Tuesday, March 24, 2020

24 "You Always Let Us Die You Failser."

"You Always Let Us Die You Failser."

That is an overnight Tele receive from non-other than weap Judee. And what might explain why all the societies of Europe have let us be died by the invading deadly Jews? Could it be their multi centuries they spend breeding themselves in among us and creating twins that they then put into every important office so that when they spring onto us we have no chance? Must we not overcome their rare ability to hold us and put us to death?

How about we talk a little more about the inventor of the HEX controller, Bob Boyce? The electronic circuit that Bob invented that has proven able to charge batteries for many years now using all free energy.  First the sad news, Bob is apparently dead.

If Bob is dead then who was the guy at the 2017 Tesla conference speaking and taking questions from the audience?  Would you believe it was a look-alike Jew in a shell pretending to be Bob?

Bitch watched all of Bob's videos but he didn't read the conference in reverse facial speech until last night. In forward speech the guy speaking claiming to be Bob did not sound like the kind fellow that Bitch had read in both forward and reverse speech in earlier video interviews. And only yesterday it crossed Bitch mind, "did the  Jews do a Don McLean on Bob Boyce?"

Don McLean, the American singer that died about 1974 if memory is serving me correct. Bitch distinctly recalls the moment he heard the radio report of Don's death. He was southbound crossing the bridge and going home and getting off at the 130th street exit. He thinks it was 1974 as he lived in Dolton until 1975. That is a south suburb of Chicago. He enjoyed the years he lived there. The Dolton library was walking distance from his apartment and he shopped the shelves there often.

After he heard the radio report of Don's death, he never heard a thing about it after that. And then he saw that a guy calling himself Don McLean was playing concerts claiming to be Don McLean. For those who have looked into it, have we noted that the guy calling himself Don McLean has never written a new song since the early big hits of the 1970s?

So what could it all indicate?

Might Judah have pulled Don after he had found a somewhat musical double ready to step in and take over Don's life?

Understanding that might we understand that is what happened to free energy circuit builder Bob Boyce? Judah gets a Jew shell that somewhat resembles Bob and pulls his front two teeth out as Bob's front teeth were missing and then he put the real Bob Boyce in and put his double in who is now pretending to be Bob Boyce.

Are some out there asking, "can this all really be real? Honestly?"

In Bob's early videos that Bitch listened to first in forward speech and then read them in reverse facial speech Bob said one sentence that convinced him that Bob was the real thing and from memory that RS went something like this:

"I oppose poverty."

Bob had similars sorts of things he said in RS that were real positive towards all of us. He was truly looking to bring the benefits of free energy to enrich all of us.

And what did the guy pretending to be Bob at the 2017 Tesla conference say in reverse facial speech? Here is just a sample:

"I just app you for free here theft. I'm positive Beverly Adams won't see my falsing. I'm an administration mess to over staff you guys. The circuit is obviously Jew anathema. I'm a Jew boy all riggin' ass. We just have a psychology to perish. If I can get a visual I can right mute you. A focused is knowing everything about Pythagoras. We just have a roll em shack vitamin. I'm just a fable, a little bitty about that high. My genus fall all my rate, it get my nuke out of here."

That one sentence, "the circuit is obviously Jew anathema." And why is the circuit anathema to the Jews? Might understanding the circuit is real open our eyes to the nuclear Jews plan to use nuclear war, both blast, and waste, to die our breed off?

A deadly errant life form so unbelievable that it could have arrived from another galaxy with a sinister plan to create look-alike replicas of themselves so that they could spend their time in existence secretly sporting us dead with their ultimate plan to kill us all before we discovered them.

Killing us in ways that make it appear natural, accidental, or suicide. That they are so advanced in deception that they have held generations of us frozen as they carried out their sinister plot to blast us out by surprise with hydrogen bombs from the sky and hydrogen bombs they have hidden in our cities.

And they are still holding as unbelievable as it seems even with a full extraterrestrial intervention that has tried to save us. How is that for a "rare" mental of a life form?

The smiling faces on their news show us dogs licking their master's faces and lips. Little cats with costumes on as they roll the cameras at cats eye level. Children missing limbs climbing rock cliff sports entertainment centers. What do the Jews know about the opti-mental of the ordinary people that let them hold us as Natchez kids?

"They cite us off as Natchez kids."

Natchez described as in the lower Mississippi. Could it be the poverty that kids in Natchez have endured as to what that Tele sender is alluding to? We the wealthiest people to ever pass through history with all the rights now of poor kids in Natchez Mississippi. What do the Jews know about our psychology that they have miniaturized us to where we do not speak up or act to have our freedoms, our liberties or our rights in?

If only Bitch were a number one that was not beat up and so did not have a fault of stupid would the Jews have been able to poison out the mild kids so easily?

Is there actually an ontological difference between Jews and the rest of the human race or is it something else?

Could their power over us all be due to who it is that issues the tickets to eat, our money? Have the Jews starved us so well so many times in so many lands that it is inborn not to challenge them about anything now?

What is it that even with our great wealth being taken away from us day by day that we don't pitch them and their hell away? With less than a week left before they throw out America, and sicken us and steal our lives won't American workers RISE and take the concession to issue our money away from them and STOP THE WAR that our good God Almighty has warned us to do thousands of times?

Terrified’ Package Delivery Employees Are Going to Work Sick
March 21, 2020
“I have been coming in sick because I’m worried that I’ll lose my job or just be punished if I call out,” said Angel Duarte, a package handler at a UPS hub in Tucson, Ariz. “I am 23, and I have no savings, and I have a 4-month-old son.”

A package sorter in UPS’s Santa Rosa, Calif., facility, said she had been going into work every day, even though her “throat feels like broken glass.” The worker, who requested anonymity, said she was petrified that she would lose her job if she called in sick. “I can’t afford to be homeless,” she said.

Dan Baker, a part-time package handler for FedEx in Nashville, worked through a sore throat and stomach problems this month. When he developed a fever, he told his supervisor he needed a day off.

“I really need you here today,” Mr. Baker’s supervisor told him in a text message reviewed by The New York Times. He took the day off anyway. The company marked his absence as unexcused, meaning he got a demerit. Too many demerits can get a worker fired.

“I went to human resources to ask about it, like, ‘Why was I given an unexcused absence, why’d I get in trouble for this, when there’s a pandemic going on?’” Mr. Baker said. “And they were like, ‘I don’t know what to tell you.’”

This week, Mx. Davidson said, a supervisor told them that taking too many sick days could cost them their job. “They don’t want people faking sick, I guess, but what they are doing is creating a climate of fear,” said Mx. Davidson, 33.

Will, we not keep praying that workers will turn this around by taking the authority to issue our money away from the guys and gals who cooked up this pandemic they are working on us now?

Rather than being ontologically different than us might we see by controlling the organizing principle of society they can make us homeless easily? The authority to issue our money. Are we understanding why God Almighty wills that the power to issue our money be in the hands of workers? Is it not clear that the Jews have abused the authority entrusted to them by Americans?

That the Jews have used the power of the American people's purse to wage genocide against us. Will, we not act to help ourselves and have workers justly issue our money?

That we already have millions of homeless, are we seeing that is why workers are going into work even though they are sick? Fear of becoming homeless. The punishment the Jews have done to ordinary everyday workers in America. Will workers not organize and take the concession to issue our money away from the deadly Jews?

And Jewish Replicon governors in their look-alike shells ordering select businesses closed under the pretext they want to do good things for us. Might they actually be testing Americans to see if we are complete marshmallows before they try to introduce their Soviet boots in here to back up their dictates?

Are Americans aware it is a right to earn our incomes and no official elected or clerk can close our business without due process of law when our rights are in? Are we aware jury and grand jury process are our due when we have our American rights in?

Though do we not note that emergencies always work to get our rights out for the Jews molest and abuse they love to do to us so well?

That they tried to blast us out of existence in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of atomic blast, heat and radiation force, much chance they really want to do good things do for us all here in the land of the free by shutting our small businesses down where we earn our income from?

Might we see the Jews have a range of things they are aiming to use this laboratory created virus they have successfully put on us here?

Might a big one be to accept a totalitarian rule as the outcome of getting us to accept what outlaw they are doing to us now? Or could one aim be to help to make this is a totally cashless society as one of their objectives? Curiously Bitch did pull a reverse facial speech that seemed to indicate they have some thoughts about that?

"Jew hike ya," Judee say.

Are we perceiving their taking our temperatures is really a cover for getting us to go along with the police state methods as ordinary operations? Are we not perceiving this entire medical emergency is a well crafted Jewish tyranny opp with a range of objectives they want to touch?

Will, we not keep praying that American workers will put our rights in so that we can get the grand jury truth?

Tele receives:

"Let's authorize it. 5.18 pm

Jew obviously died their state with falseness.

Jerk bored ya. 6.26 pm

Pat has fallen them all off of here.

Interior abuse has us entirely fall.

Pat will lead us because he believes in us.

Patrick, you bashed out your own life forces.

Nauseous you to thief.

They interfere. 1.16 am

His vast lockup state you tyranny.

They've policed us central fist.

Because a sale, your life fails for their passion.

They ordinary ballist us, lead us, Patrick.

Cheated ghostly.

They're physically assaulting people genocide.

They like us pushing us them out, they like pushing us out.

It's all psychological warfare that keeps us dying.

They're dying us filthy.

Oh my God bury falsehood.

They very priest your day.

The crusty elephant.

Unity base function out.

The truth is the perpers are tossing you out.

They murdered us on Jewish state secrets.

They kill us right now, piston's off.

You're accusin' is helplessin' the mouse out here.

Jerry felled to beast us.

Honestly? 2.32 am

You always let us die you failser.

God racial is here.

They nebulize us.

Take your deceit out, take your defeat out.

Patrick is saving us.

Jerk causing you to die right sword.

You're a tear that special wash us away.

The police are done. 4.12 am

They're an incredible fish splotch.

True embezzle failed.

They're criminals just marvelous force. 5.22 am

It's a HUGE right fall, a grievous fail.

Goober irritation lost.

Get out foolish nest egg.

Great sale they off your way total.

Symbol opped out RISE through creditors.

They're riotous kids who psych invaded.

Very resistage you hold dumb." 7.21 am

Bitch puts his post up early, usually by 11 am, and listens for comments. When he figures out what they are telling him, he then pulls out what might be irritating best he can. Apparently, he is still missing certain things that irritate. Hoping there is nothing in this post that irritates.

"Pat will lead us because he believes in us."

Pat believes that ordinary Americans will do as the all-white jury that heard Dred Scott's plea in 1854 to be free did, freed him. Pat wishes for juries and grand juries to look into things that are important to us.  And he believes once American workers are freed of the fear that the Jews put in, this will be fine for us all.

The Jews like to give us a jury when they catch us in a fail and then they can claim its the people behind the punishing of us. They like to use their grand juries to make tax and mail fraud indictments so they can slow the fast runners among us down.

What are we to say though, they are still privately holding the authority to issue American workers money?

The UPS and FED EX workers mentioned that were afraid to take sick days off lest they wind up incomeless and then homeless. Can we only wonder might Judah be hoping to get a higher score by keeping workers on the job using the great fear of loss of income so that the plague the Jews have put on us will score us with the highest numbers?

Are we seeing it is the income issue, or might we say the loss of income issue which the Jews privately control using the tax dollars American workers pay into their private coffers, that is the most threatening thing out here?

As both their virus plague and Hitachi-GE plague are coming at us through blowin' in the wind might we say the free money we give them goes into their private coughers?

They intend to put as many of us into our coffins as they can before we take the concession to issue our money out of their private hands and give it to American workers. Will we not pray American workers take the issue of bourse away from them before there is no mercy in our air for us at all?

Mathew 5:11 "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me."

God Almighty who had His angels keep a 6th level from the top thinker in who has succeeded in reporting what it is that the Centers of Power of planet earth have done that has brought about their removal from power permanently now.

The powers that be from planet earth self closed out by their own actions that have now opened the way for our good God Almighty to dwell openly with His simian children on earth.

Isiah 49:24 Can you take away a soldier's loot? Can you rescue the prisoners of a tyrant? 25 The Lord replies, "That is just what is going to happen. The soldier's prisoners will be taken away, and the tyrant's loot will be seized. I will fight against whoever fights you, and I will rescue your children. 26 I will make your oppressors kill each other; they will be drunk with murder and rage. Then all people will know that I am the Lord, the one who saves you and sets you free. They will know that I am Israel's powerful God."

The God of Israel that has His angels guarding us 24/7 so that weap Judah cannot score us with his great balls of fire that he is hurtling at us from the sky. Will American workers not join with our good God of the bible and act on His thousands of warnings to stop the war?

Might we consider that what we have is a battle of wits between the good wits of Heaven's angels and the evil wits of the synagogue of Satan? Is there an understanding that God has already won and chopped both head and tail off of weap Judah and finished out their vicious free ride on the children of God?

Isaiah 9:11 The LORD has raised up the foes of Rezin against him and joined his enemies together. 12 Aram from the east and Philistia from the west have devoured Israel with open mouths. Despite all this, His anger is not turned away; His hand is still upraised 13 But the people did not return to Him who struck them; they did not seek the LORD of Hosts. 14 So the LORD will cut off Israel’s head and tail, both palm branch and reed in a single day. 15 The head is the elder and honorable man, and the tail is the prophet who teaches lies.…16 For those who guide this people mislead them, and those they mislead are swallowed up. 17 Therefore the Lord takes no pleasure in their young men; He has no compassion on their fatherless and widows. For every one of them is godless and wicked, and every mouth speaks folly. Despite all this, His anger is not turned away; His hand is still upraised. 19 By the wrath of the LORD of Hosts the land is scorched, and the people are fuel for the fire. No man even spares his brother

America scorched by radioactive waste that is set to perish the majority out of here over a few years' time. The wickedness of war that God Almighty has warned us to stop thousands of times. Judah, aware enough to know the wishes of our good God Almighty and foolish enough to challenge God 's righteousness. Will American workers not end bracing the Jews up as they go now to be died out of existence tunnel death?

Can we not pray that American workers become aware enough to recognize our good God's wishes and not foolish enough to brace the Jews up who are still going against God's will that His children live in peace?

"I racial you so you die stumbly. I'm wide awake to conspear you. We're out because PP here tossed our egg. Images are a free force. We're just famous with images. We get you caw sight and we get a great fail here. We wook you people failure. Pat has a way of making an analogy that twist you sport. We have a clear take out fiction. My opperus rate disable you through war. Racing you Bitch threw me out for stupid. The dog has condemned them deceased. Even though the fight is over my amendment cite you edge fallen, you let me go on with my lunge. We just raid poor people for our palace fun.

We're responsible for the world effort sewid, we just outrage. (Gregory Peck 1916-2003)

This is an oppess shoot, Bitch is psyching you off of my head. My appeterry got you great. (Speaking about the virus)

I'm an idiot for cowing your baby for interest. A couple of weeks and Jew foul will out mercy. The course of my ruin is worldwide. A nice fall is set to begin really brutal. I had a beagle and took you off, no argument, I just give you a view.  I just package you up, potty heart. That Jew Bitch ace me nicely. Soon I'll have you in a wake siz joppeee thief. We will fail your race often for income. I just suffer you with Dale for my beef. I'm just a kiddie lunger. Bitch sees that you're my toy so he gave me a pitch.

I keep dying shrimp. H----- see our goosefish. My genocide glad to meet ya, I'm finished with my pitch, Bitchie's not keeping me. My sports megatory are about doing time, I'm about to spike. I fell I'm all pitched and the dog is taking me away. Our ruse for insurance has proven stupid for me. We've thrown your meals, set you's out for 5% all the time. My kids fall America and we cite you fallen day dead. If I can't get you rigleeous then I'm out. I'm more connected heinous Jew to you. You'll find Bitch pulled my weap spirit away for my fight, because I imagine you won it.

Everybody's talking, I'm stupid easy. For taking off all the state we were threw out for free. It's hard to understand cubits on a rise summons. Fast our whole psychology is going out for force. We're just over-riders here, I just use the bourse to keep them stupid. My steam was shot simpleton so I just fall you with a dog shear. I'm excited because I shadowed right. I believe in war. His mama's analysis got us all out, over the side. It's sad you foul away our bourse power. When you see we accomplished our way you're going to think we're pretty dumb. I push you more with a fierce child.

Jew factor is to perpetize you until you put us away. Pat, you know about our Fed roominess. For the whole country, I shoot you dead. Our mental is capable to take you off with a dog, you're letting us go on here. Since you authorize it we're just going to go ahead and take you off of here. Patrick knows I'm more tupid'. Pat, I'm a scroungeologist. I'm a Jew defist. Because we got you on insurance we'll cash you oddly. Our force department we have just to weap you. It's fair that our force has ousted you," Judee say.

Will American workers not RISE from the dead and give us God’s rules where workers hold the most important office of society in workers' hands, the authority to issue our money, and close them out of here right with a STRIKE, STOP THE WAR and end their management of us here so that the love of Christ will guide us from now on?

If so will American workers not STRIKE THE JEWS OUT and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from them and LET US LIVE IN PEACE and plenty for everyone?


God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Tuesday, March 24 — Psalm 38:17–22
Exodus 29:31–30:16; Matthew 26:14–30
The Lord is just in all his ways, and kind in all his doings. Psalm 145:17
We have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Colossians 1:9
Holy Spirit, we have faith that you are at work in the world, yet sometimes we have trouble recognizing that. Fill us with wisdom and insight so that we might see your movements around us. Amen.

3.36 pm

"Get death psych-out. 8.06 am

Buggy is thrown.

I foul you hearing aid with my sport.

Diapers persuade you off continuously, outrageously..

Touch down algebra.

He's social fistic, he's opera land.

You're rotten shooting us Jews.

We lech you mirror full.

He rapes you so easily, a mother fletcher too.

Massive ruse has fired, we need welfare out of Moscow.

Let's throw them out.

It's a penetration ruse.

It's rude-ish, get off of me.

I worked out and closed your, enemy. 10.23 am

We hate your position.

I love you revealing their spite force.

We're war prize.

Oh my God the police are all for the shells."

Thank you. God bless.

Documentary tells story of US teacher killed in tsunami
Taylor Anderson, a 24-year-old assistant English teacher living her dream when Japan’s eastern coast was devastated by a tsunami two years ago.

Gunman Who Killed 'The Voice' Singer Christina Grimmie Had Two Weapons, Ammo, Knife: Police




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