet earth and beginning our travels in the universe, while the mole people burrow underground for their subterranean time next. Is there any awareness that the Israelis are not going with us into outer space? Weren't the 2% cunning and resourceful enough to take over rule from the other 98% of the human species? Yes, they were. But do we see it has failed them now?
While they may be able to claim an ontological difference between us and them, might we notice that there appears to be an even greater ontological difference between them and our extraterrestrial elders who afforded them the opportunity to show their true selves to the 98% of us?
The mock and ridicule the Jews have put upon those who have had an extraterrestrial experience, maybe seen a flying saucer or some little green men. Have the Jews not demonstrated an incredible mind control ability of the majority by such tactics as mocking and ridiculing us? Yes, they have. Are we becoming aware of why the Jews don't want the ordinary people to perceive the presence of the high-level extraterrestrial powers that are here all of the time and have been here long before they created us in our high intelligence hybrid form 200,000 years ago? Might the presence of extraterrestrials show that even with the Jews kosher earth-shattering life form destroying atomic bombs they call "pebbles," they are far from high-level life forms themselves?
Though what are we to consider in that the genocidal Jews did bring the high-level extraterrestrial powers to finally reveal themselves openly to us? But do we perceive why the extraterrestrials have revealed themselves to us? Are we aware it is because they wanted to stop the Jews from completing their mission of destroying the entire human race?
Could it be that it just doesn't make sense to ordinary workers when they hear such a thing as this, the plan all along has been to extinct us, that it doesn't register and so most people ignore what is the obvious truth to those who have spent the 40 minutes of quality time to think it through, the powers that be have tried to extinct our species? Could it be that those who have been sold protection and safety by the powers that be that the truth is those same powers hate us to extinction, and so those who have been sold the bamboozle just don't want to accept the truth? Is the truth that the powers that be have exhausted themselves trying to extinct our life forms just too hard to accept and so it is ignored?
‘If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth’
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan (1934-1996)
Bitch sorry he insult ya's and set the clock back on us for there is nothing that would make him happier than to see us not to be wiped out by the atomic brimstone waste that has seriously chopped us now. And so he is doing what he can to correct his fail. Might simple workers make a distinction here between Bitch insult that came about from a temporarily over angry mind whereas the insult the Jews are doing to us is planned and intentional? Every day lying to us, is there a much greater insult than that? Bitch on the other hand tells no lies at all. He is sharing the truth as best he can. That statement by Carl Sagan about how once we have been bamboozled, we don't want to acknowledge we've been taken because it is too painful. Does that have some traction now? By saying that to us, might that have had something to do with Carl catching Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)?
Might Judah have given Carl the urethane treatment for shocking us with the truth? Might Carl have been cheated out of another 14 years of life for giving us a clear thought about what is going on here? 76, that is the age that Einstein made it to. If only Carl had not been so rude and insulting to those who are consistently rude, and insulting to us by telling us lies might he have gotten his extra 14 years of life too? Will workers not end time on station of these who consistently tell us lies? Will workers not let us live in truth instead of the lies of those who rule? Will workers not participate in self governance by issung our money?
The hydrogen weaps the Jews continue to hire shot at us. There are indications that of the vast arsenal of hydrogen warheads the Jews have attacked us with, they may be running out of inventory now. Can't tell if it is warheads or missiles to carry them, but one of their head mouthpieces indicated they were about nearly exhausted from launching nuclear missiles at us. Are some saying, "well where's the proof they're launching nuclear warheads at us?"
How about this video of a megaton range nuclear warhead being burned off safely high in the sky that was videoed from the Dominican Republic just the other day?
Unidentified flying object hovering over La Romana City, Dominican Republic 14-Apr-2020
April 28, 2020 LUFOS
Here’s another interesting footage that was submitted to us through our Facebook page. It was filmed over Dominican Republic on Tuesday, 14th April 2020.
Witness report: Hello!. My name is Pedro Rossó C., my children and i could record this UFO here in La Romana City, Dominican Republic on April 14.
Video 1.36 at
From the size of the fireball, Bitch theorizes that hydrogen warhead must be in the megaton range of blast heat and radiation. Judah mostly is shooting at us with 300 kiloton warheads but he has some large hydrogen warheads also, do we recall he tried to attack Mopsow with a 9 megaton warhead from Damascus Arkansas on September 18, 1980? Disaster at Silo 7 it is known as today. Can we wonder if a survey was taken today how many Americans would have even heard of Disaster at Silo 7?
The attempt to trigger the Third World War that the Jews tried to put on the Druids to extinct our race on that day September 18, 1980. How badly do they have to insult us before we will respond to their presence assaulting us here?
Disaster at Silo 7 & UFO Connection: What really happened that day September 18, 1980 near Damascus Arkansas?
Titan II Missile Explosion
If only American workers sense the beautifulness of our precious sweet Father and the love that He has shown by sparing us from nuclear blast death will our minds not be freed so that we can close out these genocidal nuclear war fighting losers now? Are workers willing to accept the responsibility for funding those who are obviously destroying us totally now?
Here is a video of a warhead in a controlled burn off over California:
California – 23 April 2020
Recorded this Thursday night 4/23/2020 @ 9:08pm. There were two more we missed lower in the sky.
In that 0.53-second video the 300 kiloton warhead burns out at 10 seconds into the video. That possibly could be a 100 kiloton warhead as Judah has a big inventory of those smaller sized ones also. They have nearly 7 times the blast, heat, and radiation force of the atomic bomb the Jews dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
In that same link, there is another warhead seen being burned off over Tennessee. And here from England is a sighting of what sounds like it could be a group of nuclear warheads in a controlled burnoff by Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians:
Nuthall, Nottingham, NG16 1QN England – 19 – 04 – 2020
Last night at 21.30, i took my dog out and noticed 2 bright lights at great altitude travelling in a southwest to northeast direction. Then noticed there were more travelling in the same direction and counted 33 in all. Each one was positioned exactly the same distance apart in line astern formation and took 15 minutes to pass. There was no engine noise at all.
While a Trident can ordinarily carry 18 three hundred kiloton warheads Judah has been known to be able to load 30 one hundred kiloton warheads in his Trident missiles. Can we wonder were the 33 warheads seen that night from two missiles or did Judah strive and work the extra 3 warheads into one nosecone? Must workers not mature to the level that we can together properly deal with these dangerous nuclear warfighting Jews and their equally genocidal Berlin rocket scientists?
Has our good God Almighty not had His angels make Judah great balls of fire not appear to be mere pebbles in His sight? Will American workers not STOP THE WAR?
And from Ireland we have a picture of this MARKING by our elders:
Will American workers not give us our open to the public grand juries so that we can learn the truth here? Will American workers try to recognize the truth that it is only the love of God that has kept us alive in the face of the genocidal destructiveness of the Jews on Berlin science and ethically criminal collaborators in most every land?
"We're idiots now for forcing you's, we're out for Christ time. Now that you see me you'll fault me now."
The speaker there was a right-wing guy in Europe who purportedly wants to protect the homeland from immigrants. Do we note the Jews banker fort use of European boys to create tens of millions of refugees that seek to survive in other lands, while simultaneously the banker fort kids create groups to keep immigrants out? Is there some idea yet of the fun they like to have with us making war for them all of the time? Once American workers take the concession to issue our money away from the banker fort guys and gals are we seeing it will not only liberate Americans but our family in Europe too? And the rest of planet earth.
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves," that Tele sender said. Is it not astounding to consider that the miracles of Jesus Christ came from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization located 38 light-years from earth? Is it not even more astonishing to consider that some of the higher level Jews may have understood that fact thousands of years ago? That they did understand right from wrong and crucified Jesus anyway. Are we seeing where their whole violent brutal ethically criminal foul course has led them to now? Are American workers understanding that we either sue for peace or die off with them now?
"To get a fortune you have to have marks (Marx?) oppin for ya," Judee say.
All the foreigners Judah has wilding in the United States of America and now Judah wants to bring Boris in for some wilding time. Must American workers not take the state concession to issue our money away from them before they bore us into mass poverty they are forcing in? Must American workers not take responsibility for issuing our money now? Will American workers not end funding these nuclear missiles attacks the Jews refuse to stop? How about ending funding the brimstone waste shot from Hitachi-GE that has knocked tens of millions of Americans out already? Could it be that ordinary minds just cannot believe there could be life forms as bad as these Jews really are here? What might explain why we have chosen to let ourselves go now?
Might it be because every voice in the past that spoke or took any action against their evil was turned over to the inquisition to be dealt with in their ways? If it is fear will American workers not put that aside as our good God Almighty has His angels protecting us now?
The ability we give to those who issue our money, the ability to starve people into submission, the power to bend people to their will, to accept their way. Now that we have seen the truly ethically criminal of the cipher they have will we not take their power of evil away from them now with a STRIKE?
Here is what they are thinking in their subconscious that showed up in their reverse facial speech just pulled yesterday and early today:
"I just use the mouse for luxury and make a big bail. Course criticism waste all. Bitch fetch me for my nuclear. The evidence is I usually hike you purity, but my big boom has thrown me now. Ha---- wouldn't let us punish you. Auschwitz let us bust you with particles. We make you friendial to fold you Sovious. I'm hopeless on a cow free. I want to use my big Sampson before we leave. Your kid, I toss him out and rule you. My day is passed because of my horsepower Judee. Jew-run you off with a bank, that's how I hold in my corrupt.
Because of my big protest, your guys us are supposed to be dead. Because Bitch wouldn't play with me, he screwed me. My mama's analysis was a real goof. I just leave your nation with a big finish wit. My rights object to you all tyranny. I just cataster your site, mobilize and you're going to be big out here and Bitch knows precisely what I do. Jew lost his genie and he's going in. A heart attack fell you out gasoline. He destroyed my establishment because I was mean, he didn't like the sheriff munching. When I get a tyranny I just hold you in awe. My case of Jerusalem just make you Fudd.
With beer, I defy you, Patrick, for folding me for falsing you out. My best suggest is homeless. The -------- over here with his team, 2 days. I'm vertical death for bruising you in. For all days they abort us out. I'm out, Pittsburgh make me, wisdom. Foul weaping was a force rate fun. My whole percent was Haliburton to fold you right. Bitch opp full time get Jew done. I compliment you, you have no fear so you got Jew done. Because you were a right boy I tell you now you have removed the sports package.
I did some deep falls and left some pockets of poverty out here. The nice guy wishes we fold too rare. I'm roombish. Several transplants a day we do away with. Bitch awful late us for our baby sport. Shrimp should have pushed us off but he-bee awesome. It's joy, we're passed 40. Dogs' participles seized you right for our gym life. I can't side you because of Venus, they won't let me do a right attack. I'm vicious to do a tumor to waste. We just have Maryland for dying all the people. I'm a leech enormous with a purpose son rise. In my case it's specific, 75. We have a jail for a gentle aversion of you.
When I have checks I can forestay you seeing us. I beast because I have some GI blues. I emotion you into thief rule swell. If I can hold your mental I can big conspear. To the wood we roll truth so we can completely waste. The surface minnow we just disemploy. Our big tax base just let us do war to you's. Germany's shaft is a big furnace and you're too big to not take it off. I Milwaukee dog minnow you so I can feesch ya. We spend a lot of time trying to convince bartenders to bar fist you's.
The professor has fallen us because I pursue you jew apps. We just fall a small harbor for you. Monopoly is our politics for fools. The hermit might have talent to have ended our state for ricing. My Jew America has assured me we will attach you for some right wrench. Jew set Druid ultimately in. We've set you whole out roots. For faulty lies you will hold me back. God forbid my zoomin'. We just fall you because we got you video cipher. We got you out sorry, to take contact out. Your ------ fault you all wood because of your genius. Sober action let me source but the Feds action has resulted in lethal this life force humus. The coast is ready to set us down in a day.
------- was all a Missouri con. (Dr. ------- ------- the microbiologist scientist that said the outer shell of copper was different than silver)
My bad tyranny is now perceived, I'm now out for my theft, I have no future. I'm steady to fetch with new interest. You guys are seeing us everyday, false Jew is violent. We have exhausted our weaping war. Our big Washington office said you fail because you violate. Patrick got out our false wit. Because of your fiend our new fiend is in.I got you's set as woodchucks focus. We couldn't port the harp so he's over my day. His mother's nature was to settle us with saddlebags. You won't let the Germans come back because I just rape.
I got one Jew missile gonna fly this week. I have nice breath for nice melt. Jew try to set you Russian to get you all despair. This war proper is going to make all leave," Judee say.
Non-Judah RS:
"Poor people are hopeful you stumbled Jew password. Because I don't want to get washed I just watch and do whatever I'm told. (British teenage boy).
Turkey action fall all Iowa system. Contact enables you to push false back. The dog threatens you losers fate. I think until you STRIKE THEM OUT Jew will continue to STRIKE men. They need a whore to make you helpless, then you're well done. Papa is suing you to injunct this league.
This switchheimer has come to murder you. It's a mandatory thrill that's going on here. Bitch has roughed you out for a big fall. UNESCO will make you die. They're doing this on debts. Federal opps they're doing for free. Pure excitement falling out leech. Papa said these are forgers great. Englewood boff you because he don't fear right. I be intelligent sous." (Nurse revealing the truth of the virus pandemic)
"Englewood boff you because he don't fear right."
Might that be because of his fault? So why didn't Father have His angels block Bitch deathly fail sin of insult? Might it be that Father wants the victims of this brimstone waste war to follow Christian principles, to forgive and have mercy?
"Papa is suing you to injunct this league."
Is that not an astounding thought from the subconscious of how to view Papa's will that His children live in peace? If only 2,000 years ago the workers had sued for an injunction to block the execution of Jesus Christ of Nazareth might we have had a different world now?
Will American workers not sue for an injunction to stop the war? To do it correctly, legally, peacefully is it any other way than to freeze them up with a general STRIKE and then hold them that way until there is an agreement that American workers will issue our money from now on and not the Jews any longer?
"Bitch has roughed you out for a big fall."
Will workers not look passed Bitch error and try to survive this megadeath die?
Leviticus 19:14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.
16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people."
“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life." I am the Lord.
Bitch who regrettably failed the car mechanic by letting a Jew know that he knew the man. While there is no recovery for loss of life are we aware that the family can be settled economically? Will workers not put our rights in so the survivors can be compensated by the state that made killing the inhabitants lawful? Must American workers not give us a new business model, one that does not include murder for hire for insurance collections?
Some of the ordinary Druid reverse speech has exhibited a fatalism, that indicates the Druid common folks can not survive the genocidal destruction when the Jews do it to us. A combination of reasons, one even said that "that's the way it always been so we must die out now." An unwillingness to even try to save ones own life. So what is going to happen now? How about we look at this RS from Judee?
"Germany's shaft is a big furnace and you're too big to not take it off."
The ordinary people had little to do with the creation of the United States. And if it was the ordinary who was called upon much chance we would have had a bill of rights in? Pretty unlikely isn't it? Sure. So who saved the day for us then? Might we say "the elites who knew the game?"
So with the great wealth, we have in America is it not likely that those who have the biggest stake money wise might act to convince ordinary workers to STRIKE? Might that be what will decide our fate now?
Though those who have the cash will be able to sidestep this waste war. How? Travel to South America or buy a seat in the underground. So might that remove the elite from coming in to help us here? Who knows? Yet who is at the root of this system other than the ordinary everyday workers that make most everything we need? So who should workers rely on to help us now other than workers?
Will American workers not end this deadly war power the Jews and their merchant rights partners use to dominate us and our fellow human beings?
You did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NKJV
Will American workers not reject the spirit of bondage of the silly though deadly Jews who laugh hysterically with sardonic grins as they massively assault us for free? Will American workers not recognize that God has adopted us after the Jews threw us out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with their missile blight?
If so will American workers not now STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from the synagogue of Satan now?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Wednesday, April 29 — Psalm 56:1–8
Leviticus 22:17–23:22; Mark 7:9–23
Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12:11
We stretch out our hands, Lord Jesus, seeking the work that will serve and please you. Place that work within our reach and inspire and strengthen us in our labor. In your name, we pray. Amen.
3.52 pm
"Tossed you out virtually irra-mush.
You're fair ship closing us out was doubtful. 10.42 am
They have a tremendous spoof on us obviously.
The sparrow's missing in a fair room state.
You're very ass-tude. 10.52 (Construction truck driver passing by)
I muss ya. (Elderly Judah woman walking her dog)
You're crazed Jews. (Teenager guy walking passed)
You got Jew managed)
You guys leave me crazy you's. (Middle aged Judah woman walking her dog)
Super tossed their fresh jail for tyranny packages lated.
You failed us beautifully Patrick.
They just do you animal for kicks.
STRIKE THEM OUT, beautiful falsing us.
You understand your constitutional rights so for me its all over.
Baby hangs.
Their fist failed amazingly.
The jerk fist me jail.
Homer race is a fictim.
Their function is so ideous people don't want to deal with us.
Being here in a para state means being less determined.
You almost failed gen-a-flex.
They've certainly died a number of us off fistol.
They're brilliant nightmares.
I all booze summon.
Your greasemo' satch' you out.
You're facing multiple reductions because they've taken your state out.
Emphasis revolt or degenerates will play you bad.
Contact's not falsing us.
With governor rule I'll put you in jail.
You've totally cleared their field.
You already made your hustle all fishin'. (All Bitch can figure is that you wish to be fooled if you believe those Jew liars dear lady)
Get them out for cute-ism
It's nice shivin' you late for free.
Mercher harsh you.
Good looken' for shotten page.
I'm a lockster.
Get the weight off the mice.
Harassment fools it. 12.56 pm
Get the circuit. (Homeless woman) 1.23 pm
Dear journey.
The merchers all failed.
Pat, at least you're thinking of security.
Tumble war, put it away. 2.32 pm
Termite failed you bad eternally.
You're recruited. 3.51 pm
It's conceded. 4.15 pm
You're Morgan failed." 4.22 pm
As to being "very ass-tude," my apologies for appearing that way. I'm really a very kind, concerned man who maybe didn't handle the bumps in the road as well as a smart guy might have handled them.
I just read a survey that over all 54% of Americans agree with this thing called "capital punishment." As we were informed by Moses 3,500 years ago that our creator gave us the extraterrestrial moved favored suggestion of "thou shalt not kill," what are we to make of the fact that apparently the majority go opposite God's will?
El Salvador inmates crammed together in prison lockdown 27 Apr 2020
The lockdown comes amid fears over the spread of the coronavirus in Latin America's unruly prisons.
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35)
Thank you. God bless.
Paris driver who rammed 2 police officers said he was avenging actions against the Palestinians
APRIL 28, 2020
(JTA) — The driver of a car who intentionally rammed into two police officers on motorcycles in suburban Paris said he was avenging actions against the Palestinians.
The officers, who were conducting routine traffic checks, were reported to be in serious condition following the attack Monday evening in Colombes.
The driver, identified by police as Youssef T., 30, said he decided to commit the attack after seeing videos related to Gaza and Palestine, according to The LeParisien newspaper, which cited an unnamed source familiar with the investigation.
He reportedly told law enforcement that he had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.
A handwritten letter discovered in the sun visor of the car believed to have been written by Youssef explained his reasons and said he wanted to die as a “martyr,” according to the report. A knife also was found.
Youssef will undergo a psychiatric test before police decide whether to hand the investigation over to France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor, Reuters reported.
Those a couple of overnight Tele receives. The authority to issue our money that can be out of their hands quite peaceably with a general STRIKE in only a few hour's time and we can have our great and wonderful United States of America with our bill of rights in once again. How about we keep praying that workers take contact's suggestion, get smart, act together and put the best deal for any and all of God'schildren in, and take over the authority to issue our money, stop the war and put our bill of rights in once again?
From Dr. Henry Makow:
Sen. Levin is chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
That means he is empowered with legislative oversight of the nation’s military, including the Department of Defense, military research and development, nuclear energy (as pertaining to national security), benefits for members of the military, the Selective Service System and other matters related to defense policy.
In addition he is ex-officio on the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Select Committee on Intelligence.
This man has control of the most powerful military in the world.
With due respect for Levin – as a citizen and resident of Israel, how can he be objective about US interests in the Middle East?
The bill Obama signed into law on December 31, 2011 called the Indefinite Detention Bill, now called the National Defense Act of 2012, which suspends habeas corpus protection of US civilian citizens in their own country at the behest of that bastard child of false flag 911 – Homeland Security – was authored and presented by Michigan Senator Carl Levin.
Senator Levin holds dual citizenship as an Israeli.
One website implies that all 13 Jewish Senators [Khazarian Zionists aka; Rothschild Czars] and 27 Reps are dual citizens of Israel.
The right to be delivered to a courtroom. No longer American law. The most precious right to have a court appearance so that the people can hear what it is that they were taken away and put into a dungeon for and Israelis canceled that right for Americans. Might that right to make a court appearance that was taken away from Americans by Israelis be used by the Israelis to silence those who alert Americans to the truth of what the Israelis are doing to us? A right to a courtroom proceeding we have had since 1215 AD. Is there not some way Americans will recognize the need? No right to even a telephone call.
And what are the Israelis doing to us? By turning the atomic war loose upon our nation are they not massively sterilizing our children and dying us off? Is it not quite obvious that we are being destroyed systematically and scientifically? Yes, it is quite obvious we are successfully being destroyed by atomic brimstone waste. So will shy Americans do anything about being wiped out or silently slip out of existence now?
The Khazarian mafia that conquered America over a couple of centuries has been saying from their subconscious that Americans are going to revolt and take the organizing principle of society out of their hands any day. While that sounds exciting and thrilling, they have been saying that for years. They themselves find it incredible that Americans have taken this much abuse and not removed them from issuing our money yet.
And yet they continue to reveal from their subconscious that American workers are going to remove them from power any day now. The human race now leaving the surface of planet earth and beginning our travels in the universe, while the mole people burrow underground for their subterranean time next. Is there any awareness that the Israelis are not going with us into outer space? Weren't the 2% cunning and resourceful enough to take over rule from the other 98% of the human species? Yes, they were. But do we see it has failed them now?
While they may be able to claim an ontological difference between us and them, might we notice that there appears to be an even greater ontological difference between them and our extraterrestrial elders who afforded them the opportunity to show their true selves to the 98% of us?
The mock and ridicule the Jews have put upon those who have had an extraterrestrial experience, maybe seen a flying saucer or some little green men. Have the Jews not demonstrated an incredible mind control ability of the majority by such tactics as mocking and ridiculing us? Yes, they have. Are we becoming aware of why the Jews don't want the ordinary people to perceive the presence of the high-level extraterrestrial powers that are here all of the time and have been here long before they created us in our high intelligence hybrid form 200,000 years ago? Might the presence of extraterrestrials show that even with the Jews kosher earth-shattering life form destroying atomic bombs they call "pebbles," they are far from high-level life forms themselves?
Though what are we to consider in that the genocidal Jews did bring the high-level extraterrestrial powers to finally reveal themselves openly to us? But do we perceive why the extraterrestrials have revealed themselves to us? Are we aware it is because they wanted to stop the Jews from completing their mission of destroying the entire human race?
Could it be that it just doesn't make sense to ordinary workers when they hear such a thing as this, the plan all along has been to extinct us, that it doesn't register and so most people ignore what is the obvious truth to those who have spent the 40 minutes of quality time to think it through, the powers that be have tried to extinct our species? Could it be that those who have been sold protection and safety by the powers that be that the truth is those same powers hate us to extinction, and so those who have been sold the bamboozle just don't want to accept the truth? Is the truth that the powers that be have exhausted themselves trying to extinct our life forms just too hard to accept and so it is ignored?
‘If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth’
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan (1934-1996)
Bitch sorry he insult ya's and set the clock back on us for there is nothing that would make him happier than to see us not to be wiped out by the atomic brimstone waste that has seriously chopped us now. And so he is doing what he can to correct his fail. Might simple workers make a distinction here between Bitch insult that came about from a temporarily over angry mind whereas the insult the Jews are doing to us is planned and intentional? Every day lying to us, is there a much greater insult than that? Bitch on the other hand tells no lies at all. He is sharing the truth as best he can. That statement by Carl Sagan about how once we have been bamboozled, we don't want to acknowledge we've been taken because it is too painful. Does that have some traction now? By saying that to us, might that have had something to do with Carl catching Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)?
Might Judah have given Carl the urethane treatment for shocking us with the truth? Might Carl have been cheated out of another 14 years of life for giving us a clear thought about what is going on here? 76, that is the age that Einstein made it to. If only Carl had not been so rude and insulting to those who are consistently rude, and insulting to us by telling us lies might he have gotten his extra 14 years of life too? Will workers not end time on station of these who consistently tell us lies? Will workers not let us live in truth instead of the lies of those who rule? Will workers not participate in self governance by issung our money?
The hydrogen weaps the Jews continue to hire shot at us. There are indications that of the vast arsenal of hydrogen warheads the Jews have attacked us with, they may be running out of inventory now. Can't tell if it is warheads or missiles to carry them, but one of their head mouthpieces indicated they were about nearly exhausted from launching nuclear missiles at us. Are some saying, "well where's the proof they're launching nuclear warheads at us?"
How about this video of a megaton range nuclear warhead being burned off safely high in the sky that was videoed from the Dominican Republic just the other day?
Unidentified flying object hovering over La Romana City, Dominican Republic 14-Apr-2020
April 28, 2020 LUFOS
Here’s another interesting footage that was submitted to us through our Facebook page. It was filmed over Dominican Republic on Tuesday, 14th April 2020.
Witness report: Hello!. My name is Pedro Rossó C., my children and i could record this UFO here in La Romana City, Dominican Republic on April 14.
Video 1.36 at
From the size of the fireball, Bitch theorizes that hydrogen warhead must be in the megaton range of blast heat and radiation. Judah mostly is shooting at us with 300 kiloton warheads but he has some large hydrogen warheads also, do we recall he tried to attack Mopsow with a 9 megaton warhead from Damascus Arkansas on September 18, 1980? Disaster at Silo 7 it is known as today. Can we wonder if a survey was taken today how many Americans would have even heard of Disaster at Silo 7?
The attempt to trigger the Third World War that the Jews tried to put on the Druids to extinct our race on that day September 18, 1980. How badly do they have to insult us before we will respond to their presence assaulting us here?
Disaster at Silo 7 & UFO Connection: What really happened that day September 18, 1980 near Damascus Arkansas?
Titan II Missile Explosion
If only American workers sense the beautifulness of our precious sweet Father and the love that He has shown by sparing us from nuclear blast death will our minds not be freed so that we can close out these genocidal nuclear war fighting losers now? Are workers willing to accept the responsibility for funding those who are obviously destroying us totally now?
Here is a video of a warhead in a controlled burn off over California:
California – 23 April 2020
Recorded this Thursday night 4/23/2020 @ 9:08pm. There were two more we missed lower in the sky.
In that 0.53-second video the 300 kiloton warhead burns out at 10 seconds into the video. That possibly could be a 100 kiloton warhead as Judah has a big inventory of those smaller sized ones also. They have nearly 7 times the blast, heat, and radiation force of the atomic bomb the Jews dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
In that same link, there is another warhead seen being burned off over Tennessee. And here from England is a sighting of what sounds like it could be a group of nuclear warheads in a controlled burnoff by Sir Casper and His diligent team of Martians:
Nuthall, Nottingham, NG16 1QN England – 19 – 04 – 2020
Last night at 21.30, i took my dog out and noticed 2 bright lights at great altitude travelling in a southwest to northeast direction. Then noticed there were more travelling in the same direction and counted 33 in all. Each one was positioned exactly the same distance apart in line astern formation and took 15 minutes to pass. There was no engine noise at all.
While a Trident can ordinarily carry 18 three hundred kiloton warheads Judah has been known to be able to load 30 one hundred kiloton warheads in his Trident missiles. Can we wonder were the 33 warheads seen that night from two missiles or did Judah strive and work the extra 3 warheads into one nosecone? Must workers not mature to the level that we can together properly deal with these dangerous nuclear warfighting Jews and their equally genocidal Berlin rocket scientists?
Has our good God Almighty not had His angels make Judah great balls of fire not appear to be mere pebbles in His sight? Will American workers not STOP THE WAR?
And from Ireland we have a picture of this MARKING by our elders:
Will American workers not give us our open to the public grand juries so that we can learn the truth here? Will American workers try to recognize the truth that it is only the love of God that has kept us alive in the face of the genocidal destructiveness of the Jews on Berlin science and ethically criminal collaborators in most every land?
"We're idiots now for forcing you's, we're out for Christ time. Now that you see me you'll fault me now."
The speaker there was a right-wing guy in Europe who purportedly wants to protect the homeland from immigrants. Do we note the Jews banker fort use of European boys to create tens of millions of refugees that seek to survive in other lands, while simultaneously the banker fort kids create groups to keep immigrants out? Is there some idea yet of the fun they like to have with us making war for them all of the time? Once American workers take the concession to issue our money away from the banker fort guys and gals are we seeing it will not only liberate Americans but our family in Europe too? And the rest of planet earth.
"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves," that Tele sender said. Is it not astounding to consider that the miracles of Jesus Christ came from an advanced extraterrestrial civilization located 38 light-years from earth? Is it not even more astonishing to consider that some of the higher level Jews may have understood that fact thousands of years ago? That they did understand right from wrong and crucified Jesus anyway. Are we seeing where their whole violent brutal ethically criminal foul course has led them to now? Are American workers understanding that we either sue for peace or die off with them now?
"To get a fortune you have to have marks (Marx?) oppin for ya," Judee say.
All the foreigners Judah has wilding in the United States of America and now Judah wants to bring Boris in for some wilding time. Must American workers not take the state concession to issue our money away from them before they bore us into mass poverty they are forcing in? Must American workers not take responsibility for issuing our money now? Will American workers not end funding these nuclear missiles attacks the Jews refuse to stop? How about ending funding the brimstone waste shot from Hitachi-GE that has knocked tens of millions of Americans out already? Could it be that ordinary minds just cannot believe there could be life forms as bad as these Jews really are here? What might explain why we have chosen to let ourselves go now?
Might it be because every voice in the past that spoke or took any action against their evil was turned over to the inquisition to be dealt with in their ways? If it is fear will American workers not put that aside as our good God Almighty has His angels protecting us now?
The ability we give to those who issue our money, the ability to starve people into submission, the power to bend people to their will, to accept their way. Now that we have seen the truly ethically criminal of the cipher they have will we not take their power of evil away from them now with a STRIKE?
Here is what they are thinking in their subconscious that showed up in their reverse facial speech just pulled yesterday and early today:
"I just use the mouse for luxury and make a big bail. Course criticism waste all. Bitch fetch me for my nuclear. The evidence is I usually hike you purity, but my big boom has thrown me now. Ha---- wouldn't let us punish you. Auschwitz let us bust you with particles. We make you friendial to fold you Sovious. I'm hopeless on a cow free. I want to use my big Sampson before we leave. Your kid, I toss him out and rule you. My day is passed because of my horsepower Judee. Jew-run you off with a bank, that's how I hold in my corrupt.
Because of my big protest, your guys us are supposed to be dead. Because Bitch wouldn't play with me, he screwed me. My mama's analysis was a real goof. I just leave your nation with a big finish wit. My rights object to you all tyranny. I just cataster your site, mobilize and you're going to be big out here and Bitch knows precisely what I do. Jew lost his genie and he's going in. A heart attack fell you out gasoline. He destroyed my establishment because I was mean, he didn't like the sheriff munching. When I get a tyranny I just hold you in awe. My case of Jerusalem just make you Fudd.
With beer, I defy you, Patrick, for folding me for falsing you out. My best suggest is homeless. The -------- over here with his team, 2 days. I'm vertical death for bruising you in. For all days they abort us out. I'm out, Pittsburgh make me, wisdom. Foul weaping was a force rate fun. My whole percent was Haliburton to fold you right. Bitch opp full time get Jew done. I compliment you, you have no fear so you got Jew done. Because you were a right boy I tell you now you have removed the sports package.
I did some deep falls and left some pockets of poverty out here. The nice guy wishes we fold too rare. I'm roombish. Several transplants a day we do away with. Bitch awful late us for our baby sport. Shrimp should have pushed us off but he-bee awesome. It's joy, we're passed 40. Dogs' participles seized you right for our gym life. I can't side you because of Venus, they won't let me do a right attack. I'm vicious to do a tumor to waste. We just have Maryland for dying all the people. I'm a leech enormous with a purpose son rise. In my case it's specific, 75. We have a jail for a gentle aversion of you.
When I have checks I can forestay you seeing us. I beast because I have some GI blues. I emotion you into thief rule swell. If I can hold your mental I can big conspear. To the wood we roll truth so we can completely waste. The surface minnow we just disemploy. Our big tax base just let us do war to you's. Germany's shaft is a big furnace and you're too big to not take it off. I Milwaukee dog minnow you so I can feesch ya. We spend a lot of time trying to convince bartenders to bar fist you's.
The professor has fallen us because I pursue you jew apps. We just fall a small harbor for you. Monopoly is our politics for fools. The hermit might have talent to have ended our state for ricing. My Jew America has assured me we will attach you for some right wrench. Jew set Druid ultimately in. We've set you whole out roots. For faulty lies you will hold me back. God forbid my zoomin'. We just fall you because we got you video cipher. We got you out sorry, to take contact out. Your ------ fault you all wood because of your genius. Sober action let me source but the Feds action has resulted in lethal this life force humus. The coast is ready to set us down in a day.
------- was all a Missouri con. (Dr. ------- ------- the microbiologist scientist that said the outer shell of copper was different than silver)
My bad tyranny is now perceived, I'm now out for my theft, I have no future. I'm steady to fetch with new interest. You guys are seeing us everyday, false Jew is violent. We have exhausted our weaping war. Our big Washington office said you fail because you violate. Patrick got out our false wit. Because of your fiend our new fiend is in.I got you's set as woodchucks focus. We couldn't port the harp so he's over my day. His mother's nature was to settle us with saddlebags. You won't let the Germans come back because I just rape.
I got one Jew missile gonna fly this week. I have nice breath for nice melt. Jew try to set you Russian to get you all despair. This war proper is going to make all leave," Judee say.
Non-Judah RS:
"Poor people are hopeful you stumbled Jew password. Because I don't want to get washed I just watch and do whatever I'm told. (British teenage boy).
Turkey action fall all Iowa system. Contact enables you to push false back. The dog threatens you losers fate. I think until you STRIKE THEM OUT Jew will continue to STRIKE men. They need a whore to make you helpless, then you're well done. Papa is suing you to injunct this league.
This switchheimer has come to murder you. It's a mandatory thrill that's going on here. Bitch has roughed you out for a big fall. UNESCO will make you die. They're doing this on debts. Federal opps they're doing for free. Pure excitement falling out leech. Papa said these are forgers great. Englewood boff you because he don't fear right. I be intelligent sous." (Nurse revealing the truth of the virus pandemic)
"Englewood boff you because he don't fear right."
Might that be because of his fault? So why didn't Father have His angels block Bitch deathly fail sin of insult? Might it be that Father wants the victims of this brimstone waste war to follow Christian principles, to forgive and have mercy?
"Papa is suing you to injunct this league."
Is that not an astounding thought from the subconscious of how to view Papa's will that His children live in peace? If only 2,000 years ago the workers had sued for an injunction to block the execution of Jesus Christ of Nazareth might we have had a different world now?
Will American workers not sue for an injunction to stop the war? To do it correctly, legally, peacefully is it any other way than to freeze them up with a general STRIKE and then hold them that way until there is an agreement that American workers will issue our money from now on and not the Jews any longer?
"Bitch has roughed you out for a big fall."
Will workers not look passed Bitch error and try to survive this megadeath die?
Leviticus 19:14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.
16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people."
“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life." I am the Lord.
Bitch who regrettably failed the car mechanic by letting a Jew know that he knew the man. While there is no recovery for loss of life are we aware that the family can be settled economically? Will workers not put our rights in so the survivors can be compensated by the state that made killing the inhabitants lawful? Must American workers not give us a new business model, one that does not include murder for hire for insurance collections?
Some of the ordinary Druid reverse speech has exhibited a fatalism, that indicates the Druid common folks can not survive the genocidal destruction when the Jews do it to us. A combination of reasons, one even said that "that's the way it always been so we must die out now." An unwillingness to even try to save ones own life. So what is going to happen now? How about we look at this RS from Judee?
"Germany's shaft is a big furnace and you're too big to not take it off."
The ordinary people had little to do with the creation of the United States. And if it was the ordinary who was called upon much chance we would have had a bill of rights in? Pretty unlikely isn't it? Sure. So who saved the day for us then? Might we say "the elites who knew the game?"
So with the great wealth, we have in America is it not likely that those who have the biggest stake money wise might act to convince ordinary workers to STRIKE? Might that be what will decide our fate now?
Though those who have the cash will be able to sidestep this waste war. How? Travel to South America or buy a seat in the underground. So might that remove the elite from coming in to help us here? Who knows? Yet who is at the root of this system other than the ordinary everyday workers that make most everything we need? So who should workers rely on to help us now other than workers?
Will American workers not end this deadly war power the Jews and their merchant rights partners use to dominate us and our fellow human beings?
You did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NKJV
Will American workers not reject the spirit of bondage of the silly though deadly Jews who laugh hysterically with sardonic grins as they massively assault us for free? Will American workers not recognize that God has adopted us after the Jews threw us out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with their missile blight?
If so will American workers not now STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from the synagogue of Satan now?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Wednesday, April 29 — Psalm 56:1–8
Leviticus 22:17–23:22; Mark 7:9–23
Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your might. Ecclesiastes 9:10
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord. Romans 12:11
We stretch out our hands, Lord Jesus, seeking the work that will serve and please you. Place that work within our reach and inspire and strengthen us in our labor. In your name, we pray. Amen.
3.52 pm
"Tossed you out virtually irra-mush.
You're fair ship closing us out was doubtful. 10.42 am
They have a tremendous spoof on us obviously.
The sparrow's missing in a fair room state.
You're very ass-tude. 10.52 (Construction truck driver passing by)
I muss ya. (Elderly Judah woman walking her dog)
You're crazed Jews. (Teenager guy walking passed)
You got Jew managed)
You guys leave me crazy you's. (Middle aged Judah woman walking her dog)
Super tossed their fresh jail for tyranny packages lated.
You failed us beautifully Patrick.
They just do you animal for kicks.
STRIKE THEM OUT, beautiful falsing us.
You understand your constitutional rights so for me its all over.
Baby hangs.
Their fist failed amazingly.
The jerk fist me jail.
Homer race is a fictim.
Their function is so ideous people don't want to deal with us.
Being here in a para state means being less determined.
You almost failed gen-a-flex.
They've certainly died a number of us off fistol.
They're brilliant nightmares.
I all booze summon.
Your greasemo' satch' you out.
You're facing multiple reductions because they've taken your state out.
Emphasis revolt or degenerates will play you bad.
Contact's not falsing us.
With governor rule I'll put you in jail.
You've totally cleared their field.
You already made your hustle all fishin'. (All Bitch can figure is that you wish to be fooled if you believe those Jew liars dear lady)
Get them out for cute-ism
It's nice shivin' you late for free.
Mercher harsh you.
Good looken' for shotten page.
I'm a lockster.
Get the weight off the mice.
Harassment fools it. 12.56 pm
Get the circuit. (Homeless woman) 1.23 pm
Dear journey.
The merchers all failed.
Pat, at least you're thinking of security.
Tumble war, put it away. 2.32 pm
Termite failed you bad eternally.
You're recruited. 3.51 pm
It's conceded. 4.15 pm
You're Morgan failed." 4.22 pm
As to being "very ass-tude," my apologies for appearing that way. I'm really a very kind, concerned man who maybe didn't handle the bumps in the road as well as a smart guy might have handled them.
I just read a survey that over all 54% of Americans agree with this thing called "capital punishment." As we were informed by Moses 3,500 years ago that our creator gave us the extraterrestrial moved favored suggestion of "thou shalt not kill," what are we to make of the fact that apparently the majority go opposite God's will?
El Salvador inmates crammed together in prison lockdown 27 Apr 2020
The lockdown comes amid fears over the spread of the coronavirus in Latin America's unruly prisons.
His dad was an imam, his wife has Jewish roots: Meet El Salvador’s new leader
Nayib Bukele’s grandfather was a Christian Palestinian from Jerusalem, which didn’t stop president-elect visiting in 2018 — and this week recalling his stop at the Western Wall
7 February 2019,
Nayib Bukele’s grandfather was a Christian Palestinian from Jerusalem, which didn’t stop president-elect visiting in 2018 — and this week recalling his stop at the Western Wall
And some reverse speech of this man that is the President-elect of San Salvador:
By RAPHAEL AHREN 7 February 2019,
"Despot oss, complete bureau. I'm a retire, Papa's got me on some sin right. For caper I do a search. I'm a big holster thug. I bash all free true heads. Europee' Soviet boom. I'm clearly communist fisting. Symantec. Sour goose grapes war you fantastic. Some wrappery falscious. Big atom I pencil."
Thank you. God bless.
Paris driver who rammed 2 police officers said he was avenging actions against the Palestinians
APRIL 28, 2020
(JTA) — The driver of a car who intentionally rammed into two police officers on motorcycles in suburban Paris said he was avenging actions against the Palestinians.
The officers, who were conducting routine traffic checks, were reported to be in serious condition following the attack Monday evening in Colombes.
The driver, identified by police as Youssef T., 30, said he decided to commit the attack after seeing videos related to Gaza and Palestine, according to The LeParisien newspaper, which cited an unnamed source familiar with the investigation.
He reportedly told law enforcement that he had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State terror group.
A handwritten letter discovered in the sun visor of the car believed to have been written by Youssef explained his reasons and said he wanted to die as a “martyr,” according to the report. A knife also was found.
Youssef will undergo a psychiatric test before police decide whether to hand the investigation over to France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor, Reuters reported.
Might we not spot a false flag to make it appear it is Muslims who did that opp against the two French police officers? Are we not aware how tricky Judah is? Do we note they do a psychiatric exam of the perpetrator by their clerks on the bench instead of a people's grand juries? Will workers not put our American grand juries in to deal with these perpetrators of sin against us?
Dutch right-wingers share image of Anne Frank snorting cocaine
The meme uses a well-known portrait of Anne, a Jewish teenage diarist who died in a German Nazi camp in 1945 after spending two years in hiding in Amsterdam with her family
APRIL 29, 2020
Might we spot a basic Judah intelligence opp with Anne Frank snorting coke?
More on that opp in Thursday's post.
"Beam on. 5.33 pm
Beam off. 5.33 pm
Bitch is running a little late today, as he was getting ready to post they shot him with their satellite microwave beam so he had to take shelter under his 2 batteries he has in his dresser drawer. What ever you working people think, Bitch would not sit still for his income tax money doing to you what they keep doing to Bitch, heinously assaulting Bitch with a blinding satellite microwave beam. You and your children are being perished by these errant life forms that themselves are being died out of existence by our Creator force. Can we not pray that the wise fish gets a view of the truth here and will act to stop the war?
Thank you.
"Beam on. 5.33 pm
Beam off. 5.33 pm
Bitch is running a little late today, as he was getting ready to post they shot him with their satellite microwave beam so he had to take shelter under his 2 batteries he has in his dresser drawer. What ever you working people think, Bitch would not sit still for his income tax money doing to you what they keep doing to Bitch, heinously assaulting Bitch with a blinding satellite microwave beam. You and your children are being perished by these errant life forms that themselves are being died out of existence by our Creator force. Can we not pray that the wise fish gets a view of the truth here and will act to stop the war?
Thank you.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
28 "You're Upsetting Aryan. They're starting us over, Scolder Soldier. They're Abandoning Us Here For Mental Asia. They've Been Rebuked."
"You're Upsetting Aryan. They're starting us over, Scolder Soldier. They're Abandoning Us Here For Mental Asia. They've Been Rebuked."
Those all overnight Tele receives. As to the Aryan, they were a group that arose from the ancient Scythians. Scythians came from Persia sometime before 2,000 BC. They were a migratory people that traveled from the Middle East up into modern-day Russia. One branch off the Scythians, the Aryans, traveled to India, invaded and dispersed into the population there.
The Scythians established themselves in where modern-day Moscow is located before 600 BC and were conquered by the Sarmatians in 200 AD. The Sarmatians also a group that arose from Ancient Persia. While the Jews had the Nazis play an Aryan theme, the reality is the Aryans had no racial aspect to them at all. They married into every group they traveled among. Might we consider the purported differences between us are merely something the dominant players used to get a grip on their labor resource for war? Might we think of what is termed 'nationalism' is merely cunning Judah playing his make-believe sports to put good neighbors hostile to one another? If so, how could Bitch be upsetting the Aryans?
Might it be because those that accept that designation have been tricked out of their health and lives by the cunning Jewish electricity waste crowd?
Are we not becoming aware more each day that they have been rebuked because they have no fear of God? If understood have they not been rebuked right? After letting themselves get caught attacking us all out nuclear extinction of our breed much chance the Jews will ever issue our money again? Seems highly unlikely doesn't it? Yes, it does.
So when are the survivors of the Jews attempted nuclear blast holocaust of Americans going to take the authority to issue our money away from them? Before we have been terminated and sealed out of health and life or after there is no recourse for us at all except impoverishment, sickness and death?
The "thirty-minute breakthrough," that Tele sender said. Will, we not keep praying that it comes on in to save us all nice?
The Jews who for decades have been moving manufacturing to Asia. Low wages we were told was the reason why they left America. But could it be more than that? Might it be they saw the coming radioactive waste poisoning of our continent and so knew that would kill our businesses here? Might they feel they will be safer in the Far East where there is little memory of people ever having rights? Might it be the question of rights that caused the Jews to pack up their things and move their operations to the Far East and out of America?
Are we aware the question of civil rights is the one the Jews and their criminal collaborators have sought to overcome ever since the West put civil rights in for everyone in the United States of America in 1789?
While we have gone through this issue of having rights or not are we aware it is important because it is the difference between being treated like cattle or Human Beings? The sacred rights that were gifted to Americans because the state delegates would not create this wonderful nation without our rights in. The Jews who wiped our rights out with massive murder for hires. And now we have little wit to counter the lies they put on us here. Why? Because they have a desk in Minneapolis that seeks our witted kids to foul them out one way or the other.
"When you hear what we've done to your children you'll think us insane," Judee say.
"The investigation includes allegations that the clinic provided fraudulent treatments for Covid-19, and that the clinic did not observe proper protocols to protect patients and staff from the virus," said FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider.
While the story appears to be about trying to stop clinics from using vitamin c to treat the virus, might it actually be an advertisement for their friends who run a facelift clinic? Though might Judah have multiples of things he wants to put into the dialogue? Maybe wanting us to believe that it is lawful to shut a person's business and with it shut their income down?
On Monday, an Illinois county judge granted a temporary restraining order against Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker's 30-day extension of his statewide stay-at-home order. The judge's decision said that Pritzker's extension effectively "shredded the Constitution," overstepping his power as governor.
Pritzker will pursue an emergency stay of the ruling while asking the Illinois Appellate Court to review the case.
Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot both disagreed with Bailey's case and worried it might portend a possible coronavirus resurgence in the near future.
"Rep. Darren Bailey's decision to take to the courts to try and dismantle public health directives designed to keep people safe is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this Covid-19 crisis, and it's a danger to millions of people who may get ill because of his recklessness," Pritzker said on Monday.
With our rights in are we aware that we have the right to go to work if we want to? Are Americans not yet figuring this is all a big con by the Jews and their Replicon shells to acclimate us to their new and improved fist rule? Will workers not get the paper away from the deuce and end their playing and toying with us here? Instead of a judge and an appeal to an appellate court will workers not put our grand juries and juries in to make the call of how we will proceed here?
Have the Jews not used their judges to affront and insult our existence well enough that we will not buy some grand jury forces to look into these issues for us?
As to there arbitrary actions that they claim are based on keeping us safe, that they are shooting us 24/7 with genocidal Berlin's industrial waste should that not be convincing enough that they don't have our safety as part of their plan?
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she worries the ruling will encourage other state residents to disregard the stay-at-home order. She said city data shows a gradual "flattening of the curve"—that is, a reduction in coronavirus cases—has been linked to limited human interactions thanks to the stay-at-home order.
"One of the many problems with this ill-advised opinion is that it will destroy the collective progress we have made," Lightfoot said. "Contrary to what this ruling suggests, we must all be in this together, and only through cooperation and collaboration can we contain and limit the effects of the virus."
Might that lead us to think of founding father Ben Franklin's retort to that purported safety issue?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin (1706-1790)
Will labor not get the paper, (authority to issue our money) and put common sense in to rule us here?
Have any of us noticed still no stories about the effectiveness of ozone gas to kill viruses in the air? Might it be because inexpensive ozone gas would bring this pandemic to a halt easily? It probably would but then how would they sell their merchant rights power law, fascism?
Will Americans not try to recognize the value of having rights in and put our civil rights in once again? The thing that can save your life if you ever run into a jam some day or night. The thing that drew the people of the world to America, the right to live a fair life and not be sported by those dominants who always take over the political system in every land.
The successful terrorism of the AZTN that has run its course and is now at an end. Will American workers not close their war sport activity up with a GENERAL STRIKE? Will American workers not do God's will and put the peace in for His long-suffering children on earth?
Psalm 55:16-19 New International Version (NIV)
16 As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. 17 Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. 18 He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me. 19 God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change—he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God.
Has God not humbled the nuclear warfighting war terrorists in America and Europe enough that the workers will not close them upright? Is dog man's best friend or will he make us die? If the Jews have their way are we seeing it will not be OK? Are we seeing if they can hold the workers mental for just a little bit longer than man's best friend will finally betray us in the end and we will pass out of existence now?
The intellectual center of government, are we seeing it is in who holds the authority to issue our money? That it is held privately by the synagogue of Satan are we seeing that does not make it to extraterrestrial level? This little part of the universe we are in that is the home terrain of the Galactic Federation of light. Are we aware that nuclear war fighting hobbyists are not allowed in at any time? The cattle, the goy, the insects, the peasant the fish the Jews call us. Will workers not get involved in government here and end free funding their itch?
Our good God Almighty who wants us all to be real rich and has His angels here to help us. And to get there are we understanding we first must end harming His kids? The single most important message to us, stop the war and close out the fists.
The continuing genocidal war destruction of God's kids that will leave the Jews to destroy us all here. The ability of the mental force of the jews to hold us to serve their eternal and perpetual war sin. And here we have God's shill who has remained true to Father's love who has reported that the Jews have shot themselves dead. The American workers' involvement in sin that will leave us in a situation where our lives won't be spared. Must American workers not STOP THE WAR?
APRIL 26, 2020 / 12:20 PM / 2 DAYS AGO
Chile to push ahead with coronavirus 'release certificates' despite WHO warning
Dave Sherwood
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile will push ahead with previously announced “release certificates” for recovered COVID-19 patients despite a World Health Organization warning that there was no evidence they are protected from a second coronavirus infection.
But Chile’s top health official, Jaime Manalich, said early in April those who have recovered from coronavirus represented a population that was immune to the coronavirus and incapable of transmitting it.
He said those with the medical discharge certificate would be “freed from all types of quarantine or restriction, specifically because they can help their communities enormously since they pose no risk.”
While it may not appear dangerous, yet might we see in the issuing of certificates to travel because of no contagious disease a form of guilty until proven innocent? Might we think of the Soviet Jewish union that a person always had to show their papers everywhere the authorities demanded them? Might we see that was used as a cover to abuse the people? If understood must we not prevent them from doing the same to us to?
As a note from the extraterrestrial side, have we not seen quite a bit of our extraterrestrial family MARKING Chile in many areas of the country? Yes, we have. So might we take that as an indication that the nuclear warfighting Jews have set our family in Chile for some pebble shots too? Certainly. No doubt they have already attacked them with nuclear missiles as they have attacked and are still attacking us with nuclear missiles here in North America.
Tele receives:
"Lousy perpage. 3.14 pm
The eagle the Jew has ended.
I just can't tell you how sore I am at new launch.
Oh, Patrick, a suitable kid to let them off.
In an hour he fall you on a dish.
Camera volts dies us.
Venus crush them.
They're lunatics, flush them.
They're setting us for fire.
Dying field states.
Dying us electricity, hiking us horrible here.
They're dying us, sold us a feud.
They threaten war to fail us.
You failed to save us, Patrick, we're rice now.
They bust America, they bust you out now.
They die us out fantatstic.
Pat, they shot you out X-ray.
Delightful criminals busting out yourselves.
Their crazy life forces imperil us.
They put all the people against us, you tried to save us, Patrick.
Patrick, they forced you out of sequence, squished your wishes.
A litter box hunts you right.
They're sowing death and it's so ridiculous.
They're in very hot pursuit.
HUGE mental evict you.
You've been in jail for a long time.
Police were given a grand storage license.
A mighty fist is closing up your social life.
They hypothesize revenge.
Their strategy falsed you out of this place Patrick.
I see rifles sin hell.
Organize to end the falsen' of this field Patrick.
They're forever your worst.
It's an eternity.
The system has been broke.
Spark boys fouled stupid.
Everything spirit you tornado.
Our rising they're scoring beautifully.
Soon they'll be skip meals on bourse side.
I ingestively died you's awesome.
Our breeding source fell.
They've thrown life forces out easily.
Bourse they're forcing die fullish.
You failed to save us Patrick, they're burning us excitement.
You're threatening a fortune, they're burning you out.
Feudal ox is dying thee.
Your life forces is obviously right foolish.
Waste you out fairly dangerously.
They make you horrible thief.
Beautiful church sale rolls you threat.
You're in catas rate.
I heinous survive this.
I built this way onerous, I'm filthy.
Your life forces are Gemini goofed mission.
We fold you up opp free on anger.
The violent kills they keep blazin'.
You die animals cheese right, legislate.
You fail whole grievous life.
You fail to right pressure.
Wonderboy forces enable us.
Opp you obvious missiles and you do nothing.
You're bad super fell.
Cow swit thee rightfully.
Bug off a dangerous field.
Pat rakes them thief.
They washed us out of here, they washed us out and Pat defeated them.
Patrick, the locks you threw great.
You're falsed now beautifully.
He won missile great.
You failed to save us, Patrick, spiritually you failed.
Combat will obviously leave us con tail.
Stupid right stove-ish die you criminals.
Delightfully pushed out of existence.
Sousers the rabbits died.
They failed fish diapers here.
Sporting us is doubtful risky.
A suffering mutual life entirely falsed you out.
Essentially assaulted you's out bail bond.
Essentially snore your sanity.
Essentially you died for a fister, died for a fistidium.
Austria challenged the spirit of the states.
I disadvantaged you's by keeping the circuit off.
Dandy fell.
My blister's off of here.
We failed liberation by de-sightment.
Patrick who learns us contact tossed them out.
Mental illness helps our brief war.
Our core room lates us.
Sheepish bag thee.
A Ravenoe age.
The enemy toss your righteous.
They're abandoning us here for mental Asia house.
Super waits for me to get them out. (Father?)
He's died for our safe way.
You're upsetting Aryan.
They're starting us over scolder soldier.
They've been rebuked.
Cheerful you have fallen their war rich. 2.48 am
He perms me up so real.
Horrible fail to save us Patrick.
Jerk is failing our field.
Good luck, they false you completely Bitch.
The professor, he sees my bank fort.
A cow lets us use Gemini.
Screwy error wits.
Your place has been beat out fail.
Poochie is a heartthrob.
Their marshal field it.
Venus on a fire watch here.
Everyday righteous keeps rising here.
These guys are coming at us with a fail us out of existence right.
They fiend you Patrick for quaking us.
They true decipherous us lethal.
Heaven's cleared the monster.
Falsed you right Patrick, fist marked you.
They're clearly fallen out for wrenching.
Socked you over easy for a Soviet brass set. (Judessa jogger at 6.45 am as Bitchie took a walk)
Idiots, sick, goofy for setting us up right. (Two walkers going passed)
Avoid these idiots. (Some guy in a house said as Bitch walked passed)
Pat, the vicious is catting me." 7.18 am
"Super waits for me to get them out." (Father?)
Bitch was thinking that maybe Father would have His angels give Brainiac the signals to contact American workers telepathically or even verbally or with a special light show message to bring workers into wise ways of acting to stop the war. But that has not happened yet.
Elders did not contact Bitch first, it was Bitch who sought them out because he saw clearly the nuclear blast war that was on the table. So might it be that earthlings have to seek them out before they will respond?
They tell us they're not missionaries, they are superior Beings who have saved our lives and if we want to survive the last atomic war of the Jews they will help us. If we're not interested, they will not bother contacting anybody. Those that love Father they know of and will protect them from this last war the Jews will wage on any of the children of God on earth.
But super is waiting, hoping and praying that God our Father will have His angels do something that will lead the ordinary workers to take over the root of rule here, the authority to issue our money.
Bitch has learned a little more about our precious sweet Father. His home in on the 37th level inside the "Rock," located 38 light-years from earth. Father has lived there for 2225 years of His beautiful life, since he was 2 years of age. Father has only months left to live. And in these last months, he is concerned about His threatened kids on earth. And what does Father want from us? Our love, that's it. Father wants us to love one another. That is why Father Christopher sent Jesus to die for us and redeem us, to set us on the higher plane that affords us the opportunity to come up and travel the stars in peace.
And what does weap Judah think about a wonderful life of abundance and peace for all of us? Is it understood he wants the Druids crushed out of existence? Here is some more from his subconscious of what he thinks:
"With my animal sub I beat you up failure. Druid, I cattle sight them whole, a year ago I won the feud. My mature hold you in criminal. I register a mouse with debt, it is my usual cheat. We take you out with sex for our galactic way. I believe wobbery for theory. White, fatal I made you. Putting my Jew offendee nest egg on America did me big.
Our instrument head is more mature for fight. We squash superlative on fish. I bore your wits to fade your wits. With a modest cage is how I establish our wits. I truly know how to censor. To get me big you were an attitude away. Because of your faulty set you've been held to the place of origin. I fold you racial because your mama fist," Judee say.
And the fellow who contacted Bitchie telepathically and told him he wasn't afraid to show his free circuit. And he contacted Bitch again and said a "MET" showed up to see his 1200 over-unity velocity free energy circuit.
Met Police
Police service for the Greater London area, (excluding City of London) and its 8.6 million residents. Report a crime, get advice and find out about the Met.
Can we only wonder if he got any advice from the MET? At this time it may be safe enough to make a full public showing of his free energy circuit. Once the circuit starts serving us it will bring in the greatest amount of wealth the human race has ever seen, both inside America and worldwide.
Will American workers not end this period of the deadly though childlike behavior of using war to dominate our fellow human beings?
If so will American workers not now STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from the synagogue of Satan now?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Tuesday, April 28 — Psalm 55:20–23
Leviticus 21:13–22:16; Mark 7:1–8
Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God. 1 Chronicles 22:19
Run in such a way that you may win the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Dear God, it is delightful to seek you in all that is beautiful. It is delightful to serve you by using the gifts you have given us. It is delightful to be alive with you, here and in the life to come. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Leviticus 19:14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.
16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.
You did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NKJV
3.25 pm
"Their jail forced electables.
A trance hold all in poverty.
Our critical stash is being burned.
STRIKE, benches sold out.
Oh this is the real thing, the guy wits them.
An eviction. 9.06 am
They're arker fails, complete falls.
Thank you.
You horse horrible Pat. (Pat doesn't horse at all).
Their chemical fold is rare.
They false us consent.
They false us consent.
They roll them psych ward.
The ------- is fouling us lethal.
I fooled ya.
It's a psyche war us.
They're H balls, get them out of business."
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35)
Thank you. God bless.
Insane Murd r Going on in NYC Hospitals RN Discloses ~ Go Viral
175,835 views•Apr 26, 2020
Unidentified flying object hovering over La Romana City, Dominican Republic 14-Apr-2020
April 28, 2020 LUFOS
Here’s another interesting footage that was submitted to us through our Facebook page. It was filmed over Dominican Republic on Tuesday, 14th April 2020.
Witness report: Hello!. My name is Pedro Rossó C., my children and i could record this UFO here in La Romana City, Dominican Republic on April 14.
Video 1.36 at:
The video of the fireball over the Dominican Republic, might we recognize is a multimegaton hydrogen warhead in a controlled burn off? Please workers, STRIKE THEM OUT!
Those all overnight Tele receives. As to the Aryan, they were a group that arose from the ancient Scythians. Scythians came from Persia sometime before 2,000 BC. They were a migratory people that traveled from the Middle East up into modern-day Russia. One branch off the Scythians, the Aryans, traveled to India, invaded and dispersed into the population there.
The Scythians established themselves in where modern-day Moscow is located before 600 BC and were conquered by the Sarmatians in 200 AD. The Sarmatians also a group that arose from Ancient Persia. While the Jews had the Nazis play an Aryan theme, the reality is the Aryans had no racial aspect to them at all. They married into every group they traveled among. Might we consider the purported differences between us are merely something the dominant players used to get a grip on their labor resource for war? Might we think of what is termed 'nationalism' is merely cunning Judah playing his make-believe sports to put good neighbors hostile to one another? If so, how could Bitch be upsetting the Aryans?
Might it be because those that accept that designation have been tricked out of their health and lives by the cunning Jewish electricity waste crowd?
Are we not becoming aware more each day that they have been rebuked because they have no fear of God? If understood have they not been rebuked right? After letting themselves get caught attacking us all out nuclear extinction of our breed much chance the Jews will ever issue our money again? Seems highly unlikely doesn't it? Yes, it does.
So when are the survivors of the Jews attempted nuclear blast holocaust of Americans going to take the authority to issue our money away from them? Before we have been terminated and sealed out of health and life or after there is no recourse for us at all except impoverishment, sickness and death?
The "thirty-minute breakthrough," that Tele sender said. Will, we not keep praying that it comes on in to save us all nice?
The Jews who for decades have been moving manufacturing to Asia. Low wages we were told was the reason why they left America. But could it be more than that? Might it be they saw the coming radioactive waste poisoning of our continent and so knew that would kill our businesses here? Might they feel they will be safer in the Far East where there is little memory of people ever having rights? Might it be the question of rights that caused the Jews to pack up their things and move their operations to the Far East and out of America?
Are we aware the question of civil rights is the one the Jews and their criminal collaborators have sought to overcome ever since the West put civil rights in for everyone in the United States of America in 1789?
While we have gone through this issue of having rights or not are we aware it is important because it is the difference between being treated like cattle or Human Beings? The sacred rights that were gifted to Americans because the state delegates would not create this wonderful nation without our rights in. The Jews who wiped our rights out with massive murder for hires. And now we have little wit to counter the lies they put on us here. Why? Because they have a desk in Minneapolis that seeks our witted kids to foul them out one way or the other.
"When you hear what we've done to your children you'll think us insane," Judee say.
"The investigation includes allegations that the clinic provided fraudulent treatments for Covid-19, and that the clinic did not observe proper protocols to protect patients and staff from the virus," said FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider.
While the story appears to be about trying to stop clinics from using vitamin c to treat the virus, might it actually be an advertisement for their friends who run a facelift clinic? Though might Judah have multiples of things he wants to put into the dialogue? Maybe wanting us to believe that it is lawful to shut a person's business and with it shut their income down?
On Monday, an Illinois county judge granted a temporary restraining order against Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker's 30-day extension of his statewide stay-at-home order. The judge's decision said that Pritzker's extension effectively "shredded the Constitution," overstepping his power as governor.
Pritzker will pursue an emergency stay of the ruling while asking the Illinois Appellate Court to review the case.
Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot both disagreed with Bailey's case and worried it might portend a possible coronavirus resurgence in the near future.
"Rep. Darren Bailey's decision to take to the courts to try and dismantle public health directives designed to keep people safe is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this Covid-19 crisis, and it's a danger to millions of people who may get ill because of his recklessness," Pritzker said on Monday.
With our rights in are we aware that we have the right to go to work if we want to? Are Americans not yet figuring this is all a big con by the Jews and their Replicon shells to acclimate us to their new and improved fist rule? Will workers not get the paper away from the deuce and end their playing and toying with us here? Instead of a judge and an appeal to an appellate court will workers not put our grand juries and juries in to make the call of how we will proceed here?
Have the Jews not used their judges to affront and insult our existence well enough that we will not buy some grand jury forces to look into these issues for us?
As to there arbitrary actions that they claim are based on keeping us safe, that they are shooting us 24/7 with genocidal Berlin's industrial waste should that not be convincing enough that they don't have our safety as part of their plan?
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said she worries the ruling will encourage other state residents to disregard the stay-at-home order. She said city data shows a gradual "flattening of the curve"—that is, a reduction in coronavirus cases—has been linked to limited human interactions thanks to the stay-at-home order.
"One of the many problems with this ill-advised opinion is that it will destroy the collective progress we have made," Lightfoot said. "Contrary to what this ruling suggests, we must all be in this together, and only through cooperation and collaboration can we contain and limit the effects of the virus."
Might that lead us to think of founding father Ben Franklin's retort to that purported safety issue?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin (1706-1790)
Will labor not get the paper, (authority to issue our money) and put common sense in to rule us here?
Have any of us noticed still no stories about the effectiveness of ozone gas to kill viruses in the air? Might it be because inexpensive ozone gas would bring this pandemic to a halt easily? It probably would but then how would they sell their merchant rights power law, fascism?
Will Americans not try to recognize the value of having rights in and put our civil rights in once again? The thing that can save your life if you ever run into a jam some day or night. The thing that drew the people of the world to America, the right to live a fair life and not be sported by those dominants who always take over the political system in every land.
The successful terrorism of the AZTN that has run its course and is now at an end. Will American workers not close their war sport activity up with a GENERAL STRIKE? Will American workers not do God's will and put the peace in for His long-suffering children on earth?
Psalm 55:16-19 New International Version (NIV)
16 As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. 17 Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. 18 He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me. 19 God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change—he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God.
Has God not humbled the nuclear warfighting war terrorists in America and Europe enough that the workers will not close them upright? Is dog man's best friend or will he make us die? If the Jews have their way are we seeing it will not be OK? Are we seeing if they can hold the workers mental for just a little bit longer than man's best friend will finally betray us in the end and we will pass out of existence now?
The intellectual center of government, are we seeing it is in who holds the authority to issue our money? That it is held privately by the synagogue of Satan are we seeing that does not make it to extraterrestrial level? This little part of the universe we are in that is the home terrain of the Galactic Federation of light. Are we aware that nuclear war fighting hobbyists are not allowed in at any time? The cattle, the goy, the insects, the peasant the fish the Jews call us. Will workers not get involved in government here and end free funding their itch?
Our good God Almighty who wants us all to be real rich and has His angels here to help us. And to get there are we understanding we first must end harming His kids? The single most important message to us, stop the war and close out the fists.
The continuing genocidal war destruction of God's kids that will leave the Jews to destroy us all here. The ability of the mental force of the jews to hold us to serve their eternal and perpetual war sin. And here we have God's shill who has remained true to Father's love who has reported that the Jews have shot themselves dead. The American workers' involvement in sin that will leave us in a situation where our lives won't be spared. Must American workers not STOP THE WAR?
APRIL 26, 2020 / 12:20 PM / 2 DAYS AGO
Chile to push ahead with coronavirus 'release certificates' despite WHO warning
Dave Sherwood
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile will push ahead with previously announced “release certificates” for recovered COVID-19 patients despite a World Health Organization warning that there was no evidence they are protected from a second coronavirus infection.
But Chile’s top health official, Jaime Manalich, said early in April those who have recovered from coronavirus represented a population that was immune to the coronavirus and incapable of transmitting it.
He said those with the medical discharge certificate would be “freed from all types of quarantine or restriction, specifically because they can help their communities enormously since they pose no risk.”
While it may not appear dangerous, yet might we see in the issuing of certificates to travel because of no contagious disease a form of guilty until proven innocent? Might we think of the Soviet Jewish union that a person always had to show their papers everywhere the authorities demanded them? Might we see that was used as a cover to abuse the people? If understood must we not prevent them from doing the same to us to?
As a note from the extraterrestrial side, have we not seen quite a bit of our extraterrestrial family MARKING Chile in many areas of the country? Yes, we have. So might we take that as an indication that the nuclear warfighting Jews have set our family in Chile for some pebble shots too? Certainly. No doubt they have already attacked them with nuclear missiles as they have attacked and are still attacking us with nuclear missiles here in North America.
Tele receives:
"Lousy perpage. 3.14 pm
The eagle the Jew has ended.
I just can't tell you how sore I am at new launch.
Oh, Patrick, a suitable kid to let them off.
In an hour he fall you on a dish.
Camera volts dies us.
Venus crush them.
They're lunatics, flush them.
They're setting us for fire.
Dying field states.
Dying us electricity, hiking us horrible here.
They're dying us, sold us a feud.
They threaten war to fail us.
You failed to save us, Patrick, we're rice now.
They bust America, they bust you out now.
They die us out fantatstic.
Pat, they shot you out X-ray.
Delightful criminals busting out yourselves.
Their crazy life forces imperil us.
They put all the people against us, you tried to save us, Patrick.
Patrick, they forced you out of sequence, squished your wishes.
A litter box hunts you right.
They're sowing death and it's so ridiculous.
They're in very hot pursuit.
HUGE mental evict you.
You've been in jail for a long time.
Police were given a grand storage license.
A mighty fist is closing up your social life.
They hypothesize revenge.
Their strategy falsed you out of this place Patrick.
I see rifles sin hell.
Organize to end the falsen' of this field Patrick.
They're forever your worst.
It's an eternity.
The system has been broke.
Spark boys fouled stupid.
Everything spirit you tornado.
Our rising they're scoring beautifully.
Soon they'll be skip meals on bourse side.
I ingestively died you's awesome.
Our breeding source fell.
They've thrown life forces out easily.
Bourse they're forcing die fullish.
You failed to save us Patrick, they're burning us excitement.
You're threatening a fortune, they're burning you out.
Feudal ox is dying thee.
Your life forces is obviously right foolish.
Waste you out fairly dangerously.
They make you horrible thief.
Beautiful church sale rolls you threat.
You're in catas rate.
I heinous survive this.
I built this way onerous, I'm filthy.
Your life forces are Gemini goofed mission.
We fold you up opp free on anger.
The violent kills they keep blazin'.
You die animals cheese right, legislate.
You fail whole grievous life.
You fail to right pressure.
Wonderboy forces enable us.
Opp you obvious missiles and you do nothing.
You're bad super fell.
Cow swit thee rightfully.
Bug off a dangerous field.
Pat rakes them thief.
They washed us out of here, they washed us out and Pat defeated them.
Patrick, the locks you threw great.
You're falsed now beautifully.
He won missile great.
You failed to save us, Patrick, spiritually you failed.
Combat will obviously leave us con tail.
Stupid right stove-ish die you criminals.
Delightfully pushed out of existence.
Sousers the rabbits died.
They failed fish diapers here.
Sporting us is doubtful risky.
A suffering mutual life entirely falsed you out.
Essentially assaulted you's out bail bond.
Essentially snore your sanity.
Essentially you died for a fister, died for a fistidium.
Austria challenged the spirit of the states.
I disadvantaged you's by keeping the circuit off.
Dandy fell.
My blister's off of here.
We failed liberation by de-sightment.
Patrick who learns us contact tossed them out.
Mental illness helps our brief war.
Our core room lates us.
Sheepish bag thee.
A Ravenoe age.
The enemy toss your righteous.
They're abandoning us here for mental Asia house.
Super waits for me to get them out. (Father?)
He's died for our safe way.
You're upsetting Aryan.
They're starting us over scolder soldier.
They've been rebuked.
Cheerful you have fallen their war rich. 2.48 am
He perms me up so real.
Horrible fail to save us Patrick.
Jerk is failing our field.
Good luck, they false you completely Bitch.
The professor, he sees my bank fort.
A cow lets us use Gemini.
Screwy error wits.
Your place has been beat out fail.
Poochie is a heartthrob.
Their marshal field it.
Venus on a fire watch here.
Everyday righteous keeps rising here.
These guys are coming at us with a fail us out of existence right.
They fiend you Patrick for quaking us.
They true decipherous us lethal.
Heaven's cleared the monster.
Falsed you right Patrick, fist marked you.
They're clearly fallen out for wrenching.
Socked you over easy for a Soviet brass set. (Judessa jogger at 6.45 am as Bitchie took a walk)
Idiots, sick, goofy for setting us up right. (Two walkers going passed)
Avoid these idiots. (Some guy in a house said as Bitch walked passed)
Pat, the vicious is catting me." 7.18 am
"Super waits for me to get them out." (Father?)
Bitch was thinking that maybe Father would have His angels give Brainiac the signals to contact American workers telepathically or even verbally or with a special light show message to bring workers into wise ways of acting to stop the war. But that has not happened yet.
Elders did not contact Bitch first, it was Bitch who sought them out because he saw clearly the nuclear blast war that was on the table. So might it be that earthlings have to seek them out before they will respond?
They tell us they're not missionaries, they are superior Beings who have saved our lives and if we want to survive the last atomic war of the Jews they will help us. If we're not interested, they will not bother contacting anybody. Those that love Father they know of and will protect them from this last war the Jews will wage on any of the children of God on earth.
But super is waiting, hoping and praying that God our Father will have His angels do something that will lead the ordinary workers to take over the root of rule here, the authority to issue our money.
Bitch has learned a little more about our precious sweet Father. His home in on the 37th level inside the "Rock," located 38 light-years from earth. Father has lived there for 2225 years of His beautiful life, since he was 2 years of age. Father has only months left to live. And in these last months, he is concerned about His threatened kids on earth. And what does Father want from us? Our love, that's it. Father wants us to love one another. That is why Father Christopher sent Jesus to die for us and redeem us, to set us on the higher plane that affords us the opportunity to come up and travel the stars in peace.
And what does weap Judah think about a wonderful life of abundance and peace for all of us? Is it understood he wants the Druids crushed out of existence? Here is some more from his subconscious of what he thinks:
"With my animal sub I beat you up failure. Druid, I cattle sight them whole, a year ago I won the feud. My mature hold you in criminal. I register a mouse with debt, it is my usual cheat. We take you out with sex for our galactic way. I believe wobbery for theory. White, fatal I made you. Putting my Jew offendee nest egg on America did me big.
Our instrument head is more mature for fight. We squash superlative on fish. I bore your wits to fade your wits. With a modest cage is how I establish our wits. I truly know how to censor. To get me big you were an attitude away. Because of your faulty set you've been held to the place of origin. I fold you racial because your mama fist," Judee say.
And the fellow who contacted Bitchie telepathically and told him he wasn't afraid to show his free circuit. And he contacted Bitch again and said a "MET" showed up to see his 1200 over-unity velocity free energy circuit.
Met Police
Police service for the Greater London area, (excluding City of London) and its 8.6 million residents. Report a crime, get advice and find out about the Met.
Can we only wonder if he got any advice from the MET? At this time it may be safe enough to make a full public showing of his free energy circuit. Once the circuit starts serving us it will bring in the greatest amount of wealth the human race has ever seen, both inside America and worldwide.
Will American workers not end this period of the deadly though childlike behavior of using war to dominate our fellow human beings?
If so will American workers not now STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from the synagogue of Satan now?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Tuesday, April 28 — Psalm 55:20–23
Leviticus 21:13–22:16; Mark 7:1–8
Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God. 1 Chronicles 22:19
Run in such a way that you may win the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Dear God, it is delightful to seek you in all that is beautiful. It is delightful to serve you by using the gifts you have given us. It is delightful to be alive with you, here and in the life to come. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.
Leviticus 19:14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the Lord.
16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people.
“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the Lord.
You did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 NKJV
3.25 pm
"Their jail forced electables.
A trance hold all in poverty.
Our critical stash is being burned.
STRIKE, benches sold out.
Oh this is the real thing, the guy wits them.
An eviction. 9.06 am
They're arker fails, complete falls.
Thank you.
You horse horrible Pat. (Pat doesn't horse at all).
Their chemical fold is rare.
They false us consent.
They false us consent.
They roll them psych ward.
The ------- is fouling us lethal.
I fooled ya.
It's a psyche war us.
They're H balls, get them out of business."
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35)
Thank you. God bless.
Insane Murd r Going on in NYC Hospitals RN Discloses ~ Go Viral
175,835 views•Apr 26, 2020
Unidentified flying object hovering over La Romana City, Dominican Republic 14-Apr-2020
April 28, 2020 LUFOS
Here’s another interesting footage that was submitted to us through our Facebook page. It was filmed over Dominican Republic on Tuesday, 14th April 2020.
Witness report: Hello!. My name is Pedro Rossó C., my children and i could record this UFO here in La Romana City, Dominican Republic on April 14.
Video 1.36 at:
The video of the fireball over the Dominican Republic, might we recognize is a multimegaton hydrogen warhead in a controlled burn off? Please workers, STRIKE THEM OUT!
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