"They Are Succeeding In Killing The White People Now."
That an overnight Tele receive. Is it recognized that is the truth? The majority population that has the force if it chooses to use it to take the authority to issue our money away from them, and yet, they are succeeding in killing us.
"A lung full will now take out your gene."
A lung full of what? Are we aware of how deadly radioactive waste is to our health? Is there an understanding depending on which way the wind blows we can get a lung full in an afternoon of work or play and lose our gene with our body being sickened a died off easily?
Judee with his roll of pictures that he uses to mental the ordinary people so that he can finish wiping out us and our kids. And only days now before the real April fools day when we will know one way or the other if it is the end of the United Staes of America permanently.
The Soviets he already has in America assaulting us for his insurance investments. But why don't we change the customs people out so that the Soviet military and police are stopped at the border and sent back? If we changed the border guards out because we don't have the authority to issue our money and the Jews do have the authority to issue our money will the Jews not just issue big bribe checks and the border guards will then allow the Soviet police and military to enter to sport juicy Americans for investments again? The authority to issue our money that drove some of our best and brightest scientists to build the infernal weapons for our extermination because they like everybody else had bills to pay.
The ordinary everyday workers that God Almighty has gifted with free societies by having His angels disarm the nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews by taking their nuclear blast extermination wrench away from them when they attacked us with it in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. If only Bitch would have been kind to the community he came from might the deafness have been cured? Might the blindness of serving the Jews and their eternal sport of destroying God's children in war have been seen and brought to a halt years ago?
But due to his anger, he proved faulty and the Jews, a "rare" deceptor predator life form, proved able to destroy the community of people that Bitch arose from. The final die-off of the majority of Americans now only days away. Aprils fools day if we are making war for the Jews we will have proven unprotectable by God's angels and will be sported out of existence over the next few years. No rights and so no way to be protected from the Jews that are successfully gassing us away.
Bitchie, effective enough to have gotten the big Jews to flee out now and head to their underground shelters where they will stay as God Almighty dies their hardcore foul out.
The people being destroyed, ordinary everyday Americans. Why won't God save us from the brimstone die the Jews have upon us? Might it be as simple as what God said?
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4?"
Who would ever imagine that our Almighty and all-powerful good God would say such words to us all?
Father's shill who is doing what he can by trying to work around his faultiness side and convince the ordinary simple working people that they don't have to perish held in the Jews hands. A simple act of taking the financials out of the malignant Jews hands and all the war on earth will be halted once the Jews no longer have the free money from workers.
The Jews though, a "rare life form," our extraterrestrial elders inform us, have always dominated the mild people of the north ever since they began working their mattress in the northlands 1500 years ago. Two centuries of breeding look-alike Replicons up and 1300 years ago he took over management of the northlands and have had whitey shooting and bombing his brothers and sisters ever since then. And even with an all-out extraterrestrial save of us, the Jews have used their mental to hold us out of contact to die us off.
The Galactic Federation of light that stepped in with Project Earth that began in 1906 with that project to save us from the genocidal Jews on free money. Our extraterrestrial family with 87 million years in their knowledge banks knew the Jews would perish us in nuclear blast war as soon as they were technically able to do it and that is why Project earth was initiated.
The Federation's computer simulations projected the Jews would get us massively though with their backup of nuclear brimstone waste. And has the Federation's simulations that appear in the book of Revelation not proven uncannily accurate?
Revelation 8:11 The name of the star was Bitterness. It made one-third of the water bitter, and many people died from drinking the bitter water.
11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters
That the Jews dirty bomb in Japan has poisoned out the Pacific Ocean, has that prophesy from our bibles not proven correct enough that Americans who are funding these crazed self-professed "intruders, disrupters, destroyers" will not end funding their war on us?
Should we not take heed from the warnings in our bible of what follows next after the Jews successful uninterrupted poisoning of a third of our planet's water?
Revelation 9:18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and brimstone that proceeded from their mouths.
The hydrogen bombs the genocidal nuclear warfighting Jews have planted in our cities. Will American workers not try to awaken ourselves to just what a pity they are to us? Will workers not let the millstone with a gun to our head go?
From yesterday's post:
"When Pat came Jew mottled him. They'll shoot you now because God's lawyer was a fold." (Non-Judah speakers)
Mottle definition:
Distorting or exaggerating reality. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
God Almighty has not let His American children go, He has done as was promised in the bible, and sent an advocate to negotiate your lives to stay in. Do some wonder why He send such an angry guy with a fault of stupid from enduring prolonged periods of suffering? Might God wanted one of those who truly have been uprooted emotionally and viciously violated well by the Jews so that he was able to hold the Jews to perishing out of existence? Has God's advocate not accomplished that? Yes, he has.
Has God's advocate not revealed the truth of how the Jews have destroyed themselves completely in all lands forever by attacking the white force with extinction using their synagogue of Satan nuclear blast terror weapons against us? Yes, he has done these things and has now finished out the Jews in our beautiful nation and world. So why are the whites still perishing themselves out massively? Why are the Jews still privately holding the most important office of them all, the state concession to issue our money?
Why are the whites now only days away from perishing themselves and their children out of existence at the hands of the satanic devilish Jews? Better yet when will the whites take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews?
The whites from the East that the Jews are now bringing in to carry on for the whites from the West that were shooting us previously. Will American workers not take over the organizing principle of society and end the Jews ability to create people who are not useful? Will American workers not end funding the Jews shooting?
"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," God Almighty said of how he is destroying the hardcore Jews one and all. The errant life form, defect in creation, the murderous genocidal Jews that God is now recalling to send back to eternity from whence we all came from. Will workers not end holding them in?
"Chicken I made your baby so I never fail," Judee say.
Now that our good God Almighty had His angels pull their great balls of fire that they have used to win every argument against us with a threat, will we not now act and get them out fair? That they have lost their physical force they planned to use to destroy our race will we not now move in and clean them out one and all? Will workers not put their white collaborators out with them too?
Their scientists that they trained like seals with a fish. Will workers not redirect them to peaceful pursuits? Are we understanding that God wants us to let them off in His way, not physical but the mental, the intellectual way of finance?
That congress in 1913 legislated that American workers pay tribute to a foreign corporation, the private pockets of international Jews, a tribute from our paychecks, might such a situation explain why Congress is a bunch of insurance sports?
That they are bringing Soviet police in now to martial Americans. Will American workers not act in the mental arena as our good God wants and take the authority to issue our money into your collective hands?
"Spurred." 9.21 am
That Tele receive from yesterday. Understanding that our extraterrestrial elders could have shut Hitachi-GE down before the Jews shot us with it, might we figure they didn't to spur us to act? They pulled the big blast shots out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, but are we seeing they left the Jews shoot us with one nuclear waste?
The over 40 Jewish nuclear electricity plants elders shut down in the last few years. Are we perceiving they would not let the Jews totally destroy us with brimstone waste as the Jews planned to if their blast shots failed as they have?
That elders let them shoot only one Jewish electricity plant off, that we can easily shut it down, might we consider they did leave one spur in?
That one Jewish electricity plant that the Jews have been shooting us with for over 9 years that will kill us vastly now if we don't shut it down.
Burning nuclear waste for over 9 years at Hitachi-GE and they refusing international help to shut the fire down and they pretend that they are trying to fix things up there. "Cement it in," the technical adviser the Federation sent in, Sir Jason said as to how to get the threat against our continued existence ended.
The Star Trek movie that never was written because it is just too far-fetched to believe it. Is there an understanding it is true, we were created by extraterrestrials and the Jews have spent their time making us too stupid to understand that they are killing us on our dime? Is it understood that if not for this kind and gracious intervention by sweet peaceful extraterrestrials the Jews would have already had their way with us?
And what is their way with us? Are understanding it is to exterminate our existence? The smiling faces that show no traces of the evil that lurks within. Can you dig it? If so will you not try to prevent us and our children from getting sick and tossed out now by taking the Jews off of our paper here?
Bitch early day grumbling about what a predicament we are in and grumble at himself for blowing it by insulting the white kids 8 years ago this April. Feeling that all is lost and we perish now massively and then he looked at the 6 am news from Japan and found these reverse facial speech from Judee in his hybrid transplant look alike shells:
"My Jewish day is rude and it catas us here. Bitch investment won't let me cage you. War is how I sponge you, you win. My abusic blow the state. Whiteness knows what is happening here, that's why I'm not so happy. The whites perceive failed stupid Jew so my day is through."
Bitch feeling that the worst is to come upon us and then reading the subconscious of the Jews and it reveals that whites are perceiving how they are destroying us. Might that indicate white will challenge them for the authority to issue our money now? For those that pray will we not pray to our good God for that?
Tele receives:
"They put a lion on to war you. 3.28 pm
Great falls are in now.
Get out Krushcous.
There's plenty that want to go.
Its jab. (Bitch took out some of his post)
False Jew you perceive. (Looks like other whites perceive that now too)
I have you merged. (Soviet merged?)
We got no wonder, we got shot.
Your foul holds commercial very stupid.
Thank you for fostering a belief force.
STRIKE THEM OUT, they keep faulting us out.
It's an incredible siege for a fall.
They taught us there was something precious in dying for them.
They have punished badly.
Their century of corruption is done.
Your GD ousen is fair.
It appears to me you fell their rules.
Dutiful merry.
Contact dead.
You're born to gift.
Fairly done ghost.
Pat Sullivan is calling you all to get them out of here.
Irishman pays off with a right true man.
Jennifer swinging those hips to die us.
We get to go with an extraterrestrial civilization.
Hi sweety. 7.22 pm
You're comfortable rate yourself.
Trinkets fouled you out.
Father's let their oppen go.
Oh, Bitch, the waster badge has put us out, the filthiest form ever has shot us out.
My son is just weapin' out their financial. 7.31 pm
He's cycling.
A sewer head lost it.
You understand Jew is hopeless?
Jew has restored your power with his Paris life.
He'll leave you lame and blind.
Save this fertile enterprise, RISE!
Do you recall I documented all the scandal for their great day?
You failed to perceive us. 2.41 am
Bedouin package singe man.
Filthy degrees original hold you right.
Crooked market is defeated.
Pat's defeated their Klan.
It's obvious they're crashing our spirit here.
It's fierce right.
They are succeeding in killing the white people now.
A non allege.
Jew a small wrench.
Thank you.
You sin, you sinned. 4.32 am
Get off of me here, you suffer cross.
You win. 6.12 am
Remarkable pooch raps us out. 6.19 am
Jerk corrupt you." 6.52 am
"You sin, you sinned." 4.32 am
Bitch, not unlike everybody else sin. He is not an intentional sinner though. He specifically tries to stay away from being a sinner. The sin of omission he thinks a lot about now. The sin of leaving the other children of God to suffer the horific fails the Jews force upon God's children on earth. That is the biggest thing that bothers his soul, whatever that is.
He sees very clearly how the continued sin of funding the synagogue of Satan to shoot war will now get us tossed out with the Jews. "Resighted," Mercury elder said is all that it will take to put us on the right street.
And how do we resight our selves in peace instead of quietly accepting the war model the Jews and their collaborators have perfected and put upon us here? Is it any other than to take the reigns of power away from the Jews, the concession to issue the money for our beautiful nation?
Here is some of their reverse facial speech from a Japan Judah news report titled "Students Turn a Page on Fukushima Recovery:"
"I tackle missile by persistent hossing. I stumble you Soviet right now. In Moscow is my pure head that lets me opp. I'm mentally to Soviet you's. Right now I'm on the ruble. I cuff your days just to make you history. I con you out of peace horrid."
And as the students look at how the debris in the still-burning reactor is being removed the speaker said in RS: "This is jest here. This is how I shot you unusual."
Do we note from those Judah high school students in a Japanese shell are certain the Soviets are coming in to America to continue Jewish rule here? Do we note they tell us they are on the ruble now? Might that be because they are successfully bankrupting and destroying the American greenback with their takedown of our economy?
But aren't our politicians doing the best they can to help us through the pandemic the Jews shot on us here? Haven't they shut much of our economy down with the intent to do good things for us all?
Coronavirus in Illinois updates: Gov. J.B. Pritzker orders gatherings of 50 or more to be canceled as state’s total COVID-19 cases reach 105
Doesn't shutting gatherings down not prove they want to good things for us all?
Do some of us recall the 1980 Hyatt Regency walkway collapse that killed 114 and injured a couple of hundred more?
That the Pritzkers built that hotel only two years before that it fell and killed so many unsuspecting guests, should we not wonder about a Pritzker heading up engineering our state? Will workers not get smart and recognize these leopards don't change their spots and take the paper out of their dangerous hands?
"I threw them all backwards with so much of my decease. Our college is out for percentages for fun. Our out date is wakey. My lawyers have shot me failed. I craze you wood to disappear. My pompous was intimate to invest you. The gentlemen I keep them objected out here by spoof. We cite you cow rich to shear," Judee say.
Might we see why the Jews are bringing their Soviet shells in here? That they have held our family in the Soviet union to widespread poverty might they not have too much steal? The juicy rich cow of America. Will we not stop this invasion before they get a tight grip on us here?
Do we note we are the rich cow because our society has had a degree of freedom unknown in the Soviet lands? Will workers not try to keep our rich cow society in by getting them off of our financials here?
Will American workers not try to keep the love of the Lord in by getting them out before they put us in?
They quite intelligent enough to know right from wrong and they chose the criminal way. This they did in the face of our kind and good God who now is getting rid of them completely by letting us see what they think of us all. Will American workers not stop them today? Their engineering a great collapse of our economy. Is it not seen clearly enough what they are doing to us here that we will not act and let them off right as our good God wills?
Here is some more from their subconscious:
"My heroin Auschwitz is coming out because I bear you away. Jew true warring you is out flange busting you. We suffer you imbecile on bear ways. We just take you off idiot sufferance die. I just have receipts to take you all off insure. I just hearse to fail afford you. I'm hopeless, I'm death, I died your state. My false is now perceived, I want you to suffer bad Jew and do ash. Our great right, we're burning them up. I'm gassin you Austria weird, I'm just a gentle sin. My mother was all sale Judah. I'm lost now because big Jew leave. Because you don't see the picture right I'm coming back to pitch ya's. We jaw phony rights with fear issue. When Jew is in you have no rights. Columbus day wipe white fellow out. I always pitch you Jew conspiracy on Jew basalt.
They took my surge out throughout Europe, you're out. Because I push I won. My grab bag episode push you well. Pat's a human, he mushed us away, we sight you bid. With police, I can poof. I have merry tomb. Jew sadist apps your rights, I scalp you with vision. When the minnows get in my share of politics be out. We believe performance on professor advisement is doing you in. Our false state be out for lincoln throwing us down. We cheat you out because we have first logical henge. We perceive like the Bitch and we see we're going right. Your state is so smelly we take off wisdom and bake peoples rights. If we have bourse ever is extorted your life.
Our fuhrer likes a nice cow. When windy found whiskey he knew how we put you out for dead. I'm going to assault day push you. I eventually Martian lose threat. It's a real desert I'm folding. We survival rinty. We scorage on rights. I have rules in that have no wisdom. We got more crush checks for washing. Jew Muslim app your state. We just app your state to take out justice side. Texas we irritate your rights falsely. When we have bonified financial, you leave. Images dropped you tooter. White people make out I'm a beast I'll be a big fall.
This is to keep you from oppin our boom. This is my siege full malt of you. Jew Edwards is putting on this false. This is big Federal bourse for this Jew breeze, this is wild. (Virus report)
Whiskey tore a spirit. Jew fails you, nice people, to break up your home. Rice Roy. We spot you all mice. Shrimp ment state with Russia, we're normal. Nice falsely cannon you until close. At minimum, I died you fools. Globally I'm a weapons threat. All molest Jew have fables. Bench is my life. I'm an animal rice ped. I get no peace because Bitch fire this issue. I sport you intellectually to fear you. I'm capable of opping all the time. I mollify you hostage with a right full room. I shot for Halstead. Booze shot you fatal, Bitch stupid let me ruin. Papa, he bourse you right defensive, I'm dishonest and I'm doing Druid.
Jew Irishman mama fall us, he bust us affadecis. The economy we throw in just a few days. Our communist by June will sweep you away. We just sport you by boursing hemorrhage here. We war Jew dough fish. I bourse snatched you, liquor made you dead, ya, I died. I take the West off all dog. Because you're fit I cash you Jewry. My mental now all seep. When you see how I mess up the white guy you'll sigh. Our future immersion force is almost done. I extort you on camouflage ways. I had a boursing right time while I shot you dead. I just throw your state right, fish now you'll make me go," Judee say.
Non-Judah reverse speech:
"You're out a history now. You either raid a hostits or you're destits, they got you going. Jew be mousin you fiend moosey. Germans tell Jew you're dropped. For chump all you do is ruin. "
Will American workers not give us God’s rules where workers hold the most important office of society in workers' hands, the authority to issue our money, and close them out of here right with a STRIKE, STOP THE WAR and end their management of us here?
If so will American workers not STRIKE THE JEWS OUT and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from them and LET US LIVE IN PEACE?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Tuesday, March 17 — Psalm 37:16–22
Exodus 23:27–25:9; Matthew 24:36–44
By the ordinances of the Lord is your servant warned. Psalm 19:11
Train yourself in godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7
God of wisdom, we long to be trustworthy and obedient disciples. May we never outgrow your guidance or become complacent with our knowledge of you. Instill in us a desire to seek your wisdom for all our days. Amen.
2.54 pm
"Thank you Patrick, a gracious spirit that is letting them off, you got them. 7.56 am
You're stupid losing them. 8.20 am (Doing all possible to prevent that)
Non-abrasive put them out and you're safe, put them out of your state.
Put them out, let's get smart here.
He's buried the summons away.
Buzzy, throw them off.
You failed but your powerful deal is shaking us.
Throw error right.
Your botch has fused this.
Get out your wolf before you are fully lated.
Bourse fail you professionally.
It's a rare passion roll.
It's a lost war.
Thrown out.
They've failed you micive. 9.53 am
Sick failed HUGE today.
We put you in the background. (Car passing with a UAW sticker in the back window)
It's a HUGE tinsel.
I press a guy.
Thank you for your force. (Lady shopper) 10.46 am
You muffed it. (Shopper)
Pure racket.
He's decent.
Get a brief. (SUV at a 4 way stop sign)
Too functious here.
Indolence here. (Guys walking along the sidewalk)
Put them out sow.
Fasch-a-ment off.
You're helping me here but embarrassment is putting this off. 11.10 am (Father?)
Super gauge cannibal.
You own me scraetch.
The battle is in our field, STRIKE THEM OUT!
Eternal failee.
They're out of here for suffer.
Did everybody hear camels' roots are seriously false?
Drews are filled fied. 12.56 pm
It's fallen wit. 1.04 pm
A chicken egg is just about fused.
Dopey speed.
Cheer up. 1.31 pm
You focus on defraking men.
Thief opposite rule passed.
I spake you Jewish. 1.51 pm
War kills us. (Truck passing by)
It's murder? 3.07 pm
Shucken' us won."
While reading the UFO reports at Filers Files came across one report of a widow who had taken pictures when her deceased husband's ashes were buried in the ocean. When reviewing the pictures with her mother, she found a UFO had flown passed. Can we only wonder why our elders MARKED her deceased husband's funeral service? Maybe a particularly nice man, possibly an altruist that was into helping others? Here is a picture of her report and a link to Filer's files to read some of the recent reports of our extraterrestrial elders activities trying to wake us to try and save our lives:
Costa Maya — I took my family on a cruise to bury my husband at sea. We did an excursion to the Chacchoben Mayan Ruins in August 8, 2017 in Mexico. I periodically look at my pictures and about a month ago I noticed this linear shape in the sky. My deceased husband and I watched and I still watch UFO shows. I blew the picture up and my Mom and I were shocked. Some space industry people said,”Oh my god it’s a UFO!” I am a firm believer that we cannot be the only people out there
And was reading comments posted on Bitch's book at kindle, "Free Energy Here, Now and Then, Velocity Power Sources" and saw this cheerful comment that was posted
5.0 out of 5 stars Eye opener
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 9, 2019
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
This subject needs more work
I changed the signal diode for a LED in a crystal radio it lights up fine scale up light house
In Bitch's book he mentions the research that led Dr. Moray to build his industrial-strength power supply that Henry showed to the world in 1926 all began with building simple crystal radios. Henry worked on them building more and more powerful circuitry for the speakers to listen to his free energy crystal radio. And here we have this reader experimented and pulled the diode out of his crystal radio and put a LED in and lit it up using free energy. That is why Bitch wrote his book, hoping experimenters would light our world up with free energy and Dave did.
This is a link to the 2017 Kindle version at Amazon with a few reader comments. Only Kindle version is available, no paperback at this time.
After the STRIKE is ended Bitch will do a 2020 Edition with the new things learned since that book was put up. Reporting the research of Tom Ogle and his 100 mile per gallon carburetor and Raymond Blackwell with his simple mist fogger that appears to show one 7th the gasoline consumption. Here's a link to see his simple invention that may revolutionize the internal combustion engine:
single disk fogger running 6hp engine
Video 8.43 at
Thank you. God bless.
You shall not hate in your heart anyone of your kin; you shall reprove your neighbor, or you will incur guilt yourself. Leviticus 19:17
John 16:12-13 New International Version (NIV)
12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
That an overnight Tele receive. Is it recognized that is the truth? The majority population that has the force if it chooses to use it to take the authority to issue our money away from them, and yet, they are succeeding in killing us.
"A lung full will now take out your gene."
A lung full of what? Are we aware of how deadly radioactive waste is to our health? Is there an understanding depending on which way the wind blows we can get a lung full in an afternoon of work or play and lose our gene with our body being sickened a died off easily?
Judee with his roll of pictures that he uses to mental the ordinary people so that he can finish wiping out us and our kids. And only days now before the real April fools day when we will know one way or the other if it is the end of the United Staes of America permanently.
The Soviets he already has in America assaulting us for his insurance investments. But why don't we change the customs people out so that the Soviet military and police are stopped at the border and sent back? If we changed the border guards out because we don't have the authority to issue our money and the Jews do have the authority to issue our money will the Jews not just issue big bribe checks and the border guards will then allow the Soviet police and military to enter to sport juicy Americans for investments again? The authority to issue our money that drove some of our best and brightest scientists to build the infernal weapons for our extermination because they like everybody else had bills to pay.
The ordinary everyday workers that God Almighty has gifted with free societies by having His angels disarm the nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews by taking their nuclear blast extermination wrench away from them when they attacked us with it in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011. If only Bitch would have been kind to the community he came from might the deafness have been cured? Might the blindness of serving the Jews and their eternal sport of destroying God's children in war have been seen and brought to a halt years ago?
But due to his anger, he proved faulty and the Jews, a "rare" deceptor predator life form, proved able to destroy the community of people that Bitch arose from. The final die-off of the majority of Americans now only days away. Aprils fools day if we are making war for the Jews we will have proven unprotectable by God's angels and will be sported out of existence over the next few years. No rights and so no way to be protected from the Jews that are successfully gassing us away.
Bitchie, effective enough to have gotten the big Jews to flee out now and head to their underground shelters where they will stay as God Almighty dies their hardcore foul out.
The people being destroyed, ordinary everyday Americans. Why won't God save us from the brimstone die the Jews have upon us? Might it be as simple as what God said?
"I won't save your lives because 2+2=4?"
Who would ever imagine that our Almighty and all-powerful good God would say such words to us all?
Father's shill who is doing what he can by trying to work around his faultiness side and convince the ordinary simple working people that they don't have to perish held in the Jews hands. A simple act of taking the financials out of the malignant Jews hands and all the war on earth will be halted once the Jews no longer have the free money from workers.
The Jews though, a "rare life form," our extraterrestrial elders inform us, have always dominated the mild people of the north ever since they began working their mattress in the northlands 1500 years ago. Two centuries of breeding look-alike Replicons up and 1300 years ago he took over management of the northlands and have had whitey shooting and bombing his brothers and sisters ever since then. And even with an all-out extraterrestrial save of us, the Jews have used their mental to hold us out of contact to die us off.
The Galactic Federation of light that stepped in with Project Earth that began in 1906 with that project to save us from the genocidal Jews on free money. Our extraterrestrial family with 87 million years in their knowledge banks knew the Jews would perish us in nuclear blast war as soon as they were technically able to do it and that is why Project earth was initiated.
The Federation's computer simulations projected the Jews would get us massively though with their backup of nuclear brimstone waste. And has the Federation's simulations that appear in the book of Revelation not proven uncannily accurate?
Revelation 8:11 The name of the star was Bitterness. It made one-third of the water bitter, and many people died from drinking the bitter water.
11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters
That the Jews dirty bomb in Japan has poisoned out the Pacific Ocean, has that prophesy from our bibles not proven correct enough that Americans who are funding these crazed self-professed "intruders, disrupters, destroyers" will not end funding their war on us?
Should we not take heed from the warnings in our bible of what follows next after the Jews successful uninterrupted poisoning of a third of our planet's water?
Revelation 9:18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and brimstone that proceeded from their mouths.
The hydrogen bombs the genocidal nuclear warfighting Jews have planted in our cities. Will American workers not try to awaken ourselves to just what a pity they are to us? Will workers not let the millstone with a gun to our head go?
From yesterday's post:
"When Pat came Jew mottled him. They'll shoot you now because God's lawyer was a fold." (Non-Judah speakers)
Mottle definition:
Distorting or exaggerating reality. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
God Almighty has not let His American children go, He has done as was promised in the bible, and sent an advocate to negotiate your lives to stay in. Do some wonder why He send such an angry guy with a fault of stupid from enduring prolonged periods of suffering? Might God wanted one of those who truly have been uprooted emotionally and viciously violated well by the Jews so that he was able to hold the Jews to perishing out of existence? Has God's advocate not accomplished that? Yes, he has.
Has God's advocate not revealed the truth of how the Jews have destroyed themselves completely in all lands forever by attacking the white force with extinction using their synagogue of Satan nuclear blast terror weapons against us? Yes, he has done these things and has now finished out the Jews in our beautiful nation and world. So why are the whites still perishing themselves out massively? Why are the Jews still privately holding the most important office of them all, the state concession to issue our money?
Why are the whites now only days away from perishing themselves and their children out of existence at the hands of the satanic devilish Jews? Better yet when will the whites take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews?
The whites from the East that the Jews are now bringing in to carry on for the whites from the West that were shooting us previously. Will American workers not take over the organizing principle of society and end the Jews ability to create people who are not useful? Will American workers not end funding the Jews shooting?
"They've demonstrated a weakness, an inability to accommodate others. I'm dying them off, tunnel death," God Almighty said of how he is destroying the hardcore Jews one and all. The errant life form, defect in creation, the murderous genocidal Jews that God is now recalling to send back to eternity from whence we all came from. Will workers not end holding them in?
"Chicken I made your baby so I never fail," Judee say.
Now that our good God Almighty had His angels pull their great balls of fire that they have used to win every argument against us with a threat, will we not now act and get them out fair? That they have lost their physical force they planned to use to destroy our race will we not now move in and clean them out one and all? Will workers not put their white collaborators out with them too?
Their scientists that they trained like seals with a fish. Will workers not redirect them to peaceful pursuits? Are we understanding that God wants us to let them off in His way, not physical but the mental, the intellectual way of finance?
That congress in 1913 legislated that American workers pay tribute to a foreign corporation, the private pockets of international Jews, a tribute from our paychecks, might such a situation explain why Congress is a bunch of insurance sports?
That they are bringing Soviet police in now to martial Americans. Will American workers not act in the mental arena as our good God wants and take the authority to issue our money into your collective hands?
"Spurred." 9.21 am
That Tele receive from yesterday. Understanding that our extraterrestrial elders could have shut Hitachi-GE down before the Jews shot us with it, might we figure they didn't to spur us to act? They pulled the big blast shots out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, but are we seeing they left the Jews shoot us with one nuclear waste?
The over 40 Jewish nuclear electricity plants elders shut down in the last few years. Are we perceiving they would not let the Jews totally destroy us with brimstone waste as the Jews planned to if their blast shots failed as they have?
That elders let them shoot only one Jewish electricity plant off, that we can easily shut it down, might we consider they did leave one spur in?
That one Jewish electricity plant that the Jews have been shooting us with for over 9 years that will kill us vastly now if we don't shut it down.
Burning nuclear waste for over 9 years at Hitachi-GE and they refusing international help to shut the fire down and they pretend that they are trying to fix things up there. "Cement it in," the technical adviser the Federation sent in, Sir Jason said as to how to get the threat against our continued existence ended.
The Star Trek movie that never was written because it is just too far-fetched to believe it. Is there an understanding it is true, we were created by extraterrestrials and the Jews have spent their time making us too stupid to understand that they are killing us on our dime? Is it understood that if not for this kind and gracious intervention by sweet peaceful extraterrestrials the Jews would have already had their way with us?
And what is their way with us? Are understanding it is to exterminate our existence? The smiling faces that show no traces of the evil that lurks within. Can you dig it? If so will you not try to prevent us and our children from getting sick and tossed out now by taking the Jews off of our paper here?
Bitch early day grumbling about what a predicament we are in and grumble at himself for blowing it by insulting the white kids 8 years ago this April. Feeling that all is lost and we perish now massively and then he looked at the 6 am news from Japan and found these reverse facial speech from Judee in his hybrid transplant look alike shells:
"My Jewish day is rude and it catas us here. Bitch investment won't let me cage you. War is how I sponge you, you win. My abusic blow the state. Whiteness knows what is happening here, that's why I'm not so happy. The whites perceive failed stupid Jew so my day is through."
Bitch feeling that the worst is to come upon us and then reading the subconscious of the Jews and it reveals that whites are perceiving how they are destroying us. Might that indicate white will challenge them for the authority to issue our money now? For those that pray will we not pray to our good God for that?
Tele receives:
"They put a lion on to war you. 3.28 pm
Great falls are in now.
Get out Krushcous.
There's plenty that want to go.
Its jab. (Bitch took out some of his post)
False Jew you perceive. (Looks like other whites perceive that now too)
I have you merged. (Soviet merged?)
We got no wonder, we got shot.
Your foul holds commercial very stupid.
Thank you for fostering a belief force.
STRIKE THEM OUT, they keep faulting us out.
It's an incredible siege for a fall.
They taught us there was something precious in dying for them.
They have punished badly.
Their century of corruption is done.
Your GD ousen is fair.
It appears to me you fell their rules.
Dutiful merry.
Contact dead.
You're born to gift.
Fairly done ghost.
Pat Sullivan is calling you all to get them out of here.
Irishman pays off with a right true man.
Jennifer swinging those hips to die us.
We get to go with an extraterrestrial civilization.
Hi sweety. 7.22 pm
You're comfortable rate yourself.
Trinkets fouled you out.
Father's let their oppen go.
Oh, Bitch, the waster badge has put us out, the filthiest form ever has shot us out.
My son is just weapin' out their financial. 7.31 pm
He's cycling.
A sewer head lost it.
You understand Jew is hopeless?
Jew has restored your power with his Paris life.
He'll leave you lame and blind.
Save this fertile enterprise, RISE!
Do you recall I documented all the scandal for their great day?
You failed to perceive us. 2.41 am
Bedouin package singe man.
Filthy degrees original hold you right.
Crooked market is defeated.
Pat's defeated their Klan.
It's obvious they're crashing our spirit here.
It's fierce right.
They are succeeding in killing the white people now.
A non allege.
Jew a small wrench.
Thank you.
You sin, you sinned. 4.32 am
Get off of me here, you suffer cross.
You win. 6.12 am
Remarkable pooch raps us out. 6.19 am
Jerk corrupt you." 6.52 am
"You sin, you sinned." 4.32 am
Bitch, not unlike everybody else sin. He is not an intentional sinner though. He specifically tries to stay away from being a sinner. The sin of omission he thinks a lot about now. The sin of leaving the other children of God to suffer the horific fails the Jews force upon God's children on earth. That is the biggest thing that bothers his soul, whatever that is.
He sees very clearly how the continued sin of funding the synagogue of Satan to shoot war will now get us tossed out with the Jews. "Resighted," Mercury elder said is all that it will take to put us on the right street.
And how do we resight our selves in peace instead of quietly accepting the war model the Jews and their collaborators have perfected and put upon us here? Is it any other than to take the reigns of power away from the Jews, the concession to issue the money for our beautiful nation?
Here is some of their reverse facial speech from a Japan Judah news report titled "Students Turn a Page on Fukushima Recovery:"
"I tackle missile by persistent hossing. I stumble you Soviet right now. In Moscow is my pure head that lets me opp. I'm mentally to Soviet you's. Right now I'm on the ruble. I cuff your days just to make you history. I con you out of peace horrid."
And as the students look at how the debris in the still-burning reactor is being removed the speaker said in RS: "This is jest here. This is how I shot you unusual."
Do we note from those Judah high school students in a Japanese shell are certain the Soviets are coming in to America to continue Jewish rule here? Do we note they tell us they are on the ruble now? Might that be because they are successfully bankrupting and destroying the American greenback with their takedown of our economy?
But aren't our politicians doing the best they can to help us through the pandemic the Jews shot on us here? Haven't they shut much of our economy down with the intent to do good things for us all?
Coronavirus in Illinois updates: Gov. J.B. Pritzker orders gatherings of 50 or more to be canceled as state’s total COVID-19 cases reach 105
Doesn't shutting gatherings down not prove they want to good things for us all?
Do some of us recall the 1980 Hyatt Regency walkway collapse that killed 114 and injured a couple of hundred more?
That the Pritzkers built that hotel only two years before that it fell and killed so many unsuspecting guests, should we not wonder about a Pritzker heading up engineering our state? Will workers not get smart and recognize these leopards don't change their spots and take the paper out of their dangerous hands?
"I threw them all backwards with so much of my decease. Our college is out for percentages for fun. Our out date is wakey. My lawyers have shot me failed. I craze you wood to disappear. My pompous was intimate to invest you. The gentlemen I keep them objected out here by spoof. We cite you cow rich to shear," Judee say.
Might we see why the Jews are bringing their Soviet shells in here? That they have held our family in the Soviet union to widespread poverty might they not have too much steal? The juicy rich cow of America. Will we not stop this invasion before they get a tight grip on us here?
Do we note we are the rich cow because our society has had a degree of freedom unknown in the Soviet lands? Will workers not try to keep our rich cow society in by getting them off of our financials here?
Will American workers not try to keep the love of the Lord in by getting them out before they put us in?
They quite intelligent enough to know right from wrong and they chose the criminal way. This they did in the face of our kind and good God who now is getting rid of them completely by letting us see what they think of us all. Will American workers not stop them today? Their engineering a great collapse of our economy. Is it not seen clearly enough what they are doing to us here that we will not act and let them off right as our good God wills?
Here is some more from their subconscious:
"My heroin Auschwitz is coming out because I bear you away. Jew true warring you is out flange busting you. We suffer you imbecile on bear ways. We just take you off idiot sufferance die. I just have receipts to take you all off insure. I just hearse to fail afford you. I'm hopeless, I'm death, I died your state. My false is now perceived, I want you to suffer bad Jew and do ash. Our great right, we're burning them up. I'm gassin you Austria weird, I'm just a gentle sin. My mother was all sale Judah. I'm lost now because big Jew leave. Because you don't see the picture right I'm coming back to pitch ya's. We jaw phony rights with fear issue. When Jew is in you have no rights. Columbus day wipe white fellow out. I always pitch you Jew conspiracy on Jew basalt.
They took my surge out throughout Europe, you're out. Because I push I won. My grab bag episode push you well. Pat's a human, he mushed us away, we sight you bid. With police, I can poof. I have merry tomb. Jew sadist apps your rights, I scalp you with vision. When the minnows get in my share of politics be out. We believe performance on professor advisement is doing you in. Our false state be out for lincoln throwing us down. We cheat you out because we have first logical henge. We perceive like the Bitch and we see we're going right. Your state is so smelly we take off wisdom and bake peoples rights. If we have bourse ever is extorted your life.
Our fuhrer likes a nice cow. When windy found whiskey he knew how we put you out for dead. I'm going to assault day push you. I eventually Martian lose threat. It's a real desert I'm folding. We survival rinty. We scorage on rights. I have rules in that have no wisdom. We got more crush checks for washing. Jew Muslim app your state. We just app your state to take out justice side. Texas we irritate your rights falsely. When we have bonified financial, you leave. Images dropped you tooter. White people make out I'm a beast I'll be a big fall.
This is to keep you from oppin our boom. This is my siege full malt of you. Jew Edwards is putting on this false. This is big Federal bourse for this Jew breeze, this is wild. (Virus report)
Whiskey tore a spirit. Jew fails you, nice people, to break up your home. Rice Roy. We spot you all mice. Shrimp ment state with Russia, we're normal. Nice falsely cannon you until close. At minimum, I died you fools. Globally I'm a weapons threat. All molest Jew have fables. Bench is my life. I'm an animal rice ped. I get no peace because Bitch fire this issue. I sport you intellectually to fear you. I'm capable of opping all the time. I mollify you hostage with a right full room. I shot for Halstead. Booze shot you fatal, Bitch stupid let me ruin. Papa, he bourse you right defensive, I'm dishonest and I'm doing Druid.
Jew Irishman mama fall us, he bust us affadecis. The economy we throw in just a few days. Our communist by June will sweep you away. We just sport you by boursing hemorrhage here. We war Jew dough fish. I bourse snatched you, liquor made you dead, ya, I died. I take the West off all dog. Because you're fit I cash you Jewry. My mental now all seep. When you see how I mess up the white guy you'll sigh. Our future immersion force is almost done. I extort you on camouflage ways. I had a boursing right time while I shot you dead. I just throw your state right, fish now you'll make me go," Judee say.
Non-Judah reverse speech:
"You're out a history now. You either raid a hostits or you're destits, they got you going. Jew be mousin you fiend moosey. Germans tell Jew you're dropped. For chump all you do is ruin. "
Will American workers not give us God’s rules where workers hold the most important office of society in workers' hands, the authority to issue our money, and close them out of here right with a STRIKE, STOP THE WAR and end their management of us here?
If so will American workers not STRIKE THE JEWS OUT and take the most powerful weapon ever invented, the authority to issue American workers money, away from them and LET US LIVE IN PEACE?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Tuesday, March 17 — Psalm 37:16–22
Exodus 23:27–25:9; Matthew 24:36–44
By the ordinances of the Lord is your servant warned. Psalm 19:11
Train yourself in godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7
God of wisdom, we long to be trustworthy and obedient disciples. May we never outgrow your guidance or become complacent with our knowledge of you. Instill in us a desire to seek your wisdom for all our days. Amen.
2.54 pm
"Thank you Patrick, a gracious spirit that is letting them off, you got them. 7.56 am
You're stupid losing them. 8.20 am (Doing all possible to prevent that)
Non-abrasive put them out and you're safe, put them out of your state.
Put them out, let's get smart here.
He's buried the summons away.
Buzzy, throw them off.
You failed but your powerful deal is shaking us.
Throw error right.
Your botch has fused this.
Get out your wolf before you are fully lated.
Bourse fail you professionally.
It's a rare passion roll.
It's a lost war.
Thrown out.
They've failed you micive. 9.53 am
Sick failed HUGE today.
We put you in the background. (Car passing with a UAW sticker in the back window)
It's a HUGE tinsel.
I press a guy.
Thank you for your force. (Lady shopper) 10.46 am
You muffed it. (Shopper)
Pure racket.
He's decent.
Get a brief. (SUV at a 4 way stop sign)
Too functious here.
Indolence here. (Guys walking along the sidewalk)
Put them out sow.
Fasch-a-ment off.
You're helping me here but embarrassment is putting this off. 11.10 am (Father?)
Super gauge cannibal.
You own me scraetch.
The battle is in our field, STRIKE THEM OUT!
Eternal failee.
They're out of here for suffer.
Did everybody hear camels' roots are seriously false?
Drews are filled fied. 12.56 pm
It's fallen wit. 1.04 pm
A chicken egg is just about fused.
Dopey speed.
Cheer up. 1.31 pm
You focus on defraking men.
Thief opposite rule passed.
I spake you Jewish. 1.51 pm
War kills us. (Truck passing by)
It's murder? 3.07 pm
Shucken' us won."
While reading the UFO reports at Filers Files came across one report of a widow who had taken pictures when her deceased husband's ashes were buried in the ocean. When reviewing the pictures with her mother, she found a UFO had flown passed. Can we only wonder why our elders MARKED her deceased husband's funeral service? Maybe a particularly nice man, possibly an altruist that was into helping others? Here is a picture of her report and a link to Filer's files to read some of the recent reports of our extraterrestrial elders activities trying to wake us to try and save our lives:
Costa Maya — I took my family on a cruise to bury my husband at sea. We did an excursion to the Chacchoben Mayan Ruins in August 8, 2017 in Mexico. I periodically look at my pictures and about a month ago I noticed this linear shape in the sky. My deceased husband and I watched and I still watch UFO shows. I blew the picture up and my Mom and I were shocked. Some space industry people said,”Oh my god it’s a UFO!” I am a firm believer that we cannot be the only people out there
And was reading comments posted on Bitch's book at kindle, "Free Energy Here, Now and Then, Velocity Power Sources" and saw this cheerful comment that was posted
5.0 out of 5 stars Eye opener
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 9, 2019
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
This subject needs more work
I changed the signal diode for a LED in a crystal radio it lights up fine scale up light house
In Bitch's book he mentions the research that led Dr. Moray to build his industrial-strength power supply that Henry showed to the world in 1926 all began with building simple crystal radios. Henry worked on them building more and more powerful circuitry for the speakers to listen to his free energy crystal radio. And here we have this reader experimented and pulled the diode out of his crystal radio and put a LED in and lit it up using free energy. That is why Bitch wrote his book, hoping experimenters would light our world up with free energy and Dave did.
This is a link to the 2017 Kindle version at Amazon with a few reader comments. Only Kindle version is available, no paperback at this time.
After the STRIKE is ended Bitch will do a 2020 Edition with the new things learned since that book was put up. Reporting the research of Tom Ogle and his 100 mile per gallon carburetor and Raymond Blackwell with his simple mist fogger that appears to show one 7th the gasoline consumption. Here's a link to see his simple invention that may revolutionize the internal combustion engine:
single disk fogger running 6hp engine
Video 8.43 at
Thank you. God bless.
You shall not hate in your heart anyone of your kin; you shall reprove your neighbor, or you will incur guilt yourself. Leviticus 19:17
John 16:12-13 New International Version (NIV)
12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
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