Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Fantastic Legal Rights." 3.18 p.m.

"Fantastic Legal Rights." 3.18 p.m.

 Looked in Bitch notes and saw that was the first Tele receive after posting yesterday, fantastic legal rights, and so chose it for the name of today's post.

The predatory (Redacted) officeholder, commonplace for over the last thousand years in Europe, was dealt with in the creation of the United States of America. Outwitted so to speak, by the introduction, acceptance and ratification of our unique and rare Bill of Rights.

The term ratification coming from the ruling Jews courts, the Jewish Rat, so such a curiosity in our law. The process of making a document officially valid. Etymology online traces the word ratification through France and into medieval Latin. Bitch traces it back to the Jewish courts. The Rat. 

And the fantastic legal rights gifted to us by our founding fathers. Particularly Thomas Jefferson and George Wythe who ended Rat law for us in the new land. And how did they do that? By identifying that a book cannot have a crime committed against it. So how does that end Rat law? By making the critical decision by members of a jury of the people instead of the officials of state office. The officeholder was barred so to speak from making the critical decisions concerning the people and their rights that came from the previous process of ratification. Ratification now not by office holder, rather a jury of the people to make the decisions for the people based upon the facts.

However this is not an easy change to happen even in a new nation as America was in 1789 as this same thing happened in England in 1215, a jury was to decide the facts, and it was defeated in England subsequent to that. And in the new United States the jury has been defeated once again by the rats and their sports elite. 

While watching a video claiming to show the people loved ....(Redacted.... 

And if we look a little closer to help understand why the extraterrestrial powers focus on the power of the Jews might it be because (Redacted) was a boy they hired for free? 

The threat of the (Redacted) hydrogen bombing us brought down by the force of the Martian police forces. 

Bitch's mother was ...(Redacted... 

Mother expressed that ...(Redacted....)

"Revere your mother," Father Harold said. Bitch mother taught Bitch Mother ...(Redacted....) good as gold inside her. And enduring the same fault as was her son. Her enduring prolonged suffering tore some of her wits. So what does that matter here? Well Bitchie likes the analysis that Judee gave that what has happened by the creation of the United States as a land of the free, we are a new breed, that he called the Philadelphia race. And that is what he likes to be. The land of the free where anyone can come and be the same race as the free. 

A land where free people don't face the threat of a bus driver threatening to push the panic button that will bring many axles with guns and cages to breeze. 

"Bourse is shaping us." ...(Redacted....)he brought some bourse in for the people to buy something to eat? Are we seeing it is bourse that let the Jews get a hold of the ...(Redacted....)?

Our extraterrestrial Saviors that let the Jews go on building their war machine until it got to the point it would blow the whole planet up, which is what the Jews planned all along for the simplest of us all. And Father had His angels retrieve Bitch from the tomb so he could report to the people just what the extraterrestrial-level wits of the competent skillful Jews have done to us all. What have they done? They pulled the trigger and God had His angels save us.

Tele receives:

"Fantastic legal rights. 3.18 p.m.

The sweetest people we are ever.

Death wit is deadly.


You suffer permanent silence.

He's a dune foul.

You about see this baby.

We capped your life in a most successful way buddy.

The white have built themselves extinct.

It's over now because I burn you fine death.

I'm corrected.

Our waltz is out to announce you.

It's so simple you can't believe it.

You're pretty mindful.

These are millions of years advanced from us.

You're in its class.

Finish it.

Thief fueled.

This guy knows exactly what he is talking about here.

Let them off for mousing.


This is our morning on Jonas stone age.

Our four bit be evident.

You threat my geezer.

They disadvantage.

Uncle Pat cleared out original thieves.

We're the best bronchilizer. 

It's conk and spin.

You message holds me right fallen because I wounded you.

We leave them tunny, it disables you, dislodges you.


Race to be told about us wasting you out.

Bunker atoms reads bulls eye.

Full pet arse Patrick.

Dolt, dolk.

It's ready to release us.

My true son is a boofis.

They sold missiles on rule, it's been scrapped.

Mutt them.

For lying your booted. (This is as truthful as is perceived)

You fool my accomplishment, your fool is now official, conquer you fair.

I vouch so I got you.

Monetary abuse make us fielded.

Foolish dangerous humble us transplant.

Measure achieved.

They hearsed us numb.

Caress your lives hard financial.

You wretch here, unfortunate views, STRIKE THEM OUT!

They make thee heartless, heart tis.

Americans like Europeans, they got away with dying us.

They're too costive.

Work with us Patrick.

Real costage.

I sorry food.

Your mother's image fair officially.

We ever thug.

Pat, you passed me out failed.

They genocide us.

Ruse looking kicks.

You're stupid in lethal, I function you helpless. 6.10 a.m.

We see...great fouls."


Just found this in the early Sunday political talk shows:

"I got to say Pat I fear because our great geno-state is off of here."

And they still are a deadly threat trying to take the life of Bitch before they lose the concession to issue our money. So what is next?

Father is watching everything here and so we can go easy to our next stage here. And Father's house is not about fear being used in anything that involves His love.

 As to an unending amount of attempts on Bitch, the one that is most troubling is the shoplifter theft pitch, and just had it pulled on Bitch again a little after 7 a.m. this morning. Do you want to hear this?

Anyway, Bitch doesn't linger in the store and dresses as lightly as possible so it is obvious nothing on me as I go out the door. And picked a couple of items up and heard a Tele receive, don't know who said it but now think it was Judee management of the store. 

"We serf you thief." 7.15 a.m.

Anyways, about 8 minutes later when I checked out, Judessa was running the cash register. And telepathically she said to Bitch, 'Let us go." And so that was what was on her mind to tell Bitch. 

Then while getting the last of my groceries, $44 dollar worth, pushing my cart a big six foot six 285 pounder walked up to the register between the door and Bitch. I looked up at him smiled and kept on walking then I heard Judessa say something, as I was passed her big guy I didn't hear exactly what she said and smiled and kept going on thinking no more about it at all. And then hearing telepathically a police department call here at 9:15 a.m.

So I think I figured it out now. Management sent the six-foot-six 285-pounder in a butcher's apron and put him in position to hear what she said, whereas I didn't hear what she said. And now she has her witness, who may or may not be involved in their Jew tricks. Though could this all be Bitch is just still much too paranoid about it all?

Anyway, used my credit card because Judah has swapped bills previously to make believe that I use counterfeit money to purchase goods. Using my credit card gives complete identity so there is no difficulty finding me if they have got a complaint. And that implies? Grand jury if someone got a beef, no chief making the call. 

And just pulled this from the television at 9.43 a.m.

"In 45 minutes we'll break this guy big force."

Might they be planning on relying on the six-foot-six 285-pounder's testimony that the checkout clerk said the words to return all of those shoplifted goods? Is that why Bitch hears the police call him telepathically at 9.15 a.m.?

With our rights in are we aware the correct way to proceed is with a grand jury to hear from the checkout clerk Judessa and what she purportedly said and the six foot six 285 pounder and hear from Bitch side also to give justice meaning in our nation that has a bill of rights in? Are we seeing how easily they have destroyed this nation using such well-staged falsity? Are we seeing how they have just waltzed us into algebra because we don't have our rights in?

While reading their facial reverse speech as they speak they tell us they are done for using a European group to blow our heads on the street. And now it is general knowledge and they are going out of issuing our money. 

"Slum out," one just said. The tenements are held by them using their fist force cage axle on us there.

They also tell us that the circuit cannot be disguised because it is too simple to build to energize and it has shown who and what they are all about here. Here is the exact wording pulled just minutes ago from a Politician on TV:

"We just have an agreement to fire the rest of the boys away because we can't arrest you. The circuit has made me a big die because you see I am true wicked. He understands gravity so he made my sight."

Yes, Bitch has been studying aspects of 'quantum entanglement' that aids in developing a useful theory of not only free energy but also a theory of how gravity works completely. And the thinking here is, this is already figured out and sitting on a shelf somewhere. So why is it not here? Because of wicked wits that are not helping us here and free energy would block them from putting their Jewish electricity genocidal dirty bombing on us here.

And how wicked are the wits that have held out this life-saving technology that will end the planet-destroying technology that is in now? Wicked enough to fool us for over the last thousand years in the old world of Europe that they held us in the resource-based struggle of war. And when the end of the resource base struggle could be easily brought about by advanced technology in the modern age, they blocked this life-saving technology because they wanted us out of life. Air pollution using brimstone waste is the method they have chosen to wipe the Philadelphia race out of existence. That of course is their second choice. The hurricane blast of Hydrogen bombs was their first choice to get us out of here. And that is the secret of why the presence of extraterrestrials remains the highest-level state secret.

"You've been harmed," the late Iowa Mufon director Jim King said when asked why the presence of ET is still a secret. "You've been harmed." And reading their facial reverse speech today they claim they have indeed cleared many of us already by radioactively chemically castrating our children that will end our existence in this world.

While God had His angels shut dozens of Jewish electricity plants down that the sports were going to blow off like they did with Hitachi-GE, can we only wonder why Father didn't have His angels shut down Hitachi-GE too?

As our children now are showing pleurisy-type lung infection disease might we consider that those children who with their parents pray to God may be protected from the high levels of radioactive waste that are in our atmosphere now? Are we seeing that those who love God may be protected by His grace? 

Pulled another facial reverse speech from an Israeli politician and he said, "I'm glad the Jewish people are collept." As they started bombing our family again in Gaza. 

And survey says, that 80% of the Jews are here to destroy the real good of the United States to take away our free wonderful God blessed Bill of Rights. And here is from the subconscious of one of them explaining their modus operandi that showed up in facial reverse speech:

"Jewish people always seize you and try to take you out with a wicked state. Shrimp will not whoop you so it gives me a place to cast so I can fetch you false and indict you on your own hinge and because I'm foul, I can cash."

And Bitch has reported before that Judah said that one of the reasons occidentals have not acted yet is because he has put a baby kike in their heads. 


A couple have said that Bitch is aloof, he has resigned, and nothing could be further from the truth. Bitch is up and serving before 3 a.m. everyday and continues researching to 7 p.m. or sometimes later if he gets onto something special. They are always trying to dispirit Bitch so he will be discouraged and give up on trying to urge workers to strike to get the paper away from these wicked ungodly Luciferian satanic evil son of bitches. 

The reason some may think that Bitch is aloof or resigned is because he has had to redact so much that is out of line. And it may look thin when much was written then taken out to pass the muster of not going against anything concerning Father's love and will to be kind. And will go through this post some more and take out what I hear from Tele receives, or reading their RS reveals what Bitch does wrong to himself that holds workers from acting to end this breeze. We must have the paper out of their hands if we want to have any chance to ever live right. And it is to Father that Bitch is seeking to soothe most of all. 

11.20 a.m.

Christians have this thing they call being born again. 

To be born again, or to experience the new birth, is a phrase, particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to a "spiritual rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit. In contrast to one's physical birth, being "born again" is distinctly and separately caused by the operation of the Holy Spirit, and it is not caused by baptism in water.

And might that be where Bitchie at about 65 years of age figures out there is a much bigger picture here than is ordinarily seen? Our real number one bright kids who spot, and catch on to what it is at about 25 to 35 years of age. And Judah's kids who are fully briefed by 15 years of age. From that estimate might it give us some idea why they have gotten over us like big fish? And with their Alzheimers sports our seniors that never get a chance to help us too much. Born again, might that be understanding the way God wills us to live?

Judee kids understand born again at 15 whereas an oldtimer generic guy gets a clue at about 65 years of age. Oldtimers are happy to know about Father and be born again in the right spirit to go His way while Judee Kid learns to fool us to take us away before we get to the point of helping others. 

Here are some select facial RS from the speakers on the Sunday political talk shows:

"Jew failed their warning so I have a meaningful Grand jury that I'm going to face soon. We continue beast with a tourniquet because we have receipts that fight you all off of here. The big one let me fall receipts," Judee say.

Are we noting there that Father Harold was kind and gracious and had His angels give the Jews a fair warning to not do genocide to His simian kids living in His village on Earth? Are we seeing when His angels put the fireproof heart in Joan's meat doll and beamed her out of the flames, Judah had fair warning from God to not slay His children any day?

Just a note, Father gave us the rules 3,500 years ago when he told Moses to not slay His children. And regrettably, the Jews with their competence at getting private hold of our receipts have gotten by some estimates as many as two out of three Americans agreeing with this thing called capital punishment. How can such a thing be? Will we not repent and go God's way to peace?

"As long as Joe will bust your soul I got a right. I'm all Jew metal fish now. We bourse you wood Titsberg so we can spin you fraud. Bitch rules rate us all treach-al. Because of our mental, we lost our rights. I'm happy I wall-finched you. With my hunch back I threw you out pitchin'. My false rights are out of here. I ace them with a criminal right because I am much in. This guy sees the chiefs and badly falls me.

My bourse pushed me away because I bubbled your establishment. This kid is pitiful falling us. This guy spots our cement you. We just have a Jew racket for enforcement. My role was to use capital to bust you out. I stay decrepit. Bitch has abolished our mal menagerous. As long as I have a right Joe I made you up to fall. Our fists are made up of 50% super people that are quite dead.

 I waste you government. I want mischief to keep my safety around here. My fly Roy has died. Your mother obviously failed us because I'm true bad. My dentist ricing be over wholesome. We have ten thousand troops if you fool with our rights. I feel the best hazard is for you. We bungle tenements with fear fistin'. We're just holding fear here. Because of our mother, we lost our rights because we made you inducted. I rumor your state to germicize. My false rights are out of here. 

I booed you Bitch because our force is corrupt. I was always the best way with Joe's military force to dud. I made you immature with theft. You mal apathy give us a way to breeze but because of excitement, we lose. You're falling Jew abortion of the people. We just out conscious you jew," Judee say.

Might that be why it is good to have God's consciousness on our side? 

And some more Tele receives from earlier today. 

"A skulk you fail. 6.19 a.m.

We jagged rights so they forced us out of here.

He embelly us.

Spots unique.

Vitamin oppressed.

We serf ya thief. 7.15 a.m.

We thrill ya kid.

Triple you dead because you're real.

Let us go. (Judessa clerk)

We worked you mature.

You leave us fuge you.

You have safened of their true goose.

They're true losers.

They raunch attach us, they're simply a foul people.

It's fool time.

We molest so much that you made our finch foul.

You threat our lousy house. (No threats in Father's house)

Our office folded, we lost you rightly.

Station time Sir.

You hearse me. 11.15 a.m. (No hearsing with Bitch)

It's foolish.

I'd of off miffed you degrade. 11.30 a.m.

Missed her.

Do you wine-al because I fish?

How you doin? (Thank you for asking. When the strike is done will be ready for a couple of weeks of vacation. That is how long Judah said it would take to begin to clear our wits from his foul disease)

Stupid. (Took some more out of the post. Thanks for the read and Tele send)

For past endless I assaulted you. (And God has freed us from your assault ever again. And as soon as workers decide to act we will be free people once again)

Get out your fees book.

Their joke's coming back.

Their removal is spinach clinch.

I'm doing a new defect sale. 

You let me hit you war. 

Incredible suiter.

Kinda weak thugs here.

Well him now.

We pitched the Martians through fear.

You do rot laughter. (Bitch pray to get better wits concerning that)

We avoid you. (That's fine just wish you would stop funding the bums who are assaulting me)

Genius horrible us." (Took some more out of the post after hearing that)


The big thing here is to follow Father's way and not do anything mean to them as they are going out of here. And keep the income sources in and maybe merely consider that tyranny was legal then and let it slip so don't change out the money that is supposed to go to those who earned it during Judah sports wave. Those are suggestions from kind Mercury elders to help us transition to our big gigantic income state.

Much any chance we will be buying them any more new missiles and H-bombs to put on the tips? Probably not though if they go to Congress again and promise this time to have invented the machinery to get around our Martian guardians, might workers say "that's OK, if you truly have a new and improved version of your old hydrogen bomb equipped missiles we'll buy some more to give you some more chances to set them off and wipe the planet out?" Seems quite unlikely, doesn't it?

The maturity to step around these nuclear war-fighting sports of great mirth. We must have the workers strike to get the paper into workers' control. That's it. No more no less. 

His disciples awoke Jesus, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” But he said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. Matthew 8:25-26

And as Jesus had the favor of God the Father to calm the winds so too can He protect His children who are now showing signs of radiation waste sickness. Pray to Father to spare us now. And do buy us some liquid boron and some folks to put it into the flying saucer mutilated cow drop zone at the 37th parallel of Hitahci-GE. 

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more Sizeable," Judee says.

Our cipher is much more sizeable but their cipher holds the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR? 

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy


First Sunday in Advent

Watchword for the week — Then they will see ‘the Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great power and glory. Mark 13:26

Sunday, December 3 — Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7,17-19

1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37

The Lord will again comfort Zion. Zechariah 1:17

Simeon was looking forward to the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit rested on him. Luke 2:25

O promise-keeping God, through prophets and patriarchs, we hear the good news of salvation and restoration. May your spirit rest upon us in these days of Advent. In your name, we pray. Amen.


Thank you again

1 Peter 3:9-14 New International Version 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. 11 They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. 12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”


Psalm 85:8 Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly. 9 Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.


Thank you again.


Isaiah 57:19 bringing praise to their lips. Peace, peace to those far and near," says the LORD, "and I will heal them."

Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.


For those that want to help us survive could I ask you's to maybe repost this plea for American workers to take the authority to issue our money away from the 1% that is holding us here?

For those that see the beautiful sight here is there an appreciation that is what our good God Almighty has for all of us here? Will American workers not please bring God's beautiful sight in here with a STRIKE?


1 Corinthians 2:3 I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7 No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Will American workers not bring us to God's wisdom and stop the war and issue our money? The rulers of this atomic war age now are coming to nothing as our good book predicted. Will workers not get on God's side and stop the war? Thank you.

Isaiah 66:1 Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is My throne,

And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me?

And where is the place of My rest? 2 For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the LORD. "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16


Ecclesiasticus 17:20 “None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord” Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.


Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing us good?

 Thank you. God bless.

Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:

"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."


Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

Psalm 48:14 For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

Job 26:28 And he said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

Job 33:31 “Pay attention, Job, and listen to me; be silent, and I will speak. 32 If you have anything to say, answer me; speak up, for I want to vindicate you. 33 But if not, then listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”


1 Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. 12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!

Psalm 68:1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. 2 May you blow them away like smoke— as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. 3 But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful. 4 Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. 5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. 6 God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

 1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.

Proverbs 22:10 Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife; quarrels and insults are ended.

22:20 Have I not written thirty sayings for you, sayings of counsel and knowledge, 21 teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth, so that you bring back truthful reports to those you serve?

Psalm 69:32 The poor will see and be glad— you who seek God, may your hearts live! 33 The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people. 34 Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them, 35 for God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will settle there and possess it; 36 the children of his servants will inherit it, and those who love his name will dwell there.

Isaiah 1:16 

Wash yourselves and be clean! Get your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways.

Proverbs 24:15 Do not lurk like a thief near the house of the righteous, do not plunder their dwelling place; 16 for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

Romans 8:28 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

John 16:12–15 English Standard Version 12 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15 All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord. (Matthew 25:21)


2 Timothy 3:6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. 1 Chronicles 29:11 Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

To the Elders and the Flock

5 To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: 2 Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

5 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth. Psalm 86:11

Isaiah 10:27

So it will be in that day, that his burden will be removed from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be broken because of fatness.

Proverbs 2:22

But the wicked will be cut off from the land

And the treacherous will be uprooted from it.

Isaiah 40.1 “Comfort, O comfort My people,” says your God.

Exodus 32:31 So Moses returned to the LORD and said, “Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made gods of gold for themselves. 32 Yet now, if You would only forgive their sin.... But if not, please blot me out of the book that You have written.” 33 The LORD replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot out of My book.…

Romans 10:12 For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?…

Jesus also spoke about this distressing day in His Olivet Prophecy:

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:21-22)

"Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil." Attributed to Plato

Psalm 43 1 Vindicate me, my God, and plead my cause against an unfaithful nation. Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked. 5 Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

"Love is the greatest force in the universe. It is the heartbeat of the moral cosmos. He who loves is a participant in the being of God. MLK

Habakkuk 3:13

You went forth for the salvation of Your people, to save Your anointed. You crushed the head of the house of the wicked and stripped him from head to toe. Selah

Isaiah 46:4

Even to your old age, I will be the same, and I will bear you up when you turn gray. I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you.

Psalm 72:17-19

His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed…

Psalm 50:14 “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, 15 and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Mark 3:31 Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. 32 A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”

33 “Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.

34 Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. 

“The mature response to the problem of existence is love.”

― Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu

Fromm declares that the art of loving is based on the practice of four essential elements: “care, responsibility, respect and knowledge” (Art, p. 21). These evoke a radically different response than that more commonly associated with romantic or sentimental love.

Luke 18:7

Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help?

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

1 Corinthians 14:20 Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature.

1 Corinthians 2:6 Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away.

Ephesians 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,

Psalm 103:2-4 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” ...

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”

John Stuart Mills (1806-1873)

Luke 6:41 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

A Tree and Its Fruit

43 “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45 A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind -

1 Samuel 30:8 So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”

And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”


Ridicule: The weapon of all others most feared by enthusiasts of every description, and which from its predominance over such minds, often checks what is absurd, and fully as often smothers that which is noble.

The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All therefore that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow-men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt.

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”

Matthew 5:9

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.”

John 14:16

“God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”

Matthew 5:5

“I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.“

John 14:2b–3

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

God’s Love will Never Leave You. “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.“

John 15:13

“Any religion that professes to be concerned about the souls of men and is not concerned about the slums that cripple the soul, the economic conditions that stagnate the soul, and the city governments that may damn the soul is a dry, dead, do-nothing religion in need of new blood.” MLK

Matthew 21:22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Churchill ordered UFO cover-up, National Archives show

1 Corinthians 1:28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.

Proverbs 13:10 By insolence comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom.

Philippians 2:2 Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.

There are no nations! There is only humanity. And if we don't come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity. ~ Isaac Asimov

 1 Corinthians 16:13

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. (14) Let all that you do be done with love.

 1 John 4:7

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (8) He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

 1 John 4:16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

"Our alpha-plex set you out and they had their kid brief you," Judee say. 

Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Let all of us who are willing seek God and His face: 2Chr 7:14; Psa 16:11; Heb 11:6

The worst thing is not that the world is unfree, but that people have unlearned their liberty.

-Milan Kundera

UFO MARKING over the Alps

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UFO MARKING over Judah China plutonium manufacturing plant

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