Monday, February 1, 2021

1 "Venus Enjoined Us, Took Off Our Racket Fail. Mercury Rights Our Torts," Judee say.

"Venus Enjoined Us, Took Off Our Racket Fail. Mercury Rights Our Torts," Judee say.

Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars. The main extraterrestrial groups that are serving to transition planet earth out of permanent war into a permanent peace. The most powerful weapon ever invented, (the authority to issue American money), still in the private exclusive hands of the genocidal Jews who have put our littlest children out of reproduction already by attacking us with Jewish electricity brimstone waste.

Though in a month or two, it won't matter if they are sterilized or not because if we continue on with war then we and our children will die off over the next few years sick with a range of radioactive waste diseases. 

And yet what are we to consider in that our bibles tell us that is to be our fate, to die off now in megadeath numbers due to a range of calamities falling on us including brimstone to take us away?

The intentional burning of a radioactive pile will be a full decade on March 11, of this year. A month away. Are some of us wondering how the lethal contamination of our atmosphere is going to affect our health, our lives?

The simple act of putting boron into the feed water to end that atomic pile from burning, and it is not done for going on a decade now. Could it be that it is too technical of an issue for ordinary everyday workers to understand? That the media has zero controversies swirling around whether or not only one Jewish electricity plant burning will actually be able to die hundreds of millions of Americans off, should there not be a sense of caution as to who and what we are dealing with here?

And the constant psychological warfare that is waged on us in every form of communication. Should that not clue us that we are being fooled with by those who privately and secretly issue our money?

As to that psychological warfare, Bitch mentioned in yesterday's post about the two bombs placed in Washington DC and read last night those were to be used to put on former President Trump that he was inciting a riot by his speech of January 6th. The thing about it, those two bombs were planted January 5, the day before he gave his speech that purportedly triggered the Washington mob scene.

And Bitch is no Trump apologist, so who did that planting of a couple of bombs that look to be false and not able to go off? Who else than weap Judah who is holding the concession to issue our money? Who can hire those sorts of things done? Who other than the unknown secret group that holds the authority 100% to issue American workers money?

And the flying saucer that buzzed that Zurich bound passenger plane causing it to swerve and put an announcement to brace for a crash on the public address system in the passenger compartment. From some facial reverse speech yesterday, there was some hint that the Zurich Switzerland group is starting the war with Iran and that is why our elders MARKED that Zurich bound passenger plane by playing chicken with the pilots and MARKING that plane and making it swerve out of the way of that flying saucer.

The neutron-activated food products that the Jews have shipped in from Switzerland to silence and turn into insurance collections some Americans. How about the grand juries labor?

The Jews who have banded together with their nuclear war-fighting hobbyists partners in Europe. Our lives easily being snuffed out as we continue to let anti-American foreigners issue our money. 

Those who are supposed to represent us in Washington who instead of serving us spend their time serving Israel. Can we not get American workers to take the concession to issue our money out of tiny Switzerland's Jews hands? Will we not end Washington DC as being Israeli-occupied territory?

"The boy sold us out electricity and got us done," Judee say. 

General Motors Co., pioneer of the automobile and a pillar of American manufacturing, declared yesterday that it will stop making cars that run on gas.

That day won't come until 2035, according to GM, but that hardly lessened the impact of an announcement set to shake the oil industry; the automotive supply chain that suffuses the economy; and the electric grid, which would need dramatic changes to fuel the onrush of electric vehicles.

A world crowded with restless electric vehicles and their big batteries would need a vast number of charging stations, almost none of which have been built. Plugging in thousands of cars could fundamentally alter the grid's patterns.

And while Biden has made the development of EVs a central part of his climate push, the need could outpace his plans. A new study from California suggests that Biden's goal of building 500,000 charging stations this decade may be woefully inadequate (Energywire, Jan. 25).

"Utilities are going to need to make significant investments in infrastructure to accommodate this," said Paul DeCotis, a former New York state energy official and an analyst for West Monroe, a consulting company.

With an inexpensive electronic circuit installed are we seeing there will be no need for charging stations? Velocity free energy circuits that are here and now. Will American workers not get involved and take over the concession to issue our money from the Swiss Jews?

The long-running open extraterrestrial rescue mission to planet earth began in 1947 when elders crashed one of their flying saucers at the only genocidal pebble dropping airbase on planet earth, Roswell, New Mexico. The home of the 509th atomic bombing group that had only 2 years earlier in 1945 attacked defenseless Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs.  

From crashing one of their flying saucers in the sands of Roswell 74 years ago to playing chicken with a passenger plane landing at Zurich Switzerland just a week ago. Will Americans not take the warnings from the highest authority in our universe, our good God Almighty, and STOP THE WAR?

"--- ----- ------- -- ---." 3.58 pm

The Jewish paper trained assault murder teams primarily made up of cruelly manipulated poor Stosh and Ernie about to go out of existence permanently. Will Druid workers not help our fellow man get a seat at the dinner table so that the Jews cannot exploit their labor for fist?

Will American workers not put our God-given rights in and close the Jewish rights of genocide out before we are leveled out of existence on our own purse no less?

"Truman come off of his waltz for the professor's truth."

That non-Judah facial reverse speech. Is that not telling us the truth? Is there an understanding that President Harry Solomon Truman gave the go-ahead to hydrogen bomb blast exterminate the Philadelphia breed in 1952? The flying saucers that buzzed the Capitol buildings in Washington DC that summer to MARK Washington's sin against the children of God on earth. Is there not a vowel that is to be said that won't bring American workers to take Hymie and high tech Fritz off of running this nation into the ground?

The foreign sniper teams that have been and still are working the streets of the United States and have been ever since the Jews were gifted with the most important office of state there is, who issues the money, in 1913.

The errant life forms that are successfully killing off the white breed massively. Is there not some way to interest those that are dying to try to save our own skins?

85% of white set to go out of existence now while 79% of black set to stay in because they don't buy the war machine at all. Will white not join with our black brothers and sisters and close these genocidal jews out of issuing our money and STOP THE WAR? 

"Patrick's got our breeze relationship because he's got our head. I couldn't do him out of his sheeny life and so he rolled us fair. Mercury won't let us start our Gulf life breezin'," Judee say.

That's the facial reverse speech that Bitch was referring to, ( Mercury won't let us start our Gulf life breezin',") that he thinks is connected to our Mercury elders flying at that Zurich bound passenger plane. Are we understanding that the Jews in their shells in Iran are doing what they can to lure America into war with Iran so the Jews in their Soviet shells can finally reach us and take our physical infrastructure out with the 60,000 plus conventional guided missiles they have in their inventory of arson works?

With tens of thousands of bridges from coast to coast dropped within a short time might we not have some real problems for those that survive?Are the Jews plans just too horrific and there is not the maturity to look realistically at what we are facing here?

"My ability to worry you foul is my best trick," Judee say.

Will workers not clear the Jews off of us and end their thousands of years of fouls against any and all that they ever got a grip on?

"Pat, I was able to make you fall because you were schtupid."

And what can Pat plead other than, "schtupid?"

As Judee said to the effect that Bitch must have some real problems what with the Jews clearly exterminating us, and Pat not able to get a thing done, even after blowing the horn on the Jews after Mercury clued the focused Bitch into what is going on here.

The Jews, with their "rare," ability to fool the absolute majority of most any people, so well lied about Bitch that the people have ignored their own children being taken out of the reproduction of themselves now. No matter anyways because they will not live very long if we continue with this world of war for the Jews sports anyhow. 

So will the Jews succeed in forcing God's hand to bring the rapture in to save those that love and fear God? Will 2 out 3 Americans perish now from the Jews errant force that is manifest in them privately holding the exclusive authority to issue our money?

"We're trying to keep you's from thinking about the presence of the Federation."

Bitch searched his notes for the exact wording and couldn't find it at the moment, but that is the gist of what that political Judah said. 

The Galactic Federation of Light and the rescue mission sent in as part of "Project Earth." Started in 1906 when the "Proper Behavior Committee" of the Federation made the decision to give us a second chance.

Is there an understanding if the fact if not for the Federation's efforts on our behalf the Jews on Fritz's technical wits would have blast perished us already?

They tried with blast first and now they are using Fritz's technical wits to get us from Hitachi-GE with waste. Is there not some way that the ordinary fish will act and end them vaporizing us with brimstone waste?

Our family in Germany, England and America. All victims of the vicious lying genocidal Jews and their nuclear war fighting hobbyist partners. Our family worldwide victimized by their hideous ways. Will American workers not free us to live out our destiny now as the peaceful children of God who we really are?

Tele receives:

"You're a fooly fool. 3.05 pm

Thank you.

Thank you so much, it's viewed.

--- -- --- ------- -- ---. 3.58 pm

They're homi-psychus complete rubs.

Oh Pat, of all of our dog ponds, you bust us the most.

You sounded goldly useful.

I fade you habit Pat.

You talk to me abusive for skiffen my century.

Fraudulists cite you, you're up.

Shy fails, die off all killed.

Your saving us failed.

GD you mugged us now.

You left us down.

Pat, STRIKE and get them out, slow your I'll.

You allege reliable offend. 7.20 am

I'm errossen watching you fall, ha ha ha ha. 7.22 am

Pull it out, it's goofish harm. 7.25 am (Heard that and took that Tele receive out that came in at 3.58 pm)

For the game I'm done.

Are we nuts? 7.44 am

The schedule fist cage us."


Bitch does not pick a side between Trump or Biden, it is procedure that Bitch is aiming for here. The correct procedure to let us survive. The procedure that will get us to peace.

Here's some more from the subconscious mind of weap Judah:

"The biggest forgery, that's my belief would keep out contact. Bitch rising was not able to clear our stack even though we're not coming back. Obviously it's my goal to get the Federation off. Because I was able to pull you with a pretzel I was a big deal. I always have a candidate walrus so I can hold you true. Shrimp has a performance cataster that is truth. 

I molest you innocent with progesterone. I'm Jew happy when I'm stepping some problems. I just use the baby to pitch humans. Because I like to abuse you I'm in. I don't want the West rights on people, that's why I shot. Fantastic we're braving you to your autopsy. If we don't have the British taxpayer to fetch capitalism won't work. 

I've now held the cow for legitimate hawking end. Our communist is spiffing a sparrow. With my cannibal receipt I'm dead. The righteous showed you I shot you wall barrels. To hold our maintenance we put the pooch on you, that's why we double tagged Major. The haul will change this dog wrenching off of you. 

My haul has about fouled true turkey. Since the early 40s I've been rude. I'm Jew, sub won. Jew psychs your proceedings. Jew is the ultimate fantastical shooting. Pat, you're just stew wits. The professor rolled our main fortress, that's why I'm dying. We give you heart attacks, to fall racial," Judee say.

And these are from purported democratic activists in Hong Kong:

"I'm a tycoon yappas. I chisly state mess you. Pat crushed our fist fails."

Are we seeing it is weap Judah in his and her hybrid transplant shell in every terrain that is working their game?

And the continuing criminal violence being perpetrated against the Illinois heart throb. 

"With the Illinois heart throb the professor is proving I'm a criminal because I'm a puritan," Judee say.

To allow a public payroller clerk on the bench to destroy that man's valuable property in himself might we understand why world opinion is that arbitrary imprisonment is genocide?

Will American workers not close out the Jew from issuing our money and put American legal procedure in so that we all have American stated rights and not communist Jew issuing decrees?

Contact with the house of our heavenly Father that has given us the best opportunity to live and work in peace with our whole human family both on earth and in the universe. Will American workers not hear the love of God Almighty and stop the War before we are terminally finished by the deadly errant life forms?

"We have determined we will go because your cipher is so much more sizeable," Judee say.

Our cipher much more sizeable but their cipher holding the private authority to issue our money. Will our sizeable cipher not act right as our good God treats us right and do God's will and take over the authority to issue our money and put an existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will? Will workers not help Bitch to do God's will to clear this death out that our money is letting the Jews do to us here? Is there some understanding their series will take us out huge if we will not act to help ourselves? Will we not help ourselves with a STRIKE?

If so must our peaceful cipher not STRIKE THEM OUT and STOP THE WAR?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy


Monday, February 1 — Psalm 18:30–36

2 Chronicles 3:1–5:1; Acts 18:8–21

Is anything too difficult for the Lord? Genesis 18:14 NASB

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5

Creator, we put our trust in you, for you made the world and everything in it. How could we ever think that you couldn’t handle those things in our lives that we fear. Remind us of the bridge from your heart to ours, that it is ever-flowing with love, and we must give your love away to make room for more. In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


4.20 pm

"Pretty good. 11.24 am

We've all been penalized. 

You're about to get them ready to work.

Sporty means.


Sheeny enterprises.

They just stage fair, ridiculous."


Thus says the Lord, “I will rejoice in doing good to them.” Jeremiah 32:41

Will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT and let our good God come in with His angels and rejoice by doing good to us?

 Thank you. God bless.


Psalm 40:13 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; hurry, O LORD, to help me. 14 May those who seek my life be ashamed and confounded; may those who wish me harm be repelled and humiliated. 15 May those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” be appalled at their own shame.…

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer, the Mighty One. Isaiah 60:16



7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

James 4:17 Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.


"With The Right Comment Jew Be Out In 2 Hours," Judee Say.


Mercury elder said to Bitch clearly and plainly as could be:

"Their power strategy is not allowed up here."


Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Luke 1:52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

Psalm 11:7 For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.

Leviticus 5:17 If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.



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