Sunday, May 31, 2020

31 "You've Been Charged with Failing Us Patrick."

"You've Been Charged with Failing Us Patrick."

And Patrick is doing all in his power to acquit himself of the charge of failing you's. He is a limited boy with a tiny force but is hoping the gigantic force of our good God Almighty will come in to save the day yet. One general STRIKE by American workers and the thousands of years of the day of the genocidal liars and thieves will be over permanently.

The Jews who always won when they tangled with the human race but lost when they tried to tangle with God. God so mighty didn't touch them, instead, He let them finish themselves off right as can be. The glory and magnificence of our good God Almighty who used a deeply imperfect guy who has been suffering from a fault of stupid and removed the centers of power of planet earth in a day cutting both head and tail off of Israel. How is that for the power of God?

In that one fell swoop of having His Martian angels directed by Sir Casper pull the one thousand intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles with 3,200 three hundred kiloton hydrogen warheads out of the sky while in the boost phase at 80,000 feet up, are we getting some idea of just how powerful a force our good God is?

The Jews who think they have won using gold to capture us, the promise of a pot of gold for those will betray us. Our good God Almighty who can call upon His angels to turn the factory machines on to produce as much gold as is wanted not unlike us using raw materials to make iron or aluminum. 

Balaam replied, “Although Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God.” Numbers 22:18

What the Jews might offer to do the dirty deeds they want to be done, might we see that those who truly know the love of our good God Almighty, all the gold in the world will not bring that love of God to be betrayed in any way? $3 million dollars Judah was hoping to give to Bitch 8 years ago to shut up and quit telling everyone what is going on out here. If it was $30 million or 300 million dollars Bitch would not shut up for a pocketful of paper is not what Bitch is striving for here.

So what is Bitch striving for? In a word, "survival," for all of us.

After posting Bitch listens for Tele receives and when he detects irritating things in his post that readers inform him about, he goes in and pulls those things out. Thank you for reading the post and sending in comments so things can be made nonirritating so as to bring workers to get involved here in removing the Jews from the management of the United States. 

Several months ago Bitch mentioned that he was picking up a lot of reverse facial speech that indicated that many speakers had a black situation that was in their  subconscious mind. And here we have the knee in the neck of the black man George Floyd killing him and Judah using his trained actors to stage upheavals in several cities in America. Lighting fires and burning some buildings down. Have we noted previously how Judah launders some of his old white elephant buildings under cover of rioting that he puts in?

BBC making great propaganda films of the burning and looting to show around the world the views they want the world to see. Will workers not get the paper away from the Jews and let the real media search out the truth? Does it not appear they are doing all they can to incite a storm to leave us in ashes? Will Workers not put our law in so that we have true open to the public grand juries to investigate everything for us?

Our extraterrestrial elders who advise us well to STRIKE THEM OUT and put our grand juries in and settle it with bourse. Will American workers not help us to put the Martian society in to serve us in peace and plenty and put the Jewish society of falsity, pain, and suffering out?

Them and their long-running fraud continually telling the world how bad the white people have been to them what with Hitler and his storm. And a peek under the hood and what do we see other than it was Jews who hired Hitler to make the people scream. The authority to issue the money of a nation. Is it understood that is where the true power, the force of the nation, is primarily coming from?

And who is holding that power other than the Jews? Holding that power, the force, exclusively, privately and issuing as much money as they want secretly. As 2+2=4 will workers not hear the love of our good God Almighty and put them out of issuing our money before we are all sick and on our way to death from Jewish electricity waste in our lungs?

"Roast kidney disease," that Bitch reported he pulled from the reverse facial speech of a Congressperson about 7 years ago. And when might we be seeing roast kidney disease? Might it have already have been showing up and it is not recognized for what it is yet?

And where would it be coming from? Might merely breathing radioactive waste in and then as it passes through our bodies and we excrete some of it, might it burn our kidneys via that route as it passes with our urine to be harming us?

In any event are we aware this route of lethally assaulting us, and many other routes of lethally assaulting us, has been known by the Jews for an extended period of time now? Is there some agreement they are doing all they can to harm us as much as they can before leaving for their new lives underground?

But once again how is it that God Almighty is employing the tiny force of His shill Bitch to route the Jews and the other centers of power? Might that be it, a tiny force is all the corrupt Jews and their collaborators in sin needed to close them out permanently? Are we perceiving that rather than merely closing individual perpetrators out, God is letting us see the ethics of power and how they intersect with our existence in such a way that no trickery will ever again be able to fool us into allowing the rascals and rogues in?

Mighty it be the itty bitty teeny weeny force of Bitch once it has acted with the loving force of God and removed them with a STRIKE, no force will ever again misrule anywhere on our planet? Do we see the tiny force of Bitch is merely to show to God's kids that the tremendous force of God Almighty is where the real force is at?

Might a demonstration of Bitch tiny force convince the real human earth force, organized labor, that workers' force is the true power here because God says so?

"Workers issue the money and put in an existence stipend with something in it for everyone," our great and good God Almighty wills.

In that message to us from God might we recognize that Dr. King was serving our good God? Do we recall that Martin proposed putting a guaranteed income in? Might that be God's existence stipend in other words? Will American workers not take the force of organized labor out of the Jews exclusive, private hands?
"Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen."

The last words of the prayer, 'Hail Mary.' "Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death Amen. 

Do we note, that the authorized version of Hail Mary is singular, now and at the hour of our death? Why not deaths instead of death? Could it indicate that we are to have a death of us all at the same time? Or just understood that we all will die but singular when our time of death arrives? Either way, are we all not understanding that no one gets out of here alive? 

The elderly gentleman that was so old that he never bought green bananas anymore. Will workers not check what time it is and stop the war before we are no more? How cunning are the criminally ethical Jews who have got us clearly on the wrong side making war? Is there an understanding that because of us being involved in sin our lives won't be spared? Have they not been quite cunning to get us offsides foul and keep us there?

"This is how extraterrestrials create replacements for themselves," that anonymous Tele sender said.

"Holy Mary mother of God..."

In that prayer might we see that someday human Beings will rise through time to be God's ourselves? Jesus who was a human Being like us. Might Jesus's physical Father have been a Venusian? While God Almighty was His and our Father in heaven but might God have had one of our Venusian family create Him in His physical form? Understanding our extraterrestrial elders, might that explain the mystery of the Virgin birth of Jesus now?

If we look at this long mystery if we view it through the extraterrestrial paradigm might the dots connect together in such a way as to give us the true picture of who and what and also where we are now?

And that we were made in the image of our good God. Merely adding the factor of time, a few million years when we have become an average 3 to 4 feet tall, might that understanding help us to understand the truth that we truly have been made in the image of our good God?

Even though we are involved in sin and our lives won't be spared, are we appreciating that God has given us a second chance where we can repent and end the Jews using us as their purse for their fist?

Have we noticed by turning their virus loose on us how they have reduced many working peoples' incomes? Are we seeing by being able to reduce our entire society's purchasing power by contracting the money supply they are able to put recessions and depressions in? Have they not repeatedly demonstrated their economic power to our great adversity time and time again? Yes, they have.

Will American workers recognize that God Almighty has signaled for the Jews to exit His village on earth so they can no longer do their depraved to us simple working folks?

Once American workers have taken the authority to issue our money away from the Jews and are issuing it yourselves, are we seeing that we then will easily be able to transition to a full extraterrestrial society when the war is done and there is no more shooting at our peaceful elders from outer space?

Our elders from the Federation that have been living inside of earth for 700,000 years since they first arrived here. Will ordinary everyday simple workers try to recognize the truth here and stop the war?

Our big brothers who don't want the Jews upstairs.Will workers not get the foul odor of war out of our society and let us live the dream of peace and harmony?

The Jews who try to prevent crumbs from falling from their tables that are filled with the gifts of American labor. And how have they been able to hold our breed? Might it be the power of Mabel? Is it Mabel's dog that has frozen us out?

A few hours of a general strike and the power of the international Jews will be broken forever. So when will it happen? When will labor STRIKE THEM OUT? While they have gone international long ago is it not clear, they are not going extraterrestrial any time at all?

While Bitch has proven stupid by insulting you's, might we note he has not proven stupid enough to intentionally hurt anyone? That is a fact. Are we seeing it is the intention that is how God may decide who will survive this washing out with brimstone waste and who will now die?

Father who may accept Bitch because he has been constantly against the harm done to God's kids. Whereas are we seeing the Jews have known of God and yet offended Him by hurting His kids? Will American workers not step away from the Jews before we burn in hell with them?

The Jews who blasphemed and offended God. Their future is now to be completely died off and put out of existence. Bitch writes these words as the hair keeps falling out of his head due to high radiation levels. Was it something Bitch ate or was it the air? Will workers not do yourselves a favor and get them gone to end their hell on earth once and for all?

Their weakness, their inability to accommodate others that caused them to lose their place in God's village on earth. Will we not pray that American workers put the 40 minutes of thinking in that will lead workers to save our lives here?

White woman fired from her job after she called the cops on a black man in Central Park

White woman fired from her job after she called the cops on a black man in Central Park

By April Siese
May 27, 2020 / 2:34 PM / CBS News

The woman who went viral for calling the cops on a black man who asked her to leash her dog has been fired from her job, her employer said Tuesday. The confrontation occurred in a section of New York City's Central Park known as the Ramble, where rules require that dogs be leashed.

The sister of the man who filmed the confrontation, Melody Cooper, explained that he had asked the woman to put her dog on its leash. When she refused to, he began filming.

Are we aware of Judah's psych opps when we see them now? If so are we spotting that purported white woman calling police on a black man is actually a Jew woman in a white shell who is on an opp and the black guy is actually a Jew in a black shell on an opp with her?

If you watched the video did you notice how she is strangling the dog? Are we aware that is one of Judah's psychological things he does to make the video emotional? Are we noting how the Jew makes it look as if a white person is complaining about a black man and how it tends to put a bad light on the white man? And what about this follow up to that Jewish racer opp?

Imagine If An Old White Man Threatened A Young Black Woman & Her Dog

By now everyone knows about the latest scalp claimed by the liberal mob who are trying to make the world a better place by murdering people and then torturing what’s left of their corpse as it lay dead in the public square. Because that’s really what they do. They utterly destroy every facet of a person’s life and then once there’s nothing left to take or destroy, they make sure the body is left in plain sight so they can continue attacking it even after it’s dead.
And they’re very proud of themselves for their work.
Because they’re so woke.

There’s a racist old white man here threatening me!” Got it? Can you envision that scenario? The old white man approaching the young black woman, reprimanding her for some bs infraction, threatening her, then escalating things further by recording her after he knew he’d already scared her. Can you see it playing out from here on the cell phone video? Can you envision the whole unsettling scene with the creepy old white man stalking and threatening and then exploiting the fear and adrenaline of the shaken young black woman?

Do we note from the beginning of that cleverly contrived race opp follow up on the dog in the park and the color injection into it, there is no author listed for that scribble? Might that clue us it is Judah filling the pages with his mental opps to hold us? After studying it a bit, might we read it is to make intimate the dog? Are we seeing the entire show was an Israeli mental opp including the following write that was posted as commentary? If that is true, merely a Jewish mental opp, how did it repeatedly get primetime on the mainstream news media? Might that in self be the clue it was an intelligence psychological opp? That she choked the little dog to unconsciousness, should that not reveal that she is a Jew? That her finance rackets employer purportedly fired her from her job. Might that not indicate the finance outfit is merely a racket serving to help fool us and lend some credibility to the false story?

Here are a few reverse facial speech from that video. First from the broadcaster who subconsciously reveals what that news report is aiming to do:

"The animal is the message to get you to fail for my communist perceive. Peace will take your virtual tax away from me."

Then we have the woman choking the dog who had her mouth covered with a mask so it was difficult to read very much facial reverse speech, but did get this:

"I'm almost capable to punish you. I'm gonna fight you sunshine."

And the Jew guy who is working from his black shell said this in RS:

"This is how we drop you for a deed. Peace outrageous die off me."

Do we note this opp by the Jews to put the dog into the minds of the viewer is aiming to help hold the mental of the people to allow them to keep their war in? And the guy who wouldn't put his name to a post that sported intimate words about the dog and mentions the creepy old white men, here is another scribble he posted:

My Journey To Becoming ‘A Dog Person’

Can we only wonder how much money Israeli intelligence paid that guy to write about the dog? Whatever it cost, are we aware American workers funded it all? Are we aware American workers funded the entire false intelligence opp touching many things, not least making it look as if there is something wrong with white people like the Jewish woman who called the cops while choking her dog unconscious? 

That Bitch is running against the unlimited finances of the Jews false national media who stages elaborate mental opps such as that, might workers not try to perceive how they are trying to cleverly deceive?

On the subjext of cleverly deceiving, before Judah hired the murder of George Floyd to incite violence into our nation, he did a race opp right here in Des Moines shortly before. 

Victim of ‘Racially Charged’ Assault Speaks Out

DarQuan suffered multiple facial fractures, a broken nose and a broken arm. The NAACP and DarQuan’s family is calling the attack racially motivated after court records indicated racial slurs were said by at least one of the attackers — all described as white males.
“I just want to know why did it have to be this brutal, why did it have to go this far? Where my life was almost taken? Like why?” said DarQuan.

Des Moines is a little city and word gets around quickly and the word that got around is they got some witnesses on these Jew guys working with Disney productions here now. Will workers not put our grand jury in and prevent these murderous destructive Jews from leaving our nation in shambles with their incitement to violence?

One that worked both the Darqun Jones opp and also the mental opps for the murder of George Floyd is a Judah in a shell professor at Drake University, right nearby.

Jennifer Harvey is Professor of Religion at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. She received her Ph.D. in Christian Social Ethics from Union Theological Seminary. The courses Prof. Harvey teaches run the gamut in relation to her research interests. Broadly speaking, they focus on encounters of religion and ethics with race, gender, activism, politics, spirituality, justice, and any other aspect of social life in which religiosity decides to "show up."
Prof. Harvey's most recent book Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation has led to her engagement as a speaker and workshop leader with faith communities and academic audiences around the nation. She is also the author of Whiteness and Morality: Pursuing Racial Justice through Reparations and Sovereignty (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) and a co-editor of Disrupting White Supremacy: White People on What We Need To Do (

Might what we need to know is when are white people going to have had enough of these racist genocidal deadly dangerous Jewish people holding us to a permanent state of war? Will American workers not close out their authority to issue our money so as to end the hopelessness of the people that we must lose our humanity to get a seat at the supper table?

Another thing Bitch wanted to mention for some time now is how the Jews go after people who don't care for their agenda of warring us with chemicals they sell. 

Former Nazi hunter accuses Whitney Museum of smear campaign

Neal Sher wants New York museum stripped of tax status for forcing out board member after protests

 A former Nazi hunter is calling on US authorities to strip the Whitney Museum of American Art of its tax-exempt status over its handling of protests that led a tear gas manufacturer to resign from its board last year. Neal Sher, who prosecuted war criminals as director of the Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations in the 1980s and 1990s, has written to the Internal Revenue Service “on behalf of contributors to and former officials of” the New York cultural institution.

 Activists including the group Decolonize This Place protested at Mr Kanders’ role as chairman and chief executive of Safariland, a law enforcement supplier whose tear gas canisters have been used to disperse migrants attempting to cross the US-Mexican border and by Israel in the Palestinian territories. The Whitney’s leaders “appeased” the protesters, Mr Sher says in his letter, and its board “legitimised, endorsed and capitulated to unlawful and illicit conduct” by pushing Mr Kanders to resign.

Neal Sher was asked why he was targeting the museum’s tax status, he replied: “I’ve been around long enough to know that in order to get things done you have to know where to appropriately apply pressure.” When the IRS investigated such complaints, “they get under the fingernails,” he noted.

 In an interview with the Financial Times in January, Mr Kanders argued that the US government should have the right to step in and “do something” about the anti-Semitism he saw in the protests, regardless of any free speech arguments.

As we are seriously being assaulted by Israeli chemical warfare ourselves might we not have an interest in taking the authority to issue our money away from them?  Mr. Kanders is selling chemical warfare agents that are being used on our Palestinian family as part of their policy of sport tormenting them. Should he not be brought into scrutiny for how he earns his money?

That Neal Sher is hot on the trail of 95-year old Nazi prison guards should Jewish war criminals in our modern age not be given a look at too?

” When the IRS investigated such complaints, “they get under the fingernails,” Neal noted.

Will American workers end handing the virtual income tax money over to private Jewish corporations? What are they using American workers' money now for but for selling their low value chewed out corporate paper and trading it for workers solid dollars?

BlackRock Begins Buying Junk Bond ETFs for the Fed Today: It’s Already at Work for the Central Bank of Israel

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 12, 2020 ~

Carl Icahn Had this Cartoon Created in 2015 to Warn About BlackRock’s ETFs

It’s off to the races today for BlackRock. The New York Fed, with authority from the Federal Reserve Board and backstopped with taxpayers’ money, will begin the first phase of the Fed’s unprecedented leap into shoring up the sagging prices of investment grade corporate debt and junk bonds. BlackRock has been selected by the New York Fed to be the investment manager for these bailout facilities and will begin Phase I today by buying up Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) containing investment grade corporate bonds as well as junk bonds. Making the situation particularly dicey is that BlackRock just happens to be one of the largest purveyors of said ETFs.

The New York Fed’s answer to teetering highly-leveraged corporate debt is to set up a highly-leveraged bailout facility run by Wall Street insider, BlackRock, which is also managing U.S. securities purchases for the central bank of Israel.

Those American economics that are now fully held in the hands of Israel, a state that is doing all it can to ruin us, will American workers not get smart and get that foul criminal enterprise disconnected from issuing our money? 

Netanyahu: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away”

Our extraterrestrial elders who have spared our lives. Will labor not complete the route now with a general STRIKE and issue American peoples' money for us and not the dangerous genocidal Jews that are stripping us as they leave us now for good?

"In my closing days I'm going to score you if possible," Judee say.

Are we not aware that we are now in the closing days of the Jews in any nation on God's good planet earth? "I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God said.

Will American workers not give them a fall for their sin as God urges and do it with a general STRIKE until they or their kin are no longer issuing our money?

If so must American Labor not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from them and STOP THE WAR and put the Godly existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will?

In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus 
Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children earth?

God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Day of Pentecost
Watchword for the Week — Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord. 1 Corinthians 12:4,5
Sunday, May 31 — Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34,35b
 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23
Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land. Isaiah 5:8 NIV
For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 1 Corinthians 12:13 NIV
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts on this day of Pentecost. Let us remember that we are all children of God. Help us to interact with compassion and love. Amen.

4.41 pm

Tele receives:

"You've been charged with failing us Patrick.

Terrible insane crunching us serious.

The switching hour. 5.07 pm

Jew is menacing.

I'm laid off.

Our veterans failed us obviously.

 They weave you out dictatorship.

You let me aggravate you fine filthy.

Set you away a true right wage.

 Mass stewid.

Whiskey massacres.

They're seizing obviously racial here.

Oh, Patrick you safety us here.

My brother fouled win. (Judee speaker)

Pat, you make choices to right this range, put their bad in.

What a numbskull, it's bossing right.

We always cattle fail to strife your life forces. 

Publish these guys up for death rays.

The rays are whole-body shots.

Don't try to deviate too much.

Not any good genocide cipher.

Their cipher fall.

They fight you charges.

Oh my God, they shielded us, save us, Patrick! (Mars shielded us)

Nice boy we want you to save us.

Their cipher doesn't work for us, only shells.

You let me opp you fantatsic rainco.

The stew breed won't be born.

You mean our children are already sterilized? Rat financial.

ORGANIZE us, Patrick.

Screw ya owl-i-fast.

Dangerous blood out here.

Embezzle us.

 Harsh chemicals establish lossitis.

They psych us church.

Get up!

They give ya hell.

Get out of here stupid Reich-al.

It's like a Darwin IQ test.

You're the most stupid thing for telling them.

I think we're starting back.

There's more criminals, you just didn't see them. (While outside shopping store)

Mockers done.

We give you cocktails to affect your judge.

Great shy that holds.

Loosen up.

I'm observing you all the time professor. (While inside store food shopping)

Get out.


I'm fully rotten shot. (A Judee guy shopper)

Their hairpiece is assaulting you out.

Good luck.


Get them out of here.

You squint. (Judee woman walking along the sidewalk with a baby stroller)

Make your truth see here.

They grind us right funeral.

Their corrupt has about got us fused.

Hey Pat, I still rage you.

Would you believe a doggy held in an H ball?

Get out your fear.

Funny dude to get us out. (Sitting in his car when Bitch came out of store)

We don't care how much you blame your bluster.

Funky you awesomed me out.

You right fall electrical.

Thank you for watching our borders with Moscow.


It's witty.

Smoke up ahead. (A woman driving through an intersection after a 4 way stop)

Nut lated failed.

You're fired. (Woman jogging by)

Your caroling failed.

A little on stufish.

The pollution looks bad, pretty dumb.

Thank you so much for advertising this trick. 4.53 pm

Die Seattle.

We're closed here. 5.24 pm


Silent protest message gets through.

They foul you policeman.

We just pass you degrade Jew opp Pat.

You threw wager.

Thse are just primitive kids.

They're psyhin' us foul Pat.

Good luck.

Get waste off.

The shear has fallen.

We chumped you up scoobious"

Thank you. God bless.

Jesus said, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said 
to you.” John 14:26

 Do we recall Jesus said to us to "love one another? Will we not do that by demanding peace with a STRIKE?

 Has the advocate not explained everything as our Bibles said he would? It seems like it doesn't it?


Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26

God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

Thank you. God bless.


Saturday, May 30, 2020

30 "It's Poison Done, They've Poisoned Us. Patrick Saved Us Obviously but God Perished Us. Patrick's Thrown Them Out For Theory. Pat We Love You."

"It's Poison Done, They've Poisoned Us. Patrick Saved Us Obviously but God Perished Us. Patrick's Thrown Them Out For Theory. Pat We Love You."

I love you's too. That's my way, that's my right. I'm doing all possible that I can to prevent you from being wiped out completely and failing at it. We are massively contaminated with the deadliest toxin ever invented, the fuel for Jewish hydrogen bombs and Jewish electricity, their backup shot in the event the extraterrestrials wouldn't let them shoot us with their hydrogen bombs, which is precisely what has happened here. The extraterrestrials that our good God Almighty sent in wouldn't let the Jews blast burn us out of existence with either their atom or hydrogen bombs as they had planned to. And God has not perished us, but if we fail to respond to His thousands of warnings to STOP THE WAR, does it look as if we will be fully perished here by the heels?

So why is God letting them slowly burn us out of existence with the waste from their Jewish electricity bombs? God is trying to convince us to save ourselves. He doesn't want us burned out of existence but as we have free will we can do as we want and so far does it not appear that we want to perish at the hands of the Jews in a world at permanent war?

Or at minimum, are we unconcerned about perishing in permanent Jewish war and so it has largely happened already? Our children suffering for our awful fail to listen to the words of warning of our good God Almighty to stop the war. When are Westerners going to stop the war and end genocidal Jewish management of America?

All indications are Americans are going to take the authority to issue our money away from the Jews and it could be soon. So might that indicate we all will not perish in this last nuclear war of the Jews against the mild people of the north? That is what is hoped for here. That we won't all perish out of existence serving the sin of the Jews, war.

Tele receives:

"You close us.

I just stunt you war.

Jew fear is going, keep them rising right.

You lost your stew breed.

You let this perish fail you.

We're throwing them out.

They foul with police forces pervious.

Pat, we love you. 6.44 pm

Ernie is how they did it.

Hurt, that's why we pinch ya.

Pull them off.

Patrick's thrown them out for theory.

Communists have struck this field.

STRIKE THEM OUT, they're still fading us.

1,200 years ago they had it all.

Pat, I want you to put some weight on them.

I was sent to wrench you.

What? A photograph's their brave?

Patrick saved us obviously but God perished us.

Stand right up, be counted, it's obvious there's no more scrimmage.

It's over with, he's exhausted flesh.

It's poison done, they've poisoned us.

Professor save us, save us Patrick.

German fallity has got you a HUGE die."

"1,200 years ago they had it all."

That was from Mercury elder when Bitch was wondering how long the top Jews have known about the Federation and who we really are. Is it believable that the focused wits of the Jews had puzzled it all out 1,200 years ago? Could the top Jews really have known that we are a hybridized species who have extraterrestrial high intelligence genetics installed into us? That is what it looks like.

800 AD and the top Jews knew that God and His angels were in reality space Beings who were here raising us in one of God's nurseries. All the contact with angels and it was extraterrestrials all of the time that were making their appearances in our world. And our extraterrestrial elders merely letting time go on until we are able to perceive their presence here.

Might we figure that with the Jews focused wits if they did not use them for going for the nuclear option, our extraterrestrial elders would still not have introduced themselves openly to us here? Yes, if the Jews did not develop the high technical nuclear blast genocide ability and the nuclear waste genocide ability with plans to die us all off with their Jewish electricity waste blowin' in the wind, might we figure elders would have remained quietly in the background for as much time as is necessary to figure out they are here all of the time?

Yes, that is their basic strategy. They don't interfere with our society. But as we are their blood brothers and sisters when they saw we were going to be completely destroyed by the Jews on the split atom, they asserted brotherly love and afforded the murderous genocidal Jews the opportunity to expose themselves right and in the process put themselves right out of our society forevermore.

The understanding from Mercury elders is that our Father had His angels inform the Jews at that time that we would become extraterrestrials ourselves in Father's time. And now our Father's time is ending in only 6 months time. Precious sweet Father has been the head of our house for 1200 years now, since 800 AD when Father Christopher passed. Father Ha---- who is our Father as we now are extraterrestrials ourselves as Father informed the Jews of in 800 AD. Will American workers not detach the errant Jews from us so that we now can go on with Father's love?

America the beautiful, from before the beginning the Jews were already setting our nation to fail. Their shells at the constitutional convention in 1787 who refused to put a bill of rights into our constitution.

Our bill of rights being made our law only after the elite state delegates refused to create the United States without a written bill of rights in it. 

Our bill of rights so wonderful that it announced to the world the end of the autocratic criminal rule that had been the norm for so many thousands of years. Rule of the human race not unlike money, the good rule pushes out the bad as good money pushes out bad.  

While topically we might consider the fight has been the Jews and their eternal war machine against the ordinary members of the human race, might we consider the real fight was the Jews and their allies Lucifer and Satan have been fighting against our good God Almighty for thousands of years?

While the jews have never lost a fight against any humans on earth, do we see only one loss to God and now they are seen as not worthy and have finished themselves out now?

Could it be that our good God is just so wondrous and fantastic as to why American workers have not yet closed the Jews out of our lives? Is our God just so magnificent that many just don't believe He exists?

God our Father, you don't need an appointment to speak to Him, just pray to Him and He will hear you. Will we not pray to God to help American workers to stop the war?

The last incineration of us forever, the Jews are going out of here and staying out from now on. Their genocidal scientific investor collaborators are going out of power also. They have lost their rule for torching us. 

Will workers not bring in God's rule of peace?

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Yeah, I'll tip my hat
To the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin and change all around
I pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again, oh no

Once the truth of the love of God our Father breaks through to us is it not a certainty we don't get fooled again? And what will our new Constitution be? Might it be the old one and as proof that it was such a good Constitution the Jews spent a couple of centuries of endless violence of war to throw it out?

Might we figure this wonderful nation, as big as it is, was just not big enough for our Consitution and the Jews to live in it? Looks that way doesn't it? And so the Jews threw it out.

So now that the Jews have thrown themselves out might our Consitution not have room to come on back in once again and serve us all right? Might we not be able to once again rule ourselves peacefully without a Jewish cage and a fight all of the time?

Though must we not correct the masters clause, the 4th amendment to require a grand jury to first provide the probable cause before a search warrant is issued? That one fix will end most all abuse. The legitimate grand jury to protect all of us.

We who through our labor have created a society that has excess carrots and what does the Jew do other than throw them in the garbage so he can carry a big stick. The tight Jewish society of war, impoverishment, and imprisonment that has millions of American workers living out on the streets. Tiny Israel that directs the legislatures throughout the nation making them pass laws to the liking of the welfare desert dwellers in the Middle East. How can it be?

Might we not find the answer in who it is that holds the Organizing Principle of Society in their hands, the exclusive and private domain of the Jews?

The death rattle of the United States that is heard around the world as we pass away. Destroyed by a miniature breed that God Almighty has let them throw themselves away. The ethics of foul the Jews learned by trial and error could win all of the time and so they chose the ethics of criminal, corruption of the bribe. And in their organized trickery carried us to where if not for the love of God we all would have already been destroyed by the Jews using hydrogen bombs.


The United States of America, only a couple of centuries old. As nations go, still in the cradle. And already the light of liberty snuffed out by the eternal blight of the God and man-hating errorous Jews. 

They break their fellow Jews windows so they can make a historical claim of how no good the white people are. As they scribble swastikas in their graveyards to prove continuously how bad the Norman people are. While they spend our money to educate their children on how to create the best nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare agents to use on us here.

No secret how they do it. They extort tribute from the American workers as a tax on our incomes. How complicated is that?

"I won't spare your lives because 2+2=4," God said.

The failure to thrive syndrome the Jews have pushed into American life. Will American workers not end funding the peculiar group of diseases they have got on us here? Will American workers not recognize that the answer to 2+2 might still save our lives?

The snooks who tried to snooker God and now have found they have lost their right to create blight by making war.

The milder breeds being died off rightly and fair if they are not able to wean themselves off of Jew stew. Will American workers not step in, take over the table that issues our money, and make workers peace stew available to all?

STOP THE WAR NOW! Edwin Starr (1942-2003)

[Verse 1]
Alright, yeah
Make the sound of peace sing out
(Stop the war, now)
Everybody, don’t put if off another day
Make your voices roar

(Stop the war, now)
Just like thunder y’all
Don’t put it off another day
Sing a song now
(Stop the war, now)
Listen to me, y'all
(Don’t put it off) another day
Listen to me

[Verse 2]
A knock on the door, there's a letter from the war
Saying, "Greetings, we want you"
If I refuse to fight they say that that ain’t right
And time you'll have to do
Somebody please tell me what is war all about?
And why must I kill against my will?
I just can’t figure it out

(Stop the war, now)
Good God, hear me say
Don’t put it off another day
Everybody sing
Stop the war, now, now, now, now
Don’t put it off another day
All we got to do is, listen
(Give peace a chance)
Aww, don’t throw another life away

[Verse 3]
Listen to me now
Think about all the soldiers
That are dead and gone today
If you’d ask them to fight again
What do you think they’d say?
I’m not trying to be funny
Just trying to get my point across
War is world's enemy #1
It’s that time that we called it off

Stop the war, now
Good god, hear me say
Don’t put it off another day
Everybody’s singing
Stop the war, now
Don’t put it off another day

All we got to do is, Lord
Give peace a chance
Don’t, don’t throw another life away

[Verse 4]
Casualties pile up each day
Cemeteries are overflowing
Leaders of the world (?)
But the death list keeps right on growin'
And what does a mother get in return
For the life of the son she’s lost?
A few measly pennies a month
A medal, a babe, and a doggone cost

Stop the war now
Good God, hear me say
Don’t put it off another day
Everybody sing
Stop the war, now
Don’t put it off another day

[Verse 5]
Why can’t we just (Give peace a chance)
Don’t throw another life away
Can’t you see?
Enough blood has been shed by the wounded and the dead
Enough blood has been shed by the wounded and the dead
Enough blood has been shed by the wounded and the dead

Stop the war, now
Good God, everybody
Don’t put it off another day

This is a message to the leaders of the world
(Give peace a chance)

The eternal Jewish war machine that jumped the pond from its home base in Europe to infect the United States with its disease. Edwin Starr who informed us in 1970 with his songs for peace of the truth we need to know to survive, STOP THE WAR NOW! Will the Norman people not flush the filth of war out of the blood of our nation before we are dead and gone at the hands of the boondoggle creating nuclear warfighting genocidal Jews?


Starr died on April 2, 2003, from a heart attack. He was 61

The spiritual death we have been warned of, is it not clear that permanent unending war is it?

Must we not make peace as if our lives depended on it, because our lives do depend on it? Is it not yet perceived we are perishing truly and in megadeath numbers while we feed the errant life form beast free money that is successfully destroying us and our kids?

The Galactic Federation of Light with 87 million years of records and the dangerous life form we know as the Jews have been seen in our part of the universe less than one hundred times. Will ordinary people try to perceive just how dangerous is the neighbor killing genocidal errant beast breed and act to try and save our lives?

"Why invite calamity in?" Might it be because we are being perished in sin?

This is repetitious labor but it is hoped that it does breakthrough that we are undergoing loss of life form now due to the high levels of background radiation that the Jewish electricity is putting into our environment from Hitachi-GE. And it is hoped that it is perceived that the intent is to de-exist us from existence totally. Our physical footprint that is passed through our genetics that produces the children who are to carry on is being totally removed from us. 

Those that survive this well planned, lavishly funded nuclear waste war genocide will be the progenitors of the 4th Edition Galacticans. The survivors of the Jews genocide will carry on our line in the stars for the next 9 million years. What then? We will have lived our total species time and will die of old age. And the Federation will have replacements that we will have created and they will carry on operating the Galactic Federation of light until their genetics pass the stage of being able to reproduce themselves and they then, not unlike Prenasour, will pass away. 

In 9 million years the Federation will be 18 million years of age and if it goes as Prenasour, it will be going on for 60 million more years. If not gifted by Father Kirkser 200,000 years ago with our extraterrestrial intelligence genetics, we would have already died out of existence in our primitive stage.

Life in the universe, as here, birth, existence, and eventual death. While we are here can we not make it a point to live whatever time we have in peace with our family on earth? Thinking of what the Jews are to us, might it not be a fair comparison of what slag is to iron? In the creation of iron to the top bubbles the less desirable elements that are scraped off and thrown into the slag heap. Might we view this meta gorical transition of our species out of the animal primitivism of war not unlike scraping the slag off of the iron so it can then be useful?

Will ordinary workers not get the slag they are off of us so that all of us can be useful to one another?

"You failed me useful, personal, industrial," Father said. So from that might workers consider that it is you's that must put your wits in here if we expect any sort of a good result yet?

Edwin Starr sang about the evil of war in 1970, a half of a century ago. His songs to encourage us to stop the war. The efforts of long ago that gave us the hope, the dream that peace would arrive in our world. Will labor not make the dream of peace a reality now? With God Almighty on our side who can fail if only we will try?

The dream of peace that has been denied us. Will American workers not put the 100% genuine real McCoy United States of America in operation once again and let the Jews and their eternal permanent war off forevermore?

Many large scall peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations that are standing by to welcome us into the Federation as the new kids on the block. Here to help us once we stop the shooting and bombing that the Jews are ordering on our free dollar bill. 

Will American workers not let our technical representative from the Federation, Sir Jason, come in and help us shut down that dirty bomb that is destroying us in our genetics?

"I don't fear the Martian, I'm going to give you a boot."

Found that RS in a speech shortly after the alliance knocked the World Trade Center down on September 11, 2011. Is it not quite a revelation to learn that the top world leaders have known about our extraterrestrial elders all along as they put us into degrading war after war?

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

 ― J. Edgar Hoover

Might that explain why American workers have not responded to our death yet, might we be handicapped by needing more imagination available that will reveal how deadly the Jews and their collaborators really are?

And after it rains there's a rainbow
And all of the colors are black
It's not that the colors aren't there
It's just imagination they lack
Everything's the same back in my little town
My little town, my little town
Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town
Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town

America in permanent war, is it not yet seen we now are nothing but the dead and dying back in our little towns from coast to coast?

"You disparage my shill that is trying to convince you to save yourselves," God Almighty in heaven said to try and convince us to try and save our lives that are already largely gone away because our children are already out of the reproduction of our life forms.

Bitch, upset because his money is being used to degrade and deface him by funding the harming our family in this world, both inside America and overseas. But because of his well-known fault, he handicaps himself and fails our Father's will for His kids to live in peace.

The power of mathematics to see the invisible before it happens, the nuclear blast war that was found mathematically in November of 1965 that alerted Bitch to how he was set to die.

The mathematics that in 2004 made visible how free energy worked. The mathematician Jon von Neumann who most likely found the free energy out mathematically by 1954.

And the mathematics of Hitachi-GE with waging their ongoing brimstone waste war for over 9 years now and the numbers look quite serious and quite bad. How bad? Not as bad as blast nuclear war but bad enough to kill two out of three Americans only using one melting Jewish electricity plant over about a ten-year span. Are we aware we are only about a half-year away from the 10-year span of when they started shooting us from Hitachi-GE?

The white Jew shell woman in the wheelchair they sprayed with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in Minneapolis. Are we not suspect that was staged and directed by BBC television? Must workers not take the concession to issue our money away from them and end their race oops?

"I've set you in Fell-dom. I've got some bad boys overhead, I'm going to make you from space, it's coming from Jerusalem."

That from a video right after September 11, 2011, when the Jews put us into what they hoped would be the terminating and final war. The war that would lead to the absolute and total destruction of us all. Do we note that facial RS reveals that the Jews have set us to be attacked from outer space?

Now that this has all been revealed to us by our extraterrestrial elders is there not a duty to ourselves to act and try to save our lives from the Jews who are seriously scoring Americans out massively?

To get a clear thought might we think of pictures of a dog that will never harm you or your kids but hot radioactive nanoparticles from Hitachi-GE can sterilize, cancer, sicken and die you and your kids? In that thought might we add the hierarchy of priority for a clear thought as to what is most important to be thinking about now?

"In my closing days I'm going to score you if possible," Judee say.

Are we not aware that we are now in the closing days of the Jews in every nation on God's good planet earth? "I urge you to give them a fall for their sin," God said.

Will American workers not give them a fall for their sin as God urges and do it with a general STRIKE until they or their kin are no longer issuing our money?

If so must American Labor not STRIKE THEM OUT and take the authority to issue our money away from them and STOP THE WAR and put the Godly existence stipend in with something in it for everyone as is our good God's will?

In the name of our good God Almighty and His only begotten son Jesus 
Christ will American workers not STRIKE THEM OUT, STOP THE WAR and end the permanent state of genocide that the Jews have put upon God's children on earth?
God bless you. God bless us all. Thank you.

Love God

Have mercy

Saturday, May 30 — Psalm 71:1–8
 Numbers 18:25–19:22; Mark 14:66–72
Balaam replied, “Although Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God.” Numbers 22:18
For we are not peddlers of God’s word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence. 2 Corinthians 2:17
Redeeming Lord, you call us to be true and faithful followers; help us to remain steadfast in our sincere devotion to you rather than turn to hollow acts of vanity. In your name. Amen.

3.45 pm

"Their nutsism. 4.32 am

 Go and do some homework.

Our snook game you. 

Our smell here, you'll see everything eventually.

What? He plots puberty fear to gas you? 

They're for revealing their fault.

I just want to damage you.

Circuit wisdom fail reduce you.

Intimate moshin.

I deal jail house. 

A distate you are. 9.34 am

British scrimmage permanently done.

They're routed.

This man is true.

Score. 10.39 am

Let us save you. 10.39 am

Your economy is your fist us. (There is nothing with fist period associated  with Bitch)

Do contact you, will ya?

Your children are gone already, gone it won't matter anyhow, we'll all be gone.

 Pat, they fix you fail because you screw beast mud.

Idiot, you kinda lost heart, they have a goal to put us down with a prison.

We already sold ya.

Our children already have been debilitated by radioactive waste.

A heart attack is serious currency.

Oh my God they're fairious oppin us for luxury.

Their cat is so abusive the big guys won't let them in.

Let's STRIKE this oxygen. 12.01 pm

I was really quite smug.

Basically, it's a great homicide.

Bathtub folds them right.

A martial roll, they're savages."

Will American workers not shut their war off with a STRIKE?

Thank you. God bless.

Jesus said, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my 
name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said 
to you.” John 14:26

 Do we recall Jesus said to us to "love one another? Will we not do that by demanding peace with a STRIKE?

 Has the advocate not explained everything as our Bibles said he would? It seems like it doesn't it?


Abner called to Joab, “Is the sword to keep devouring forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter?” 2 Samuel 2:26

God has called us to live in peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15 NIV

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. Hebrews 10:35

Thank you. God bless.