"Top West Design Fall Yourselves Irritated. Counsel Us Pat."
Those a couple of overnight Tele receives. Pat is praying to God our Father to spare us from this mass die-off that we are holding in by giving the authority to issue our money to the synagogue of Satan that is using it to make a multiple of wars upon us. Pat sorry he irritates, could that be akin to blaming the victim? That isi has Patrick been blaming you're for the unending war that is still going on?
America funding and fighting unlimited wars around the world and at right here at home in the good ole US of A. The day we take the authority to issue our money away from them, any doubt we will be OK? No doubt, but when are American workers going to act, STRIKE THEM OUT and issue our money as our good God wills?
Ecclesiastes 8:11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 27 Those far from You will surely perish; You destroy all who are unfaithful to You. 28 But as for me, it is good to draw near to God. I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may proclaim all Your works.…
The judgment of God may take a thousand years or more to come about. The sentence against the evil works of those who invented atomic weapons to scrape God's unknowing and unaware children off of the earth and into extinction. Our Good God Almighty who is now dying those perpetrators off, but it appears it will be more than a thousand years until they are finally died off in Godly ways dead and gone. And so what are we to do until then?
Does it appear that as long as the evildoers still exclusively and privately control the authority to issue our money, we will suffer whatever travesties of justice they wish for us to suffer? Are we not suffering their decision of making permanent war upon our brothers and sisters in this world? Yes, we are the prime funders of all of the wars of tiny Israel. Does it not seem odd that such a big and incredibly powerful and wealthy nation is held by a few million vicious errant life forms?
But what are we to make of the fact they have held Europeans to make war for well over a thousand years now and have Americans serving their permanent war as if we had never left the old country of Europe's shores?
Might we think of the late Elie Weisel who said there is an "ontological difference between them and us?"
And Bitchie who sees these dangerous fouls as they really are and wonders why it is so obvious to him but not so to other kids? And then learns in his senior years that the sperm donor for him was actually a Norwegian Replicon. Could that explain why he reads their minds and understands precisely how they are dying off the regular guys and actually getting away with it big time?
In the battle over the question of nurture versus nature, is ontologically different passed genetically? Could that explain why Bitch knows they are succeeding in a massive die-off of the mild breed and the mild breed is making themselves go and don't do a thing about it? Could the mild breed just not believe they have already largely been shoved out of existence by funding the sterilization of their own kids?
The Galactic Federation of Light that is dying the hardcore Jews off just right. And yet, it may take over a thousand years before they are no more. What will happen to us who allowed ourselves to fall into their merciless and unforgiving genocidal hands?
Might it require the majority of our breed to perish before we clearly understand to not make war for the Jews ever again? Might we know the answer to that within about a week from now? Yes, that is what it looks like.
If Americans allow ourselves to be involved in the Jewish sin of genocide against our family on earth then we will perish out over a few years' time the majority of Americans for sin that our good God Almighty will not abide, genocide.
Why then won't Americans stop destroying ourselves? Do we recall our bibles tell us that is just the way it will go in the end times of the beast with us? A third will die off before we will perceive not to make war for the Jews sport. What can we do to convince ourselves to close the Jews permanent war out to save our lives? What will it take to convince American labor to take our free money away from the Jews and give it to labor to issue for us?
"Leadership fail." 4.24 am
Is that what it is? Might that leadership fail be due to the Jews perfected the ability to assault to death anyone who notices what they are up to here?
Bitchie, designated a "shill" by our good God Almighty, not to rule. His function is to inform God's kids of how you are being destroyed here and what to do to stay alive as the Jews succeed with their merry die of mild people. Bitch has an irritating that might be caused by his perception of mild people who if surveys are correct, two out of 3 accept killing defenseless people in this thing called "capital punishment."
If only mild people did not accept such a wrongful thing, might the Jews not have been able to snooker us to fund and fight wars for them?
The Jews who hold some poor guy for a few decades in death row solitary confinement, and then after those 30 or more years on death row, march him to an execution chamber and punish him by lighting him on fire with a needle of burning chemicals injected into his veins. That we miss that big of a false, an insult against common sense, an insult to the notion that we serve for humanity's sake, might that explain why the Jews have done us this dirty war way?
The intrinsically unjust nature of capital punishment, even before mentioning that God forbade it, are there some that think that the concept of justice is merely an "elitist thing?"
Might the truth be that the cunning tricky Jews have succeeded in fooling us at our roots as to what might explain why we have let them do us this dirty evil way that now threatens to take the majority of us away?
"Resight yourselves in peace," the angels say as to what we need to get ourselves right with our brothers and sisters on earth and with our Lord in heaven above. I'll ask you once again American workers, will you not stop funding the Jews who are clearly destroying this surface world?
Could there be any Americans who believe that the Jews and their Berlin bribe-takers built the tens of thousands of atomic bombs to do good things for us all? Will you's not get smart and say prayers of thanks to our good God almighty who has had His angels keep us from perishing at the Jews high technical investors' hands and heads? Are there any Americans who have not yet heard they opened fire on us in the middle of the night of June 11, 2011 to wipe us out in a Trumanesque way with 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen bombs?
God Almighty who has spared us our existence. Will American workers not respond gratefully to the love of God and stop the war of genocide against His children that we keep funding the Jews to commit?
God Almighty's wish that is Bitch's command. God's will that is the direction Bitch goes now. Are some saying to themselves, "but what about all of those people Bitch killed and collected insurance collections on?"
Might we have to answer that with what our extraterrestrials elders prophesied from observing the Jews "rare" ability to fool people as to why ordinary people would fund themselves to being put in with brimstone atomic waste in the end days? Bitch hasn't collected on any insurance policies on anyone and he hasn't killed anyone, period.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, its what you know for certain that just ain't so. It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled" Mark Twain said.
Those who actually think they know for certain that Bitch has killed people, when it just ain't so. God would have nothing to do with a fiend. And Bitch in his life has never fiend anyone or even carried fiend thoughts against anyone. And yet in these last days, the Jews are able to hold some mild people into a false about Bitch as they snuff our lives out by shooting us for over 9 years from Hitachi-GE.
Is there an understanding that those who financially hold the Jews death wish in are set now to go completely out of lifeform inhaling brimstone?
Tele receives:
"Might Jew be playing us for fools? 3.59 pm
It's elitist. 4.46 pm
A jeer racket.
You accepted it.
True fetch error me bullfinch.
Snail guard. 7.21 pm
They cored you with electrical rights.
It's a lunatic heretic.
Gas is burning us.
The elephant is tossing us even with GD them.
To score them they nest egg them.
Embezzle typhus here.
We're sad we can't hold ya.
Top West design fall yourself irritated.
Penny-pinch waif us out.
Counsel us Pat.
Their aphis rape us here.
Leadersip true fail. 4.24 am
Wonderful how they rape you. 7.09 am
They swamped us all Israelite.
While writing this there is a show on public television and Judee is enjoying the great outdoors with his eagle. He waves his hand and his eagle comes in and lands on his arm that has a protector sleeve to shield from the eagle's talons. And there is a piece of meat in Judee's hand that the eagle immediately starts chewing on.
Judah claims animal rights as to where his authority comes from to abuse and molest us. And while thinking of his eagle that hunts rabbits for him, it is food that causes the eagle to return to him. Might we see food as at the root of how weap Judah has held us so tight, not unlike the eagle that hunts the rabbit for Judah, by squeezing us tight by holding the tool to access our food resource, the authority to issue money, he uses food to get us to serve his course?
In the access to food are we seeing once the Jews lose the authority to issue our money they won't be able to squeeze us and force us into hunger as is their course? Are we seeing why God Almighty wills the working class to issue our money for us here? He loves us and are we understanding He wants us all to have our food? Are we seeing why workers must issue our money so the Jews can never again tight us in our food?
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed!
The Lord hath promised good to me,
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we first begun.
Bitch would like to make a note, that even when blind to the presence of our good God in our world, he was not blind to the harm that is being done to our family by the foul war machine. His vicious talk and that is all it was, will not be found coming from his lips now that he has found the love of God for all of us here.
Will workers not accept what Mercury said of the molehill of faults of Bitch that Judah tries to make a mountain out of are in reality, "minutiae," as Mercury elders describe Bitch fails?
If only workers will once accept the truth and step out consideration of who Bitch was decades ago and try saving yourselves, will you not hear the love of God instead and step up and become full Americans once again that have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
A barber was given a ticket for earning his living cutting hair when the governor said he could not do that because of the pandemic, the governor's pals put on us. A $500 dollar fine and up to 90 days in jail upon conviction of that ticket.
Are we aware that with our American rights in a jury is available to decide the $500 dollar fine because Americans have a right to a jury when the amount involved is $20 or more?
And as to the 90 days in jail, are we aware that when our American rights are in a grand jury must hear the allegations and decide if there is probable cause that a crime has been committed before the barber is charged and has to face going to trial?
With such splendid protective rules as American law has, both civil and criminal, might we see why the Jews and their political crime wave collaborators do not want us to understand our rights at all? Do we see why they bomb buildings and put in their so-called patriot act to take our rights to due process of law away from us?
Will workers not put in our rights to earn a living as has been American law from the very beginning of the United States in 1789?
Might we see if only we exercised our rights properly we never would have had this political crime wave that has overtaken us in the new land of the free?
And when did the final demise of our American rights begin? Might we trace it to the machinations of the bench that has crafted the laws that have made us the rogue nation we have turned into here? Our benches now stuffed with insurance mousers. Will workers not put our rights in and end the evil that we and our children are suffering and dying in?
Their evil ways are coming to an end because they have gotten themselves caught for their offend. Will American workers not put them out before we are died off fair by them?
"My Houston hatchet theory has gotten me thrown out. Saxberg has casualtied' your head. Jew defied you Otis and fell a few. I'm a kill monster. Jew now push your ass true because it's my gas. With a hero white boy I bang them up. I'm gonna fall you grease ball with my bazoo. It was therapy pulling you Moscow. We got a crafty free ship here to mice you. My ass rolls because of the truth of Bitch, we got you out by the skies, Saxon rolls. My grandparents used to shoot potatoes. I'm over, scoring your mental blew my cool.
I always raunch you idiot murder. We just wanted to leave you desperate. Because of your admiration I had a form to take you away. I didn't see Mars and they wouldn't let me flame you so now I go away. Big politics, the admirals were shoved out for rude. Nice boy nice smile Jew cages out because of my error true. Your truth is more powerful than my face. Police enforcement is out because the universe app is right. I always emphasize you were into sports.
If an emperor was right we always got him out. If you perform your revolution and get me out you will survive if you don't, I will wipe you. Our Federal right always bouts ya. We got all of you out because the professor has failed. I right message your life truly false. Our foulest pitch is true muscle to take you away. We're coming out marching you syndicate. I perjure out your air. I'm a traitor for bucks. Big dog do real error. Our routine hoosegow shrimp put it away. My teen angel has proven too small to stay with only my Wesson. I go to punish you Patrick but the Martian push my hand away," Jude say.
Will workers not latch onto the gift the Martians have given us, a second try at life on earth without the Jews threatening to make us die in a nuclear war? Will workers not take over the management here right by issuing our money?
Non-Judah reverse facial speech:
"If you hold this until July, app win whole purity."
Can we not pray that American workers will step in here and end the abuse of God's children on earth that the synagogue of Satan plans to continue until we are no more a people alive?
Humble Bitch is dedicated to serving Father's will. "Electrify them, Enrich them," as Father wills for His son Bitch's service. To make available free electricity around our world that is clean and does not make anyone sick or die. The clean water that Father wants so that all His children worldwide can live right and healthy. That is what Bitch will be doing after American workers give us the right to our lives that the Jews have denied us.
The only way we move forward is if we clear the war barrier out of our way. Will workers not clear their war that is a barrier to us going on?
Will we not pray for the miracle of the American workers STRIKE to take the authority to issue our money out of the hands of the synagogue of Satan and into the safe hands of a workers committee of the whole?
In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children on earth?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.
Love God
Have mercy
Friday, May 22 — Psalm 68:19–27
Numbers 12:1–13:16; Mark 13:14–27
Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he the child I delight in? As often as I speak against him, I still remember him. Therefore I am deeply moved for him; I will surely have mercy on him, says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:20
But while the son was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20
Holy One, thank you for embracing us as parents embrace their children. We are truly grateful for your unconditional love and mercy. In your name, we pray. Amen.
4.32 pm
"Thank you, remember you. 8.56 am
It's hell catas.
Oxidee fails.
For your rise settle.
I falsed them out complete.
The dog scores me out.
It would break it off completely.
We're completely fouled.
True embezzle straft us here.
Cop loser.
Because you failed to meet the schedules Jew is real happy. 12.58 pm
STRIKE THEM OUT, boost us superficial.
Heart attacks have really given them their place.
Authorize yourself Patrick.
Turn around, check against the fiddler.
They want to exterminate us racket.
You jerk failed Patrick.
Government suckering you failed.
God bless you.
I hope you fix this rude for us.
Ipsi factors.
I bounced you fisty screwy. (Judee women Bitch rode his bicycle passed)
The circuit will spurn racial. (Construction worker)
It's unrule.
Wonderful thieves spirit you, 78. (Senior woman walking who shared her age)
I'm Rachel and have the worst day. (She was walking with a friend)
It's fair for ranch. (Cutting her grass as Bitch rode by)
The hungry dollar."
This next was in yesterday's post:
And here is a link to a 6.49 video just posted of several hydrogen warheads in a controlled burn off over Vista California:
You will notice those warheads burning out near the end of the video.
And a few reverse facial speeches just captured from a video of Franklin Roosevelt. Here is something he said at the time of the Second World War:
"For free I'm gonna boo you oxygen bad so you don't come back."
It was understood by the scientific community by about 1920 that radioactive waste was deadly and could be used as a genocidal weapon of war. President Roosevelt blocked our free electricity to contest Druid he said in a reverse facial speech in about 1932 that Bitch read recently. Are we seeing he was briefed on how he was going to get us out with brimstone atomic waste so we don't come back? Did he know this at the time of the beginning of the Second World War? Yes he did. Are we getting how permanent have been their plans to die us all off nuclear waste?
From that same video a Jew shell in our era said this about the 1945 atom bomb attacks on Japan and the true reason the Jew Replicon President Truman pushed ahead and ordered Hiroshima and Nagasaki terror bombed:
"The Japanese we rammed to get a great force to shoot you."
Are we seeing how it is Japan now that is hosting poisoning us out in the hundreds of millions with an atom bomb from Hitachi-GE? Are we getting their strategy is to make enemies for us by getting us to harm our family around the world and at home?
The recent war in the Middle East, are we seeing it will give the Jews cover when they do terrorist attacks in the United States to make us believe it is our family from the Middle East that did it? In that might, we see why they ordered American boys to assault the Middle East? Are we understanding the Jews are doing their all not only to deface us but to set us up for Revenge attacks? Will American workers not end funding Switzerland Jew banks that are funding the fighting for the Jews sport?
And the near alcoholic warmonger, Winston Churchill, this is what he said in 1945 in RS:
"On hydrogen I'm gonna clear you root."
That is the second RS from Winston indicating that he knew in 1945 that the hydrogen bomb would be coming along to wipe us out great. Might we see Winnie was a genocidal boy too?
President Kennedy's father Joseph, referred to Winston Churchill as a "near alcoholic warmonger," when Winston was giving it his all to start the Second World War in the 1930s.
And this RS from President Truman revealing the long-held plan of the Jews enemy force that is in its last days:
"I'm setting your state out with germs as soon as is possible for Jew great win."
As they never mention ozone gas might we see they are shooting us preplanned?
The focus of the newsreels in 1954 when Senator Joseph McCarthy held his hearings. Have we wondered what that was really all about? How about this sentence from reverse facial speech to explain it in a few words?
"Joe perped you great to cover for our atoms."
Instead of the news looking at the building of hydrogen bombs, was that not clever how they focused us on tail gunner Joe to keep us uninformed and fooled? Are we noting with this pandemic it is keeping us from talking about the nuclear waste they are assaulting us with?
Thank you.
STRIKE THEM OUT labor, don't let them take us out this way.
Jesus said, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” John 14:26
Do we recall Jesus said to us to "love one another? Will we not do that by demanding peace with a STRIKE?
Has the advocate not explained everything as our Bibles said he would?
Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26
God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35
Henry who thought it was white guys that blocked the tuition. He was a good guy, might we figure that Judee fooled him with his white shells? Are we seeing how Judee fools us to set us apart making it appear that we can't accommodate other people?
Nuclear powerplant Dodewaard Netherlands is currently on fire
The plant has been out of service since 1997 but is not expected to be dismantled until 2045, when radiation at the site drops to safe levels. All fuel rods were removed from the site in 2003, so there is no immediate danger of radioactive fallout.
The main operational areas of the plant were bricked up and contained within a so-called ‘safe zone’, to prevent areas that previously housed radioactive material from being exposed to the outside world.
The power company conglomerate behind the facility is embroiled in a legal battle with the government over who should cover the estimated €80 million cost of decommissioning
Thank you. God bless.
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