Monday, July 5, 2021

5 "The Spaceship Obviously Saved Your Lives." 12.34 am

"The Spaceship Obviously Saved Your Lives." 12.34 am

That simple truth, the spaceship obviously saved our lives. In a world with tens of thousands of hydrogen bombs at the ready will we not recognize the truth and let it set us free from those that make war?

The spaceship afforded us the opportunity to figure it out for ourselves. Can we not praise God for the gift of our lives and hear His thousands of warnings to STOP THE WAR?

Isaiah 60:12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste.

And according to the subconscious thoughts of Babylonian weap Judah that show up in facial reverse speech, we are now 2 to 4 weeks away from being scored out of existence due to the high background radiation that has been poured in on us from Hitachi-GE.

Will American workers not choose to serve the peace of God instead of the perpetual war of the Jews?

Mild folks set to be busted out of existence suffering the hell of every breath contaminated with radioactive waste. Can it be true we are set for this awful way to suffer sicken and die?

Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.

Will American workers not bring God's way in and let weap Judah and their collaborators off with a STRIKE?

The one percent that controls our money supply 100% exclusively, privately, and secretly. Has there ever existed anything quite as foolish as that situation?

Genesis 12:2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.

The possibilities that existed from the beginning when there was no deal to create the United States of America unless we had a bill of rights as the fundamental law of our land. Will labor not make those possibilities real by putting our bill of rights in again and issuing our money so that our God-given rights apply everywhere across this great land?

Micah 4:3 He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide for strong nations far away; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore;

Will, we not recognize that now is the time for God's promise of peace to appear and STOP THE WAR?

Matthew 28:18-19 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

The pacifism that Jesus Christ taught us that will lead us to God's way to peace. Will we not accept our sweet Lord's pacifism, hears God's thousands of warnings, and STOP THE WAR?

Psalm 22:27 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.

By having His Martian angels pull every single nuclear ballistic missile out of the sky sparing our lives has our kind and good God not demonstrated that He truly is our Lord to where we will not now act and STOP THE WAR?

Psalm 29:11 May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!

Do we recall before He passed that Father Harold said, "I gave you the peace, must you fail?"

Will American workers not try to recognize that God has given us peace and end this fail with a STRIKE?

Bitch is serving even though he is deeply imperfect with a fault of stupid due to enduring prolonged periods of suffering as Father Harold said but he is neither deeply imperfect or stupid enough to quietly let his money be used to harm other people. 

If it were other peoples money that was being used to harm our family both here at home and around the world he may have had to remain silent, but it's not, it is his money that he pays in income taxes that fuels all of the death and destruction and terrorism inside America and around our globe that is used to fuel the misdeeds of those that issue our money, secretly, privately and exclusively.

Will we not try to recognize that the ultimate responsibility for the funding of war is to be found in who funds the 1% Jews who make war? If we can agree on this singular fact of life might we not accept that we have an obligation to straighten it out by issuing our money ourselves? Will American workers not take the 1% middle man out and issue our money yourselves to save our lives?

The union workers leaders Walter Reuther (1907-1970) and William Sylvis (1828-1869) who saw the big picture to help us, both stolen out of life before they had the time to give us the help we need to get ourselves to the safe shores of peace.

Will American workers not accept responsibility and welcome an obligation to see that our money is not spent wickedly anymore?

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

The obviousness of what the fiends did, obvious at least to those that have spent the 40 minutes to think about it. And what did the fiends do other than surprise attack us all out in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011, with 64,000 Hiroshima amounts of hydrogen bombs blast heat and radioactive fallout force hurled at us on intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles by a submarine launch force far out to sea?

That genocidal attempt on sleeping Americans reported to Americans in October of 2011 after Mercury shared that information with Bitch boy. 

Though they missed that blast shot due only to the love of God, they have not missed with their atomic waste shot that has already wiped out our littlest kids. Through that might not matter because in 2 to 4 weeks they will have folded all of us. 

"I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," precious sweet Father Harold said before He passed away last November 26th.

What more can be said?

Bitchie not much focused on the actors we see. And why? Because those that hire the sins against us remain unseen. The ones that control the finances that hire the actors that populate our political realms. While we know they are the 1% Babylonian cannibal cult, if we want to be honest and true to ourselves is it ultimately not the simple everyday workers that are funding all of the actors in our world? Yes, and that is something that is curable by workers ourselves with a STRIKE.

"You're involved in sin, your lives won't be spared. We came to warn you," God's angels said.

Bitchie still up and out of bed every day by 3 am still shilling for God's peace. He wanted to go and get a cup of coffee and chose to refrain so that his 4th level wits will be on the "tight edge." 

"Keeps you off the tight edge," Mercury said what they thought about coffee drinking. They also said about coffee, "useful." They drink it when "retired."

"It desolate you," Father Harold said and that is when Bitch stopped drinking it a few years ago. A certain amount of it contaminated to dull the wits. Are we seeing the Jews have had widespread contamination of many of our favorite foods candies and beverages? That's their game.

Anyways it appears that we now are 2 to 4 weeks away from the end here. Is there not some way that American workers will recognize the obligation to stop the bloodshed with a STRIKE?

Tele receives:

"Get them off! 2.48 pm

Greasy fade made you.

You're getting sharp today.

It's a foolish die.

It's over for their bull hock.

Fool ya all. 

You can listen to your mild theme now and I'm not going to complain.

His for war ways pass.

It's the exact words I said. 4.35 pm

This hostage fell.

I have a suggestion, this safe life will make your settlement.

I do good.

I'm just hanging around to leave you, so long.


There's your many thrown foolish, you've been outbid. (Judee threw everyone. Bitch threw no one, not even the auto mechanic)

STRIKE for a fair sale, they are completely in.

Obviously, they're not thinking about war.

You've got the brain Jew didn't have.

Stargate will be fully seen, if you don't win great mothers is sad.

Miracle, it will save your century.

Oh my, God Patrick, I've seen the spaceship, I've seen you naked, the sports fell.

Control of income is how they put in beast deals.

Better make the payments or they'll waste you sin.

STRIKE, you're pretty much used scavenger.

They buy us snakes here.

Intellect soft strategy set you colony.

The spaceship obviously saved your lives. 12.34 am

I conduct you adequate final.

Sheeny is archerous continuing to off you.

Our enemy history shagged us.

Their transpires wicked your house.

They furnish mother to defeat us here.

They diapered them precious here.

Basically, we're cattle, you failed to save us, Patrick.

Your intimate bankrupt.

Disturbing Hoss lives.

The cats fold us here.

A package of murder holds you's waifs.

Abu-sick shot you waste.

You've been remarkable fade out.

Waste your maturity, dust you out.

Sea sharks basically is now chefs, skin ya.

Because of turkey torpedo, you lost your life forces. (Turkey didn't torpedo anyone. Is there not an understanding that is the rare, the lies the Jews that the Federation simulations factored in that revealed a vast number will be destroyed now as the Jews go into their undergrounds?)

Pretty witty. 5.11 am

Hey Pat, I ana-musch too fierce. 

Our randish us." 5.32 am


And from weap Judah subconscious mind that shows up in facial reverse speech:

"The white has disgraced me pulling all Jews off, I have lost my suggestions."

Will, we not keep praying that American workers will perceive that because they have disgraced themselves by harming God's kids they have lost their suggestions on which way America should go now? 

The authority to issue our money that is held exclusively, privately, and issued in secret from American workers purse by the 1%. Must American workers not issue our money to set us right? 

If the Jews are correct we have 2 to 4 weeks to act, are we aware we must take it away from them or be turned back into dust?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy


Monday, July 5 — Psalm 81:6–10

Isaiah 22:15–23:18; Ephesians 3:1–13

You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. Exodus 20:7

Father, hallowed be your name. Luke 11:2

Loving God, guide us to praise you with our words and our deeds each day. Forgive us when we fall short of giving you the best of who we are. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen


10.47 am

Watched Judee news from Japan early today. Here's a sample of what was found in their facial reverse speech:

"I threw America away because I used fear right. With Roosevelt, we just suffered you right because we're weakly. I just like the color purple. I am the origin of my fool mental which I have shot. Our Murtha for animals passed away, too ruin. Because I scored you with financial weapons I must leave you surprised. Bitch, you've gotten fooly Los Angeles away. Windy-side show you my catastrophe canceled me. Because I shot your economy in, shrimp hold my day in 2 weeks. In 13 days I'm going majority," Judee say. 

So what might we make of those subconscious thoughts that showed up in facial reverse speech? Do we note two different speakers mention 2 weeks that shrimp hold their day and the other speaker mentioned 13 days Judah is going majority? Could it be that the majority of American workers are going to end letting them bankrupt our economy in about two weeks or maybe earlier, in 13 days? Kinda looks that way doesn't it?


3.16 pm

"Pat, you let us off. 5.44 am

Your sin let them vaporize us.

You get me enterpise.

I curred out my neighbor, insured a lot.

Oh, they're trying to make us.

History, let's toss them out.

Professor make them for social spirit us.


You freezed us, assumptive dead.

I'm sorry about my slug, I shot it goofy.

Turkey, huge they stay abusive.

They got caught trying to extinct us.

You're slow.

STRIKE! 9.06 am

An awful-ass lewd.

Thank you, you died your wolfage.

They mal to fix your family in war.

Disappointed Jew hinge deadly assaulted.

Bright, sharp. 11.44 am

You're closing out one stinking deal.


That shears story sounds malevolent, violent; of course, he had nothing else to do with it.

I dud you rackets, creepy all sage.

Stew fish on fail. 1.52 pm

They defeat with a bad in the ocean.

I great fool." 3.28 pm


Thank you.


Isaiah 57:19

bringing praise to their lips. Peace, peace to those far and near," says the LORD, "and I will heal them."

Matthew 25:34 Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.


For those that want to help us survive could I ask you's to maybe repost this plea for American workers to take the authority to issue our money away from the 1% that is holding us here?

For those that see the beautiful sight here is there an appreciation that is what our good God Almighty has for all of us here? Will American workers not please bring God's beautiful sight in here with a STRIKE?


1 Corinthians 2:3 I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit

6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7 No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Will American workers not bring us to God's wisdom and stop the war and issue our money? The rulers of this atomic war age now are coming to nothing as our good book predicted. Will workers not get on God's side and stop the war? Thank you.

Isaiah 66:1 Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is My throne,

And earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you will build Me?

And where is the place of My rest? 2 For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist," Says the LORD. "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16


Ecclesiasticus 17:20 “None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord” Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Ecclesiastes 7:20 Surely there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.


Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing us good?

 Thank you. God bless.


Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:

"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."


Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

Psalm 48:14 For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

Job 26:28 And he said to the human race, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

Job 33:31 “Pay attention, Job, and listen to me; be silent, and I will speak. 32 If you have anything to say, answer me; speak up, for I want to vindicate you. 33 But if not, then listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”


1 Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. 12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!

Psalm 68:1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee before him. 2 May you blow them away like smoke— as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. 3 But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

4 Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. 5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

6 God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

 1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.

Proverbs 22:10 Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife; quarrels and insults are ended.

22:20 Have I not written thirty sayings for you, sayings of counsel and knowledge, 21 teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth, so that you bring back truthful reports to those you serve?

Psalm 69:32 The poor will see and be glad— you who seek God, may your hearts live! 33 The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people. 34 Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them, 35 for God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will settle there and possess it; 36 the children of his servants will inherit it, and those who love his name will dwell there.

Isaiah 1:16 

Wash yourselves and be clean! Get your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways.

Proverbs 24:15 Do not lurk like a thief near the house of the righteous, do not plunder their dwelling place; 16 for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.


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